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Scripture quotations marked (NAS) are from the New American

Standard Bible, 1960, 1962, 1968, 1971, 1973, 197, 1977 !"
#he $ockman %oundation& 'sed !" permission&
Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are from the (o)" *i!)e, New
International Version, 1973, 1978, 198+ !" the ,nternationa)
*i!)e Societ"& 'sed !" permission&
Scripture quotations marked (KJV) are taken from the King James
Version of the *i!)e&
Derek Prince
Derek Prince MinistriesInternational
P. O. Box 19501
!arlotte" N #$#19
ISBN% 0&$$'($&#5$&'
Printe) in t!e *nite) States o+ A,erica
o-.ri/!t 0 19$( 1. Derek Prince Ministries International
2!itaker 3o4se
'0 34nt 5alle. ircle
Ne6 7ensin/ton" PA 150($
No -art o+ t!is 1ook ,a. 1e re-ro)4ce) or trans,itte) in an.
+or, or 1. an. ,eans" electronic or ,ec!anical" incl4)in/
-!" recor)in/" or 1. an. in+or,ation stora/e an)
retrie8al s.ste," 6it!o4t -er,ission in 6ritin/ +ro, t!e
10 11 1# 1' 19 : 0( 05 09 0' 0#
1 T!e Pri,ar. P4r-ose o+ Fastin/.....................;
# Ne6 Testa,ent <xa,-les o+ Fastin/...........1;
' 3o6 Fastin/ !an/es *s..............................#;
9 Fastin/ an !an/e 3istor..........................';
5 Prel4)e to t!e =atter >ain.............................9;
Chapter One
1 The Primary Purpose of
lost ke. to s4ccess+4l !ristian li8in/ t!at
is +o4n) t!ro4/!o4t t!e Bi1le !as 1een set
asi)e an) ,is-lace) 1. t!e c!4rc! o+ to)a..
T!at ke. is +astin/.
Fastin/" as I 6o4l) )e+ine it" is ?8ol4ntaril.
a1stainin/ +ro, +oo) +or s-irit4al -4r-oses.?
So,eti,es -eo-le +ast not onl. +ro, +oo)" 14t
also +ro, 6ater@ !o6e8er" t!at is t!e exce-tion
rat!er t!an t!e r4le. Fastin/ +ro, +oo) onl. is
exe,-li+ie) in t!e +ast o+ Aes4s in t!e 6il)erness
1e+ore 3e 1e/an 3is -41lic ,inistr.. Matt!e6
9%# sa.s t!is%
And after He had fasted forty days and forty
nights, He then became hungry
!"atthew #$2 NAS%
learl. Aes4s )i) not a1stain +ro, 6ater +or
t!ose +ort. )a.s 1eca4se 6!o !as +aste)
+ro, 6ater 6ill 1eco,e t!irst. 1e+ore t!e.
1eco,e !4n/r.. So t!e +act t!at t!e Scri-t4re
)oes not sa." ?3e 1eca,e t!irst."? 14t B4st
states" 'He then became hungry,' in)icates t!at
Aes4s a1staine) +ro, +oo) 14t not +ro, 6ater.
Fastin/ see,s 4n+a,iliar an) e8en
+ri/!tenin/ to ,an. -eo-le" .et t!is attit4)e is
stran/e. Fastin/ 6as re/4larl. -ractice) 1.
Go)Cs -eo-le t!ro4/!o4t t!e Bi1le. Fastin/ is
also an acce-te) -art o+ ,ost ot!er ,aBor 6orl)
reli/ions" s4c! as 3in)4is," B4))!is," an)
Fasting for Self-Humbling
Pri,aril." t!e -4r-ose o+ +astin/ is sel+&
!4,1lin/. It is a scri-t4ral ,eans or)aine) 1.
Go) +or 4s to !4,1le o4rsel8es 1e+ore 3i,.
T!ro4/!o4t t!e Bi1le Go) reD4ires 3is -eo-le
to !4,1le t!e,sel8es 1e+ore 3i,. Man.
)i++erent -assa/es o+ Scri-t4re e,-!asiEe t!is.
3ere are +o4r +ro, t!e Ne6 Testa,ent%
'(herefore, whoe)er humbles himself li*e this
child is the greatest in the *ingdom of hea)en'
!"atthew +,$# NIV%
'&or whoe)er e-alts himself will be humbled,
and whoe)er humbles himself will be e-alted'
(he .rimary .ur/ose of &asting
!"atthew 20$+2 NIV%
Humble yoursel)es before the 2ord, and he will
lift you u/
!James #$+1 NIV)
Humble yoursel)es, therefore, under 4od5s
mighty hand that he may lift you u/ in due time
!+ .eter 6$3 NIV)
One i,-ortant +eat4re o+ all t!ese Scri-t4res
is t!at t!e res-onsi1ilit. to !4,1le o4rsel8es is
-lace) 4-on 4s. 2e cannot trans+er t!at
res-onsi1ilit. to Go). To -ra." ?Go)" ,ake ,e
!4,1le"? is 4nscri-t4ral" 1eca4se t!e re-l. o+
Go) in Scri-t4re is al6a.s" 'Humble yourself'
In t!e Bi1le Go) !as re8eale) to 4s a
s-eci+ic" -ractical 6a. to !4,1le o4rsel8es.
Da8i) re8eals t!at +astin/ 6as t!e 6a. t!at !e
e,-lo.e) to !4,1le !is so4l" or to !4,1le
'I humbled my soul with fasting'
!.salm 06$+0 NAS)
onsi)er so,e !istorical exa,-les 6!ere
Go)Cs -eo-le !4,1le) t!e,sel8es in t!is 6a..
First" 6e rea) in t!e 1ook o+ <Era a1o4t !o6
<Era is -re-arin/ to lea) a 1an) o+ ret4rnin/
Ae6is! exiles +ro, Ba1.lon 1ack to Aer4sale,.
T!e. !a8e 1e+ore t!e, a lon/" ar)4o4s Bo4rne.
t!ro4/! co4ntr. in+este) 1. 1ri/an)s an)
occ4-ie) 1. t!eir ene,ies. T!e. are takin/ 6it!
t!e, t!eir 6i8es an) c!il)ren an) t!e sacre)
8essels o+ t!e te,-le. T!e. are in )es-erate
nee) o+ sa+e con)4ct. <Era !a) t6o alternati8es%
!e co4l) a--eal to t!e e,-eror o+ Persia +or a
1an) o+ sol)iers an) !orse,en" or !e co4l) tr4st
in Go). 3e c!ose to tr4st in Go) an) t!is is 6!at
!e sa.s%
(here, by the Aha)a 7anal, I /roclaimed a fast,
so that we might humble oursel)es before our
4od and as* him for a safe 8ourney for us and
our children, with all our /ossessions
I was ashamed to as* the *ing for soldiers and
horsemen to /rotect us from enemies on the
road, because we had told the *ing, '(he good
hand of our 4od is on e)eryone who loo*s to
him, but his great anger is against all who
forsa*e him'
So we fasted and /etitioned our 4od about this,
and he answered our /rayer
!9:ra ,$2+;20 NIV)
(he .rimary .ur/ose of &asting
<Era !a) t6o alternati8es% one carnal" t!e
ot!er s-irit4al. 3e co4l) !a8e resorte) to t!e
carnal an) aske) +or a 1an) o+ sol)iers an)
!orse,en. It 6o4l) not !a8e 1een sin+4l" 14t it
6o4l) !a8e 1een on a lo6er le8el o+ +ait!. B4t
!e c!ose t!e s-iritt4al alternati8e. 3e c!ose to
look to Go) 1. in8okin/ Go)Cs s4-ernat4ral
!el- an) -rotection. <Era an) t!e Israelites 6it!
!i, kne6 exactl. !o6 to )o t!is. It 6as
so,et!in/ t!e. alrea). 4n)erstoo). T!e. +aste)
an) !4,1le) t!eir so4ls 1e+ore Go). T!e.
-etitione) Go)" an) Go) !ear) t!e, an)
/rante) t!e, t!e sa+e Bo4rne. +or 6!ic! t!e.
