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To Kill a Mockingbird Study Questions NAME: __________________________

DIRECTIONS: Write a short answer at the end (right side) of each question.
(NOTE: Not all of these questions and not only these questions will be on the quizzes and test over
the novel Instead! this stud" #uide is desi#ned to hel$ %a&e sure "ou read 'ha$ters 'losel"(
Chapter 1
1. Who is Harper Lee?
2. What was the name of Simons homestead?
!. When "tticus went to #ontgomer$ to read %aw& what tradition was 'ro(en?
). What t$pe of man did "%e*andra marr$?
+. ,ame - identif$ who %i.ed in the narrator/s house.
0. How did 1ems mother die?
2. How man$ houses were 'etween "tticuss residence and the 3ad%e$ p%ace?
4. What was 5i%%s fu%% name?
6. Who too( #r. 3ad%e$s p%ace when he died?
17. Who had the idea first to tr$ and ma(e 8oo come out?
Chapter 2
1. How did Scout fee% a'out the idea of 'eginning schoo%?
2. Who too( Scout to schoo% the first da$?
!. What did #iss 9isher accuse Scout of 'eing?
). What did Ca%purnia teach Scout to do?
+. What is corporea% punishment?

Chapter !
1. What promise does Scout ma(e in this chapter? (S"#: "S ;<:S=>?, @11?)
2. Wh$ hasnt Wa%ter Cunningham passed the first grade?
!. Wh$ did Ca%purnia request Scouts presence in the (itchen?
). Where did Scout finish her dinner?
+. Was "tticus swa$ed '$ Scouts petition to ha.e Ca%purnia fired?
0. What craw%ed out of 8urris :we%%s hair?
2. Who e%se 'esides #iss Caro%ine to%d 8urris to go home?
4.What did Ca%purnia do to ma(e up with Scout?
6. "ccording to "tticus& when does one understand a person?
17. ,ame two fa.ors that #a$com' Count$ AcutB (a%%owed) the :we%%s.
11. State the AcompromiseB or 'argain that "tticus made with Scout.
Chapter )
1. What did Scout thin( a'out the #a$com' Count$ schoo% s$stem?
2. What was in the (notCho%e of one of the oa( trees?
!. Who was the Ameanest o%d woman who %i.edB?
). Who was president of the L - , 3ai%road?
+. Who p%a$ed the part of 8oo in the game?
0. Who had more to sa$ a'out the 3ad%e$s than an$'od$ e%se in #a$com'?
2. What was Scouts first reason for wanting to quit the 8oo 3ad%e$ game?
Chapter +
1. 1em decided the$ cou%d continue p%a$ing their game if the$ did what?
2. Who did 1em send a note to& and what did it sa$?
!. Who caught 1em and Scout 'efore the$ were a'%e to %ea.e the note?
). What did "tticus te%% them to stop doing?
Chapter 0
1. Wh$ did the (ids spit dr$?
2. What sound shattered the neigh'orhood?
!. How did 5i%% e*p%ain the %oss of 1ems pants to the crowd in front of the 3ad%e$ p%ace?
). How did Scout react to 1em going after his pants?
+. What was the outcome of 1em/s mission?
Chapter 2
1. What did 1em find unusua% a'out his 'ritches?
2. How %ong did 1em and Scout wait 'efore the$ considered$thing the$ found in the (notCho%e to 'e
their propert$?
!. Wh$ wasnt the %etter de%i.ered?
). What was ,athan 3ad%e$s u%terior moti.e for cementing the (notCho%e?

Chapter 4
1. How did 1em and Scout fee% a'out #rs. 3ad%e$s death?
2. Wh$ was schoo% c%osed?
!. What was the Ds%ush$ operationD?
). =he snowman was a caricature of which neigh'or?
+. Whose house 'urnt down in this chapter?
0. Where did the owner of the home sta$ after it 'urnt down?
2. Who put the 'rown woo% '%an(et around Scout?

