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Health Part 4

It is very important to advance health in our world. The development of human health in a positive
direction leads to the improvement ourselves mentally, spiritually, physically, and emotionally. In this
generation, more human beings are taking exercise seriously. We all know about the benefits of exercise.
Each human being is unique, so unique forms of exercise are definitely fine for people to embrace. It is
important to reiterate the following information. All of us as human beings have equal value. Regardless
of our phenotype or size, we are deserving of dignity and respect. The precious value found in every
human ought to be greatly appreciated and those who disrespect a person unfairly in a vicious way are
completely wrong. That is why health and exercise development are used to build up humanity. They
should never be used to demonize a person or shame an individual. Exercise deals with love and real
love transcends backgrounds and boundaries. When we help our neighbor, we help ourselves because
all are enriched when one human being is blessed. We are interdependent as human beings either
directly or indirectly. We should be judged on our character not on the color, etc. Regardless of what
anyone has to say about you, never give up. You have every right to follow your dreams and aspirations
irrespective of where you live or your background. Yes, there is nothing wrong with Love either. Love is
Love. There are brave people in the St. Louis/Ferguson area who are standing up for what is right. It is
right to oppose police brutality, it is right to have solidarity with the oppressed, and it is right to advocate
justice for humanity. The events of Ferguson represent the new era of the struggle for human
liberation. When we stand up for common cause under the aim of altruism, then we are in the right side
of history. With recent events going on in the world involving health, it is definitely relevant for me to
mention a lot of information that deals with health issues.

There are enumerable benefits of Vitamin D in the world. Vitamin D is necessary for the betterment of our
human health in general. Giving 20 minutes twice a week of sun is fine. Yet, getting the Vitamin D that we
need is complicated in life. Vitamin D is not technically a vitamin. It is a pre-hormone that is created when
the human skin is exposed to sunlight. It is the only human nutrient that is created from sunlight. This
action is similar to the actions of a plant using the sun to execute photosynthesis. Therefore, Vitamin D is
related to Nature. It is a great immune system booster. It has been found to be protective against
osteoporosis, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer, and other cancers. Vitamin D can
improve the human mood, fight depression, improve memory, and increase problem solving
abilities. Inadequate levels may contribute to the blues many people feel in the winter. It is wild that it has
been estimated that 80-90 percent adults in North America are vitamin D deficient. Wearing too much
sunscreen according to expert Deane Alban can cause Vitamin D deficiency. Vitamins from Vitamin D1 to
Vitamin D5 are important. These are vitamin supplements. Also, we can get tested if we are Vitamin D
deficient or not.

We know now that eating nuts can fight heart disease and lower cancer risks. Nuts are very plentiful in
the world. It has been used as a snack and a regular part of the human diet. It is inexpensive and easy to
pack up for traveling. Nuts are very diverse too. There is more, recent research that documents the
benefits of eating nuts too. The New England Journal of Medicine published a study recently. It showed
how well that nuts can protect a persons health. People who ate just one serving of nuts each day had a
significantly reduced incidence of heart disease. In fact, adding a daily dose of nuts resulted in a close to
30% lower risk of heart disease. Also, over the course of the study, those people who ate nuts on a daily
basis were 20% less likely to die of any cause compared to those who did not eat nuts. Three esteemed
medical institutions -- Harvard Medical School, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Brigham and Women's
Hospital -- charted the results of two studies in an effort to correlate a connection between nut
consumption and increased health benefits. The Health Professionals' Follow-up Study followed 42,000
men over the course of 25 years, while the Nurses' Health Study followed 76,000 women for more than

30 years. Every few years, participants in both studies filled out surveys with questions detailing their
lifestyle choices including their diets. The researchers not only found that people who ate a serving of
nuts daily had a 29% reduction in the amounts of deaths from heart disease. There was also a reduction
in deaths from cancer. These deaths fell about 11%. A servicing size of nuts is about the same amount
that is available in a bag of nuts purchased from a vending machine. The researchers also discovered
that people who often ate a serving of nuts each day also tended to be healthier than those who did not
include nuts in their regular diets. They outlined that the eaters of nuts were more likely to be thinner, be
nonsmokers, consumer healthy foods regularly and engage in exercise regularly than those people who
did not ear nuts. There are all factors that could influence the death and disease rates of the study
participants, but the researchers used statistical methods to remove the other factors. The researchers
found that the type of nut did not influence the results. Participants benefited from eating nuts whether
they consumed peanuts or one of the varieties of tree nuts. Tree nuts are considered to be cashews,
almonds, pistachios, walnuts and pecans. Because nuts can be high in calories, the FDA recommends
limiting their consumption to 1.5 ounces each day.

