Death Point Striking Erle Montaigue

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CHAmII, 1:' p,t)irlt. . .. ;.+ .. " ~ ••• + .. "'~."' ~ .... ~~ •••• '., ••••••. ~ .•. ~,.


CHAPl'D 2:. P.a~.JiD&~ The:. '. ~ .. , Of.D~,;Mak u .... ~u3~'

ellA"II.3t Haw to Use Dim .. Mak +,;0+00 •• ~~ • ., •• , .' •• ,~~ ~ ••••• ,. ~491

.. . . ..

CHAP"nI .e Th,~. ~{'Jjn.ts and Wlutt· They Do. m~.,'" .,;' - J~ 5

CF.[A,rtH 5: Mul~pme Strikes~. :Adva need

'Iechniques, ·and TheIr Impli~ti(jns :1 Q1' CHAlTER,6: Secret t1ii~'Plar Hand Tecbmli~~les ,i_~Hl$'7

CuAI'I'EK- "I: 'The He ali'Dg. }at of..Dirn ~J4akr,.~ .•. ~ ,~.~ ina

ConclUision .. ~ ..... ' ... , ........ ·m~ ••• i~~ r~' ".U+'" ,' " ~ t:wi

~ A: ~ali'Qg ~p,plications . .,+. .••• ~~~.~~ ••• :n. n~. '''h.~ .. r93~

A!nND£X 15: Martial Apptica.tionS' .. , ,.' m •• r~ •••• r+++¥2tJl.

. . ;

Aboot the .Author ..... n .... i. ~h .... i i rU .'U "I •• ~ ... ;'~ .2~115:_ 4-

. _ ,f

.. 1~·~ i:*~P'


6-"' ,of'"

. 'EOI 'Karen Poehert for ~ llilJ;W,erving, efforts '~n' ~if~ill<'mnC1 this .Ql08t 'diffi.cult.

. , ...

'm~usCl":ipt into .a let'ut~

<i~=."'~ an 'h'olJ,'Qi to- writ.¢. it

forewotd fOf. fl man .0£' ealiher as Muter ErIe

..... ~....,..,. ~ ... "im:1·IR, J!·"J-U~.l'lL~~O'~"';·

After tm"j,mng fu.r an intiodulCtoty D~od tit ~~. de. ca·des, I have f~u;ndl .. fe"w people, WDO" U'llde~ 1ia:nd the prin.~ple and deraonstrate wi:tb:~\pe~~G~ 'cWitl the es.~i'I!nce' ·af the· 'mart@'l·art.s'J tbe ~u,th01' he.JOD8$.. to that rare.breed, '

I' hsve iinvested 'both tim·e 'and 'mOll~y in cou.ntless bboks . ,ana. other .forms, ol.iJ:iformation in ~tdel tri deepen' my 'frWD -luid,~;st·anding:. -nu" b~~k, more than 'any' ()lthe,r'~ provfde.8, a s'Ys,tr~truft4c; geo.uinc. :P'3·tJiw.ay· '(~wa:rd ~em,,,s,tifyipig; the

mvsti oIr'I'oI'if11 ~th"''iil'''' L...,..o!:d,;w..,~'a l'b- ill; flMr.rtP of··r, .. L'e Qri' ~~ -'!':'Ahiil.-

, : _'~I'aIL ~., ... ,-.;~ .. :~;glw.'~ -!lJQ~.JleJ·r~- [II.;. Eil''r'U\IJ. ... '. r"JilI: <._ '_ .[~,,~;,

A'll.yone 'with. a real passion, and :o,ot Just. a' lW.

patsdlSinbg .~~, ~for th~e~~M~ ~~~~will ind··.·cvit.t~~.,

rea .aoutiJH;·suppoku. .great lIJ~ts mi. m1'"

prowes s att~,ibut~a to '1' ai chi ch'uan. Ib~~ ·all "uanJi or loose boxing; as, it 'was origiDally-~~4i ..

. M.lOY people .cite marvelous. ,beats, of· .. pas,t masters, . and ODe asks,. HIs thi.s f:~'UJt or fletion?"

I do not hen.eve In fairy tale;S.; h.a;"I~v e.t'f. I do ~e that ,w'e can asplilr,e to and ,achieve ·the ~evJf!l of past m'as;ters'. They possessed a k.nowlelige. and ~ri s .10m iounded in .n·~.tu re BJ}d, b'a s,e;cl on tn.eir

~~i.ente. and .. interactfQft "Widl it.' .' .

. -&ven· natural ability and hard 'wotkj ;tdrievlng. a h.i.glm level o.f oomp·ete',nce is not. ~~Gd' 'wjfjboui

• t: i':~ L':~',FW' ~

cotr~~'I[n(]~tlOn' anu

Erl'e. Monuigue .WotJnMly· .guides us the

f'!I n.~6C· t' 'r~a~J <i ..,.,....",~.,l Wl··· th ..... iL 'e' ¥ 170' 0"..1 ~£I Ii _.;,; ""n;" ire d'·'

~..[pJa.:&~ .. I_ .,~g.' a ........ ,.I.L~ -.j' - •• EW.l . Qi"" U. y~. i1b·~I~,&_" .... _

nom hi,s dir~t ·l.i1).ea.g~1 traceable baC,k' to th e ~great Yang Lu~ch.JltIi" di@ ftlunde;r: 'Of: the r.~.'YQg: ·style.

'TJ1iS ,'OOuk· states ,~clear y. the mttho.,d,s 'that are hidden In the t "ai chi clas sics. .Dirn·.,.mak is the m·~iO'r l~tUent· mooig; with til~Jill&. that wari.r:ants.

.~'·;":~11':4g"- t·! ~J! .... 1.L~ ~b j1l1~"1Ii""ii the -FiS' erne ulti ......... ate n d ~u . ,~l iri.o:.lll. :,;., :. ~uc; ie .' 'U'I~.:.D:.· . III.-.1..ll.LA:·, ·111,

moreoverj. th,e· deaiIlj:est martial art ·ever· ill vente d' .

I)i~'··.mak tan be' [ex:tI'l!:rq~ly dangerous, espec.iall, 'w~ell coupled ~:i til' the imma t D·rity of

: e.gotisdcai showm.en w'ba~];lear no res emblance co cJ:e:dfbme martial. at'd.sts·~ It. becomes ,a ,gq_nl in a. cllilp.~~s :han4~·;. it,is '~Q;t 8;0 'much 'the ,~ tl~:a~~ is: pp:t~.iitia~y (lethal, h ... t ~he immatunty of the child, that· makes it so ·dangel'o14s.

By studyipg the' cx;.n~cpfs.. of tb.e.intem~,~ts (~d the ,ext¢mSl arts .at a matwle·]e;ve1_), w~· .tire able tu eJ[evate,' the e.fiootlveness '&li OUI art-so th'aJt both the '~~t and the pe~,sQn, -t:v~lYe'J .. beeomiDg··,'~;4~adlT·W\tb.

di . II ~. ~ f . ...-11 l' \ - ., • bot

:gI1i~f; '. il':r"t~l liS : ar f¢ll1)f~yeu rrom ·:tt.reSll!Qn;sl ~ .1'.

striking ax feW 'acuptmc"ture points. B¥, .€on:tr~t .. ~ you need-to be skUled. as.a resUlt 01 itnVe$lling8,atd WQ~"

01' as· the (jbinese say, fl:~g~fu: .. ~ . .

t. TJ~ai, ~i is ~ ,shield Jiainst ·.ill healtb :and disease;'

~.~' ~h!~~m,a'k'd~lso 'becomel,,: .'5 an-aid t'O achieving ~~~~iLty . ~- ... aen use corrreL, ~() Wf;YeD'tt nr reverse 'me enecr

.. %3t- . ._ <, • , <

~. 'O'lL!: MA' . . V'. D~ ..... ....-rn' .. '0' n.r..... ~~.~'ir.iif":

_ '0; ,~"'-. _.~.,~ ... .Q,'. ·li-..I. i:;II .. ~ .. g


-K'en Johni~~ .Sm Dan" Tani Ha Sl'lfttr:rjJJ. X:uare g'eptcHnib@:f 19:512,


::_~~-;. chi' ch"uati is .3. relatively

moclem pllr-ase 'It male: . . :in the Iate rrlneteentb cent;'tlry'. Iflerre" thlt/' 'wmaf· "oow.~mow'·KS "t~~:ai ,chi 'was carUe:d .by other 'u,iun,es" such ss ijbo' ch,f.lJ,~·:m ( "11001e bO~g'~ II 0.'[ its more Q).lrrec,t :]lli;Ulle of f~'IQim""mak,~ ft:ransiated" "t'ihe' striidng "of the vital

~ ",' ts t' " '0 J'~ death 'rioi11t ,,jio.;. ... t..:;; .... no H I I

p.c~~. . ~'~ . :." .. ~:-: -r ; . ~. ,.8~~~~: ~ 'I _ -, " " • •

NowaldaY8J 1. avodl ev~usmg, the 'name t~M :clll)

alS this ire'Dds to scare off the:serl,ous', ma~t artist, wba" bllS, 'alw~y~ 1~:i;iJk.e,d upon $.i.s!. mtthU ,art a's. a. daiice Dr ,3, W,8f of gIdning gOQQ tioo.h:n., HOWeye~ the tide is '6huJ,l1lgiIlg) and w'e - am 'flOW seeing <very highly .rarik,ed' kal.aftg'Ka dun;r' box{ what they want hOril dDs· most :deadly' "figbtin'- a·rt mid ttsing it,. ,aR .adlun~t to 'th.en" own;:' tiJdng up the att,@. whol~h~a:fte~tll J 'wll;~le .still kc@pln.g; their 'OI.i:gi~.a. st:yle, o't',evenmijly' !e'avingthelt o,Wn art completl~.-?


cla~,ru:ea)l 'sa;J'dAgs(in, the wo:rl;d W'ODl't 'tu~lpr.

WheEl,:1 ,gi;y~) ~~ks\t0!P~:" 'I usoallj"':~ egln, with 3-

_ -,' ;' ,1 "" , -A£' . ~._ ... - -v-, ~ L'~ri1.. ~'" ,_' _. v', .... I. ~1>;,i!I" t:;'6r:i.J!ri.i';.hiTl~

CD'll,P.I!(:i '6 '. jprlur~e5 Wl:lllh"UJ '~ m~:).' '!I;"II_' :bU· ...... u~,.' 'I;;o.,I,-'~",,), :II!;>

ma,['tiill artists wlio .. att·endjl ,Sia'\l~.'d quite abswd-- ' unfil the1 ,5'ee, ilnd hu;r w~a,t I' 'bave to . sa, ma. begin '1(1 :ini'rlleratadl,.':1, why I have~1'iiade lbese ·st.eitcl!metrt~. '

~Of1e lucIa .. st;.sttm1:atit :is~ ~tT~ili ~hi ',is di~:tm~'iI'8t deatny. "fightiRg' tit -evel' mvefttei',! 'f: ID feSpaJl s~,a, '

. • ,.:r... _. .. ~ ;.. _ '.' . '.

t b" I 1,- - - h - -,. . - t~'d' ~",.w ehuekles ~.- d -

_~ _]I;S -, ·ll,Jwa:l"~,e..,;.;,..a 1-\i,;,-..!:T ~V1' -' ~~~~~,.,;..U~ an'" som,e

ne1:volll s~ .s'hu£8ing 01 fe,e·t. A.f'tu illoij;f ori~ bour: of worksbopj these p~le:,arre.'usually e'ollv~d ttlftlte

... - - . >'..-

,~:ntelnal 'lbev J't00 'beUeve, that ~~ a:ii, c_bi IS' t"fu:,

• .. I!-.-. I ~ .

~UJ?,rem~ ilJdnl;at:~. 'W1ty"l' Let ~e, ,t~n. 10m a .. stoTt:

Q,DQ€ _ u'~ a. tiro.~ ta~tIrid, l.~OO~ a), '~~ ~as 'OOI1l in. :ll1U,' there W'iSS a, ·mara ca.tlred ~Chang )$,a118- ,f~li g. lOb a:~gl' "a, I f;,am,Q·:tI$; ~tC~'p U;l;l'C ~U:tL$ ~ ~ '1 a~s t3kirn~£ett withr t]ie" inaffii1. ~bt~, ~aDd. w,a;s ali&81t g:ood ,rut .. the hamtir-Sbaa'li'D sty1e=;'., In "1~is quest:, to -.find the ul~t~e Qgbti[lg~ alt",. ()'8~ thlt 'e(iutd. rle.ltdte~

a.: ui:aJJl "imm:Qb).hi Wll:ti - OrnJ, a 'm~e diuhl t I) lig'b It· 5~tr1l@' t'm, c.ettiiLll, ~a1tS' ~Qt :'~bi€. Allmiul,' xijooy.. e.h~CJ ''\!Vie are told.; ~'~'w'Orkea ~JH:lnjij~, aIlm"Ms and/, acoording to. S'cime:, even-a fuw~e(l'",l(lf. .

. . ~. r. .... ~fi..l1:"'.

~ter Cliuot{ Was ,fiil\isn.ett and W,as c.eIbjll dmt

'he ~h.aa -inv:enred~ 'tne most devait3im~ fikhting art

le:v'e,f ~ ~~ .se 1. 3_hn':tIt to i ~v'~~.t ,3, f'~ ttn_ IE)[ rs~e't o-f 'IDl,Qvemmts so i];£b\m:, mt, ,ititi, or pr:~mtted ~,t:1,;ui¢:[DitSj' c~uJ~ h~~rn ,:th,e,s~' dea.eli,· [ii!iCbniq,uc,S' ~'l'itHout, ,ac-many hatV~ll, 'to kill 'p®lTIfp,be ... neD i:ti GGOQlfed ,~e, hi~ tIilit'.~tieFSr mqre p~~m:itt'm;t tbm :he" ~~t ,fa ahold-bf' the, -an 'an,~ lts!G it ,IU,{'~ 0f'-'%l31Q$t ~hliia:-~ S;o 'h@, set '.tmou:t to iD~e;nt ·s,.£t'l1'"m whUih 'was [1),aIy' art

ab~.u~t way. ~f' ·t,eclmtq~s.. '

This, w,rm was ICI£ a, m~rU~l 'na:~un!, {i.e .. ;r. b1_(J'~, puneh; mock,,' 'Dcl~-; etB.11' Dut, it W'U Mwlb:e~e, ,lIJ,'!a;ft'as de~dly as: ehe .. ir:rternal Jlid"ide~ .~ ning, C118:DI'.s otigiflal m: ",'aa, Gan'~ ,b,,'makj Of:' ~~, to,uLehoi ~md 4 the art he invenred t-O oo:ve:r up, Its' :hilfden, m.eall.inp~

womd [6v;mtuaIly b-e ealled 'f'aitJd en'-Uk1'n:. ,

,lfIU,A.'CE ,mi



Over the. ¥e~s .. · boweY;eIij~ llllQ' p npl!c have . .only been ;ta:uglJt the p:bysi;cal. 01" 11ltse:;ttle~irDc~ at..'the t.'ari GlU' i~rm" so that an 'we ~.\aoW is quite "an wdc,quam form 01 fiGbti'Dg art in the, e.yes··of oth-er

_ft ..... ~...:,11 ani!l'!ts~- 1J.1lCU. uiII. . __ ~ . .s.

'Anothc phrase I 11I se 'to 'e~'use S OIne cilnlc~n u ammulgs·t t 'ai chi .pta ctttioaers wh I) ,a'tten d m.,

W --l..:.._Lop' e l·S ,u.ronL_. Ji'I,'t¥>o. no -L' m""' t ""'~ .... 1-'..: U

OF:lUIfIJ.. ,[Ii _' II' ,,I nerLe.~""," u. - pl!ls.ues. .~ . @.!!I, !;du.o;

.:~HO'w. c~n. (hi,' be, II the:y 'ask -i'n hOI'rOI~' .l\(w·he:n tli,e wholle. of the t,lll chi ;reper:toi:re "is 'has@d. upon pus,b.i:n§l~~

'~'~~'I'" ~ (I":X~v nu"L. ~ ' .• r'L: ~ '"" does tha t . .Jl~t N-- ,i ~1:... t:~ iLI ~~ ,'I-:q'l r·~·~.ll[. ,'Y,naI _ J~ IY:,I_ _ uu. . ... U-IUlU-'Ib,:--

'ne j1i~l,it ·g~·ts, uP. .and reattack~ ,,.-Ou ~hav'e

ni:ilOli., .4 'b· ~"·<.I?L th t. • II.:, - "~

p,~.,eu', lln mtb. tldi:. ,a .~. 01 an ancommg:ousP

·U·. tl'ai am· ii,s,· me ,supI~e 1l!lQ.mate/-\¥~hy .. p~sh!' ~Irq" 'there. 'A't:e 'De pus~.s in t!id· g:bi; tb,ey a1e~ Wl .9.trJ:k~s to ',cl!~rtain ,aeo,PUn'ClUre ,po,iutsjand: .tb,@,· me·f-ek.ex:~_c"llii'te'n -aI.' Mtl' form deml(Jns·tra"te:s .. the

·""'1i"I'9 ........ .l.;::r.~~A ....... ~aD.::II 'm" irn,r,fi. -'r-'JDf . '!I;'U"~~"'1.. w'-' Lav' Qi ,,. ...... c~ _ 'el;!''''' Ul~ ,.,.,,;.:IL1L_.... '. ~ . .::_~~" ... .:u:e " ;, I '"p;li.u~.U:' .; e DO. ~ JIXJ'

, ':][;; '~.~ d . .:.I ..... :0:,'1.:.=1 ds '.. '. ... .

s~J1e~ 111 9I'.~ er :!~ uo ·UUS··i am.a,Be~ For ,mstaJ:u::ej ."

mart· can be·,mnd.ered 'lmcunooious with a. ~sc~tw;ing ~st'like to ¢h.e, :r~gh.t 0,[[" l1et'~ pectoral;;! to,. pnmts 'known a's f''''StOma Ch 15' an d 16·.1) Now' if w;~ are to

-~ .• 'll.-' I:'=::-; _l.~~.!, ,I-;C-_-, • /l'_~l.r,-:,. ,-'. ~'" - ;'~l 1"·. _' __ ...

stii:kl: «t ~bo-th nectoral TlomtS. "at: the. same time

. . f· '." :t'" ,'-_. Jr. ." ~, . -". t

:a:"1.:i' ..'i"",- 5o:.:i.. ~ , f "', 'L_ • ..._,. ~ . ...ii:::. ~ f

uilen,LtttS,Ul 15 pot· ISf'i'oAWay. ~Sll.'t t.1;~tm.wt.a.tlve (I.

th e pe S:t'g r'~" - eom the -t" iId. Ichi . torm ecmmo nI¥ .b.ovrn jS= l'pusb'J'!

,ActUally, ·th.e~aGt translatitm for the, Cbmese ~araetef tr:;m8la.ted. f~. ··~tib e _original taiji' t~~, as .

.If.jfrI- -ii:l'b-I ~'~ "'tltI!I m": ';ii"!~~ iIi" ·T.t: ''Uo' - 1 . I'~' t ~l.. 6i1i:- ~ ~- , .~","" -" t

. r~'!ii ~ - .iI.,"". : ~",,,,:~.C~ •. ,p: ;,;,' ill .00: .. ·,3 ~ 'IJ;,:UI"" 'Cl' .. ara",,~i' I

really' uia.JJsJates 9S "press 'J' am d not {('push/I and

there. we h:a've a ··clue to the fed' :appUc~tion, of the' posture. The' ~6:#~'nlal -tnm:s},i),tur:.s. ~obab.IJ thought

. . . ~~lId -- - .. - 'd' ... ~ . .J.I"lt:. "~. 11 - . the , __ 'i.." ........ li"rof!j,.;:I W~ WOIl.U .D(h.>IlD~ gr·&t,aR\I, ~~S; ·$0' -_' ey Q~8!VW

it to .fI.,ush.:n 11u~;n they ,ga~'C.'~ name n)lf:'cs:s" ~another P()s:'tlu~e in the ~a~ji form. or kam ·whi.eb

''I''oli;I,allyo, +", ... """" .. ,,:1' ..... ee ..:;1, ....... !l'!... ~J,iC:h·u· ~~a U ..... 1,....: ..... w.:·_ ..... W" iD.· w~""""d'

.I:;~. ., Ij:~WUililL~U Ot" ~ I ~1Ii.. UUU~ 'l"': UUl!



YlM D'I'U U i: 'iT,. n~A~ .hI"Ii;iI"Ii;';T<'i'Ij" ~1"Il'1I"JI..'IG

~:, .. yq~~ 1 ~_- 'J._n~I;·UU--'.II!., 1i.:J~~ ... - ...


- ..... L,.:: Tll..~,_

'09 iD. tU.uS, w'ay~ JI., .IJ..i1Jbl,

strike, W' - ,en - sed on1, US' - tly ,-t

, .

~ ~'I'II

I emJ'D,I!11 W loLl

chrangeafl, :mMtiall IJ'Wt~s id;aJ, abDut

,'-', hi; d L,

't al C, '1;an1 mQW

eliecuve'it, is"

Take the :postUm knoWll aSi ~, douhle p;~pg,"j' (fig" ~~you 'tn,ow, I.b,at ,SI€.£m-

" ..... ,.,.,1 '

l~" wn~ ess P08r-

Me jusit b~-for the roll-back p'o - tu,,£ ,mcijust, after p'leD~1 The 'tru.e meaning 11. ... i.: .... ..l ;i.L,~

!iJ.~i!.ll, 'Uill POSDB'C

'is, ,a~tu.all, ,a, :slrik:e tol a ,idayea Or Im-

.......... "'1;_'' ..I._,_ .... 1!..;I_ '

mCUJlate ~u:j pcl~1:

called flStomach 9'"

(fig.. 2'., [It is bo,t1] dle~ed ,and ,immediate,~ beGause i' can cause death eit'hel' tmmedliatel" or up tal seveD ',' :, larter'.

Depending 1Jl!PQII :how it is ,StnlC'~ U ean ICJ]U:Se the slow dhdn'teg,['atioD of' 'the, earot ~ d ,utery over a period of 'up

o se;vcu ye.uSill eventually msmltiug in 8 stro,kCOJ,1

"'1M.. !,_ .•.• 'II_,,,___ 1 . ...:'L .... th' ,'I'lI'ftf'i:;,d .,. """,,~"I .. ,.-.- ,. .d J , '

JIlDU; pomt 18 Iillailll, ~Oum ---1~'wu' ~,~; an JUst

nn~ the st:em,ocleidmmattoid mnscle, ftUlDi1mg almq rtlu~; out.side at. the Deck.~ JQ&~t ~DGide ilih.e ,internal carotid~. ~~\;.t ,mer it llmncltes Qut &-tlm 'the

~" .. - ....,..·n ~~ , ~ ~ - - .

c-omm,rm carotid attery, 'there " '_ h_amre.oeptol caUed Ute: lcarotid smus, ,8 Small mamRCepmr I~ammlet:er .. or f,ce£iver 'of me s;SS;O&s] 'w.hic.b lile:s in the: internal carotid art£ry 'j'U8t where ill: 'hr~Dches our hom 'dle oommm. lcaJOtid. atteIy~ ~Tbe cnm:mnn carotid ,m:teIY bunches out into the external and, internal bnuu:aes, which feed tdiffetent areas of ·the 'head and faC{!; 'wj'th bLood .. ) Thia siaus lies at the top margin of 'be thyroid mn:dage IAdmn~ ap;ple;~l and jlut under the,astoW ~Jthe big muscle running 'UPI eil,th1er aid.l~ of "IQim' neck], It 1'5 lesplln.8ib.b~fOf lov,emmg tb,8, level IOf olood pressure 'm 'the:ood,. ?Ibm it 15 :slnlck 1~;Dg. a ~m lightly, as .w, don _: eecasion,a'lly in mediw pI'sctiee U] law'er the ble' _ 'pressure-it eauses the mind to think that extnm1:e ),.igh ·blaod. p.resiUR is and so la.wer tb.e blood pressure iL'LDmedliamly:

New, if h.tIh blood prmsurrerdoes not a~ exi5t~ dim. there is a shomtp; lof blood. Rowing to the'~ . .and so 'dle body just bJadts roD ,80 that it will become later-aJ; all.'Diwin,g ~~

mow bJotJd to 'na.,el to rhe. brain.

