Supriem Rockefeller

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THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1

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HIs IuII nume Is SuprIem DuvId RockeIeIIer, u yeur oId mun wIo suys Ie Is Murduk Ru und
ucIIer redeemed, LIe MessIuI LIe worId Ius been wuILIng Ior und LIe BIbIe Ius been LeIIIng us
ubouL. s LIIs Is LIe mun secreL socIeLIes Iuve been wuILIng Ior und prepured Ior sInce uncIenL
LImes? He suys Ie Is LIe one wIo rebeIIed uguInsL God, TIe UnIversuI uLIer, und cuused LIe
Wurs In Heuven. He Is LIe one wIo creuLed 'sIn` und Is LIe reuson LIe worId Is In LIe sIupe IL`s In.
AccordIng Lo IImseII, uILer LIousunds oI yeurs In exIIe, Ie Ius now reLurned In LIe body oI
SuprIem RockeIeIIer, buL Ius redeemed IImseII. nsLeud oI brIngIng LIe worId Lo ILs knees und
IuIIIII LIe End TIme PropIecIes, Ie Ius decIded Lo suve LIe worId Ie once Iud LIe purpose Lo
desLroy. Upon uII LIIs, Ie Is uIso LIe JewIsI MessIuI. WIen Ie vIsILs srueI, Ie Is LreuLed IIke u
s Ie LeIIIng LIe LruLI? And Is ucIIer reuIIy equIvuIenL Lo SuLun? I noL, LIen wIo Is Ie?
HopeIuIIy LIIs e-book wIII brIng some undersLund Lo wIo Ie reuIIy Is.

THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2
* In Reference to Lucifers Redemption *
* Religion and Prophecies *
Chapter I: Supriem Rockefeller - How It All Started
* The Letter to Leo Zagami *
* Michael N. Prescott, Supriems Former Business Partner and Self-Proclaimed
Prophet *
Chapter II: Priesthood of Amen, Lucifer's Web and Supriem Network
* A Short General Overview *
* How The Supriem Network is Controlling Business, Banking and the Current
Recession/Depression *
* "Allied Unit - The New World Currency*
* All the Kings Men *
* Inter-Dimensional Politics *
* Supriems Satellite Monitoring System *
Chapter III: Lucifer's Rebellion
* An Introduction to the Urantia Book*
* Lucifers Rebellion According to the Urantia Book*
* The Credibility of the Urantia Book*
* Lucifers Rebellion in the Bible*
Chapter IV: Hathor - Supriem's Goddess
* Hathor, a Reanimation of the Egyptian Goddess? *
* Manisola, Alien Races and Triple Helix *
* Supriem Wants to Recruit Me *
* The Egyptian Connection *
Chapter V: Allied Union, Thule Gesellschaft and the Vril Society
[Page 1]
* Allied Union *
* Thule Gesellschaft *
* The Vril Society *
* Antarctica, Springboard to the Stars *
[Page 2]
* Agarthi - A Nation Inside Earth *
*The Thule Gesellschaft and the Dalai Lamas Yellow Hat Sect *
* The Magickal Roots of Nazism - The History *
* Dge-Lugs-Pa, Also Called the Yellow Hat Sect *
Chapter VI: Birth of a God in the Making and His Goddess
* 1974 - The Self-Proclaimed Messiah is Born *
* Significance of the Year 1974 *
* Kris Raynes, aka Supriem Rockefeller *
* Hathor, Egyptian Goddess Reanimated *
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 3
Chapter VII: Ark of the Covenant, The Black Stone and Supremacy
* YHWH and Marduk - Same Deity? *
* YHWH in Jerusalem *
* Being Multiple Deities in One - How it Works *
* Supriemacy Test *
* Supriems New Spiritual Achievements *
* Ark of the Covenant and the Black Stone *
* Uniting With the Universal Father *
Chapter VIII: Superman, the Mask of Amen and the Significance of Gold
* Why Gold? *
* S Like in Superman, Supriem and Samech *
* Supriem as Amen *
Chapter IX: Lucifer and Iron Man
* Iron Man, the Movie - The Straight-forward Plot *
* The Hidden Plot *
* The Significance of Hollywood, Rock Music and Cartoons *
Chapter X: Opening the Stargate
* What is a Stargate? *
* Why open the Stargate? *
* The ILAT-LITUM Tablets and the Return of the Anunnaki Gods *
* Clarifying the ILAT-LITUM Tablets *
* Anunnaki - The "Fallen Angels *
* The Return of the Gods - NI-BI-RU Entering the Solar System and the
Consequences *
* Another Viewpoint on the "Fallen Angels *
* Between the Devil and the Returning Rock *
* Jesus Christ and the Holy Grail *
* How to Open the Stargate - Pyramid Power *
* Lucifers Pride *
Chapter XI: Rebuilding Solomon's Temple and the Battle of Armageddon
* Struggle Between Supriem and Thule Gesellschaft (Reuniting the Ancient Ones and
the Elder Race) *
* Supriem Getting Rid of a Problem - Michael N. Prescott? *
* The Reconstruction of Solomons Temple *
* The Biblical Bloodlines Clarified *
* Freemasonry is not a Religion - it is Religion *
* The Battle of Armageddon - A Biblical Background *
* Current Events Fulfilling Bible Prophecies *
* Seth, Osiris and The First and the Second Beast *
* Alpha and Omega *
Chapter XII: From the Ashes of the Phoenix
* The Brotherhood of Shadows and the Triple Helix Activation Program *
* Supriems Different Personalities *
* Supriem in Bible Prophecies *
* Free Will vs. Pre-Determined Destiny *
* How Can Prophecies Work If We Create Our Own Reality? *
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe A
* Irminsul *
* So Who is Supriem Rockefeller? (A Summary) *
* Worst Case Scenario *
* A Few Options *
* Living the Myth *
Epilogue: What Do We Do Now?
* The Harvest *
* The Soul-ution - Service to Others *
* Future Writings *
Updates: Current News on Supriem Rockefeller
* New Updates Page Available! *
Appendix: Original Documents in German
* Genesis *
* Gesprche in der Krypta *
* Irmansul *
zooq Wes Penre. WILI permIssIon Lo reproduce us Iong us noL Luken ouL oI conLexL und credIL Is gIven buck Lo LIIs
puge: or educuLIonuI use onIy!
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 5
At the end of January 2009 I posted a blog I called "Lucifers Redemption", and the
main focus on that blog was a long article in five parts called "Who is Supriem
Rockefeller? Mr Charming and the Priesthood of Amen. That article alone created a
wildfire on the Internet with people raging for and against it. The basic content of
that article was Supriem Rockefeller claiming to be Lucifer redeemed who is now, as
we are closing in on the End Times, bypassing end prophecies and instead of
ushering in the Battle of Armageddon he is working on creating a benevolent One
World Government with a healthy banking system. He also wants to rebuild the
Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem, where his Headquarters will be.
I did a lot of research on this and many people could see how the puzzle came
together, while others were laughing and discarded it as either a hoax or a psy op.
Of course, when you research something on such a charged subject, you are going to
expect to find people who speak the truth, others who speak half-truths and those
who lie. Everybody has their agenda and a reason for coming out and give
information. Sometimes, though, the reason is to genuinely tell the truth to wake up
the peoples of the world.
But the question is, what is "truth? Truth is an agreed upon reality, isnt it? And it is
therefore a BELIEF, and as such, subjective. We usually believe something is true
because "thats what we are taught, thats what everybody else say, or "thats
our experience.
But what about myth? Can myth be "true too? Yes, why not? Myth is a belief as
well, thus it fits into our definition as "truth. Many secret societies are built around
mythology and prophecy - on a higher level, these Brotherhoods know that the
physical world is an illusion (The Matrix) and that they therefore are able to
manipulate the illusion; to a certain degree they can even manipulate and change
both the past and the future by manipulating timelines. By using their knowledge of
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 6
how this reality works in conjunction with super-advanced technology, which the
have received from channeling other density entities and making treaties with
extraterrestrials, they are in business of changing our views on life by manipulation.
Myth is going to be an important subject in this book. If you have read Madame
Helena Blavatskys work, you know what I mean - often in occult circles, myth is
more important than truth. The Church of Scientology is another good example. Its
probably one of the fastest expanding "religions or "cults of today, and Hubbard
almost entirely based his philosophy on myth - he created his own myth combined
with occult knowledge he received from the OTO, AMORC (which has been proven)
and most certainly other occult sources as well. Late researcher William Cooper, who
worked for U.S. Intelligence before he became a whistle-blower and killed by Federal
Agents in 2002, once told me in person that Scientology was a Navy Intelligence
experiment that went way beyond expectations and took on its own life. Most
certainly the initial experiment was to see how easy it would be to create a new
reality from myth and have everybody believe it to be true. If so,
they really exceeded all expectations.
We live in a multi-dimensional reality and we even live several lives at the same
time. Time itself is not linear, as we have been taught, but another illusion, or belief
system weve been indoctrinated with since ancient times. By thinking there is only
one timeline, we are limited in our views of what is the past and what is the present.
We believe the past is set in stone, when in fact it can be changed by our own
collective thoughts. Thats why sometimes archeologists are trying to find proof of
something in the distant past and cant. The reason may very well be that although
information about the city (or whatever they are looking for) has survive up to
present time, we dont know on which timeline the city was built. Then, if science
makes clear that this certain place never existed, we erase the past to a certain
degree if we agree to that science is correct.
Only because mythology often seems so unbelievable and incredible, people have a
tendency to discard it all together as childrens fairy tales or superstition. Secret
Societies know better! Mythology is full of symbolism, which tells us of events that
often actually happened. When people didnt have the chance to write things down,
they passed down information verbally from generation to generation, and it was
told symbolically instead of literally, so the story could survive better over time. But
there is absolutely a lot of truth in ancient mythology.
The main character in this e-book, Supriem David Rockefeller, aka Kris Raynes (more
about that later), is repeating over and over,
Nothing is true, yet everything is true
I agree with that, but the flip side of the coin is showing us a picture of those using
the illusion of truth to manipulate the masses to accept a reality only they would
want. This, too, is happening all the time. We have all been manipulated for
thousands and thousands of years by forces behind the scenes - humans and non-
humans. Little do we know what is happening outside our own bubble. There are
forces who are working hard to manipulate our reality, so that they can build the
future they want and have us accept it, although we normally wouldnt. They are
master manipulators!
Now I would like to share some new insights.
What some readers had most problems with was the "Lucifer being redeemed part.
Was this young, shaggy, partying womanizer Lucifer, trying to take over the world?
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 7
And even weirder: Lucifer had now redeemed himself? Yes, it was understandably
hard for many people to swallow. But is it true? Well, like we discussed above, its
not so important whether it is true or not - the real question is will the myth around
this person, with help from Higher Forces, become our "new reality?.
Important is that you read the whole thing in sequence - don't skip through - or
youll get lost in the information and it will most probably not make total sense. It is
a pretty complicated issue at times, but I have done my absolutely best to simplify it
but still include everything thats important. Now, in April 2010, I have once again
revised this work. It seems like an endless task and I have given up a few times and
even taken this book down because of all the distraction and strange energies it has
created in my own, personal life. These energies that I feel I have tampered with
have not been beneficial for me, and this material should be read with caution. There
is much happening in the shadows, which is hidden from us, but still affect us on our
core energy level. Dont be afraid, just be aware. Fear is extremely destructive and is
not appropriate when absorbing this material. So please keep this in mind and
remember: YOU are in charge of your own reality and your own beliefs. The only
reason I am releasing this book in the first place is because knowledge is
power and to show how sometimes the "truth as we generally define the word, is
best understood in its broader perspective when its mixed with mythology. Only
then can the observant reader see analogies, visualize it and grasp the more multi-
dimensional perspective of this story. So let me make myself clear on this: I
am not releasing this piece of work to promote the agenda presented here - quite
the opposite. I am not supporting these people, although I think some of them
actually believe they are working for the benefit of mankind.
This book is written from the perspective of the characters involved and does not
always reflect my own opinions and thoughts. I wouldnt say this is a new kind of
reporting, but it is unusual these days and may take some time to get used to and
get your head around. This is the story about Supriem Rockefeller and the Thule
Society of Germany, to a great extent told by them, from their point of view. It does
not necessarily portray the correct picture in all aspects, but the picture they want us
to have about them.
In addition, I am making my own comments where appropriate, but leave up to the
reader to use their own judgment and intuition to determine what is true or not and
figure out why mythology is emphasized more in certain sections of the book than
others. Often when that happens, its more important to try to visualize that part for
the benefits of a greater understanding, than it is to grasp the more straight-to-the-
point, down-to-earth sections . What I can say with certain accuracy is that this
agenda is taking place - the characters are real and their mission is what they say it
is. After have received a load of information and literally sent and received
thousands of email, corresponding with these sources and others, Ive come to know
their personalities and characteristics quite well. These people are working together
with multi-dimensional entities, like the Aldebaran branch of the Anunnaki and
In Reference to "Lucifer's Redemption"
In the beginning of April 2009 I pulled the blog, Lucifers Redemption, off the
Internet. I did so for many reasons, two of them being that it was the only way for
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe B
me to be able to continue receiving information from my sources. The other reason
was that I simply had to reconstruct my blog. As information came to me on a
steady, regular basis, the blog became disorganized and hard to read and follow. I
got the idea of putting it in book form and thats what Ive been working on since
then and this is the end result - unless something spectacular happens, this book
will not be edited again. When events related to this book will continue happening
around us, people will be able to find this background material for free online, but
this book does not have the purpose to stay up-to-date with current events. Its
launched as a historical and mythological background to future events, not yet
happened, for those who will be understandably confused as things unfold and want
to know more.
Since I pulled the first blog, I have realized that there is so much more to this than I
thought at the time, and I have found out things I had no idea about at first, and
hopefully this information will be helpful to the reader, when preparing for days to
come. This has everything to do with 2012 and the so-called End Times, as described
in the Mayan Calendar.
I managed to find people who were willing to talk in both camps - Supriems camp
and the Thule Gesellschafts camp - and gained their trust. Things loosened up,
because everybody could see my agenda, which is NOT to boost my ego or publish
something sensational. With other words, I think people in both camps started
recognizing that my pure intention was to try and publish things as they are, what
we normally would call "the truth but in fact is a belief system as everything else,
which we shall go into further and discuss later on. Then, of course, I would be a fool
if I thought that they havent attempted to use me to promote themselves in the
light they prefer. But, as always, it works both ways.
There certainly is a conspiracy out there to take over the world and create a One
World Government with a World CEO, who will run the show in a dictatorship. The
Conspirators motto is "the end justifies the means when comes to reaching their
goals, even if it means genocide, torture, mind control and crime in general. The
Conspirators are only interested in their own wealth and power and are willing to
do anything to keep it and expand on it. The question is - does Supriem Rockefeller
support this Agenda, or has he come onto the scene to put a stop to it and turn
things around? We will elaborate on this as well.
What I managed to do was to gain trust so I could talk freely to certain individuals
within the two mentioned organizations - even with Supriem himself. How do you
do that? Well, you have to meet people on their level to the best of your ability and
be able to see with their eyes, be diplomatic and never antagonistic towards anybody
if you can help it, whether you are talking to allies or enemies. I have seen so many
good researchers blow it all because they are angry and openly raging against those
they oppose. If you do that, not only do you get what you resist (you get back what
you give out), but you also lose credibility and ability to get results. How are you
supposed to get any balanced information and how can you gain trust from your
readers or audience?
Speaking of trust. In situations like this, the people you are getting information from
first hand are often cleverly testing you. They give you some "sensitive information,
after first have had you promise not to release it in public. If you agree, they give
you the info, which is supposedly of a character that is not commonly known. The
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe S
trustworthy person keeps his word and doesnt release the info, although its very
tempting to do so. Others cant help themselves from being "sensational and release
it anyway. The person of the first category passes the test, while the second one
doesnt. Hence, the first person will continue to get info, while the other one doesnt,
or is being set up. Believe me, its happened a lot while I was researching this. Its
not that Supriem or Thule have given me information so sensitive that it would
disrupt their plans, but sensitive enough to tease me to make it public. I always
passed the test, and up to this day, I have not released anything I promised not to.
