Year 10 Focus Areas Oct 2014

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Year 10 Focus Areas Understanding God in the world

Focus 1A: How do the world religions make sense of God or the other?
Mystery of God can be named and understood through the created world. Religions reflect a human
understanding of God or the other. Core beliefs of major world religions reflect understandings
about God or other. Focused work on Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism (6 weeks)
Mandated texts: The Shema Israel, Deuteronomy 6:4-9, 11:1-27

Focus1B: What place does God have in Christianity?
Who or what is God? What is Christianity?/What are the important elements of Christianity? What
do Christians think, do, say (art work, songs, writings)? Why is the celebration of Easter important to
Mystery of God can be named and understood through the created world. Religions reflect a human
understanding of God or the other. Core beliefs of major world religions reflect understandings
about God or other.
Depth study on Christianity: Sacred text, sacred space, ritual, core beliefs, holy days. The historical
and scriptural foundations of Eucharist. Eucharist as nourishment, the spiritual life of believers,
Christians carrying out Jesus mission in the world. Indigenous cultures and expressions of
Christianity. Christian spiritual writings, and the search for the mystery of God in the midst of world
events. (10 weeks = continuation of Focus 1)
Mandated texts: Matthew 18:15-20 (focus on verse 20), Last Supper 1 Corinthians 11:23-28,
Washing of feet John 13:1-20
Supplementary: Jesus' teaching Mark 1:21-22, Matthew 7:28-29, Church's mission and authority
Mark 3:13-14

Focus 2: How do Christians understand the concept of God through scripture?
Christian understanding of God as seen in Old Testament various human authors across time and
place. OT portrays God in a variety of ways, including the prophets. Different types of truths
(historical, factual, religious truth) Three worlds of the text and biblical criticism. The person of Jesus
who Christian believe expresses Gods unending love and mercy. Connections between Old
Testament and New Testament for Christians. Relevance of sacred texts today in Australia (9 weeks)
Mandated scripture: Creator and provider Psalm 104:1-25, Righteous King Psalm 97:1-7, Texts that
reveal God's love and mercy Isaiah 49:1-7, 8-13, Ephesians 2:4-10 , 1 John 4:4-12, Colossians 3:12,
Matthew 9:35-36/Mark 6:32-34
Supplementary texts: Creator Isaiah 40: 12; Wisdom 13:5, Lord, Divine Wisdom Ecclesiasticus 42:21;
Romans 11:33-36 , Avenger Deuteronomy 32:35-36, Judge 2 Timothy 4:7-8, Potter
Isaiah 64:8; Jeremiah 18:1-6; Mother, father Hosea 11:1-4, 8-9a; 2 Esdras 1:28-30a; Luke 13:34,
Isaiah 49:14-16, (Feeding of the 5, 000) Matthew 14:13-14 (Feeding of the 4, 000) Matthew 15:32-
37/Mark 8:1-10

Focus 3: How can the Church respond to the world in which we live?
How has the Church responded in the past? (Response of the early Church. Response following
WWI) How does it respond today (work of Caritas, Catholic Mission) How can it respond in the
future? (If we are the Church/community then how can we respond to issues today?)
Christian sources that guide the Churchs action in the world. St Paul and the early Church. Church
has responded to emerging threats to human ecology and environmental ecology. Understanding
the nature of the Churchs authority. Developing and justifying a response to a contemporary moral
issue, drawing upon Church teaching, scripture and principles of Catholic social teaching, judgements
of conscience. Prayer, personal and communal prayer, prayers for justice, peace and the
environment. (9 weeks)
Mandated texts: One in Christ Galatians 3:26-29, A new order in Christ Galatians 5:13-266:1-9,
Love 1 Corinthians 13:1-13,
Supplementary texts: Living in Christian community 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12, 1 Thessalonians 5:12-
24, 1 Corinthians 13:1-13

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