Thi~ is $e fust rappi1icartioD of this

ltiIiIl'f'tclh-<i_ ~,- 1D\D~"'nd jlr~·LUJJ."-! ~ ~ ~'

bwoll'eS even 'mrDm

indster praettee. rr1L~_11... _If h

.l~ 'm WI'eg ~f't11g.

mll ymm p.adms Ioy,er t,OI b e.,i n t he pull. dowD (Iii., ,4~~ .-~ yen this ha,s, a '~ldden m·e,a·uiDI,. A 'the Jlabns are tIM. " Id. IOlver" the l_~_ : I ", . a,gain, slq 1l eese the.' ~t,Dm,lcn 9. (St, .9~ point to eaus e hu;~

· Jll'l(:Jwenng IOf. 'the prelsnre while the dgll' 'pdm attacks the, la] 1. b I ad dr!r' ,r.Jin:t l,howl1 in JiBDIIe .5 :ka,Diwn a s Gall Bbddu ~,4 ~Gb I4JI, jlust ae lye ',:e eyebrorws.

Why' We are ta l.d b'T m,l,dlcl J seleaee tba t there are three o· her OIl'IDS m the bodJ' _ when, attacknd

or in yeat pam" will alstll eanse B, lo,wCImu:g: 'D( the blol'l d l"res,s ure and, ill I, a Ie.SfD1IC, knockout: tbe::,g..q~mJ1 b1adde:l'~ the

m· .• d 'h

mtesnnes, an~ t_:..:1:

ure thra, As 3DY' a'e 11:p UDct u Ii 5 It, know'"s" tb.e ,Ball IJ,EadllJter merl {JillD and the m testines 'V: • FtuaU, ttl, I ru] Oivv:t ,th,i(! man bod", ,&om aead tOI tae, So we :ftOIW have hundftda O'j ,B~, peints w,li,ic'bf iJliIl eH'IBc't, cause Ith,e

'IL-....::..... .... L:!:='11.. ' ... 1l...


the ,gall b14,dde:m: or the ,inttJestines have bemsU1Wk ..

EvelY dny move-

!RUACE xvn

meDt in l'ai chi means. ,~u}m~g. For Instance, I mentioned, earlitI 1:hat some pt~ ca:n: be atl:ack~ directly while othees' need to, be __ t btl' wi.lli other strikes" as with the' fiplay guitat'l po5We.. In dris esse you w.il1 notice an:,.. ol,d ,m85ter orp~ whois 'adep,t at the internal meaning of t1ai thi aCtuauY'.~h and pun his ~t and left ~lms ~ti'V,Wy. Why~. This is to upset the whole energy SfSitCJll of the, body 'b¥ ,rutJbing the flows back. tbe op~si te 'way' 01l. both sides of W, forearnl. This, in, tum, .willleave the knee joint vulnerable=more so' than u.sua]...._t:o. me mom po'teD,t kick inhe:rent in tnts,.posrum.

What about that seem i:ngly' ~iUY' posture, caned "punch to lme.~1t r Haire f'O'll, 'ever tried 'to punch someone's kneel No, bbis. p.nstn'le ·actu;aU, .t~:kes

;o_"l.._ .... t-""' ....... "1""....,...J,s' - " !, t QlTI!I~~+n8' It ;"0 Ji"Io;d,*;r~ ,n"f .ili.t:,;,~ i[Jlt!. . ii::U;,U:iu;:..JU;[!!; " "W'nS, j .... ~..;."..;_~~ i!l. :' .....,.g.~" I! ,2 0 , U]:~

bodily. energyte geto the, Wrl-st; and··the:n the ngbt list Q,t~acks, 'to. a 'point. OD the, upper Mal called TripJe'Wmmet 12,. (Tw 11).

f Jha'd: ,8, karare le,Qcher .attend nne 'Of in,'Y seminarS}. and he was punched aeeidentally on :a poi D t called n:e.igw a,s l~ translated II inner ,,gjl'~e II ~ I' just on, the inside of the Inner ~r~t" which is ,,a .p-e~i.caj"d~um point. It. w·as· not a heavy. blow, thfJDgp. it. w,as not ,a, 1ligllt one either, but the tchap turned sli,g'btly green and Md ~o sit dOW1l for a

ira,;; <I.i.' '1n'II" ',", '"i ,.r;i-.""-,,, Jl .... ·n ILI..I....U..II~'I&:ZI!

No M4tter how\t 'the rnosement in 'Jour toi'ai chi form-!f' there Is a r!aBDIm And t'hat reason 'w,a$ w'wkea out boy men of len~us many hundreds of y'ears ag,Q. Now we: ',Q,Te spr,eading the gooo WOld that tens IlS· that t' ai chi ch;uall does deserve its name ,of di.sttn.ctiooJ and all of UQ ean he.

d t, i .li .JI ' 'd ". t.i,

prou t;liat 'we, are ll1.t;w1: e.w. 'S tu 'JY.lDg the supreme

ultimate fi;gbtirig art,

Wh,fm_ mDSIt people talk about dim-,mik, they 1; imme.di1licly get. onto the old liil'times Of th.e d.y/J BttUtes\., This sonnds quite tny~tical and eecretive, iy.t when looked at logicaUY;J this type, of dim-mak

It-,Ilf .




~ontaios, S ome . gianpg: e;no'l$., One would ,have to

1._ h .. d t . f

.t!i..HOW w~, at tlme .It wa,s in. ore er :0 use It .... or

in5tarn.ce,~ 'Furthe,rroM-e, 'ma;rty of the points tha~t: are u ac;tiv~n during a (:ert;'iin tirO,e are just too diffi.cult: to g'et to.

Thi sis, w belie '1' e opl e ha v e m ix'ecct up acupuncture 'withdim,,,;mak .. , Acupuncture is 'Dot b-mlik, nor is ~imf...lJl.3k ~c.up1Jlletn~e~ They' ~e

rh . ", '..... 1.., '1... ...... ;- ii:'.._ .... -.' ,~ , ',' I' ~'. 'I'

te same pcnnts, out tnat S' ~ rar as ilt goes, ,t s true.

tlutt certam meridians are aetive at certain tilmes: of the '~yj an~ the 'qt flow,ing through that pat:ti.'C)1W

' • ..:I':~ "b" . .~ '1 .

menoian at: r I ~t nme 1S. 3:.$0 very scnve 10 cause

the as~,ated organ -tf)) be active~ This is, way' we wa,n't to ge;t' 'IllI,P in the 'morning an,at· go~,'U), the toUet-the 00101'1, has ~o act.i'Ve, f(,f 'the, past 'two h,QUT8\ of the early morning, W,e are: even ,given certain peints in certain meridians :wt are a;c,tive at certain times, bat, this iis~o:~ly fo.r ~be healing"art and. no t, l(Jr the d,~a t·n art, Di m-mak 'w,O:'tk:; n n matttet what: time it is,;" a small pers on is cap,ablf: :of knock ing .3, 1 ar ge 'man ou t· With (H[l~ Y m edium p:rVf.;r to certain poin.ts~


These times ',are Qnly' gl~efi1 out: m btt~'Fest.. True .. 8trik~' these points wi11 hav'c a sli,gh.d:y grea ter effect art the exact time given, but not much mose wo. :lIDJY other time, It's just that the q w is more cietiV'e at tma -t1m.~,. ,Many p,eof1e also harve the mistak'en idea that qi ,only ,flQ'wS Thn certain menma:D-s Stt certain times. f~lr' ms:tanec, people 'Mill. (say, "The qi is '[lOW :fi.owm.g through. me heart maitllm. i~' But: .LlL " '.. '1' 'fl"" ... ~ - - ··1 "lrf stooned "n'U - 0 l' A ,.J~P. Ule 'Q,llS; (fl' ways . , 'mY",UIgj Ii! ' )" O:-~l-"~. ., y~I' , VI -,U u w .... '.

Wh~t tne." mean is fba,[ the qi, is active in that

- d the

•. . ... ~' .. 1 . . ' - .. -. _. ~ '!' -' ..,'. - . i'-' .' I ~.- . .'

m~dian anc Dot In 10 ,~.:.!S 9t eenadn nmes,


(B&M' times tQ ,stfboa~d POInts rmst:lnkely,m bi ~U1 mthese tJrnasl

'11 P.N. to 1 AM. 1 A,U.,10 3 A.J~'.


lJ"1 ~St36 spa· HB

SiS BI,66

K '1(~ Pea Sj.·i6:

Gb41 Liv1

IMEN.DIAN 1lw1;S lliWge'li1tes1ioo Stomanh SPoon


SrmlaIl, I,hiesh Biaalier

Kid neVa, ~if~1l1 smJ"iao

~ .

CfrilPie wanma~ G'alI bladder' L1Ver

lI~~IWE 3~M.to5A.. 5u~ to'1 A.~

1Jiit;i, ..... ti·:~. N~A.M.

:9 A.M. to 11 A"t. '1 ~ Ad.!. 'm 1 f',~" 1 P.M. to ;) P.'" 3 JP".M~. 10 !'i: P.M. '5 IP,,~'. to 1 P! M~

? ,i']; i. '10 9 i:J, 'U

,. IF~,If.1.·" .. Ir.m'•

a;t. that pa.·rl1i'c'U!.M t~me1' we do nor mean th4t these is no now hI the ether melidiaJmJ as the flow i~s ,CQmlec:~ed. and CQD;l:inn ons, S-o when woe 'S,Q,Y :that. the '11 Is ·,flowm,g tlbe :1U4l;G& between 3 A.M., and 5 A.M. ~ W e ~o !Ulot mean t b,al the q i Is only f[owingjn, that m,eridian, as it mlUl[' IJChW':in ill of the, mertdtsna at tJre Sililm.e tim,I~J like tbe contihuOtls flow of Witter mIOIl)J,gh, a, hose. ~a't we mean is toot the qi is ,acti'Vt!i _in meridi au at ~at particular ~e.

1\cupu'l1cturisct-$ wor;k with, tbe If outer meridian qi," whic.b dees run dOWR the lung m,eridm,an on tlJ.e insi.d~ of the £o([eM{rn~ EO[ in;st:.J!ftoc,. 8Al.dl then

back, 'llim t:h,~ colon, tneridi.a1n., and ;so' 'O;ft., .

~,l-i'-: . IF'. '

B'l.It 'we li n the waftia~, ,ar·ts are laugh t tha t,

there its an equal and op,posi te t~ow of #imnet q.-i IJ' hieb ru1J.1s in tbe op:p'o $ i~e di:~e,p tion o,n ~·h.e, side O£ m,e me'lidian' _., If' ;&ocL is. tlIll' I II]; affecte -41 ... ,1:... "":

'*':::w- ; . . -, --.-- ~ .t.ll:l.. "":!l' .~ n. ...."'"'"~u,l'u.u::


lEI, nm-MAX:: DE1tTH .. f()JNT STIlIKIN'G '=\

ourer qi wi~l a1s'0 'be affected and, either be re$'tric ted sev e:r,~lYJ ,m.,e-ani'ng sickness, stopped momentarrly, me-a,:nin,g death is. "(1.01; far aU'. or reversed, meaning inst'ant death,

It Is what we do to ~i fa ,,. inner qi JI t.bat causes the normal flow to change,

W,he,n 'we stick a needle into someone using acupuncture", we .alf'eet only the outer flow of qi the "",-¥iB that fl' ows d""''''..l>n the ~MtD,...lI~ f the .-i~ and

' q-.l,U •• " 0' . ,': ",s "ryl''P,I,.,I; ~ :: .u~UC; C ' ~ '" ~iu ... ~ ,

up the outside' of the ann. By U,Sing needles" we are unable to ,;ilffect the inner now (1,£ energy~ This iJ:s, what acupunc tur~,sts do not .know, Wh,en we use Iinger pressure, as in dim-maJk. or dim .. ma.k healing. we affect the ~nner flow 01 qi and" ultimately" tbe. ou ter £~ow· as well. So when. we a tuck a point or need to set ~p a point, 'we· must wow 'the correct inner flow' of q~! and DOlt necesssrily the outer flow.

This is. also where some people have gene wrong is some cases. They took tbeLr knowledge of the ;.f direotion of the 'ilow'$ ~l'om the acupuncture texts which tell us t'ha,t the 'l.i flows in a certain direcrton, But these people are using [inger pr€sS'tlte. J not needles, and 18.0 the.,- 3.H!.! in m 3:0.y cas es pr-essing the poin ts in the w.rong direction!

One of the explanation 5, the II- m:ystic, area" of the healing and m~.[t.ial arts 'provides, Ior the ilO'w' dire,ctiort is that Jt is dependent upon the meridians being lei ther Vim. 01' yang and that. the yang meridians must have an up-to-down now

(h' .... 'I!..J htl' ,.li.1.. ,. • .,l'.

eaven to eartn W ,.' ie Ute yUJ menenans must

have. a down-to-up now (earth to heaven l ~ This is the mnre myatical explanation for the reverse flow__ i ma acupuncture,

But what if someone holds his arm. up.? Does

h [.1 b heai fl £

t· e 1._ 01l.Y' 'reven;'e. ~ ecause t e ,q~ must " .().w rrom

down to 'ullt No~ the qi flows .in the same directicn all the time and. nor bce:ame 01 some mystical ~

teas .. on, but because dtat~s the way it ftows~' of.~9

.. b L i: 11~ ".;$o:l..

In this book, wiIl!Q I reter to a particular lloW s:




qi or ,ene,tgy" .I will mean !h.e inttIrial flow as used

l..,'r t'~h' ..iH ......... ..:. , ... 1.,..· '. 1.'...::' . -d' - -- ··t ,. ;h.· ~., . .. " .. : . -,

'LFT ,., e Uil.UJIl max ,POO;pLC, an ino t-A~ ,acupuncture.

flow outside 0.1 the. meridians.

.ereunder Is writt en-a 'very minute part of th~ .JI:I)iI:~''''~'''' ' of Ghillesc ~b@xin.g;

it would' take's,evetal ' ' ·,tQ, tell the whole

stor~t. But this wUl siiffioe me bistory- of dim-

ma'k in a Iarge nutshell.

When resea1Ching the history' of dlrn-mak; W~ are:' continually burnp'i'Jlg inte taiJi:quan- '~t",;±li ~h,i ch iuan)j and in, order to ,find: out tb~ origins of dimmak, we ~m,usf als I} kru):tY' about the' ·tePings o.i tai]~~, because as 'we learn more. we .fmd OUt that. the· two are the.same.

Why do 'you SUpp1J'S~ tba~t. ti:ai chi ah"Uau means ~)''the supreme nLtbnate boXing!!?: TO. difH::OVe.t ~,e reasen we must go' :rigb.t back to, 'w:hen tlim-'lna'k,

,~a~_ ,i~:v~nl;e~ b~ :_ha.~_$ Sa.n~.~en,g' around. rh,e A beg)DmD:g< of the fo'Ulte~tb, ooutury.. , , l~~

,li4any,·say tIm! Charl:g did not have, mytWng 'Ht9.'W

---- ',-- -, -, '·w




do with the tounding of t.aiji;p while others still celebrate his. birtbday' as the. '{ounda nf'taiji The reason some say he bad. nothing to do with it is that there is noming 'mitt'en e1Jth,e:r om. his ,grav,e or in his 'writings that actually says II taij~q uan. II But this is sillYJ because the name taiji was not even invent ed lot tbe art until the nineteenth ten tury, Before that, taiji wss simply called dim -rnak or 'Jh:ao ch./um (loose 'boxiltgJI., Another reason that there is not 'much ill the way of' written physical evidence is that Chang IS II amre made him very. 'secret ive and also a little paranoi~, 10 allef 'the "good oilu was {UllY passed, on 'by. 'worn of mouth, and only to dlreee kin and. .fa:'V~red stadenta.

Chang had a couple of 'buddies who were also top acupunorurists in China, and. t}I£: three of them set out to lind out 'which points on the human body could cause the most damage when struck in certain. ways. They discovered that s.trikin:g sp e cific. poin rs ffi n .at to ert~iIl, 'wa;y and direc eion would cause the optimum damage, They then discovered that energy 'i)9'wS throughout the hum an body could either De, It rou ched" In the directlon of the q~ for heating or In the ad V,e.IS~ dkeeHon to cause damage. (I say ·jJ'tou.ched,;~ but

t:b.t~J canmean quite a substantial strike.] Certain PQirits had to -:be :5.truck with cit her ,9 counterclockwise screwing motion or vi ce _ versa. .'t 0 cans e th e mosc damage for the least pnssible usage

of eQ.~gy. .

.DurQlg their research, Chang ,San~·,teng and, his buddies also dlscevered that striking Borne points, wouldlmAke other .pnints, joints, and so on much mOrle'vulnerable. to a lighter strike, while striking othersdirectly wDuld a. dire effect. ']!I·ut stiU1 they were not sure they had: the '~est and most

1" dea~y fightm~ syst~ in China. Sa they = about ~~() fwd lout which pomts on the human bod_y would ,<;~us'f! which reactions .. 'They knew perfOtlning '··.cit,



acupuncture on c~,rtam, points would either oa.'1J.5e damage or- heal. 'Word has, it that tbey bribed the

lail . t - -". " ..... L - 'b Jib ..J,.,!i'.:: Jf " . ....'L.."""!"" 13 I tIS' -0 l~;Iv:e mem r' e :_ aenres - to c)eS1! out ~u!Jci.J\

theeriea! WithoUIr' going into exactly ho~ t.ney w'o:rk:.ed 0'0 the points, some ye:ars an.d. m.3J;},)"

. , . Iat th Bn m- .. ked" -. ] hicti'

. '1- 1- • .,' . -. • _", I·, ,'_ ' .. _. I . .. ,.

COfPS·es . a er t ey.- .', y wo.r,",. eut ~Gt::t wr .' '

po ints llid W har and In which eombinaelnns, a's

.... 1111 " ... he . -;Eli_ t .,),!, c· _~~ - _.- - d , ,£.£

Wei Ii. as tne eoerec __: uirecteans 8[] .' arIUOllnts 1)1 ,oret"

with which to strike at, these points in order to either cause death or Immobillze an oppa·nen.t,

Agra.1J), Chang' 'Vla$ qUite paranoid; he: ltid ·n.O t. wa.nt anyone other 'his, 'OWD to 'bav~ Dis diseoverles, and be wa s . maddl' t' others migat use his art ag;aritDS t him. I't' mu"St be te:mlem.b~bd here tbat back in ·those ,da~ys (lE' fenu"dal Ch~ri:a) people bad. to rely upon, their; bods and ha'~d -held weapons to defend themselves ,an~·th,eit fami1ies~ liz was, 10, liatig,ero us' Ii vinl; in those time s'" tha t the. wrrman 01" the. f am'i.Iy ne ve r kn e.w if D:aJ,d W3',S corning' home. that ~v£nmg, and Da,d, never knew H his fam,n,r 'would be, wa.hing :for him when he arri ved he me. 'Nowadays t th.~:s,e ar t.S are no t so im;poltant to us-a.,pa[t from the Interest and aesthetic values they impart ----b€c;ause 'Of' ~'S'; but hack the vour art had bO' be sood, otJn,erwise vou

- - "- ~ ,'1' -- - . _", " - . . .0 . 'i- '. " . J -,

w6uld die.

So Chang had to have ,a W,&Y' to teach. his art to his £awlly and students without le,tti.ll\g anyone, else' find, out 'what it waS' he ~;a~ p:tactleing~ The resu hillg fOl'm of III('VeJn.efl~f which was reaDy a front ,£O'l a hidden set of movements I eventually beeam ,"", known ii"iS t'a'''' i"o'b,' ch~"" _ - lB t h· eh

Lr ..... ·itr,I!· :',," A .... :L, .... /li:" Q,_' _.,' _"1 ~. ,1" . , ,uy ,''' - .~

tim~ pooP,me" beg~n oaning, it -rbts'J not m,aoy knew tbey were-dolng .these 'mov~ment5! 'The

., 1 ~ . 1 - d ~ .... 1 L. s: "Ii

OIlgma· mearung, W,'I;S QS t, allJ,' ulUY t'I1l3 ~:a..m:U¥

rn ember S' 'had the ,good. oi.l. Rig,ht u:p to g'ut present day, this knowledge has only' been passed i

down to a ,few' ins tru e tors", ::<~"

The above puts lll!]l 10·. the idea put forward. ~



some t.bat modem ·ma.srers of dim.-:m:ak 'h~ve more mformatio n. than thos,e, who rRVen ted th e. ,art because .. of modern. scientific mezhods, How can the modern masters·mlO'Iie .. mkumation~ wben the ancien ts actuall y I jlled people so that their students would have the inform'a ti on. OQ' 'whieh peints 'wor~ed, which ones didn~'t.l th.e eorrect direcrioas in to srrike, and how much

.~111 h . ,_.1l.. . ~.. '1~ •

PJ'GS5(1)re. to us~; 'as w~. as w ,tul pomts WO[,I:I;;'·1n .

.... L 'be ~ L· . _,., W illi'. ,. II .. ....-.:a. me best COJIL!ljma.tlODS~ '~"estem mea eaae, m ~S''''

.pal tlJl is, only Oo.w discov'e,rjng: wh:at. ancient Chmese have known £or centuries.

Cluuig passed his dea.diyan down through .. his family me'mb',ers, and £avored students. On e of these was Wang'T~"yeuh" who ac~nal1y wrote it an [clown an(l ~S$eQ it Oil to. his snrdenes, One of these Wa5 caned Zbi a1l8~ Zmang Ii veil at .. the same time that Yang Lu-ch'an lived,. Prom here on In, .it. gets, a liltle compltca tedlj in fact, I think the s criptwri ters of t, D yo,a IS t'y:i} m U 8 t have. kn own

·L ........ _" .JL.'I:.. hi L dim k!

about tae tnstcry o~ " rm .,.m.a~ ' ..

Some m.ay kno.w Yang Lu-ch/an 9S the rounder of til·e. most 'famous [~Jtyle of taiii,. tb~ Yang lstyle; ¥img"s. hlstory .is q:uUe aim,s zing in itseU. Bu tl in a nutshell the size nf "[a' small car, Yang declded he liked what s"-£amtly of S,:baolm people called the Chms .. ha_dl·to offer and inv'~W,ed his wary Into the Chen village- after many sttempts. The story' goes that Yang-l~ 'dQYm in the mow: outside the village until the elders decided that he should 'be admitted. YaD,g Is said to have, Iearned the whole syseem tIom p·eeping.thml1gb a door hole! Silly, huh~ 'While Yoog· was: at the' 'Chen village, It is said "tru1U; Zbian;g also came. thtfiugh and was admitted b ecau se of his advanced .O.ghting skills, Be cause Zlh;ia.:ng: and Y.n,g· were both entsiders, Zbiahg;

~ taught- Yi].Jng secretly un.til there W'3S no more 'he '~ld teach him, .

. '~~ The Chens took 'what they could and [added it \-~





to their hard .s,tyl@;, and ·thiS, is 'wne::te: Chen-style taiji comes nom.tonay·_ Many mode:rn-ooy masters e.veo go. so far as t~ sa:y ·that;Chen. styi~ is not eT,€!A taiji" and ftbey,"q note h-om old records o.~ meetings It'bat weI'e held between all of the nld masters of taij'i a.t 'the time, to w.hic.h .IIlIJ,OIll~ of the Chen ~Ian w,as invited.

A .. nyw·a.y; Yang' l.eft the Chen ;v j]lag·e· to get mar'ri.ed and have hts '~<wn. £a..m.H.y.~ He -al'ao studied the treatis e hy Wang, Ttlung~'reub given to him b:y Zliang and then ··foJ'm~d his own style .. . , ,h"i'll 'be calledYang' s boxing" later to become

W Ie", , _ __ _ __ ~ , _ , __ ~ .~ _, _ _ , _

Y.ang,~iStjt1e tiliii~ Yang knew all {J,t' .the dim-mak

d rf' " d .' , , , tinai Jo. t '-hi!!

I .. -,", L" i '. I .'. - .". \ '_'.- . I· " .... ". . .'

an _, p e , eete, _ It.t even mcotpO(l'a ,[ng 11. Ill., 0 - ,So

hand-held weapons, Sf} much so that he and his s:.iix, sons and ~WCI daugb tel'S became, jtcr;u,WD as the Ji' inVincible Yan~ft ,~, (Not many slow fo.rms, here! II Minny other elan S ,ba.t en th e y~ ~crg8 h eca u se of their ,ability and weal til, so they ·p.l~);tt[ed, qainst. them, 'H'Re day succeeding to ambush th,e seven males of the' (amity .. In what was; OB,e, of <t.he hloodiest 'b:lttl~sl Lu-eb'an, net .wishing tu, 'be taken by' his" enemie s, epm 00 tte;d, .,,suietd¢,,1 w,bi~ e four of the sons W,ere killed.

