Formal Lab Report 6

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Name: Renita Mwangachuchu
Date: October 2, 2014
Course Name: PHYS-110-502
Lab Partners: Kristy Chahil
Hammad Chodry
Jhems Felix

For Lab 6: Composition and Resolution of Forces, we graphically, mathematically, and through trial and error,
determined the resultant for several coplanar forces acting through a point. Then we used the resultant of the
vectors to find their equilibrant, the force in the opposite direction that pulled the ring in the center of the force
table taut and equidistant all around the center peg.
To represent the coplanar forces in our experiment, we attached weight hangers to pulleys at various fixed angles
around the force table. The weight hung on each weight hanger was equal to the magnitude of each pulley. To
check the accuracy of the force table, we used spring scales tied to opposite pulleys on the force table and checked
to see if their readings were the same when pulling at each end and attaining equilibrant force.
To calculate the resultant graphically, we drew a 10g to 1 cm scale of our vectors on paper and added them tip to
tail to find the resultant. When moving the vectors tip to tail, they formed a parallelogram, through which the
resultant vector cut right through the middle. To calculate the resultant mathematically, we first calculated each
vectors x- and y-components, then added their x- and y-components respectively to find the x- and y-components
of our resultant. We found the angle of the resultant counterclockwise from the positive x-axis by taking its
reference angle, and adding 90, 180, or 270 degrees to that angle depending on what quadrant the resultant
ended up in. To calculate the resultant through trial and error, we placed two known forces on two pulleys each in
the 3
and 4
quadrant, both at a 90 degree angle from each other and both 135 degrees from the equilibrant. We
then kept stacking weight slots onto the weight hanger until the force table reached equilibrium. The weight
needed to reach equilibrium was our equilibrant. For the other experiments, we found the resultant first. To find
the equilibrant, all we did was flip the resultant: we made the x- and y-components negative and added 180 to our
resultants angle to find an equal vector in the opposite direction, our equilibrant.
-Resultant and equilibrant forces
The resultant force is comprised of two or more vectors added together from tip to tail. The equilibrant force is the
force needed to balance out two or more vectors in the opposite directions. To find the equilibrant force of two or
more vectors, first find the resultant, its angle theta, then take the opposite of that vector as the equilibrant. When
comparing the vector sum (the resultant) and the equilibrant, they should be opposite in direction and equal in
magnitude. The result of adding the resultant components in vector notation to the equilibrant of the vector sum
should always be zero.
What experiment did we perform? What did we measure?
How did we measure what we measured?
-Explain parallelogram method.
-Mathematical method (explain use of trig componenents)
-Trial and error method

Slotted weight set
Force table
Pulley cord
Weight hangers (4)
2 slotted weight sets (from 10g to 500g)
Spring balance (3)
Butcher paper

The force table pictured above has little wheels around the edges of its surface which can be fixed at certain angles
by tightening the screw located just beneath the edge of the force table. The pulley cords support the weight
hangers in order to represent vectors at fixed angles around the force table.
The spring balance measures the weight in grams attached to its hook at the bottom. It was with the spring
balance that we measured the accuracy of the force table, by holding two at opposite ends and equal force, then
reading the weight of force being applied in grams to the spring scales. The readings were always the same on
both spring scales at equilibrium on the force table.

Our experiment was organized into 4 parts, labeled A, B, C, and D.
For Part A:
First, set two of the direction wheels exactly 180 degrees away from each other by adjusting the screws located at
the bottom of the adjusters. Attach two spring balances, using pulley cords, to the force table ring (located around
the center peg of the force table). Align the pulley cords with the adjusters to ensure they are at 180 degrees. Zero
the spring balances beforehand. Have two lab partners stand at opposite ends of the force table, exactly 180
degrees away from each other, and tug at the spring balances until the force table ring is taut and centered around
the center peg (when the forces exerted on the pulley cords are at equilibrium). Record the readings on both
balances at equilibrium 3 times.
Draw vectors representing the situation (two vector forces with magnitude as the readings on the spring scale),
and solve for the resultant force.