Another thing to keep in mind as you read on is that although there is tension and
there are fractions between what I call the "different camps in this book, they are all
basically on the same side, meaning they are working towards a common goal. They
may occasionally have different opinions how this should be done, but they also have
a tight bond with each other, knowing they need each other to complete the
"mission. This will be more obvious later.
Often people I talk to dont even mind that the information comes out if it is told
correctly and balanced. Especially now when we are getting close to the so-called
"End Times, there are those sitting on secret knowledge who think its time for part
of that knowledge to come out in public. Other secret societies do the same thing,
like the modern version of the Bavarian Illuminati
( There is a real reason for this, which will be
discussed in Chapter XII.
This release is to some small degree a re-post of the old Lucifers Redemption blog,
and some of the material from it will be included here while some of it will not, but
here is also so much more which will help the reader to see the much bigger picture.
Hopefully this free e-book will explain it easier and down-to-the-point now that I
have a much better overview of the situation myself. Still, it is a very complicated
subject and requires full attention from the reader. My advice is always to read the
material more than once.
I also need to add that this e-book is published on my own determination. Neither
Supriem, nor anybody else in either camp know that I am posting it at this particular
time (this was in June, 2009). I have worked furiously to get this book ready,
because we are running late and those who are willing to open their eyes and ears
need to know NOW.
In the meantime, Supriems Intelligence has worked hard to make the Supriem
Rockefeller story I originally posted look like a psy-op. This has been said to me by
someone working in his camp, and after Id gained trust, also from Supriem himself.
I will from now on quite frequently use the terms "Supriems camp and "Thules
camp when I refer to certain sources and cant always name them in person for
obvious reasons, Thule being the main secret society who is working behind the
scenes with Supriem (in cooperation with the Vril Society, which is actually the Inner
Core of Thule) [1].
Religion and Prophecies
I must say that since I wrote/edited the article about Hidden Hand - - in October-November 2008 my views
on the world and beyond have changed drastically. One thing led to another - I
found the Ra Material (Law of One - -) which eventually led to
that I found out about Supriem Rockefeller. The Hidden Hand dialogue is very
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1O
enlightening and a must-read for every truth-seeker. The Ra Material, if understood,
will blow your mind. Only inaccuracies I have found in it is when the questioner (its
channeled material) asks a question that was misinterpreted by the higher density
spirits, whom they channeled. Other than that, the Ra Material is as genuine as can
I am aware of that people will ask me where I stand religiously and spiritually. Its
not really relevant for the story, because the story is not going to change whatever I
believe and is not biased by my spiritual beliefs. I am on occasion discussing the
material from my understand and point of view, but what I am saying is that even if
I left all that out, the story wouldnt change and stands for itself. However, for the
record I will briefly let you know that I dont belong to any organized religion, secret
society or group whatsoever. I am working mainly alone and with my sources. I
believe that the truth about whom we are, where were heading and who God is can
only be hinted at from a variety of different sources. In our reality, as human beings,
I dont think there is any way to find out everything about anything however hard we
try. We learn on gradient scales and `knowledge is not the purpose of the 3rd
Density, as spoken by the Ra People - thats for other realities higher up; spiritual
existences we can only reach by studying, connecting dots, learn about our Inner
Selves, and most importantly - help others! Although I am not a supporter of the
Church of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard, the founder, once said:
Youre as valuable as you can help others
and I believe this to be an accurate statement.
I think we are all ONE with the Creator, at this point divided into "other selves to
experience things and learn, but that we consciously or subconsciously are working
towards being ONE with the Supriem Being once again. This cant be done in
organized religion or by following any dogma, as spiritual growth can only come from
within each individual, not from the "outside. There is nothing outside of us, only
projections from the inside, which are perceived as an outside reality. Everything you
experience happens inside yourself. For more understanding, please click the links
above, "Hidden Hand and "Law of One, or visit my website, -
I think most sacred scriptures have truth in them - including some channeled
material - we just have to connect the dots. I do not think that you can find the
truth by only reading one source, like the Bible, The Book of Mormons, the Qua ran,
The Urantia Book or whatever scripture you choose. Literature and other means of
getting information can enhance the level of understanding for the truth-seeker, but
ultimately, the answers lie within us. Even Jesus said that, but he was not
understood and is not understood up to this date:
The Kingdom lies within.
What does that mean? Ponder it.
Contrary to Jewish beliefs, I do not believe that the God in the Old Testament was
God at all. I do believe he is the God of the Khazar Jews (YHWH), but not God
Almighty. There is a reason for this, and it will be revealed as you read on. On the
other hand, I put some faith in the New Testament (and especially the Gospels that
were not included) and contrary to Judaism, like I said above, I do believe Jesus
(Yashuha) was a genuine "ascended master. I dont mean that as in New Age
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 11
beliefs, but I think Yashua (Jesus) was descending to help us out when the world had
difficulties spiritually. It is pretty well explained in the Ra Material -, and later in this e-book I will go deeper into whom I believe he
actually might have been.
But, like I said, what my religious and philosophical beliefs are is basically
unimportant - it does not change or alter this body of information. You can belong
to any religion and still want to read this. It is happening despite. What is explained
in this e-book is what these people believe, and that is what is important! Their
beliefs shape our world and our future while we are sitting and watch baseball and
soap operas on TV and read about Britney Spears traumas (due to heavy
government mind control, which her fans are totally oblivious about) in the tabloids
with great interest.
Channeling is not only a "New Age thing. Its always been going on, since the dawn
of humankind. Theres a lot of channeling in the Bible, and the most famous section
is the Book of Revelation. Anyone who has read it and understands at least some of
it can see how shocking it is that information that was channeled by St. John the
Divine is now coming true. I am a firm believer that the "End Times are here and
that its connected to the Mayan Calendar. However, I do not believe that its the
"end of the world, but it is the "end of the world as we know it. There will most
certainly be earth changes within the next few years and land and sea will change
place. Many people will die, but this is also a time to ascend spiritually for those who
are ready and want to choose that path. There are other options, too. We will discuss
that later, as well. The Book of Revelations will be of major significance in the book,
as we shall see as we move on. The Thule Society works almost entirely with
Prophecy - not only from the Bible but from other ancient scriptures too. They
firmly believe that if prophecies can be correctly interpreted and decoded, they can
be fully understood. That way, the player "in the know can consciously fulfill the
prophecies instead of just being unconscious players. As we shall see, the Thule
consider themselves being major players in helping the prophecies come true.
Some of the spiritual materials I have had the privilege to read through, or read
excerpts from, are listed in the "Spiritual References section in the right frame of
each page (only applicable in the online version).
Lastly, before we start our journey, I want to emphasize that the following
information is given to you as a gift so you can get a better understanding of what is
going on here on Earth now, its past history and our near future. It will also explain
what is happening in higher densities and dimensions, not well known to common
man. Much of this information has never been released in public before.
And now I think we are ready to introduce Supriem David Rockefeller, self-
proclaimed Messiah, and Lucifer redeemed.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 12
SuprIem RockeIeIIer In JerusuIem
His full name is Supriem David Rockefeller, a 35 year old man who says he is Lucifer
redeemed, the Messiah the world has been waiting for and the Bible has been telling
us about. He is supposedly the man secret societies have been anticipating and
prepared for since ancient times. He says he is the one who rebelled against God,
The Universal Father and caused the Wars in Heaven. He is the one who created `sin
and is the reason the world is in the shape its in. According to himself, after
thousands of years in exile, he has now returned, as spirit, in the body of Supriem
Rockefeller, but has redeemed himself. Instead of bringing the world to its knees and
fulfill the End Time Prophecies, he has decided to save the world he once had the
purpose to destroy. Upon all this, he is also the Jewish Messiah. As you may know,
the Jewish religion does not acknowledge Jesus Christ as being their savior or
Messiah - they are still waiting for their Messiah to show up.
People I have corresponded with, who know him, tell me that Supriem has two sided
to him - he can be very charming and likable, someone you want to be friends with,
while the other side of him is a ruthless businessman with a strong vision with which
nothing and no one is allowed to interfere.
I thought this all sounded pretty strange when I started looking into him, but I have
now researched this matter for months, endlessly and tirelessly, and come to the
conclusion that Supriem "is for real. If it was only him, it would be easy to write him
off as delusional already from the start, but when I found out that the Military,
NATO, The UN and more are now supporting him behind the scenes, I had to
seriously reconsider. This man is on a mission and he is determined to reach his
But is he really who he says he is or what is going on? To answer any question we
need to back up and start from the beginning. You who read the blog I
pulled, Lucifers Redemption, recognize some of the information presented here, but
please dont skip, because there are new sections within the "old sections as well as
entirely new sections - therefore I advise you to read everything again so you dont
miss out.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 13
The Letter to Leo Zagami
Leo Zagami is an "Illuminati defector, who used to be one of the Top Players in the
European "Illuminati. He was born into, and one of the heads of the European
"Illuminati Power Elite and the Grandmaster of the notorious Freemasonic P2 lodge
in Italy as well as The Knights of Malta. After he left his positions, he started going
public with inside information and thats when I came to know him through email
correspondence. I am always alert with defectors, because it could be a psy op with
the purpose to spread disinformation to discredit researchers, but Leo Zagami
started out as a real whistle-blower, although he seems to have fallen off the track
lately as we shall see. It sounds he may have sold himself to Intelligence Agencies to
accomplish a certain agenda. Nevertheless:
Leo Zagami was raised within the occult Brotherhood and knows nothing else. To
break out from that lifestyle is a huge accomplishment and requires a lot of courage.
And he has paid for it. He fled to Norway where the Brotherhood took his son and
wife away from him and he eventually had to flee from Norway too.
He is of Italian blood and hot tempered. He is now creating his own organization, his
own "Illuminati to fight the Vatican, which he believes is the root to the evil of this
world. I am convinced he started out with good intentions - I have in fac
communicated with him a lot in the past - and was truly putting his life at stake,
and I commend him for that. However, he and I have always had different opinions
how to fight these Powers. I am a pacifist (more about that later), and dont believe
in war and that "the end justifies the means, while Zagami was fighting back the
only way he knows - with intelligence and force. He has been threatening his former
"Brothers, saying he will kill them if he gets a chance, and that, of course, makes
him a target for those who understand that he was serious. But that was when he
was a serious defector. Rumors, many of them from reliable sources, say that
Zagami was forced to sell himself to work for the CIA and that he is no longer to be
trusted. I cant confirm this, but I can truly see he is now a totally different person
than he was when he and I communicated, shortly after he had defected.
As an example, I want to draw your attention to a certain YouTube video showing an
interview with Zagami while in jail in Italy for calling the Italian Government corrupt.
But he also thinks that he is the direct bloodline of Jesus Christ, The Holy Grail - not
the Merovingians - and therefore is the new Messiah who will take over after the
Tribulation. This is one explanation why Supriem Rockefeller is his arch enemy:]. He
has also started a resistance group with Benjamin Fulford, a relationship which in my
opinion is very fishy: Although I
think Fulford is basically a good guy, it looks to me like he was threatened as well
and made a pact with the Powers That Be. He admits to it to a certain degree, but is
quick to add that the relationships with these powers were much on his terms. Go
figure. I think hes stuck between a rock and a hard place, from what it seems.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1A
eo ZugumI
Before we go on, I need to explain a term that is commonly used by researchers in
general. The term is "Illuminati. This is an unfortunate choice, as it makes us attack
the wrong group. The Power Elite we are usually talking about when we say
Illuminati dont call themselves that - their inner circle call themselves Priesthood of
Amen, The Brotherhood of Shadows, or just The Brotherhood. Thats what they have
called themselves for a long time, since they infiltrated the original Priesthood more
than a thousand years ago under the leadership of Charles Martel, according to
Supriem and the Thule Order. Just like Freemasonry was infiltrated once, so was the
Priesthood of Amen. Therefore we have two sections of the Priesthood today and
there is an internal power struggle because of this. But more about this in Chapter
The real Illuminati is the Bavarian Illuminati, which was created by Adam Weishaupt
in the 1700s and is an Order based more on "reason and "science than the occult,
although it is an occult order as well. The Bavarian Illuminati still exists and is
working behind the scenes to counter the current Power Elite (the 13 Bloodlines) to
establish their own New World Order and One World Government based on
meritocracy rather than democracy. According to people within the modern version
of "Weishaupts Order, they were behind the French Revolution and the American
Revolution as well. The Order existed long before Adam Weishaupt, but restructured
themselves under his leadership and took the name "Illuminati, the "Enlightened
Ones. Their agenda goes outside the scope of this story and will not be mentioned
here any further. The reason I bring them up is because from now on I will use the
terms Illuminati and Priesthood of Amen sometimes interchangeably, but they both,
for my purpose, point to the same group, which is the Priesthood of Amen and the
13 Bloodlines, and never intend to mean the Bavarian Illuminati. If you want to read
more about the modern Bavarian Illuminati, go to this
website, and you can also read OSHOs
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 15
Leo Zagami received an email from Supriem Rockefeller in late 2008, trying to
recruit him and his organization. This email was first sent to Michael N. Prescott,
whom at that time was Supriems business partner and self-proclaimed Prophet. On
directions from Supriem, Prescott forwarded this email to Zagami, who refused to
cooperate. At that point Prescott wrote a nasty email back to Zagami which context
was so obscure that Supriems PR department had to write Zagami and apologize for
Prescotts behavior. Zagami, hot tempered and on a contrary mission to Supriems,
made Supriems email public.
Here is the conversation in full, which is also posted on this site -
over-of-leo-zagamis-organization-1of2/ -. After I had read it myself for the first time,
I contacted Zagami, who confirmed the email and told me Supriem is now his arch
enemy [note: the links provided in the letter were inserted by me, Wes, for those
who want to explore this complex science further]:
Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2008 18:42:59 -0600
From: Supriem Rockefeller
To: Michael N Prescott
Subject: Re: Buy Sell
Forward this to them-
As you may know, the Vatican has been hiding the truth from the public
about the Messiah. They have implanted into the publics mind that Jesus was
the Messiah, which they know not to be true. The word Vatican means 'House
of the Serpent which the Pope even has the Serpent on his chest plate and
he carries the Sun staff, the symbol of Marduk Ra.
I was Marduk Ra but became Amen Ra once I was sentenced into exile. Amen
just means 'The Hidden One.
They pledge their allegiance to me by placing the obelisk in St Peters Court
inside the Sun Circle surrounded by the Celestial Cross.
The German order called 'Thule Orden and 'Vril Society know who I am, n
fact, they found me after they had access to the Vaticans vault and read
about me. The text form [sic] 2026 BC said 'In the Second Coming, he will
call himself 'Supriem and come from the west. No matter how you spell
Supriem or Supreme, it is still SPRM. They even saw drawings that looked
exactly like me.
They told me that they knew I was Lucifer, the Son of G-D, leader of the 12
Elohim and keepers of the D12 Stargate. Marduk Ra was just one of my
names, I am the same life force as YHWH, Samech, Moloch, Azazel, Lucifer
and the Supreme Deity.
It is time for my rule again, thus those who are against it will perish. In fact I
have the ability to end Earth as a planet if I see fit. The time is around the
corner for my rule, Heil Imperium!!
The Thule wanted to test my DNA, so I allowed them because I knew they
were important to my alliance. They found that I do carry the Triple Helix
Blue Blood of the Elohim. In fact, I have more than one DNA sequence.
They knew that my several thousand year exile ends in 2009 (according to
the 12/60 frequency in which I was sentenced, not the 13/20 frequency).
