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4322 Lawndale Dr. Garland, TX 75044 (469)65!2055 lee"#a$%n&'a(%%.)%#
Obtain employment opportunities in the fields of finance and/or accounting to apply knowledge gained in a
timely, accurate and professional manner.
S0MMA12 O3 40AL-3-,AT-ONS/
Educational background in Finance and Accounting with courses completed in Business Finance, Personal
Finance, Auditing, ost !anagement, !anagerial Accounting, Financial Accounting, ommunication,
Economics and !anagement "nformation #ystems, as well as o$er four years of acti$e military ser$ice,
ser$ing in a managerial/super$isory role for the entire duration.
%ni$ersity of &e'as at (allas !a)or* Finance + Accounting #ummer ,-./ 0raduation
1arrior 2eadership ourse, %.#. Army 3on4ommissioned Officer Academy, !ay ,-.-
#tudent #uccess enter Peer Financial oach with the omet ents Financial #uccess Program.
%& (allas Educate and assist fellow students in matters of personal finance in group and
5-- 1. ampbell 6d. one4on4one settings. &opics co$ered include credit, debt, budgeting and student
6ichardson, &7. 8/-5- loans. August ,-.94urrent.
#elf Employed !anage accounts recei$able, marketing, customer ser$ice, web maintenance,
9:,, 2awndale (r. design and craft custom leather goods. (ecember ,-..4urrent.
0arland, &7. 8/-99
#uperior #er$ices 22 !anage payment from customers, coordinate )obs, pro$ide household mo$ing
Plano, &7 8/-,9 and assembly ser$ices. ?uly4August ,-...
%.#. Army !anaged an infantry s@uad of nine soldiers, maintained accountability of o$er
Fort Aood, &7. B8/-,--- in specialiCed e@uipment, created weekly duty rosters, e@uipment
accountability sheets, managed and instructed daily training e$ents ensuring
DD214 upon request soldier readiness and skill. 2eadership and professionalism in managing the
s@uad resulted in a highly successful twel$e4month deployment to Afghanistan.
Acti$e* ?une ,--<4October ,-.-
6eser$e* October ,-.-4#eptember ,-.:
E'pert "nfantry Badge For successfully completing the %.#. Army E'pert "nfantry ourse, re@uiring
application of technical knowledge with an e'treme degree of accuracy
under o$erwhelmingly stressful conditions. One of only thirteen soldiers out of
o$er :,--- to successfully complete testing with Cero mistakes.
Additional awards outlined on form ((,.9, submitted upon re@uest.

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