The Human Brain and Health

The improvement of the brain is one of the most important parts of human development. It is
easy to witness that having great sleep will boost brain power. Blueberries can improve brain
functioning as well. Blueberries may help keep your brain firing. A study in the Journal of
Agricultural and Food Chemistry suggests that the fruits wealth of anthocyaninsthe
antioxidants that create the blue huefoster neuron-to-neuron communication in the brain,
which may help delay memory loss. It is common to see that nuts can develop the brain too. Nuts
have a lot of magnesium. Magnesium is a mineral that is linked to improve short term and long
term memory. According to research from MIT and TSINGHUA UNIVERSITY in Beijing,
magnesium seems to promote new connections between brain cells. An University of Rochester
study found information about memory too. Frank Felberbaum, president of MEMORY
TRAINING Systems in New York City and developer of memory workshops for major
corporations, says that regular deep breathing will help with strengthening brain memory. Doing
scrabble puzzles, and other mind development games including puzzles can develop the brain
power of humans in general. Studies have documented how exercise and a proper diet can
improve mental capacity and longevity. Exercise makes your brain to work at optimum
capacity by causing nerve cells to multiply, which leads to strengthening their interconnections
and protecting them from damage. During exercise nerve cells release proteins known as
neurotropic factors. One in particular, called brain-derived neurotropic factor (BDNF),

triggers numerous other chemicals that promote neural health, and directly benefits cognitive
functions, including learning. Further, exercise provides protective effects to your brain through:

the production of nerve protecting compounds,

greater blood blow to your brain,

improved development and survival of neurons, and

the decreased risk of cardiovascular diseases like stroke.

More research has shown that exercise boosts mitochondria, which are organelles that produce
energy within every cell of the human body. This suggests that exercise may help the human
brain to work faster and more efficiently. Docosahexaenoic acid or DHA (which is an omega-3
fat) can improve brain functioning. About 60 percent of your brain is made up of fats and 25
percent is made up that is made up of DHA. DHA-rich foods include fish, etc. DHA is found in
high level in the neuros or the cells of the central nervous system where it provides structural
support. The influence of omega-3 fat on physical and mental health has been the subject of
intense research over the last four decades, and there's compelling evidence that animal-based
omega-3 fats can help reduce the symptoms of a variety of psychiatric illnesses and degenerative
brain disorders. For example, low DHA levels have been linked to memory loss and Alzheimer's
disease. Even more exciting is research showing that degenerative conditions can not only be
prevented but also potentially reversed. For example, in one study, 485 elderly volunteers
suffering from memory deficits saw significant IMPROVEMENT after taking 900 mg of DHA
per day for 24 weeks, compared with controls. Animal based omega-3 diet can work wonders for
people. Coconut oil and Vitamin D can improve brain development and brain function as well.
Babies, children, and adults need adequate Vitamin D. Appropriate sun exposure can help with
the development of Vitamin D as well. Vitamin B12 can improve brain power as well. Listening
to music while exercise, according to research, has boosted cognitive levels and verbal fluency
skills in people diagnosed with coronary artery disease (that disease has been linked to a decline
in cognitive abilities. Music can enhance cognitive functioning and improve mental focus
among healthy adults. Keep on learning something new (like LEARNING A FOREIGN
LANGUAGE, traveling, learning to play a musical instrument, or working in social and
community activities) can develop the brain also.

Detoxing Foods
We know that water pollution, air pollution, and soil pollution can create more toxicity within the
human body. Unhealthy junk foods and drinks can cause many serious physical and mental issues.
Toxins in the body can cause fatigue and weakness, digestive problems, headaches, skin issues,
muscle and joint pain, infections, cancers, and other diseases. There are 6 important foods that can
detox people and improve human health overall. There is nothing wrong with detoxification at all.
Detoxification protects you from diseases caused by the toxins and it improves overall health. We
can have a balance in our lives by exercising regularly, quitting smoking (including quitting excessive
drinking), and eating healthier foods. One important food deals with an avocado. Avocados have
antioxidants including gluthathione (which detoxes the body by transporting the harmful chemicals
and toxins outside of it). It has great fiber content, which means that one medium avocado contains
about 10g, which helps in detoxification. Garlic can detoxify the body. There is a lot of sulfur in
garlic, which can detox food. Sulfur promotes detoxification by increasing production of
glutathione, which helps filter toxins and harmful chemical outside from the digestive system (and
some other foods with rich sulfur are including eggs, beverages, onions, and nuts). Garlic is a
mineral helps fight harmful bacteria and yeast in the intestines as well. Cabbage can detox people.
It has sulfur too including glucosinolates (which can break up harmful chemical and toxins including
clean them up from our bodies).

Cabbage is a great vegetable that provides rich fiber to aid in the digestion process and regulates
bowel movements, which helps the human body to get rid of the toxins. Green tea is considered
the least processed tea. It has the antioxidant polyphenols, notably a substance called
epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), which can help the body get rid of free radicals effectively. And
the antioxidants improve liver functions too, which is essential for detoxification. Broccoli is the
super cruciferous vegetable contains more calcium than a glass of milk. It has more vitamin C than
an orange. It has minerals and vitamins. It is full of antioxidants, which can cleanse the human body.
These antioxidants work with the enzymes in your liver to turn toxins into something your body can
eliminate easily. Broccoli has a higher level of nutrients and better health value. Raw broccoli is
great as well without microwaving it (as it may destroy it detox potential). Beets can boost the
bodys cellular intake of oxygen and they are enriched in betaine and pectin, which can protect the
human digestive system (and the liver to cleanse the body).

