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Prepare yourself for the BAC exam

Subiecte tip 1 (nivelAl- A2)
1. You have
witnessed an accident and you feel like talking to someone about this
terrible experience. Write your best friend an email of 80-100 words, explaining what
happened and asking for his help to get over it.
2. You have
returned home after being caught by a powerful
storm. Write your
friend an email of 80-'100 words, explaining what happened and your impressions.
3. While being on holiday you have experienced an extremely unexpected meeting and you
are still under its strong impression. Write your best friend an email of 80-100 words,
telling him/ her what happened and asking for an opinion about the way you
handled it.
4. Write a short narrative about the way you discovered the character of one of your
friends. Write your
answer in 80-100 words.
5. The student club you
attend is organising an event to which you would like to invite
the parents
of all the members. Write the letter in about 100 words.
6. Write a short letter to your
best friend to send him/her news about a great
of yours. Write your
answer in 80-100 words.
7' You have
won two tickets to spend a weekend at the seaside. Write your
friend an email of 80-100 words, to invite him/ her to come with you.
I' You have to take an important decision.Write a short letter to your pen pal
asking him/
her for some advice on the matter. Write your answer in B0-100 words.
9' You are ready to spend a weeklong holiday in another country and you need your
best friend to help you take care of your pet. Write a B0-100 word -
email to ask for
his help and give the necessary directions on how to take care of your pet.
10' Your best friend has asked you to give him/ her some advice related to a diet problem
and you
decided to send your answer in a short e-mail. Write your
answer in 80-,100
11. Write an email to your best friend to inform him/ her about your plans
for this holiday
and ask him/ her if it is possible
join you.
Use no more than
12. Write a short narrative about a situation that seemed dangerous, but eventually
turned into a funny one. Write your
answer in 80-100 words.
13. Write a short letter to your friend asking for his/ her advice on how to convince your
to let you go on a trip to the mountains scheduled for the beginning of the
holiday. Write your
answer in 80-100 words.
14' The editor of your
school magazine has asked you to write an article about a time
when you failed and what you have learned from that experience. Write an article of
about 100 words.
15. Your parents have
surprised to help you by offering to arrange your own room,
the way you like it. Write your
best friend an email of B0-100 words, describing your
new room and inviting him.
Prepare yourself for lhe BAC exam
To: reggie...
Subject: a terrible accident!
Hi, Reggie,
I'm sorry to bother you, but I've
arrived home after witnessing a terrible accident and
I need to talk to you, my best friend. I'm shaking like a leaf now and it's not easy to write.
I was waiting for the green light, when suddenly a young man dashed towards a tram
coming. Just then a 4x4 took the curb and ran the man over in an instant! lt was so
horriblel Somebody called 112, but the man was clearly dead.
What should I do now? I keep that image seeing it in front of rny eyes!
Subject: a terrible storm!
Hi, my dear,
l'm so happy I am writing to you now, because
a few minutes ago I thought l'd end
up in a field. You wouldn't believe what a terrible storm caught me while driving home
from my grandparents' place!
I've never seen anything like that: long powerful
shinny lightning crossed the sky and the
thunders were rumbling, shaking the road under the wheels. I could swear one would strike
me, but I survived. l'm still trembling like a leaf, but life seems so beautiful afterthis experience.
I can't wait to tell you more!
To: andrew...
Subject: an unexpecied encounter
Hi, Andy!
I hope you're fine and have a bit of time to read about my totally unexpected encounier
I had last week.
Do you remember that girl from the mountain chalet who saved my life during the school
trip? When I was in hospital, nobody knew when to find her. Well, I met her on the beach!
I was afraid she wouldn't recognise me, but she did! She also wanted to know more
about my situation, but she didn't know how to find me. So, we exchanged phone
numbers and email adrresses and we'll meet again. lsn't it extraordinary?
Prepare yourself for the BAC exam
trl +.
The blessing of true friendship
It was Sepiember in a new school for me. My previous
classmates had been extremely
friendly and I was aware that I had been very lucky so far. Unfortunately, my parents
decided to move io another town and I had to leave, too.
