Climate Change

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Name: Jeffrey Ong Wei Kiat

I.C. No.: 900331-13-7815

Scoo!: S"K #$ng %$a& Si'$
Category: Category (
())re**: +8& ,ane -& .e/ang 0ar1& 92000 Si'$& Sara3a1.
4-mai!: ong53ei51iat6otmai!.com
#o7ic: ())re**ing C!imate Cange 8 %o3 3e& a* in)i9i)$a!*& can ma1e a )ifference
C!imate cange or g!o'a! 3arming i* a treat tat i* going to 3i7e o$t ci9i!i*ation
a* 3e 1no3 it. #e !i'era! e!ite an) 7o!itica! c!a**e* are *igne) $7 to te me**age tat&
$n!e** 3e ta1e $rgent action 3itin ten year*& 3e are a!! !itera!!y )oome) to '$rn $7.
Wat i* act$a!!y te main ca$*e of c!imate cange 3ic ca$*e* *o m$c tro$'!e
to $* an) o$r f$t$re generation*;
<rom an artic!e 7o*te) 'y te 4$ro7ean Commi**ion*& $man acti9itie* tat
contri'$te to c!imate cange inc!$)e in 7artic$!ar te '$rning of fo**i! f$e!*&
agric$!t$re an) !an)-$*e cange* !i1e )efore*tation. #e*e ca$*e emi**ion* of car'on
)io=i)e >CO-?& te main ga* re*7on*i'!e for c!imate cange& a* 3e!! a* of oter
@greeno$*e@ ga*e*. #o 'ring c!imate cange to a a!t& g!o'a! greeno$*e ga* emi**ion*
m$*t 'e re)$ce) *ignificant!y.
#e 4$ro7ean Anion i* at te forefront of internationa! effort* to com'at c!imate
cange an) a* 7!aye) a 1ey ro!e in te )e9e!o7ment of te t3o ma/or treatie*
a))re**ing te i**$e& te 199- Anite) Nation* <rame3or1 Con9ention on C!imate
Cange an) it* Kyoto 0rotoco!& agree) in 1997.
%o3e9er& Kyoto i* on!y a fir*t *te7. (m'itio$* action to re)$ce g!o'a! emi**ion*
i* nee)e) after -01-& 3en Kyoto@* target* e=7ire& in or)er to !imit g!o'a! 3arming to
-BC. In Jan$ary -007 te 4$ro7ean Commi**ion *et o$t 7ro7o*a!* an) o7tion* for
acie9ing ti* in it* Comm$nication C,imiting D!o'a! C!imate Cange to - )egree*
Ce!*i$*: #e 3ay aea) for -0-0 an) 'eyon)C #e 1ey target* in te Comm$nication&
a* 3e!! a* te 'roa) tr$*t of te integrate) energy an) c!imate cange *trategy of
3ic it form* 7art& 3ere en)or*e) 'y 4A !ea)er* at teir *$mmit in Er$**e!* on 8-9
"arc -007.
Comm$nity initiati9e* are $n!i1e!y to treat c!imate cange a* a 7riority 3ito$t
inter9ention& e9en if effort* are ma)e to ma1e c!imate cange F!oca!!y re!e9ant.G #ey
3i!! nee) to 'e !e) an) *$77orte) to action& if tey 8 an) te in)i9i)$a!* 3itin tem 8
are to 'e mo'i!i*e) *$cce**f$!!y to cange 'ea9io$r. So& a* in)i9i)$a!*& 3at can 3e
)o to com'at 3it c!imate cange;
<ir*t of a!!& 3e a9e to cange o$r 'ea9io$r an) attit$)e 3ic may !ea) to te
occ$rrence of c!imate cange. (t te moment 3e are mire) in a 'og of conf$*ing
me**age*. In a 7ortento$* *7eec to te Dreen (!!iance recent!y& te Cance!!or
Dor)on Ero3n ta!1e) a'o$t te nee) for Cne3 g!o'a! 7artner*i7* an) m$!ti!atera!
net3or1*C to tac1!e te en9ironmenta! ca!!enge. #e recent c!imate cange re9ie3 'y
te economi*t Sir Nico!a* Stern 7re)icte) $n)re)* of mi!!ion* of Cc!imate ref$gee*C
*treaming acro** te 3or!) in an effort to e*ca7e from )ro$gt& f!oo) an) famine.