Im so grateful to be well. And first and foremost, I want to thank God. I sincerely believe
that with God, all things are possible. While the skill and dedication of the doctors, NURSES
and others who have taken care of me have obviously led to my recovery, it has been Gods
love that has truly carried my family and me through this difficult time, and has played such
an important role in giving me hope and the strength to fight
-Amber Vinson


First, we all wish any victim of ebola to recover. We send our prayers and condolences to the
families & friends of any victim of ebola who has passed away. The epidemic of Ebola spreading in
Africa is linked to economic inequality and many people ignore the plight of Africans because of
racism too. Ebola continues to spread all over Western Africa. Some in America are using fear
mongering and even racism about the situation. Ebola is obviously a deadly disease. The symptoms
of it include a hemorrhagic fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and internal plus external bleeding. Ebola is
caused by a virus that is spread via contact with fluids (like saliva, blood, etc.). There are no known
cases of airborne transmission unlike other deadly diseases like influenza. Many fear mongers like
some in FOX News have said that: The deadly Ebola outbreak in West Africa poses a threat to
America." Other choice headlines include, "Here are the 35 countries one flight away from Ebolaaffected countries," and "Ebola outbreak: Deadly foreign diseases are 'potential major threat.'"
These are lies of course, because the Center for Disease Control and the World Health Organization
both agree that there is no chance at this moment of an Ebola outbreak in America or in any nation
with sufficient medical infrastructure. In previous outbreaks, infected individuals have returned to
their home countries with no further transmission there. The two American missionaries were
flown back to America after they contracted Ebola during the most recent outbreak. There has been
little alarmism about these 2 Ebola infected people. Reactionaries like Donald Trump and Breitbart
spread fear mongering and racism by wanting to stop flights come to America from West Africa. We
know that the vast majority of humans infected acquire Ebola from contact with the bodily fluids of
other infected humans. Furthermore, doctors believe that humans can only transmit the disease
after they begin to show symptoms. We need cogent information not fear mongering. The current
Ebola outbreak in West Africa is the most deadly in history. Over 1,000 people have died and over

2,000 cases have come about. We know that Ebola are usually contained in remote villages, far
from cities. Now, the outbreak is spreading into sprawling urban centers in several West African
countries. Urban overcrowding and inadequate health facilities in urban centers (like in Liberia,
Sierra Leone, Guinea, etc.) has spread the illness too. So, we have to address economic disparities.
The White House refused to send zMapp treatment to Liberia or Nigeria, except for a few doctors.
That is why people need access to healthy living conditions and QUALITY HEALTH CARE for all.

It is sad that Thomas Eric Duncan passed away. Dr. Sheik Humarr Khan and other people have
passed away too. West Africa deserves and needs stronger infrastructure and real resources to help
the victims of ebola. Everyone should be educated on the symptoms and the major components of
ebola as well. This is a serious illness. This is a fight. We are fighting against ebola. So, the victims
need compassion, assistance, and their dignity ought to be respected. Also, in America, there
should be more investments that can not only build up our public health services, but investments
should come involving the building up of medical research too. Medical research is one way
where treatments and cures can develop. We should be careful, but we should not
embrace paranoia. We have to live our lives, help our neighbors, and be educated on
ebola. No one can omit about Rick Perry's Texas. The hospital has transparency issues when they
have given many contradictory accounts about what they did. The Duncan family has every right to
demand the release of the records and a true investigation to decipher all of the circumstances
related to the passing of Mr. Thomas Eric Duncan. The hospital turning him away when his fever
was REGISTERED at 103 degrees is really wrong and ignorant. Many of the same reactionaries
talking about fiscal issues refuse to promote REAL INVESTMENTS in our public health, which deals
with combating ebola too. NIH's budget has been cut. The Duncan family deserves the truth. Black
men and Black women including black youth (including the rest of the human race too) are entitled
to great HEALTH CARE too. There is a legitimate debate on handle ebola. There should be more
screenings, research, and infrastructure development. Yet, some exploit the crisis of ebola in Africa
as an excuse to promote racism, xenophobia, or other extremist rhetoric. The reality is that
hospitals should be informed on the dangers of ebola. It would be impossible to close travel from
countries where it is running rampant anyway since people can easily travel into Europe and then to
America. Also, there is a civil liberty issue too. We have to balance quarantine matters with the
protection of human rights. That is why we need to be prepared. The government should do its job,
but the government should not overstep their bounds. Individually and collectively, we should be
prepared too. There is nothing wrong with having water and freeze dried or storable health foods
for 21 days minimum (and learn to protect our health during a pandemic).