Tw<o' DE tbe sons, Y;arng· .Ban .. hou .and Y.m_g :Kin .. , hou, es;capett <·with Ban .. hou going s1~ghtly mAd"'m!l Kin-hen finding a. BiU,jdhist mona,s:wQ1' ~oo' ]tick his

d An, d his i h d 00 v 1

-"':,' .11 ., '~'I-,'~' --:~ -'" .,' "',' e, c , .•..• : •. - ,'1 ::,,- -. Ii'. '.~ ... _ ... - .... "~

woun s. , t. Hi IS W, eI-e; rna em _ y __ at'1:g, sty ,f;

., - £=_, __...,.:_1 v fj':~ h 'b L

t:illlill comes l'Wm~m~ll)r .iallg ,Alll":_ 011, "\y, ' ,(} ·

Ym('r Cb en,(r;-fu. and ['be '1'es t !&,.hlstc,nr: . ' ,

, 0," P' ~ ',. - . - - - -, ,- - - - - ~ 7 -

Prom ¥:'oog CheDg-,[U onward, howeverj the:sloory

f ; .. ' '1Il.., N" d "L ..~ 1 ' 1

Qi WJ.~ QlJflmgeg~ " 0 more e 0 we lliiye rear m{;~liD:a_

f~,ting methods, no more do 'W~ see the' hi-dden rn,eanin,gs of the- form s in thelr di m .. mak sMp e. The art, 'became watered down, being' derided by ,many vt' the [apanese styl~ as being ·only ,suitable

£01. women. and Q~ people., ,~

S'O:l.w1h.a t- happ.eoedl ~j1tt. In : the. wi'Y' par e at ~bis .cen;tury~· there Was &f-}}'

, _ ". ' _ g7;'"




m~etlDg :~lel,d between all of dre.~kn~WD, ,mml'tets of 'leal aiji 'Of tb e day. Ai: that meeting\! 'samethllJlg lextFarorw.'Da.IY to ok jp,lai.}e that would change: the s;tyle DE: the lDOS't deadly fighting tat iorevet-"----tl) its

i~et QPl10sibe! '.'

They'd had enou gll; mall(J "ou tsiders}~ wer,e lleginning to glean. dt little of the hidden and S61Zret

bowl' A~, ,. ~ , '11 ~ ted );,,;..,~ ~ - ,- S ,r.

, II _~.:' _e~ ..... ongUJa, :y ,mven~:: 1U.1 ~.uang. ,aD-leDXt

so tbey 'made' upan elab(n~3te plan to keep the outsrdera from gaining St'ny more' oif' their kllowh:dge'. The fight~· art of dim-mu I,miji) is an inter,Rial 5yst em .. , but. llowadl..tysJ when ask ed to clemo nst rate this intemaJityj, no one seems a ble to~ They still, 'Use liyie1d ,and &tick to and not Iet gO"1 as .priD,clplcs to d.e1l1:9D:Slmte I ta~iJi-., 'BlJlt this is always at a pwel.y ph y,si),cal Ieve], and 'this is wha't tlu.¥; mc1mts wanted us to beJiev:e~taiiil (:~mg:ma:kJ was allabout.

At < the 'm,ee~ting they' decided 'tu show 'us: an easier way to do tms-, d,@adly art, a purely. 'physia-a] 'way, so that: when we,pe1.formed the $'Q·~caned true meanings. of the P os tures, 'WJe perfermed purely 'ph,sical movements. Wbat dley did not count on, b'O'wev'eI~ was 'the ~,act that ev'MYo,nc:, ineluding the Chinese tlbetrucl.vEm .. would. ~ake to' this way ·,o.t. doi~1 tlUnts,~ Iike the :p:[overbialldu:c~ 00 water, so 'much so thal today 0 JLI~Y a ,b andful of ,instRletots still 'know: about: the. mal :m e~ri,':' - '. 'f-

. _ _ _ _ _. _ _ __ P-I;yng 0 ,

taiji and Its ap'pJicaiticu1'5+ 'They d.e'cidedl they would 8cttl,a.Uy' teach us the very basics and pu t those Iorward a,s berung represeneatdve of th'e whole system~ Instnactors wen::\ asked not, to eeach the rea'~ sy'stem to any Olil ESJ.w:'rs and, to only teach the real thin,g to theit Imrnediate kin ,Q::£ one er hvo favored students,

'Mos,t, of themasters at this meetiag agreed to .,_ this, and went ,away happily tea£nin,g everyone the

awr.D~,g . )thiD~: f~~', r.a·~,~,e~! ~ot aetn ;,l,nr: t,he ~Tong .tng, but, oldy basfcs] .. They even. left out the ~

.~ DJJ.![-lM.AK:. nEA~TB~p.(]'INT' ST'IUKiING-

~}_ "'<

ba.lder ,aspects of the art f(a th;lt 'w'e would only be left with a health art. Some, like Yang Shou-hon ... the mother' of 'Yang' Cbeng,~hll", did Dot. agree, with tills ruling, hut still would not g~' against his peers, So Yang SbDU=)hO'U decided, he' wowd only teach the real thing to a h.aIidlul 'Qf sQqlent.s, {only two tlt.a,t;' I know of'. 'Th e two that I know (l'i' were Hsiung Y~-ho and my main teacher, Chang Yi!a-ebun, a cl assrna te of" Hsinng,

Chang Y1u!"rou.u w.@.s one of in y instmct01',s'J and Chang' 'knew the dim-mak, 01 death-point striking, o~ e:ai chi ch'uan. Combining this with mY' own knowledge 0'£ acupuncture and that of many ot the world's Ieading authorities, I 'have put togietber what I believe to be the' ori,g.h;laill, points, If'om Chang. San -Ieng.

E,ver}' move ')l'OU make in your t'ai chi. form is in die ative o~' a ve,ry d angerous dim-mak point strike, ,No matter how insignlfieant the move, it means some thing! W,e do. nnt have 'to Jk:now' the correce direction 01 pressure, because the-v are all there in oUJ-t t' ai chi forms, provided, ot '(lO{lE'S~~ that we have Iearned tn,e f:(lr;m:s correctly and. from a com,pe.t:elIl,t teacher, For 1Dst:4IL~'e; 't.p,e :P~o.$t,:ule, known as U step. hack and-repulse monkey" must be performed by 'tl;te" attacking palm using: a, .d.rd:mite d ownward strike while. the otb er palm, comes sligh tly a cross the body and dawDl to the hip .. Thi~ ensure'S ehat the direeticn of the strike is ,going; with the flow of enet,gYJ er qi. In this, case, tM, palm on 'the bip a ttack$;. importsn t heart ,ana Iul).g ]l'oin ts OD the forearm, while the other palm att acks a point called Conceptor Vesse,l ~ Cv 171. S ometimea we ~iust, move one palm ,half, an :tttc.h~ but this, bJO J bas 'a reason: to .attack the flow pi

- ll.., ,_ 'IL L ..... d· ... ,_. .

energy to otner p,M;t.S ot ene ~: y sn i~,.,u;at certain

li.m b S wi 11 be C orne W ea k en e d to r a more,.{

devastating .kick ox p~,cll., ;{1

Supreme ultimatel Yes~, when you know' why~ ;~;P

INntODU' '~'O- :111.:1'" J.

. .. _ 1I,.;.,Ji..I, ,Ii'!! "!:'i'


hook. on pomlE l1lcation stands 'hood and .'"" .. ·"""'"!,;I ....... I"'Ii',....,,,.... .... ~a~ .. above all. O'~e~~ .P;oint .Loca don: and Point .. ' ice Mallullli by Carole. and ,CametOD Rbge·rs., 'lhi.s is the. oo~y hOQk . used by' the Woltld. T:ll1i .. Eoxip.g Assod;~tion~

The peints I 'WJLn 'be showing In this b.ook 'are the mos-·t :dan~mous points~, macd,e' 'met-e so by the~ .addition. of ~! set-up" points, ·multiple point. strikes, and. D,e~.llr()logical shu tdown pOilUS.. ,Malty ·peO.ple ask me vi h y E' am giving this info rmat i ott. out freeLy.. My 'reasons are as follO'Ws ..

In the pas t, inform .. tion . Iike this 'wa·s l;:rever levled,eo to ,an¥one, p~r~icula.rly, not ',at seminars, which anyone could. auendl amy the most: ''trus ted 'students, who had 'attained "the: rughes~t grades were ,? given tbismfonnation. However, -in, 'I~Dt years,I"~

- i:I t.. it "iI'';;': ;:0 e e- a f..:ii'i'::Li' 1· ndivrd ...... _.'1. 1.. ~ hi ~~. w,~ n.gcy'!of s .-~ . rrew mmvmuars WnQ nave ,e,e1.!l4r

.~. "&:f:



gi vin(g nut BODle· of this lntormati.Oln:-jUi$t enough

to make it very dangerous, .' . .

Moreover, these- people. have, been ;58. )ring; that th :!:'1_~, ~1.. ·h·' ,...:111': .. ,_..... d .' ie stru..cs llILey are. s : _ Q>\"Img' are -aor ua.:],g:erollS an' .

tluit anyon"e can use tbem i Mrll 'd\ tbem. in dlemon.stration to, kn ock poopl~ 0'01, ~om,etimes cauaiag many XOs in a lOW, and some.'tim·.es withamt even :aslti:ng ,a hour :memcal his;to~,

,sto' :9 p,otnt is t he classi.e ItO pcin t~. csuaing the carotid sinus to, react 'by lQw~iDg the heart rate. thus lowering the blood pressure dram,atic'ally and caus,ill,S: S,l KO, A ~l"d.fe-~~"g,e strike a~ross tbis point Is 'Usuo.lly US 00; .as anyone. CaD .bitt this target using tbis w,eap O-D., ] am told byone of the United States" le!!dbij.g _c,)rdio.l.og,ls.ts that there are some p'eople.' VI h 0'· ha. ve .. a hypers'ensitive carodd sinus who can evea knock "tb;e,D15~el¥es Oll.t hy turnjng sll' when "'# eating a tight 'necktie,! T.l:fe, str ike ~s di teet ed ''back toward the back bone ~d .in sUgh-tly [:0 th.€ th ro at. This is' a velY da nge eo usp oin t and. Is

kn b .. liJ..:· C'L,,: ;."" ,.l! -"""_.' d "a,! k

,- ~~()~ oomm " :,ul.d.ese meercme nrn:_ -_ as

. an ins tan t. or delayed deatht ouch. It can c ause dea th up to '1, years later hom .. stroke. Of ,[;OUrS61 these. people. wh,o demoasrrate tbat they can knock all'Y' one, out ·with. .a 'medium .s;M!~e to St 9 only- do. it to, a sit.tiog dnck~,some'Dne, who' is; just stmding there waiti[lg to be s~truclL Tbey never sIt'ow aet'JJAlly. how ~. get in there and s'uike tbe point in the first place.

I~ doesn't mateer :bow b.i& OI' str'OThg a person is; a strike to Sf 9=ffVfrll with m.ibl pressure=wfll knock him DuJt, which is why it is one of the main ,[pOints, w,e teachto women an,d SOlaUeJ, people.

In the ,.igb t ·of a 11. 01 ih is, I. de"ci ded, alb ei t again$'t the' athrice or my seniers, that now is the,

.= time. to educate. poo!p'~le, tell them the .[till :sto~~ '~th!e very .ccmplieaeed story;,--o£ dim-mak, and,

=~~ - _

. '~USm~te 'imnoltantlv, tell them haw- dao~etous these

q0j ';l'" - - - 'n - ' . - ---- @ .. . . • .


-, ,:--~ 1- _ " _ . - - -. -. ," '. , I" -; r .. - ,-- "':_




podnts are and t'mat· th~y .must never be used in. demonsUanoa. just: ltQ s'hmv tniJt, .Jhey work, So fal, this has, p"lbVe.d tcr be. one IQ.. f the mose drama tic thing's [ have done, .and as, ·1, rt'Sult, people all around the wodd !ill,OW know.,. that these points are

d d 1 ,'I:...

·_.snger.ou'S an c exact. Y Wjlf'.

"¥e,t peop,le still saY' to me" .r~S,u,rel',., someene whO' is" 'perhaps ineane nr wants to kill scmeone 'wUI just, lesrn it "from YiJtur v ldeos and mN)ks ./~. I resp ond h,y te,lliDg, ebem tb at kt is much easier to go out arne 'bu.y; a. gun; and. much easi·er. t,f) ex,ooute,. The persen who is' 01f unsound mind will, not wish to put in the eraining' tbat is essential to Ieam dim- mak, It is said ,in China, that i t t~es three Iifetfmes to learn mm-mak. That, is-how difficult it is, to maater T Smel anY-bile can learn all 01 the points, 'W"bMCb. wll1 work to a certam Qegree~ ,:taut to learn the internal aspects of dim- mak, the htghest Ievel, and how to "pue in the adverse energy" t akes- a mon§; time ~ ad in Y.llJi:]·ve S· :3 great dea 1. of

.. - "d.~"" 1 da,ua' oprnen +l·D ... o;;,'.a: .!Ii.l'i11 ,;: 'i[;;, ... ~,I:!LiII.I' '~!L.- ..

'This is the fust trrne so much ,mfeI~tion has 'been given '-Dut. with regard to. dim - mak. It is, f:he mo st . (}O tnprehensive book ever W1it tem.. on rhis 'S u b] ec t ,S! n d is t:b e cul mIn a tlon of. 25 yea:I$. of: research and mst1'tl!ction ftam some of the world~s top interual.rnartial arts people,

T~ c.ovel .all of tb e points w nul ii, tiJ[ke several volumes, 00 in this 'book, I. 'will cnly cover these, ( that are the mea t da.llgeron s and those Itha,!' are easiest to g~~,:to in the geH~ defen se area,

'I 'will only .MloMte!i the points ·we· deal with in, dim-mak, I will give' a bBsic,-lca::aildon" as we 'tend to use Ierger stltlklng portions .a:Dd~ ~O' $:bsolute, accuracy Is -net necessasy in m:any cases,", I will, aJl:so give t:b e e x:a et p:(J ilnt Ioea rio n fro-m th e P oin t LocatiOJl and PoilU Dynt:mlics Manual. There are .

. . '~.

hU'fJ,dredcS_ ~m,~ote ~H}iD.ts ,th,=:u~_ . ~h();se I W~l~~l~ demonstrate; howe:vM" ,feol praceieal reasons wIdl}.O<:


... 'J;,~ .• -P



regard to 'seli,rd]e'renser 1. 'will ooly !DOW and use Ii small pereeneage of them, 'POI mstance" there are pomt~ that will drain qi from the whole' body, hut I would 'DO,t tell anyone to use the, one on the sole 'o.f the '('0'0 t (Kidney 1) in s elt -defens e, 31,S it is' ttl 0 djfficult to get to, Oehers such as on the £rant 0'£ th~ head, I win' cover, as these. are wry easy to get

• j::,nh' • - - •

·to 10, ,I :u.;5Litmg· SRUatlOIl.

As 'with n:t1 whole -fighting method, the strike must work in a tearllstiC· canironr:atiol1.,mii be easy enough for any.o~ to use, small Of la(ge, male or female. ,And ttl must work in the easiest way' so ~bat wle me theleast amouat of energy to. C~'U5e the grea:te« eifru;t~ Met all, the arts are only to ols iha t provi de us ··w i th a ·go od way to, d~efell,d oursel ves, . and if a pa~ticu14l' martial ar t aetllally h.indlers OUt Sie.U-def'emn~,. then jt is not a -go ad martia~ att.

When people criticize, me-fer not using all of the. points J I ask them '1\7 hich ones I hey have. in mtnd, aDd they tell 'me some pofnt that is Impossihle to get 'to in a real conhOntation-easv in the doio or dawgwan .. but impossible in the ~r:m'f t. Then I ask them t@ use this pomt when I attack, and, of OOIJIS'el it is impossihI,e. People' wear shoes in ~h.e street, they wear coats and other pleces (J~ clothingjarmor, SQ aU of. this must 'be ta~·n inlO. accounlt when rt.atllting .,;dJont dim='nlak., This is a way of saviQg .your Hfe in a, really serious confrontation. and: so l··t m:i:?·Ii'~ "'oIj:ark-in that realm"

, ., ~ I !Id1JI!lirr-,c'., I

.lull nut j~$t in a ,,s:as a point o£ Interest,

Wit. this in mind, 'I will cover only the main

. p·Q1mts tb:at I teach to ,my' 5,wdents-{the ODes that I have mUDd. to ·wotle., How do.I ·,know t'hey work? O·kc-y! here is ·my. secret, l have four sons and now a, ballY daughter, I have my sons strike me at certain

t« poin t s with v atyiD g angle s. I. never strike my ,A~~tudents to find out if it wmk;s! This stuff is, really ·~~a.o:gerou8; even a mild KO can cause serious

~:::. '




injuIy later in li{t~ and. ye$J th~ is such "9. thing as delayed death 'tnult'h~ This is ·meillcslly preYeD,. not some mumbo .. jumbo -mystical gaIID:ager.

For :blstance~ the S,.t~:mlath, 9' nmnt is·ttu:=, classle

.. I I!' ,r

X,O pomt used. 'bY' many lop O'l'rmolo,gists' to cause

the heart tate to tower $0 'that the blood. pressure wi H drep=- bU,t onl y in, an. extreme emerg eney,

H "L~, b - .' - 11..:11 h

ow-eveI,. ~,tIlAing t, '1.S pomt COU.I,Ul eause 11; -:- e

mt~; caro~d artery eo dlsuitetf.are slowly lor- a period of IIp to 7' years, SQ 80m eone could die of a 5 troke up to 1 ¥~ ~1ter being s tIDck Ilt 1tbis poiart!

An,orner mew,cally proven d~kyed. death-trrueh point is Gall :Bladder 18". 'Just above each ear at. ~m h_i.gbest pgmt~ Striking tms, ·:pomt wilIl cause a small blood vessel to bI~U ilms,id.:e the skull, ,fHling' tlu;~ skull. 'with blood £ot' mote than three &j:s 'and[ ,kil1img the recipient in, tha.t time as a result, So never aill.ow anyone; no matter how highly he is gr~ to strike you aCIO!lI8 tH~ n~k-it could ki11 yduJ.

In the interes t. ()£ aden ce j ,to be sure that the pain ts, work, I ha ve t.a,k,en toe risk. -oi: havin.g my 'boys. try them out on me. U\lS~ o.nrc~j to "be certain that what ~: ~ ie.aching p'Bople wo'rks amd so £bey do not :ba11'C to experiment for themselves I. Some .01 them are so potent ,tha:t ,my 9-,yea:lf-old son is

, q'bllip _,l,' 11 __ ..... ~11!"';-n:~ m· ,c" .... "''''t W"l'lL, tedium strike capo: : ... ~_ UI &la;n::;'l\"~ .. , '¥ ,y.,u,' : ',_ 1.;!Il ~ mcu,l ' .. I OJ! ':& ....

if' f___ ~ T"i~-ib.-o'lf'!i,""';;:;' I'IT _. I', _ w.' ' _ 2' 3 n ,f"'f'l..c-", q. ~, iUlDot '1-0, n_;rr, #"';;:;I'~~';';'''''''", flIlLe .:cIDIlDe-I .• '. \ 11 W' ~ II' ,,,LEa ',

above the outaide of each eyebOOWt ·at ,a dOW1lwM.d angle, If my son 'is able to KO me with. his Iesser

.: . ~ -". 'h' 'd . h· ,

pO"W'eI, 'you. can nnagme .: OW" angerous t~, 15' pomt

is 'when used hy an adwt. As soon, as you are strn,ck here, y 0-0 win feel the energy just hein,g' drained right, out: of you and then 'YOU 'w1U ['ain't!

So, amy points that do nut wOlfk E threw out, and the ones that do wm;k I keep., N wiU.. h,Ow eve r .. : be showin,g: some, ether points 'that: all! used in. the dnn-mak healing- area, These may be, difficult t~ 4 get to in the fighting sense, bet they. are not 'use4;~

far fighting anJl!fiay~ ~

, , . %e:::?2





madder PoIntl. BI15


81:23 81:24

nMilul qinaiahtD

COlanPOI'rdJ CQ"1



0010 OO~2

mangyang e~jan ~eQu :&Musanli .~00u1ao

CenCtptQr Ye&$all .PoImB1

,0..'4.·' '.g~

.leV'14 ju,jUe

'OV '11 :ahW1~nfl

c., ~~ [::II

Cv 22 ,amul

CY 23 liangl~i¥1

OV'24 dlergiaog

Gall. BlIdder PMLtI

!~ 1 KIRgzlliao

Gb 3 sMngg ~an

Sb 14 'yangbai:

Gh· 20' fengdl'

Gb 2~ ,~angJi"9

Gb 22: ytDJye

Gb24 rtyue

Gb28 weidao

Gb '3'1, fengWU

Gb,32 femurmongdu

G~I ,41 ~ingi

Gil) ,~tt diwuttd

merohart Of yaJ]@

secotKI~ sectiO' ..» ~1i -

, . ,

.' .. -

.,- • _. - of" ttte' , ¥a.J~J Ieys

I(ll"ran ' ,I: ' '_: ,"

1_ 1111I!Ihl.:'"' ,_,"'."_ ..

,aml tIYee miles' elOOwoo~e

g .• ,Of' ll1!Iin I~'of~o& middle ~1'1'h~'~st

~' lo~di~8ippear :act:ive source oornmlnl'ng 'the· '~Lid

,oon9.of l~e eye ~.oo&ls ,and 'oom 'whtteyang

wInd pQnd shoukknwel deep 'liqlJicl

'SU!riI and ,moon

, .

meeting p.ath

,olly of ~lmdl

middle· soitude lying OOwflll to weep

1:'.., ' • ...: .. 11 u

1I, :teflesu IQI relLlnlorns

Governo, Vessel Poitt.

Gv26 ml:il~QlrI9

Gy 21' qiarding

Hellt ,Pol lib

'H1 H3 H5

~UlJlBfl ,snaoqhai


HG Hi' H9

yrr1l~: 's~e~nmen

sha ... ..JI.,~ I~J _-( ~ ~'

tall MY Pdmrt$, K1




'Y,M9!J18i11 r,mgu

s'huguan ~lr.Igu

liv,er Po'inh u-s

Lht13, Liv'14,

Wlth9J1Q ~M' 'limen

lung [POints, lu'1




lu 8


zhongfuJl yunmell'll 'tiMrul ik<oPlQ'lUi jinggUJ ta1¥Uan

Pericard.lum PQJma,

Pc 6 naigwan

Pc 8 ~ao,gOrlg

:Small rtltestlne Palmt$

.8i'l s~.

Si2 ~!aJlg[J

Si 3 houd

~rdtair,n, , summit

tlIbbJilg ~g ~Q blazr,mg valley

water source'

valley of ~in

$l(,teme, ,assruJt door of ttle ·s.hl!ilter (bar nf the pir1ad

certt~al'~ cloud: door celestiaJ

.. -_. - tKU _ ..

SIlp'BmB htJle meridiab .. ~. supreme abY$S

ihner. gale

pa1.~" 'm""I·abo"·r

-_ .. , . - ...

• .:.._ ..:.. I _" _.: '

lesse;r m~h, Mtsnor valley posteri(f valley

P01N1" E;OCATlO'Ni


·s 11 Si 16 Si 17

tiEmmr:lg taiM.fiua'lg iMrong

SPleen Points Sp 117



Cinl''''i'~ ~~'il

shid'oo ~ngxfan :zhl~mng

....... ii._ .......


ioodr~ienl c~est vrllage [~oolro1il::1 ~ry f1Jgl ef:1NeDp.~ngj

Stomach PGinll, 513



St 15'

51 1.6

.~,~~, ~,~~

juliaJ I'8Illng

r;me 'WU'ji yimhua~gl mmlWmm.

largeoone ma1'WEkomo ~~ ·Qfene.rg, roomzreen breast vi~fldow' PrQstrare here

TriPI.e Warmer Paim

1w9 Sijdu

T..,12 xiadlfO

Tw 17 yireng

'T", 23 simukrllg

four gutters

mettrn~ to disappear Ml!1dl streE!n bamto'J ml~Dw


A, cun is ill Chinese measurement used in tradl-

+ - _.1 ~...l~. _. ~:1"11 fr '

tiOIl.4ll meneme, Itww 'vary .• ' nm person to person

bu t irs g enerally abuut the length from. yo.u r Ilrs t

'1...... 1-'1_ • ...l.~~ fi ..Il.L 00' 1~__ _1":1

JId;;lU[:.Mt:· Oll'yom m~' 'nger to we seen .. "_UillI;:olUe-

about an .inCh. A ten is about 8_ tenth of em inch. , .

. All dim-mak points are found in hollows just below- a lump OI .a bump caused -hy a muscle. or bone.