Chapter 6
1. What does "tticus warn Scout to ho%d and (eep from doing?
2. Which '%ac( man is "tticus defending?
!. How did Scout respond to Ceci%/s nameCca%%ing?
). How did Scout fee% a'out how she hand%ed Ceci%s nameCca%%ing?
+. What words did <nc%e 1ac( not want to hear from Scout?
0. What did 1em and Scout get for Christmas?
2. =a%(ing to 9rancis ga.e Scout what (ind of sensation?
4. Wh$ did Scout sp%it her (nuc(%e to the 'one on 9ranciss front teeth?
6. What topic is "tticus ta%(ing a'out whi%e Scout was ea.esdropping?
Chapter 17
1. Wh$ was it a sin to (i%% a moc(ing'ird?
!. Which neigh'or spo(e high%$ of "tticuss %ega% ta%ents?
). How did "tticus do& in regards to Ceci% 1aco'ss father& in the touch foot'a%% game?
+. Who informed "tticus a'out #r. Harr$ 1ohnsons mad dog& o%d =im 1ohnson?
0. Who informed #iss 3ache% and #iss Stephanie Crawford a'out the mad dog?
2. Who was the first to address "tticus '$ his o%d nic(name?
4. What didn/t "tticus want Scout 'ragging a'out at schoo% on #onda$?
6. How do Scout and 1em fee% a'out their father at the end of the chapter?

Chapter 11
1. Wh$ did the 9inch chi%dren dis%i(e passing '$ #rs. Henr$ Lafa$ette 5u'oses house?
2. "tticus ad.ised his son to act %i(e a gent%eman toward whom?
!. What did "tticus do that made Scout thin( he was the 'ra.est man who had %i.ed?
). =3<: ?3 9"LS:? 1em 'ought his sister a rea% 'aton.
+. =o show his wrath for #rs. 5u'ose& what did 1em do?
0. What did 1erem$ ha.e to do for one month?
Chapter 11C continued
2. "s a reward for comp%eting their first da$s session with #rs. 5u'ose& what did "tticus 'ring the (ids?
4. =rue or 9a%se? #rs. 5u'ose (ic(ed the morphine ha'it.
6. "tticus wou%d ha.e insisted that 1em read to #rs. 5u'ose 'ecause he wanted his son to see an a%ternati.e
.iew of what?

Chapter 12
1. Wh$ does Scout gra.itate toward Ca%purnia?
2. Wh$ was Scout temporari%$ crushed?
!. Who tried to intimidate Ca%purnia at her own church?
). Who wou%d 'e the 'eneficiar$ of toda$s co%%ection at 9irst Eurchase?
+. What did 1em and Scout thin( of Fee'os singing ta%ents?
0. What had to happen for church to 'e
Chapter 1!
1. Wh$ does "unt "%e*andra show up to sta$ a whi%e?
2. How did the #a$com' peop%e respond to her?
!. What did she want 1em and Scout to understand?
Chapter 1)
1. What do "tticus and "%e*andra %earn of?
2. How do the$ respond?
!. What does 1em gi.e Scout a'out "unt "%e*andra?
). How does Scout respond to 1em/s
+. Who is 5i%%?
0. Wh$ had he run awa$?
Chapter 1+
1. What is the %emonCdrop p%an?
2. Where did #r. Hec( =ate want to mo.e =om 3o'inson to a.oid trou'%e from the D?%d Sarum 'unchD?
!. Who were the group of men who .isited "tticuss house on Saturda$?
). =o where was =om mo.ed?
+. What did "tticus do after supper that 1em and Scout thought pecu%iar?
0. Wh$ did "tticus need the e*tension cord?
2. Who hid =om from Scout/s .iew?
4. 9rom amongst the semiCcirc%e& whom did Scout recogniGe?
6. How did Scout he%p disperse the crowd?
17. Who wou%d ha.e fired from a'o.e had the gang of men not shuff%ed off?

Chapter 10
1. #aHor e.ent ta(es p%ace in this chapter?
2. What does "tticus te%% 1em and Scout not to do?
!. What do the$ do?
). Where do the white and '%ac( peop%e sit in the courthouse?
+. Where do 1em& Scout and 5i%% sit?
0. Who is presiding the tria%?

Chapter 12
1. What two maHor points did "tticus score in his fa.or during Hec( =ates testimon$?
2. Where did the :we%%s %i.e?
!. What was #r. Ii%mers trademar(?
). How did #r. 8o' :we%% descri'e his daughters screaming?
+. What happened that caused a stir in the courtroom?
0. What opinion of #r. :we%% does Scout form 'ased on e.idence?
2. What is this e.idence?
Chapter 14
1. 5escri'e #a$e%%a Jio%et :we%%?
2. What ha'it 'rought #r. :we%% into suspicion?
!. 1udge =a$%or fe%t who was 'row'eating whom?
). What (ind of effort was #r. Ii%mer putting into the tria%?
+. What is "tticuss perception of 1udge =a$%or?
0. How did #r. 3o'inson inHure his %eft arm?