Austerity has not worked to solve our economic problems. We can never be free unless we
challenge and oppose mainstream capitalism and imperialism. As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. has said,
we need to reject the exploitation of the poor as well:
"...It is this moral lag in our thing-oriented society that blinds us to the human reality around
us and encourages us in the greed and exploitation which creates the sector of poverty in the
midst of wealth. Again we have diluted ourselves into believing the myth that Capitalism grew
and PROSPERED out of the protestant ethic of hard word and sacrifice, the fact is that
Capitalism was build on the exploitation and suffering of black slaves and continues to thrive
on the exploitation of the poor both black and white, both here and abroad. If Negroes and
poor whites do not participate in the free flow of wealth within our economy, they will
forever be poor, giving their energies, their talents and their limited funds to the consumer
market but reaping few benefits and services in return. The way to end poverty is to end the
exploitation of the poor, ensure them a fair share of the government services and the nations

-Dr. Martin Luther King's The Three Evils Speech from August of 1967
An ebola czar being established was inevitable, because the CDC & others has made huge errors.
The government had to create new initiatives as a means for them to try to get a handle on the
ebola situation. Ebola is a harsh illness. I am glad over the good news happening in Senegal and
Nigeria. At the end of the day, the development of hospitals, other infrastructure, medicine, and
other components of society are necessary to combat ebola effectively. We all hope for the
recovery of any victim of ebola. Philosophically, I dont agree with an outright travel ban, because of
many reasons (because people can lie, people can go to other nations, it can economically cripple
West African nations, etc.). Yet, I know where people, who agree with it ideologically, are coming
from. There has to be more investment in medical research and infrastructure to handle ebola.
There should be an international collaboration among many nations to address this issue, because
ebola is an international crisis. Ebola doesnt just deal with one nation. Also, we should have an
expansion of the assistance to people in West Africa. Also, there should be more coordination with
aviation agencies worldwide in dealing with the situation. Ben Carson is right that ebola should be
crushed in Africa. I dont agree with him on other issues, but he is very intelligent in terms of many

medical issues. It is important to note that Cuba has sent a lot of doctors and equipment to assist
West Africans. This is very good, because West Africans definitely need assistance internationally as
a means for them to combat ebola. We should use qualified, dedicated medical professionals to talk
about ebola and give real information about it. We should never exploit the illness as a means to
violate human rights or expand the militarism of the war on terrorism at all. There should be no wall
of secrecy. Honesty and transparency must exist when dealing with this situation. A neoliberal
global economy has caused many problems including the expansion of ebola. Massive cuts to the
NIH and public health services have caused problems in the world.

I wish for any victim of ebola to recover.

Some in the mainstream media (like Bill OReilly, etc.) are blaming everything, but the real causes
for ebola. We see a new American victim of ebola being treated in New York City now. If we want to
defeat ebola, then we need a better health care system in America. That system must put the needs
of patients and workers first with a massive influx of financial and medical aid to Africa. We need
more solidarity not scapegoating of people unfairly. Many politicians and medical commentators
have used the racist blame game involving the ebola crisis. The reactionary extremists are exploiting
ebola as a means to promote border enforcement policies, which have nothing to do with public
health. It has to do with racism and xenophobia though. We know about the mistakes made by the
CDC and others in enforcing policies that would protect the health care workers like the two Dallas
nurses Nina Pham and Amber Vinson. Thousands have died in Africa from ebola, so isolationism is
not needed to end this crisis. The heartless calls for travel bans dont work. We need the
deployment of medical personnel, not U.S. troops there. The disease has hit hard the nations of

Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea. More than 9,000 people have been infected and over 4,500
people have died according to official statistics. There has been a racist panic about ebola too.
There are the two children in New Burlington, N.J., who were kept from attending Howard Yocum
Elementary School because they come from Rwanda--a country that, as pointed out, is
"approximately 2,600 miles away from the closest West African country with Ebola cases--a
distance roughly equivalent to that between Seattle, Washington, and Philadelphia." Meanwhile,
parents in Hazelhurst, Miss., pulled their children out of school recently after learning that
Hazlehurst Middle School principal Lee Wannik had TRAVELLED to Zambia for his brother's funeral-approximately 3,100 miles away from the areas where Ebola has hit. Wannik was forced to take
paid vacation time off to allay parent fears. There was the racist cover of Newsweek magazine
showing a picture of a chimpanzee and the headline "A Back Door for Ebola: Smuggled Bushmeat
Could Spark a U.S. Epidemic." The truth is that the infection has nothing to do with bushmeat,
eating chimpanzee meat isnt common in the Ebola affected regions, and transmitting ebola from
eating bushmeat is next to nil. This racist hysteria is not limited to Republicans though. Many
Democrats want a travel ban to and from Western Africa like Senator Kay Hagan of NC, Rep. Tulsi
Gabbard of Hawaii, and Michelle Nunn of Georgia. They want to win the elections in November. Our
health care system is for profit. Public health experts readily condemn closing borders and banning
travel, because it can make the ebola crisis worse. It can negatively impact the economies of the
hardest hit nations; it can make health care workers have a harder time to travel and track the
spread of the disease. It can also force people to travel clandestinely in order to seek work, etc. The
NNU have been brave to defend the nurses helping people. We have to fight poverty in America
and in Africa too including structural discrimination. Multinational corporations should not exploit
the resources of Africa. Infrastructure must be developed in order for ebola to be stopped.
*Regardless of the lies, of the xenophobia, etc., we see the truth about the ebola crisis. It relates to
the Western imperialist harm done to Africa too. We see the deadliest ebola outbreak in human
history. Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone are suffering a lot. If nothing strong is done to help
people, scientists project that up to 1.4 million people could be infected by early January of 2015.
The legacy of colonial rule and imperialist pillage has exacerbated this crisis. Many affected
countries have lax technology, limited education, and a beleaguered health care system. For a long
time, the West ignored pleas from West Africans for medical aid and personnel for months. Now,
the West wants to deploy ca. 3,000 U.S. troops to Liberia. The reality is that the West wants to
control the region for geopolitical purposes. The President called ebola a national security
priority. The racists want to limit the epidemic to Africans and not reach Americans shores, but it
has reached U.S. shores now. The 750 million dollars from the U.S. will set up a military command
center and construct medical TREATMENT FACILITIES. Yet, these treatment centers will not be up
and running for months. There is a staging area being set up in Senegal to train and aid providers
and distribute supplies. Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby said that the U.S. is committed to a
military mission for 6 months at least and troops will not come into contact with patients. We see
that Cuba and China have given a lot of aid to West Africans. Cuba is dispatching 461 physicians,
epidemiologists, and other health professionals to West Africa. China has about 20,000 citizens
working and living in the 3 affected nations giving millions in financial aid (and increasing the
number of medical personnel in Sierra Leone). Liberia is an American ally. Its current President is
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. She created a nationwide curfew and sent troops to cordon off the densely
populated area of West Point in the capital of Monrovia. When residents wanted to have food,

soldiers killed a 15 year old boy. They or people in Liberia are recovering from a 14 year civil war,
which ended in 2003.
Ebola is lethal and it is caused by a group of threadlike viruses called filo viruses. It existed back in
the 1970s. It is highly fatal and that is why people with it must have safe and sterile quarantine
along with consistent medical attention (including rehydration and control of secondary infections).
One issue is that many West Africa area lack infrastructure and that is why activists want more
infrastructure built in the nations as a means to battle back against ebola. We know that European
imperialists used unsterilized SYRINGES AND NEEDLES on Africans (which spread disease as proven
by Professor Jacques Pepins Origin of AIDS 2011 book). David Levering Lewis wrote that
European imperialists would displace lands and harm agricultural areas, which spread more
epidemics in Africa. The WHO budges have been slashed too.

So, we need scientific research, TECHNOLOGICAL development, and infrastructure

to help our Brothers and our Sisters in West Africa (and to help any human who have
been harmed by eloba too regardless of their color or nationality).

Human Eye Health

Many foods can IMPROVE the human eye. America alone spends almost 7 billion dollars to
treat cataracts, which affect about 22 million Americans over the age of 40. Egg yolks can help
with building up the human eye. AMD or AGE RELATED MACULAR DEGENERATION is
the leading cause of vision loss for people over 65 years old. Eating egg yolks can help slow this
process. For many reasons, a degenerative process can affect the macula or a tiny area in the
back of the eye which damages eye vision. Egg yolks contain lutein, a yellow-pigmented
antioxidant belonging to a class of compounds called carotenoids. Lutein and a similar
compound called zeaxanthin selectively accumulate in the macula of the retina, scavenging free
radicals and acting as a blue-light filter. Some experts suggest that we need about 6 mg of these
antioxidants a day. One egg yolk has about 0.25 mg of lutein, and even more if you don't cook it.
Also, the body absorbs lutein found in egg yolks more easily than it does that found in fruits or
vegetables. Consuming lutein with olive or coconut oil enhances absorption. Egg yolks can
greatly help eye health. Spinach is a delicious green leafy vegetable. It has a lot of lutein.
Therefore, it can assist the human eye. Consuming it raw is the best method as heating spinach is
known to damage some of its antioxidants. In the macula, lutein and zeaxanthin are considered
macular pigments. Macular pigments have been shown to decrease the risk of AMD, and might
also play a role in age-related cataracts, according to the Egg Nutrition Center [PDF]. Among
carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin are the only ones to be found in the eye's lens. Kale, broccoli,
romaine lettuce, peas, Brussels sprouts, zucchini and other collard greens also contain high
amounts of lutein. Blueberries have anthocyanins in their bright blue casing (anthocyanins are a
group of powerful antioxidants that can aid the body with multiple protections).