In # !ronicles 6e rea) t!e recor) o+ an
inci)ent in t!e !istor. o+ A4)a! 6!en
Ae!os!a-!at 6as kin/%
Some men came and told Jehosha/hat, 'A )ast
army is coming against you from 9domIt is
already in Ha:a:on (amar' !that is, 9n 4edi%
Alarmed, Jehosha/hat resol)ed to in<uire of the
!"#$ and he /roclaimed a fast for all Judah
(he /eo/le of Judah came together to see* hel/
from the !"#% indeed, they came from e)ery town
in Judah to see* him
!2 7hronicles 21$2;# NIV)
T!en Ae!os!a-!at -ra.e) a in8okin/
Go)Cs !el-. In t!e last 8erse o+ t!at"
6!ic! is 8er. si/ni+icant" Ae!os!a-!at concl4)es
'= our 4od, will you not 8udge them > &or we
ha)e no /ower to face this )ast army that is
attac*ing us ?e do not *now what to do, but our
eyes are u/on you'
!2 7hronicles 21$+2 NIV)
3ere are t!e ke. -!rases% 'we ha)e no
/owerwe do not *now what to do' So t!e.
!a) to t4rn to Go) +or s4-ernat4ral !el- an)
t!e. kne6 t!e 6a. to t4rn. T!e. reno4nce) t!e
nat4ral to in8oke t!e s4-ernat4ral.
For anot!er clear exa,-le o+ t!e -ractice o+
+astin/ in t!e Ol) Testa,ent" 6e t4rn to t!e
or)inances +or t!e Da. o+ Atone,ent" 6!at t!e
Ae6is! -eo-le call Fo, 7i--4r%
'And this shall be a /ermanent statute for you$
in the se)enth month, on the tenth day of the
month, you shall humble your souls, and not do
any wor*, whether the nati)e, or the alien who
so8ourns among youA
(he .rimary .ur/ose of &asting
GNo6" 6!ere t!is translation sa.s" C.o4 s!all
!4,1le .o4r so4ls"C anot!er translation sa.s" C.o4
,4st )en. .o4rsel8es"? an)" alternati8el." ?.o4
,4st +ast.? T!en t!e -assa/e contin4es%H
'for it is on this day that atonement shall be
made for you to cleanse youA you shall be clean
from all your sins before the 2ord
It is to be a sabbath of solemn rest for you, that
you may humble your soulsA it is a /ermanent
!2e)iticus +3$2@;0+ NAS%
2e kno6" !istoricall." t!at +or '"500 .ears
t!e Ae6is! -eo-le !a8e al6a.s o1ser8e) Fo,
7i--4r" t!e Da. o+ Atone,ent" as a )a. o+
+astin/. 2e also !a8e t!e Ne6 Testa,ent
a4t!orit. +or t!is. A -assa/e in Acts t!at
)escri1es Pa4lCs Bo4rne. to >o,e 1. sea sa.s%
"uch time had been lost, and sailing had
already become dangerous because by now it
was after the &ast
!Acts 2B$@ NIV%
'(he &ast' ,entione) !ere is t!e Da. o+
Atone,ent" 6!ic! al6a.s +ell at t!e en) o+
Se-te,1er or t!e 1e/innin/ o+ Octo1er" B4st
6!en 6inter 6as settin/ in. 2e see +ro, t!e
Ne6 Testa,ent t!at t!e Da. o+ Atone,ent 6as
al6a.s cele1rate) as ?the &ast' Go) reD4ire)
3is -eo-le to !4,1le t!eir so4ls 1e+ore 3i, 1.
collecti8e +astin/. T!at 6as t!e a--oint,ent" t!e
or)inance" +or t!e Da. o+ Atone,ent" t!e ,ost
sacre) )a. o+ t!e Ae6is! calen)ar.
Notice t6o +acts% First" in t!is case" +astin/
6as ,anCs res-onse to Go)Cs -ro8ision o+
+or/i8eness an) cleansin/. Go) -ro8i)e) t!e
cere,on. 1. 6!ic! t!e 3i/! Priest 6ent into
t!e inner,ost sanct4ar. o+ t!e te,-le an) ,a)e
atone,ent. Secon)" t!at atone,ent 6as onl.
e++ecti8e +or t!ose -eo-le 6!o acce-te) it
t!ro4/! +astin/.
In ot!er 6or)s" Go) )i) 3is -art" 14t ,an
!a) to )o !is. T!is is tr4e in ,an. transactions
6it! Go). Go) )oes 3is -art" 14t 3e ex-ects a
res-onse +ro, 4s. Man. ti,es t!e res-onse t!at
Go) ex-ects +ro, 4s is to +ast.
Go) a1sol4tel. reD4ire) +astin/ o+ all 3is
-eo-le 4n)er t!e ol) co8enant. 6!o )i)
not +ast on t!e Da. o+ Atone,ent 6as to 1e c4t
o++ as to no lon/er to 1e a ,e,1er o+ Go)Cs
-eo-le. So 6e see t!at Go) attac!e) /reat
(he .rimary .ur/ose of &asting
i,-ortance to +astin/ as t!e a--ointe) 6a. +or
3is -eo-le to !4,1le t!e,sel8es 1e+ore 3i,
an) so to D4ali+. +or t!e 1lessin/ t!at 3e 6ante)
to -ro8i)e.
Chapter Two
& Ne' Testament ()amples of
e !a8e seen t!at +astin/ is a lost ke." one
t!at is +o4n) all t!ro4/! t!e -a/es o+ t!e
Bi1le. Fet is !as 1een set asi)e an) ,is-lace)
1. t!e !ristian c!4rc!.
T!e -ri,ar. -4r-ose +or +astin/" as re8eale)
in t!e Bi1le" is sel+&!4,1lin/. Fastin/ is a
scri-t4ral 6a. to !4,1le o4rsel8es. All t!ro4/!
t!e Bi1le Go) reD4ire) 3is -eo-le to !4,1le
t!e,sel8es 1e+ore 3i,. Go) !as re8eale) t!at a
si,-le" -ractical 6a. to !4,1le o4rsel8es is
t!ro4/! +astin/.
2e !a8e looke) at so,e !istorical exa,-les
+ro, t!e Ol) Testa,ent alrea).% exa,-les o+
Da8i) in Psal,s@ <Era an) t!e exiles ret4rnin/
+ro, Ba1.lon@ Ae!os!a-!at an) t!e -eo-le o+
A4)a!@ an) t!e Da. o+ Atone,ent" 6!en e8er.
1elie8in/ Ae6 6as reD4ire) to -ractice +astin/.
I 1elie8e t!e essential nat4re o+ +astin/ is
reno4ncin/ t!e nat4ral to in8oke t!e
s4-ernat4ral. T!e ,ost nat4ral t!in/ +or 4s to )o
is to eat. 2!en 6e /i8e 4- eatin/" 6e are
)eli1eratel. t4rnin/ a6a. +ro, t!e nat4ral 1.
t4rnin/ to Go) an) to t!e s4-ernat4ral. T!is !as
a )ee- si/ni+icance.
Fasting in the ife of *esus
Fastin/ 6as also -art o+ t!e li+e an) ,inistr.
o+ Aes4s an) o+ t!e Ne6 Testa,ent c!4rc!. First
o+ all" t!e =or) Aes4s 3i,sel+ -ractice) +astin/"
as re-orte) in t!e Gos-els%
Jesus, full of the Holy S/irit, returned from the
Jordan and was led by the S/irit in the desert,
where for forty days he was tem/ted by the
de)il He ate nothing during those days and at
the end of them he was hungry
!2u*e #$+;2 NIV%
As I ex-laine) -re8io4sl." t!e 6or)s
in)icate t!at Aes4s a1staine) +ro, +oo)" 14t
-ro1a1l. )rank 6ater.
Be+ore Aes4s entere) 3is -41lic ,inistr."
t!ere 6ere t6o critical ex-eriences t!ro4/!
6!ic! 3e -asse). T!e +irst 6as 6!en t!e 3ol.
S-irit )escen)e) 4-on 3i," an) 3e 6as en)4e)
(he .rimary .ur/ose of &asting
6it! t!e s4-ernat4ral -o6er o+ t!e 3ol. S-irit
+or 3is ,inistr.. B4t" Aes4s still )i) not
i,,e)iatel. /o o4t an) 1e/in to ,inister.
