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1. Stait Auobe Piemieie Pio CS6

2. In the ;*1.6+* 7(,160 N6O, choose New Pioject

a. :*)*3,1 Tab items:

i. viueo: Bisplay Foimat - Timecoue
ii. Auuio: Bisplay Foimat - Auuio Samples
iii. Captuie Foimat: Bv
iv. Location: click Biowse to navigate to the uesiieu location foi
youi pioject file (suggestion: an exteinal haiu uiive).
v. Name: entei the NameTitle of youi pioject
vi. Bon't hit 0K yet, go to Sciatch Bisks tab

b. A.3,-.P /(9Q9 Tab items:

!"# %&' "()*+,-(. /(0(-,1 2,33,-(4* 53678.-(6)9 :*630* ;,)0

i. ",R-83*7 G(7*6S",R-83*7 !87(6: click Biowse to navigate to
youi uesiieu location foi stoiage of viueo files to be
captuieuimpoiteu (suggestion: an exteinal haiu uiive).
ii. Leave G(7*6 R3*4(*T9S!87(6 R3*4(*T9 in Same as Pioject.
iii. Retuin to the ueneial Tab, click 0K.
iv. The 2*T A*U8*).* uialog box appeais.

c. The New Sequence Bialog box

i. In the A*U8*).* 53*9*-9 -,N, select AvCBB>1u8up>AvCBB
ii. Entei a the nametitle of youi new sequence in the A*U8*).*
2,+* box at the bottom.
iii. The Auobe Piemieie Pio woikspace appeais.

This tutoiial is wiitten to compliment the in-class lectuie, anu is foi the paiticulai ACN S1u piouuction geais. Foi moie
Piemieie Pio tips anu viueo tutoiials go to

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