Bladder l' md. 15 Me om both sides of the hackboru::1 fiv,£ 'verte 'ira down. frOlm tb,c iarle vlene~Ia at: the

base raf t11£ Dle.c'k ..

m 231 is located 1.5 con Isreral to tlu~~

'hackmen; aiD. either sW._ qf the second Inmb'ar V£l'·tebra. and 1!31

,~ '-= . ..1'..... - .... 1.- IJl

a ·~eyWillJ

pDint [Ls., it is dif,e,ctly 1(Jlv,er the - 'i ,'" _ ·ey Ii:'! , 'li't-'~ 0 'Ml'lil S 'Ii ~a' Y' o· ,,[~'ii iI ~ u_ M ~.:

attu:k~, with the, 'ee~ or 8ometlm,es the

: almst. wi m ,8 . tt·k10 that mcrves in OIl a. smight plane .

. . '.1 24 j,B I ee a,te.d 1.,6 elm lateral tal the tl:md llilllhH venebm al9tJ dqeroUB, b eca us e of its pIDX·

'hJ' ........L ki·.Ji_ ml'''':l LU DIe . 'm.te:ys.


. - -' '.

.', ,~.'.., 'I'

Th - Colen Poio- (D"[- pam 21

CoJ.lOD 1 ~,Co I' ils Ioeated 8. . e .~, of the· ind,9i.

finge I OD 't'~n:~ dor,$O a ·e:ral sidle Ii closes tot . e dnlmbJ~ m lei) superior' ad lat'eISJ. to' 'the lbaSe of dll: is usually used 3S an. aD.tidote ..

Co 4 is lecated on th_ dOr~n.un o._ 'the hand in _' .e :middle of tbl _ 9 ~t:rDln. mctat.alpai" On the 1 te I " s,i,dc (·t]llU lb side] bctw. en the tbum'b ana EOlefinReI in !hiU: UV'· about one eun back .. It 15, l!Is;uall, used as an. anudote~

Co 1.0 is located 00 the outude oj: the forearm~1f;'n!'lliCJLll

• i LcLi~ ~'L ~"'J

~~~"~ic~ ~~r~~~ I r ~~~ I!~I",_,;·I.I,... ,J u L IJ ~

l"D It .. lo,r l!II'.I" • e l ~ t HJlIi .Ii n!Ii

"." -.jIlJ~ pot.ilililiT 11111 ~ Ud II Ihjn'Olll'lI

l.'nll:il : ' •• ' a.iIj~;m .iOIir !'f'II ~ ~ ~ iii ~ II lilTl!!I it ~ ..

')TUU run ,a Siti'rai_ght hne from th"e'ring 6ngu rt:lll the elba,wo" ICO 10 :~ s fe,und DO that line about 1 ClID 'back from the db(Jw crease

C~ 12. is located in die ,dep . - sian just ,ahoy _ th dhow crease on the outside of 'me upper arm; s-up-erlOl: '~O the Iareral e.picorn.dy~,e cd the huraerus, It is a «angelioas )lOm:l ,q' is usually struck 'with. tb~ back of 'th _ palm tn a, ,Qo'wuw,awd, way.


CD,]l£epto Vusd ~oiD -, tDiagr;uu 3 _nd /_, CDnCLqltoI '" Cs5el ,4 (Cv 4) is locate 3 CUD b 'low

he navel on t e midlin,e~ This is, wb'.[ mO,!U 'people s , the ut&D=ueu" i situa~ bu.t actually, althDUghi.t is. dUte.tly 'under tbi~: point, the 'tafI- tieD is on. an ~ura meridian called b~jUlIJg mei, H ilr' ,m'il! mree mc_.idia:n- The tan-tien is, acruall Jm 2,. But fm the, - Ice 0' exp '~eDeL',' _ uslllt1ly sa}' that C-y' 4- is, the tan-t en pDlm,", This is, a very dangCl!DUS, pmn~~, lIlS'usB,' Ide'ked up 01 down to eanse deatlb.

C:v 14 iii' ca.'ted just over the: :d:phoid precess and 7' Clm. slJ,per:." DX to n8,vel Ion the midlime,.

This it sn ins 8LDl dearh _'o'~ ~ as, ilt caU .. iSl,es; the hear t 'tOI S top ~ Ilsll [pll a;y era h,lve 'een known to b1!ke a ba I t,g, he

dtest '- "pi 00 this point and die €ln. the

,~ I'I!I
: '"I-ll!
~lL ~
!i!''!J ~~
~ II
i.hlD , ,~
.. ~ 'f;,
• r
[.I~ I
iii" j
.. 'J ... r t

Dii . OJ _"m,g,ram ~


Diagr m 4

,;l_" ""



" _~ u

spot. It Is usually stmok str ,;' ght in ' I up 'ani apililst the ,flow 1M qi. Tb'js pam, is 'J'mxbiddenir. Evlen m ,8;CDpUD'CtiDm because It is :8£1, danpm I ..

CV 11' is ]oc~,ted, \;Je:n'],~em the nipples ;pn the mldlme ,and Is an IrmeJ:gy dfainage poin,IIt., ,SDikins this ,point wi'th, the ,flo ~'I i"e"1 d,OW1l... willi cause B ~Dn to feel as iJ he I '~,ID the ptolv,ubial kicl~

In the ut'&'I' as, it aHle'Glts th seat of pow r:, IDf


ICY. 12 is, localed in' e ,In' o,t thN!. neck and ia very dangemul; ,a~, ,mnat. ,eo:p~,e :koow..

Cv.23, iSJ loaumd UDdeI the dUn where the meck , eelS the ,chin.

e" 14, is just in the, hOllow where the ,chin ,-, d die 'bottom H:P meet,

Gall ,Bbdd -: I PoinJt ' (Diapa,m,' ,5, 6, md'11

I will,

i1)OveI' 'lhi merf dfan In mnre

dfltail ~tban, I the odlers~ Th,c : all b La dd er

earo tId millS shuttiDI dOWD the. hear t, T h e th ec


l' •

" .



- I I"

DJ' gram,s

'pomts can be

r 5ttU&k in. U '. t'D differen,! difJect ions. an.a are gas-il.,' .ace£ssibk ..

CaD ' .- dder 1 ~'Gb 1 ~I is 10'- ted at the 'comel' of the eye and is, a very dangeflO,U:S lqil I~ge ,po'm when '·mJck. nn.m rear to ,&[Jllt~

1Gb a~ is, .lot.a'ted 9t the' Ttm,ile am.! is also very

.:J 'it 'b· 'k . 'Ii...1i!

l1,qrnSeDlUS. u em De strue -: W S numner 6.11 wa,.S! ttl

name. diler ~nt things tD lbtapp~u.

Gb 14 i _ I in tke middlle of 'the. IBp,bmw aDd UII' alloy 1 CLU1. This point em 'be Itm&k in a numbe.r o. ways to cause either ch-ainag.· 01' addition ,of qi, It tool is a. KO' .poiu ~

Gb 20 is located lOll m.ther ailde of 'the back Qlf the skWli in. tbe luge ll'(~dJlow whe.te the slruIlmeem the meek .. This, :~ ,. ··C cl41ssic J:eviv,fi point. We we '_' __ =8 point time of '_ when someone _. i bean tmackdJ] eut, usuall, push rng up,wD1dj1 an it works most 01 the thne, In lac " .if this dDes Dot work, m.en 'we 'resort t'o CPlt

Gb 21 :w tha:t. sore spot DB eimer sid'l: clf ... c top


mam ergans involve1 ate th_. in,l)estines'l .111 'bladd - Ell and u~ retbaa, These

A,II: .",·L·,1Eii1 i:!'il."""'-uJdliD; ~.-

u.J;. "J1'1,iii ,~U.U .~1.5 '"

'We usually p.reS8 d,gw lIl.w'a:rd .. h ere and, ·them blaBOO out to 'tll'B Sild~1 a I an iaJ];tiJ,Qo-te .£or be.m_g; IWdc.

8rt G·' 14 in an -s2~1" .

upw:a,lld WB,Y,· ~71

Tbis p,oin't will ,.~.- t, drain. "i Irem tn,j£ . ~~ II

... ' l' I

h- ,a,;'Ii'd: ~ , :

, ~-!!!,

Gb 22 i~, Iueaeed under 'the; nm1 a, cnn b e.lo w the 8IU;:criitJ r aJ'xjJl ary' ,f.old :1::0 th e .£rou.nh m.tem.oB~ space~ aUld is £,;,u;iliy IJcces~.irrble: · 'the rd,bow ,a£ter 'th.r;:

;"Iif~ ~ "Ii Jj3, b ligilDfffl '11.: It:... ~.JI a~"U!l:. 1_I"i:!I! .. ~. ~~J

elD 2,,4· i,5 l,oc,at ed direed.y bdaw' ,Li:vet 14, in. a lin.e w·,;i:tb. the mp,I~, an tb~ 'se.vemth, inter~DS til ~Iace ml4 is an cx;u,Jm]ely _ImlI1liS point.

G'b 28 i8 IICJcall:ed ';U8t ahcnre ,the appendix, 'app,roxhBalteIJjl and ,0 :Ill e IlSD OV,eJ the: ure:thrl" i:t is ta, 'vmy Unie:mWl point whml. struck straight in;, whiCh, GaD eause ,!iul. even worse' &0 and de3l-tb ..

Ch 31, is ioeait~edl whef~ the loqest ~Iu ROints, te wl1Jmi tb~ iU'm, is just allOiw~d til '1i~: b,· O'D~Jfi side: on. tbe: thiJ\gh.. 1Gb 32, I, cg:n below' ,that, is, usll8ll:y' used wi:th. kicks and. its a KiO pomit. ThiS, is the cl!ass.ic l!IIdea~d11Ielh'; whlEr:e :s~me~e ,n'nJif .m·D ,rl mIOI¥~& 'his kDe.e - 'm'lD the ,ai tb: of Y(]'IlI leG' 'mm~m'jbcr w'hen ·,ou used. to do i:c at 5CDDOU' ~I.,

G'b 41 and 4:2 are located [GEl ,t1JJ!~ ,sj,lda of' the ,(00 t, Gb ·41 is In the d~[iession. anterior to the j1mct~on

D' .... ' 1IiIf,J. 'itt'. 'DD j;. "1I"'b 'DO' TJliilJI¥j liNi'jjn~'G JLl[l"A:.~I1~I.R~ - ,tiB..Il.,U.-E;'"·· U, JL OII,Ln...I..D..I.L:!fII.-

[Dr the f,Q,udD md, fifth metatalm-alls," ~uul ,4:1 is ,5, :~'m ·an:t[e:DO(f. to Gb 41, iq, th~, ~left hetwltGJ} 'th~ fowth atul Ilft'h -me,tata~saJ.SI~ Tnes,e points are e.alsily s:~omlH=:d 10,D tol cause KO~

GOvernor '9e.siSd R'Qiint9 {D.iapam III IGovemor'Vessei], "n jCv 21:1 is I D ea ted, QD tOPI of' the head in the midd1e=-a, v~ danler-~ 01;U; po.irJ;C: if yo u C iOCD

iiJ'J;ljMO [iltn. It-

~J'-tL ~. ::II

G,v 2,G is 10lc a ted

WldeJ the DOle: mDJd is \r'e:rry dang,erouSi.. A, 'ligh.t ta:p .b, 'will eaase lev[en the largers it mall t~o ,r,eleaf: llis, hol~ hUldet mdl it's Ugb£8, gut!

Di~Gram I Heart Points (D.i:ap:am 'J

,He'3,,[,[ :1 I~H III is,;.at,ed dlbecdy" under 'the arm in the middle 'Qf th,e, ~a, .and i.s, usually' stmfck straiobJt in and 'lal' '~p in to the: annpit 'wi'dl, the ,radhJs, ~f eir~ ,ann. It is ,a, 'vety[ :polm'tl

H 3 ~~ located in th,e; crease Df the; etbow and back a tad, t:!J[w,atd the, llI,prper arm on. 'the ,ims.i,d~~ 'betweenth,e medial end of me ItrmSVeI"S~ l~tl·b,lta1. cresse ariOl, tbe. medlial,epicGniiyle of the hDtD.erus~

m'P - d' -_ - t'r'" ")l. ·Jt;·gr~i!FNI &,'1Il.. ,:- pam·' ';Ii..:i~ 'ilT~ ~ I!'!If'lI!'!IIi'I'.a~"""'I"II!I' ia, ,. '~p'res~Ju - n~.!! ~ , .'. ': .. !!!. ~ '1Il' [~~~ ~~".,.L,UiU~

W11.elll1itmck B:way' bom the bod,. I:t, 1.5: ,also 'utied as 'btnn. a dtainllgl' pcldt and m 8'lilbdote ,PCii.flt.,

H, 5 and H 6 [3:1£ lncat~[d Oilll th~ il1udde of the,

iii" .. nst - - .... 'Ib,;j!i, ,_ •• ;11 ~I .c, .... ItIIfP'F side H,cc: .~,iIII! 1 P'II'II"Ii, .!i'II LR'!II:J!\D n&.",-,[ O.DiUl"'" ~W,iII .III. :.:mfil ..... ~ ~. "'"'. . ~ ~" [~,l.Jl.Ij'" ,g.1Il_~ ",....

me wrist crearl3il:; .. toward the cillQ'w, wbi]Jc H 6 is S ren t'five~'tent:hs~ or haH,[ (If an inCh.~ ,above H 1t 01' the 'wds.'t crease,

Tbese ,ue U8 eo a~ an:lido'te pomlt8 and a]st] as


Kidney 'P,Dints' (,Diagam lO)

'The JJru,)'" point on, the sole of. the .foot,,, 'Kl,dne,y 1. (It 11 is, usedas the el esstc 'tevi v'a! point. It is Iocated in the, d,ep!ressjQItI between. 'the ~~D.d and third ILIU:= t:a:t~i"so'~pb,ala'ngea,[ j:Qi~,t I m,c,tw eea th e mounts of the big toeand ~eoond toe],

It 2, is located an rrA¢ tOuts,ide of the foot, about '1

CUll up from the,ground and aho1;lt. hallwa:y between

i th,e:~e6,~an~ tht; .to~~j ,i~ ,a, de~r.e,s~~o_1l ,0:0 t~e ~~.te:norfmedial edge of ID'e ·root. atmedbrtal and an-

?~~a~-'" , bord ,,- ,-- ' rf' t h' ' , ,- - ~I ' '1-:' ,- , '; -,', ',' -,' 1'-"

·~~p.n 0 r no f:, __ er 0._, e na:V1bC U -41 emi nenee, "t 1,S.


'~ 'DIM' ... MAK; DEAnr .. fOINT S1'JtiJnNG

"1: r -

and as an SJl ti dot 1;:1 but i,t can. be' the target at a ..:l:,-_· .... t- s t-r-,o],i,.:-r'h't-l":n, -:l'::--~ ....... ,~1- em-- :·~I-:e-

~·'t I P-.&5.''' .~. '. UU-ll U~taA. ~.' ~ '_ ...

K. 10 iti, Iocared l){euy well hi th~ mlrd(l]e.' 'qi the

'b, o!ii .... k ~L t1. ~ 1 ...... "" iJi It- 'r;f'li lIi"'"ts, W' - . hen press i:i.oJ W·.i.:i;"I,~l....,~:t

- \p-...... _' Llll -l~~ ,1S....l.lC~. '. J ,M L!Ll .. _ ~.I.-11i IJJ ~aa 6"iJ..!!!1 _. !Ia-r uu~~- I

ki 1.- - hi "- '" dim ....... _.;.;~i" ..JI" " ... 1 ~I,

G~S 'to u ~~S POl'ot 10 _ im -u~~ a,l.~ It ',IS aiso useu

In the: healing ,art.

ldv,e;r 'Famm' tDiag~am 1'l,

Wi th the knee Uexed, ·Li.v,e1 B {Li~v \8] is at the medial. end or jdJe Jl()pjt,~,al crease: in th~ dep,ression in front of the. tendons of the sem:imembr~,o'

- - - -~-- - - - - - r----- - --K"--' .-..---. ,,-

and semitendinosus and behind the media] oondy~of; or the tibia Un. qther wo[ds,~ 00: the right. kn,~' if;':s, to the Iett of the, knee crease In bsck and 'vii:ce~ ve~all.,

Liv 13 is Ioeated ,at the ,sJmillJ,!st, mdenta'tion of the wrust'j' just a lLillttJe,} tow'.ard th:e &()~.t aLl the d.p .of the free' ella -of the ¢!eyeot'h rib. B~,~han;g makes.

. ''')'.-

great use ,of 1ihis; POi.n'll;, usually s trikirtg straight

rnward caus,ing peat i:D.tiil[Da~ Olrgan dama,g.e, as, well as 'p',sycho.]:(}cgic,;all -d.aOlag,e~ It is a 'v-efY dangerous 'point! 'e$lp-eciiUy if used with Go 24~.

Liv 14,.hs just under the ni~p~e WE1CJie the. ,oc;torals .~ make a crease ... This ~.·,a:loo: a yel'y da~eruus p,oin~~,

b ··,oI.:L_ .••. :1... '·i~1I-tf. " • ...]'::'_~ •. ::.E.!::~

W en earner sttu~ sU.aJ~~,·m 0.1' 1Ii ,i3j ~~J~g moo.'*'





(far Instanee, /'

if Y QU.. are: r:,·.:·:· st,rlking' to !_ ,

tbe: 'right Io.'<>~" side .0£ tffiiu.~ t-

ilL.. d '1Ii-"':~

DU' y~ !S!l!<lJA-






• r ......

,Lung Points ',Di.agram 12)

L11n8'a. (LIJ 3,) is located on the Iateral 'slide 0" the birep s hrach H. m uscle, 3 eun below the. aneeri or' aniLITy fold (,a little over - ha]f1Jt,a,y 'UPI r'be arm, on

th- .',' ........ ,·~I, . t.'m" 'b' ,'.. ',I'" ,".J " -.Ai ,', .... ' . , ,·..;ll.",. ....... ,

e OU~lu0 01' ae ncepst.. ,t as US~ as am antuiote

belne 1.... L~ 14 if .. .....__1 ..lj;~ l!...

<to , eln_g .struCA ,at :tv ,:: u emononat w..'StUl'ljMC'eS

(which Can show up 'weeks later in the torm of uncentrollable 'c~ fot: insb1[OteJ are being felt as a It'!Swt,

l.u 6 is located, on the ·tadillS 'sl~~le 'of· the forearm on the ,inside~ '1 cun above the 'wrist flexw:e on the, braehloradi is 11'8 muscle (a'tad OVtU .halfway u'p the forearm], This porn t is. used. as an antidote ,point to.,re~erse the ,effee~8 o:t $~ s.t.rike to :n~r of ttae Iung pomes; We use fl·gger pres sure a nd mass age- the ~pi)int ba.c,k UJl the. arm, tb'ward the person, to

~ 'hi' ~. _::t ;;JI • ,. ,. ~ .. 'L H- E

renve . rrr, It 1$ asso usen ill oonJi'Uoc'tlon 'W'iU!l I, 'il

to .. ".' .' '·h·'li '. ~~, -

8~Op , Jle.etll~

Lu .s ~and .9 can. be usedas fj set-up peints, Fl Tbey . are, e~sy to' get at .and are usu.aUy used during d~mall. clll-:Illa grabs to the 'wrist .. thus' amvatmg the .~. ! e; i to t~bi5, area 'apd leaving the' more dangerous

.~~ .

. -~ .

. ~; nW ... MAK: DEATH'ii'ODiltSTRUaNG


pointa=-sach 'as Stomach 9 '01 GaIl. Bladder 14 more vulnerable to at follow-up strike,

Lu 8 Is located on the Inside Of (he vn:is.t1. on the shumb side, ,about 1 cun back. above the radial artery. A stratg;ht "Strike. to this porn r, a s in a b]oc'k .. will affect the Iuegs. If this. point i s jerked, not pulled, toward "yDU" the body wIn lese energy fast .. hindering a fellow-up, It is ,4 cbssie, set-up peint.

A word of ,clarrnic;atimL., You will hear me 'use the

'term "negati ve strike,f/~' th.filughollt this, book. This term :rna used for ·.b.-i.q reverse ,strikesJ USl ud Jly to. set "'up points; There are no pulls in, dim_\-m;n (tai'iiquant, onl~ ~;;. vpnr e'~~i~;"~'e:·~,,,,'~J'i-~'I1' l~k's. ![ Jknow a ,few df themll , '.f~~~i

• ......_,' . .. "t",iIll"".,:u, . ,.m """ '''0' ,/ ..... '" - '" I " . - , :;:::: u-:'

. , " ~:I:t-



. . Lu, 9 is located [ust below Lu Il ~.Ml11ll ~ the wrist flexure between the mdJills and th(} .scaphoid. This is, also it cbs sic set-up pam'~ ,aad[, is' u~'ed in. the

oI:!'"'Iift'li~ ti',.s.'U' 'L' !I]. _.',' l"t"1 , ... ,L, IJ- ·-,~tirn,ft -p,.n;.~fl+lOfJt: the oaiIJILl.v..."'~l ' 'u 0' .I'.~lt , llS toe, me ... ~, ';1,iP,Il.J.Ll" U.Ii. W'

• ~ j 'J' ..J~' • . ~ .'.J',:........ '~- I ... -:1 1111'

P'liblSes .. ' ,mla ts qtnte m;rpcJ'J:tant m UI.lIti~ma:~+. ,.t '·W:UJ.

cause tbe respiration to become unbalanced and is

.e" q' , • .;l .... _', .; : - ~~. - t' if,. _,i,'L_ I" r .. " '1'1:. tru . 'k' .. ;' " ,"" a qr '-q;am..a,ge. Pv.11U cor ~ rungs, ,U S rues; as m d

,s:tr~ block, it Is ,3 classic" 'paint for causing the

'1l_ ,. ...'1:.. : .... k .;L. '1.. _1 Ik .... a· 1L.;o;, .... 'l!.. . k . ,

IluMB, eo uwU. tne W nore !lJIU~ y has aeen SU'\1'C <., It rs

'll1s'uany struck in a downward way~, a,WAY Irom the

bodv n ,n , .. 'LA inside ih/E '"':1f:o.'n arm

". _. ./" l.~ . _ U~ .. ~.I:l .: ·UJ "1;;.'1, la.:D'IU d..L_. I!l

base. It is u:1l.~.any '~~, as, an antidote and in the healing dim-mak.

Si 11 is JlOC8t,OO sla,p-ban,g in the middle 0.£ the, scapu a and be corn es very sore hen ore .... .l Ir i used to "tak

'w en pres.s.ou+ '.' IS use", c -' " , . e

tu th . '-r it'oQii'I,':'~, ~_.a

ou· , ,e arm. 0' "'Q'~~'Idi.""""J,.l'!b. . '

lower b~~ damsge [i.e., to , ": . 1f):

the part 'of the body.' kom the . ' :,'.~ ~ .

navel down-mai~nly the ',~ .. ~ ~S<ll~ .. ~ ".~I,

lower stomach, including ~ ~ .: ,"~/'

the colon and intestines] . -::;-....__ .. \ 'L"jI\i;. ", \'. ' .~\

"t·_:·:"~ .... '1·:.1 .

Si 161 is, 1 ~ c~ ~ e~ a~ t'b,e, ' , ': l' \' ~ '\~ft:':l' itY~,

center of the base oj the neck, s ',' _'1" 'l'fi: ~~ .. I

at the posterior border ofthe .': /,' ;..:\P~ steln,oc[,ei,do~maswid,eus. l1tt,S' :: t~.f:": ~

point is very dangerous and 1S

usus,n,y attacked with a ~gr'ilm 14'

a traight-in strike,

Si 17 is. located at the angle oi the jaw or slightly posterior to it. The carotid artery can be felt here. S~ 11 is almost always attacked with a strike that 'In,o-yes ~ ft~ the. baek of the head fO'fWmj!' which, 'iWUD, IS, very dangerous ..

Spleen P"oint:s: (Diagta:lft, IS)

Spleen 17 15p 1 71 is located 6 can Isteral to the

Tdl", .. ..:L i::.c.....L..' t ' .... _1 l._;j.":'_~' th

mmune m me nrm mtercoseu space, UIIINrdJ., to me

~¥ .. . ;.-

nipple and dl)WD a tad .. jiust past, where the pactoml

j 0. ins, th e ch es t. This p,o Inr i 8: U. S. u all y str uck Iaterally acmes the body with a'D e,lbuw and makes one feel 've,ry sick!

Sp 19 .i\s, located 6 CUD lateral to the- midline of the third iatereostal 'space, When struck s.c:-ra~ght Jn, Sp 19 61180 cans es ,strange tbin,g:s' to h~pp¢n.· to

the egs [as with Sp WI'"

Sp ,2{) is located, l$. coo lateral to the midline in the. second intercostal space, about I cun above 'Sp :

I St _It, is used to weak. en. the Iegs, J~

Sp 21 Is lncated under each arm ''Om the mi~~R~




Diagrnm 15:







tiXiLllary line in the' sixth int,m:,rostal space, Both S,p

~a and ,21 are alsoused as antidotes. -

.stomaeh Pe.mts {IlEagculls :16 aad 17}

g'toma,m S IS,t 3) Is Iocated down.from the center of each 'eye: '[n. the depression just under the, cheekhone .. It is struck 'with, th,~ fmgers' at

. ,an. upward angle,

The S,t, 11 po i a 1:5 are koea t,ed just above, th'e IcaIlu bone notch where iJt irs ·,clOfte5t till the neck

St 15- is, Ieca ted on the pectoral muscles in the see'Dna int erc~tal space, 4 cnn Iateral, to' Cv 19 ... It .is used to

oi-n-n, the 'n-' 1"" .. ...-4;· o~ ¥- I il,~ , .1 ~,lr-.ll

St. 1.6 is, just under' St 1 S and . a. litt.1 e inw·al d towt1l',d -t he

f·~m·l· ..:al·mll· T"ie 0- iIi'ril t· 'it.. ~ th . ';'iI"...:I1 IM,t· 'e' -

.• ~: .. _ 'tJ.[JL . .1':1. :' I.' ,~. I '-u,~ . 1 ! .JI~.~ .Ii...;..w a, : r ~

i1nfC·O$.tal space, .4 eun la,tend to

"§=§ ,r....,






. .:f.;

.. jj -

'lJJagra.m 16

the Cv 18 point. It is also a heart stopper,

D'"·-QiF,am 17 Ia.,....

Diagram 18

na.. r t Is. usua 1 ~ Y s·t r ~.;H:~l~ straight in,

_. 'i11!1 io ~~.ri 'Tw 11 '.is located. in. dJe

,_ ~ l~ ~t~··:.i~tt . ' t.~ho.r~e~hoe·J":£o rmed b y - .-;.~ ,.r.;~~.~.~, .: _ _,.(. '~_ the tn.eeps: muscle on

" -·.~1 -"1 tbe out~i stde 'Of the

1:~ j. \" , ... /t:~~t· _ - . arm. .It pe-rson can

It . ~~~;~ V': take someonedown easily .. ' ~ , J' --<:;5~.. 't by lap.plying pressure to it e :It. is '-';.;}"'l '". "'~:l'~:t~ ,.~':>/, 'usudly used in conjunction.

'r&<-" . ill' . ~." .. ',.,'-, ' .,':..'- P ~

. ! " '~:., Wl Ul. . c· 'Or

. ~." -_ .......

,"t{·~ '1\Y 17' is loea¢ed. 'behind

IDi.ram 19 .. t.n e e,.,~· 'li'l~LUi t below,. t ha ~

.Il.t tt e .b olIO'w,. I t; IS an

extreme death ,po'int mth 'no ltl1;ctWD anti do IleJI Dot even C~~t. Taijd, is one, of the only artS tJU1: uses strikes to, this IJpm~t 'in the ~o."ect. dimctioD,~ blOm rear to front using a I>Dsture know'D as II arm ·me.h or 'right/I Tw' 17 is also usedas a cODtroJ1iJ)g .pqint to bring $OmtOne wbo .Is under the influ.en~ oj: aI!co'hoI l1ndler cOJi.,trot Just. one. finger is .all it takes te eompletel y control' a person's hody' ming tbis pOlmt+

N'ot ma.ny' p·oiuts to learn" at Ieast riot in comp1Uison to how ma~y there are, l' have only s'11.owD. tho se th a t are ea s,. to use, There a ire others" Ie£' eenrse, that 'will work· jU~f; as 'weHJ' ''but 'p~hap~, t~ey ~Ie Dot as ~sy to get to widlout 'years' of ua'1ning.

These are tbe ones tha't I bow will wo:rik-J and lbes'e aile th-e plD'ints, I teaehta my ~wn stu,dents" bon~\'t ,go out and. st.udy' yom point charts until 'Yon :know the: nemes -of the point s b,y heart=-that'a useless, team. them from 'experlen~, then ~ ·will.

': 'Deve:f:. Iose them. The names ,are not impOrtant; it"s

j=';-: ,'. ' . ,n , . _', ~ '.