While walking nervously in the early autumn morning, one of my friends from the other
schooljoined me. He was so far from his house! He said he knew how difficult some
beginnings could be and that it would nice to make me feel like I was not alone. How easy
can all hardhips become with friends like him around!
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Toma,
I am writing this letter to invite you to the exhibition
Future in Our Eyes", displaying
the paintings of the members of our Art Club.
The event will take place
in the main hall of our high school, on October the 5th, from 10
a.m. until 7 p.m. The paintings
show different outlooks for student life and the guests
can talk with the artists in a small coffee room.
We would be honoured if you could come and we look fonrrard to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
George Adam,
Art Club representative
Dear Michael,
How have you been doing? And what about the projects you had in mind the last time
we talked?
As for me, I am writing now to share with you the great joy
that l'm feeling. l've received
the results for the Cambridge test that I sat in March and l've passed
it with A! I am so
happy that all the effort has paid
Now I can come to visit you because I feel I deserve a little holiday before the school
exams session comes up. What do you think?
Waiting for your answer,
Your best friend,
Hello, Jeremy!
How are things going? I hope everything's oK because I have great news: I've
two tickets at the prize
draw promoting
the new chocolate wafers! They are for a 3-day
stay at the seaside. Will you come with me next weekend to Mamaia, at the Park Hotel?l
can't think of anybody else because you
are my best friend and you are to stay in
Romania for only two months! Please let me know if you
can come asap, because I have
to send them the name of the person
l'll bring along in two days'time.
Prepare yourself for the BAC exam
El e.
Dear Daniel,
I hope my letter finds you well and that
you can help me answer the question that has
been haunting my mind so much these days.
know how much I've always wanted to study abroad, and now my uncle is offering
to help me with my studies in his country. But this decision is not as easy as I thought it
would be.
I am in love, as you know, and I don't want her here and me there. Moreover, I don't
even think that I will become better
prepared there either.
What should I do? Please write to me!
Your friend,
please, can you take care of my cat?
Hello, my dearest!
I'm writing to ask
you to take care of my cat while I am away in Greece. You know l'm
leaving in 2 days.
always loved Mizzy and I hope you two will get along very well. I'll bring her sand
tray and her food to your house and I'll stay overnight for her to get used to your place'
ls it all right with you? lt's only for a week and you are living alone for the moment.
I'm so
grateful for your help! I'll bring
you something very nice from Greecel
E ro.
Subject: Re:
Dear Marian,
l'm writing to answer
your questions about the diet for the new bodybuilding classes.
It's great you thought of doing something about your weight, but I'm afraid bodybuilding
will only make it worse with ali the muscle development involved.
I can send you some materials about what food to eat, but you should actually talk to a
dietician. lt's a very serious thing what you're trying to do and everybody has a different
metabolism. You can read about nutrients and
proper meals, but it's better to personalize
this information.
So, pay more attention, buddY!
Prepare yourself for the BAC exam
E rr.
Subject: invitation to the world
Dearest Sorana,
How are things going? lf everything is fine, I have an extraordinary invitation for you.
My parents
are having a tour of Europe's most famous cities this summer and they asked
me rf I wanted to take any of my friends with me... and I'd really like you to come.
lmagine: Paris, venice, Geneve, these are
some of the places
we'll be visiting
because there are many more on theirwishlist. What do you say? Can you come with me?
Please, ialk to your parents
and call mel lf there's no problem,
they'll have to talk io mine
8 tz.
The soap opera that saved my day
It was long after midnight. I was corning back from a Saturday night party,
scared at the
thought of my mum getting upset with me because of the late hour. She had been always
very strict about me coming home before'10 o'clock, but I totally forgot about it with all
the music and my friends' jokes
I entered as silently as I could, but to my terrible surprise my mother was in the living
room, watching her favourite TV series. I'froze In the doorway. But she turned her eyes
shining brightly to me and said:
finally married Robertol".
I rs.
My dear Jane,
How are you? I really need your help with some advice.
It's about asking my parents
for permission
to go on a trip to Bugteni with my classmates,
at the beginning of the winter holiday. They are definitely against it and I know that
weather may be a problem,
but we'll travel by train and we have where to stay if needed.