T!e secon) ex-erience 6as +ort. )a.s o+
+astin/ in t!e )esert. 3e a1staine) +ro, +oo)
an) +oc4se) on t!e s-irit4al. A--arentl." )4rin/
in t!at ti,e" 3e !a) a )irect" -erson&to&-erson
con+lict 6it! Satan. T!ro4/! 3is +astin/" 3e
e,er/e) 8ictorio4s +ro, t!at +irst con+lict 6it!
T!is ill4stration 6o4l) see, to in)icate t!at
+astin/ is essential in o4r li8es i+ 6e are to 1e
8ictorio4s o8er Satan. I+ Aes4s !a) to -ractice
+astin/ +or 8ictor." I )o not see !o6 an. o+ 4s
can clai, to ac!ie8e 8ictor. 6it!o4t t!e sa,e
Notice t!e res4lt o+ +astin/ in t!e li+e o+
Aes4s. =4ke 9%19 states%
Jesus returned to 4alilee in the /ower of the
S/irit, and news about him s/read through the
whole countryside
T!ere is a 8er. si/ni+icant )i++erence in t!e
t6o -!rases 4se). 2!en Aes4s 6ent into t!e
)esert" t!e Gos-el sa.s 3e 6as 'full of the Holy
S/irit' B4t 6!en 3e ret4rne) +ro, t!e )esert
a+ter +ort. )a.s o+ +astin/ it sa.s 3e 6ent 'in
the /ower of the S/irit' In ot!er 6or)s" it is one
t!in/ to 1e +4ll o+ t!e S-irit" it is anot!er t!in/ to
1e in t!e -o6er o+ t!e S-irit. Fro, t!e ti,e o+
3is 1a-tis, on6ar)s" t!e S-irit 6as t!ere. B4t it
6as 3is +astin/ t!at release) t!e -o6er o+ t!e
3ol. S-irit to +lo6 t!ro4/! 3is li+e an) ,inistr.
6it!o4t !in)rance. A/ain" I 1elie8e t!is is a
-attern +or 4s.
Aes4s 3i,sel+ sai) later in Ao!n 19%1#%
'(ruly, truly, I say to you, he who belie)es in
"e, the wor*s that I do shall he do alsoA and
greater wor*s than these shall he doA because I
go to the &ather'
I 6ant to -oint o4t t!at t!e 6orks Aes4s )i)
1e/an 6it! +astin/. I+ 6e 6ant to +ollo6 in t!e
ot!er 6orks 3e )i)" it see,s lo/ical to ,e t!at
6e ,4st 1e/in 6!ere Aes4s 1e/anI6it!
Aes4s also ta4/!t 3is )isci-les to +ast. In t!e
(he .rimary .ur/ose of &asting
Ser,on on t!e Mo4nt" 3e sai) to 3is )isci-les%
'But when you fast, /ut oil on your head and
wash your face,
so that it will not be ob)ious to men that you
are fasting, but only to your &ather, who is
unseenA and your &ather, who sees what is done
in secret, will reward you'
!"atthew 3$+B;+, NIV%
Aes4s -ro,ises a re6ar) to t!ose 6!o
-ractice +astin/ in t!e ri/!t 6a. an) +or t!e ri/!t
,oti8es. Notice one 8er. i,-ortant little 6or).
Aes4s sai)" 'when you fast,' He )i) not sa." ?i+
.o4 +ast.? 3a) 3e sai) ?i+"? 3e 6o4l) !a8e le+t
o-en t!e -ossi1ilit. t!at t!e. ,i/!t not -ractice
+astin/. B4t 6!en 3e sai)" 'when you fast,' 3e
o18io4sl. ass4,e) t!at t!e. 6o4l) -ractice
T!e t!e,e o+ t!e sixt! c!a-ter o+ Matt!e6 is
t!ree ,ain !ristian )4ties% /i8in/ to t!e -oor"" an) +astin/. In connection 6it! all t!ree
o+ t!e," Aes4s 4ses t!e sa,e 6or) 'when,' 3e
ne8er sa.s ?i+.? In 8erse # 3e sa.s% 'when you
gi)e to the needy' An) in 8erse 1; 3e sa.s"
'when you fast' 3e ne8er le+t o-en t!e o-tion
t!at t!e. 6o4l) not )o t!ese t!ree t!in/s. 3e -4t
/i8in/"" an) +astin/ on -recisel. t!e
sa,e le8el.
Most !ristians 6o4l) acce-t 6it!o4t ,4c!
D4estion t!at it is o4r o1li/ation to /i8e an) to
-ra.. B4t on t!at sa,e 1asis" it is eD4all. o4r
o1li/ation to +ast.
Fasting in the (arly Chur+h
Not onl. 6as +astin/ -ractice) 1. Aes4s" it
6as -ractice) 1. t!e Ne6 Testa,ent c!4rc!. In
Acts 1'%1&9" 6e rea) a1o4t t!e c!4rc! at
Now there were at Antioch, in the church that
was there, /ro/hets and teachers$ Barnabas,
and Simeon who was called Niger, and 2ucius of
7yrene, and "anaen who had been brought u/
with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul GFi8e ,en are
And while they were ministering to the 2ord and
fasting, the Holy S/irit said, 'Set a/art for "e
Barnabas and Saul for the wor* to which I ha)e
called them'
(hen, when they had fasted and /rayed and laid
their hands on them, they sent them away
(he .rimary .ur/ose of &asting
So, being sent out by the Holy S/irit, they went
down to Seleucia and from there they sailed to
!Acts +0$+;# NAS%
T!e lea)ers o+ t!e c!4rc! 6ere ,inisterin/
to t!e =or) an) +astin/ to/et!er. In t!e co4rse o+
t!eir +astin/" t!e. recei8e) a re8elation +ro, t!e
3ol. S-irit t!at t6o o+ t!eir n4,1er 6ere to 1e
sent o4t +or a s-ecial a-ostolic ,inistr..
>ecei8in/ t!is re8elation" t!e. )i) not sen)
t!e, o4t i,,e)iatel." 14t t!e. a/ain 'fasted
and /rayed and laid their hands on them'
T!en it sa.s o+ t!ose t6o ,en t!at t!e. 6ere
sent o4t 'by the Holy S/irit'
A/ain 6e see t!at +astin/ trans+er 4s +ro,
t!e nat4ral to t!e s4-ernat4ral. 2!en t!e c!4rc!
lea)ers ,o8e) o4t o+ t!e nat4ral real, t!ro4/!
+astin/" t!e. !a) a s4-ernat4ral re8elation an)
s4-ernat4ral a4t!oriEation" an) t!e 3ol. S-irit
3i,sel+ acce-te) res-onsi1ilit. +or 6!at t!e.
)i). B4t t!e 6a. to t!is 6as o-ene) 4- t!ro4/!
t!eir collecti8e +astin/.
A+ter Pa4l an) Barna1as !a) /one o4t on
t!is ,inistr." 6e rea) 6!at t!e. )i) 6!en t!e.
esta1lis!e) t!eir ne6 con8erts in 8ario4s cities
into -ro-er c!4rc!es%
And when they had a//ointed elders for them
in e)ery church, ha)ing /rayed with fasting, they
commended them to the 2ord in whom they had
!Acts +#$20 NAS%
Fastin/ 6as not B4st a sin/le" 4n4s4al
occ4rrence. It 6as -ractice) re/4larl. 1. t!e
a-ostles an) ta4/!t to t!eir ne6 )isci-les.
T!e t6o ,ain e8ents in t!e s-rea) o+ t!e
Gos-el in t!e earl. c!4rc! 6ere" +irst" t!e
sen)in/ o4t o+ a-ostles an)" secon)" t!e
esta1lis!in/ o+ ne6 con8erts t!ro4/! t!e
a--oint,ent o+ el)ers. It is tre,en)o4sl.
si/ni+icant t!at t!e earl. c!4rc! )i) not )o eit!er
o+ t!ese t!in/s 6it!o4t +irst +astin/ an) seekin/
Go)Cs s4-ernat4ral )irection an) !el-. In a
certain sense" 6e can sa. t!at t!e o4t/ro6t! an)
ex-ansion o+ t!e earl. c!4rc! re8ol8e) aro4n)
collecti8e +astin/.
