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Please be sure that you sign up for your parent teacher conference on

Friday, October 24
Homework Assignments and Reminders
Week of October 13, 2014
Hope you enjoyed your day of!
Practice your memory verse. (Deuteronomy 31:8) Be ready to say it
tomorrow morning.
Practice spelling words. There will e spelling test !riday.
"egular #ords: sit sits win wins $it $its hit hits nap naps
Bonus #ords: her too
!ancy %ancy #ord: tomorrow
Thin& aout how you will complete your '(haring Page) (Tell *s +out
Pump&ins). ,(ee speci$ic directions elow.
Put your chapel o$$ering in your -. %oteoo&. /ou will get an envelope at
0t is lirary tomorrow1 Boo&s were not chec&ed out last wee&. 0$ you did
not return your oo&s last wee& e sure to ring them tomorrow.
Practice your memory verse (2phesians 3:14).
Practice your spelling words.
Prepare and practice your '(haring Page) (Tell *s +out Pump&ins)
Practice your memory verse (2phesians 3:14). Be ready to say it tomorrow
!inish preparing and practicing your '(haring Page) (Tell *s +out Pump&ins)
Practice spelling words. (pelling test is tomorrow1
Have a great weekend!
Directions $or (haring Page (Tell *s +out Pump&ins)
#rite two sentences that tell egin with 'Pump&ins can e 5)
#rite one sentence that egins with 'Pump&ins cannot 5)
#rite neatly and care$ully.
Be sure to practice reading orally multiple times.

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