Nordic Comarison

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Nordic States
Women make less money than a man in an
equivalent position.
The Salary gaps between genders are some of the
lowest worldwide
Women who take time off for child raising are
stigmatized as not being committed to their work
Parenting responsibilities are shared more equally
in the Nordic states.
It is very rare for men to be offered maternity
leave in this country.
Men are offered maternity leave the same amount
as women.
Women in America are not always encouraged to
become political leaders on the national level.
Women are encouraged to become political
leaders. All of the Nordic countries are ranked in
the top ten for women in parliament.
There is no requirement of balance of the sexes on
corporate boards.
In the Nordic states publicly listed companies are
required to have 40 percent representation by
women on their boards.

I have learned that the Nordic states are more intentional in promoting equality of the sexes.
America does not require close to the amount that the Nordic states do in many different fields. In
conclusion, it would appear that the Nordic states look to men and women as equal and America does

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