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8th International DUT-Workshop on Research and Innovations for Design of

Sustainable and Durable Concrete Pavements

September 20-21, 2014 in Prague, Czech Republic


A. Beeldens, Belgian Road Research Centre (BRRC)
P. De Winne, Flemish Agency for Roads and Traffic, Road Engineering Division
K. Hoegh, University of Minnesota, USA


Continuously reinforced concrete pavements (CRCP) have been used in Belgium for over
40 years for the construction of motorways and other heavily trafficked roads. In 2007-
2008 test sections in two-layered CRC were built on the express road E34/N49, in order
to improve surface characteristics (smoothness and rolling resistance). In addition the
environmental impact was minimized by using concrete aggregates reclaimed from the
existing concrete road in the bottom layer. The top layer consisted of a 0-6 mm exposed
aggregate concrete, placed wet-in-wet on the bottom layer.

After 3 years of service, severe close-spaced cracking occurred at the surface of the
concrete pavement. This was followed by a fragmentation of the pavement, very similar
to punch-out damage. Investigations showed that some of the cracks continued over full
depth of the pavement and others ended at the level of the longitudinal rebars, about 9 cm
below the surface. Furthermore, it was found that horizontal cracks had formed at this
level and that the reinforcing bars were corroded. This horizontal cracking occurred at the
level of the rebars and not at the interface between the bottom and top layer.

In order to determine the parameters responsible for this loss of bond between the rebars
and the concrete, pull-out tests were carried out in the laboratory on different types of
concrete. The following parameters were taken into account: use of recycled aggregates,
state of recycled aggregates (wet or dry), air content (by the use of an air-entraining
agent), temperature of the rebars, and corrosion of the steel. In addition, a microscopic
analysis of the cracks was made.

On site, measurements were made with the ultrasonic tomograph to detect the presence of
horizontal cracks and to determine the width and length of the damaged areas. These
measurements afforded a better insight into the punch-out process at the level of the

This paper discusses the problem of horizontal cracking and presents the results of the
laboratory tests as well as the results and conclusions from the field measurements.

Introduction two-lift CRCP applications in Belgium
The first experiences in Belgium with two-lift CRCP date back from 1996, when test
sections were constructed at Herne. Different low-noise top layers were tested on that
site. A CRC bottom layer of 18 cm was placed with a top layer in exposed aggregate
concrete 0/7 mm and in porous concrete, respectively, both 4 cm thick laid wet-in-wet.
Porphyry aggregates were used both in the bottom and in the top layer. A comparison
with SMA and traditional asphalt surface layers was made. Positive results were
obtained: the section with exposed aggregate concrete is still in good condition after 17
years of service. This project can be seen as one of the first applications of two-layered

Similar results were obtained on a test track of two-lift pavement constructed at
Estaimpuis in 2001. Chemical aggregate exposure was used as surface treatment.
Aggregate size was varied as shown in Table 1. Here too only porphyry was used as
coarse aggregate. In this case as well, the condition of the different test sections is still
good after more than 10 years of service.

Section No. Bottom layer Top layer
Thickness Max. aggregate
Thickness Max. aggregate
1 15 cm 32 mm 5 cm 7 mm
2 14 cm 32 mm 6 cm 10 mm
3 12 cm 32 mm 8 cm 14 mm
4 12 cm 32 mm 8 cm 20 mm
Table 1 - Estaimpuis, 2001, characteristics of the bottom and top layer

In 2007 and 2008, a test section approximately 3 km long was constructed on the E34 at
Zwijndrecht-Melsele. In both directions, a two-lift CRCP was laid. The bottom layer was
18 cm thick, the top layer 5 cm. Stimulated by a growing awareness of the environmental
impact of road construction and by the call for innovation, the choice was made to use
concrete aggregates in the bottom layer. 60 % of the coarse aggregate was replaced by
concrete aggregates reclaimed from the old concrete pavement. However, despite close
monitoring and good execution of the pavement severe cracking was observed after only
a few years of service. This deterioration was linked to horizontal cracking in the CRCP.

The two-lift pavement of the N49
The E34/N49 is an express road with 2 x 2 lanes and an emergency stopping lane,
constructed as a dowelled JPCP with slabs 5 m long placed on a lean concrete base layer.
As a first step the two lanes in the direction of Zelzate were rehabilitated in 2007 over a
width of 8.40 m (lanes 7.50 m wide and an extra width of 0.90 m). A two-layered CRCP
was applied on an asphalt interlayer covering the existing base layer in lean concrete,
which was still in good condition. 50 mm was milled off from the base layer, in order to
be able to apply the asphalt interlayer. The structure is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Two-layered CRCP applied on the E34 at Zwijndrecht

The reinforcement was taken similar to that of 23 cm thick single-layered CRCP:
longitudinal reinforcement: diam. 20 mm every 18 cm;
transverse reinforcement: diam. 16 mm every 70 cm, with a 60 angle;
concrete cover of the longitudinal reinforcement: 80 mm 10 mm.