Chapter 16
1. What s%ipped off the 8i'%e?
2. Wh$ did =om ha.e to ser.e his !7 da$s for disorder%$ conduct?
!. Scout fe%t #a$e%%a was %one%ier than whom?
+. What a'out =om/s .oice was swa$ing Scout/s opinion of him?
0. How did =om fi* the o%d door?
2. Who initiated the (issing?
4. ?nce #a$e%%a was '%oc(ing =oms e*it& what was =oms 'asic predicament?
6. What did #r. Lin( 5eass out'urst %ea.e the door open for?
17. Wh$ was 5i%% cr$ing?
11. What does DthinChidedD mean?

Chapter 27
1. Wh$ did #r. 3a$mond entrust the reason for his 'eha.ior to Scout and 5i%%?
2. Who did 1em thin( wou%d win the tria%?
!. >n his c%osing argument& "tticus referred to a DtimeChonored code.D What is that unwritten %aw& that code
that #a$e%%a .io%ated?
). What institution theoretica%%$ assures =homas 1effersons dictate that Aa%% men are created equa%B?

Chapter 21
1. Ca%purnias note was from whom& announcing what?
2. What had happened '$ the time the chi%dren returned to the courtroom?
!. What side did 3e.. S$(es fee% 1udge =a$%or was predisposed towards?
). What was Scouts intuition te%%ing her?
+. Wh$ did 1em Her( repeated%$?
0. How did the '%ac(s attending the tria% respond to "tticus as he passed '$?
Chapter 22
1. How does 1em respond to the .erdict?
2. How does 1em fee%?
!. What are the neigh'ours 'us$ gossiping a'out?
). What does 8o' :we%% do to "tticus and swear he/%% do?
Chapter 2!
1. Wh$ does "tticus 'egin carr$ing his o%d pisto%?
2. "tticus reminded 1em a'out what ug%$ facts of %ife?
!. "ccording to "tticus& what constitutes white trash?
). What did "tticus foresee?
+. What made Scout indignant?
0. How can on a Hur$ 'e unp%easant?
2. 9rom 1ems perspecti.e& wh$ does 8oo 3ad%e$ want to sta$ inside?

Chapter 2)
1. Wh$ cou%dnt Scout go to 8ar(ers :dd$& the swimming cree(& with 1em and 5i%%?
2. Wh$ was "tticuss face white?

Chapter 2+
1. How is 1em hand%ing the .erdict?
2. What doesn/t he want Scout to do?
!. What news does "tticus go to te%% He%en?
). How does she respond to the news?
+. #r. <nderhi%% wrote a newspaper editoria% a'out what?
Chapter 20
1. What grades are Scout and 1em in?
2. How man$ $ears ha.e passed?
!. Who is in power in Ierman$?
). What does Scout/s teacher ta%( a'out?
+. What does Scout %ater hear the teacher sa$ that is h$pocritica%?
0. What can/t Scout understand?

Chapter 22
1. Who came to #rs. 3o'insons rescue?
2. How successfu% were the hounds in %ocating =uttis and 9ruttis furniture?
!. What was 1em disappointed a'out regarding the pageant?
). Wh$ was Scout noncha%ant a'out "tticuss or "unt "%e*andras or Ca%purnias attendance at the pageant?

Chapter 24
1. Who Humped in g%ee as he scared 1em and Scout?
2. Co%d spaghetti was used to represent the innards of a what?
!. What characteristics do we (now a'out the attac(er?
). Who carried 1em to the safet$ of his house?
+. What garment did Scout get to wear?
0. Scout as(ed what question repeated%$?

Chapter 26
1. What did "unt "%e*andra ha.e a premonition a'out?
2. What caused the Dshin$ c%ean %ineD on the du%% wire of the remains of Scouts costume?
!. How did Hec( =ate descri'e a man %i(e 8o' :we%%s (ind?
). Who did Scout assume was responsi'%e for $an(ing 8o' down off of her?
+. What '%urred Scouts image of "rthur 3ad%e$?

Chapter !7
1. How did 5r. 3e$no%d/s greeting inf%uence Scout/s perception of #r. 3ad%e$?
2. How cou%d "unt "%e*andras inf%uence upon Scout 'e seen in this chapter?
!. :*p%ain the curious contest of wi%%s 'etween Hec( =ate and "tticus.
). :*p%ain how e*act%$ 8o' :we%% died. 8e sure to gi.e an account of 'oth ( and a%% re%e.ant parties.

Chapter !1
1. With regard to returning to the 3ad%e$ E%ace& how did Scout show signs of 'ecoming a %ad$?
2. Whi%e standing on the 3ad%e$ porch& what did Scout rea%iGe from her dream$ thoughtsKmemories?
!. >n D=he Ira$ Ihost&D Stoners 8o$ s$m'o%ica%%$ represented whom?

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