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Sample Questions for Interview:

1. How many years have you been a member of 4ps?
. How much !rant "o you receive from 4ps monthly?
#. $an you tell me what you %now about the 4ps in !eneral?
4. &hat are the re'uirements in or"er for a benefciary to be able to enroll in the
(. &hat are the $on"itions )rules* set by the pro!ram for the benefciaries to
receive !rant?
+. $an you tell me what the repercussions for violatin! these con"itions are?
,. Has there ever been a time when you were not !iven a !rant? &hy?
-. &hat su!!estions can you !ive for better compliance to the pro!ram?
.rop/outs )same 'uestions for benefciaries e0cept for 1+ an" 1,*
1. How many years have you been a member of 4ps?
. How much !rant "i" you receive from 4ps monthly?
#. $an you tell me what you %now about the 4ps in !eneral?
4. &hat are the re'uirements in or"er for a benefciary to be able to enroll in the
(. &hat are the $on"itions )rules* set by the pro!ram for the benefciaries to
receive !rant?
+. 2ay I %now the reasons why you were "roppe" out from the pro!ram?
,. 3re you still plannin! to !o bac% to the pro!ram?
-. &hat su!!estions can you !ive for better compliance to the pro!ram?
1. &hat is your 4ob in the local 4ps?
. How many years have you been involve" in the pro!ram?
#. $an you tell me what you %now about the 4ps in !eneral?
4. $an you tell me more about your 4ob "escription as a local implementer of
(. &hat are the hin"rances in implementin! the pro!ram an" why "o they
cause problems in implementation?
+. &hat can you su!!est for a better way of implementin! the pro!ram?

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