Eating blueberries helps protect the retina from unwarranted sunlight and oxygen damage. While
consuming carrots won't necessarily reverse bad eyesight, they can help improve overall eye
health. Carrots contain lutein and beta-carotene, a substance converted to vitamin A by the
body, a beneficial nutrient for eye health. Vitamin A is a crucial nutrient. In fact, a lack of it is
the leading cause of blindness in the developing world, according to
Orange colored foods like mango, pumpkin, apricots, sweet potatoes and cantaloupe also contain
beta-carotene. Almonds can slow macular degeneration, because it is rich in Vitamin E. Just one
handful a day provides you about half of your daily dose, according to Almonds
contain the anti-cancer nutrient amygdalin, also known as laetrile or vitamin B17. Almonds
promote overall well-being. They contribute to weight loss, help lower cholesterol, prevent
HEART DISEASE and improve your complexion, among many other benefits.

Monsanto, etc.
Guatemala rejects the U.S. trade law that protects Monsanto and GMOs. It is obvious that Big
Biotech has used POLICIES that have squeezed out every other choice against the will of the
impoverished people (which they claim to feed). This action is very cruel and exploitative. It has
been used historically by Big Biotech as a means to allow U.S. and Western nations to occupy other
countries. People in various nations are fighting back against multiple soft sanctions on food. The
people of Guatemala have been caught on to the deceptive nature of an U.S. Trade Agreement with
Central America. It has been marketed as a way to modernize them according to the supporters
of the trade agreement. The deal pretends to protect new seed varieties and paints the seed
bearers in the need of protection as small farmers. This tactic is a way for big biotech and seed
companies like Monsanto, DuPont, Duwest, Syngenta, etc. to assume power and immunity as
owners of their food supply. Guatemala calls this policy as Monsanto Law. It is very similar to the
Monsanto Protection Act, which was a rider slipped into an U.S. financial bill last year (now
considered gone). Monsanto Law has been criticized as violating national seed sovereignty.
Opponents include indigenous organizations, environmental groups, scientists, artists, and
members of Congress. A petition has been sent to President Otto Perez Molina to call the law
unconstitutional. This law violates articles of the Constitution relating to the Protection of
Individuals, Cultural Identity, Natural Heritage, RIGHT to Health, the principles of the Economic and
Social Regime, in addition to the obligation of the state to protect consumers, the petition states. If
that isnt enough, according to the Rural Studies Collective (Cer-Ixim) the implications of this law are
harsh and dire (but not too surprising, considering Monsantos treatment of farmers in the U.S.).
The law says that it is illegal and punishable by imprisonment if farmers do the following: possess or
exchange protected seed varieties without authorization, possess the harvest or save seeds for
future use, and use the product of varieties essentially derived from the protected variety. That
means even unintentionally doing it via contamination. This law gives biotech seed companies even
more power while small farmers suffer. Many Guatemalan groups oppose this deal as for its
unconstitutionality, a loss of biodiversity for foreign interests, and the lack of consent. That is why
recently the Constitutional Court of Guatemala suspended the controversial Monsanto Law,
which was a provision of an U.S. Central American trade agreement. Health freedom not corporate
exploitation should be advanced in the world.

Mozambique Farmers
Mozambique farmers are turning to natural sweet potatoes (instead of GMOs) to improve nutrition,
yields, and income. This is being done, so vitamin deficiencies are curbed. The non-genetically
modified, vitamin enriched sweet potato exists in many varieties and can be suitable for many
climates in which theyll grow. This is shown in a new report by The Orange fleshed
sweet potatoes (OFSP) initiative is about an estimated 135,000 smallholder farmers in Mozambique
(half of these farmers are women) being to grow the new varieties in an effort to provide a rich
source of vitamin A. About 70 percent of the people living in Mozambique suffer from Vitamin A
deficiencies. Most of these human beings are women and children under the age of five. Medium to
deep orange colored sweet potatoes give great nutrition as they are rich in beta-carotene. Betacarotene is a building block for vitamin A. Just a half of cup of boiled or mashed orange sweet
potatoes provided a child under give with adequate daily vitamin A intake according to Vitamin enriched sweet potatoes yield 20-25 metric tons a hectare, compared with
10 metric tons for ordinary varieties. Female farmers are using this as well. Launched in the 1990s,
OFSP is sponsored by the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Mozambican
government, which provided more than $1 million in funding. More than 15 years of research
resulted in 58 crops samples being imported from countries like China, Kenya, Tanzania and the
U.S., with the first large-scale field testing conducted by the south Mozambique branch of the
International Potato Center (CIP), a global research-for-development organization focused on roots
and tubers. There has been more than a decade of research results in natural, orange fleshed sweet
potatoes resistant to drought and heavy rains. There are eight varieties identified by the CIP as
producing good yields according to reports. The research was not always easy to get. In 2000, test
plots were destroyed after the region had widespread floods in the low lying areas of Mozambique.
After the flood, USAID and the Mozambican government created a plan to distribute the eight top
yielding varieties to an estimated 120,000 households. There is drought that can be a problem for
farmers as well. There have been 15 strains developed with help from the Helen Keller