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 16
I have more than one DNA sequence because I am born of both Elders and
Ancients (Serpent or Reptilian). I was given the DNA sequence of the REAL
Trinity - Baal, Astarte, Tammuz - all into 'One Male - Lucifer - The True
2009 is the Second Coming, the exile is over. I have several races, not from
Earth, that I lead and they are waiting on me. I have an army of multi-
dimensional beings that are subservient to me. [These are the Alpha Draconis
REPTOIDS and the Orion Group REPTILIANS.] We use magical rites to control
the invisible world affected by the three dimensional world.
We have a technology that no one can stop. The ramifications of this
technology used as a weapon are something out of a science fiction movie.
We have to ensure that this technology stays within our working group.
Someone could use this to disable aircraft from 400 miles away and there is
nothing to trace, it would just look like the aircraft had a system failure and
plummeted out of the sky.
Someone could use this to disable any alarm system, create a financial crisis
by aiming at a stock exchange, someone could start wiping out every satellite
in constellation and leave zero trace of what, where and how this happened.
The 400 mile range is minimum, it can be increased via plasma antennas.
In fact, I have drafted The Allied Union constitution which is a policy making
organization that unites 220 countries under one flag with an entirely digital
universal currency called the 'Allied Unit that works over the 'Supriem
The 'Supriem Network Plan is attached in this E-Mail. To answer a question,
someone asked me about how do you get every country to comply?
Simple, first it will be obvious that this is the only way society in the future
will prevail and if that is not enough, have you ever seen the movie 'The Day
Earth Stood Still? The story maybe fiction but the warning and technology is
real. Lets say 'Country Orange did not want to comply, now all of the sudden
their countrys defense system and major economic institutions are paralysed
by something they dont understand or cannot figure out but they were
warned in advance so they know who is controlling it. This is why I say it is
imperative this technology never gets out of our hands, it is the ultimate
weapon of a silent [endless] war.
What we have here is not a morality tale of right and wrong, good or evil, it is
simply an ultimatum to the countries- You either comply with us for a more
efficient and proficient society or you wont have a society.
My group, which consists of former employees and some currently employed
by various Intelligence Agencies and my own group based in Germany with
Russian and Nordic sects, and a vast presence in South America and
Antarctica, are wanting to speak to Lockheed-Martin about incorporating this
technology on their satellite constellation so the entire globe would be
covered. We can offer them a partnership.
If one satellite 300 miles above the Earth were retrofitted with one of our
antennas, you could disable any electronic device in Northern America via an
EMP effect. Our knowledge is based in Resonant Frequency and we have
mapped the tonal range of Earths frequencies including gravity and how to
detune and change oscillation of X, Y, Z axis.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 17
Same principal behind the resonant tuning of point A to point B for an
envelope effect of collapsed time-space, creating something similar to what
you call a 'Casimir Effect - - and
understanding the 'Impossible Space-Time Transition of 210-33 cm, 10-43
seconds - .
Sorry, cant really translate equations in email.
Our 'Vril Power is synergistically combining Gravity Units (GU) at positions
specified by the coordinates (x1, x2, .) and (u) - a process in time, can be
thought of as a matrix-valued function of dimensionality (n1, n2, .)
U=(ux12.) (n1, n2, .).
If the status of a gravity unit varies as a function of time then, at any given
instant, a snapshot of that gravity unit at that instant in time would be
You will first have to understand Gravity Units (GU) and Knowledge Units
(KU) combined with Time (T) and its frequency in which you resonate.
Our concept of TIME undoubtedly presents new ideas which are unknown for
you. First of all we cannot regard Time as a dimension or continuum, as you
do. It is not that time is quantified, but one cannot conceive a moment as a
point on the axis of time.
The interval dt, although it can tend towards zero, could never be perceived
as small as we would like to. There is another aspect to this question we wish
to underline.
You consider that the highest speed a sub-particle in the cosmos can reach is
299,780 kmph (speed of light) and you regard this speed as 'constant. This is
not a poor measurement. Indeed, it is this same speed that we recorded
within this same three-dimensional framework, but all one needs to do is
change framework or three-dimensional system so that this limiting Speed
changes remarkably up to the point where the only reference which can
reflect the change of axis is the measurement of this speed or constant, C. I
would have to get into the detail traveling using Resonant Frequency at
another time, to complicated for email.
Back to my original topic, it is imperative that your group is our partner to
keep under wraps for our working group, it doesnt cost you anything to be
part, we are not asking for money. We are going to cover the planets ground
and sky with this spectrum, an artificial 'aether if you will. I was also
presented with an opportunity from the Russians, I was told Putin was the
original source, for us to buy up an entire stockpile of CU 63,65 which you
may know is used for satellites and in weapons.
Eglin AFB tests the SFW (Sensor Fused [sic] Weapon) - -which use
copper as its main munition. I would like to have talks with Lockheed asap for
partnership discussions.
As you can see with the news and its status quo, everything is lining up to
usher in the 'Supriem Network.
Lets also talk about the returns I can bring in through our 'Buy Sell Program,
if you think it is an absurd amount on the return, you have nothing to lose to
find out the truth. Like I said, we never touch your money, all we need is the
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1B
proof of funds to proceed and the money never leaves your bank. This is a
great way to be autonomous and self-funding to exclude external auditing.
This technology I offer must always stay in our own working group that we
will put together.
We are about to reshape the world. The 'Supriem Network will soon be the
only way for financial transactions and communications. It connects the entire
Democracy has failed and it is time to show what One Ruler with a strong
team backing him can do, I know you are with me. Michael Prescott is my
right hand man, so you can continue working through him at this juncture, I
will step in as the situation progresses.
Supriem Samech Marduk Ra Lucifer (Finally Redeemed) Head of the True
Elohim, God of Victory and Son of the Creator, G-D.
And here is Prescotts further email correspondence with Zagami:
> From: Michael Prescott
> Subject: Tuesday
> To: Leo Zagami
> Date: Wednesday, 10 December, 2008, 6:22 AM
> Brother, Leo.
> My brother I am a servant like you and what a privilege it is to serve
> the true messiah, I know how the weight of this can rest on your
> shoulders my brother, but I encourage you this, he is the one answer
> for you and me as well, as the world, that will be realized, I give
> you my testimony, that the one, I speak to is Lucifer he is here, yes,
> I say it is him, since I have come to meet him in destiny, my life has
> been whole, he is worthy, 'Supriem is one of his names but he is
> Lucifer and by the purity of The Luciferian Doctrine can we only find
> absolution with peace and the new world order can be realized. no
> matter what, let nothing take away from your faith, you labor hard and
> I know you do, lets work together and lets make a new day for the lord
> is here.
> -Fraternally,
> Michael Prescott
Saturday, 13 December, 2008 10:32 PM
From: Michael Prescott
To: Leo Zagami
Leo we tried to bring you in on board, and work with you over there obviously
that didnt seem to workout so despite our dismay for the way things have
been I would think sooner or later the brethren over there will come around
and know who we are for all good intents and purposes of the NWO, We have
a very large core following of loyal brethren over here in the USA and the
numbers of our followers are growing so we do have an absolute core of loyal
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1S
brethren to us and we will continue to work with them over here as the
events of the world unfold into Supriems hands for he is divine deity and he
is The Messiah who is here to take away the pains of the world and bring a
new day for all mankind, until then we will have to meet up with you in the
crossroads of cooperation later on, we just dont eye to eye right now but Im
most certain that soon we will as the entire world learns who Supriem and I
Bro. Michael N. Prescott
But Prescott didnt let go with this and couldnt help but sending the following raging
email to Zagami in addition:
From: Michael Prescott
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2009 07:24:28 +0000
To: Leo Zagami
Subject: Leo The wanna be Illuminati
Dear Leo,
You are such a prideful piece of shit, fuck you, you think you can sell a story
about us or somehow gain from it, I know who you are and I know who
DXXXX XXXXX is and if you think for one moment you can match our power,
think again, you will not want Supriems rebuke and he will mock you in your
hour of decline, you of little faith always need proof, let me tell you this if you
dont believe in Supriem then you dont believe anything and we will expell
you from Rome and anyone who has any dealings with you, test us, go
ahead, you tell anyone who challenges us, they will perish where they stand,
and you all will bow down and worship Supriem and make for yourselves his
image and worship, in honor of him, and no matter who you are great or
small rich or poor king or subject alike you will all take his mark, so let me tell
you Leo if you think you are going to start a shit talking campaign on us just
remember rome is not that far away and when we rule this world you will
have no where to hide, you and DXXXX XXXXXX, are little piss ants,
DXXXXXX thinks hes some big rich CEO who is expemt from honoring
Supriem well hes got it wrong also, you better tell all the Illuminati who think
like you that they had better fall in line and forget who they are and there big
names because to us they are nothing and we will ride right over them all
combined, so we had better see some humble submission very soon because
you will not want to see us face to face in your current poor blind and
destitude state.
This led to that someone working for Supriems PR department had to write and
apologize on Prescotts behalf:
Da: brad pruitt
A: Leo Zagami
Inviato: 7 Gen 2009 23:58
Oggetto: Supriem Rockefeller wishes no harm to you.
I am a close representative of Supriem, we know that you have been
contacted and even threatened. Supriem wants you to know that he never
authorized anyone to make such threats and that he stands with anyone who
is for the betterment of mankind. He would never authorize such threats to be
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2O
made to you or your group. He wishes nothing but the best for you and your
future endeavors and he would love to help if he can.
Supriem asked me personally to send this email and to make sure that you
know he is not a person who would ever send threats, he prides himself on
being very diplomatic. Thank you for your time and please let me know you
received this email.
Brad Pruitt
SDR Representative
So this is how it all started and these letter were what really caught my attention. I
had the feeling that something was going on worth looking into. Little did I know
what was to unfold.
Michael N. Prescott, Supriem's Former Business Partner and Self-Proclaimed
Before we continue, I need to include the following short-story, introducing Michael
Prescott, "The Third Prophet on the scene.
The following is a quote from Prescotts MySpace page (this page was taken down
shortly after I published my first blog on this subject), where he was telling us who
he is and what his prophecies are about. He was stressing how important it is to
follow Supriem in his cause and listen to the "Prophet (Prescott):
Behold!. I am The One True Prophet Who is at The Right Hand of The
Messiah, Beheld! Come Now Worship Him & Erect For Yourselves His Image
And Worship, In Honor Of Him, For He Is Worthy! The Pure Blue Bloodline of
Elohim, Rejoice! For The New Aeon is Near!
WO To Those Who Reject Us For They Shall Meet No Quarter. WO To Those
Who Lean On Their Own Understanding For They Shall See No Victory. WO To
Those Who Reject This Message For They Shall Know No Peace.
I am awakened and I seek the few who are left to prepare them for
greatness that which will extend beyond infinity there on into eternity, where
freewill is known not, and will never be so again,
I bring the sword with my tongue and to all who willfully attempt to assume
the same by no appointment are fools, I have been appointed and anointed to
serve as that which I am.
The spirit through me expressidly constitutes itself with principle authority,
not to be mistaken otherwise to be that which its not.
Then he goes on quoting from the Book of Revelation and is posting a photoshopped
picture of Supriem dressed up like a king and wrote the letters 666 all over the
About a month after he pulled his MySpace page with all this information, he created
a new one, which as of this day is quite empty, but Im sure he will add a lot more
information in the near future, so keep an eye on it:
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 21
PrescoLL's reemusonIc InILIuLIon InLo LIe z
reemusons Irom PrescoLL's Iodge
Mr. Prescott is a high initiate in the Freemasonic Order. The above photos are from
his deleted MySpace page. The top one is an initiation to the 32nd Degree
Freemason, `Master of The Royal Secret. In addition to being a Freemason he is also
a Mormon and claims to have close connections with the President of The Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Mr. Thomas S. Monson. The Mormon Church is also
connected to the Thule Gesellschaft, which we shall see later on, and Supriem
himself. Utah, as most of us know, is more or less run by the Mormon Church, and
this particular State is also important to Supriem and the Vril Society, as it is a
secret platform for launching man-made UFOs into space, supposedly. But we will
talk about this in a later chapter.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 22
TIomus S. Monson (rIgIL) und Henry B. EyrIng, IrsL CounseIor (IeIL)
Since the beginning of March 2009 and throughout that month, I communicated back
and forth with Michael Prescott, discussing the matters of this book, and suddenly
the communication stopped for a while. Then, I received an email from one of my
sources on March 4, telling me that Supriem shut down Prescotts MySpace page
because he thought Prescotts presentation of Supriem was `too dark. And when I
checked, the MySpace page was indeed down, so I emailed Prescott and asked about
his sudden silence. I got a reply from him, where he said: "Im sorry I have no
comment about Myspace I neither confirm nor deny even having such a page.].
Shortly after that, however, he started talking to me again, saying he had things to
tell me.
The "new Prescott was totally different from the one on MySpace. He was now less
scattered, more focused and had changed his message quite drastically. He had
suddenly "turned around and presented Supriem in a much lighter way. I later
found out that this was the time when the Thule Society activated his Triple Helix
DNA. We will discuss the Triple Helix project in large details in a future chapter. It is
of great importance and at the heart of everything related to these subjects.
Prescott wanted me to present his prophecies on this page, so here they are:
Behold! I give this prophecy to the entire world that you will see it
come to pass.
Delivered by the Prophet, Michael Noel Prescott
Date: 3/10/09, 1 of 3
My brothers and sisters of the world, this message has been given by God for
you to know. So now then take heed all ye who have ears to hear and eyes to
see for this is prophecy. I have seen the condition of this world degrade and
fall victim to itself, an economic crisis of utterly no resolve, were embattled
by terrorism and we have all been plagued by our own pride and harmful
ways which are reflected in this world in one form or another, yet we see it
not, yes we have heard, but we have listen to nothing at all, how long can we
ignore the signs on the wall? how long can we turn a blind eye to the
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 23
iniquities we transgress with? As for me I do not know the answer myself, but
I will ask you to examine yourselves searching your own motives and, what
kinds of things you hold dear?
Are you hot or cold? Is your yes, yes? And youre no, no? or perhaps you ride
in between it all, standing on your own ground, in your own opinion, now is
there really such a place; as third common ground?, Neutral perhaps, if you
will, independent or otherwise, yes to some this is a false reality they live for,
and I understand its origin, for here on Earth, we have many concepts of
divinity, many philosophies of whats right, whats wrong so on and so forth
and as many of them harbor a common denominator of consistent failure or
otherwise, put them all together it doesnt matter, for they all are empty
promises of lies unfulfilled, do we then just forget all the humanity and blood
theyve spilled as a result of their application? By holding onto these forsaken
paths of mans wisdom, which after all is only the tried and true methodology
of proven utter failure bringing unwanted rebuke at the end, destruction and
mockery is always going to be due, and that only by the time we again realize
that we were wrong, so now then whether we admit it or not, it does not
make it any less true, for truth, is not truth, before it is first lived, that fact is
immutable, should we deny the wind is blowing? only because we do not see
it, yet the winds of change blowing rampantly across the nations, are being
felt none the less these days, are they not?.
Verily I say unto you as surely as the contents of an entire pool can be
known, by just one single drop, so can now the condition of the world be also
known, by just one person, who selflessly testifies to the state of his knowing
and his knowing be weighed against such a wisdom that is not of his own, but
rather the words of divine prophecy, which come in a time of great famine for
truth, Oh how we seek the face of wisdom in the turmoil of despair when all
who seek truth, will not find it, by once again contracting themselves to the
great wisdom of all mans ways, lo and is it not our best understanding that
has left us wanting?, yes, that along with self righteous guiding opinions,
which has brought after all, the very need for prophecy in the first place.
2 of 3
No longer should we, let us, lead us, now if we are both blind wont we both
end up in a hole? How can the mute tell the blind to look where hes going?