Finall." 6e 6ant to rea) t!e testi,on. o+
Pa4l a1o4t !is li+e an) ,inistr." re,e,1erin/
t!at Pa4l 6as one o+ t!e t6o ,en in8ol8e) in
(he .rimary .ur/ose of &asting
t!at inci)ent. In # orint!ians (%9&(" Pa4l sa.s%
in e)erything commending oursel)es as
ser)ants of 4od, in much endurance, in
afflictions, in hardshi/s, in distresses,
in beatings, in im/risonments, in tumults, in
labors, in slee/lessness G6atc!in/H, in hunger
in /urity, in *nowledge, in /atience, in *indness,
in the Holy S/irit, in genuine lo)e
!2 7orinthians 3$#;3 NAS%
Pa4l !ere )escri1es 8ario4s as-ects o+ !is
c!aracter an) con)4ct 6!ic! ,arke) !i,sel+
an) !is +ello6&6orkers as tr4e ser8ants o+ Go).
A,on/ t!ese 6ere 6atc!in/ a6ake
6!en .o4 co4l) 1e aslee-K an) +astin/
Ja1stainin/ +ro, +oo) 6!en .o4 co4l) 1e
eatin/K. 2atc!in/ an) +astin/ are in 8er. /oo)
co,-an.. T!e. are -4t si)e 1. si)e 6it! -4rit."
kno6le)/e" -atience" kin)ness" t!e 3ol. S-irit
an) /en4ine lo8e. In ot!er 6or)s" t!e. are
-resente) as -art o+ t!e total eD4i-,ent o+ a tr4e
ser8ant o+ t!e =or) Aes4s !rist. I 1elie8e t!at
Go) still 8ie6s t!e, t!at 6a. to)a.. Go)Cs
-ro8ision an) Go)Cs stan)ar)s are still t!e sa,e
as t!e. 6ere +or Pa4l an) +or t!e earl. c!4rc!.
Chapter Three
, Ho' Fasting Changes -s
!4s +ar" 6e !a8e seen t!at +astin/ is
8ol4ntaril. a1stainin/ +ro, +oo) +or
s-irit4al -4r-oses. Fastin/ is a 6a. t!at Go)
3i,sel+ !as a--ointe) +or 3is -eo-le to !4,1le
t!e,sel8es 1e+ore 3i,. Aes4s 3i,sel+ -ractice)
+astin/ an) ta4/!t 3is )isci-les to )o t!e sa,e.
T!e Ne6 Testa,ent c!4rc! +ollo6e) t!e
exa,-le o+ t!en&Master. 2!en Aes4s s-oke
a1o4t +astin/" 3e )i) not sa." ?i+ .o4 +ast"? 14t
'when you fast' 3e t!4s -4t +astin/ on
-recisel. t!e sa,e le8el as /i8in/ to t!e nee).
2e 6ant to )eal 6it! t!e ,ec!anics o+
+astin/ no6 1. seein/ !o6 +astin/ c!an/es t!e
inner -ersonalit.. T!e +irst t!in/ 6e nee) to see
6it! a1sol4te clarit. +ro, Scri-t4re is t!is% t!e
-o6er t!at ,akes t!e !ristian li+e -ossi1le is
t!e 3ol. S-irit. No ot!er -o6er can ena1le 4s to
li8e t!e kin) o+ li+e t!at Go) reD4ires o+ 4s as
!ristians. It cannot 1e )one in o4r o6n 6ill or
in o4r o6n stren/t!. It can onl. 1e )one in
)e-en)ence on t!e 3ol. S-irit. T!ere+ore" t!e
ke. to s4ccess+4l !ristian li8in/ is kno6in/
!o6 to release t!e -o6er o+ t!e 3ol. S-irit in
o4r li8es so t!at 6e can )o t!e t!in/s 6e co4l)
not )o in o4r o6n stren/t!.
Aes4s ,a)e t!is clear to 3is )isci-les a+ter
t!e res4rrection" 1e+ore 3e e8er release) t!e, to
/o o4t into ,inistr. o+ t!eir o6n. In Acts 1%$"
3e sai)%
'But you will recei)e /ower when the Holy
S/irit comes on youA and you will be my
witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and
Samaria, and to the ends of the earth'
!Acts +$, NIV%
3e sai)" in e++ect" ?In or)er to )o 6!at IC8e
c!ar/e) .o4 to )o" .o4Cre /oin/ to nee) -o6er
/reater t!an .o4r o6n. T!at -o6er 6ill co,e
+ro, t!e 3ol. S-irit. DonCt /o an) 1e/in to
,inister 4ntil t!at -o6er o+ t!e 3ol. S-irit !as
co,e to .o4.?
o,-are t!is 6it! t!e 6or)s o+ Pa4l in
<-!esians 6!ere !e is s-eakin/ -ri,aril. a1o4t
-o6er in
Now to him C4odD who is able to do
immeasurably more than all we as* or imagine,
(he .rimary .ur/ose of &asting
according to his /ower that is at wor* within
!9/hesians 0$21 NIV%
Pa4l sa.s 6!at Go) can )o +ar excee)s t!e
!i/!est t!at 6e co4l) e8er t!ink or i,a/ine" 14t
it )e-en)s on 3is -o6er at 6ork in 4s. T!e
extent o+ 6!at Go) can )o t!ro4/! 4s )oes not
)e-en) on o4r t!inkin/ or i,a/inin/. It )e-en)s
on 3is s4-ernat4ral -o6er 1ein/ release) in 4s
an) t!ro4/! 4s" 6!et!er it is in" in
-reac!in/ or in an. +or, o+ ser8ice. T!e ke. is
kno6in/ !o6 to release t!e -o6er o+ t!e 3ol.
S-irit an) 1eco,e c!annels or instr4,ents
t!ro4/! 6!ic! 3e can 6ork 6it!o4t !in)rance.
Seein/ t!is" 6e can ,o8e to t!e next ke. +act o+
Scri-t4re. T!e ol)" carnal nat4re o--oses t!e 3ol.
S-irit. T!e 8er. essence an) c!aracter o+ t!e ol)
nat4re is s4c! t!at it )oes not .iel) to t!e 3ol. S-irit.
It is in o--osition to t!e 3ol. S-irit. In t!e Ne6
Testa,ent t!is carnal nat4re" 6!at 6e are 1. nat4re
1e+ore 6e are trans+or,e) 1. t!e ne6 1irt!" is calle)
'the flesh' T!is ter, )oes not si,-l. ,ean t!e
-!.sical 1o).. It is t!e entire nat4re t!at 6e in!erite)
1. )escent +ro, o4r +irst +at!er" A)a," 6!o 6as a
re1el. In ot!er 6or)s" l4rkin/ so,e6!ere in e8er.
one o+ 4s t!ere is a re1el. T!at is t!e carnal nat4reL
In Galatians 5%1(&1;" Pa4l sa.s a1o4t t!at
carnal nat4re%
But I say, wal* by the S/irit Cthe Holy S/iritD,
and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh
C9ach of us is de/endent on the Holy S/iritD
&or the flesh sets its desire against the S/irit,
and the S/irit against the fleshA for these are in
o//osition to one another, so that you may not
do the things that you /lease
T!at is 8er. clear an) 8er. i,-ortant. T!e
carnal nat4re is in o--osition to t!e S-irit o+
Go). I+ 6e .iel) to t!e carnal nat4re" 6e are
o--osin/ t!e S-irit o+ Go). I+ 6e are /oin/ to
.iel) to t!e 3ol. S-irit" 6e ,4st )eal 6it! t!e
carnal nat4re" 1eca4se as lon/ as t!e carnal
nat4re controls an) o-erates t!ro4/! 4s" 6!at
6e )o 6ill 1e in o--osition to t!e 3ol. S-irit.
T!is a--lies not onl. to o4r -!.sical )esires" 14t
it also a--lies to 6!at t!e Bi1le calls t!e carnal
,in)" 6!ic! is t!e 6a. t!e ol)" carnal"
4nre/enerate nat4re t!inks.