So, how to convince them that I'll stay out of trouble?
I have to admit that no teacher comes along because it's our arrangement only. Maybe
you have some ideas because, seemingly, everything pleads
against my plan.
Prepare yourself for the BAC exam
E t+.
Failure can be a good teacher, too!
! was 15, full of confidence and ready to dine out with my girlfriend, when her broiher
challenged me who would run faster to the nearest
park, actually many blocks away. I
accepted the challenge, but I fell some hundreds of metres away with a muscle strain.
It was foolishness on my part... Firstly, never start running without some exercise before.
Secondly, never accept a challenge without understanding why it had got to you,
becausethat day my girlfriend dined out with her brother's deskmate who actually had
asked him to find a way to get me away from her. Unfortunately, for good!
E rs.
please, my new room
Hey, Anniel
i hope things are OK with you because I'd like to invite you to see my new room.
It's been my dream since childhood and now my parents surprised me and they let me
arrange it my way. l'm happy and also tired. I painted it green and I put spot lights on the
ceiling. The windows have
greenish blinds and the carpet I bought is fluffy with some
geomlirical pattern. The computer is placed within the bookshelves
a very hip design.
I can hardly wait for you to see it! Whai do you say?
Prepare yourself for the BAC exam
Subiecte tip 2 (nivel B1-B2l
1. Write an opinion essay in response to the following statement: Art does not reproduce
what is visible; it makes things visible. Write your essay in 180-200 words.
2. Write a
essay of about 200 words on the following topic Competitive
are good for children.
3. Write an argumentative essay in response to the following statement: lt takes a great
deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but even more to stand up to your
friends. Write your answer in 180-200 words.
4. Your school magazine organises an article competition entitled: What is True
Friendship? Write your
article in 180-200 words.
5. Your school organises a competition for articles entitled Do We Reatty Need
Advertising? Write your answer in
6. Write an opinion essay in response to the following statement Modern technotogy is
not always what we desire it to be. Write your answer in 180-200 words.
7. As your lT club representative, you decided to write a formal letter to one of the
companies that may sponsor your activity to ask for information related to their offer.
Write your answer in
8. Write an opinion essay in response to the following statement: The highest result of
education is tolerance. Write your
answer in 180-200 words.
9. The editor of your
school magazine has asked you to write an article about how
fashion is generally perceived
by teenagers. Write your
answer in 180-200 words.
10. Write an argumentative essay in response to the following statemen|. The voting
age should be raised to twenty. Write your answer in l 80-200 words.
11. As part
of a school project, you are asked to write a for-and-against essay on
shopping. Write your
answer in 180-200 words.
12. Write an argurnentative essay in response to the following statement'. The generation
gap cannot be bridged. Write your answer in 180-200 words.
13. Write an opinion essay of about 200 words on the following lopic: Viotence against
nature is a crime against humanity.
14. Your school organised an opinion essay competition on topics of
for teenagers, and you decided to write about hobbies. Write your
answer in 180-200
15. Write an argumentative essay in response to the following statement Young peopte
today do nof use their free time wisely. write your
answer in 180-200 words.
Prepare yourself for the BAC exam
Art has always been the subject of a numerous debates of different artistic and
philosophical irends throughout history. ln my opinion, art definitely does not reproduce
people can see for themselves, but it actually teaches them to see and recognise
Even if each and every thing on this planet has its
particular beauty and charm, only few
people are able to distlnguish them from the diversity of other things. lt requires a special
ialent and sensitlvity to ipot the differences
in the shades of a colour or the outstanding
shape of a leaf against the background of the sky. This is why it is the artist captures all
jewells out of the ordinary and displays them on a canvas or through a sculpture
and thus all the
people have the chance to see them, even those who may have
by, ignoring their value.
Moreover, although there is the
generic term of
"beauty", different
people appreciate
different things. ln such cases, it is again the artists who can speak to all kinds of
audiences, making their souls vibrate in front of works of art'
ln conclusion, art helps us indeed to see the world better'
games are
good for children
It is already common knowledge that
playing is the most important way children learn
about life and themselves. lt is not only true for human beings, but for all animals' babies
that learn in the same manner. What remains is a matter of controversy is whether
competition is as important for
people as it is for animals'
people enter a competitive
life as soon as their career becomes an issue'
children strouid
get accustomed
to fighting to be the first since they are
On the other hand, while in the animal world being competitive is a matter of death and
survival, in people's case the moral side of our human essence teaches us the contrary'
We learn to
protect the weak ones and show care, empathy, even sacrifice' traits that
require an extremely long and difficult
process to form and develop.