The new CRCP was isolated from the old concrete slabs of the emergency lane. No
reflection of the joints in the concrete slabs of that lane was observed in the cracks of the
CRCP. The application of a two-layered CRCP made it possible to use recycled
aggregates in the bottom layer of the concrete. The top layer was optimized for low noise
emission by using exposed aggregate concrete with a max. aggregate diameter of 6.3 mm.

The following requirements were set for the concrete:

top layer:
o aggregate 4/6.3 (4 to 6.3 mm) with a PSV 50, no recycled aggregates
o sand, no recycling allowed;
o cement CEM III/A 42,5 N LA: minimum 425 kg/m;
o water-cement ratio W/C 0,45;
o air-entraining agent to obtain an air content 5 % measured on site in the
fresh concrete;
bottom layer:
o aggregates 4/6.3 6.3/20 20/32, including up to 60 % of recycled concrete
aggregates reclaimed from the old concrete road and broken into fractions of
6.3/20 and 20/32;
o sand, no recycling allowed;
o cement CEM III/A 42,5 N LA: minimum 375 kg/m;
o water-cement ratio W/C 0,45;
o air-entraining agent to obtain an air content 3 % measured on site in the
fresh concrete.
In 2005, the traffic volume on the E34 was about 23,000 vehicles a day in the direction of
Zelzate, including 25 % of heavy goods vehicles.

Horizontal cracking
After 3 years of service, severe close-spaced cracking occurred at the surface of the
concrete pavement. This was followed by a fragmentation of the pavement, very similar
to punch-out damage. The cracking and punch-out phenomena occurred mainly in the
direction of Zelzate (constructed in 2007) and to a lesser extent in the direction of
Antwerp, although some punch-outs were visible there as well.

Figure 2 Damage on the N49 after 3 years of service; the longitudinal reinforcement is

Visual inspection indicated that this type of damage was not classic punch-out damage.
The concrete disintegrated on both the right and the left sides of each of the two lanes of
the pavement. The damage showed similarities to punch-out but the disintegration
affected only the upper half of the concrete pavement, from the longitudinal rebars

Various actions were undertaken to determine the origin of this damage. First, cores were
drilled to define the cracking pattern. Thin slices were then taken from the cores and
inspected with a microscope. Measurements were made in the laboratory to assess the
bond between the reinforcement and the concrete with recycled aggregates. Finally,
measurements were made by the University of Minnesota with the ultrasonic tomograph,
to determine how far the damage and especially the horizontal cracking had spread.

The cores revealed the presence of a horizontal crack. As can be clearly seen in Figure 3,
the horizontal cracking occurred at the level of the longitudinal reinforcing bars about
9 cm below the upper surface, and not at the interface between the bottom and top layer.

Figure 3 Presence of a horizontal crack at the level of the longitudinal reinforcing bars

Two types of vertical crack appeared: the usual shrinkage cracks throughout the thickness
of the concrete and intermediate cracks going up from the horizontal crack to the
surface. In the places with punch-outs damage the reinforcing bars were corroded.

Microscopic analysis
In addition, a microscopic analysis of the concrete pavement was done. 4 thin slices were
prepared to assess the difference between the concrete at the surface, the concrete at the
level of the rebars and the concrete at the bottom of the pavement. Figure 4 shows the
positions where the thin slices were taken.

Figure 4 - Positions of the different thin slices

Continuous longitudinal
reinforcement 9 cm
below the surface

Thin slice 1 revealed the presence of air bubbles with a diameter between 25 and 90 m
and an average diameter of 55 m.

The microscopic analysis of thin slice 2 revealed wide horizontal cracks at the level of
the longitudinal reinforcement. The crack shown in Figure 5 is filled with rust. A crack
subsequently developed through the rust, probably owing to the presence of traffic and
pumping effects. The horizontal crack goes through the aggregates. In small cracks very
fine aggregates are present, which are transported from other places in the concrete. This
is another indication of pumping and defragmentation of some of the aggregates.

Figure 5 Horizontal crack filled with rust and subsequent crack (a) and deposition of
fine aggregates in crack (b)

The microstructure shown in Figure 6 taken from thin slice 4 indicated a very limited
difference between the compositions of the old concrete and the new concrete. The
aggregates in the old concrete were mainly porphyry and quartz. However, the cement
used was Portland cement as opposed to blast furnace slag cement in the new concrete. In
some places a thin coat of old mortar was still present around the aggregates. Some small
cracks were visible in this coat.

