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Submitted by: Maria Ericka R.

Subject: Industrial Psychology
Choosing to hire is a signifcant business decision for any organiation.
Em!loyees add considerable costs to a com!any"s o#erhead$ as %ell as
!otential liability. Startu!s ha#e limited resources&e#ery additional em!loyee
must be carefully considered.
' com!any"s gro%th is measured according to its !rofts and losses. (he cost
of unnecessary hiring and)or hiring the %rong !erson can be detrimental to a
com!any"s bottom line.
*efore engaging in the recruitment !rocess$ management should clearly
understand the com!any"s o!erational re+uirements$ !rojected re#enues and
business goals$ and then determine the ty!es of skills and com!etencies
re+uired to meet those needs.
Consider your options
,iring ne% em!loyees is not the only ans%er. *efore !roceeding directly to
the recruitment !rocess$ consider the follo%ing alternati#es for meeting your
com!any"s e-isting needs:
a. Elimination of certain tasks
b. (raining current sta.
c. Reallocating and)or outsourcing the %ork
d. ,iring tem!orary em!loyees
Recruitment, selection and hiring process
(he follo%ing ste!s constitute the main elements in the recruitment$
selection and hiring !rocess:
/. 0e#elo! a !osition descri!tion that includes a com!rehensi#e
o#er#ie% of the job&including the role"s res!onsibilities$ com!etencies$
relationshi!s and %orking conditions.
1. 0etermine %hat resources you %ill em!loy to source +ualifed
2. Create %ell3defned selection criteria for use in screening candidates
and !re!aring inter#ie% +uestions.
4. Ensure that the selection !rocess is fair$ consistent$ %ell understood$
and legally and !rofessionally e-ecuted.
5. Conduct thorough reference checks on fnal candidates.
6. Conduct !re3em!loyment testing as a!!ro!riate.
7. Ensure that all candidates being inter#ie%ed are managed
res!ectfully and recei#e timely and accurate feedback.
8. Maintain good%ill %ith all a!!licants&e#eryone is a !otential source
of referral.
Common recruitment, selection and hiring
Many startu!s make the follo%ing errors %hen recruiting ne% em!loyees:
/. 9ailing to defne the !osition being o.ered
1. :nderestimating the im!ortance of cor!orate culture
2. (aking sole res!onsibility for hiring
4. 9ailing to !re!are for the inter#ie%
5. Pro#iding an ina!!ro!riate setting for the inter#ie%
Proper planning can help your organi!ation to de"elop and e#ecute a
proper recruitment strategy and a"oid many o$ these errors%
Butteriss, M. (1999). Help Wanted: The C!plete "uide t Hu!an Resur#es
$r Canadian Entrepreneurs. Trnt: %hn Wile& ' Sns.

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