And how will the lame tell the person in front of them to 'hurry make haste so
that I can pass? Lo but I say we have considered such foolish things, yes
pondered the unimaginable, yet we are still trying to figure out whats the
next best thing, oh how low I feel in the examination of this state, by among,
and of whom, I am first to blame and the worst of the worst, yes Ive been
called that too, oh I dread the crown of thorns which I should bare to make
claim too such a lowly existence, but yes I admit, there, is where Ive been
too, beloved I have failed in all these same ways, none have spared me grief,
of playing out exactly, what I did not want to happen, time and time again
and that would only be saying it favorably on my part, how stiff necked I have
been, I have rejected wisdom, so that I paid evil to good ,and good to evil,
yet seen it not, or not until it at least had done its worst unto my own shame,
my own blame.
My brethren unless we reach for things we have not touched before, we
simply will not know what they feel like, we have done all that has brought us
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2A
here but why not do what has never brought us there, and there being, the
place where we know not, but perhaps, we understand the words of
prophecy, a call of change, and new direction for hope which is being given
through prophecy, and now so in such ways that your faith will be challenged,
but we must first heed the sound of the voice delivering the prescribed
answers to what is going to be the direction you need to know, and find
sound doctrine of that which you can weigh and examine in your own hearts,
because I tell you the truth beloved soon this is what many of you will seek,
but they will find it not, so I ask you to consider the times you see now and
ask of yourself, am I on the true path? Do I even know what that means?
Have I ever known truth and seen it lived to completion, so that I know that
know, I cannot be wrong?
Very difficult questions my dear beloved, but at some juncture and moment in
time, you will be bottle necked back, to that point, when faith is the only
sound voice you can trust to lead you, which is in fact, a plan, preordained for
your life, yes even the hairs on your head are numbered so wouldnt also your
life be predestined and chosen by God,? yes, indeed it is, and I am here to
tell you that a new era is about to begin, and nothing is going to change that
fact, in a time not far aloft from now, I will deliver you a prophecy and how
great it shall be told, with humbleness, yet bold, and before the sights of all
man, Gods awesome miracles will be seen, so that all who look upon them,
may believe, and know him to be the Lord they have sought, is indeed finally
here, Behold! so let us prepare for the hour is at hand, yes the lord is already
here, but the beginning of understanding still lingers and draws near, I urge
you to keep watch, be vigilant for you shall see things and wonders you have
never saw before nor understood and youll know new things you had never
once considered, yet they are revealed unto you and all the world, yes! A new
era is about to commence.
3 of 3
Behold! I say unto the children of God make ready! For The Messiah is about
to reveal himself! Unto your knowing, Fear not for he loves you all, and is
here to bring you the love he has for you through truth of divine revelation,
rejoice and be glad in this, for this event rapidly approaches.
I have been patiently waiting for this word of divine prophecy to be delivered
to me that I may give prophecy unto the children of God, no, I am not a
teacher, nor a preacher, I want you to see the greatest prophesies ever given
in all of history come to pass, test me in this, for even the stiff neck will
soften, none can deny after they see the many other miracles that I will be
called to show you and in all the sights of man, yes, all will know Gods love,
only by the fulfillment of all I say unto thee.
Prepare to endure! For great change is coming, where the unexplainable
manifests itself in many forms and fashions worldwide that being so before all
the sights of man, you will know when this time arrives for it will be in such
wondrous and perhaps frightening ways, thereafter I will once again speak to
you all in assurance and prophecy, so do not fear this when it happens, for
the lord is with thee, let it now be known, that I told you first, glory be given
unto to God.
Lest you be destitute of knowledge my friends and not fare well through the
earliest times for turning a deaf ear unto this divine prophecy. Beloved please
make ready inside your hearts, I will bring you more word as it is delivered
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 25
unto me from God, our father whose voice I hear and listen too. Fish give
birth to fish, birds give birth to other birds, so then false prophets give birth
to? false prophecies, Thus, let no man say, thereafter theyve seen the
foretold things of prophetic events come to pass, that which I have
prophesized about before hand, that I am a liar, lo all I prophesize shall
indeed come to pass, test me in all ways of this, I ask of you who doubt,
please do not turn a deaf ear unto that which is foretold. Knowing this you
will hearken thereafter once you have seen it and heard it, knowing it to be
In humble regards, your servant I am,
-Michael Noel Prescott
In a recent email from "The Prophet he told me he hadnt been in touch with
Supriem since the end of 2008, but didnt really explain why. I tried to figure it out
and consulted someone who should know about it. His name was supposedly Brad
Pruitt, working for the U.S. Air Force and in conjunction with Supriem , but after a
while I seriously suspected this guy was no one less than Supriem himself, taking on
a secret identity - something he has done several times before during his life. I still
to this day cant prove it one way or the other.
This is the short and simple story "Brad gave me:
Prescott met Supriem when Supriem was proposing investments for the
Supreme Council of 33rd degree Masons. Prescott kept coming back to
Supriem telling him he thought Supriem was the Messiah and that Michael
wanted to spread the word. Supriem told him that was fine but do not ever
contact people saying hes doing it on Supriems behalf.
After Prescott threatened Zagami, Supriem had enough. He said thats not the
way I do business. So the whole Prescott meeting, and theyve only met
twice, was for business. Supriem even let Prescott try to redeem himself by
being his liaison to the Governor of Californias office when Supriem was
presenting a private bailout to them. Prescott, once again, failed Supriem with
his behavior and that was it!
I have further been told that Supriem totally disconnected from Prescott shortly after
he had raged out against Zagami and didnt want to have anything more to do with
him. However, it seems like Supriems and Prescotts destinies are to work together,
whether they like each other or not, and there will probably always be a love-hate
relationship between the two as we shall see later on in this book.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 26
CHAPTFR ll. PRlF3TH000 0F AHFt, luClFFR'3 wF At0
A Short Generul Overview
PrIesLIood oI Amen In OId EgypL
The original Priesthood was founded by Marduk Ra -
youre.html - in ancient times. He was of the Merovingian/Frankish Bloodline, the
"Bloodline of the Holy Grail, which goes back to the time before the Sumerian era.
As we shall see later, attention has been brought to this being from different places
lately. Not only does Supriem say he is Marduk - even certain bona fied scientists
are confident that Marduk is back here on Earth right now. In Chapter X we will go
into this to its full extent.
Jarl Vidar of the Thule Order, which is a secret society that has worked closely with
Supriem, is telling me that Marduk Ra was not a benevolent being, but he was
young, and he committed a lot of crimes. There are humans committing crimes too
- only difference is that the crimes Marduk committed were on a high spiritual
Only because Marduk was a criminal doesnt mean all Merovingians are criminals.
Same thing goes with us "regular people - because there are criminals among us
doesnt mean we all are criminals. Even if youre born into a certain negatively
oriented bloodline, you dont necessarily have to become of a negative nature
yourself. The bloodline is a physical genetic line the spirit is born into, and although
the body/mind complex has its own thought patterns, and in addition also inherited
weaknesses, strengths and attributes built into its DNA, the spirit can override this
and take control.
We will go into those things in greater details later on in this book, but according to
the Thule Order, the following is true:
The Merovingians are not part of the 13 Illuminati Bloodlines, contrary to
what Fritz Springmeier (and other researchers like myself) has claimed in his
book, The 13 Illuminati Bloodlines. Instead, they are the direct bloodline of
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 27
the Anunnaki, who are mostly benevolent towards mankind, although there
are exceptions, just like with humans. Some are controlling by nature, while
others are not.
I have no problem with the Anunnaki being the originators of the secret societies on
Earth in ancient time. There is plenty of research available to verify this, if we follow
the trail all the way back to Sumerian times and the Sumerian tablets. Those talk,
among other things, about Enki, his half-brother Enlil and the Anunnaki, those who
from heaven to earth came. Enki was most probably the one who created the first
known secret society on Earth, "The Brotherhood of the Snake or "The Brotherhood
of the Serpent, which actually was an "open society in the beginning. Enki wanted
to teach homo sapiens about higher knowledge, contrary to what most of the other
Anunnaki wanted. The "Creator Gods did not want the secrets of the Universe to be
taught to humans, who basically were genetically engineered to do slave labor for
the "Gods and should be kept ignorant so they didnt revolt.
There is a lot more to know about this than is already told in public and I hope I can
shed some more light on this issue by releasing the Ilat-Litum Plates to the world
for the first time. They have never been in public domain before, but kept hidden by
the Thule Society in Germany or Scotland.I have also had them translated from
German to English and they are presented in Chapter X of this book.
Later on we will discuss whether the Anunnaki presence and involvement is good for
humankind at all, or if we would be better off without them all together. However, if
the Ilat-Litum Plates are telling the truth (and I seriously believe them to be
authentic) they clearly explain why the Merovingians are not part of the 13
Marduk was the first-born son of Enki, who was in conflict with his half-brother Enlil
most of the time, especially about the fact that Enki wanted to educate the slave
race he had been the mastermind of engineering. The Book of Enki by Zacharia
Sitchin is telling the story about the adventures of Enki and Marduk/Ra and you can
find an excerpt here that may be of interest:
Eventually, after Enki had favored Marduk before his younger brother, Thoth, Marduk
took charge over the Brotherhood and proclaimed Babylon "The Gateway of the
Gods" - -. It was also under his
rule that the "Tower of Babel incident was supposed to have happened and the
languages of the Earth were confused.
After his time in Babylon, Marduk went to Egypt, where his brother Thoth reigned,
and deposed him. However, Marduk was soon betrayed and imprisoned alive in the
Great Pyramid. Freed through an emergency shaft, he escaped and went into exile.
But before he was captured, he had sought out his successor as Grandmaster of the
Brotherhood/Priesthood, which was now renamed "The Priesthood of Amen or "The
Priesthood of Amen Ra, which means, "The Priesthood of Ra, the `Hidden One.
Because this is what Marduk/Ra now had became, "hidden or "amen. Thus the
name AMEN Ra. According to Supriem, who claims to be Marduk Ra reanimated, he
has always been in charge of the Priesthood behind the scenes ever since - in astral
plane and/or in physical. Supriem claims to be both Ra, the Sun God - the God of
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2B
Light or EnLIGHTenment, and Lucifer, the LIGHT-bearer. According to him, they are
one and the same, at least in spirit.
Marduks successors as the "official Grandmasters of the Priesthood were also of the
Frankish/Merovingians, all the way through Charles Martel (ca. 688-741 A.D.). So
the Priesthood started out as a benevolent Brotherhood, initiated by Enki, with the
intention to enlighten mankind as he had developed affinity for the species he was
once part of creating. Marduk, who had a more violent and jealous personality than
his father, according to Egyptian legend, distorted the teachings of the Brotherhood
to increase his own power [1]. Since then, the Priesthood has been closed to
common man and only the pharaohs, priests and a few other initiated now had
access to information that in the first place was taught to those who wanted to know.
It was an open society before Marduk came.
People have been wondering who the 13 Illuminati Bloodlines are, if the
Merovingians are not part of them, and my answer has to be vague. Just like Fritz
Springmeier, when he listed the bloodlines in his book and wrote about them one by
one, he actually listed more than 13 families. So here is a list of the bloodlines
Springmeier is mentioning, with the exception that I have excluded the 13th
bloodline, the Merovingians, and replaced it with the Reynolds. I have in my list also
included the other three bloodlines Springmeier is mentioning in his book:
1. Astor
2. Bundy
3. Collins
4. DuPont
5. Freeman
6. Kennedy
7. Li (Chinese)
8. Onassis
9. Rockefeller
10. Rothschild
11. Russell
12. van Duyn
13. Reynolds
14. Disney
15. Krupp
16. McDonald (McDonalds fast food chain)
Pharaoh Akhnaten (ca 1351-1334 BC) was one of the High Priests of Amen, and he
was Merovingian and an Anunnaki hybrid (more about them in Chapter X). He was
the one who re-introduced monotheism and had people believe in Adonai instead of
YHWH, who was regarded as the "evil god, equivalent to the Biblical Satan - you
could say he was one of the early Gnostics. After Akhnaten died, however, people
went back to polytheism (believing in more than one god). Already during
Akhnatens reign, there were forces within the Priesthood and their power structure
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2S
that would see polytheism being the religion for the people rather than believing we
all are ONE, which in my opinion is the truth. If we really look into Akhnaten and his
wife Nefertitis beliefs, we see they were teaching the Law of One, with ONE God and
us just being separate parts of that ONE Supreme Being. I will refer to the Law of
One repeatedly in this book.
AkInuLen und NeIerLILI - AnunnukI IybrIds?
Then, further down the line, Charles Martel (Merovingian), came into the picture.
Martel betrayed the Brotherhood and started working with the 13 bloodlines, and
they have infiltrated the Priesthood ever since. Now, Supriem, a reincarnation of
Marduk Ra of the Merovinginans, is physically putting himself back as a High Priest of
the Order, according to him. The last Merovingians of purest descendants, still
present here on Earth today, are supposedly the Habsburgs, and Dominic von
Habsburg is the last in line. But there are still people with Merovingian/Frankish
blood, and the ones of those with the purest blood are chosen by Supriem for his
Inner Circle, although their blood are quite mixed by now.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 3O
NeIerLILI wILI Ier cIurucLerIsLIc exLended AnunnukI skuII
Akhnaten and Nefertiti were Merovingians/Anunnaki in the second or third line,
hence the characteristic Anunnaki extended skulls, while Charles Martel and later
Merovingians have become "humanized over the millennia and have lost much of
the Anunnaki features per the laws of inheritance.
Of course, the Priesthood of Amen was not the only secret society in ancient times,
and the 13 Bloodlines had their own organizations already then, before they
managed to infiltrate the Priesthood.
Many secret societies are Luciferian in nature - they worship Lucifer, the "Morning
Star, something the lower level members know nothing about, or think is just a
conspiracy theory or an urban legend. This is a controversy that these societies keep
hidden from their members on the most part. The main reason for this is because
Luciferian means something entirely different to these people than it does to a
Christian. Prominent Masonic writers, such as Manley P. Hall and Albert Pike have
clearly indicated that they have a Luciferian doctrine, and naturally, Christians
believe they are Satanic. The Bible tells them so. Still, whatever you think about
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 31
Luciferian doctrines, it is not Satanic. Satan and Lucifer are not the same
The truth is that these Luciferian secret societies are what we call uccess in nature,
and they have this firm belief that Lucifer was the Bringer of Light (light=knowledge)
while YHWH tried to keep homo sapiens in the dark - in ignorance. Therefore,
Lucifer is good and YHWH is evil. They also refer to YHWH in the Old Testament as
the "evil one, or BAAL, and point out that the Bible clearly describes a jealous,
violent and judgmental God, someone you should fear. According to their beliefs, the
Bible has been severely tampered with by the corrupted Priesthood, who turned
everything around to make YHWH the good and righteous one and Lucifer the evil
one. The purpose with that has been to hide the truth from the people and create
conflicts through organized religion. Christians often defend YHWHs violent behavior
and mass murder as being justified - the victims of his fury deserved it.
Now, if we return to what was discussed in the beginning of this chapter, and the
Sumerian tablets are even remotely correctly translated, isnt it more likely that
someone like Enlil or another ancient Anunnaki, who wanted to keep humankind in
check by keeping them ignorant, is a better candidate for YHWH (Satan) and Enki is
Lucifer, the one who brought LIGHT (wisdom) to the people? If this is true, Supriem
may believe he is Marduk, but he is not Lucifer, although he is of the Luciferian
bloodline (his father would have been Lucifer). We will elaborate more on this as we
Freemasonry, as an example, is a very old secret society, which started out as
something that was meant to be positive and enlightening, and Pharaoh Akhnaten
(ca 1351-1334 BC) was one of their Grand Masters as well as the leading High Priest
from the Merovingian era of the Priesthood of Amen as mentioned earlier in this
chapter. Freemasonry under its current name is a fairly new organization, but it
existed long before that under different names. With time, Freemasonry was
infiltrated by the negative Priesthood. Still today, the Order is very infiltrated, and
its hard for someone who is looking for original enlightening material in there, to
find it. This will all be clearer as we move on. We will also explain exactly in Chapter
X who the "Illuminati really are, who the Merovingians are and much, much more.