~~~owm.g: subconsClously that if 'you i!HC m a certam

~-t4,::,-~" dtion t::,n;,,,,,,, ftQ'U" 'WI,' ·~th ,oo,moon, ,~ r' e vour 1,.',"'- -,.,]j .,.,.,.' 'Il ead

<~' . .P." .. ~,~ .Ii"'bY~'"'b' . " I - I!!!ilUU UI!;.o,.

, !'Ii 'DT •• · U L 1Il'~ O-'D ii,~' "'OTl'll.:T!!'I" ,ei¥ITI iiL"Tii!I.' -: ''ji ~G

. ~ :.:u,'11·1L1~~ '~-.I.~-J!;-.' l ...... -£ a~_~~ -

""\ ,,' ',' , " .' ,'. ',"'" --'

~ ~~~ ~~


POINT Lr'I C, ATlI' 'O'N ,~~, .

• 1 _u.· '_. ~


lb e..:» will L... ... • ,. 'hi" : .... i ...........

0.[ if! ow OJ lOOt',' r: - l, ~ m a posmon to • It 8om,et~

~nd will bit somethfng, Pick one point a day and learn what it does. Plddle 'with, it on yours.elfJ. bue be careful, Con t.raly to what marry people s ay" ~,t. is possible to,K,Q· 'yiollTSelf-I have knccked myself out a couple of times and" apa.rt, -from the obvious erabarrassment, it is not good, for you.





-r«: '-z, •• • .... L ~ f dim

..:t'~Jlln,g :lS tne engine I)' .'-

k ·,Jj,.L~'· • '.< .... '.1· d ... '. 1 dim

rna .'J WIuuiUt. rt, we, mro.pJ.y . _ ~o not .!!;.lave rea '. '-

k . . d- -'%'i, • '- £ .. ;t. '

ma ., Anyane can stand someons rn rront or tnem

and use a. baseball bat to sm,ke ,at poiaes. Ox the 'fists or feet' can be U8~d, OOt in order-to do this c'n~ must be.fairly str'ong; pb1,$ieaUy~ 'This is .not real dtm-mak. 1t ,U; easy to K'O someone by striking Stomach 9 point on the neck wit..b' an inward motion, using on.Iy slight pressure. This causes the carotid sinus to 3.ctivat,e, ',-stopping the heart ,.fm a f,elY seconds alLd thus causing emmn,e low blood, pressure and RO, bet this is Dot Teal dim -m ak,

In order for dl,Ose of slight bull,d to use dim .. mak to defend themselves, they must know' how to use

it conecelv and. 'make-use oj real dim-milk. TIO gain ~, this inner function, one must 'know how to 'use In-, j& - '" 1 i"T""L. ~ 'h 1m .;;~:~t jmg, or exp __ osive energy, Fhis is W -. ere we ,actual!~;:$"

~"" ,5


'put ~'1 adverse IgP" into· the. dim-nlak points to cause

JI'::~H~nt ,.a.'Lm' "."'~' to L, .... :nli"'lP'n "r.LR,tLI ""~~ in temal i:iii']Ii@'Trnt UU-!l~·~Y"_ 'Uj,.' t:fU U ,~¥p-~ '!II-".1J _I~l ·UJ.~~ CJ-D.iI.l, !Ir.:i'!l~~,~~

flow. lit :is the fa,·jilng that causes 'tius, ,miverse e[l~ On. te happen, and so it is c.aUed t;Oe: ~e ,of dim,-

'J_ - 'l!,.,' _',1l... " . :'1,1" L. b " ,. tho ,.

mas, In ttns ~J1apter ,I WJLi ,Sn'OW : ow til gam · . IS,

[pOwer and, :mbJr€ imponand,~ how to useit,

'P;:A: "JIN'"" G

.'", I···· '.' .

I •. . .

Fads; come and, go 1 but ,f,a.-j'fug has been out there.

~ ] . d f' .' ~,l ~

- "- . " ., - . ". . . '.' 'us marnara, '

or.3 ·tlmL~I' 'anr"~ many amo ,,1_ ._;:" 11_ . c .. ' '. : ." arnsts

have 'utililud it.. The old nne-inch punch w'as the fl 3iV 01' ,elf the: day' ba,c'k In the seventies, and was glorified an.d 'my.s.tiiied~ P~[c. WQUld study photos of Bruce 'Lee DSmS ,ma.thematical equat:iOD$, and geomeerieal calculations to try and gain Irls -sec'ft!rs---especially that 01 the 0'0 e .. meh. punch, All they 'needed to d~' was to have 80meOrlt~. tell them. about fa-jiag, which is, what aU 0'£ these .people, w'e_re using to galn such immense power ,over' such s1;1ntt distance s ..

M1os't pe ople w,Guld study the .han ds ,o~ the eKjpon enrs, claiming that it was this; angle or Ulls direction ~at caased t~is' supern atural ,I' ower. ,0 them 'w!ould ~can it qBi; .Q,t;hUs wl;lu~d just give up tl)~~n&+ They .all mi$$eli, the. boat J though, as. it is· the body tIDltt one n~ust watch. in erder to findi out how one gains i'a~ijng. The a t'til, eking' peripheral is olnly secondary to 'what the body is, do~.

Th ere is. an old saying-(Hne th at not m·any

."".. 'I' , ... ..111 .. ~," " .. ,". ",' . ' .•. ;l{~.

:peop e use- n'ow.aLuay8.,~, as rt IS not .m y·ogue., r ne

whole bod 11 ';,6. ~ ..... ~,pgM-n1 II EVEFnl ..... na w'" ho k .. ~ been

. ·U-:'.IL!.'. ~ ... t' ,~ G ¥If'~-Y~II!-I!' ~_ '~"~~TPII;;JI ~."" IU I_~'.D-wv. ,

around a hit has heard of that saying. It is 'not in v'ogue because peop,ne sim.ply'got the real m~m"g w,rong .. We ,tlJ,J unde.rst",and. tl).i;s, to PlMl1 tJ'tat the elbow is a ''Weatxm.r the, knee is, ,a. wes;pOlJ" the aStsJ he au, 'b ack, shoulders, and so on. Bu t what t'bis. i!!d,-Y:W·'· e: m ~cdn~ is tmlat .lite-rill" the whole hlliij~ is

;::" ~ "".g, - '~M~ - """" - - . N " 'U u:y IS

.~Jb.ew'eapo.n, 'wbile tke·pa.rts are'"Onl"secon~ and '~~fJlpen,as an 'adj,unct to wh at the 'body is drun&


1q" " " DEA!TIU TilO -" - '" "

~~ DHd .. ,MAl'":; "·&nl.~.· ~8nu:t;ING


Thl.s is, 'rea'_ fa-;j~. The Sst lion nor: p1l1JclJJ, the ·who1.e lnldy pLllllCbes lfig~ 161. The elbow does Dot strl ke't; the whole b,od,y does, and so on. Theteehntque of fal-:jing ncs in. 'wha:1i:the b rndy do es to e ause the _ ~'Ielip L eral to be thrust Dllt at grea r t speed anti :poweJ" It is not the 8tmmgth 0" the mCq1s, fir the latern1.s dta.t OOWie&l e powe ~ bin' raeher thg whole' body~ SOl it stands eo reas on. t hat ,I smill.'e' II ersen Js ab e to geuerate mom pOI-cr 'lJy u-mg

I.,ure " his whole body

th,an ;I bod,

builcter 'WODI:d Dllly using, 'hiS! triceps, to ,Ke.DflDtethe power (or the ]p.Wlch i There is 5,im:p,ly' m'u.c:h mUle powm:- ill it whclle 'bod, !ban. in one: meeps m1J;Scl~

U' 0 __ - conld utilize ,the ower: enera ed from a. s·nee:z e, thi - wouIld be pe[f~et f'a-jing ~ Wbe we 811eeze~ tb,e, whole lJ30dy reaets vi.olentl,~ nOit just DB.e Pllrt" We sre u.nahl,e: even to keCJ our e,a ollen upon tbrs act lof Blu:.ezblg., ,ft is the same WIth f,a~·


figure 7

figp-, , ,8


ji1Jng~, Upon i~pa,ct .. the eyes are clOsed, {'O[ that sp!Rt 5 econd, Clr[W,d th e :body sh ak)eS vIQlen t I Y' at high frequenc¥r throwing out.a v!ely' dleafdl:y Hst,. pahn, or elbow I figs" 7' an,d '8)~

But' not only Is the whole body used as an. ini tiat 01 ,of such power £01. till e p e.,n pherals J th·e whole 'body can 'be used, physic.any~ as ,9 weapon .. Per ins tanee, when someone- grabs 'you. or is ttying to take Y9.11 d.(1wn~ grapple youJ et c., the, who 1 e body will, perform, ~ !~l~jiDg movement, .:mywbe[,~L This immense" power is enough to C2LUse even the strongest grappler to loosen. his grip, However" tin: be aut y of ~ a- j in g" is, til ':It i n order for e v'e'o 'th ~ smallest part 0.[' the. "body' '100' do b-fkng, every Other portion ID''USt: also be doing it, ott~be.nYise It is' not Ea~ i 0 g an d on ly ,;3. museu 1 a:r : S t til k e. An,d, so the grappler 'wonid, 'TIot onlY' fmd. himself 'being shaken 'violently" some !()ther peripheral would 'amso he, stri\ to I' ain.ts na his !body,

F'a,~'iillg; land dim ... mal:: are iDsep~rab~e~ Tbete ~s dim-male at a base Ievel, where" Jo.r fnstsnee, someone is able, to strike to Stomach. 9, just over the carotid sinus, to cause a knockout I this~, by 'the w'ay" is ehe classic ~O' point used 'by an, increasing number oJ karateka to 'Rhow how good, they' are] M' use finger strikes to liver 13 to cause, liD ;;;m.d. -greal, Internal damage. These points can be used by anyone ,at".a base.level using' p~lIe';physica1 rome and~, not: fa-jing.. But ili£ on-e w~he8 'to rise to the higbest level 'Of dimmak, m,en aD¢ enust understand "real ,£a-jingo

This .is where we use' row. di€fetent body shakes in order to "put In th e adverse q I, Ii and nut. just. strike ,a.t phyaicaJ. oim..;mU pu1nts,~

'Us~ng:~ m=jiil$ and dim,-ma]{ in this ,\vaJj we are able to syS); the opponent's, body to react in '3, 'lm:0\Vl) wa;y~ We are able to drain energy from, the ,spl:~een t.o' cause him to sim:ply fill, doWli, still conscious but UQt able to' do ,anything about it.,: i~ We. are ahle to add ~,i 'w'c,elcaill poarts to cause ,~;4~"




organ to :explod~ .~m. witbm. we, ~ even able to canse certain, disease, states to oC.,CU[ !lnsuntaQ,:-

'II b' '" ~'-" .', - ).. . . _ ~ ~ .

caus.tJ' _: y s't~n~JlU,l certallnpom ts, cor m stance,

most know that snnstreke is nat nice, It makes us feel realI, crook (sic,k) aDli to:t8.1I',' unable .t:o do ,anything hut sit ,down, let .alone liPt.

Usmg dlln .. ~ and ,£a.-j.inS: Vfe [iaD,acblally' cause 'someone' 'b'a 'ha:ve 9. "had case of: .sunstroke. 'We ailsG

1......._ --,_,,, LA: to -'1''''~ ... '6, '" S _ • sero - . '1..;c_..._ 11' L!'~''ioIo'g the .:1'::_

JS,JillW' .II!l\jiW' _" ,-"'lAi.ile '!I;U;I: _- 'SUD"" :. ,'A;C : .. ~u.' - ',_ I _ 'UJl.ll.J;-'

.' ,1~ ,. - 'U-·d'F. - _.- ... ,' . .., -Ii .... , _~L.~-.,.., . .~!__:. ,.",,-1. •• _ - - ; d fa .malK, mJ _ ; ,oLe porn L~. llIl ~ way" l(,Ill.l1-m~, ,an - a-

jing: ?Ie use' for bea1i~B as 'well .S~l'we 'have a death an that.18 also. used to heal P®ple; these points, can 3'(;.Uldlly be· used "to cUlt IS. r$l :case. -fl£ sunstroke.

Using certam s_pleen points, on the llPper arm, ',mel shoullde.-, 'we, am able -~t() csnsesemeoae's right .[)t Ie;ft leg -to '~ake so yi-olend.y <that :q~: tall a d:DWn.

Dc;,-'It~ - ....... .: t .. ,-· . - . ,. ..L:, .... ' .. ' .. '. - iir: .. - -, -t~·h· -; -*" ::r~ '/1 _. Tli'U -t :' 1 ~I D-Ul. 5M~.lJK:lng .;aliL tnese II 010",,5 WI . Oip." J_a. l",,",@ WI I

onl y bring about the physical damag-e caused by

;&;;L_ . -L,- _. - III ' ... - "e.-r' nl.· it'~l .. .<:i' S;e,;;;oi-l....... ~.!s 1" s no- t {-"", Hn_0'

1lUe: pn1'§ jpo-W . -,,;-.vli Ii.;~"" ~,,"~;~l'il:, . J;, _til, _ ~. .. ,- 'a~J~'

.. . ~


So 'we' Iearn at lew Dildy shakes and think ~b"a t we _krU1W' all about f.aT;j-np~ No, then we M"V'e to

I'}.... ~ D _

learn . .aD. :trout- -the U:C.H ba~ llig~ SI-) and the risiQ~r

qi. Look --at 'B,m~e···L~e when 'he was £igh ting, What do y,QU' s-e.@:? MQsJ' p,.eoptle lQ9k. at the _phy-~i~al tnovem_~ts and. try. to tnllJlaJt'ft. what, he W'a$ dcdng~ .N£lt many 10 ok_ at what was' in his eyes ·or wh~lt the wbo;le of hi s·) 'bQ dly was d-otng ~ In his own wa_!~ Bruce L~ was' :ma~- use 9,f -3- pIimotdi~l -pO;s:tllte

C ... --i['A·d' Ire'· 'n L.~-'~- T",.i:L:-~,L ~--n_iAiw,",,_:a '\..,±~ .. " ma ke U- '!i!!P

_ iLILJ~ - , ...~ ~~i .W",DJ,!CJ]} atbI.,U'" ~l ,lUll,l ~~'v' ... L' ."'. "'Ii}.)1W

'06 .the part of' the humaa brain known as the iI~t·l-' - - b ,;ol;~;'" f~

u :~-"".t:'" Ll;tn I:'~ ... .,"

:Si!timIc;e tells us that we do :no[ _bar~.1;:: o'[)ly one braitl1 but. tM;OO:. .Thete is onr normal human brain, whic.h., we use 90 percent 01' too time" ani there ate _ the; "reptilian" land the t~(;)ld -mamm,aliau"' brains, _ Z:l;rbe pldest nf these Is the _reptUhm, brain, and '-we ~n use certain boo, postures to ruing out the

~ D:lM: .. MA)t: DEATB,,;pamrr STRmING:


"igh tiDI ell ~ JW Df that brain and util.iz& it. Anul~'s S,l! as ID,I-t,es" c to. c'Ddi1e s; ,and 9111 ell 'w'n ileD la ve Jds. [If hain , 0 not see fcaUl' s with ,their cy -, as

WIB de, ,'()I in .. Stance, I :am, abe to ,10 o kB't ap n and, m.ake eut whe her I 'k.IOW tbat person, use Df tho .higher intel]j, Dee

0,' my 'hu.n 0·0 brr'a in. A reJ ti le 'will jUSI[ are a ,shapcta bbll'. If dmt hlur comes wi,tbin_-I_ . mD;Be" the zepfil«rwill d" hc:;I IUD or attack.

When 'we .. ,is humans, make US" of the R'p' .'~ ,-

brain" the SUF\Ji'Va!}mIt,;. we become like the .[rf?tiIe 01 w il,dnima 1." We see with eag! e vi s h:~I, 01 "middle peripheral vision. "j'We makE- out "tldtpi" Hound, us and see that the¥ are movin& arnd w.: see them as, 'tht, ts, 'We. are In a :s,liInfi~al mn ' le_ and. ev,ery movemen annorys US~ 'We ,M'I! Ie '0, to survive. 'Wh' ,'8 tbe threat comes 'with' ft mae, fange and in. range ol our stJike', w'e attatk. 'W do not think ,t, ~ ourselves; nl am gamg, 'to ,s:ttaGk "b.en, he gets 'within su.tCh and such a, distance," lor ~'lwW USe dds tJpe. 01 attack when e g ,ts, close enol8h~ tlJilathcrl ',e allow CRl£ It;pdUa'B Drain to ta e nrel', and 'the body simply RSCts whm dIe time is igbt. We become 'the wlld 3D'lmlal.

t1C'iF'lIe ,r Look art th,cgJ.e;at silYier-'lback (g,p,:ilbl. and Douce wha,t, his, halc:k is ooing _na,mraUy,.I't is

'j,j[, Tll'llifG~ ~ 'UIi.,"" .... 1ir' 0." 'DIM 1I0Il' .. ,v [~ • .a~i. !Ii.&~ ~li"'UM't!~~ .~ . ~, __ =-A~


not an l,lS:fl s:'ba;p'cfJike;oU:rs,. but fAth~r 'm:a.kes a; u,~"""

jf'j,II!,_',i!Jjillfle Th' e' 010·....:'11.0!II O1i;l",'Lnl:lID'5b ,,ij 'n1"",~,:'...l1 animal ~iZio ;oro'I:, ....... ~lU~Jt.-·': ~ - I~' .• t[-ll.U~QJI ,a'L:Uv~Jll.,~ rll:l:·~ ~_J._u...a. I ~ i[I~U

GO e of the g'f,eat eS't fiibter5. of the animal W(lr I,d, wh',ere protection, 01 ms ,family is concerned. 'His '~C"~ back 'pl\It~S rum in ,ilJ constaut state 01 readiness, The qi is constantly ~ea:dy to deleDd~ and at tack.

IJ"f'i:lJ.. '..' . ........1" 1 ... 1L. ........ "~ . , , ''[t'1'l.. .-~., .. " , ,. ,',', ". "b ...:II' , " "

,1L"Be eyes ~ . 'U~ story. "~ we ,Gause our _0 ~y: to

'be in tlu$, statei' the eyes Cha'Dg~ and we, Mil! ready tn def:end. It WAS the ~me way w.ltb Bruce Lee, He would go into that llitde stance of" his alone, and, so h\ring up the fighting qi; Tmjg ~s the·t~iHe;]fe·nce 'between a 'martial ,artist and one, who knows how

liI.;F'L ~'rrl...'t' " .' .


The If C" bsek and the ~reptilian Mail'l, etc, j. are

,._ _. "" .. 1.., - L _ "~I;il' t· ~ - .~ 'f' L d

ooru:::~ 'taA;eI1 rmm ";. es em science, ~o Wnere.'C oes

. all o.f this £it m. 'wtth' the: anclent Glllnese 'martial

_- - - - - - ,-" -

, ........ ~'.,...,t" <i.'!,1 p..~ur.'·' C''i,'iI~fi'+: ·i:"Cl:' biI':"I;j;.!,~.i-: ~_'OW~I~;1ii'il"a. . ab ~, !: :t· t ':'" w u~ . 0:;, ~ v" ~:I; !!;,..I;"'" ii;;I ~ ... ~U;,IN Ii.U '" .l!!~,.,;: liP- IJU ne

Au.;nLln ~}o<dy is .all there in the Chin,e'S~ e.las:sles 'wrl~t,a:li brmdr~erls, of yean 9gG. The taiji classics state that we must rotlQd ehe shoulders and hollow the

d;'CU bac'k! They' aloo state trul't we must see wi to the eye !)f the eagle, usfng the m.iddle 'p' dj, vision 'Or .... j'i:I~",Aile vision~'~'When, w,e go" - t ~

" ~ 1"". ~ " - - ~ ~ - "" ~ " ,~, _ ~ " . In . 0

4"L~ t:i'C IT' b sck n,a..::; rtr .... - t·h· Utt1<.oJe atbt d r.b ....... ,""",

'I:.l-m:""," .. ' '", I~ ~ .' :.,,,,,,,~'Ij,.u:..el ';, ~e, ''!''I',H "'. ~' 'w "u' e '~nt;l.Hoe$

and, we are T.e~Ulr to Jigb t.. The a rms I' legs ~ back, elies t, :f.e.f!tJ and head, .are all energized, ready for acUon,and::r;elease·of ,ooergy+ C'~up]e this with fa-jing land! we have the dass~e.' animal. 'waY' nE.' seH-defense': ,siiliply ,put~ hit him 'with as much 'power and .speed as, p ossible b efore he has e ven attacked, Thi s is stated in HIe Chinese elassie maxim, ~111 he attacks YO~J' attack him ,tlrstL,J'f

~ 1~H& lD~'. 1lI _ 'body sh akee 'violentlY fro1m left' to Qgbt (if using ,right £ia II mid, dll.em., Bnaps hack]] the z:ilbt 'tD '1e.IOII'" themo've' .. ment, This SuI closillg ba: ,pens just, upon '~mpl,lct and. ca 'Us e::I a wave of _ nellJ' t~ be throat Dlln 'die'tm&tl.

