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Name: Natalie Boyle

Date: 10/8/14

Periodic-als Covalent Compound

Covalent Compound Selected: CH 4 Methane
Why did you select this Covalent Compound? Is it Polar or Non-polar Covalent?
I chose this compound because it seemed interesting because it is a non-polar covalent.

How is this Covalent Compound important/relevant to your life?
Methane is is many materials we use today in everyday life.

Facts on the Covalent Compound

Source 1 Title: Methane (CH4)
MLA Citation:"METHANE(CH4)."METHANE(CH4).N.p.,n.d.Web.08Oct.2014.

1. colourless,odourlessgas
2. methane,alsocalledmarshgas
3. Methaneisagreenhousegasthatcontributestopotentialglobalwarming.
4. Itislighterthanair,havingaspecificgravityof0.554.
5. Itburnsreadilyinair,formingcarbondioxideandwatervapourtheflameispale,
6. Digestion,rottingandincompleteburningallproducemethane.Methanegasis
7. Methaneisproducedbythebreakdownofplantmaterialsinlandfills,swampsand
8. Methane (CH4) is a colourless, odourless, non-toxic and flammable gas, and is the
most simple of the hydrocarbons.
9. Mixed with certain proportions of air, it can be dangerously explosive
10. Methane is a greenhouse gas that occurs naturally and its production has kept
pace with the world's population growth.

Facts on the first NONMETAL in your Compound

Source 2 Title: The Element Carbon
MLA Citation: "The Element Carbon." It's Elemental -. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Oct. 2014.

1. Atomic number: 6
2. Carbon is the sixth most common element in the universe
3. Carbon black is used to make inks, paints and rubber products.
4. Graphite is a form of carbon and is used in pencils.
5. Carbonisfoundfreeinnatureinthreeallotropicforms:amorphous,graphite,and
6. Diamond, the third naturally occurring form of carbon, is one of the hardest
substances known
7. Although they posses very different physical properties, graphite and diamond
differ only in their crystal structure.
8. A fourth allotrope of carbon, known as white carbon, was produced in 1969. It is a
transparent material that can split a single beam of light into two beams, a
property known as birefringence.
9. There are nearly ten million known carbon compounds and an entire branch of
chemistry, known as organic chemistry, is devoted to their study.
10. Many carbon compounds are essential for life as we know it. Some of the most
common carbon compounds are: carbon dioxide (CO
), carbon monoxide (CO),
carbon disulfide

Facts on the second NONMETAL in your Compound

Source 2 Title: The Element Hydrogen
MLA Citation: "The Element Hydrogen." It's Elemental -. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2014.

1. Atomic number: 1
2. Hydrogen was first recognized as a distinct element by Henry Cavendish in 1766.
3. Composed of a single proton and a single electron, hydrogen is the simplest and
most abundant element in the universe. It is estimated that 90% of the visible
universe is composed of hydrogen.
4. Hydrogen is the raw fuel that most stars 'burn' to produce energy
5. The same process, known as fusion, is being studied as a possible power source for
use on earth. The sun's supply of hydrogen is expected to last another 5 billion
6. Hydrogen is a commercially important element.
7. Liquid hydrogen is used in the study of superconductors and, when combined
with liquid oxygen, makes an excellent rocket fuel.
8. Hydrogen combines with other elements to form numerous compounds. Some of
the common ones are: water (H
O), ammonia (NH
), methane (CH
), table sugar
9. Hydrogen has three common isotopes
10. The simplest isotope, called protium, is just ordinary hydrogen. The second, a
stable isotope called deuterium, was discovered in 1932. The third isotope,
tritium, was discovered in 1934.

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