(he .rimary .ur/ose of &asting
In a -o6er+4l 8erse in >o,ans" Pa4l states a
tr4t! a1o4t t!e carnal ,in)%
the carnal mind is enmity against 4od$ for it
is not sub8ect to the law of 4od, neither indeed
can be
!Eomans ,$B KJV%
T!ese are stron/ 6or)s Pa4l is 4sin/. 3e
sa.s t!e +les! o--oses t!e 3ol. S-irit. 3e sa.s
t!e +les!l. ,in) is en,it. a/ainst Go). It is not
ne4tralit.. T!ere is no s4//estion t!at so,e!o6
t!e carnal nat4re an) t!e carnal ,in) can 1e
-ers4a)e) to )o t!e 6ill o+ Go). It is
i,-ossi1le. T!e carnal ,in)" 1. its 8er. nat4re"
is en,it. a/ainst Go).
2!at is t!e carnal ,in)M I 4n)erstan) it t!is
6a.% it is t!e ol)" 4nre/enerate so4l in its ,ain
+4nctions. T!e +4nctions o+ t!e so4l are 4s4all.
)e+ine) as 6ill" intelli/ence an) e,otions. <ac!
o+ t!e, can 1e s4,,e) 4- in a s!ort" +a,iliar"
<n/lis! 6or). T!e 6ill sa.s" ?I 6ant?@ t!e
intelli/ence Jor t!e ,in)K sa.s" ?I t!ink?@ t!e
e,otions sa." ?I +eel.? Nat4ral" 4nre/ener&ate
,an is )o,inate) an) controlle) 1. t!ose t!ree
ex-ressions o+ t!e e/o% ?I 6ant"? ?I t!ink"? an)
?I +eel.? T!is is t!e 6a. t!e carnal nat4re
I+ 6e are to co,e into s41,ission to t!e
3ol. S-irit" an) i+ t!e 3ol. S-irit is to o-erate
t!ro4/! 4s 6it! +ree)o," t!en t!e carnal nat4re
,4st 1e 1ro4/!t into s41Bection to t!e 3ol.
S-irit. 2e ,4st s41Bect t!e ?I 6ant"? t!e ?I
t!ink"? an) t!e ?I +eel? to t!e S-irit o+ Go).
Accor)in/ to Go)Cs -attern in Scri-t4re" t!is is
)one 1. +astin/. T!at 6as !o6 Aes4s 3i,sel+
)i) it" t!at 6as !o6 Pa4l )i) it" an) t!at is !o6
.o4 an) I are ex-ecte) to )o it.
3ere is Pa4lCs o6n acco4nt o+ !o6 !e
str4//le) 6it! !is carnal nat4re an) !o6 !e
/aine) 8ictor. o8er it. In 1 orint!ians 9%#5&#;"
Pa4l )escri1es t!is str4//le in ter,s o+ an
at!lete /oin/ into trainin/ +or 8ictor. in
9)eryone who com/etes in the games Cthe
=lym/icsD goes into strict training (hey do it to
get a crown that will not lastA but we do it to get
a crown that will last fore)er
(herefore I do not run li*e a man run; ning
aimlesslyA I do not fight li*e a man beating the
(he .rimary .ur/ose of &asting
G3e is" ?IC, a ,an 6it! a /oal@ IC, a ,an
6it! a -4r-ose. IC, a ,an 4n)er )isci-line.? An)
!e s4,s it 4- t!is 6a.%H
No, I beat my body and ma*e it my sla)e so
that after I ha)e /reached to others, I myself will
not be dis<ualified for the /ri:e
!+ 7orinthians @$26;2B NIV%
Pa4l realiEe) t!at !e !a) to 1rin/ !is carnal
nat4re into s41Bection i+ !e 6as /oin/ to s4ccee)
in !is )i8ine callin/. T!is lea8es e8er. one o+ 4s
6it! a D4estion% 2!ic! is t!e ,aster an) 6!ic!
is t!e ser8ant in eac! o+ 4sM Is t!e 1o). t!e
,aster an) t!e S-irit B4st t!e sla8eM Or is t!e
S-irit t!e ,aster an) t!e 1o). t!e ser8antM I 6ill
tell .o4 t!is% .o4r 1o). ,akes a 6on)er+4l
ser8ant" 14t a terri1le ,aster.
I a, re,in)e) o+ t!e stor. o+ a +rien) o+
,ine" a in t!e 2as!in/ton" D.." area"
6!o !ear) ,e -reac! on +astin/ once an)
)eci)e) it 6as t!e ri/!t t!in/ to )o. 3e set asi)e
a )a. to +ast an) !e !a) a ,isera1le )a.. <8er.
ti,e !e 6alke) o4t on t!e street" !e see,e) to
+in) !i,sel+ in +ront o+ a resta4rant 6!ere t!e
aro,a o+ cookin/ 6as tantaliEin/ or -astries
6ere )is-la.e) in t!e 6in)o6. 3e !a) a
tre,en)o4s inner str4//le to a1stain. So" at t!e
en) o+ t!e )a. !e /a8e !is sto,ac! a ?talkin/&
to.? 3e sai)" ?No6" sto,ac!. Fo4C8e 1een 8er.
re1ellio4s to)a.. Fo4C8e ,a)e a lot o+
4nnecessar. tro41le +or ,e an) +or t!at reason
IC, /oin/ to -4nis! .o4. IC, /oin/ to +ast
to,orro6 as 6ell as to)a..?
To ,e t!at is a tre,en)o4s lesson in
esta1lis!in/ 6!o is t!e ,aster an) 6!o is t!e
ser8ant. >e,e,1er" .o4r 1o). is a 6on)er+4l
ser8ant" 14t a terri1le ,aster. I+ .o4 are reall.
/oin/ to s4ccee) in t!e !ristian li+e an) 6in
t!e cro6n in t!e ?!ristian at!letics"? .o4 are
/oin/ to !a8e to esta1lis! t!e +act in .o4r o6n
ex-erience t!at .o4r 1o). )oes not )ictate to
.o4 or control .o4" an) t!at .o4 are not
controlle) 1. its 6!i,s or a--etites. >at!er" .o4
,4st 1e controlle) 1. a sense o+ Go)Cs )i8ine
)estin. an) -4r-ose +or .o4r li+e. In t!at re/ar)"
.o4 6ill )o e8er.t!in/ t!at is nee)e) to 1rin/
.o4r 1o). into s41Bection so t!at it )oes not
)ictate to .o4 or !in)er .o4 in r4nnin/ .o4r
race. I 1elie8e one o+ t!e 1asic scri-t4ral 6a.s
(he .rimary .ur/ose of &asting
to )o t!is is 1. t!e -ractice o+ re/4lar +astin/.
2!en .o4 +ast" .o4 ser8e notice on .o4r
1o). an) .o4r carnal nat4re% ?Fo4 )onCt control
,e. IC, not s41Bect to .o4. Fo4Cre ,. ser8ant.
Fo4Cll o1e. 6!at t!e S-irit o+ Go) in ,e
)eclares I !a8e to )o.?
Chapter Four
. Fasting Can Change History
e !a8e seen !o6 +astin/ c!an/es o4r
inner -ersonalities accor)in/ to certain
-rinci-les. First" 6e ,4st reco/niEe t!at t!e
-o6er o+ t!e !ristian li+e is t!e 3ol. S-irit.
T!e 3ol. S-irit is t!e onl. -o6er t!at 6ill
ena1le to lea) a tr4l. !ristian li+e.
Secon)" 6e ,4st reco/niEe t!at t!e +les!" o4r
carnal nat4re" o--oses t!e 3ol. S-irit. T!e. are
in )irect o--osition to one anot!er. I+ t!e +les!
-re8ails" t!e 3ol. S-irit cannot !a8e 3is 6a..
T!ir)" +astin/ is Go)Cs a--ointe) 6a. to 1rin/
t!e carnal nat4re into s41Bection. T!e 3ol.
S-irit is t!en +ree to ena1le 4s to )o 6!at Go)
)esires 4s to )o.
Personall." I 1elie8e t!ere is no 6a. to
,eas4re t!e -o6er release) 1. an)
+astin/ 6!en -ractice) 6it! ri/!t ,oti8es an) in
accor)ance 6it! t!e -rinci-les o+ Scri-t4re. T!e
-o6er t!4s release) can c!an/e not onl.
in)i8i)4als or +a,ilies" 14t cities" nations" or
e8en entire ci8iliEations.
I no6 6ant to s!are so,e exa,-les +ro, t!e
Bi1le o+ !o6 +astin/ !as a++ecte) t!e )estin. o+
cities" nations" an) e,-ires. O4r +irst exa,-le is
+ro, t!e 1ook o+ Aona!. Go) calle) Aona!" t!e
Israelite -ro-!et" to /o to Nine8e!" a Gentile
cit. an) t!e ca-ital o+ t!e Ass.rian <,-ire.
