B Tyson Philosophy

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My Classroom Philosophy

As Ive grown as an individual and an educator Ive learned children need nurturing,
secure and stimulating foundations in order to grow and mature emotionally, intellectually,
physically, and socially. It is my aspiration as a teacher to help students meet their highest
potential by providing an environment that is secure, supports adventure, and encourages sharing
of ideas. There are three essential tools that I believe form this type of environment, !" the
teacher is a leading e#ample, $" encourage the child%s interest to direct his&her learning, and '"
showing respect for all things and all people.
My role as a teacher is to guide children in the direction to embrace active learning as a
tool and to gain (nowledge rather than being the only source of information. The students% search
for (nowledge will be met as they learn to find answers to their )uestions. *or students to
comprehend (nowledge, they need opportunities to discover and observe s(ills in real situations.
I will incorporate themes, integrated units, class pro+ects, group wor(, individual wor(, and
hands,on learning in order to ma(e children active learners. I will incorporate learning into the
world community to help children become caring and active members of society.
-ne way I ta(e learning in a different direction is learning student interest and
encouraging students dialogue about the lessons and units of study. .y giving children the
opportunity for input, students ma(e ideas and set goals that ma(e for more intriguing activities
than I could have created or imagined myself. /hen students have ownership in the curriculum,
they are motivated to wor( hard and master the s(ills necessary to reach their goals.
0very classroom presents a distinctive style of learners that varies in abilities, and
learning styles. My role as a teacher is to give children the tools to nurture their own gardens of
(nowledge. To accomplish this goal, I will teach to the desires of each child so that all learners
will (now they are capable and successful. I will present curriculum that involves the interests of
the children and ma(es learning relevant to life.
My classroom will be a loving, caring, secure and an e)uitable environment where each
child can mature and grow. I will allow children to become responsible members of our
classroom community by using strategies such as class meetings, positive discipline, and
democratic values. .y showing children how to become responsible for themselves and their
own learning, I am giving them the tools to become successful in life, to trust in themselves, and
to love themselves.
*inally, teaching is a lifelong learning process of learning about new philosophies and
new strategies. I will continue to see( (nowledge from the parents and community, colleagues,
and especially learn from the children. Children have taught me to open my mind and my heart
to the delights, the purity, and the multiplicity of ideas in the world. .ecause of this, I will never
forget how to smile with the new, value the old, and laugh with the children.

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