For Part B:
Spring balance
Pulley cord
Force table
On the force table, arrange the three pulley adjusters accordingly: one at the 0 degree mark and two hangers
exactly 135 degrees to either side of the first adjuster. Make sure each adjuster is screwed snugly into position.
The two adjusters 135 degrees away from the first adjuster should be exactly 90 degrees from each other. Take the
pulley cords attached to the center force table ring and lay them over each corresponding angle adjuster.
Place 250g onto each of the two pulleys 90 degrees apart from each other, then, by trial and error, keep adjusting
the weight at the first adjuster to find what weight will put the first pulley at equilibrium with the other two pulleys
at 90 degrees from each other.
At the end of the experiment, remove the center peg slowly and careful to make sure the vectors are at
Then draw a diagram, scaling the vectors in centimeters to fit onto the page, to calculate the resultant and
equilibrant graphically by arranging the vectors tip to tail. Our group also calculated the equilibrant mathematically
by adding the x- and y-components of each vector to find the resultant and making them negative to record the x-
and y-components of the equilibrant. In this experiment, our equilibrant is the first vector at 0 degrees, which we
found through trial and error by adjusting the weight until equilibrium on the force table was achieved.

For Part C:
For this part of the experiment, we set our force table angle adjusters to 25 and 120 degrees. To each pulley at
each designated position, we placed the weight following weights:
Vector A at 25 degrees: 100g
Vector B at 120 degrees: 200g
Make sure each of the pulley strings are pointed directly at the center force table peg to ensure the angles are
Draw a diagram (scale 10g=1cm) of the force table on a big sheet of butcher paper, where we recorded a vector to
represent each pulley and its magnitude (the weight assigned to each hanger). On the diagram, we demonstrated
how the vector representations could be added tip to tail to generate the resultant (and subsequently the
equilibrant as well) graphically. Vector A in the diagram is 10.0cm in the 1
quadrant, and Vector B is 20.0cm in the
Make a separate data table to the side corner of the diagram to record the magnitude of each vector and their
angle counterclockwise from the positive x-axis (their positions).
Calculate the resultant mathematically by adding each vectors x- and y-components. We found the resultants
angle counterclockwise from the positive x-axis by calculating the reference angle (using the before mentioned
components) and subtracting that number from 180 degrees. We subtracted the reference angle from 180 degrees
because our resultant was in the 2
quadrant. The reference angle gives you the vectors angle from the negative
x-axis. To get the angle counterclockwise from the positive x-axis, subtract the reference angle from 180.
From there, we calculate the equilibrant of vectors A and B by flipping the resultants coordinates (making x and y
negative) to find the vector in the opposite direction. To find the equilibrants position relative to the positive x-
axis, add 180 degrees to the resultant vectors position angle (because it is in the opposite direction of the
resultant vector).
The resultant for part C (the sum of vectors A and B) should be labeled R1, and the equilibrant for part C should be
labeled E1.

For Part D:
Currently, there are two weight hangers on the force table, and to each pulley at each designated position, we
placed the following weights:
Vector A at 25 degrees: 100g
Vector B at 120 degrees: 200g
And weve calculated and recorded their resultant.
The experiment for Part D is an extension of the experiment conducted in Part C. We add one more vector to the
Vector C at 200 degrees: 150g

It is the same process as what we did in Part C.
Add vector C to the diagram (scale: 10g=1cm). The vector on the diagram should be 15.0cm, and it should be in
the 3
Find the resultant for vectors A, B, and C, then use the resultant to calculate the Equilibrant.
The resultant for part C (the sum of vectors A and B) should be labeled R1, and the equilibrant for part C should be
labeled E1.
The resultant for part D (the sum of vectors A, B, and C) should be labeled R2, and the equilibrant for part D should
be labeled E2.
For our experiment, we ran out of adjusters and were not able to actually mount the equilibrant. I predict that the
mathematical approach gives us a slightly larger equilibrant than the amount needed to actually balance out the

Data Tables and Graphs:
From Part A:
Trial Balance 1: Balance 2:
1 600g 600g
2 1050g 1050g
3 1400g 1400g

Vectors: Trial 1: Trial 2: Trial 3:
A -600i -1050i -1400i
B 600i 1050i 1400i
Resultant 0 0 0
Equilibrant 0 0 0