Brad Pruitt, who may or may not be Supriems alter ego (according to Supriem, Brad
is a genuine source and not his alter ego), as explained in Chapter I of this book,
tells me the following:
The outer circle of the Priesthood of Amen is called Lucifers Web and the
business organization around it The Supriem Network. Lucifers Web
consists mainly of members from wealthy families and are consciously
working for a One World Government, where Supriems version of it will be
called the Allied Union. Supriems task is now to have the
negative and positive Priesthoods and secret societies to follow him on his
mission to clean up the mess after Marduk Ra (Supriem himself in his earlier
incarnation) and prepare for a new, better world before Nibiru, The 12
Planet, returns, supposedly around 2012. This is, according to both The
Thule and Supriem, a crucial event, as it also signals the return of the Gods,
the Anunnaki from old Sumer. We will cover this extensively in Chapter X and
elsewhere in this book.
Supriems task is a huge one, because there are of course different sections within
the Power Structure with strong leaders who all want things to happen their way. So
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 32
even if Supriem is who he says he is, it doesnt mean that all the 13 bloodlines will
automatically follow him and accept him as their leader. He needs to use all the
means he has to be able to unite all these fractions. It sounds impossible and
complicated, and it would be for most, but as he puts it, he has help from different
powerful secret societies and even alien forces to complete his task, and one major
(and crucial) step on the way was to activate his Tripe Helix 49 Strand DNA in 2003,
making him much more powerful than any regular human. So in a way Supriem is an
experiment by secret societies behind the scenes who want unity and a certain
outcome. But before we go into all these details, we need to cover a lot of material.
Another secret society which belongs to Lucifers Web is the one weve mentioned a
few times already, the Thule Gesellschaft, which is also the Order that activated his
Triple Helix DNA. Jarl Vidar, a mid-level member, has put up his own website which
is representing the Priesthood and Lucifers Web, and you can read about some of
the occult sides of the Order on his site - -. It is mainly
in German but has English parts too. Jarl hardly speaks any English at all, so I have
had to count on the German I know and also used Google Translator to communicate
with him and he has been using the same program to communicate back to me. I
have corresponded with him quite extensively and received some information from
him that is not commonly known to the public, but not strictly confidential either - it
just hasnt been advertised until now. They want this information out "for those who
are ready to receive it, because time is near for the "Gods to return and people
should be prepared. This mid-level member has connections with the Inner Core of
The Thule, and I have had the privilege to communicate with a person from the
Inner Core as well, on more than one occasion.
JurI VIdur oI LIe TIuIe SocIeLy
What The Thule wants, according to the members I have spoken with, is a united
world, free from the Zionist control which we live under today. So their plan is to
support Supriem on his mission to unite the 13 bloodlines and instead of maintaining
the status quo, which is negative control of mankind, they support a One World
Government ruled by a benevolent leader, where Supriem is one candidate. But like
Jarl said, there are no guarantees that this mission will succeed due to many
unknown factors. One of them being that Supriem may change sides in the middle of
the process and start working for the dark side again, because he has "free will.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 33
People may protest here and ask why we would even consider wanting the current
Power Elite to unite with Supriem and be our "benevolent rulers in the near future.
Firstly, they would not be accepted by people when the entire world population will
understand what evil they have done, and secondly, at a first glance it doesnt even
seem doable. But there is a reason this has to be done and it is all connected with
the Anunnaki returning to Earth. The Power Elite has two choices - either they
conform to Supriems vision, or they will be led to slaughter by the incoming
Anunnaki. This, too, will be explained in great details in Chapter X.
How The Supriem Network is Controlling Business, Banking and the Current
Here is a press release from NewsWire that you need to read to be able to continue:
"S.D. Rockefeller Holdings, Ltd `Supriem Bank and Trust to be Licensed by Global
FranTech Group - - from Nov 19,
2006 (saved version here -
SupriemRockefeller.htm -). Quite interesting, because this company cant be traced.
I tried, but found nothing of value.
Later on, as I managed to connect to some people close to Supriem, I learned that
the reason we cant find out much about Supriems holding company and his other
businesses is because they are based out of Switzerland. His Trust can open an
account under its own name at one of the big banks in U.S. so he can deal directly
with the Federal Reserve. He also works closely with the Federal Reserve of New
York, Bank of England, ECB (European Central Bank - -) and the Bank for International
Settlements. So his offshore banks have their own accounts in with the Big Banks in
U.S. and they are called "Auto-Charge accounts.
Supriems Trust has received billions of dollars worth of CMOs (Collateralized
Mortgage Obligations - -), which are
just bundles of Mortgage backed securities. Lots of money will be generated from
them, but he has to lend out capital to businesses. So apparently, if this is correct,
he has access to the "Tarp money (The Troubled Asset Relief Program - -). He also had a
private company that invested money for DFAS (the Defense Finance and Accounting
Service - -), the Air Force "Black Budget Programs, and for the
Naval Academy.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 3A
SuprIem uILer u meeLIng uL LIe NuvuI Acudemy, Summer zooq
When I was researching this matter further I found another important connection
between SD Rockefeller Holdings and a Company called "SatCom.Inc.,
Telecommunication for the 21
Century" - -. Click on the
link "News and then open the .pdf file called "27-JUN-2008 - Shareholder Update
and you will find a very interesting business deal in progress between these two
companies. However, the deal was never closed due to indifferences in interests, so
Supriem never got involved. He later signed up with Lockheed Martin and Northrop
Then, go back to the index page on that same website and click on the link
"Products. You will find something called RVL797-A - Reusable launch vehicle. This
is a product Supriem has been working with for some time, something a couple of
my sources have mentioned previously to me finding that website.
Paul Ross, Manager of Eastern Slope Marketing in Colorado, lists on his online
Summary as one of his credentials that he is the Chief Financial Officer of S.D.
Rockefeller Holdings Ltd.
Some people have doubted that S.D. Rockefeller Holdings Ltd exists only because its
not registered in the USA and the Company seems impossible to trace. Here is some
evidence that the Company is not a hoax: Paul Ross, who is a bonafide business
owner in Colorado in good standing makes is very clear about that the Company
With offices in Delaware, Denver and Seattle Metropolitan areas Paul is a
Board Member, Director and Chief Financial Officer for S. D. Rockefeller
Holdings Ltd. (Wes emphasis), which is a holding company with focus on
offshore Asset & Trade Management and domestic and international project
funding, currently with over $1 Trillion in assets pledged to the firm.
(Ref:, scroll down to Paul
Rosss Summary, 3
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 35
To check the validity of Paul Ross, go to Colorado Secretary of State Business Center
- - and type in the name
of his Company, "Eastern Slope Marketing, without the quotation marks.
When I had posted my blog, Lucifers Redemption, a few people who tried to protect
him from exposure said he is poor, 34 years old, being just a regular guy who is
partying and chasing girls when hes not hanging out with his friends, and has never
left Tennessee. We are soon going to see that this is not true and part of a psy op to
discredit me and to have me "reconsider to take this e-book off the Internet.
Sounds like he is living a double life, which is also what the majority of my sources
are saying he does - he has to.
He certainly is not a "poor guy who never left Tennessee, because since this book
was first published, there are lots of pictures proving that he is traveling around the
world quite a lot. If someone is doubting this, please go to the Contact section to the
right and email me. I can send you pictures.
Here is an excerpt from the August 2006 Business deal in progress I linked to in the
beginning of this section in case you skipped through it - its all over the Internet:
S.D.ROCKEFELLER HOLDINGS, LTD Signs Worldwide Agreement With
GLOBAL FRANTECH GROUP To Market Licenses in 220 countries.
AHMEDABAD, Gujarat, India, August 26, 2006 - Supriem Bank and Trust
Company. (Supriem) signed a exclusive Global Agreement with Global
FranTech Group and FranTech Asia, (FranTech), of Ahmedabad, Gujarat,
India, which grants FranTech the right to market Supriem (Bank and Trust
Company) licenses for The Future of Banking Worldwide programs through
FranTechs network of agents in 220 countries to governments and
enterprises around the world.
Supriem Rockefeller, known for his work in artificial intelligence (AI) in global
currency, option markets, development of international private insurance
annuities and charitable trust, has now turned his attention to providing
worldwide private banking services for the individual accessible from any
worldwide location, using any telecommunication device, at any time of the
day or night, with the latest in biometric security for worldwide banking.
[ Saved version here].
Here is another one:
ZoomInfo is the most comprehensive source of business information on
people and companies in the world. Find who youre looking for here! Simply
search for their name in the directory below and click on it to get details on
their career history, education, places theyve been mentioned on the Web
and more. You can also use the search box.
This website lists S.D. Rockefeller Holdings, Ltd. Among other "Rockefeller
businesses. This is not a little plumber company in the rural area of some minor
town - this looks like Big Global Business.
This is from ClickPress - Global News Distribution, October 2006:
[ClickPress, Sat Oct 28 2006] S.D.Rockefeller Holdings Ltd and WorldVuer,
Inc. (WorldVuer) signed a exclusive Global Agreement with Global FranTech
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 36
Group and FranTech Brazil, (FranTech), of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, which grants
FranTech the right to market Supriem Bank and Trust Global Bank in the Sky
financial programs through FranTechs network of worldwide agents in 220
countries to governments and enterprises around the world.
The company explained that the WorldVuers contracted development of an
Interactive Banking platform to achieve a world-changing vision of creating
the first Global Bank in the Sky for S.D.Rockefeller Holdings Ltd, for
Supriem Bank and Trust and the Supriem Satellite Constellation with the
interactive banking hand held wireless ground unit Bank in a Box SBT-
WorldVuer successf the combination of their proprietary advanced video and
networking technologies, years of successful development. Deployment of
large-scale distributed applications, and recent advancements in the gration
of VUE: the Visual User Experince will enable them to develop the most
robust,secure and visually intuitive Interactive Banking system in the world
for the Global Bank in the Sky. [Read more here - -. Saved
version here - -]
And finally, here is an update from December 2009, six months after this blog was
initially posted. Its two press releases from CNN regarding Supriem:
CNN Money, Dec 17, 2009: Kinti Minings (OTCBB: KMLD) President Richard
Byrd states the following, Our business partner and majority shareholder,
Khangolov Resources Inc.s President Frank Love has hit a Once-in-a-Lifetime
opportunity for our Company and its shareholders!
Khangolov Resources President Frank Love states, We are going into the
Entertainment Business in a huge way. I have now partnered up with Mr.
Supriem David Rockefeller, a financial magnate with strong ties to the
entertainment industry.
Mr. Supriem David Rockefellers entertainment empire bonds include leading
companies in the industry. One such company is a multi-faceted, world
entertainment entity combining all aspects of the entertainment and media
industries including, but not limited to, the production and marketing of
music, publishing, musical artists, concerts, brands, as well as custom media
delivery components. With over sixty years combined experience in the
entertainment and business worlds respectfully, Supriems management team
has acquired the knowledge, experience, and contacts to quickly catapult the
organization to a leading role within the new digital entertainment and media
universe. [Read morehere - -.
Saved version here -
* *
CNN Money, December 28, 2009: Kinti Holdings will utilize its new MNC-
Holdings Company structure as a hedge against any formidable and/or
unforeseeable decline in the price of its natural resources. Kinti Holdings now
has a great opportunity for its new structure to obtain a majority stake in an
entertainment company with an experienced management already in place.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 37
Mr. Supriem David Rockefeller, a financial magnate with strong ties to
entertainment industry leading companies covering almost every aspect of
the industry. One such company is a multi-faceted, world entertainment
entity combining all aspects of the entertainment and media industries
including, but not limited to, the production and marketing of music,
publishing, musical artists, concerts, brands, as well as custom media delivery
components. With over sixty years combined experience in the entertainment
and business worlds respectfully, Supriems management team has acquired
the knowledge, experience, and contacts to quickly catapult the organization
to a leading role within the new digital entertainment and media universe.
[Read more here - -.
Saved version here -
"Allied Unit" - The New World Currency
The Supriem Network is allegedly working hard right now to kill the dollar in favor of
a World Currency - a main reason for the financial recession/depression. The stories
on the Internet, some of which I posted as well on Illuminati News - -, indicate that an American Union is being created as we
speak, with a joint currency for Canada, the United States and Mexico, and that the
Elite is planning to eventually merge the three countries into a North American
Union, just like they did in Europe with the European Union. This was certainly the
plan and they even created the coins (see below), but the direction the world
financial crisis is going, this one step on the way to a global economy is now perhaps
being bypassed, with or without Supriems help, and the Elite is moving directly
towards a World Currency. There may still be, however, certain powerful fractions of
the Brotherhood who want to see the Amero ushered in first.
Supriem already has a name for the world currency, its going to be called the "Allied
Unit. This has been verified by all of my sources and by Supriem himself (see the
email to Leo Zagami in Chapter 1). The European Union was a pilot which turned out
really well, and all they needed now was a world-wide financial meltdown to be able
to introduce the Allied Unit, says another source, whom I cant name.
The Allied Unit will not be paper money and coins, just electronic money - numbers
on a screen, bills and coins will be obsolete - and you will probably need to be micro-
chipped to be able to buy and sell, although I heard recently that micro-
chipping may be off the table - but that was after I published the Lucifers
Redemption blog. However, the Priesthood knows what many people think about
micro-chipping, so perhaps they are telling us its off the table just to calm us down
when in fact they are going to chip us. I just recently posted an article on my blog,
"News Behind the Scenes about another option they may have in mind for us:
Their first priority is complete by nationalizing the mortgage industry, next is
nationalizing the banking industry. We, the people, will be told that the solution is
just temporary, but they intend to keep it permanent. They will accomplish this by
either implementing a new terrorist threat, which will or will not actually be executed
while the matter of nationalizing the banks is being heavily discussed, or the masses
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 3B
will be distracted by something else that will keep our focus on anything but what is
happening in the world of banking. The Swine Flu epidemic inevitably comes to mind
among other things.
Always remember: if mass media are focusing on something particular over some
duration of time, its very likely that it is to distract you from what
is really happening. So while everybody else is discussing what the Media are spitting
out, you should look in the other direction to see what is actually going on that they
want to keep secret.
Most people at this point in time think that gold prices are going to soar, but
according to an Insider, Supriem is actually planning on crashing the gold. No one
believes it will crash, and lots of people are buying it. By March-April 2010, if
everything goes per the plan, gold will be under $300/ounce and they will have killed
GE, BofA, Citi Bank and others just like AIG, so it all can be Nationalized [2].
When the Vatican goes out in public saying they are for a One World Governing
Body, its orchestrated by Supriem Rockefeller and his Inner Circle, says Brad Pruitt.
Just recently, the top players seem to have agreed upon a name for the World
Government, which will be the "Allied Union". Below is a chart (found at the Thule
Orders website, showing a simplified structure for the new
Allied Union. United Nations, as can be expected, is one of the Satellites:
TIe AIIIed UnIon - TIe One WorId GovernmenL
Supriem also owns the wireless company that the government will use to provide
broadband covering the globe. He has company in talks with the government now as
the only company to provide public safety spectrum and he has been in talks from
the Department of Agriculture to cover the rural areas of America [3].
Another target is the IRS - he wants to abolish it totally for his bigger purposes.
Here is something he wrote on the Internet, discussing this matter with a few
people, this is from 2007:
What makes this case stand out is that plutocratic people are backing this
case [see for
reference, editor's note], Live Free Now Organization ( is all
over this case, they are taking it to the Supreme Court to make sure nobody
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 3S
has to pay income taxes. You cant file a class-action suit against the
Government, the IRS is not a Government entity, it is a private company, so
is the FED. As far as you saying the sums owed would have to be paid off the
standard, there is no standard. The U.S. Dollar has strictly a floating
exchange rate, inflation is nothing more than a hidden tax. There is only $435
billion of hard currency in circulation but the U.S. owes Trillions in debt,
Congress is responsible for paying that back but they have the ability to
borrow unlimited amounts of money. My motive is to eliminate state and
federal income taxes and have a flat tax on consumer purchases. If the U.S.
got rid of income taxes, money that has been in offshore tax havens to avoid
paying taxes would find its way back to the U.S. because now the U.S. has
become a tax haven.