Aona! re+4se) to /o an) trie) to r4n a6a. +ro,
Go)" 14t Go) )ealt 6it! !i, 8er. se8erel..
2!at +ollo6e) is recor)e) in t!e t!ir) c!a-ter
o+ Aona!%
(hen the word of the 2ord came to Jonah a
second time$
'4o to the great city of Nine)eh and /roclaim to
it the message I gi)e you'
Jonah obeyed the word of the 2ord and went to
Nine)eh Now Nine)eh was a )ery im/ortant city
Fa )isit re<uired three days Cto go all through
=n the first day, Jonah started into the city He
/roclaimed$ '&orty more days and Nine)eh will
be o)erturned'
!Jonah 0$+;# NIV%
Aona!Cs 8er. si,-le ,essa/e 6as a +inal
6arnin/ o+ i,-en)in/ B4)/,ent on t!e cit.. T!e
res-onse o+ t!e Nine8ites 6as re,arka1le%
(he .rimary .ur/ose of &asting
(he Nine)ites belie)ed 4od (hey declared a
fast, and all of them, from the greatest to the
least, /ut on sac*cloth Cthe outward e)idence of
?hen the news reached the *ing of Nine)eh, he
rose from his throne, too* off his royal robes,
co)ered himself with sac*cloth and sat down in
the dust
!Jonah 0$6;3 NIV%
3ere is a -ict4re o+ a 6!ole cit. t4rnin/ to
Go) in re-entance" in +astin/" an) in ,o4rnin/.
T!e -rocla,ation t!at t!e kin/ iss4e) 6as e8en
,ore re,arka1le. It /oes like t!is%
'By decree of the *ing and his nobles$ Go not
let any man or beast, herd or floc*, taste
anythingA do not let them eat or drin*'
!Jonah 0$B NIV%
T!at was a )ery total fast" not onl. +or t!e
!4,an -o-4lation 14t +or t!e li8estock@ not onl.
)i) t!e. a1stain +ro, +oo)" 14t also +ro,
)rinkin/. An) t!en t!e -rocla,ation contin4es%
'But let man and beast be co)ered with
sac*cloth Cagain, the outward emblem of
mourningD 2et e)eryone call urgently on 4od
2et them gi)e u/ their e)il ways and their
!Jonah 0$, NIV%
T!is total res-onse is i,-ortant. Fastin/ is
o+ no 1ene+it i+ 6e contin4e )oin/ t!e 6ron/
t!in/. B4t it is in8al4a1le as a s-irit4al !el- in
t4rnin/ +ro, 6ron/ to )o ri/!t.
So" t!e Nine8ites not onl. +aste) an)
co8ere) t!e,sel8es 6it! sackclot!" t!e. ,a)e a
-rocla,ation to 'let them gi)e u/ their e)il
ways and their )iolence' Fro, ot!er -assa/es
o+ Scri-t4re 6e +in) t!at t!e o4tstan)in/ sin o+
Nine8e! 6as 8iolence. T!en t!e -rocla,ation
closes t!is 6a.%
'?ho *nows> 4od may yet relent and with
com/assion turn from his fierce anger so that we
will not /erish'
CNow here is the di)ine commentary on this$D
?hen 4od saw what they did and how they
turned from their e)il ways, he had com/assion
and did not bring u/on them the destruction he
had threatened
!Jonah 0$@;+1 NIV%
Fo4 6ill re,e,1er t!at Ao!n t!e Ba-tist
-reac!e) a ,essa/e o+ re-entance. 2!en certain
(he .rimary .ur/ose of &asting
-eo-le ca,e to ask +or 1a-tis, as e8i)ence o+
re-entance" !e sai)" ?I 6ant to see t!e +r4it o+
re-entance in .o4r li+e. ItCs no /oo) tellin/ ,e
.o4C8e re-ente) i+ I canCt see t!e res4lts in t!e
6a. .o4 act.? JSee Matt!e6 '%;&$.K
In t!e case o+ t!e Nine8ites" Go) sa6 !o6
t!e. t4rne) +ro, t!eir e8il 6a.s" so 3e !a)
co,-assion an) )i) not 1rin/ 4-on t!e, t!e
)estr4ction 3e !a) t!reatene).
It is 8er. interestin/ to see t!e !istoric
res4lt. Nine8e! 6as s-are) +or al,ost t6o
!4n)re) .ears 1e+ore it 6as +inall. )estro.e).
D4rin/ t!at ti,e in Israel" Go) !a) 8ario4s
-ro-!ets" s4c! as A,os an) 3osea" 6!o
1ro4/!t t!e ,essa/e o+ t!e 6arnin/ o+ B4)/,ent
an) t!e call to re-entance to Israel. Israel !a)
t!e Scri-t4res" t!e. !a) t!e 1ack/ro4n) o+
Moses an) t!e =a6" an) t!e. !a) t!e -ro-!ets.
Man. -ro-!ets 6ent to t!e Israelites" 14t t!e.
)i) not t4rn.
In contrast" Nine8e! !a) no s4c!
1ack/ro4n). One -ro-!et 6ent once" an) t!e
6!ole cit. t4rne). T!at is re,arka1leL It is an
interestin/ conseD4ence t!at Go) s-are)
Nine8e! an) t!en 4se) t!e Ass.rian <,-ire" o+
6!ic! Nine8e! 6as t!e ca-ital" to 1rin/ 3is
B4)/,ent on IsraelL
Go)Cs B4)/,ent o+ Israel is a 6arnin/" I
1elie8e" +or 2estern nations 6!ere 6e !a8e a
lon/ 1ack/ro4n) o+ !ristian tra)ition"
kno6le)/e o+ t!e Scri-t4res an) t!e or/aniEe)
c!4rc!. o4l) it 1e t!at Go) !as 1een s-eakin/"
14t 6e !a8e 1een as )ea+ as t!e -eo-le o+ IsraelM
o4l) Go) sen) 3is ,essen/ers to so,e nation
6it! no !ristian 1ack/ro4n) so t!at it 6o4l)
t4rn to 3i," an) t!en 4se t!at nation to 1e an
instr4,ent o+ B4)/,entM o4l) a nation s4c! as
!ina 1rin/ B4)/,ent on 4nre-entant"
-ro+essin/ !ristian nationsM Does t!at ,essa/e
!a8e an 4-&to&)ate a--lication +or 4sM
For a secon) exa,-le o+ !o6 !istor. 6as
c!an/e) 1. t!e -ractice o+ +astin/" 6e 6ill t4rn
to t!e 1ook o+ <st!er. T!e Ae6is! -eo-le 6ere
in exile in t!e Persian <,-ire" 6!ic! consiste)
o+ 1#; -ro8inces co8erin/ t!e kno6n ancient
6orl) +ro, </.-t to In)ia. Practicall. e8er.
Ae6 in t!e 6orl) 6as li8in/ at t!at ti,e 6it!in
t!e con+ines o+ t!e Persian <,-ire.