From Part B:
Vectors: Position : X: Y:
A 135 -176.8 -176.8
B 225 -176.8 176.8
R1 = (A + B) 180 0 -353.6
E1 = -(A + B) 0 0 353.6

From Part C:
Vectors: Position : X: Y:
A 25 90.6 42.3
B 120 -100.0 173.2
C 200 -140.95 -51.3
R1 = (A + B) 92.5 -9.4 215.5
E1 = -(A + B) 272 9.4 -215.5

From Part D:
Vectors: Position : X: Y:
A 25 90.6 42.3
B 120 -100.0 173.2
C 200 -140.95 -51.3
R1 92.5 -9.4 215.5
R2 = (A + B + C) 132.5 -150.35 164.2
E1 272 9.4 -215.5
E2 = -(A + B + C) 313 150.35 -164.2

Part C & D:
Given vectors with the Position being the angle of the vector counterclockwise from the positive x-axis, and
magnitude in grams.
Vectors: Position : Magnitude:

25 100g

120 200g

200 150g

To find the x- and y-components of each vector:
Remember that x = r cos; y = r sin.
( is the reference angle; r is the magnitude)
So the x- and y- components of A, B, and C are as follows
A = <100cos25, 100sin25>
= <90.6, 42.3>
Because vector A is in the 1
quadrant, the position angle also serves as the reference angle for vector As x- and y-
B = <-200cos60, 200sin60>
= <-100, 173.2>
Vector B is located in the second quadrant at 120. To find the reference angle, subtract 120 from 180 to find the
reference angle. The x-component, 200cos60 is also negative in the second quadrant.
C = <-150cos20, -150sin20>
= <-141, -51.3>
Vector C is located in the third quadrant at 200. To find the reference angle, subtract 180 from the position
angle. You subtract 180 because the vector is just 20 past the negative x-axis. The right triangle is formed when
drawing a line perpendicular from the negative x-axis to the tip of vector C.

To find the resultant, add the x- and y-components of vectors A, B, and C.
To calculate the first resultant (Part C):
A <90.6, 42.3>
B + <-100, 173.2>

<-9.4, 215.5>

To calculate the second resultant (Part D):
A <90.6, 42.3>
B + <-100, 173.2>
C + <-141, -51.3>

<-150.4, 164.2>

To find the position angle for R1 and R2, first notice which quadrant each vector is in.

is in quadrant 2. We know
this because the x-component is negative and the y-component is positive. We can also see that

is also in the
second quadrant.
To find their position angles, we must first find their reference angles by taking the tangent of the absolute value
of the vector's x- and y-components.

To find the position angle we subtract the reference angle from 180. This is because both of our resultants are in
the 2
quadrant, so the reference angle is how far each vector is from the negative x-axis.

To find our equilibrants and their position angles, we just flipped our resultants in the opposite direction.

<-9.4, 215.5>

<9.4, -215.5>

<-150.4, 164.2>

<150.4, -164.2>

Upon further observation, I realized the scaled magnitudes of my vectors may have been slightly off, so calculating
the magnitude of each Equilibrant and Resultant graphically made the magnitude of the Resultant from Part C
seem bigger than the Resultant from Part D.

This experiment demonstrated the relationship between vectors, their resultants, and their equilibrants.
Weve demonstrated how to put vectors at equilibrium with one another and weve demonstrated how to
mathematically and graphically calculate resultants and equilibrants of known vectors with just their magnitude
and direction.
A set-up involving three different masses on pulleys and an equilibrant all in the same quadrant or in two adjacent
quadrants could never be at equilibrium because the force would be towards one side or the other.
Vectors are at equilibrium when their forces cancel out. There must be just as much force in the negative x
direction as there is in the positive x direction. There must also be just as much force in the negative y direction as
there is in the positive y direction.
When adding the equilibrant to the set of vectors being negated (or the resultant: the vector sum), the result
always be 0. A particle that remains at rest is said to be at equilibrium. The vector sum of all forces acting on the
particle must be zero.

4. If a garden fence makes right angles at the corners, and there is 25 lb of tension on each section of the wire
What is the pull on the corner post and in what direction is it?

R 25lb

25 lb

R =

= 35.4 lb
' = 45, =135

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