For the record, I never said anything about dismantling the Federal Reserve, I
only said the IRS. I am in favor of a flat tax on consumer purchases and as
far as my other views, well, I will get into that another time.
I do however appreciate the time you have taken to address these situations
and I promise you I will be in further dialog very soon. Now, for the record, I
am for getting rid of the U.S. Dollar and adopting a unified global
currency [editor's emphasis]. I only have good intentions for humanity and I
only live to see society prevail and have a better future, and to do that we
must end corruption in the sovereign debt lending sector.
I will speak more of this very soon. [reference - - ... saved
version here - -]
What he is not mentioning here is that he also wants to get rid of Congress, which he
thinks is absolutely worthless and is standing in the way of progress.
Supriem works in tight connection with the Vatican and the Temple Institute in
Jerusalem and has a close connection with Zbigniew Brzezinski, Jimmy Carters old
adviser and also the man who wholeheartedly supported Barack Obama. Supriem
calls him by the nickname "ZBig. However, as we shall see later, the Temple
Institute no longer wants to have anything to do with Supriem due to the fact that
Supriem wants to unite all religions and races, while the Jewish/Zionist Institute is
building the 3rd Temple of Solomon for the sole purpose of greeting their own Jewish
Messiah, who is not Jesus Christ. Supriem claims its himself, but that does not ring
true for many of the leading Zionists and orthodox Jews. Supriem meets this
skepticism by saying that in time they will realize who is who.
He also just set up an overseas corporation that pledged $200 million to the Clinton
Global Initiative. My source even gave me the phone number to Bill Clinton, as well
as to ZBig and other senior officers high up in the Pentagon and the military.
Supriem is supposedly very close to both Clinton and Brzezinski, and they are all
business partners. He also controls the Vatican Bank, the "Instituto Per Le Opere di
Religione, and I was given phone numbers to certain people within the Vatican
Bank. I did try them out and they are genuine. If he is lying about this, I cant
explain how he got the numbers.
Back in the beginning of April 2009 I heard from Mr. Pruitt that Admiral James
Stavridis will be replacing General Craddock as NATOs Supreme Allied Commander,
and he was right. In May 2009 this was announced on on May 12:
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe AO
President Barack Obama Nominates Navy Admiral James Stavridis to
Head NATO and U.S. European Commands
Admiral Stavridis is a very loyal Supriem supporter, says Mr. Pruitt.
As of this writing (April 2009), Supriem is in the making of a new Mega Agency,
which he unofficially calls SCU and will not only control all space operations over
NASA but they will oversee ESA (European Space Agency) as well.
The Mega Agency is in its turn overseen by Supriem Trust Co. which will also control
the Supriem Network, which controls all banking, including Central Banking, IMF,
World Bank and BIS. At a point in the near future they will also control major
corporations in the private sector such as GE, etc (I heard that GE is scheduled for
2010). They will also fund all of the energy plants that are not fossil fuel, which will
be the future - no more oil/gasoline if hell have his way.
Interestingly enough, a month after I got the information about the Mega Agency
that is going to take over and control all banking, this same information hit the
US Plans New Agency to Control Banking System (May 28, 2009)
Senior US administration officials are close to recommending that the
Congress create a single agency that controls and regulates the banking
The new agency that would be formed under the overhaul of financial
regulation could replace the controlling body of the Federal Reserve as well as
three federal agencies: the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC),
the Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
(FDIC), the Wall Street Journal reported late Wednesday, citing three
unnamed people familiar with the matter.
The move - which will be announced in the next few weeks - comes as the
current agencies failed to thwart US banks from spiraling into the current
financial downturn.
The president is committed to signing a regulatory reform package by the
end of the year, and officials at the White House and the Treasury
Department are continuing work with Congress on the final phases of a
proposal, but there is no final proposal in place and any announcement will
not be for a couple of weeks, White House deputy spokesman Jennifer R.
Psaki said.
Officials also favor the creation of a new agency to enforce laws protecting
consumers of financial products such as mortgages and credit cards.
The idea of creating a single banking regulator has in the past circulated on
Capitol Hill from time to time; Former Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson
Jr. last spring proposed a similar plan.
The new plan encompasses other features as well, but the sources were not
willing to discuss more detail.
In May 2009, Supriem and his network were working on a deal out of Switzerland
that will create $24 trillion of new money that will be converted to the Allied Unit.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe A1
There are 7 of the largest banks working with him right now (May 2009) - this deal
will usher in the Allied Union, he says. I have yet to hear about the outcome of this
His company has exclusivity for technology and will run the data center for NGATS
(Next Generation Air Transportation System). He has already worked his way into
controlling the JPDO (Joint Planning and Development Office) who oversees NGATS.
You may have heard about Obama wanting to cut $17 billion in Government
spending, and one of those is the Air Force $2.2 billion F-22 Raptor program, which
Supriem is showing interest in. This was, according to Brad Pruitt, orchestrated so
Supriem can personally fund the program and keep it off the Congressional books so
he will be the only oversight on the accounting. This way he can inflate the price that
is paid to such people as Lockheed, etc. In return the Air Force will only use Supriem
for banking and fiduciary matters.
A source from the Air Force (Brad Pruitt) told me on May 5, 2009:
Supriem knows how to take care of his people. He will probably bring in the
funding in the next couple of months, along with funding several USAF space
and cyberspace projects.
I cant say what has been going on behind the scenes but I have never seen
things work so fast. We are right around the corner from everything
Right now the military has been working to make sure the Supriem story
looks like a psy-ops or hoax. This way it is easier to go public in the next few
Here is more news from the Air Force:
Supriem has been working on merging USAF with all of NASAs space
operations and taking control of all Intel since 2001. It finally is happening
this year [2009], they have already killed the CIA by having Obama prosecute
CIA operatives due to interrogation tactics. Now no CIA operative can do their
job if they can face prosecution.
Next move is USAF taking over NSA operations, its half way there. The Sci-
Fi technology you have heard about that Supriem possesses, remember?
Well, Supriem has pledged it to the inner circle of USAF. We got to thank
David Sr. and his Wolfs Head connection in guiding Supriem. Get ready for a
Bilderberg split as well.
One month later I read this article: Bilderberg Agenda Exposed - AFPs editor
crashed the secret meeting of the global elite and uncovered some scary schemes - -.
Nobody, according to this source from his camp wants go against Supriem because
he has the USAF behind him, which took control of the Intelligence Community, all
Space and Cyberspace operations and they are the most technologically advanced
military unit. USAF controls all Cyber Security for the U.S.
Supriem got rid of his personal security as well, only to replace them with all Air
Force Special Ops men and Covert Ops. He still uses Navy and Coast Guard when
hes on his yachts at sea.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe A2
What nobody knows is that Supriem will be handling the entire budget for USAF and
its new "To be named Mega Agency and they will bypass all external auditing,
basically "Going Black as they call it. The new Agency will probably have the word
Supreme in it. The name SCU (Supreme Command Unit) is pitched already at this
More about the Allied Union in Chapter 5.
All the King's Men
Supriem has said to me that only those of the Sicambian-Frank Bloodline can be part
of the Inner Core of the Priesthood of Amen. Why that is will be evident after we
have gone through Chapter X, where many things will be revealed. They accept
people for their Lucifers Web (the Outer Circle), almost always from people of
influence and power. They then perform magical rites to make this person a "Host
to receive their multi-dimensional spirit guide. Therefore, most people in real power
are possessed and controlled by spirits, but whatever entity someone is hosting, that
entity is always going to be subservient to Supriem. Supriem controls the invisible
world which controls the third dimension, according to another source.
Here is a video that I found on Michael N. Prescotts MySpace page when it was still
up and running, which shows Supriem admiring the occult architecture of Nashville.
He also mentions researcher William Henrys book: "The Cloak of the
Illuminati. Click here to watch the video - http://www.illuminati-
%20Union%20Of%20North%20America,%20Washington%20DC%20- -.
Inter-Dimensional Politics
The bottom line is that Supriem is claiming he needs to create a One World
Government, a benign dictatorship, in order to save the planet. According to the
sources who have been (or are) working close to Supriem, there are a lot of different
alien races visiting Earth at this point in time, and they all have different agendas.
Mr. Rockefeller is trying to unite them all to support his own goals, and among the
most powerful alien races are the "Dracos (the Reptoids) from Alpha Draconis and
the Reptilians from the Orion Constellation.
There are alien visitors who see themselves as superior to us and have watched the
development of mankind here on Earth over the millennia. They are not pleased with
the way the evolution has turned out - -, [4] and
according to my sources, Supriem says that if he is unsuccessful with talking these
races into letting him clean up the mess here, the aliens will destroy our planet and
most of the population once and for all.
Also, those who have followed David Ickes research know he is talking about
interdimensional reptilian entities (lower 4th Dimension/Density) who need to drink
blood to be able to stay in physical form here. He started saying this some time in
However, this is nothing new. It is clearly mentioned in the channeled material in
"The Law of One, Book II, page 100 - - from 1982. Here is the excerpt:
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe A3
Questioner: Are you saying, then, that these parts that are removed [cattle
mutilations, Wes' comment] are related to the mass consciousness of the
third-density human form and that this fear is being used in some way by the
thought-form entities in these mutilations?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. The thought-form entities feed upon fear; thus
they are able to do precise damage according to systems of symbology. The
other second-density types of which you speak need the, what you call,
Questioner: These other second-density types need the blood to remain in
the physical? Do they come in and out of our physical from one of the lower
astral planes?
Ra: I am Ra. These entities are, shall we say, creatures of the Orion group.
They do not exist in astral planes as do the thought-forms but wait within the
Earths surface.
To many readers this may sound like pure science fiction and some believe Nibiru
and the return of the Anunnaki is science fiction and disinformation, but after the
evidence we are building up to here, with previously unreleased material, a
disturbing picture, in my opinion, is starting to unfold.
RepLIIIun Irom OrIon?
Supriem has said that humanity has failed, but he can take over and create a better
way - a new beginning.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe AA
AncIenL oI Duys (puInLIng by WIIIIum BIuke)
Personally, I dont think humanity has "failed. I am convinced that this 3rd Density
is just an experience and a learning process for those who are incarnating here. Its
also a lesson how to manage energy, so we can evolve to the next density above this
one, if this is what we want to do. At the end of the book I want to present another
option we have, as well.
Hence, negative and positive energies always need to be present here, and the
Global Elite are our catalysts so that we can learn who we are not. We are not
negatively oriented, but positive spirits of unconditional love and light, and thats
what we basically have to learn and practice to change the vibration on the planet.
This comes directly from someone who works close to Supriem:
.Supriems goal is to create a better society for mankind. He is for a
benevolent dictatorship that ends what he calls the cancer of society,
Congress. He says when he tells people about his plan, they will voluntarily
choose his plan and stand with him. After all, it was rebellion that sent him
into exile.
He has said that he stands with the seven Supriem Power Directors and the
Ancient of Days, it is their decision this year to decide if he receives his full
power. They have to know for sure he is worthy to receive it because once
they commit, Supriem becomes more powerful than they, according to the
Creators plan. It was Supriem who fell from grace and now he has been
redeemed. This is why he is for Humanitys redemption.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe A5
Supriem has had plenty of chances to turn dark and enslave mankind but he
fought it. Hence why he has controlled the Vatican waiting patiently to reveal
the truth.
Look at it this way, Supriem is on all sides, he is beyond good and evil.
Google The Almighty Supreme Papers , it will tell you who he is. It is from
the Urantia Book which is the Celestial Bible that just showed up on Earth and
nobody knows who wrote it.
Every U.S. President has had it in the oval office. It is known as the Blue
Book, that is why the USAF called the UFO investigation Project Blue Book.
My spontaneous thoughts here are that it looks like Supriem is over-simplifying the
situation. If he wants to abolish Congress, he will have most of the U.S. population
against him, and many of them are gun owners - abolishing the Congress means
going agianst the U.S. Constitution, and this is such an obvious violation that I doubt
the American people will accept it, for any reason.
Also, although I am for unification of ourselves as Spirit, I am against a World
Government in general. Too much power to a few. That quickly opens up to more
corruption and manipulation. I personally say "no thanks to any such plan.
AncIenL oI Duys uL RockeIeIIer PIuzu
|1| BrumIey, WIIIIum: The Gods oj Eden, :ppo, p. ;
|z| L Is now AprII zo1o, und IL Ius sLIII noL Iuppened, so eILIer LIey ure beIInd scIeduIe, or IL wusn`L Lrue In
LIe IIrsL pIuce. TIme wIII LeII.
|| My InLuILIon Is LeIIIng me LIuL mucI oI LIIs Is bruggIng on beIuII oI SuprIem und IIs AmerIcun Leum. TIe
Germun TIuIe Order Iusn`L conIIrmed or denIed SuprIem`s cIuIms, jusL reIused Lo commenL on LIem. Iuve
no doubL LIuL Ie Is pIunnIng uII LIIs, und some oI IL muy ucLuuIIy be In progress, buL mosL oI IL Is sLIII In LIe
IuLure, II IL wIII ever Iuppen. AILIougI cun`L prove eILIer wuy, Iuve LIIs IeeIIng LIuL TIe SuprIem NeLwork
Is mucI smuIIer uL LIIs poInL LIun SuprIem wunLs us Lo beIIeve. He sLIII Ius u Iong wuy Lo go, LIInk. AIso,
becuuse sLurLed reporLIng on IIm uL u crILIcuI momenL In LIme, beIIeve Ie IeIL Ie Iud Lo exuggeruLe -
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe A6
perIups noL so mucI Lo Impress on me und LIe uveruge reuder, buL Lo IIgIer up peopIe, wIo muy reud my
|q| I you IoIIow LIIs IInk IL wIII Luke you Lo u very dIsLurbIng websILe, supposedIy wrILLen by un uIIen beIng
Irom LIe sLur sysLem AnLures. I LIIs InIormuLIon Is correcL, we cerLuInIy ure In LroubIe, und cun see wIuL
SuprIem Is LuIkIng ubouL wIen Ie suys Ie needs Lo prove IImseII Lo suve munkInd, or we ure LousL, IILeruIIy,
or someone`s dInner.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe A7
CHAPTFR lll. luClFFR'3 RFFlll0t
An Introduction to The Lruntiu Book
The Bible doesnt go into too much details about Lucifers Rebellion, and him and
Satan are commonly regarded as one and the same and not two separate beings.
Supriem, on the other hand, is referring to himself as Lucifer according to the
Urantia Book, which can be read here online - -. This book goes into great details
about Lucifers Rebellion against God, the Universal Father, and Supriem claims he is
Lucifer "of the past, but has now redeemed himself and has come as a Messiah
instead of a Destroyer. Keep in mind here that Supriem Rockefeller comes as a
man. This is important to remember when we start looking into the Bible in a later
chapter and discuss End Time Prophecies.
What I am presenting in this chapter is Supriems version of who he is and the
circumstances around him being here on Earth at this particular time. As we shall
see later on, his version differs significantly from that of Thule Gesellschaft. The first
part of this e-book will mainly present the different views on the situation, and the
later part will try to put the pieces together. It is very important that the reader
understands both sides of this story, so bear with me while I guide you through
these sometimes complicated matters.
If you find the information in this, and the next few following chapters, challenging
and doubtful, hang in there. In the last part of this book we will discuss the
ramifications of all this, and my personal view on it just for the record. Much will
certainly look like its way out there, but both Supriem and The Thule want to build
their own myth around the events they are trying to create in the near future, so
please bear with me. There are reasons.
