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African Pictionary Dictionary

By: Taylor Wells

The Sahara desert is the largest subtropical hot and it covers most of North
Africa making it almost as large as China or the United States.

Furthermore, just to name a few animals that have named the Sahara desert
their home but mostly come out at night to avoid the heat and they are the
Dromedary (single-humped camel), Sand fox, and the Spotted hyena.

A vast region of North Africa, south of the Sahara, that forms a transitional
zone between the desert and the region known as Sudan.

Plus there are many types of wildlife in the area for example the giraffe and
warthog are both highly common.
A grassy plain (a flat grassland) sometimes with scattered trees, in a tropical
or subtropical region.

Also some common animals in the savanna are the wildebeest, warthogs,
elephants, zebras, rhinos, gazelles, hyenas, cheetahs, lions, leopards, and
Tropical Rain Forest:
An ecosystem type that occurs roughly within the latitudes 28 degrees north or south
of the equator and this ecosystem experiences high average temperatures and a
significant amount of rainfall.

Some animals that have adapted to this area are the African Forest Elephant, Bengal
Tiger, Golden Lion, Tamari Harpy Eagle, Sumatran Rhinoceros, and the Taco Toucan.

Congo River:
A river in Africa that gets its name from the ancient Kingdom of Kongo
which inhabited the lands at the mouth of the river and between 1971 and 1997
the government of then-Zaire called it the Zaire River.

In and around these waters there are many species of wildlife, examples are
the leopards, lions, hyenas, rhinoceroses, dolphins and whales are common.

Niger River:
A river in western Africa that runs through Mali, Niger, on the border with
Benin and then through Nigeria.

Many common animals found there are buffaloes, elephants, lions, leopards,
and jackals.

Nile River:
It is a major north-flowing river in northeastern Africa, generally is the
longest river in the world.

Around/ in this river it is home to many different species of frogs, fish, snakes,
crocodiles, and hippos.
Lake Tanganyika:
The lake is divided among four countries Tanzania, the Democratic Republic
of the Congo, Burundi, and Zambia, with Tanzania (46%) and the DRC (40%)
possessing the majority of the lake.
In the lake many fish and others have made it there home some are the non-
cichlid fish, gastropods, bivalves, leeches and sponges.

Lake Victoria:
The lake was named after Queen Victoria by the explorer John Hanning
Speke, who was the first European to discover it.
Also, some animals that live there are hippos and many different kinds of
Atlas Mountains:
Series of mountain ranges in northwestern Africa, running generally
southwest to northeast.

Some of the animals that have adapted to this area are the Atlas Cedar, the
Atlas Bear (Africa's only species of bear, which is now extinct), the Barbary

Kalahari Desert:
Is a large semi-arid sandy savannah in southern Africa extending 900,000
square kilometers.
Many animals have adapted to this area and they are the lions, cheetahs,
and hyenas are a few.
Democratic Republic of the Congo:
Is a country located in Central Africa and has a population of 75 million
Many common animals are zebras, giraffes, and elephants.

It is the largest country in the Middle East and the third-largest African
country, and the fifteenth most populous nation in the world, the great
majority of its people live near the banks of the Nile River.

A few common animals are buffalo, camels, donkeys, sheep, and goats.

Is a country in the African Great Lakes region of East Africa, its
capital and largest city is Nairobi.

Many common animals are elephants, flamingos, and cheetahs.
The country is located in West Africa and shares land borders with the
Republic of Benin in the west, Chad and Cameroon in the east, and Niger in
the north.

Plus, many animals that live there are elephants, crocs, and chickens.
South Africa:
Is a country located at the southern tip of Africa, it has 2,798 kilometers of
coastline that stretches along the South Atlantic and Indian oceans.

Also animals that have made South Africa their home are giraffes, lions,
and elephants.
Sudan was the largest country in Africa and the Arab world until 2011, when
South Sudan separated into an independent country, following an
independence referendum. Sudan is now the third largest country in Africa.

Many animals that live there are zebras, elephants, and giraffes.
South Sudan:
A landlocked country in NE Africa, independent since 2011; capital, Juba.

Common animals are lions, antelope, and cheetahs.

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