Het o7inion 7o!!* for te EEC an) oter* in)icate tat te reaction of 7eo7!e
earing te*e 7rono$ncement* i* tat tey are *im7!y re!ie9e) to ear te 7ro'!em i*
noting to )o 3it tem. (n IC" 7o!! !a*t mont fo$n) a'o$t a!f te 7eo7!e
I$e*tione) in *ome 7art* of te co$ntry 3ere I$ite c!ear a'o$t teir $n3i!!ingne** to
cange teir !ife*ty!e at a!!. 4!*e3ere& tere i* gro3ing *ce7tici*m tat any of it i*
tr$e& an) te )i**enting 9oice* are getting !o$)er. ( recent e)itoria! in te Daily Mail
to!) mi!!ion* of rea)er* tat it i* 7oint!e** to a!ter )ra*tica!!y te 3ay 3e !i9e *im7!y
on te C9ag$e 7o**i'i!ity of an eco!ogica! )i*a*terC.
"oreo9er& mo*t in)i9i)$a!* no3a)ay* *are a common to$gt 8 tey to$gt
tat te go9ernment *o$!) 'e te one 3o *$77o*e) to )ea! 3it c!imate cange.
We!!& *cientific con*en*$* a* i)entifie) car'on )io=i)e a* te )ominant greeno$*e
ga*J metane an) nitro$* o=i)e are a!*o ma/or contri'$tor* to te greeno$*e effect&
3ic !ater 3i!! ca$*e c!imate cange an) ma/ority of te*e ga*e* are 7ro)$ce) 'y
7o3er *tation* or agric$!t$ra! farm*. %ence& tere are many F!itt!eG ting* tat
in)i9i)$a!* can )o to re)$ce te c!imate cange. <or e=am7!e& one can try to c$t )o3n
e!ectrica! $*age 7er )ay. (* 3e 1no3& more an) more air-con)itioner* are in*ta!!e) in
o$*e* )ay after )ay. #e*e e!ectrica! ga)get* con*$me a !ot of e!ectrica! energy an)
re!ea*e* greeno$*e ga*e* at te *ame time. #erefore& 3e *o$!) on!y o7erate te*e
a77!iance* 3en te tem7erat$re i* too ig& i.e. 31BC. Ee*i)e*& 3e can a!*o $*e
cei!ing fan* a* a!ternati9e to im7ro9e 9enti!ation in o$r o$*e. We can *a9e a'o$t
1350 3att* of e!ectrica! energy 7er o$r a )ay if 3e )o not $*e air-con*& 3ic i*
eI$i9a!ent 3it 3atcing te!e9i*ion for 2.75 o$r* 7er )ayK So& tere are a !ot of
ting* 3e can )o to ma1e a )ifference to figt 3it c!imate cange.