Another argument against is competitive
games. The children's sensitivity and its
their entire lives. Competition implies a winner and a loser and
either way it will affect the future adult in a negative way'
ln conclusion, competitive
should be played at an age when children can handle
their emotions.
Friendship is maybe the
greatest gift that one human can give to another during their
lifetimes and remains the
oipeople of all types and ages' However, there is a big
difference between true friendship and the numerous types of friends one can have in
their life. One way of testing theii friendship is to be able to stand up to them for what
you believe is essential for yourself.
Prepare yourself
for the BAC exam
Considering the value and scarcity of true friendship, it is understandable
why people
doing everything in their power
to fight for it when they think they have found it.
in so doing ihey may forget who they really are because they are
continuously trying to be liked. This is why it takes a greater
deal of courage to stano up
to your
friends than to your
enemies: fighting your
enemy will bring you
while trying to convince your
friends about sornething they ilearty are against will put you
in a bad light and you
may end up losing them.
ln my opinion, standing up to your
friends requires not only courage, but also wisdom,
and the clear knowledge of what true friends are.
What is True Friendship?
How often have you feit betrayed, misunderstood
and wishing you had a true friend? lf
the answer is a number bigger than one, did you try to figure oluiwrrat had gone wrong?
,A true friend is one who always stancls by your
side in both good
times and bad times.
Otherwrse, no matter the feelings involved, the relationstrip r,iitt collapse awfully soon.
Another valuable quality
is the friend's power
of understanding
and accepting you
way you
are' None of us is perfect
that's why a friend sometimLs needs to understand
and your problems,
even when you yourself
can't do it, and what,s more, a true
friend must accept you the way you
But perhaps
the greatest
and the most difficuit quality
to find in a friend is their capacity
of never giving
up on you
and on the hope that you'll
change for the better someday.
Accepting you
as you
are shouldn't imply not trying to help you
see your
mistakes and
irnproving in every way we need. Only in a realfriendship
onu findso much care and
which is what makes it so rare!
My conclusion: if you
ever find true friendship, fight for it and learn from it!
Do We Really Need Advertising?
one modern saying so often quoted
as if it seems to apply to aimost everything
me once, and it is on you, fool me twice and'it gets
on me". lsn,t thii
the case of advertising, too?
The main purpose
of an advertisement is to inform the public
about the new products
the market and everyone needs that information. How can you
make a choice when you
know virtually nothing about the items on sale? so, an ad would help you
figure but
whether you
should buy product
or product
No matter how relevant this may sound, a problem
arises: can you
trust this information?
ln a world market with so many brands of detergent, perfume,
diapers and so on, how
can you
believe that only the advertised products
are good for you?
Either the others are
so good
that they do not need to be advertised or they don'i have enough funding to
afford promotion.
ln my opinion, only by trying out various products
can we actually form a
about any of them. Advertising
should fool us only once. That,s why, no matter how
stressful, silly or inviting an ad can be, getting
fooled twice becomes our problem.
Prepare yourself for the BAC exam
Modern technology is not always what we desire it to be
Nowadays, there may not be a topic more debated than the impact of modern technology
on people's lives and, unfortunately, I have to admit that many of the shoricomings
brought into discussion here have already turned oui to be true, apparently despite initial
Firstly, one can think of nuclear energy that was created for totally
positive purposes,
which triggered destruction beyond humankind's worst nightmares.
Secondly, computers were invented and upgraded so that we can increase our work
speed and the amount of information processed. Unfortunately, people have also found
ways to use high-tech devices to invade privacy, steal
property and identities or deceive
others. Not to mention the negative effect that radiation emitted by connputers has on
people's health.
