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Music magazine analysis

Ellie Swindale
NME Dizzee Rascal front cover
The masthead is clearly placed at the
top left hand corner of the page so it
is the first thing the audience sees.
The main images is slightly covering it
meaning it is a well know magazine
and the main image is more
important for the reader to see than
the masthead. It is a bold serif font,
red in colour with a white and black
outline making it look 3D. It uses the
3 main colours used throughout the
magazine linking it to main cover
The main image is a full body
image of music artist chosen
for this particular issue (Dizzee
Rascal). Although the main
cover line is covering his legs, It
would be classed as a medium
shot. This links to the
anchorage text as hes
spreading joy around the
world and connotes his
personality as he is a joyous
person. He is positioned in a
welcoming and approachable
stance almost in the magazine
welcoming you in to read it. He
is directly looking at the
camera bringing the attention
to him as he is the main artist
covered in this magazine.
The skyline brings the attention of the
reader to a specific page as it has an
article which would be important to
readers interested in Dizzee Rascal. It is
luring the audience to by it as it
mentions what the magazine can offer
to the reader if they buy it.
The barcode, price and date is important
as it lets the reader know how much it is
and when the issue was released.
The anchorage text follows the
genre of this magazine and is
written how the artist would speak
suggesting it is a direct quote. It
links with the main image as it
matches the personality of the
music artist. It also is in the same
colour text as the artists name
suggesting it was said by the artist.
It is the second biggest text on page
meaning it is an important bit of the
magazine and is important for the
reader to read.
There are not many cover lines as the main image
takes up most of the page suggesting that this is
important to the reader and should read it to find
out whats inside as cover lines often give inside
information. The cover lines that are featured on
the front of the magazine name other artists that
also feature inside the magazine that the reader
thats interested in Dizzee Rascal would also like.
A puff is used to bring the reader attention
to a specific thing this magazine can offer
or important information the reader
should know supporting Dizzee Rascal. It is
red linking to the masthead, Dizzees shoes
and the red seat behind him.
NME Dizzee Rascal content page
The title is the same design as the masthead featured on
the front cover, bold red front with white outline. It stands
out from the black background and it is the first thing the
reader sees. The same font is used to highlight important
things the reader should read. The title is also placed in the
same left hand corner as the masthead is on the front
The main image is the in centre of the page
meaning it is important for the reader to look
at when reading the contents. The image is
of an NME reporter standing next to a tour
bus as this issue is a touring special. Her
stance is welcoming linking the main image
on the front cover. This gives a more relaxed
feel to the magazine while adding an
element of youth as the target audience are
teenagers. The image is quite large as is an
important image denoting it is a tour special.
A band index is used to break up the
context page instead of listing everything
included in the magazine in detail. It helps
you find a specific thing in the magazine
you are looking for as it is in alphabetical
order. The font and colours used link the
colour scheme of the res t of the
magazine (red, white and black). The
contents is in red with the page number
listed next to it anchoring it to the rest of
the magazine.
Subscription to the magazine is
mentioned in bright yellow text
persuading you to keep buying the
magazine if you enjoyed this issue. As
it is the right hand corner of the
magazine it catches the eye of readers
so they consider signing up to it. An
introductory offer is also included to
further persuade you into signing up
for the subscription.
The contents list is short but effective
listing the important features and
articles in the magazine. This also
continues the colour scheme of red,
black and white. Brief headings are
used so it is easy to find the article
youre looking for.
The date of the issue is featured at the
top of the page in a bigger font size
than the front cover so the reader can
easily collect each issue as it is a
weekly magazine.
The editor has used a short
introduction to the magazine to
captivate the readers attention
straight away. It is wrote in an
informal manner connoting the
target audience is teenagers. This is
a friendly way to introduce the
reader to the magazine and makes
the magazine personal to them
because it is as if the editor is
directly speaking to you.
NME Dizzee Rascal double page spread
The title of the double
page looks like graffiti
linking the title of from
tags to riches. This
connotes that Dizzee came
from a rough background
and is now a famous music
artist contrasting his past
and now success present.
The black bond font makes
it stand out on the
colourful graffitied page.
The main image is of Dizzee in
front of a background full of
graffiti. He is pretending to
graffiti on the wall as if he is
acting out his past further
contrasting his past and
present. This links to his style
of music as he looks like hes
up to no good and causing
mischief. His jacket is red, top
white and trousers black
linking to the colour scheme
of the rest of the magazine.
The text starts with a capital Y bigger
than the rest of the text giving an
informal, casual feel to the page which
catches the eye of the target audience
The second image on the page continues the theme of this
page. It connotes Dizzees past of rebellion and partying
compared to his now successful career in the music industry.
The amount of text is
very little compared
to the size of the
images as they take
up most of the page.
This links to the
target audience as
they wouldnt want
to read a lot of text
and are mostly
interested in the
The paragraph contains
information about Dizzees
upcoming events and how he
went from a rebellious graffiti
artist to a success music artist.

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