The Urantia Book clearly separates Lucifer from both Satan and the Devil, which here
appear as three different entities, but working closely together in a rebellion against
God. Lucifer in his pride, managed to convince Angelic Beings in our superuniverse
that God does not exist and that everybody was worshipping someone who wasnt
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe AB
there - Lucifer wanted to become God himself, believing that he was greater than
Some people say the Urantia Book is an inferior work and more of a New Age cultish
scripture which in general should be discarded, but I disagree. The book both agrees
with and differs from the Bible, but it is my belief that just like any other religious
and sacred scriptures they all complement each other. To find our way back to God
we need to lay the puzzle, and keys and enlightenment can only be found if we
compare and learn from everything thats available to us, and eventually the puzzle,
as far a possible in this 3rd Density reality, will be laid. I have personally, since I first
posted Lucifers Redemption read most of the Urantia Book, and my conclusion is
that it has some truth in it, but is given to humankind by beings from the lower
astral planes and does not contain upper, spiritual information that would have been
helpful. But its still a valid book to read as a part of the learning process. I enjoyed
it a lot myself.
I am aware that there are those who disagree with that and hold the Bible as the
only true word of God and I respect that - its just that its not my belief and my
experience that all the truth we need is in ONE book. For whatever it is worth, I
wouldnt have been able to connect the dots to this story if it wasnt for that I have
read a lot of different spiritual material, like the Bible, the Urantia Book, The Keys of
Enoch, Law of One and many others to make the connections which led to this book.
Most of the spiritual references and scriptures can be found under "Spiritual
References in the right frame on each page of this e-book.
Before we go deeper into the Urantia Book, keep in mind, in case you believe that
the Bible is the only true source, it is really irrelevant to this story, because Supriem
and his men hold the Urantia Book as their Bible, at least thats what they say, and
like Ive said before - that is what is important to understand, not our own personal
TIe uII oI ucIIer
The Urantia Book is a massive book, 2,097 pages long. No one knows where this
material originally came from, but the general explanation is that it was brought here
to Earth by Angelic Beings to speed up the enlightenment of mankind. According to
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe AS
these Angelic Beings people on Earth are very confused about who God is and about
the spiritual realms in general, and this material was brought here to bring order to
this confusion. According to the Ra Material (Law of One), the Urantia Book was
brought to us by spirits from our local astral realm and not from God directly, but
like I said, we need this reference to connect the dots.
If you havent read or heard about the Urantia Book before, I can hardly expect that
you sit down at this moment and read it from cover to cover, but you can read about
it on Wikipedia - - to get at least an idea
of what it is, or it will be hard to fully understand the whole concept of this chapter.
Here is another good reference:
In The Urantia Book, published in 1955, Lucifer is a brilliant spirit personality,
a son of God who at one time ruled this constellation of 607 inhabited
planets. He fell into an iniquitous rebellion against the ordained universe
governmental regime in a denial of Gods existence saying he was God.
There was war in Heaven but, according to The Urantia Book, the story has
become convoluted over time.
Lucifer recruited Satan, another brilliant being of the same order, to represent
his cause to the universe authorities on earth. The then planetary prince of
earth, Caligastia - one and the same as the devil, believed Lucifers cause
and subsequently aligned himself, along with 37 other planetary princes in
the system, with the rebels. They all attempted to take their entire
populations of their planets under the assertion of a false doctrine, a
Declaration of Liberty which would have driven them to darkness, evil, sin
and iniquity.
When Jesus of Nazareth went up to Mount Hermon for the temptation, it
was really to settle this iniquitous rebellion for the triumph of the entire
system. Said Jesus of Caligastia: Now is the judgment of this world; now
shall the prince of this world be cast down. Subsequently, Lucifer, Satan,
Caligastia and all the personalities who followed them, figuratively fell from
Heaven. They were actually and literally all dethroned and shorn of their
governing powers by the appropriate universe authorities and most have
been replaced. Subsequent to their efforts to corrupt Jesus while incarnated
in the flesh on earth, any and all sympathy for them or their cause, outside
the worlds of sin and rebellion, has ceased.
Here is another short overview of the Urantia Book that I need to include. I have
tried to leave out as many of the author's "personal opinions" as possible to present
the information as neutrally as possible. I want you, the reader to make up your own
mind in the end:
The Urantia book is a momentous work consisting of 2,097 pages of material
received from numerous celestial beings supposedly brought to the earth by
superhuman, divine beings in 1934. It was brought to earth by the Orvonton
administrators (p. 354), and the ...Nebadon commission of twelve acting
under the direction of Mantutia Melchizedek, (p. 1319). Its claim is that it is
the finest major divine revelation since the coming of Christ to our planet..
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 5O
The name of any person who received the content of the book has never been
revealed, and all are now deceased. The means by which the papers were
materialized was unique and is unknown to any living person. The Founder is
a noted Chicago physician and psychiatrist Dr. Bill Sadler. The Urantia Book
was delivered to him by seven spirit beings in 1934. Between 1934 and 1956
a group of 36 people, who called themselves the Forum, met to study the
original manuscripts of the Urantia Book. They incorporated in 1950 as the
Urantia Foundation and the book was first published on October 12 1955. In
1996, the Foundation required the Brotherhood to stop using its name; they
changed it to the Fifth Epochal Fellowship. The Foundation relented in 1999,
and the Fellowship then changed its name to the Urantia Fellowship.
The purported superhuman authorship of the book is the basis upon which it
claims to reveal data that would be inaccessible to mortal man. The purpose
of the book is claimed to be a clarification of mans divine and eternal
destiny. (Basic Concepts, p.1). It asserts it was received through spirit
dictation and preaches universality of all religions. Its concern is with the
spiritual regeneration and evolutionary advancement of mankind through
Truths unencumbered by tradition and dogma are revealed about Jesus life,
teachings, death and resurrection. (The Urantia Book brochure Urantia
Foundation, 1955). Just as animals evolved into humans, humans destined to
evolve into spirit beings, called finaliters.
They believe it is like other sacred texts yet superior, the contents of the book
are to be evaluated by the fruits of the spirit which they produce. In this
way there is no authoritative truth but only measured by it[s] subjective
effect on an individual.
The book consists of deep and profound philosophical ramblings and shrewd
conglomerations of Bible stories and history, as well as other religions. It
certainly has the air of being given by a higher intelligence, one that is able to
manipulate words and concepts far beyond any human being. At first when
reading it (Depending on which portion), it seems biblical and even possible
as it proposes new information about God. Much like the book of Mormon it
offers more knowledge on Jesus, the destiny of man, our relationship to God
and our planet and the universes history.
The book is divided into four main sections. Part I describes the central and
super universe God as Father, Universal Spirit and Trinity, and various spirit
entities. Part 2 deals with our local universe, Nebadon, whose capital is
Salvington and has 10 million inhabited worlds. The book tells of the origin
and evolution of the central and super-universes, our local universe and the
history of our planet Urantia; located in super universe Orvonton, whose
capital is Uversa. Part 3 is a history of Urantia, which is the name by which
the earth is known to the other beings. Part IV contains a biography of Jesus
(Seven hundred pages) including a detailed discussion of the hidden years
(from age twelve to the beginning of his public ministry). The Foundation
claims this account of Christs life and teachings is much more complete than
that of -the New Testament, but not contradictory (Basic Concepts, p. 30).
This information is said to be supplied by a sort of guardian angel of the
Apostle Andrew- (ibid.).
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 51
According to The Urantia Book, Jesus was born August 21, 7 B.C., had an
excellent education, became a skilled carpenter, began a Mediterranean tour
in his twenty-eighth year and began his public ministry in 27 A.D. After more
than three years, his ministry ended in the crucifixion and resurrection.
The Urantia Book teaches that these beings were created by a God who
wished to share the joy and adventure of being to the furthest extent
possible. This God dwells in the Isle of Paradise located in the center of the
universe of universes.
There is evolution taking place in the many universes involving both matter
and personalities. These personalities exist on millions of planets and spheres.
The universe depicted in the Urantia Book has seven levels. The first level,
the Isle of Paradise, is the center of the universe around which the other
levels form six concentric ellipses. (p.129)
The book gives dates and times that clearly try to give validity to its accuracy
of the message contained in its 2,097 pages.
There is more to learn from the above website, so it you are interested, visit it.
Lucifer's Rebellion According to the Urantia Book
Now, lets go ahead and see what the Urantia Book has to say about Lucifers
Rebellion. It may be a little technical and lengthy, but I have tried to minimize the
quotes so that I only include whats absolutely necessary for you to understand who
Supriem claims that he is. Each quote is followed by a link to the section of the
specific Urantia Book "Paper online, so if you want to learn more, you can go there
and study it in depth.
Manovandet Melchizedek
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 52
53:1.2 Lucifer was a magnificent being, a brilliant personality; he stood next
to the Most High Fathers of the constellations in the direct line of universe
authority. Notwithstanding Lucifers transgression, subordinate intelligences
refrained from showing him disrespect and disdain prior to Michaels bestowal
on Urantia. Even the archangel of Michael, at the time of Moses resurrection,
did not bring against him an accusing judgment but simply said, `the Judge
rebuke you. Judgment in such matters belongs to the Ancients of Days, the
rulers of the superuniverse.
53:1.3 Lucifer is now the fallen and deposed Sovereign of Satania [the place
where God dwells. More on this later on in this section, Wes Penres
comment] Self-contemplation is most disastrous, even to the exalted
personalities of the celestial world. Of Lucifer it was said: Your heart was
lifted up because of your beauty; you corrupted your wisdom because of your
brightness. Your olden prophet saw his sad estate when he wrote: How are
you fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How are you cast
down, you who dared to confuse the worlds!
53:2.2 There were no peculiar or special conditions in the system of Satania
which suggested or favored rebellion. It is our belief that the idea took origin
and form in Lucifers mind, and that he might have instigated such a rebellion
no matter where he might have been stationed. Lucifer first announced his
plans to Satan, but it required several months to corrupt the mind of his able
and brilliant associate. However, when once converted to the rebel theories,
he became a bold and earnest advocate of self-assertion and liberty.
Nature of the Conflict
53:5.6 There was war in heaven; Michaels commander and his angels
fought against the dragon (Lucifer, Satan, and the apostate princes); and the
dragon and his rebellious angels fought but prevailed not. This war in
heaven was not a physical battle as such a conflict might be conceived on
Urantia. In the early days of the struggle Lucifer held forth continuously in the
planetary amphitheater. Gabriel conducted an unceasing exposure of the
rebel sophistries from his headquarters taken up near at hand. The various
personalities present on the sphere who were in doubt as to their attitude
would journey back and forth between these discussions until they arrived at
a final decision.
History of Rebellion
53:7.1 The Lucifer rebellion was system wide. Thirty-seven seceding
Planetary Princes swung their world administrations largely to the side of the
archrebel. Only on Panoptia did the Planetary Prince fail to carry his people
with him. On this world, under the guidance of the Melchizedeks, the people
rallied to the support of Michael. Ellanora, a young woman of that mortal
realm, grasped the leadership of the human races, and not a single soul on
that strife-torn world enlisted under the Lucifer banner. And ever since have
these loyal Panoptians served on the seventh Jerusem transition world as the
caretakers and builders on the Fathers sphere and its surrounding seven
detention worlds. The Panoptians not only act as the literal custodians of
these worlds, but they also execute the personal orders of Michael for the
embellishment of these spheres for some future and unknown use. They do
this work as they tarry en route to Edentia.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 53
53:7.2 Throughout this period Caligastia was advocating the cause of Lucifer
on Urantia. The Melchizedeks ably opposed the apostate Planetary Prince, but
the sophistries of unbridled liberty and the delusions of self-assertion had
every opportunity for deceiving the primitive peoples of a young and
undeveloped world.
The book goes on explaining that Caligastia (The Devil) landed on Urantia
(Earth) in old Mesopotamia/Sumer:
P741:1, 66:0.1 The advent of a Lanonandek Son on an average world
signifies that will, the ability to choose the path of eternal survival, has
developed in the mind of primitive man. But on Urantia the Planetary Prince
arrived almost half a million years after the appearance of human will.
P741:2, 66:0.2 About five hundred thousand years ago and concurrent with
the appearance of the six colored or Sangik races, Caligastia, the Planetary
Prince, arrived on Urantia. There were almost one-half billion primitive human
beings on earth at the time of the Princes arrival, and they were well
scattered over Europe, Asia, and Africa. The Princes headquarters,
established in Mesopotamia, was at about the center of world population.
As we can see, The Urantia Book clearly distinguishes between Lucifer, Satan and
Caligastia. They are three totally different entities with Lucifer on top and the other
ones being below him in rank. Abaddon was Caligastias Chief of Staff and Belsebub
the leader of the entities who allied with Caligastia.
All of these entities, including Lucifer, are originally from our local universe (there
are seven superuniverses, according to the Urantia Book) as explained in Paper 35:
35:0.2 The types of Sons about to be considered are of local universe origin;
they are the offspring of a Paradise Creator Son in varied association with the
complemental Universe Mother Spirit. The following orders of local universe
sonship find mention in these narratives:
Melchizedek Sons.
Vorondadek Sons.
Lanonandek Sons.
Life Carrier Sons.
Further, in Paper 45 its explained that Satania is where the One Creator, God
45:0.1 The administrative center of Satania consists of a cluster of
architectural spheres, fifty-seven in number-Jerusem itself, the seven major
satellites, and the forty-nine subsatellites. Jerusem, the system capital, is
almost one hundred times the size of Urantia, although its gravity is a trifle
less. Jerusems major satellites are the seven transition worlds, each of which
is about ten times as large as Urantia, while the seven subsatellites of these
transition spheres are just about the size of Urantia.
45:0.2 The seven mansion worlds are the seven subsatellites of transition
world number one.
45:0.3 This entire system of fifty-seven architectural worlds is independently
lighted, heated, watered, and energized by the co-ordination of the Satania
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 5A
Power Center and the Master Physical Controllers in accordance with the
established technique of the physical organization and arrangement of these
specially created spheres. They are also physically cared for and otherwise
maintained by the native spornagia.
In Paper 54, Lucifers crime is discussed:
54:2.3 Lucifers folly was the attempt to do the nondoable, to short-circuit
time in an experiential universe. Lucifers crime was the attempted creative
disenfranchisement of every personality in Satania, the unrecognized
abridgment of the creatures personal participation-freewill participation-in
the long evolutionary struggle to attain the status of light and life both
individually and collectively. In so doing, this onetime Sovereign of your
system set the temporal purpose of his own will directly athwart the eternal
purpose of Gods will as it is revealed in the bestowal of free will upon all
personal creatures. The Lucifer rebellion thus threatened the maximum
possible infringement of the freewill choice of the ascenders and servers of
the system of Satania-a threat forevermore to deprive every one of these
beings of the thrilling experience of contributing something personal and
unique to the slowly erecting monument to experiential wisdom which will
sometime exist as the perfected system of Satania. Thus does the Lucifer
manifesto, masquerading in the habiliments of liberty, stand forth in the clear
light of reason as a monumental threat to consummate the theft of personal
liberty and to do it on a scale that has been approached only twice in all the
history of Nebadon.
54:2.4 In short, what God had given men and angels Lucifer would have
taken away from them, that is, the divine privilege of participating in the
creation of their own destinies and of the destiny of this local system of
inhabited worlds.
54:2.5 No being in all the universe has the rightful liberty to deprive any
other being of true liberty, the right to love and be loved, the privilege of
worshiping God and of serving his fellows.
Paper 54 also brings up the question as of why Lucifer was not stopped earlier in his
rebellion, and at least 12 reasons are mentioned. The last verse summarizes how
`sin is looked upon in Uversa, the capital of our Superuniverse, Orvonton:
54:5.14 There are an equal number of reasons for not arbitrarily stopping the
Lucifer rebellion which would be partially comprehensible to you, but which I
am not permitted to narrate. I may inform you that on Uversa we teach forty-
eight reasons for permitting evil to run the full course of its own moral
bankruptcy and spiritual extinction. I doubt not that there are just as many
additional reasons not known to me.
