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Tracy Martinez

State's Rights Assignment
State's rights is a certain perspective on American Federalism. An interpretation on how
the Constitution allow both state
and national overnments to rule in their own areas. !n a dual sovereinty" the state
overnment may handle their own a##airs
accordinly while the national overnent does not have as much responsiblity on speci#ic
matters due to their small size in
Minimum Wage$
There has been much discussion happenin on the topic o# whether the minimum
wae should be raised. This year" the minimum wae increased to %9. &owever" there is
now a new proposal #or increasin the minimum wae aain to %1' by ('1). There are
both pros and cons on this matter. !ncreasin the minimum wae means more pay and a
more secure *ob but also means that it would be harder on people who don+t have one to
become hired" wor, hours will be cut" businesses may choose to opperate di##erently.-1.
!t is a controversial issue and many people both support and oppose the minimum
wae increase proposal. /ecently" there was public demonstration #or a %1) minimum
wae increase #or #ast #ood wor,ers.-(. 0resident 1bama is currently pushin #or the
minimum wae increase. 2ome arue that the minimum wae will help the economy
while others assess that it will not help businesses to create more *ob opportunities to
those who are see,in *obs. /iht now" state overnments are oin over the proposal
and decidin whether or not the minimum wae increase is the best choice to establish in
their state.
-1. 2her," 3ames. ('14. 42hould the Federal Minimum 5ae 6e !ncreased7 81.4
&/ Maazine )9" no. 9$ (9. 6usiness 2ource :lite" :62C1host -accessed 2eptember 14"
-(. ('14. 4Mc2tri,e.4 8ewswee, ;lobal 1<9" no. 11$ =. MasterF!>: 0remier"
:62C1host -accessed 2eptember 14" ('14..

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