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Attempt the following questions and tae them along to !ou" fi"st tuto"ial
1. Express 10 mM in units of:
(a) mmol / litre (b) mol / nl (c) nmol / l

(d) mmol / ml (e) mol / ml (f) mmol / l
2. Calculate the molarit of a solution containin!:
(a) 0." m! of bo#ine serum albumin per ml (M
of bo#ine serum albumin $
(b) 12 m! 'a()/10 ml (M
'a() $ *0)
(c) 1+." m! ,Cl/"0 ml (M
,Cl $ -*).
.. Calculate the number of mols of !lucose in:
(a) "0 l of 1mM solution
(b) 0.. ml of 100 mM solution
(c) 1." ml of . x 10
M solution
(d) "00 l of 0.01 M solution
*. "ml of cell homo!enate 0as prepared. 1 0.01ml sample 0as mixed 0ith
2.22 ml of 0ater and 0as sho0n to contain 0.02mM of sucrose. 2ml of this 0as
mixed 0ith +ml of 3richloroacetic acid. 3he resultin! precipitate of total protein
0as solubilised in 10ml and 0as sho0n to contain 0.5!/ml protein.
(a) 0hat 0as the concentration of sucrose in the ori!inal sample (in mM) 4

(b) ho0 man moles of sucrose 0as present in the ori!inal sample (in
moles) 4
(c) 0hat is the protein concentration in the ori!inal sample 4

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