International. Eight of those drought-resistant, orange fleshed sweet potatoes were successfully
trailed in seven of the countrys 11 provinces in 1999 according to

The sweet potatoes can be easy to cultivate and harvest as compared to ordinary varieties.
Farmers income can improve and demand for vitamin A rich potatoes is growing. There are many
creative uses of sweet potatoes in African nations. Sweet potatoes have been a great food staple in
Africa. NPR said that the Portuguese introduced the food centuries ago. In Uganda, amukeke, or
sun-dried sweet potatoes, are often eaten for breakfast topped with peanut sauce and
accompanied by a cup of tea. Inginyo, or sun-dried crushed sweet potatoes, are mixed with cassava
flour and tamarind (sticky, brown acidic pulp from the tamarind tree), forming a food called atapa.
This is usually eaten with smoked fish cooked in peanut sauce, according to

The sweet potatos vine tips and leaves are used as a vegetable in many African nations,
which outlines the crops versatility in terms of nutrition.

The Benefits of Doing Cardio

There are numerous benefits of cardio or cardiovascular exercises. Cardio precisely deals with any
movements that increases the heart up and increases blood circulation during an exercise activity.
Some people love cardio and others hate it. Yet, Cardio is one of the most important types of
exercises that a person can do. Many people use cardio as a means to burn off excess calories.
People can increase fat loss by using cardio, because calories burned versus calories consumed is a
great way of determining an exercise result. One benefit of cardio is that it can improve heart. The
human heart is a muscle. The heart can get stronger and we must work it as a means to make it
strong. If someone fails to work his or her heart, then it can weaken over time (which can lead into
numerous negative health effects). Getting the human heart pumping at a faster rate on a regular
basis can keep you in shape and be healthy. So, our heart muscle must be worked. Cardio can
increase metabolism. The more intense the cardio session, the higher the metabolic rate will come
in. Intense interval sprint or HIIT can increase the metabolism too. Metabolism can increase with
EPOC or (Excess Post exercise Oxygen consumption). Cardio also changes the hormonal profile in
the human body a lot. Cardio releases feel good hormones that can help ease symptoms of
depression and fatigue. It can release hormones that decrease the appetite.
Studies show that people who do regular cardio exercise often have a much more positive outlook
on life simply because they are getting the stress relief benefits from these hormones. Cardio can
improve the recovery ability of the human body. In other words, lower or moderate forms of cardio

can decrease the recovery time. This can reduce DOMS or the delayed onset of muscle soreness
and bring more oxygen rich blood to the muscle tissue improving in the repair and rebuilding
process. This means that a person can get back into the gym quicker and work the muscles again. A
person needs to have sufficient rest and a overloading of stimulus in order for muscle mass to grow.
Additional new muscle can be added in working more a muscle along with recovery being achieved.
Cardio can MANAGE DIABETES too. When cardio comes about, the muscles can have an increased
power to use glucose. Those who exercise regularly tend to have better control of their blood
sugars and dont have as many blood sugar swings as those who dont. Those with diabetes have
great sensitivity to blood sugar levels.

Other benefits of cardio include:

stronger lungs
increased bone density
reduced risk of heart disease and other types of cancers
more confidence
better sleep

Cardio is diverse. It can be walking, riding a bike, using a treadmill, doing an organized sport, etc.
Being patient, mixing exercises up, and focusing on improving the human body are great pieces of
advice as well to take when using cardio. Not to mention that cardio can improve the human brain
in memory, intellect, etc. "Cardiovascular health is more important than any other single factor in
preserving and improving learning and memory," says Thomas Crook, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist
and memory researcher. "You're working out your brain at the same time as your heart."
Cardio gives chemicals to the brain that develop memory, problem solving, and decision making.
"Exercise improves attention, memory, accuracy, and how quickly you process information, all of

which helps you make smarter decisions," says Charles H. Hillman, Ph.D., an associate professor of
kinesiology and community health at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
A study in Neurobiology of Learning and Memory found that people learned vocabulary words 20
percent faster after intense exercise than after low-intensity activity. Those who did moredemanding exercise had a bigger spike in their brains' levels of BDNF, dopamine, and epinephrine
afterward. So the more you challenge your body, the more your gray matter benefits. The
important thing is for a person to do an activity that gets them moving and their heart rate up.