The 'voiu!:,e-' SD

plays an rmportant :11 Hi in aU fa"li,gg .. The valiCe is ;to inle:rmediary be-

fi' _, 10 t\'Ieeo the physic~l

'movement and, the. mtcEllal atti n, Once again", it gets, back to the cla.s3ic-s~, wbiclJ ! ay _La" die broth, muse be natuln Now mas _ ' oopl£ mtetpi e ,.', tiC mean iElIla_t, the

breafh must be slnrw and CODst~nt; brut t.his is WTODI~ Omy if you are, pe,rfllrmi.Dg, a s,lD'w and cnns'tan,t m.'(l,'em:en t mu st the ', • e B'U C . U yon at\ - '. ,omalng a soodED_ fa-jing movemeDt~ the' I1I"e.ath must act accordin '!J, with an explosive.' sound cmasntilq hom th£ v"ll'ine bOL, T,e is, what is memt by 'oamral breathing~wrum th.e bmath is in Daml.OD'Y with the movement. So with a fa~'iing m'~I'emtDtJ' 'Wle; cannot use, II slow' "ha sa ''J' SDUtld,. (or instaltCEJ' WI mnst use an, explosive MUDd" whim e:m lle anything 0 lODg as it is nplosiYC [e.g., lJht~n or 'rpap') ..

The ,fa~jmg acOon is' e l~ea" fu~r ,shak:.

Tl:J.b Is w'hael' m taiji, 'W ~·us me pootun! known as, usilQlle wmp,rl to stdk,e 'to ne less Wm, Wlk1l dim-DJAk, :points on tIl,e, neclL, Thls time, 'the bed (usumml,

-)INC: THE GUm OP. DIM-MAl( 41

tbru the dJht palm 'is dn-u,t the '.,ork with the right ,loot ,~olW.dJ sbaka; ,m,t tn the lleft 3S this riP-to palm at 'tacb, ee Ii 1'1 (fig. 1.1'1 tllm to the right '_ ~

the ttnlchiD fingertip,s 10 f the right hand 13rttaek ,ItO C" 23 (£i.g:. Ii ~I a 1ld finaUy, with this 6naI attack upon St g and Si 16 (4 ~3l, haek '10. hie lei IleaviDB AIl IJ'open'l

posture" This type a.f fa -j1in,g m.ove is said w suck en [IY

'way fro the

nnnnll'lll~'t '_'rE~" :.oil

Tn thhd ,£a,,'·jn ,

- _ - -- J_, ,

S,c'bOD 'is c aUed "cles ed up fa~-j.iD,g Ihake'" and is used to put qt .mtD the poimts'to cluse mllLs treke 'Or te ea use the assocm~-dl orpm ·t D explode ~ This timle ,the body shakes in th _c closed wal, bUt there is akal an upward gpiimlmg of De bDdy upom impact [". . 411

'Tn·e. fOllTtB way of !arjing, the I~'opem

D -, - ,.a r .. 0'. ,A, TIl D' ..... ~' 1'Ii!rn·riirni;:TIG.'

~,I...a&.,ft.'; . ~ _ .. , lillI.L· 'JLllU.AUli

. IDWl1; ,S -I -It,e/I' is us cd to dr -1.0 eD~rl1 flom the

b '~Ci 'II", is .LL,~. same

0""1'" .ll,1!; ~_ run:; .

I as. the open f'~U.m&. 'hut 'wit II I, MWD'-

_--l ~ t" ,'L.. .... 1'." .... ,


I fil~ 1. 5 J co It Is used apriose Gb 14'to ]{O.


l.t's 'just :like sneezing" W.b.en you sneeze, ylou are not able tD CODrral yo 1Il[ ey _ :9 .. They mtuut; elose

f th Ii. S"li t --

'"Ir q r • ,n, 1C1~C"·

. U. g.. r. 'ii:OII~

nnd. The wholle

'b..ll hk .

-:.ouY snaae 8 com-

p1etely out of con .. trel lolE' that ,split '. eeand, Thiel Is fa'ililllll~ I have £ou:od C've'l: 'the yeat~' tDalt ,t'b,e only' r 01 010- staele «I, pining fa~ ling is our own ego. We ~cc1 se[f~conSCi.DUB and do nOil wi sh to, 'bile seen f,lietn'lji II' STrIil' ~ w'£ like

JIl_ ·~lr~~l

tOI apJI eir to b ~ in IconDOI at: all ilimcs~ This i ! the bi,gest hmd1e to ove:mo-me ---"OIUt' own. mind and. 'E,g,OI~ :L'et 1 t So


and See what.ha ~ pens. 'When _ hold WOrksholS, I ge. th~ whJph~ cl-·!S 'to, mak. c : 1- explosive - ounn and. alJow

.... iIl..., 1.."",:1 'L._..JI.::

'UlllH' 'WUlU.e, uuw.e9;

to ,s.lu1k~ '~ ey _ ' it. Tbeir f,e.elt will even leav,e the ,polmA a t CJ do i:t, bu t th'Bi:r eyes te the ~tIOry'glazed aad mSI,. lull of eIl£JBY·lq1~'.

Th.low a.pun.lch '-.nOi[ the D!(Jl".md I losed .. fis t pUlIl1;h llsmg tensioD, !but rather the in:U!mal loose punch ,oldy dasm,1 upon impact far that spli:t second,. 1 bave .people 11o,Id their alms, 50 tbaJt the palm is £a,ciog' the fleer .. The-ll I snO'w' 'them the e_Xpl('J~iv,e sound that em 'be ~JlHated w' eI1 one wliill the p;dm over to ·fs.ce the ceiUng as the fist ~ S C osed.,.A nappimg 'sound is beard if the .fa,.jiD,g is, ex8CU~edl earrectJ:.y. The .Ieet willlea.Y,c; the pound as ~·t happens.

Then- we gQ IDn aud, sti.ll n ius that same PllmJCh, we strike th!c hard mit nhly' few eenimetels aw~ y and see what _-:nd 'Qlf plnw·er is generate'i. The power is. great. if the fa-jm,·· is done oone.t:.tly,. with the w.bolec body throwirfll Dut we


energy UPflll. tml1ae ,.

As 10m. become mcn7C . dept at this 'well, ac Rally, YOll oJ:tber do i.t, or you dOD'lj' 'there is no in bc·tw·ee.:D-Jike BaY·,D,g" UI dmos,t got· hat ·tou&hOOllm"1 Dr '1 d1Jg.half a hole"" y,DU are ,able tn aetuallV]Jut 'mergy mto the pomt9 ~a8 you stdke~


F'''' JIN' , \~. 1!T'!lliE" E'··T'G, '~' ,.ni'1;l' D' ,T:u' 'Llii 01: 'IT ..n.-. ti' • .:J;,"~ D..l... ".If".~ u~r .... litl.-..n.11'1ft

lm-miLk'~ Me te'W and

fa r berwe ert_, and ·these ' , there are'~ to m y ~w,~·

ledge, do Dol ~actwillY' show. ,', to use dim.,-mak.

All that one. gets· ate a few points and, what dIey do. ,Dl:m;_,.:ma~ ~ a ltotajJy· .iB~epateri fighting sysrem, and :it 'is iJIl Ptll!..1leeds to. defend oneself, However, .u people ·w,(sn _,to take, from dim-mak tbe pa,rt, eh at mast g,e familia.r with [L e .,~ the ,pom ts an d 'what th'" " d,P:~,- then t~:.,.,.~, ,can take ·this- irtforniation

- - - - ey o~, - . ,U'i:;:;_ _ _, _ _' _ _ , _"

and .lay' it O'ief'whiU th6Y .blow' .,~dYi

,A·s -I have already stated~ dim -mak is taip. and, as such, ~SQm,t1' k;n"ow-1eqge of th:is~ 'c,lassical p.ghtinrg S}lste1n is impeljati:vle in, the liarmiig of dhw,-mak., I do not, .af eoarae, expect eMefJUD.e to take, Dp taiji in order t~l b~g-in .l'tgh t ,~roJl"- s erateh, In £~ct:, in j;. most e as es this wb,-tJll,d be de triniemta~ to one '~M dim. .. male tr.ainblg'~ as · many are ~eaebing' t.aiii~;

. " ""s



,0 it should b ,t - uPt.. IU'l the following are a fe ' oi,the lrainjn;s, metheds 11-, 'vemm:ui, v'e_ry useful o my mamaJ, arrtiB,t~ amd. in(h~Jedl in .'DSt case ,~

~'I!!"IIr .. ,p':,,_,11 ''''0' 'iI'M;'ii'iirii'l'i D' ~'~~~. ~ Ik~~~i


T.h ~-t iIoi1:..,':'_ '!iHC - .. ,. ...... '-'A'W - --, • JI!,__.. , __ '1 .. ill:!

e DIB 'IIJ:DD 'HI 'DJlLlmL K.D~ _ ' " m (IlllI-,~ ,1:&111

.l.iL_ liC- If l..~A I ~:!"lI'"TiIIell!!--...I ,di...::, m" _- - p, iI ~.Lio. ...!k_ - _

1~ DiI~1 Wtilp~~. IUU I ~..1IJUi' ~I' ~ II!

B,a .i1caJIJ.I' what i does 18 gec, you, in' 01 an a,ttackin mode .. You. Qe j ust walking dn:wm 't' e street,. IJld Ithis la,viDg' unBUC :a'ltta,c:ts YOll" 'You don't WaJI'_ to, ijgbtj 'JuuJre ';u.&t o'utiOJ' a, stloD" tit he is ill run &ghdng mode, and you must have a w, ¥ to pt an even be te ftglt_ moo . The nc,"'" bac - d',,1 t1ns 101' you.- ~ Pig)lJllE 9 in CliLapta: 1 fSf the '~IC" back ,Dghtmg' ,positi,on M, altema [eIJ~ PQime.16,.

In dlis '- - ~ tMe (fig. 16), you iaDe ready lor figh,tm8: yOUl hmds are m 'the fully [Icady position (Up~m.g/ hmgeW)l b ,t you

~t · ·

areB' ~ an " D1ZIDg

YOM oPlJooeDJt 'by aetuall Y' s,tandinc in an ~l-Oft gu a rd "

pOrHti,on.. 'frau, can talktobimiotbis ,osition, in ehe hope t,h"t he,'ll calm down, 1l11't if he . - nesn il't, yDU. ar-e, in me: best possib C! po dtioo t,olfi,gh'E.. Th.e back is, .!., '-" ,

bent Db . I e le m' 1~'1C'I" Uk_ ,the

stance O'J a gotilla .. This stance bas, the effect. of taldng 'Us ~, tOI ll'th _ reptil'iau


• II ... ~",L·':-h ~ ..:: '"h tri . 1!... • Th' ..'

brain," ~yy.~. ts pan q£ It. e .~. nne ntam, . ; e mrun,e

brsm, is used for SWvl val ~md is dle part ~e use the least in modem, twent.lJ.e·tn·centuIY Iiving. We cannot get this. usage in dOjo sparring.

By the w~~.1 I'egard Silaning as Ollt! of the, must harm fuI games we 'pla,y in' 'the mattial arts ~ .It actually teaehes yUill non -self-defensel We~ prefer to use lFa.ttackjd'efe'ftscll methods tn the ··doj,o or dawgw,ari, ~hi,s_ Is whe'(e, the teacher, a.r S9meone, who 'has .I, lot 01 CODtf:Ql; attacks you witb aLl of his, mighe, as if in a, street ,situation. You know' he is g:oing to hit: fUll ,jJi yD~U, d\ort"t defend yomself, and ,S'o

you do" is where the repnlian part ai't'he brain

comes, into plaY'tD defend ,'Oll. Some call, this, qi, All of a su~deD~' yq:~. hnv~' eo defend, y~u1'~fj! -and somediing happeD5, to',yuu s 'you become an.animal. All oi' ~':l' 's.udfl,en~, rad},er than a ,SOPP,"' guY' or gill just. walking down ~pe. s tree tJ the, attat,ker' or m ugger has ehls maniac ,of an animal ro eontend.with, and the tables: are. turned. ItJ,s ,di.fticult; tn use tbis part of the brain, in, the cla~ssI'oomJ because it is, Iiterally; the survi val 'Part~ and ~t is someeim es hatd to sto;p~ Too is why I seress that bnJty the teacher should, do the attac;\{ing==-and with plenty of

:p[otretive g(;a t on~ ,

SO YO'll, go in to tbis 'posture and y'Ol! Ieel something strange risin;g· up til your neck from the backbnne-c-th'is is the" yan,g energy, I,e,aqy to explode! Vom e~es will." beconl~ g1~ed'l and often this is enough to tell dl,e ,at£a,"s subconscious that yo ~ mean, b1.}csmf;s's. But n 'he doesn't ~s'top,. then Y01j;, iitt&C.11: -and .keep -lttackinl like a wild anim 91 out ni contm,),!. This is what dlm-msk, fa[ing, and this whole" fighting system is. a'boutfightini like.1 witcl ~~st.'

Only in tb,e t,f C:iF Bac~ 'position Clan YOll ,attain &.

loner sttllness, whie.h is one of the taiji- class iC~b~t Only" In this, .p' usftion ct!tl you have the sboulder&~~=

',' ~-~




_Bocin 5, CIOlm-

pletdy relaxed. but aliv,c mdre:ady for a.ctiDDJ the, che srt slightJ, CODCSVC~ and the weight shiftfmgin'tcmall y &om foot to fa 0 - I without a.l1.Dwing It 'to s:h DW e - t er'nally~ You .HI: still,. lsnit this wl13t the talji elas tes teach [for those o.f ,OU w1lc·at aetu lly studying taiji ):f'

E"Ve:n. w.itmQu.t I;n~al tl~dlJliqu.c,

',0'0 'W i 11 hi y'e a ,Frgure 1 '1

grea t Idle a' of sa _:_ -

c.e8S:~ as this i J the 6ghtillJ posttion.


'The daslic p',mg/bince PO'~;tiQD. Ir:;o.mes, directly

f .. · d" th t::: .......... ~ .. ~ .~. ,.;L

,l'Ottn ·talJl an>. SI' -I: ~romg: .rPOU'br_DD. ][,or me arms

(fig, 17~1. You am leady .fol' anithm .and yom atm:s are in a ':osition that will· 'IDW ,ou to trm ,aD', type Of attacL

To tt-am in this method, you ,OUf. parme:r,w a, "Str,aiigh't right initi - JJy~ As soon a,s .be thI9wS the pUllen, 'rau jiDSt UlOV'E ,tn=you musl' move JnJ' Qne 01 yl1Dr aInl8 will eake the 'punch..and attack as, you, mOve in, and/or your other IOD'8 will also attack iUs" 18). Now you ka've- YOUfSltDer

1!..___ .. 1- _ ••

tJ;U-DW a:no't« sr PIDLiLI, ann you move m ,g til"

DIding ,.C11U arms in the. same way.

Although. you atD obviDual~,.·c -, le ·to lCbange the pos\i,

ttiOA ~f leach ,~ mr ~~ trairning method fOU must bqJ the 1,_ one pi'eng ,the Chinese wmd that means

EAGLE 'VISl,Q' ,,~.

~o enahl yon 'I£'- Win in the dim~ ,male sys'item, it Is lmportan.t to. I' 'Ii; least try to ,tdl you about Ileagl vi,~

sion .. U I was teachmg a work ho l-in A,1llstra1lia,~ and them:were at COllple

a,i mce karate

HO TO USE DJ:M- ~ 5,,3,

1St" - d~ f~-' l~ t

. o .. ,ar, 0 8aD-

• ~1, ,..till - _J ID5JlY UPWKo DB

the right IOI!le [biup ~ ~il' to ward. aU sJ a n-

'tmgI, dDlWD.wUd'~'j as m Jigures 1.1_d

. B .. Yau can move them. elmer mgethm' or move tbl ·m fur .. ther apart" and if you do not ,smp the: att.a~ JQ:u am smm-, ply Mina, :t Wlm8~

Do not -8 ·U:1; 0' ,.om way WI blocks just mQIV~- in and strike Wit!I' w'hat-, ever Ylluna,v'e II' 1 ater, "DU will know tOI ',t.rike at the eorreetpo ~mts. Figu:n:. 191 show'S 8, diEfcrc-t attack, ilJj,grain s t w h i eh ][ kave. still. used ~e Bam1e p'cngjbinge.

chaps there, They were bounce~ ·',doormen) .and wanted, to· ,know more ~boJJ.l t their art. When we got to ~I eagle vision, II they were ,gt'~tly interested, but just. c<t,u.ldnJt get ·DDt (J,E ~he Dlab,i,t .. Il£ us~g oI'~focus vIsion.,. 1,1 where, 'they bad· to .fi.18t [tj1)l.'D., .and face the, onooiming jpeti..Phera:l at:t~uik, and th,en do

.. ,L· b .. c,,,,,,, I· 'LJ • ..l .• t .. _ ,

S<lmeUJIDg a out tt, 00. UdU,"-to' mvent a F&IDI;.Dg

'me tho 4 for them on the $qt, and, it was, one. of: the giea.test revelations tb~lli)ad ever had, 'T,h,ey actually learned to looI. il'aver there": ·,ad: still see

. ·t'I!..~·~g.ll;. L·.-.;t ~~'iffi il' 0 ~,R L rt f- .oio.'Lem·, , 'i::" ....

ev'eIY _w::L;-I,. ·UiI.a:. 'was g~t:v n U:t., non 0 Ul'~. r ~"U

t.hq got 'better 4t. seein;g, the. ,aittaek bd;ore it was. Iaenched, This 'was not usin,~ ,s,ctual ,eagle' vision, 'hut at Ieast they le;arn,ed, how t,o; use their peripheral vlslon, and this is: the ,start {I,f learning about ,eagt,e vislon~

Most martial arts tell us ,something' abou,t how we sheuld emula t e the '·:a,e ti ons ,of animals .. 'W'e should move like the sprite1:y ,m.onkey or ]lOlln'Ce like the: tlger, and se OD. But most im,~ttant1~j' 'we sheuld 11JiVe t.he ere· ,of the eagle' :rcady- to ·,8trfke~ 'When: w,e read t'hi8, we Usually ove.m.implHy jl.~, and just look harder or focus 'harder. Bult upon Iooking fUlther into the Ch,ine~ 'way of the animals-in kung-~! we see that $,e eagle hasa unique 8y.s,~em of vision. that is, :ex~ct1y how we should be. seeing

h f~ ...,'iIh. ._

W' en ngnnn g. ,

The eagle has a way <;If H.t1eraJIy I~kiiig on to its ,pre,y---:oot ·just. 'the shape 0,1 the pre.y· itself hu~ the spate that surrounds it as. welt We have three types I)f vision: ~pot tcflCUSj ""bere 'w'e look diiecrly at .a ,smaI1 er portion of' and, loCUs U{10lil . l h . 1 "ph. ~~1 It;: ay·etage. .ilOCUSj W ere we.use ou,r tota:l',pen:: erai

v:ision to see the 'whole· subjeet and sl[[IQun4ing: .area; an d small pei'ieheJal £'ocUs J where we Ioek onto the S,P ace .that ·m,e. ob'j~ c,t takes U,tp in·_ the

. universe, 1hls last type Is, a vry spenial technique

~ . ~T ,

J~d require'S' m9"l1~·~()UIS of ,practice comhined ·:·'ZY;iWith DI,ea,tmng techniques, Ie, ,en"abLes us to move ~~,





,,' h h d ," 'L, h

'Wl.t· .. ·t .e oppon~nt ana not wait uneu ne ". as

moved, In (lIther wo.r:ds\, we der not see a. series of it~ictu.res/j" ',-1,.';- .. _ '-r "...;,11 ~_ .. (-, -"<,S·~"'ci!\a"""711 ...

..I;"' ..' ._ ..... yes c; osee anu .l)OalS .... r~'-l!l£.IJy

on these ,inHlges" ~athef, .eur sigb-t 'mov~'- as, he moves and ~foUows -Uteh, s:Pace that he displ.a~. A 'body can my taike,,,.u, the same amount 01 spae~J no matter what it is, Ndo illS' and ~w{mt shape it is pla',Ccd. in ~i .e., s~Clu,n'ch~,d UlJ em t~~ £:L0101 .cfr stanliin.g upright·,I. ,So if 'we fig'bt the space

.::i:'~ 1i . ..-:.'II!.. .L.~1 'L.

W21ip . .lacem.en.t 'L!w!D we, 'CIDl1ilOt ,lai;l:-=-w,e, move w,uen

it 1))01/ es because we are, Iocked onto, th:·at. sl'a~@~ and so w~ a;djust. om oWn space aiieordd~,gll"'I' !lirid sub.CODsciously choose me, ·right eounrermeves md

d L'IIk " ........ , 1

;0. 'llJIjle.m aU:tom3tl~~Y,.

,bi i,lf'OO[' eo Use !~ smaU. peripheral. v.istOllJ, 'f 'we use this simple ttainj;Il~, method,

Have yom partaer \Scand in front of 'YOU, :Now wsen I say tou~ 'yl)~r" I door't .mean 'j ust teueh all.yvil:un:e~ You .must ,c~bOO's~f s om€: poin.-ts" and the best ones ave tJ,H)S.e that will put yeu 'in the 'b est p_osititiu for se16~defense, So. we 1lSnaIDly choose !it 9 f. Gb '14,~ Si l6J and so on I see. the ~ha,pter' on pohrt ioeation~tbe ones tbat are easiest, to g~. eo, But first of. :&lJ, =in ordle! to make sure that ·yOll can ji see wi thont ,seein,g, 1'- 10 ok pa S t yop.t:" p·art:.nelf ~s g'boutde:r ·bu~ d~, net .£01:1.115, '011 a. distant Q'bject, Try to keep yOU1 'mind. on your partner's body wAR'e. -yoQc eyes are aerually lpQ'kiilng p;mt him. 'y(f)1J. ntigh.t

, dj,..., h L~ L .}1'1 '1'-

arm at ~ a. . ,-Stant: ~t'ee WJ t iou t l~ng~lI'l.g OD, It, r(),K~

with your. rigb t .index. £illg,~[ an If see jf yon earl toucli 'fOur 'panner"s nese right on the tip ·mthou't :havmg to' '~dtU5 t. De 'mis' :3.8 q:uiic:k1yas '.yo'~ e~~ 'without taklng hi;s, '[lose off o:r sticking 'yowr ,n'Qger up his Dose! YOlar partner em tell rem If yom eyes mov~ to look csrt him .. (it if m.ey fQc~s on han,

No'w YOli try to hit rpuUI th.t:',S't ~,points on. the neck US1'n'~ the same eve WO'lk, Thea zo t:o the

~~ 1 . r;,;....-0

other 'ea:sy-to:-oget-at po.m,~s, like' Gb 1.4, ',u~t abo:y-e~~i'i the' ~,yebl'ow, Onq@ you, ~BI:OOll":le .aecustomed ~o thJiS~;;;* :;f#

_ _ ·0

B.ow 1iO USKDlM-JKAl( .15


ya II ea n Increase fill e .s,P eed ua til }"OU are j'llJ st·

t ,""""",""01..;",,,,;1'1' -"" ..... 'U --~ th' '. ·t· o"irft.t- pei .... ,tlll r',.... '11riTU t- ri. iU'Ild,'I:..L~ :III.!ILL~-l VI: '0 DHp<II 'e;g, _ ' -v.w iiit. ''U'U' J.'-!...o n ' U"

Gh 24 mid Liv 13- IJt St, 15 and 1,6~

Then ;f'Q or part ner begin s to, m O'Y e, 'II e. j D.8J~; moves from side to .alde, and the. trick here i_,S. to' mak"e sure 'your eyeiS 'Itali still, ~g ~at that same spat past: him, K:e,ep tj)u~in,~: t~e, .'poi~,~:s as ~e

1"I"'IIj"TU'e- s past ui:"i11_ a ..... o.l ,_al~,"t, m- r.1iv""' v..",. .. :"'" e -l\t,'::>',;:;; Vhill'i L.II.I.,.V"-· gO '": . ...,..~. 'J;_I!:U! WUl_1 .. l _ ..... j ~ or; 'Ulg~ .), ~,~ "I.-U~YI

eanaot move .yom G¥eB if you .are actuaJJ1y j;Ooking at YOlll:'r :n~ri·-n,er w.ith vOul'-~eriryheral visi-on. bee a us e

s ~~. :l'.~.. ~ -.~. .

you aI'IR 'to I~,al}y I~ol?liog: at. that tree over there,

you are seeing your partner, ~sligbtly 'hl:u;r.r,ed.. ~ou cannot make' (.'!U't who it is, ~b.ut the poJri'tS, are. aU visible, fhls ex~[ets~, 'will 'ai, lea's t

- 1_ • - •. 'L 1·'·

take _ltOU inte penpnera -. "Vl.SiOn~

The ,nn.t. move is·~tQ ,go fntty in~' 'eagle ·visinD", and. thit 'is, ',a_ littJe m~)'re· CQ1i1lP!icaJett To g~et 'used to Url:s I~movfug .~S ]i~ ,maves, J~ have 'your partne~' stand: in bont <of you .. in;. Hav,e, him make larg,e,

mt"i,1r~,a!rt:l:ts-"~,u.T\di1l'!,~I· - ;(ILr-:I. 0'- ·l\T"iC, en~a:"8 ~. seeine 'L.,k ... ¥ _ ¥ .. ~~I:.. ,.. ...... "' ~fo U. yvU. \,i!".!!;~ . _~'·'k_·~ V~ _!I;,r'I,O_~, ~

sllightesflt ,mSJVemeD.t~ :N'{I bJl,e can -att;~lc'k, 'Y'ou, "With,out ,first of 'all 'moving some p:art, (If his body, 80 learn t'if), 'detect t'ha:t mov!Wment 'Go out. into the

·d· . ,1.. ... , .... ' ... " •• 1--"'"-, ....

str,eet~ art ~ USlDg yOU.~' Pe:t;lPJ~4 V,lSiOtt" ~m to

,~tect . movement, See wba t people are defIDg:and, ;s~bC{j ~ scious! y try: to counter :tha.t m:{Jvlemen t. W,ken wow nartner moves --OLD should also-move

. : ~ r -- r· -._. .. . ~ y:. . -- - ---- - - - ~-

tOwa~,d rum-n.ever b aclcw",ards ~ (Paxt o~' _ 'tr:aining is, 'l~ t·ha.t we must always 'm'ovej:D 't:.o strike. 'There are ne bl.oc'ks~, ,tbeJic are nowevet:" bloCking .s.nikes~1 This throws his timing ol~: and

Pii'~,.Qo l.J!'.;r;;.,1II m~1 -, the m ,''iCC'" <'II'd.' v ..... ,:i"'i ii-'''';;D'~1~;c, posi tion ~_U)':'Q l:~'IWI .. I., _Q,~ ~ ~ U3iL.~. ·'~LI;(:til(d~,:·~ ::.~':.' '."_ :.