Ne=t& 7eo7!e no3a)ay* !o9e *o77ing. S$7ermar1et*& y7ermar1et*& an) ma!!*
are '$i!t e9ery3ere to f$!fi! te )e*ire* of 7eo7!e a!! aro$n) te 3or!). Wit te
e=i*tence of *o77ing com7!e=e*& tere i* te e=i*tence of *o77ing 'ag*. "o*t of te
*o77ing 'ag* are ma)e from *yntetic 7o!ymer* !i1e 7o!yety!ene or 7!a*tic*& 3ic
are forme) 3en ety!ene ga* i* eate) to -00BC at a 7re**$re of 1500 atm. #e*e
'ag* are non-'io)egra)a'!e an) 3en tey are )i*integrate) 'y $*ing eat&
greeno$*e ga*e* an) *ome 7oi*ono$* ga*e* 3i!! re!ea*e into te atmo*7ere an) !ater
3i!! ca$*e c!imate cange. (n) again& a* in)i9i)$a!*& 3e can e!7 to ma1e a )ifference
to re)$ce c!imate cange. We can *ti!! *o77ing '$t in*tea) of $*ing 7!a*tic 'ag*
7ro9i)e)& 3e can $*e o$r o3n fa'ric *o77ing 'ag*. #e*e 'ag* are )$ra'!e an)
en9ironmenta!-frien)!y. #ey can 'e $*e) re7eate)!y an) can 'e 'ring any3ere 3it
teir attracti9e a77earance. E$t te attit$)e an) 7er*e9erance of an in)i9i)$a! to $*e
te fa'ric 'ag* contin$o$*!y 'ecome* a 7ro'!em. %ence& one m$*t 'e a'!e to tin1
tat 3at tey are )oing no3 i* for "oter 4art& not for te *a1e of 'eing again*t te
*y*tem of te $*age of 7!a*tic 'ag*. If one i* a'!e to 7ractice $*ing 'io)egra)a'!e
*o77ing 'ag*& ten te )ay of norma! c!imate 3i!! come c!o*er to $*.
Ee*i)e*& one can a!*o e!7 to re)$ce te effect of c!imate cange 'y 'eing
creati9e. (* 3e 1no3& te go9ernment a) a!rea)y !a$nce) te F3.G 7rogram i.e.
.e)$ce& .e$*e an) .ecyc!e 7rogram in or)er to *a9e o$r en9ironment. No3a)ay*&
recyc!ing i* te mo*t common acti9ity 'eing carrie) o$t to re)$ce c!imate cange. (t
te *ame time& 3e can 'e creati9e 3en re$*ing 3a*te. <or e=am7!e& "argi Sarf 3o
once !i9e) comforta'!y in ,o* (nge!e* a) )e)icate) er*e!f into 7romoting re$*ing
tro$g art. Se a) create) art from te ref$*e *e co!!ecte) e9ery3ere. Se $*e*
toffee 3ra77er*& cigarette 7ac1et*& a)e*i9e* an) matc'o=e* to form a 7ict$re to
rai*e te a3arene** of 7re*er9ing te en9ironment. We can *ee creati9ity tro$g
"argiL* effort. %ence& 3e can e!7 to re$*e ref$*e* rater tan '$rning tem in air&
ca$*ing more 7o!!$tion to te en9ironment. We can a!*o gain 'enefit from te *e!!ing
of o$r ne3 7ro)$ct* !i1e 1i!!ing t3o 'ir)* 3it one *tone.
<$rtermore& 3e *o$!) 1no3 tat te '$rning of fo**i! f$e!* i* a!*o te ca$*e of
c!imate cange. Meic!e* !i1e car* an) motorcyc!e* 3e $*e) e9ery)ay for
tran*7ortation i* a!*o te main contri'$tor to greeno$*e ga*e*. #e irony i*& e9en
to$g 3e 1ne3 tat 9eic!e* can 7ro)$ce greeno$*e ga*e*& te n$m'er of 9eic!e*
on te roa) 1ee7 rai*ing e9ery year. %ence& a* roa) $*er*& 3e can a!*o e!7 to re)$ce
c!imate cange. <ir*t!y& 3e can coo*e to in*ta!! cata!ytic con9erter in o$r 9eic!e*
3en 3e fir*t 'o$gt it. We *o$!) 3i!! to *7en) money to in*ta!! ti* ga)get in or)er
to 7re9ent o$t 9eic!e to re!ea*e armf$! ga*e* 3ic can arm o$r on!y 7!anet.