(he .rimary .ur/ose of &asting
A ,an na,e) 3a,an !a) /aine) /reat
-olitical -osition an) -o6er in t!e Persian
<,-ire. 3e -ers4a)e) t!e kin/ to sen) +ort! a
4ni8ersal )ecree +or t!e )estr4ction o+ all t!e
Ae6is! -eo-le 6it!in t!e con+ines o+ !is e,-ire
on a certain )a.. T!is 6as -ro1a1l. t!e nearest
t!at an.1o). !as e8er co,e to act4all. 1lottin/
o4t t!e Ae6is! nationIin a sense" e8en nearer
t!an A)ol-! 3itler in 2orl) 2ar II. It 6as a
crisis s4c! as Israel !a) ne8er +ace) in all t!eir
!istor.. T!eir res-onse to t!is crisis 6as to t4rn
to Go) 6it! +astin/ an)
In -artic4lar" N4een <st!er J6!o 6as Ae6is!
t!o4/! t!e kin/ )i) not kno6 !er racial
1ack/ro4n)K" set an exa,-le 6!ic! 1eca,e a
-attern +or all s41seD4ent /enerations o+ t!e
-o6er o+ an) +astin/ to 1rin/ +ort!
intercession t!at c!an/es !istor.. T!is is t!e
)escri-tion in <st!er 9%15&1;%
(hen 9sther sent this re/ly to "ordecai$
'4o, gather together all the Jews who are in
Susa, and fast for me Go not eat or drin* for
three days, night or day I and my maids will fast
as you do ?hen this is done, I will go to the
*ing, e)en though it is against the law And if I
/erish, I /erish'
So "ordecai went away and carried out all of
9sther5s instructions
T!e Ae6is! -eo-le kne6 6!at to )o. It !a)
1een esta1lis!e) in t!e or)inance o+ t!e Da. o+
Atone,ent. T!e. kne6 t!e 6a. to !4,1le
t!e,sel8es 1e+ore Go) 6as to +ast. All t!e Ae6s
in t!e ca-ital cit. o+ S4sa" +ro, <st!er
)o6n6ar)s" set asi)e t!ree )a.s o+ an)
+astin/. 2!at 6as t!e res4ltM In <st!er 5%1&'" 6e
rea) t!ese 6or)s%
=n the third day Cof /rayer and fastingD 9sther
/ut on her royal robes and stood in the inner
court of the /alace, in front of the *ing5s hall
(he *ing was sitting on his royal throne in the
hall, facing the entrance
?hen he saw Hueen 9sther standing in the
court, he was /leased with her and held out to
her the gold sce/ter that was in his hand So
9sther a//roached and touched the ti/ of the
(hen the *ing as*ed, '?hat is it, Hueen 9sther>
?hat is your re<uest> 9)en u/ to half the
*ingdom, it will be gi)en you'
!9sther 6$+;0 NIV%
(he .rimary .ur/ose of &asting
<st!er 6ent in 6it! !er reD4est an) c!an/e)
t!e entire co4rse o+ t!e !istor. o+ t!e Persian
<,-ire. Instea) o+ )e+eat an) s!a,e" t!e
sit4ation 1eca,e !onor an) -ro,otion +or t!e
Ae6is! -eo-le an) +or t!eir lea)ers" Mor)ecai
an) <st!er. T!e critical t4rnin/ -oint 6as t!e
t!ree&)a. -erio) 6!en <st!er an) all t!e Ae6s in
S4sa +aste) an) so4/!t Go). T!en t!eir )estin.
6as c!an/e). 2!en <st!er 6ent in to t!e kin/"
!e sai)" ?2!at )o .o4 6antM It 6ill 1e /i8en to
.o4 4- to !al+ t!e kin/)o,.? In ot!er 6or)s" an) +astin/ o-ene) t!e 6a. +or all t!at
<st!er co4l) -ossi1l. nee) on 1e!al+ o+ !er
<st!er is a 1ea4ti+4l -attern +or 4s to)a..
Go) is lookin/ +or ,en an) 6o,en like <st!er
6!o realiEe t!e critical nat4re o+ o4r sit4ation
an) t4rn to Go) 6it! t!eir +ello6 1elie8ers in an) +astin/. an) +astin/ can still
call +ort! )i8ine inter8ention on 1e!al+ o+ 3is
-eo-le an) t!e critical sit4ation in t!e 6orl)
to)a." B4st as ,4c! as it )i) in t!e )a.s o+
<st!er. Go) is 4r/entl. s-eakin/ to 3is -eo-le
in t!ese )a.s a1o4t t!e nee) +or an)
Chapter Five
/ Prelu0e to the atter "ain
e !a8e seen t!e ,eas4reless -o6er t!at is
release) 1. an) +astin/ 6!en
-ractice) 6it! ri/!t ,oti8es an) in accor)ance
6it! t!e -rinci-les o+ Scri-t4re. T!e -o6er t!4s
release) can c!an/e not onl. in)i8i)4als an)
+a,ilies" 14t 6!ole cities" nations an)
ci8iliEations. T6o !istorical" 1i1lical exa,-les
o+ t!is are t!e cit. o+ Nine8e! in t!e ti,e o+
Aona!" an) t!e Ae6is! race in t!e Persian
<,-ire in t!e ti,e o+ <st!er. In eac! case" t!e
co4rse o+ !istor. 6as ra)icall. an) -er,anentl.
c!an/e) 6!en a /ro4- o+ -eo-le !4,1le)
t!e,sel8es 1e+ore Go) 1. an) +astin/.
3o6e8er" 6e s!o4l) not look on t!is kin) o+
!istor.&c!an/in/ )e,onstration o+ Go)Cs -o6er
as so,et!in/ con+ine) to t!e -ast. It is -ossi1le"
1. t!e sa,e ,eans o+ an) +astin/" +or 4s
to call +ort! an inter8ention o+ Go) in !istor.
to)a. as -o6er+4l an) )ra,atic as t!ose
recor)e) in t!e Bi1le. T!is is 1ot! a )es-erate
nee) an) a /lorio4s -ossi1ilit.. In +act" I 1elie8e
t!at Go) is 6aitin/ +or 4s to )o t!is.
For an 4n)erstan)in/ o+ 6!at Go) ex-ects
+ro, 4s t!is 6a." 6e t4rn to t!e -ro-!et Aoel.
Aoel /i8es 4s a 1rie+ 14t co,-re!ensi8e
o8er8ie6 o+ Go)Cs -4r-oses +or 3is -eo-le in
t!ese last )a.s. Aoel o-ens 6it! a scene o+ total
)isaster an) )esolation. Aoel 1%$&1# /i8es a
-ict4re o+ a )es-erate an) !o-eless sit4ation%
?ail li*e a )irgin girded with sac*cloth
&or the bridegroom of her youth
(he grain offering and the libation are cut off
&rom the house of the 2ord1
(he /riests mourn,
(he ministers of the 2ord1
(he field is ruined,
(he land mourns,
&or the grain is ruined
(he new wine dries u/,
&resh oil fails
Be ashamed, = farmers,
?ail, = )inedressers,
&or the wheat and the barleyA
Because the har)est of the field is destroyed
(he )ine dries u/,
And the fig tree failsA
(he .rimary .ur/ose of &asting
(he /omegranate, the /alm also,
and the a//le tree,
All the trees of the field dry u/
Indeed, re8oicing dries u/
&rom the sons of men
!Joel +$,;+2 NAS%
T!e sit4ation is one o+ )esolation" 1li/!t"
!o-elessness" ,o4rnin/ an) a total a1sence o+
Bo.. B4t Go) t!en re8eals 3is a--ointe) re,e).
t!ro4/! t!e sa,e -ro-!et in t!e 8erses t!at
+ollo6. In Aoel 1%1'&19" Go) instr4cts 3is
4ird yoursel)es with sac*cloth,
And lament, = /riestsA
?ail, = ministers of the altarI
7ome, s/end the night in sac*cloth,
= ministers of my 4od,
&or the grain offering and the libation
Are withheld from the house of your 4od
7onsecrate a fast,
.roclaim a solemn assemblyA
4ather the elders
And all the inhabitants of the land
(o the house of the 2ord your 4od,
And cry out to the 2ord1
!Joel +$+0;+# NAS%
Go)Cs re,e). is to consecrate a +ast an)
t!en seek Go) 6it! )es-erate
'7onsecrate' !ere ,eans to set a-art a ti,e +or
Go) 6!en .o4 6ill +ast.
