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September, 2014

Dear Kindergarten Parents,

My name is Josie Dershowitz and I am your hi!d"s Kindergarten Siene
teaher# I am e$ited to return to the %&'(S team this year and meet you and
your hi!d# )e are going to ha*e a great year together+
)e wi!! o*er three units in the Kindergarten Siene urriu!um, %rees
%hrough %he Seasons, ($p!oring Properties, and &nima!s# )e wi!! begin our
Siene instrution this -a!! by e$p!oring Trees# In Siene !ass, we wi!! be
!earning topis and *oabu!ary re!e*ant to the theme o- %rees# )e wi!! s.eth
and write about trees# /asiona!!y, we wi!! ta.e shoo!yard and
neighborhood wa!.s to inrease our understanding about trees#
There are a few activities you can do with your child outside of school to
extend his/her understanding about the natural world:
10 1&dopt" a tree in your neighborhood# 2hoose a tree to obser*e !ose!y,
and prompt your hi!d to notie, s.eth, and write about hanges that
our throughout the seasons#
20 2o!!et pitures o- trees that you 3nd in newspapers, magazines, or
ad*ertisements# 4our hi!d may bring these pitures to shoo! to add to
the !ass %ree 5a!!ery# )hene*er possib!e, in!ude the name o- the tree
and the areas o- the wor!d where it grows#
60 2o!!et 1speimens," or ob7ets -rom trees, aorns, !ea*es, seeds, sma!!
twigs, et# &gain, your hi!d may bring these ob7ets to Siene !ass to
prompt our Siene disussions#
*Plants and fowers would also be a welcome contribution to our
science room!*
40 &ny time you obser*e nature, as. your hi!d to answer the -o!!owing
I notice! I wonder!
This refective language will encourage your childs
natural curiosity about the scientifc world!
I- you ha*e any 8uestions or omments about your hi!d"s Siene
!ass or urriu!um, p!ease !ea*e a message -or me at the main o9e# I !oo.
-orward to meeting you and your -ami!y at :a. to Shoo! ;ight, and I e$pet
that we wi!! ha*e a great year in Siene+
Josie Dershowitz

September 2014
Kindergarten ,
Josie DershowitzKindergarten
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Josie Dershowitz

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