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Table of standard amino acid abbreviations and side chain

Amino Acid 3-Letter 1-Letter Side chain
Side chain charge
(pH 7.!
Alanine Ala A nonpolar neutral 1.8
Arginine Arg R polar positive 4.5
Asparagine Asn N polar neutral 3.5
Aspartic acid Asp D polar negative 3.5
Cysteine Cys C nonpolar neutral 2.5
Glutaic acid Glu ! polar negative 3.5
Glutaine Gln " polar neutral 3.5
Glycine Gly G nonpolar neutral #.4
$istidine $is $ polar positive%1#&'
)soleucine )le ) nonpolar neutral 4.5
*eucine *eu * nonpolar neutral 3.8
*ysine *ys + polar positive 3.(
,et-ionine ,et , nonpolar neutral 1.(
.-enylalanine .-e / nonpolar neutral 2.8
.roline .ro . nonpolar neutral 1.0
1erine 1er 1 polar neutral #.8
2-reonine 2-r 2 polar neutral #.3
2ryptop-an 2rp 4 nonpolar neutral #.(
2yrosine 2yr 5 polar neutral 1.3
6aline 6al 6 nonpolar neutral 4.2
)n addition to t-e speci7ic aino acid codes8 place-olders are used in cases 9-ere c-eical or
crystallograp-ic analysis o7 a peptide or protein can not conclusively deterine t-e identity o7 a
Ambig#o#s Amino Acids 3-Letter 1-Letter
Asparagine or aspartic acid As: ;
Glutaine or glutaic acid Gl: <
*eucine or )soleucine =le >
?nspeci7ied or un@no9n aino acid =aa =

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