Although the examples could continue with pharmaceuticals, genetics, advertising,
satellites and others, nobody can argue against the idea that only the wrong use of
modern technology made its destructive
potential possible.
ln conclusion, I personally agree there is a long way between the good intentions of
technological breakthroughs and their evolving into totally unexpected directions. I arn
convinced this problem cannot be solved by ceasing scientific research, but through
strong, united and devoted efforts to predict and limit its negative outcomes.
Dear Sir/ Madam,
I am writing regarding your offer to sponsor our high school lT club with a number of
computers and a series of peripherals necessary for our activity.
As far as I have understood from my discussion with our school headmaster, there is a
number of items which you would be willing io help us with. This is why I would like to
ask you on behalf of all my colleagues to send us ihis offer together with any
requirements that you may have so that we can discuss the details.
Furthermore, I would also like to be notified about the papers I should need and the
steps I should follow to acquire this equipment as soon as possible, as we are truly in
great need.
I end my letter by expressing my deep gratitude for your intentions and I look forward to
receiving further information from you, as well as any othen demand you consider that
we should take into consideration. I can be contacted either via mail at
it club or on the mobile phone no.0720202xxx.
Yours faithfully,
Mihailescu Mihai
lT Club Representative, High school No. 301
Prepare yourse!f for the BAC exam
ln a world where landing a
is not as easy as "A, B, c'and success is everybody,s
education has become more and more important as people
realised it cin fretp
them become more competitive. Unfortunately, not many people
understand that the
highesi result of education is tolerance towards peopl-e'around
us, no matter the
competition involved.
One reason why tolerance is disregarded, is that people
learn to fight since an early age:
fight for their toys, for people's
attention, against ihe bulties in th6 street, etc. Althor"fth
some parents
teach their children to share their possessions,
there are also many w6o
do not do it, but on the contrary. lt takes long and many years
of education for people,
both parents
and children, to undersiand that no matterhow strong you may be
moment, only the power
of patience
and tolerance can bring exteinal and inner p"a"".
Another reason is people's general
opinion that they are better than the others around. Again
it is only education that can make people
understand that our personal
value should not m"ake
and hurt the others, as everybody is valuable and extraordinary in their own way.
So, true education is seeing that people
can co-exist peacefully.
Fashion and Us
Have you
ever wondered what fashion really looks like? I think that it resembles
the monster who tried to make everyone fit the sizes of his bed, disregarding their beauty.
I'm afraid that no matter how good-looking
some people
are, they will never have a high
opinion of themselves without a fashionable outfit or accessorie-s on. Don't you
And it was not me or you who imposed it on the already troubled soul of the teeriager,
but the millions of posters,
ads and teen models around.
No sane human being has something against beauty, but I think that it's madness to
spend the never returning time of your life and the money needed to build a future on
false images and forever elusive dreams. Personally, I love my friends so much that it
hurts me to see both girls
and boys mesmerised either by TV ad or in a shop window
with the latest models of outrageo,usly extravagant items. And all these while both my
friends and the people
behind the fashion indusiry can be wonderful human beings!
My creed: we are so much more than fashion!
E to.
Voting is maybe the most important feature of a democratic society and the one that can
show the degree of civilisation and wisdom of a nation. This is why the electorate
definitely needs a set of skills in order to use this right for the real benefit of everybody,
skills that cannot be acquired easily.
On the one hand, it would be a good idea for the voting age to be raised to twenty as
young people
need maturity, care and knowledge in order to vote in a responsible way.
What usually happens when a person
comes of age is only the
of a particular
of doing whatever they want. lt is difficult to see such a frenetic and rebellious young
really interested in the fate of the nation.
On the other hand, not all the young people lack the maturity and sense of responsibility needed
forvoting. The young population
is notthat numerous nowadays, so itwould not be a good idea
to raise the voting age to twenty, because the number of young voters would diminish.
ln conclusion, the voting age depends solely on how mature and wise the young
Prepare yourselfforthe BAC exam
trl rr.
Nowadays, it is impossible to imagine our world and social habits without going shopping
or using money, but it is hardly the best thing that has happened to us all.
To begin with, shopping is a good way to purchase the items one needs at a particular
time, the
quantity and quality desired. Unfortunately, their price will always represent a
problem as the desired
product may cost far more than the buyer can afford.