Many' people ask, me a:bout u~ 1dck:s, with the above meiheds. TIle- i'ightillg system, 'will not fail i- 'You, ,p'[ovid,ca 'YQU use the'c:t acriona, ;:~R,ememtbe[ that ol d adage, tII£ S emeene att8.t,ckS, ~f;~ujt ,attack them, fim',s:t"'f 'When we use ea~le 'rision.

"'-:~* _ -0 f


~ DIM44A'K: ,DEATJ.:I~mO,' ",err STRiilNlI

, ':.\ . ,

we never' allQ'w to come within our sphere 0,1 range. of attack, The vety ins tant they do, we attack them! It's, as if they have ahead,. Iaunched ,,a physic'aI, atrack on us:" and, we see it asjustthar.

Once 'you have mast!M:ed: the, IF- C U' hac k, t.hem will beno.holding youJ)3ck aDfW'"a:Yi' you will w,ant to attack, The, verY Instant the· attacker moves, YOlU,

- . id d .... 1....... h ~ · ... L.!_ --..~

move m .. provo e.; UJliI_t. ae IS WlE.nLIi 'your r~ange ill

attack!: Thls is 'vely im,portan.t, because. jf ynu move, in to attack too soon", you allow' ,him t<l' know' what you are golng to (JO.

n.....,:·1 tke h" 1.::., ,· ... l ... .:.~. d 'VI1.ilY, stn _::. WO' en ne .Is, WlQini yow' range-au_,

i.i he can 'bit. you,r he is in. it,;, This does nee mean you look bJ. strike at. his .ts.ce Of his center--wha t, about hds petipbe:ndsl. If his arm.Is within you,r

-:~L" th 'Il!.., •. , !' 1'( hi 1 - . '"L.'-

5 h,~lllg range, , . eo. :you lLilt It~;I, 15. ,11;eg IS· W1i1;HUl,

your strildng range, then, yO\) hit it~ In, order fo'f a PUSOI[ii, to 'bit )lUll" you mUst, be able, to bit him!'

So it/s,the same with :kjcl~s~ The -VerJ'instanlj, he com es withia kicking' renge=-aod this. includes a flying Iaunch or' a jumpillt?~dck-yo'U 'mov,e in aDd suack, This. 'VriIJ urpaet :ius 'timin~you were there, and! now youil're no~1 And you 'willl actack, while .his one loot is in the air, He. never gets a chance to kick you, Remember, be has to be i'n ra,mr_ge to you" 5,0 when he comes w:i thin, ,rang,e" you don't 'wait lor -him to kieK;=",yoll, at taQ~ I~ "OOesn ~ matt~ if .be/s the world's' fastest

kicker; he ~oes.n't get' a chance to kick, .


Ito's. all 'Very well fQI me tJJ tell ~you. to a:ttac'k when h~. cnmes 'within your range; but there . are twO'v'ery uS,efulw:ays'1:1l upset his, timing and

la un CD V{lUI' OW1~ 8uqui,$e ~ attack; the o]l en-sided att~'ck eilld the ,cIQsed-sided. attack .. ~ 'I'his is something I a iw a,y & do in, '\'fa rks hop .. ~ I tell the ~_ participants how I will be attacking, and then Ii:: stand. some fe~t .away and ask, them to hold a IO,{).~~~

- "~O":f}r


umv TO USE D1M .. MAX 5:t


oo"81Jud PQsi tion, perha:ps with the hands i'~l 'tbe blate--type ,position, etc, I ',ask tkem te tq to get !'!I;u'1t:J.Y' f'lllV'li'M m 'e 'wI.. - ~ I ,i!i;4it""'k b' y'- ;oE!ii.-it'iIi..,c;;r m....,' .. '·nb !I;I,'Ii"!,R.' ", ~"U', ' , , ", ",,lIILeD, 'A~_ a'~J'" ~,.!Ill"", _ ''!u\I'y'J~~

'backwards ur to 'the side. '

So fat, no one has. 'DeeD able 'to escape, the dim,{t~.1;aJk. strii'k,e, 30,1; the end ,-of tiles e ,a't'ta.c:k s, These ,it op enin,g lee hn.iqu ea r... e a~ _ b eus eo 'e i'th'e,t as ,stra.ight-out ,a~a,cks 'wb.en tb~ ~pOH~nt is deemed to be .within yom. range I)f 'attack, or as ddenstve metheds "at'ru he has atl'"ac''1iI'~..1!, W:~tD ;-': '- t " ~) t',~ t,ll-,

_ . ' , _, _ _ __ '!. _~I!CU .. i ..... ,ge o.n, 0 " e

"., O,'I'!I!'ri .. If'il1 ;:"""T"!I '~a;;;~ ..,...." .:;.,~.JL - .:.11 ... ",j .... L'~- t1

' ~,ldl.i:l.IWl ~&',..'Q J'y. :.:u,~nOu::li,· ~1.UJ: y.

,In, order to 'llndem'tano fhe,,, .tec.DniilIuesJ' w,e -ha'v\e tD learn ewo of the tJJo:ng' hal' ~~l}lIa:D.'J I'LHC_)~ 0,1' u:dr,agim 'p,ra'W'n ,boxing/·I me.nOOd:s, _3s"t]li$

.. wh th '~e ' ......... f1.. ~ f In'

.1:5, w' ere ',-_ ·e, openmg tecnmques come, ··rom .

pmwn u(}xing; your baek-is in the il,C,rl shape and '1'9lll:" arms. mak!!, ,like. rbe~ feelers of a llrawn to'

. ,a't,:~a_ek' before Y:bu 'aft attaeked .: '¥iour rea;cb, Js ia,r peatet in t'ltis plsi,ticm than tha)t at yom attaeker.

7ihe .VB~ Method

Yow: pa:an,e:r stands In 'front ru' 'you an.d,a:ttacks 'wit b a st ra_ight .rt,§b.t". 'Yon a-r;e st an ding' in the

. normal 'boxmg "osition wi eh CUU! fo:o1t ldoe:sJl.~t m·atter w'11ich) sltgh,tly fnlwmd., ¥'ou. (J ~loc'k~j his ,$:ttaclt u.Sing y0UI right palm, ,slapping 'hia ann 10n a :pow't .ealled ":neigylan/'I' O'r Pe 6 I~' the c'~_a,te-r on ,P~ts'l t o,w,ard, 1'''(1<1.1, as. "If 'yuu .ate b:[Jushlng away flies lUg. za I ·

Notice 'die 'ptlsitiloll of the other hand. J,t is ,meady

f¥'tmin'U 'Ii:"tf'!l iI'.,fi; t .... ·'be #T.T.r_ ~'RL 't hI - '1;::·~_... 'm_'>'~I-~ 'I:IliJ'L, + I';'~ ';:':r' I!j,.V i,·,B; .• U''i'II!..oJI., I.!II1=W:.. . OC~~: s· _~,. vruy no ..

,9Wp1y USe .the.le1t~hand·in the: bep:nnjng~

Anothm p'rmci¥,le of dim-mek fighting' is, that we never :lUJi)W' our internal i.!lnic,elJ instlne.ts to 'wh'st W'~L~'e ltry.m.g, to do. Deep do~.~ we ,aU 'want: to ,help each other. Even if we Me, intent

ik on, figh'~ing~ thi,S) is 'I. su b,taIlsc~o'l1 s 'tbing ,in all ~u~m beb;lgs, . . ,. ·well .. 'mDSt of ua~. So: when we ·"ro.w, a punch arnd . It is bloaked, 'We s:ub.cQn~

51 ,DW~'~, 'DMm~POINT' S'IItlKlNG



sciousl, ,sia ek off and bFi'Pii!1lwi . tb. '


orhC7- hm '. This is,

hnw man, s'cJ:j[.(~ols, teach self' .. defens e .. But look at the leverage aJV .' -Ie 'you have, espee. 11y if JODI - 'DPponent blocks US'~· lOiS, lha t ~eft bm Ii (,i·ig·, 21)~ You are aIlle 'to punch right thrangh that 'b,Jlock if "OU are i.ntent Oil hitting;

the. target and 'OU! ,8 re f.u:rl is Ia e k ~ DB' 'lff., I'm talk';''D,g about a real pu.nch he e=-nct us "01 -', -__ e arm alone, .Iot

the: whole. body.

So J'ou have. . fUC~ ee ssfnlm y de fe ode {I, " nd a1~Q hurt yOUI' opPQn,ent~ arm m'_ eaused a rmsb of 'Ii eo be routed to that poirnt. This is. w'hat meigwan dOeBr-i,t is ,a classic set-up po.h:rt, leaving the mere dangc,[QBS ~more 'vulner~ able, [~Neil:waD hy i'tsell, tr, thl_w,3'Y, 1m

w .. cause.· 'D'meDllt

to feel 'very ill and

HOW TO us' . 1M. . -:9

pemap_s tum a litde green I So tutn ' be' aIllJl O'Y'Er' _ ,Iuld tap 'three times mown 'the arm in exa.ctl, the oppclsite :aput aD the haDle of the ami [mel this will'

TheIle are ,001y two mOV'_Dlients but

t ~ . ..;Il... 'II!.. ...... "-0 ._...J •

lUm SIlll1l~ D.~ m

LH:C" Yo.u ba¥'. 'jtlSt' lU:aId ·the fir:$lt t5.o:und aDd b un the oot 11tOVeDl8Jl1t~ turn on y,our bfJdy

eo yo \lil' .1 eft aIul sitting back sligbtb~

N ow, as YDm 1 eft FflUr,-e 22

paltm takes mrr.;r tltc

bllQck; your. :.[ ,palm slarms Wrwn. 00 'your Clppol1e:n:t's :stt:Qnd attack 'to JOur' ow£)" oght Ohl. 'Yii1u:rI[eftpalm slams dmvn mtO 'me c.reaB._' of his 1W.b.IlW', IS mFiJpc ~ and causes DeIVe damage. TIm second sound was yoUI' left p;aIm talring IDvel the bIDook, w:JWe the 'tlmd sound. was yom n-Jb:t palm if1amming; into[ his[ eDlOYl. This is the mt bod, Jllnv~ ent, You, ,_:we wudCJIUy' 'rumen to 'YOUI len: ad] sa ' h=~ 'His semmd a .. c. l oolihl ilav,e' hem a hi,go I ·ook JlmlciJl whiCh .. is the :6mt pedplleral movement ,of this [eBr!cig '(fig. 23 ~1.

Now.; the seeend - .o'Vem£1I : as you movie 'lOur WI~gh,t onto ,om fmw,ard footJ[ tum yoltl' waist Ito

the L-.~_.. -'II'!II,..1 , •• :11 ... _ :ftUJ - '1-~1I.'j fa r,- 1II.rith' "!IJfn'i"'I'

~ Q;UH'IL DiLlLU ~I fu '. en;I[.:';'[ . _ -.te II'1II . .&. ,i: .... \,l1l,I.

[eft palm UJ" leba . This is 'the lonftb sound ~ft" 24 )., Aga;imJ' Y U. should hear mUl' distinct, sq'IDuts here .. n

,- a-tv' -'II!' h ... IU!I, iLL. OU'[ . - ..;:a.~m lUi ... ,.... eorrectl v '1011.' -~;r' ~ I", IITV~ tnen J' re !lOme.; I .. m~£~1;;;< 'fill

"Iou. - auld no"! me both hallds &m the .Witial block, nor sb.ou1d[ you b[iook the seDDnd .. with yom Iizht .palm. and attack with. JQUlr left SimultanEoUsly,.

60 DIM-MA.IC! D.EAm-POINT S. ~B"''_

This has- . an

tlopeD sidg;- mOlve,.. men t ... " 0,0 ee y DY IUIVC learned thi ,side. ... yew, do i.t on the alb.u side" of. WWlej 1:Irm same loot.L~, SO y01l ; four WHenmt -1,,5 to, ~ 01

"- ~ _l..,- 11_- l eft_"

1Lt: DfiLllt IUU IOrw m.u.,

:d,gh-t-sjj,ned; right foot florw'ard~ left,sidOO]J and ¥icY! vema.

It will cnuy take

... ~splIit seee ,d to eJC'£cute this w'ho'le

te1chnique w.i't

YOUl pxtn· if 'throwing. ¥£I'j filst ·punch..· es, n/s Dn}lDrtaot fo.J . Dla( plarl' ~·'r _ £]

thaw t .e econd punch vetr S,DDD ridtjfff' the first ome, as YDU. cannot w,aiJt~ You must B'tt aek wi th ,,10 u.r fin. a I tJ1IDW, even if he bus ~ ta trcs 'W i th hi second punch In !Ehi8 lea S~, YDo:r 1l\·t=· tackiDs [igh· "aim will only ,guard bis 1le&; aml as your 1. &: palm C1 -, IC'-I uto

his fate or chest.

80 a good trainin,g m etha d ill to ,b ve yrO'Dt· rr_ rmer

BOW Tn us!!: DIM-MAX 61.

not tbtlow - 51 sec:~ dnd Jumcft 'r wai~ "1"1.";"'1] still have tn do yom OWD tIDEg and

" f h-·

oat w .. at er ~JS

,9OOOJlt} plUlcha

Sf,. UJ', J'm"~, 4lHIPmJdJ

The se.eo:nd uf the drag,Dn 1;IWI1 bOxing m.ethlDds uses; 'the taiji P08'" eures '. DID'Wn as tI!!',~u:e'P up.1I" paII',."

~" nuneh ft'V'i'!i;'i'1i

~~ JIt. '.~W"m J,u"",I

partner. attack.~· w lith ,;3, 9 tf,ai[,'ht

light ag il1~ You st'ep to YOUI left and attack his lore ... arm o'n CDI,o'D I D. with Y,",D', right

backBst I fig". 25}" YOUI' lelft hand lm

mediately slams CQI 12t, rust above his, right elbow It· . • 26) an : then COD-· tiD1i1~ , o :hia neck ,a; 5i 1tt Yom zighl: palm now l"tt1u::ks his left S, .91 'point" while you' left hand takes DVm: th e ]'11; t pun c 1h (:fig~ 27 J ~ Tnl is al so dou e D'D ·tb,e other side.

Opea-Sided Openin 'Techloiqu .

H eJ('e ~ you wlU, lesm how ·to ope-n D;P gllil YOUt Dip .. p'QlIem~s open ·'ide Yom paI1!net stands, in frQnt o( you., YoU! n1JlIve .uownd I. bit. W' en 'he comes wi.thm -YOJIl.I' :stdkmg' ramge;. ycnm will u __ . the verttcal LHC m.ethml fir,s,'. Slam hilS: lea d ha n,d at, nei tylam a I '10 ur ,pal m t a ke 9,

over the hlcck Ilig;. 28) .. , Yonr 8rst hla;nd .DIlW sI:amrs IUs, 10 'h.e!" ann into his body lor just &la'ma it.

'¥out seeond hsnd is n,o-w &rJe, t,O

attack St 9 (fig. 219'~ ]t must lie said that . ·:b·s m thud will. not work if fa~;·'

1.5 D.Ot used, YOUI body must lexplode mto action so tha:l ¥IOUI opponen t doesn't harve any ide-a wh -'1! i.-' h,p


enmng ..

This, --_ orks aeC a 1!l S~' y,our Dlpp 0 ~ nent e xpe ,c:·ts, yo '0

to att.dJ.c._k ba iii ce~ way~~tb ,3, ~h(Jok, a. stl'ialgbt, ,aki,ck~, ,and. so I(](n • . SOI h.e .m, n.o'EfeadY for ,:h,e ,SJ.ttack t I] De igw'a n, ·w·hleD e aU:B e·s al I IOf 'h i.8 emermr 81ul mnceo .. '[1:1',1 ti"tO.nt,() ,g:O 'ltlll

lth a t 'li>'orin t" He ts 'it;l ken, compIJetei.,.

ICllif 11UJJl'd"l BBld. It ·that mo:m,li:'ot;; wben. all I of bIs 19m .. er,g' is :oos:t!:er;ed, ,a1itOf a Budden :bis, :1.1: m is b ei'Qg

sl·ammed into his, fAilure 29

lln~d.,·~ wbile YD'ur

.hand. is s],am'mmg St ~,~, bocki'DI him out. I,t~s a loomple.'fe shock; even w'hen Y01L1tJeI]. peop~6 what is. abnut ,to nappool the.y am still not re3.d,.£m It,

!l'I"I'b 1!!'_;1\0 t- '11_........ ~ . oiL. t... " .

. rne urSi!L a; taCK. ·~u must ee a u"')mg lex; ...

plosive attack aC£.lompamed by 8. tDckiog :seund.. lIE you lwt ·push.,loW" OPPC([U~J)~S aDll. Dl!lt Df th~ Wray, he wiD registm dais and. :ha.v,e time to ·reldjlJllil:.

"I,p:t a Jau1e ·wed. ,01 people ~ aoout l~IDDDJ-nnge ~. ,1n8'" and "'shntt-r~ mmti.aI ,arts~tJ How can 'dIere be. such a thip '~il!i a rrm.;, .. ~w~ ... ~~ N···.· ~ i"i' . ,ji; ~ftnI'ii 1L.,:t·.

. _ 0 ~ - - ..... ~I ~~Ilj! ... i:U III,;'~ '!Iii!! ~n/liij '~ 1IllI.

YDU unless they at~ 'wii'thin Im,g·£ m.JWiII)"d: ,'.~Pting ·tim .pane when tile attacku' is abb~ 'to mtt yoo, ,alDd 'mat means, H~s laid cl-· .

° - - _y -,ose.

ICloSEd..&ided O.enmg ~&Dl,ue

Yiilu:r 'p-umerr s't::anu in UQD·t of you .sam apia hWtls thlC OD~:p.ard m;JQsiuou;o This dm~j :an.d on1:y 'when he comes wUbio .I'am.&e~. slam. w .. e. Oltts·ild-e of his. ann a'it en 111)1 f.8g. 30'~ .. "I"his is 'the shock. Be&m~


8M'AII! S,AN· .. S ur

'T is me hod comes ldirectly &0 - 'the Y.ang ,s~hDa-hou ,s,· ,de lO.f be Ya D,g ,lmmllfy md 'is, aD exeellent way to! ' cam ,bon t seme 0',' tD e main. points, .. S _tI .in


The most impDlt:a:n·t 'thing tD rem.ember here is not to strike at, far. Insitancclil the 'h'DUI"" d'Br~ ~s opposed, to the actusJl point;, in om£'.[ '"to ,get a mOle realistic feel," )1 is much. Ile.tts' to aim ,s.t the roo,taqe.t but , _ ul1 the s,mc just mort of it. S;bdldus pam other lhm the points will get you

.ioto that mtode~, IiDd


:R re 30

e ma,l i:ZlCS, iJt:l yOU1' other baud . ,3 S qain Mocked him by' slammin,giotD C Q 12., iu It ,above. 'the elb ow, ,and is 1l.O'W tna.'t ann. (£i". 31 J", leaviag y,OUt right palm .me '[0 strik S 9 to boc'k him

~Cn; '!:I111'~ Olilt ":1.6' '!:iP'~J~

i'n a real situatiorll" belc:aus e ,a 1), hav~ trai:D~,d ·to s't:ri,ite there" that's 'where you. 1YiH ,Bmk~ sure as I~ggs. So ,aimJUI the Ral pgmm, 'buf p1,8;tJ,1 ~ -11,011 th;e

SIt ril'e s; as tit esc. p D,in:iI;8 are I.e ail!'r dkto&aous!

'N"" d'-

,,_ever ',.0 'WII!

leman, ,strike tlYo :polnt:51 s,.il.mulota:u. ... 1000usly. This worn Iltl.m.,e'time'g w',ftle:ll 'using a 'very' basie ,iim .. mak strike to

V'~I" d a]l,geI"Oll S FI,pre ]'.2

poines. Bu t to

,ex!e,cu te the real dim-:mak,~, 'we must strl.'ke the :POlnU, Just a, sPlit second ,a£~r leach. orher~1n this W;3,Y, ·the q,t b 110jDI, h ere, tb,en these, and thllls u,sc' ~ the who.Ele b.ala II C!! 0 f the in t'e-rn a1 wOl~gs (tlu! £Jlow Q£ qi,l.

I't looks. as if yom, are, strimg two, points, a·t Ollce, because It is SiD fast and iaplOBivc .. YOWl ItMUJ. with you'r fe et shoulder- w',ild t.h a.p,a.rt.. Y;,nn: :p ar rner tbro'W9 a :I\Ih'1: hoo'k. 'to 'We head [the mOS1t Qommon, strnet· .. ~e aittack~ ~pm, mm 3 ,pm Dl' bile)., YUd. ·swi¥d on ·yomBee'lSJ.

'Wh,,!' 'The w".img Cb;UD Il eo:ple ,alw's:ys Ilk me 'W;S." as the,' are usually told ttl swivel O'D ,their mes. !;lwiVieU:I1I, em 'the toes i~ £'01 e\T,9l'sioB,while rs:wi.Ve-Jlifl,1 on t:n.e heels is for llQweJ"~ ~'Ol thi:s ezeretse, we need, most pDw,e.I' pol~ll! because the a'tta ek i.51 ,sop'[Jwerful. To ,d,emon.fJua·te tm,s pomt,,. ha,v,e your hold his, 'hoole: punch, SfiD(,'ped shau.t 1.2 inChes awa'Y i[lom 'yonr' hesd, .Put


D ...... u ""v~ D·'jj!iI.~ 'l'N"'ii1l'li'I?P'S-"if'iIlII"""""'1'II1' UB,ii!.J_I~. ,...a.~Ii..~.K;-UU"!!ll ~ . ~.D.Ln.U.,.;_,

out ')'10Uf' ,lidt wrist. and 'touch.his arm ~ Now~ swiwl 0(0 yom to£9, I~.movm.g your. heels ttl the n,g)it)., See :how' 'yaw rip;ir; palm, is mJJiW pl!llll~d ·awa:y from the. irdid1e of IUs, wrlst~ yau. WQu]d. have tOI ,extend 'Yom haDill in, urdu to keep 'mlll!,1n/i;mg it. N'ow siwivel DD yo,m heels,. tbU'S1 lu.vingyollif cemte'I wnrm-e' it 'W~s' ooa, JCl(UX: 'toes ~Ol yo.ur 11£1:.. Sec bow' yum bamQ he !tJlyOOl there, '[(')uchWgbis: wristJ, 'y,gU have: llort had to 'mov~ 'yom' arm ..