I love track and field a great deal. I love the long jump, hurdles, other races, and sprinting too. Sprinting is
an excellent form of exercise. It is one of the greatest exercises for a person to build up the human body.
It can build up a lean, muscular body shape. Sprinting can simultaneously improve a persons aerobic
and anaerobic cardiovascular capacities as well. Sprinting as Harmer et al. have proven (in a 3 session
per week routine) can improve maximal sprint peak power, it can lengthen time to exhaustion at maximal
sprint-exertion, lower blood pressure, and increase incremental VO2 peak during exertion in people.
Sprinting can create a better heart, a better lung, improved circulation, better cognition, and improved
metabolism. The optimal hormonal environment can come about with sprinting as well. There is an all-out
sprint or moving the body in the fastest possible speed for a certain distance and high intensity training
(that is about creating alternating bursts of very intense activity with intervals of rest). There is tons of
research to show that repeated sprint training is a form of conditioning that can produce significant fat
loss (and it occurs in an amazingly small amount of training time). A 2010 study found that 6 sprint
sessions of six 30 second all out cycle sprints with 4 minutes rest over 2 weeks led to a leaner waist by 3
cm. and a much great use of fat for fuel. Also, sprint training can build muscle and increase the size plus
strength of powerful, fast twitch fibers. Studies show how sprinting enhances protein synthesis pathway
by as much as 230 percent. The right nutrition and recovery will lead into muscle building, which causes a
person to look leaner and RUN FASTER. It can increase the amount of glycogen stored in the muscle by

as high as 20 percent. It can improve endurance capacity, maximal oxygen uptake, etc. A number of
studies show any time you alternate intense bursts of EXERCISE with rest periods; you will improve
insulin sensitivity and blood sugar tolerance. This is partly because sprints decrease chronic inflammation
and partly because the cells must adapt to more efficiently produce energy to keep you going. For
example, a 2006 review showed that protocols that are more anaerobic in nature, as sprints are, produce
higher EPOC than steady-state training because the trained muscle cells must restore physiological
factors in the cells. This translates into a lot of extra energy expenditure to help get you lean. Sprint
training decreases inflammation in the brain, and improves cognition plus brain volume. It can save time
and build confidence too.
There is the issue of Big Agra (companies like ConAgra, ADM, Monsanto, Cargill, etc. are in the Big Agra
business) too. There is a health disparity in poorer communities. Many poor human beings have a lack of
affordable access to fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, and other hallmarks of healthy nutrition. There is
nothing wrong with farmers markets that ca provide poorer communities with healthy fruits and
vegetables, which can improve human health in general. According to study findings, people who were
given the vouchers were found to increase their produce consumption. In fact, study participants with less
education consumed the most significant amounts. In terms of healthy food options, farmers market
incentives may be able to bring a low-income person onto the same playing field as those with greater
means, study author Carolyn Dimitri, an associate professor of food studies at NYU Steinhardt School of
Culture, Education, and Human Development, said in a university news release. Supplemental Nutrition
Assistance Program (SNAP) or food stamps can allow many people to go into one in four farmers
markets in America. Some local government and nonprofit organizations have started to offer vouchers
that low income families can use at farmers markets. I believe in farmers markets and organic foods too.
I believe that any GMO foods should be labeled.

This is what I look like physically. Right now as of late December 2014, I am 31 years
old. Health is very important.
The principle of the Golden Rule rings true throughout time and throughout the Universe. We all have our
own journeys in our lives. Nothing will be totally perfect in life. Yet, we can improve our lives as years go
on. It is important to place ourselves in the shoes of others. There is nothing wrong with us expressing
empathy, compassion, and respect to our neighbors. It is very important to not only know about health,
but to inspire our communities to be more health-conscious. Also, we should give respect to the people in
our lives that inspired us, mentored us, and stirred us in the right direction. I cant list all of the people in
my life here that gave me excellent advice on issues, who are my friends, and who are just great people
in general. They know who they are. It is just the truth that true strength has nothing to do with
intimidating people. It has to do with working with people in a constructive fashion, it deals with defending
wisdom, and standing up for the truth even when the truth is unpopular among society. Even today, it is

not very popular to condemn empire, oligarchy, bigotry, unfair voter ID laws, economic inequality, mass
incarceration, and other evils in our society. Yet, we are going to speak up about these issues regardless.
Nothing is going to turn us around. There must be a radical redistribution of economic and
political power in the world.

So, we should know about what is happening and be part of the solution as well. That is why it is so great
to mentor, to volunteer, and to be part of independent groups who are doing real things in enriching
humanity. We have to be revolutionary like the heroes of history were. Even today, many of the youth are
revolutionary and want to witness real social change in the world. I am a young man, but I am still
conscious. The youth and the older generation are part of the same movement for real change. Human
health is not only interesting, but learning about it can save lives literally. Love is the most powerful force
in the Universe. It is the love for people and the love for justice that can end oppression. Love is superior
to hate and true Love is about constructive action too. That means that we when help fellow people in a
positive direction, then that is one great example of Love. We have love for the poor, for black people,
and for the truth in general. We all want to help human life.

By Timothy

Keep on Moving Forward

Never Give Up
Peace and Blessings to You All

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