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Peek at the Week

Oct 14- Oct 17

Mrs. Fortson
Students are responsible for making sure the ha!e their
home"ork inside their folders.
#ome"ork Plus- "rite a stor using some of our
spelling "ords. $his "ill be due on Frida of each "eek.
Please read the back of this page for "h "e ha!e
#ome"ork Plus.
Wed.% Oct 1&. 'eport (ards go home.
Mon.% Oct )*- Fri.% Oct )4. +o School. #a!e a safe and
bless Fall ,reak.
-Please make sure ou check our child.s backpack%
pockets and purses for anthing the are not to bring to
Parents! These educational sites are very good. It goes
along with our curriculum and in class work.,,,,,,,,!
$his "eek "e "ill be reading folktales /ohnn 0ppleseed%
Paul ,unon% Pecos ,ill% /ohn #enr. Our phonics for this
"eek "ill be the short !o"el sounds. Our skills for this
"eek are sub1ect% predicate and complete sentences.
"ath# 0ddition and subtraction "ord problems
$cience# #o" "eather changes
$oc. $tudies2 Fi!e 3eorgia 'egions and ri!ers% goods and
Parents! Parents! Parents! 4 kno" it can be hard to keep
up "ith dail routines% but it is !er important that ou
check our child.s folder each da and sign the ,aggie
book list. 'eading is a !er important part of our
curriculum. We keep a running record of our child.s
reading. So please make sure ou sign the ,aggie book log
and return it each da.

#ome"ork Plus home"ork each "eek for the rest of the
ear. $his is to help the student impro!e their "riting
skills. $he (omposition +otebook sent home is to be used
for all home"ork and "riting assignments. Please make
sure our child begins at the beginning of the book and use
all the pages in order front and back "ithout skipping

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