It38 ,immullblInt tba~: ,'GU.F left arm S'wiDg out. EO yom l,eft U!l'Dn impact, 0.£ Jour 0PPQueo.t'.$ J(uiQ1ehll 010' 'D6t use the ~,ld: II uppl-er btcu;:kL,1I'1 It;l's, also

impottall t that rbe strikmg area 01 ' palm is, tWll ,oo.r:d~hDned. b:~t on. Im,e opt side, of J'&lur' tef'lIt palm w'h'mi~t':5 facing JOU (flg., 33l De mot strike wi.t.h yom mlDa.-ii:lt will b,·euJ Many s K_y,cd:m5hin 'Wa:r:R'OI" ,mcehf'e,d a lllO,kell ulDa because of the old, IlPJIeT ·bl'Dct,.

Sl.m trus area into his, D,lei-lW'311 poin't OD the. 'm sild,e gf yow 'pa:rtner'8 rip t IOleaFm~ 'This 'wUI OIl) r work. if he is actually' able to hit 'fOU~ ml g~_tt the ,(fistaRee :rl,ght t~1 I:u~~gin. ~th. 'We sometimes begin. with. II :n§W15,pa:pel: :rluUed."around 'the roJ"eanD5 until the, bulld up and "ou, are a]lJ.e to flf@tl~ct yOUl' ~wn poiDtsm (Rem.emJlJ~lt never stdlbe gone' 00, Dllne; this pD]" damages ,'OlL I

Your right palm is thrust stI:ail.g~t. out mto 'Y01[f Dipponen tJ<s St ~'

',. t .. ,1_ iii· "

:pow S' WnlDji ;SUD-

'I!lll,t;ameQu.~d, Utg .. 84 ~. Thi:s; c'om. bi-

'ua"'-:;n,'I!'Ii In,l 1Ll';I;. ~ '~''I''IId.

. LJL~'.u, !IUI.I 101 L ~ au

p'e 'rj, .is' devastl't.iDg' -It :i.s a. dea'th strike", So' :pl'e a se, do ll1~t allow ·J01i.U;' strikes 1::0 come arnywh.ellt D.ear

fipre 33y'lCH!U" :partner'., The


fint move dr in w~£ the. n ': one

StUJ])! the heart. You first. swivel to

, 1- fllin - "" _~·iil."=,_

our elior 5u:..uuJLig

his right inner [urn

[II d a t't Ii; ~ ~ ins' t[OI his nec~ with yOU! rt . t, palm. -:,hen

he a left he ek 'lUI c h and ',[011 re:p ea t the whole l"OU'~i: "to 'fIDur lilht~ Thien you :r ... ' urn ito the

imiti:a1. si _e. d 0 it all a~.

Now yDu'r partner throw [0 IB,f'if: hook to your dlhribs, TbJ_ bae __ of

'om lleft f. rearm _ _ _ _ _ _ _, _ a ... m

swings Iilowm as ycur rlgh,t palm ;!iI,lam s dl own -on t 0 JOIUl' D -0 ICO 10 points~ If' ,this .ll dplD£ car.' ,ctl, ,!"

_ ... ..:::1111 iI • '~H

Will SlaJ1l .m;o _.,! :

6 and L1I 5" ,pomts ee cause great g,i, d:rain lIe (.n ' a 6 'I" Now", imm.ed:~ .. 'tely and witbnnt 1I!iU-~!A' in', your 'weight, yott II (]Junee oU of flDBJ leftfO'D,t and 'tICP fn.l'w[ard,~ You a,hawd s,t' ' .e Inro

DIbI-MAK: III -~1:U-.D

tb il'mind lP ~ int';~ I~,a . . special poiDt used in acupUD£tme !Ol _'Cop th<e ~'paI8 from, &et~ t In,g (ram t.b~ central nennus 5;yS~ rem to [M II rain' wi th ,uur :I_ft luu:;kfisi. All you haJ,v,e, to do here I Ii

·m the hac of JOUI wrist iJno me ehdn, When 'YOU whip ytl1l a: -m, bae . - the kn - ekles 01 your left fist 'MU VI h:ip' out Ion t D the sid C I(] f Joy;r 10 p~ l1ulllLmt~5; ,aw~

ltl!l,t before this" howeva~, YDU muse use ,8 "negative ,stfike1f JOI, left wrist, thus' further a£mcting his head: and IUD!£, po,inlts. It is mot pull" 'bu,t BD, explosive 'jerkw,g: mov,emen,t agamst th,e 'wrist bones usiog fa-jing' &om 'your waist: Illig., 36). ,Naw 'what ,&loes tllis, look likg~ The posture kDoYID as p"eng; mom the 'c sic , ,~ji form. In met .. this. small san-ssu teames, the use of tb~ p6:jitl.1mS up ,0 tdleusjn8i whi:p" po tlU' •

Now your p4ttn,er attac rs bJW' to yuur len . idi~ so you, mouJ s'·'·, swivel. to 'Your Idt on your heel 85 ,Og, 'bring yom 'left ;£00 - back to where dJ,e' oth~r one is,and- s,imulltane.cnlsl'y pel'f'orM the technique yau just did [6~, 3'1'.,

YrDllrJ hOWllCC forw,a:;rd a:gam as briOI,e;" cm1y this, 'tiine dl. - ~echniqu£, is ~ ,u-mt .. Yom.rig)l , ,,-, . It:

is more verti,c-al and attacks. Cv Z4 at a downward angle. A no[,m1ffi ~uu::kf·s,t: will,do this flnJwary rbeCl!Use oJ tb.eatUon of 't.hc SSlt and, the arm held ill thiI way. oW'ever, jusl 'bc·{or-· this :;trik£, y01.1l 1$


pailm serat s vicImdJ UJlI 'e iDsidC 101£ yOllX p' - r tnc t'S ~, ... Lt ' . -.I I.]" i.b.IIfiU ' ann aa~ CRU!PJ

up ~nrikiD;1 S'P ~O Ion the &out of his shoulder, This i_

th e net - \I,P ~,oint. smk .. ' and is vier,


enBID a IJl LiLlnl, is D.

t h a:t t.h,e Cv' 214, 1L"i!1,,"~lk~ ~ W,! 111 be Ilk , iil! !IidL~ e, " III .. ' . ,I:,

an, lexpllDsl'CJD mtlD lUs head, in . a8J~

ND!} ,our'panDU tb.l'iJWS a left -ri p to yIOUr. illlribs. You tum your left ,pa'Dm UPI, and H you ag in 1-' 'ivlc DR yHlH ,~e; , hed to ~nQg back your ,~~j: foot7 you 'lam ymu 1 cft ]paJm down Oil to hfs Co 11 pUnt .in a direction,

.... 'I!.......... ., .... ....,3

lI.JI,UU; IS t W.u you.

',He CMeful here, as this lea i ItLP"

• 'l.,l &

81c-ttatews, ann,lelr

IDme time.} AB )'IDU, do this, b,Dwever,t yant nBbt Eareum is SelSSB[1ed un:del'neath yOUI own left fOl'"eatm tOI 'lOJl any nu:ther attaek with t bit). 19 a m,e hand (£is. a9J.

IiI re ,31'


:YI[UJ are new going to peJ"wrm a simple g,wirvel to the left side '15 you or'a,w in. hotb of ., our srms 1 k e aile" 8S10!1 OJ'~'Djn,l; 'np, still h old ill, that same pas ~ tion~ As 110U full, eum Ito meet hlsi ,riG:ht op to your ~Itft 'Dll;S~ y'otl thrus ~1111:

I _oUt forear:m.s like

SCilsSDrfS le.losing to st, m heart and Inng pDin: -5 OD the h'll '.l f b" ~ ~~JS.~.'ue: '0 - IS, 111lll,lcr

kJrearm (fig .. 4Clllm Now~ almost In-

. I

it,antallOOius " yo I

bounce forward with your right foot and,; !p laci ng Y'ow W lell p 31m un th e inside of yom right wrist" atmtk hi '-iv

4., "1.1 in "gmm 4 L. (Camlul h~, a this is very dangc [ODS,. ~ 'It-''s DOt ,I _pusb~ 'but rather a fa -~ in g sbirke-a strike. The I' .lms do not [ust

~ tri 11_ - - the ,

S I_llIj;,C all;. ._.., - 're"

thOiUgh~ HIf.![ICJl you DDlSt release yiJa -and y,arng mergy:' ,5 im,111='


11- :W 10 USE DIM,.J4AK 7_.

IA_ure 40

To do this, 'JOU begin wi,tb ',OUI'

~ dms as ira ,~ 4Z,. the left. om,e be:iug yin -sh ap ed and full. of ymg 'Ii",

, h.n _ _ __ Dgbt ODe

is yang .. s'bap'd and full ef Jut ql, To release the e lies pe et i'Vc. eo,e,r;gil,e I

• .... L ..

mto me pD'm,t~ ,.ou

should ,~loSiyelV IGhaup the stale i: f each palm as it makes cou, , ct, ,making: an I ,P,(IDsive' :90und li,k,e fi-pa!1J A.5 'Y,OU strike

(flg~ 43:1·

Nextl your pannertMow,5j a straight Ddt inl yom face, aDd YOll imme distel, I'w.ivcl 'yow: Ii,h t foot bsek ... tunling to your right an y01l£ l_ft heel as. yQur tight palm scrape-s t~:aJ'Ji you OD 'his

• 1"I"IiI!....::... ~ ..;iL

.nmBW'an~ JL ~ W, me

,Rt~up 'pujol As 'you do this, your left

,ft' ... ;IwP.i. iLl'_ ' ""'I_,-_Jl', - --..I L ..... , ' tm'--'''' H 2. 'L..! .. 1, (...: ~~)IHi: 'Lu.LIulQJl O¥el i:fI!UU UJI' OK" \;J Ion Uli:IiI tn

forearm l~eaIeful hem), as in Figure' .

Now[l- wUhull1t smppiDg r dU1S wholt': chllMl&;e sL ep sbnllld lonl, ta~£ a QlIit semmd; .m~mb,"~ the, &Qut foot m'ust comeback ,wtJ then the Dther~oot Impsdon't ~Uit jiwn'p and Ichang, feet), rOll step fbnVam

. -

with your' lei" OOl and, fli.cki'D,!, lO'm leh mt OVer, ---rtrik 'llDlder his dUn,.

The a,~tilpn of thi Ii, SOl1: 0 puu,ch_ will natuJ'aUy end your fiSt u, -'rd ;e ., t closes llI.pOD im .. pact .. Tkis, is ,9. dm~

~.J.JN 4.3. gelD U I '~u r.., If: sl'rtikcJ, I;~ c8'USinl'

the 'whale ervollB system to ;0 intD

J am (6r. 45).

Your parm _ now throw s -'W i mnr e B t rSiGht pU'n,ch ~8,~ and feu re5pODd in exac tTy th,' 8 ame way" anIy you start on the left s:ide and end up attacking with 'ow right fis!! and then e 1:1'1:.11 to the m-st side 3ia1~liln

., -,0'-"'-

~nding g,PI as, in


Now yo -OIPPUD, eks with I; s.trai gh.t, rig ·.t agam .. 'This, 'time

t Ii e 'te chniq,lI e B e~ the lame waf", only you do liUI step .. SWivelin,g back o,n "our right hee~, 'Jou slam his righ_ inner 'Wrist at D.eipraD and ,s'trik H 3 exactly the sam,r. way, thea ,erItwll, the same punch 1mt wi thou It rhe s'rep. The wtight irs D(I] ',om rieb-- 'foot [fi& 46J. NOrw, as yeru s.wi.v:- ~ 'till ro'ur rilb: Oll botm hee S'I ,OU


violen't}:-.· thrust his,

y . - -~~

rigb t arm m a I' o Wl1wud. arc OVf!li' to YOUI I'igb.t an.d, catch. i if: with. 'OUI right lnmd 16g. 4 7~. U .DIg the momen-

tum of that movem CDt, JOllt ep in wllth l'U1D' left foot ,and ,att,1 ek his Gb 2.4 wi~h ,'DU left fomann or fist [ng~ 48}. You 1 auld 1!lK _ xtreme caution

here, a s til is J.S a a eath strike 'W'beD done h'eaYily udt a 1.0 if dane WI'th medium foro ..

T" ..

e everse II

-ow performed.

YDUT DPJH)nent thraws a . t'nl i,gh - left and ,ou ,take it ~. - i th your Ilght palm as you it back" T L i time "ou do IU'. a,E;l:ack It 8, but rather swi vel is:t:ra i gh't away, while bringinl yo r left foo·t '. 'C ,and thmstiQg

"[lIUt' OP'PCJ.D 'nt, S 1 ·£1 arm over t·o yow left" catcbin.g'. i:1; wit h ·yau.l' .I.'Bf·t palm" You IIl.OW


-Step III ,_0 _ D_:-r~· form the . - act same fechniqu to Gb .24 3S In Piigurt 4·1., bu t on the' rev,cme side'.

Now your QP~ _onm.t a ,eks 'you w_tb hcn:h palma, pe'Inap' tr yin,s to' &h'Ok,£ JDU~ 'YgU sbgu.ld no't swi.veI this, · but ra ther bring your riglU foot, hac and" opening, up bo h ,forearms on e ins.ide (l,f both. of

Fipt!f!'4,' 'b'~1 a.rm'l a.J;a.c·k

-------; G'v 2.5 using the si d '01 flOUI Ierehead, In - rher

wOIds~ . 5th him ;On the 'Dose 'using dllC. aId be. a d- bu tt Ui,., 49 U Now, as Y'Q1il B l:e,1 in yom left f nt, take "D'th "yDu:r p Ims mdjl' tu[:rdm-ghem ourward. 'to old 'up bo th ,gl( h.i s a rms, attack bath :Ii!'l,es of, Ids p eto rals ~t Sit 16 and St " u iDc .a 'nvisting motion

..... £ .LL-b .... 1'i:T'ii~ 'Vonr UI UJ!""" pW,Jj,"",~ .. J,} _

I.igb,t .palm, will turn clackwifM!

_ bile the cd - d: 9 the xee 'S, ~ The turning mus t happen- aftlcr d1e ,alms, have: touched. B6 careful, as flUs I, lilt,., done :in this ldizsc= £i on sto'p,S reh B hem (fl. 50)1

Tiljs tim I ,our partD,tr ha & snm,etbin,g to ,£10, ~~U) he b' iDgs hls left fomarm under ,-' 'it

b oeks ,"DUf Ie'" arm mp,WaM, bdftre-

YOB g~t th I: ~\ He 'DOW atracks 'Wid, a -:uncb. or :6nger j' itO flOur left arm .. You I,it bac '. and jm_mediately swim 011 YODl" rlghlt heel, L r:ingil1l ',auI ,h~,ft

~o~u: Mc'k ,riD if 'siver;-;--g '0 your left as 'fum right lweann mop 'rWD muD yo.' left; thw, l,toplJiDg the ,attadc,

~:flg. ,51 ),' No _ 'V'iJ'U S'Wive1lO youtD,ght

On alh hers", pulling bis Iii' t arm over "0 ",0' r t ~ As JQU do this", YlOm 1m palm slides! up u:nder the

nwde o ymII' rlzht dhow ~8g~ ,52~l. You DO,W bouaee for .. ward on yOUJ" left fo Dlt, IS, ',OIU/1' if: ft knife 'edi~ :ttacks Gb 3 I:t~ I.iJ with _ UJtin, motino,. NeYeI strike u ,ing the knife edge wben t.h.u im,g. fSI are ill t'Du:chiDI lLe., e 5 ure to' epen them up. t, as this will cause eI'Cu.s' ive breaks in }'OW' fiDgem. The palm must flIck u , w8_:d 1lp~ln. impaot (fig 53).

He ap attacks.

~ mi., - _c;!'n~ to, yam D(aPt arJfil.IiI,

, - you pctfo'Im the same techuique, sl lting back lV,]l th 'YOLa.left arm, OD to pi of 'yom d;ght ' "rm tbia time .. YDU thea

wiy I to' )"our 11 "~

and pull his Ie' ami OVlef eo your ,i, ht, stepping with "oUt right £mit aDd again attaGldng Cb 3. with he kn ue e else. of yom rlzh'- _."""-O

(Now WIt: are using a vel1" U 'eiW weapoll" Not mo.y w'· _'Ile ule ,to tcl1

'you how' ItO use this uh.ook~ ,,, as

ShIOWD. In Ji,-,u,le 54-~lt.h.eJ . ,twa,s say .it's fill boo,k .. .ing! o[ 1,0 peck ...

. I "··h ,~

.10,B. '. tit er 15


He DOW attacks yo.ur left IDwer Jib are a with ,;1 rigb,t

"p,. YDU slam 'the 1 eft lide Df J'0'\lI hooked palm down onto his fOl"narmt

t _ i.the]'

nei.g;w8ift 101 lung points on tliJI!

thumh side of hi' Figtlt ,53

for earm,~ ei the', will cause grl.a'it paw and nelgy d1'9i:ntl,C e, The di 'cctiOD here is sttaigh"t in ~fig. 55'. N DW you sWivel '1-0 you!' light w'h_i Ie bringjng JDDI' _ '~Igbt h,1o·t b_IC,_ ~ an ~. throw his light

arm ·v.i()t~nd, loy,er Figllfle' S4

to' 'four rigbJt and

ou:t of the ~. a.yeO Notice th,c: position ,of' the 19ft palm I~ijgi 56)~ t's' I e~e to gnard for the next technique.

Nowjr yon, bounce forward on fllUl" 1dt foot 3S yO'· 1 attack stmI&h' in and downward 'using the knue es cd yom light, still1 hookmJ-h__Blld. iPlesse. num that. tIUs :5tdke must Dot. be directed str.aigb.t .m~ .as you will lIm your "Wrist by beD~ it. 'Ra~ 'the direCtion of


the lmuckle m:· _ it b. - aOWDWltnl ThE knuekles must sc:r~pe ,doWD. under

'L!:_ - .i/o'lL 'lililil!!' !I!!.......::lI_ .

. .I:lGti 3lfW~U.1 YlgI grl,I,m.-

mI' at an'luJlIb er of imp()ttAn.t polintst

! ......... ..11 d' ",,1l.. ri'jirJ1r ... ~ ~1U>JJlg Uu' £,£ ann

- 'y 11.. This is! very energy draining.. The idt hS.TlId .is ~ tOI storp 3DY further' attack by the 'rigbt }mdl (fig. 51)~

Next yo-- 0- ponent throw: it ~tmiabt left. You sit ba,e.k l~1-Dd 51a.81, his inn £.1" io·;re I'm IIpW31d us i D,I ylo UI rigJ:J.t hook You then take 'tilt ee 19,v>e r 'the to.p of his ,chI; arm and swivel. to

,..;:,~l.i j;;. 'L,' xi yom :iLiIfiU:~!p IJ,nn~ ~

y'OUt le:f.t. f:oot ba·c·k as 'Io.k do ~ His. ~.e~t arm is tkru "(t v:iolendy over to' 'your

l:~lt - and '!iJOi: ... ' e;~"mn ~ , I .~ -~- --

iorw,3,.ld with the

samE teclmique (fig/' 5',8 ~~ The Dnl, if .. ferenee is tha.t. y'Ou are DOW in. - "uta,=tal stmr.e; n wbereas:

1!..~.f_, "'

Dcm.I'e f'OU were lID a

':rev:em:_' staaee ..

Next he throws

Fi-UR 55


BOW TO USii DIM.-IL\K '1 .

a :ri,g!-' str'iht, ,Olld )'fill Win slam it upw rei wi th "ou~ fi,gh t hoo,k~ But this, tim€: you step 'ba1c,k w'i _h yom .right ,fgQ_ ' d move intD h~mt booking yotu:' rigbt lhoolk Over his light w.ris t: as 'your le_f:t ,pabn. CDmft8, dow':I] just almve biB riJht elbow (fig. 59J. Now,. hecans you heve moved in, he ,is unabl,e to escape as flO 11 ,Ioc'k hi Iii wrist 'w'j tIl you'r Jjgb.t book, his, ow hm't wri t in 10 YDu.r stom raJ ell. If ,o.u - 0

bis oiJ!reetl,~ he eanna t pull aw. y _ ven If 'yo U DO. y: hold him. with this on _ 'hand. AU yon have to dol DOW is to turn yom hody tiD YOllr righ.t odl lean ittnvard ,- 'bit

to break his wri t and drain mrgy kom hiS heart an.d lungs. You can use th left palm to 'Th/ :1 ~ to :furtbeJ' assist in 'this, techniq,lj,Ul

Filu-- 58

I~ figm 16:].. ,- our' lei t Ioet has to com' ,forw,ard wi.rD no w irh.r JPlacd aD. it~ as it j]s used 'to, DC. k to his, Io'wel'

g ifICCmiaq"

''Iou dow him. to lescape, m OO'MSe" so du,'t you can C'ODti'Due~ He ta'ttacks \!· ,11gb le1t:

M 'J'dU. apin slam it fram un-d-'Jn_ath

with you=- right hookeu palm, 11011 the herok D'1E r he top,cf his ],eh: 'wrist agam"ji and as, yo u s wi,vel to 10'UI ~ei t ;aDd mng ,QUI bdt ,foot back, thrust his left ann over bl yom sight and. out ~ the 'w'ay~ N'ow s'~e.p ~Jl 'wkb. your ngb;_tt foot and. 3.tta.c'k: hls b adldcl point OD either pd'l a.' '~I backbone with yom l1,gbt p3IDm~ T.his is tile cia ssi.c IJ lingle. whip p08 tum,," the reverse of iigw -=- '2.~

N'ow he ,- tUdes

with a straight tight, so ,0 u si. t ba-ck and sJa.m hisl

ncipVaB with y'Om

BDWTO tJD nw-: " 81

figure .; 9

n ' ..

. - xlce len,t 'tr.amIIDg

I'fU;~:tl1. 0 gel into

,the. mode olf

~k' 'f-'

9,h'1 .1. Ig: 51[ -ca rc

-pomts- rat.he1 than

. I

jU&,t :striking OU."where:, Writ _ dlOWD ! 1'1 01£ the 11 ai. t -

-Iention - d ,an,' 1 arm 'wb re it ley' are, Then tty them [cnlt in th _ ab Give

e:aEtcise" 'D relate It - e, te,ch-

rl,ght palm, 'This ICaJil be vcry , in ful .. so . p '. ~~~

I . - "", .. -;

~B8... t,l t. The, Jj _ - t

hook again lOles, ov,er '- e WJl of his right: WIi I',l and, I.S yo swivel over - D

yom right bringing yoar light iIDO! ba,el" , J)'U thrus t bis tight ,- - Yia~ently UV,BI to 'YDUI right, an _ ~ t of Ebe way .. Now you step fMWarr£i. with yaur leE :f'OQt and again a: tack the bladd er Ploin'ts with your Ief 'palm. (~., ,61).

- Finall1Yli you bow' and soy tbanks to each ether The



Fi re 61


., the poi . ThO "n b~

ruque to .~~e POUlt. ~~._·IS wa.y,. you WI ... remem -.e.r

w here the points are because of the physical way of dQing small san-aau.

I My third video teaches this exercise, along with large. sao-tau and. pauchm lorm.)


;:,:=...;:.:: i*~;:':''' .;-:.»=:::: 2i;;;;'




.. "1 .~.~ 8 I mentioned.previouslv,

much. ~·f· tb,e ~healiD;g in£o~~patioDjn this.·oocik was -taken from the Pbint L ilCftUi111 an,d P'omt .Dyna:mics M GIl aaL colltplet~ ·mst~·lu:..tion. of the dfmmak rnartialart includes healing. iniOrnlatioH, this manual is a Httle more scieatific and precise than t b e original dim-m ak text sand lranslation So, SOl I de-elided 'to: lron.SWt: it 'a's well On the beaJirlg side.

In this chapter, 'I wfU list the main dim-mak points and explain what -dley do in. £h,~ 'martial. sens e .. I I will a SS'Ulll,e t b.B:t 'YI:JU a.lrea dly know t be. abbreviated names for the points hom s,tudying'ihe previeus chapters. For the techniques ,fOf using. these. points and :WSttllCtion onhew tn get. in to; use ehem, seethe -t'oUawing Ichapt:er~) ID. each case.~ the .? anrido tes to us e when. 'someone has been s truck .': i

th lOIiI:'.t3I· ocdnts will 'fO,'11II'F"w.. J

. ~ r .............. !"II ' ..... J:U,\;;,I~· .•

&;2,;" ::;;<j,.-





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