Ee*i)e*& 3e *o$!) a!*o 7racti*e car 7oo!ing to re)$ce te tota! emi**ion of armf$!
f$me* into te atmo*7ere. (t te *ame time& 3e 3i!! 'e a'!e to interact 3it eac
oter an) *trengtene) o$r re!ation*i7 'y 7racti*ing car 7oo!ing. (!! tat matter* i*
o$r 3i!!ingne** to )o *ometing to *a9e o$r 3or!). <rom te *tatement a'o9e& 3e can
*ay tat a* in)i9i)$a!*& 3e can rea!!y ma1e a )ifference to *a9e o$r 3or!) 'y
7racti*ing *im7!e !ife*ty!e.
,a*t '$t not !ea*t& a* in)i9i)$a!*& 3e can a!*o e!7 to re)$ce c!imate cange 'y
te mean* of ma** me)ia. One can e*ta'!i* a ne3 3e'*ite or '!og on te Internet an)
7$t on artic!e* a'o$t o3 to 7re*er9e en9ironment. Ee*i)e*& one can a!*o $7!oa)
7ict$re* of te effect of c!imate cange an) 3arn* internet *$rfer* a'o$t te ma**i9e
en9ironmenta! 7ro'!em 3e a9e to face an) te 7rice 3e a9e to 7ay if 3e contin$e to
arm o$r nat$re. <or e=am7!e& 7ict$re* of *mo1e ri*ing from tro7ica! rainfore*t*J
9io!ent *torm* 7o$n)ing Cari''ean comm$nitie*J 7o!ar 'ear* *earcing for *ta'!e ice
*e!9e*J g!acier* retreating farter into te 3or!)L* mo$ntain range*J )ro$gt-*tric1en
graNing !an)* !ittere) 3it te *$n-'!eace) 'one* of catt!e an) *tar9ing 'ro3n-
*1inne) ci!)ren *itting in te )$*t can 'e $7!oa)e) onto te Internet. Ee*i)e*&
in)i9i)$a!* can a!*o tin1 of 3ay* to im7ro9e o$r en9ironment 'y *$gge*ting ne3 an)
creati9e 3ay* to re)$ce te effect of c!imate cange on teir 7er*ona! '!og.
Ne9erte!e**& one can a!*o *7rea) te me**age of *a9ing o$r eart 9ia me)i$m !i1e
Ho$t$'e. <or e=am7!e& te FSa9e O$r 4artG 7rogram 3ic 3a* !a$nce) 3or!)3i)e
recent!y 3i!! a'!e to *7rea) te me**age to 7eo7!e a!! aro$n) te 3or!) a'o$t te
im7ortance of 7re*er9ing o$r 3or!).
(* a conc!$*ion& c!imate cange i* one of te greate*t en9ironmenta!& *ocia! an)
economic treat* facing te 7!anet. #e 3arming of te c!imate *y*tem i*
$neI$i9oca!& a* i* no3 e9i)ent from o'*er9ation* of increa*e* in g!o'a! a9erage
atmo*7eric an) oceanic tem7erat$re*& 3i)e*7rea) me!ting of g!acier* an) ice at te
7o!ar ca7& an) te ri*ing of te g!o'a! mean *ea !e9e!. #e mo*t im7ortant ting tat
go9ernment an) te en9ironmenta! mo9ement m$*t 'e a'!e to offer 7eo7!e i* agency&
te a'i!ity to ma1e a rea! )ifference 7er*ona!!y. #e me**age a* got to 'e 8 an)
tr$tf$!!y it i* 8 tat if 3e )o noting& if 3e )onLt cange& tere may 'e 9ery $ncertain
or e9en )iffic$!t time* aea)& '$t tat *cienti*t* agree 3e can *ti!! ta1e effecti9e action
to a9oi) te 3or*t. E$t 3e m$*t *tart no3.
>125+ 3or)*?

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