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Tips for Raising Capital

Yasumasa Kikuchi currently works as President and Chief Executive of

Pacific Rim Partners, Inc., a southeastern Pennsylvania company,
providing various services in areas of corporate finance and capital raising.
Based at 239 Trianon Lane, Villanova, PA 19085, Yasumasa Kikuchi also
leads the company in matters related to M&A, risk management, regulation
and compliance.

In particular, Pacific Rim Partners specializes in raising funds for private
equity funds, hedge funds, and venture capital companies. Most often the
company raises equity for its customers so that they can use the funds for
the purpose of acquiring other companies, making investments in start-up
companies or funding specific capital projects. From time to time, we also
raise mezzanine funds, which can be used as either equity or debt in
corporate buyouts. The company's expertise is to raise funds for small-to
medium-sized funds, as well as for manufacturing and service companies
around the globe.The typical fund size is between $200 million and $500
million, and its duration ranges from three to seven years.

Raising funds for private equity firms and hedge funds is something of a
specialized enterprise within the fund raising space. in many cases their
target investors are institutional investors such as insurance companies,
pension funds and university endowment funds. Institutional investors have
their own specific return-on-investment objectives, and you would need to
match or exceed their quantitative hurdles. These investors would typically
look for 8% return and higher for hedge funds versus 12% and higher for
private equity funds. While their investments may vary from a few million
dollars to billions of dollars, they work within a specific grid, and the fund
companies and others making a proposal to these institutions must
understand and work within these investment parameters.

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