Go) re-eats t!ese instr4ctions in Aoel #%1#%
'Jet e)en now,' declares the 2ord,
'Eeturn to "e with all your heart,
And with fasting, wee/ing, and mourning'
!Joel 2$+2 NAS%
A/ain" t!e 1asic reD4ire,ent is +astin/. A
little +4rt!er on in Aoel" 6e rea)%
Blow a trum/et in Kion,
Ca /ublic /roclamation to all 4od5s /eo/leD
7onsecrate a fast, /roclaim a solemn assembly,
4ather the /eo/le, sanctify the congregation,
Assemble the elders,
4ather the children and the nursing infants
2et the bridegroom come out of his room
And the bride out of her bridal chamber
CAll /eo/le are to gi)e themsel)es to see*ing
(he .rimary .ur/ose of &asting
4od without reser)ation All normal daily
occu/ations are tem/orarily set asideD
2et the /riests, the 2ord5s ministers,
?ee/ between the /orch and the altar,
And let them say, 'S/are (hy /eo/le, = 2ord$
And do not ma*e (hine inheritance a re/roach,
A byword among the nations
?hy should they among the /eo/les say,
?here is their 4od>5'
!Joel 2$+6;+B NAS%
3ere is Go)Cs -ro,ise) res-onse to t!e an) +astin/ o+ 3is -eo-le%
'So re8oice, = sons of Kion,
And be glad in the !"# your 4odA
&or He has gi)en you the early rain for your
And He has /oured down for you the rain,
(he early and latter rain as before
And the threshing floors will be full of grain,
And the )ats will o)erflow with the new wine and
(hen I will ma*e u/ to you for the years
(hat the swarming locust has eaten,
(he cree/ing locust, the stri//ing locust, and the
gnawing locust,
"y great army which I sent among you
And you shall ha)e /lenty to eat and be
And /raise the name of the 2ord your 4od,
?ho has dealt wondrously with youA
(hen "y /eo/le will ne)er be /ut to shame
(hus you will *now that I am in the midst of
And that I am the 2ord your 4od
And there is no otherA
And "y /eo/le will ne)er be /ut to shame
And it will come about after this
(hat I will /our out "y S/irit on all man*indA
And your sons and daughters will /ro/hesy,
Jour old men will dream dreams,
Jour young men will see )isions

And e)en on the male and female ser)ants
I will /our out "y S/irit in those days'
!Joel 2$20;2@ NAS%
In res-onse to an) +astin/ 1. 3is
-eo-le" Go) sa.s" ?I 6ill co,e to .o4r !el-. I
6ill c!an/e t!e 6!ole sit4ation" take a6a. t!e
)eart! an) t!e 1li/!t" an) s4--l. all .o4r nee)s.
(he .rimary .ur/ose of &asting
T!ere 6ill 1e an a14n)ance" an o8er+lo6" an)
no lon/er 6ill .o4 1e a re-roac! a,on/ t!e
nations. Fo4 6ill 1e a1le to li+t 4- .o4r !ea)s"
an) ot!er -eo-les 6ill sa." C=ook 6!at Go) !as
)one +or t!e,.C?
In -artic4lar" Go) -ro,ises t!at 3e 6ill
sen) 3is -eo-le t!e )es-eratel. nee)e) +or,er
an) latter rain. 3e t!en sa.s" in a s-irit4al
a--lication o+ t!e rain" 'I will /our out "y
S/irit on all man*ind'
In t!e Ne6 Testa,ent 6e rea) t!e 6or)s o+
t!e a-ostle Peter to t!e cro6) t!at !a)
asse,1le) on t!e Da. o+ Pentecost" a+ter t!e
3ol. S-irit !a) co,e%
'But this is what was s/o*en of through the
/ro/het Joel C.eter lin*s this to the
/ro/hecy of Joel cited abo)eD$
5And it shall be in the last days,5 4od says,
5(hat i will /our forth of "y S/irit u/on all
And your sons and your daughters shall
And your young men shall see )isions,
And your old men shall dream dreamsA
9)en u/on "y bondsla)es, both men and
I will in those days /our forth of "y S/irit
and they shall /ro/hesy5'
!Acts 2$+3;+, NAS%
Go) !as -re-are) a 6orl)6i)e o4t-o4rin/ o+
3is 3ol. S-irit 4-on 3is c!4rc! +or t!ese last
)a.s. It is Go)Cs ans6er to t!e )es-erate nee)s
an) -ress4res o+ t!is ti,e. It is 3is ans6er +or
t!e satanic" 4n/o)l. +orces t!at are co,in/
a/ainst 3is -eo-le +ro, so ,an. areas" an) to
t!e 1li/!t an) )eart! in t!e c!4rc! o+ Go). Go)
)oes not inten) to lea8e 3is -eo-le !el-less or
at t!e ,erc. o+ all t!ese e8il -ress4res an)
+orces. Go) !as a -ro8ision. 3e !as -ro,ise) to
-o4r o4t 3is S-irit an) !el- 3is -eo-le on a
s4-ernat4ral le8el. 3o6e8er" 3e reD4ires t!e
con)ition 1e ,et t!at 6e seek 3i, 6it!
an) +astin/" in a 4nite) an) collecti8e 6a..
Notice t!e -ro,ise in Aoel #%#$% 'It will
come about after this that I will /our out "y
S/irit on all man*ind' A+ter 6!atM A+ter 6e
!a8e ,et Go)Cs state) con)itions. 2e are to
consecrate a +ast" call a sole,n asse,1l." seek
(he .rimary .ur/ose of &asting
Go)" an) co,e to/et!er 6it! an) +astin/.
T!en 3e sa.s 3e 6ill 1e +ait!+4l to 3is
co,,it,ent to 4s. Go) sa.s t!at 3e 6ill co,e
to .o4 in t!e -o6er an) +4llness o+ t!e 3ol.
S-irit to c!an/e t!e 6!ole sit4ation. Instea) o+
1ein/ +ear+4l an) )e+eate)" .o4 6ill 1eco,e
stron/ an) e++ecti8e. Instea) o+ sneerin/ at .o4"
t!e 6orl) 6ill stan) 1ack in a6e an) a,aEe,ent
6!en it sees !o6 Go) !as co,e to t!e !el- o+
3is -eo-le.
In callin/ Go)Cs -eo-le to an)
+astin/" t!e ,essa/e o+ Aoel -laces a s-ecial
res-onsi1ilit. 4-on t!e s-irit4al lea)ers o+ 3is
-eo-le. T!ree classes o+ -ersons are sin/le) o4t
,ore t!an once +or s-ecial ,ention. T!e. are
t!e -riests" t!e ,inisters" an) t!e el)ers. For
instance" in Aoel 1%1'&19" 6e +in)% '4ird
yoursel)es with sac*cloth, and lament, =
/riestsA ?ail, = ministers of the
altarI.roclaim a solemn assemblyA gather the
elders' 3ere t!e e,-!asis is on t!e -riests" t!e
,inisters" an) t!e el)ers.
In Aoel #%1(&1;" Go) instr4ctions are%
'4ather the /eo/le, sanctify the congregation,
assemble the elders 2et the /riests, the 2ord5s
ministers, wee/ between the /orch and the
altar' T!ere is a )es-erate nee) +or ,en o+
Go) in lea)ers!i- 6!o" 1. exa,-le" 6ill s!o6
Go)Cs -eo-le t!is -attern o+ collecti8e
an) +astin/ to seek Go)Cs inter8ention on 1e!al+
o+ 3is -eo-le.
T!is a--lies to t!e nation in 6!ic! 6e li8e.
2e nee) to see a/ain t!e tr4t! o+ t!at +a,iliar
8erse in # !ronicles ;%19%
'if my /eo/le, who are called by my name,
will humble themsel)es and /ray and see* my
face and turn from their wic*ed ways, then will I
hear from hea)en and will forgi)e their sin and
will heal their land'
I 1elie8e t!at is a ,essa/e +or 4s in t!ese
)a.s. Go) is tellin/ 4s once a/ain 3e 6ill
inter8ene on a nation6i)e scale. 3e 6ill not
onl. s!o6 3i,sel+ stron/ on 1e!al+ o+
in)i8i)4als an) +a,ilies" 14t on 1e!al+ o+ cities"
co,,4nities" re/ions" an) 6!ole nations.
T!e kin) o+ inter8ention Go) s-eaks a1o4t
in # !ronicles ;%19 reD4ires 3is -eo-le to ,eet
(he .rimary .ur/ose of &asting
3is con)itions. T!e +irst con)ition is" 'if "y
/eo/le will humble themsel)es' 2e !a8e seen
in t!e co4rse o+ o4r st4). t!at t!is ,eans
collecti8e" 4nite) +astin/ an) Fro, t!e
Da. o+ Atone,ent on" t!is !as 1een t!e
a--ointe) 6a. +or Go)Cs -eo-le to !4,1le
t!e,sel8es 1e+ore 3i," an) Go)Cs or)inance
!as not c!an/e). 3e is 6aitin/ +or lea)ers 6!o"
in !4,ilit." 6ill lea) Go)Cs -eo-le in 4nite) an) +astin/. T!en 3e -ro,ises to !ear" to
+or/i8e" an) to !eal t!e lan).

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