Figure 6 Recycled aggregate where the old aggregate is surrounded by a mortar coat
with a small crack (yellow line) (bottom right), and new concrete (top left)

Inspection of the pavement by non-destructive measurements and core drilling
Besides visual inspection and core drilling, non-destructive measurements were made
with the ultrasonic tomograph to assess the extent of horizontal cracking and the relation
with the transverse vertical cracks. This type of technology has been used successfully to
evaluate various pavement- and bridge deck-related subsurface characteristics [1-11]

In order to calibrate the ultrasonic tomograph, some places without visual damage were
measured and a core was drilled. These cores showed no horizontal cracking over the full
height of the concrete. The thickness of the pavement was 23.5 cm and the longitudinal
reinforcement had 8 cm of cover. The adhesion between the concrete pavement and the
asphalt interlayer was perfect; as a result, the transition between both layers was not
always clearly visible to the ultrasonic tomograph (Figure 7).

Figure 7 Result of an ultrasonic measurement in a crack-free area of the concrete

A first analysis was made for a severely damaged zone, by drilling cores over two
vertical cracks approximately 10 cm apart from one another. Figure 8 shows the results.
The widest and most severely deteriorated vertical crack (core 1) extends over the full
depth of the concrete, with a horizontal crack at the level of the longitudinal
reinforcement. In the vertical crack 10 cm away from there (core 2) the horizontal crack
is still present, but the vertical crack only goes from this horizontal crack up to the

Figure 8 Cores taken from a severely damaged zone: core 1 with vertical crack
throughout the depth of the pavement and core 2 with a vertical crack only between the
surface and the horizontal crack

The measurement with the ultrasonic tomograph demonstrated the presence of this
horizontal crack, as can be seen in figure 9. The crack extends over the total area covered
by the tomograph; as a result, the bottom of the concrete layer is not visible on the

Figure 9 Result measured with the ultrasonic tomograph and verification with a core -
horizontal crack present over the total surface area

In general, Figure 10 shows the result of the ultrasonic measurement in the absence and
in the presence of a horizontal crack, respectively. A clear distinction is possible. In total
27 zones were analysed in the direction of Zelzate, where the damage was most severe,
and 21 zones in the direction of Antwerp, where the number of punch-outs was much
smaller. Each time, the zone along the crack (transverse direction) was scanned and if a
horizontal crack was found, the length of this crack in the longitudinal direction was

Core 2
Core 1

Figure 10 - Results of ultrasonic measurements in a zone without horizontal crack and a
zone with a horizontal crack

The results indicated that the horizontal crack originated from a vertical shrinkage crack
with a relatively wide crack opening throughout the depth of the concrete pavement, as
was confirmed by core drilling. In most cases the horizontal crack ended at a vertical
crack extending from the longitudinal reinforcement to the top surface, most often about
10 cm away from another crack (Figure 8).

Figure 11 shows the distance between the zones where cracks are closing together and
incipient spalling is visible. At these points, the ultrasonic tomograph confirmed the
presence of a horizontal crack.

Figure 11 Distance [m] between the zones where transverse cracks are closely spaced
and incipient spalling is visible, in the direction of Zelzate

In the direction of Antwerp, much less spalling was seen, which was also confirmed by
the measurements with the ultrasonic tomograph. Of the 21 zones analysed in the
direction of Antwerp 90 % did not exhibit any delamination at the cracks and if there was
delamination, it extended over approximately 20 cm. Figure 12 illustrates the difference
in appearance of the cracks in the direction of Zelzate (with severe delamination) and the
cracks in the direction of Antwerp (with no or very limited delamination).

Figure 11 Typical crack with spalling in the direction of Zelzate, in comparison to
closely packed cracks in the direction of Antwerp

Overall, it can be said that horizontal cracks were present in all places where spalling was
visible. The horizontal crack ended in most cases where two or more transverse cracks
were close to one another.

Based on the measurements the following sequence of events was suggested (Figure 12).
A vertical crack (1) forms quickly over the total depth of the pavement, shortly after the
placing of the concrete. Owing to the large width of the crack, water is able infiltrate,
causing rust in the reinforcement. This has been confirmed by microscopic analysis
revealing the presence of rust in the crack. A horizontal crack (2) starts to develop, from
this longitudinal reinforcing bar onwards. The crack stops at a vertical crack going up
from the reinforcement to the surface. The slab formed by the cracks is severely
stressed by traffic. This causes additional vertical cracks (3) in between crack 1 and 2,
resulting in partial punch-out.

Figure 12 Possible crack pattern causing partial punch-outs in CRCP on express road
The origin of the opening of these first cracks may lie in poorer adhesion of the concrete
with recycled aggregates to the rebars, or in differential shrinkage. This will be further
investigated in due time.

The test section on the E34/N49 was constructed as an application of one of the advanced
technologies for concrete roads, in which noise reduction and environmental concerns are
addressed by working with a top layer in fine exposed aggregate concrete and a bottom
layer in which concrete aggregates reclaimed from the existing road are used as coarse

However, severe damage occurred. Destructive and non-destructive analyses of the
pavement indicated the presence of horizontal cracks at the level of the longitudinal
reinforcing bars. The causes of these horizontal cracks are not yet clear, but may be
related to differential shrinkage due to the use of recycled aggregates in combination with
the positioning of the reinforcing bars.


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