Secondly, the wide range of shops employ a large workforce that is extremely important
both for the level of a state's economy and the well-being of its citizens. On the other
hand, this very thing creates an abundance of
products which are not actually needed
and leads to a great waste of resources.
Thirdly, every buyer needs to be informed about the items available on the market so thai
he can make the best decision and this is how a new industry appeared: advertising.
However, as more and more new brands are launched, advertising has become a way
of deceiving
people into buying, rather than
To conclude with, shopping is necessary, but far less innocent than it seems. So, the more
aspects a responsible consumer takes into consideration, the better it is for everyone.
The generation gap
The Generation gap is the conflict that arises between two different generations due to
lack of communication and understanding, but it is mainly used as an explanation for
the problematic relationships between parents and their adolescent offspring. Although
it is a widespread phenomenon, it is an exaggeration to say that this gap cannot be
It is essential to acknowledge that a bridge can be built only if people on both banks of
the river agree with it. Consequently, the generation gap can be bridged only through the
mutual effort of both parents and children. The difficulty of such an endeavour is the very
fact that each part awaits for the other to take the initiative, or even accomplish the task.
As a result, it is fair to say that as long as the wisdom, life experience and patience of
the parent can communicate with the new type of experience and the need of personal
choices of the adolescent, there is a chance of a bridge being built over the conflict
region. A child has not been a
parent, but a parent was a child at some point.
ln conclusion, the possibility of a bridge over the generation gap should always be
E 13.
Violence against nature is a crime against humanity
As generic a term as
"humanity" may seem, it actually refers to all of us, and so every
action against nature is against ourselves because we are natural beings, not machines.
My first argument to support this idea is our health. ln order to survive we need air, water,
food that is processed from plants, either directly or after having used them to feed
animals. Therefore the destruction of any of these will cause damage to us in return.
Prepare yourself for the BAC exam
secondly, we can consider our very living. All our houses, big or small, wooden or
concrete, rich or poor,
are built on earth. consequently,
the quality
of our land is
extremely important for our security and comfort. Unfortunately,
earthquakes, floods,
fires and other disasters are not all natural, but also the result of nuclear experiments,
and bad resource management.
Thirdly, the natural environment is a source of delight even for those used to living
surrounded by sky-scrapers because no matter how ignorant or insensitive, they cunno-t
be but impressed by nature's beauty.
ln conclusion, as humanity and nature meet in us, I cannot but agree that if nature is
endangered, we are all affected, indiscriminately.
E t+.
ln spite of so many magazine articles encouraging people
to take up a hobby, I consider
that their importance in one's life is not fully understood.
First of all, hobbies give spare time the greatest
value because they provide
rest and
to both mind and body. No matter if one is involved in a sport activity, a
creative one or
uses their tools to repair something around the house, this actions
will offer them a special kind of active resting and a pleasurable
way of spending their
Secondly, while indulging yourself
in a hobby you
break free from all the pressure
stress of your
daily work. Emotionally speaking, hobbies help people
relax and focus on
the positive
side of life. Moreover, every hobby will lead to a welcomed result, either from
a material or physical point
of view: not only will your
brain receive the break it needs,
but your hobby can always turn into a source of income.
ln conclusion, having a hobby or more can enrich one's life and that is why I think that
should be encouraged to discover this inner
E rs.
We all love to spend time having fun and relaxing ourselves. Unfortunately, what most
do not understand is that free time will never come back and this is why we all
should try and spend it as wisely as possible.
As for young people,
it is difficult to say they all consider time in the same manner. On
the one hand, there are the youngsters
who do not care too much about their future and
use all the modern facilities only for fun and doing foolish things and indeed, these waste
their free time in activities that do not bring them any benefit.
But on the other hand, there are young people
who are extremely interested in building
a good future for themselves. They are the ones who spend their free time trying to
improve their social skills, getting
involved in different social and scientific projecti
using modern technology in order to expand their artistic skills. ln this case, nobody
could say they do not use their free time wisely, on the contrary.
ln conclusion, as it happens with atmost everything, youth's
actions cannot be
because everyone is different.

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