I can understand how people may react to this, saying that by letting evil continue
without stopping it in an early stage is evil in itself, because the many suffer from
the crimes of the few, and from a 3rd Density/Dimension viewpoint I would certainly
agree. It is hard, though, to comprehend justice and law on a much higher level of
spiritual existence, and by reading my Hidden Hand article - http://www.illuminati- -, we may get a hint how this works. Here is an additional
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 55
explanation from the Urantia Book:
54:6.3 If an affectionate father of a large family chooses to show mercy to
one of his children guilty of grievous wrongdoing, it may well be that the
extension of mercy to this misbehaving child will work a temporary hardship
upon all the other and well-behaved children. Such eventualities are
inevitable; such a risk is inseparable from the reality situation of having a
loving parent and of being a member of a family group. Each member of a
family profits by the righteous conduct of every other member; likewise must
each member suffer the immediate time-consequences of the misconduct of
every other member. Families, groups, nations, races, worlds, systems,
constellations, and universes are relationships of association which possess
individuality; and therefore does every member of any such group, large or
small, reap the benefits and suffer the consequences of the rightdoing and
the wrongdoing of all other members of the group concerned.
54:6.10 As you ascend in the survival experience, you will broaden your
universe concepts and extend your horizon of meanings and values; and thus
will you be able the better to understand why such beings as Lucifer and
Satan are permitted to continue in rebellion. You will also better comprehend
how ultimate (if not immediate) good can be derived from time-limited evil.
After you attain Paradise, you will really be enlightened and comforted when
you listen to the superaphic philosophers discuss and explain these profound
problems of universe adjustment. But even then, I doubt that you will be fully
satisfied in your own minds. At least I was not even when I had thus attained
the acme of universe philosophy. I did not achieve a full comprehension of
these complexities until after I had been assigned to administrative duties in
the superuniverse, where by actual experience I have acquired conceptual
capacity adequate for the comprehension of such many-sided problems in
cosmic equity and spiritual philosophy. As you ascend Paradiseward, you will
increasingly learn that many problematic features of universe administration
can only be comprehended subsequent to the acquirement of increased
experiential capacity and to the achievement of enhanced spiritual insight.
Cosmic wisdom is essential to the understanding of cosmic situations.
So what happened shortly after Lucifers Rebellion, according to the Urantia Book, is
that Satan and Caligastia were sent to Earth while Lucifer was sentenced into exile.
Satan was put to reign over Urantia in Lucifers absence.
Paper 10 in the Urantia Book teaches us how Lucifer differs from the Supriem Being,
but is still the same thing:
10:2.5 The personality of the First Source and Center is the personality of
infinity minus the absolute personality of the Eternal Son. The personality of
the Third Source and Center is the superadditive consequence of the union of
the liberated Father-personality and the absolute Son-personality.
10:2.6 The Universal Father, the Eternal Son, and the Infinite Spirit are
unique persons; none is a duplicate; each is original; all are united.
10:7.3 The Supreme Being is something less and something other than the
Trinity functioning in the finite universes; but within certain limits and during
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 56
the present era of incomplete power-personalization, this evolutionary Deity
does appear to reflect the attitude of the Trinity of Supremacy. The Father,
Son, and Spirit do not personally function with the Supreme Being, but during
the present universe age they collaborate with him as the Trinity. We
understand that they sustain a similar relationship to the Ultimate. We often
conjecture as to what will be the personal relationship between the Paradise
Deities and God the Supreme when he has finally evolved, but we do not
really know.
10:4.1 Of all absolute associations, the Paradise Trinity (the first triunity) is
unique as an exclusive association of personal Deity. God functions as God
only in relation to God and to those who can know God, but as absolute Deity
only in the Paradise Trinity and in relation to universe totality.
10:4.2 Eternal Deity is perfectly unified; nevertheless there are three
perfectly individualized persons of Deity. The Paradise Trinity makes possible
the simultaneous expression of all the diversity of the character traits and
infinite powers of the First Source and Center and his eternal co-ordinates and
of all the divine unity of the universe functions of undivided Deity.
Lucifer is also known as the "Conjoint Actor in the Urantia Book:
P99:2, 9:1.3 While you envisage the Father as an original creator and the Son
as a spiritual administrator, you should think of the Third Source and Center
as a universal co-ordinator, a minister of unlimited co-operation. The Conjoint
Actor is the correlator of all actual reality; he is the Deity repository of the
Fathers thought and the Sons word and in action is eternally regardful of the
material absoluteness of the central Isle. The Paradise Trinity has ordained
the universal order of progress, and the providence of God is the domain of
the Conjoint Creator and the evolving Supreme Being. No actual or actualizing
reality can escape eventual relationship with the Third Source and Center.
0:2.12 God the Supreme -the actualizing or evolving God of time and space.
Personal Deity associatively realizing the time-space experiential achievement
of creature-Creator identity. The Supreme Being is personally experiencing
the achievement of Deity unity as the evolving and experiential God of the
evolutionary creatures of time and space.
With other words, Lucifer is the Son of the Universal Father, still a part of him , with
his own free will and personality, but a Deity of our local Universe and not basically
from Satania. He is the Conjoint Actor, still evolving. The Power Elite, who
supposedly are the Top Players in Lucifers Web, chose to follow Supriem/Lucifer in
his rebellion a very long time ago and this is the reason these Angelic Bloodlines
have ruled this planet since 500,000 years back, when Caligastia, according to the
Urantia Book, first landed on Urantia/Earth.
Caligastia is the equivalent to the Devil, but according to the Urantia Book, Caligastia
lost all his influence over human minds by the time Jesus was visiting Earth and has
been quite powerless since then.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 57
The following, I know from previous research, unrelated to Supriem: Most people
involved in the Global Agenda have no idea what is really going on and only serve
the Priesthood for either career purposes or they were manipulated by the Priesthood
in the first place to join, because they were considered important to the cause for
any given reason.
If the person has a past he/she wants to hide from the public, its a good thing,
because that can be used against them. If they are "clean, but still have something
significant to contribute to the cause, they are often manipulated into doing unlawful
or shameful things, like having mistresses, sex with minors etc. - whatever the
persons weak spot may be, the Priesthood will find it and use it against them. Most
of these "victims, with the risk of having their `dirty laundry exposed in public by
the Priesthood, are then blackmailed into doing what the Priesthood wants them to
do. So they comply and get rewarded with high salaries, bonuses and top positions
in politics, business and elsewhere, or, should they not play by the book, they will
have their dirty laundry and skeletons in the closet (sometimes quite literally)
exposed in public. We have seen that happen quite a lot. The Priesthood takes care
of its own, but only as long as you play by the rules.
According to Supriems camp, spring of 2009 was when Supriem redeemed himself
and will now start serving the Universal Father again and therefore turn things
around on this planet to the better. The top members of the "13 Illuminati
Bloodlines will be redeemed together with him and a benevolent One World
Government will emerge with Supriem/Luficer as the top ruler. This is the ball part of
the plan, based on the information my sources in the Supriem camp gave me.
I need to mention here that creating a benevolent One World Government
has never been the purpose of the 13 Illuminati Bloodlines. Their purpose has always
been to obtain and maintain control and power over humanity since the era when
they first were created as a hybrid between reptoids and humans. This will be totally
explained in Chapter X, in the Ilat-Litum Plates. Homo sapiens has always been
enslaved, at least since the first version of Atlantis, as we will see later on. "The
Great Work of the Ages has been to accomplish the task to unite the world under a
One World Government with a malevolent dictator as the CEO, in order to have
complete control over the world and the finances. They have always used the latest
technology to find new ways to enslave us and better control us. We have seen no
efforts from this ruling Elite to turn around and work towards freeing mankind - that
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 5B
has never even occured to them. Therefore, Supriem claiming that he is working for
a benevolent world government is therefore something that goes against everything
the Power Elite stands for, so if he is sincere in trying to accomplish this, its quite a
task. I dont buy that he is working to save mankind. Instead, I believe he is part of
a giant mind control program that will be further explained in Chapter XII under the
sub-chapter, "The Brotherhood of Shadows. If Im
correct, Supriem David Rockefeller (SDR) may think he is working for the greatest of
mankind, but he is deceived and just a puppet in the hands of others.
The Credibility of the Urantia Book
Again, keep in mind that the Urantia Book version of this story is produced by
Supriem himself and his camp, and although the Thule Gesellschaft, as we shall see,
has a slightly different view on Lucifer and on the Urantia Book itself, it is just a
matter of details. Whether Supriem is Lucifer as described in the Urantia Book or not
is of lesser importance than the fact that the myth around him is what is aligning
with his purpose and his image of himself (more about this in Chapter XII). If SDR is
really believing all this himself or not is a good question, but if he is part of this mind
control program I mentioned, he might. He certainly gives the impression that this is
his reality, and that has not changed with time, since I wrote "Lucifers Redemption.
As we discussed earlier, we need to remember that in all Scriptures, whether it is the
Bible, The Book of Mormons, The Veda Books, or something else, there are truths,
half-truths, misinterpretations, lies, translation errors, and the intents of the
messenger(s) to take into consideration when comes to the purity of the material.
Also, most certainly the original message has been distorted and altered over time in
many, if not all, cases.
If it is channeled material (which it is most of the time, even the "Book of
Revelation in the Bible is channeled) we also have to take into consideration the
channels ego and/or intellectual capability to interpret the message, and the
persons spiritual maturity.
The Urantia Book, however, is not channeled. Still, it has its limits, because even if it
is delivered by "Angelic Beings, these are still within the Matrix we call the Physical
Universe(s), and therefore explain reality only up to a certain level. After all, it was
brought down to us from the Lower Astral Planes. Still, it is enlightening enough, if
you really want to understand how this Matrix is set up - between lives and all,
including extensive information about the seven superuniverses. I personally find the
book well worth reading. I have had lots of insights from it.
Lucifer's Rebellion in the Bible
This quote, with end notes, comes from "Seventh-day Adventist Church - - and I am going to use it although
there are no connection that I know of between the Seventh-Day Adventist Church
and Supriem Rockefeller.
The following passage is the most complete biography of Lucifer in the
Bible. The passage is outwardly addressed to the King of Tyrus, an earthly
king, but the language indicates that more than earthly realities are
represented. Lucifer has used human agents whenever possible in his war
against the kingdom of god. Ezekiel, with prophetic insight, sees through this
human agent to the real source of activities against Gods people. Questions
2-5 highlight some of the information given by Ezekiel.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 5S
Ezekiel 28:12-19 (New International Version)
12 Son of man, take up a lament concerning the king of Tyre and say to
'This is what the Sovereign LORD says:
'You were the model of perfection,
full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.
13 You were in Eden,
the garden of God;
every precious stone adorned you:
ruby, topaz and emerald,
chrysolite, onyx and jasper,
sapphire, [a] turquoise and beryl. [b]
Your settings and mountings [c] were made of gold;
on the day you were created they were prepared.
14 You were anointed as a guardian cherub,
for so I ordained you.
You were on the holy mount of God;
you walked among the fiery stones.
15 You were blameless in your ways
from the day you were created
till wickedness was found in you.
16 Through your widespread trade
you were filled with violence,
and you sinned.
So I drove you in disgrace from the mount of God,
and I expelled you, O guardian cherub,
from among the fiery stones.
17 Your heart became proud
on account of your beauty,
and you corrupted your wisdom
because of your splendor.
So I threw you to the earth;
I made a spectacle of you before kings.
18 By your many sins and dishonest trade
you have desecrated your sanctuaries.
So I made a fire come out from you,
and it consumed you,
and I reduced you to ashes on the ground
in the sight of all who were watching.
19 All the nations who knew you
are appalled at you;
you have come to a horrible end
and will be no more.
[a] Ezekiel 28:13 Or lapis lazuli
[b] Ezekiel 28:13 The precise identification of some of these precious stones
is uncertain.
[c] Ezekiel 28:13 The meaning of the Hebrew for this phrase is uncertain.
Before the Bible quotes, the author from the Church says:
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 6O
Lucifer has used human agents whenever possible in his war against the
kingdom of god.
Although the author is most certainly talking about all these humans who have
served Lucifer over the years, it is quite interesting in Supriems case. He is clearly a
man of flesh and blood and although he claims to be Lucifer, he is probably more of
a "human agent than Lucifer himself, although he has Lucifers spirit within him
(through Enki, his father). So then the inevitable question arises: is Supriem really
Lucifer or is he the AntiChrist - Lucifers last agent on Earth, the one whom Bible
prophecies are talking about? Or is he the Messiah of ALL religions, which he claims
these days? Well see if we can shed some light on this in a while.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 61
CHAPTFR lv. HATH0R - 3uPRlFH'3 6000F33
Huthor, u Reunimution oI the Igyptiun Goddess?
Eye oI Ru
Everybody who knows Supriem knows of Hathor, his young, beautiful girlfriend. Her
real name in this incarnation is Nikki Williams and she is, among other things, a
singer from Nashville, Tennessee. Just like Supriem himself, she comes across as
very charming and lovable. Supriem claims Nikki is a reanimation of Hathor and that
the two were together way back then, as can be read in history books. Hathor,
curiously enough, was the Goddess of music and art, which corresponds with her
being a singer in present time.
Hathor was an Egyptian Goddess - the "Eye of Ra, and we already know that one
of Supriems names is Marduk Ra, who became Amen Ra (the "Hidden RA), the old
Egyptian Deity.
I am going to give you a little background on Hathor and Ra to better understand the
occult connection between Hathor and Supriem/Ra.
The following quote about the Goddess Hathor is from Wikipedia:
She was known as the eye of Ra. Hathor was an ancient goddess, and was
worshipped as a cow-deity from at least 2700 BCE during the second dynasty.
She was the daughter of Ra and Nut. Her worship by the Egyptians goes back
earlier however, possibly, even by the Scorpion King [see picture of Hathor
underneath this Wikipedia entry and notice her scorpion tattoo, Wes'
comment] who ruled during the Protodynastic Period before the dynasties
began. His name, Serqet, may refer to the goddess Serket. The two figures
flanking the top of both sides of the Narmer Palette are interpreted as images
of the cow goddess. The palette is among the earliest carved religious images
known from the Egyptian culture. Later she was described as the wife of Ra
[my emphasis], the creator whose own cosmic birth was formalised in the
Ogdoad cosmogeny after his worship arose and displaced that of Horus. At
that time images of Ra bear the eye motif.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 62
HuLIor posIng wILI u jockey, sIowIng LIe scorpIon LuLLoo on Ier rIgIL IooL. See IIgIIIgIL In LIe ubove WIkIpedIu enLry.
CoIncIdence? Some suy LIe LuLLoo symboIIzes Ier usLroIogIcuI sIgn. L couId be u coIncIdence, buL IL's preLLy curIous
CIoseup oI LIe scorpIon on HuLIor's IooL
Here Is un even beLLer pIcLure, senL Lo me by HuLIorJNIkkI
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 63
The picture above where Hathor poses with the tall polo jockey was sent to me by an
Insider, who had received it from somebody who attended that event, and Hathor
and Supriem did not know I was getting that picture, according to the source. The
sender didnt even know Hathor had a scorpion tattoo on her foot - that was
something I noticed, and by "accident happened to stumble upon the Wikipedia
entry at the same time and could make that connection.
However, as time went on and a few of my sources came back and Supriem realized
that the information is out there and people had most certainly already downloaded
the pictures and the web pages as well, he decided to turn this around to his favor
and use me as his personal writer. This is why the closeup of the foot on red
background was sent to me by Hathor herself through one of Supriems associates.
There are a few other pictures, many of them of Supriem himself, in future chapters
that were sent to me with his blessing as well, for me to post. The fact that he is
pretty ego fixated also makes it easy for me to get pictures from him on a regular
basis. He likes to see pictures of himself, most certainly.
Supriem Wants to Recruit Me
A few of people, including Supriem himself, tried to assure me that Supriem is
working for the good of humanity - that he is our only hope, that he has redeemed
himself and is now working close ly together with the Universal Father to save
mankind. They explained to me that Lucifer had a choice once he was reanimated (a
slightly different thing than being reincarnated, something we will learn later on) into
Supriem Rockefeller whether he wanted to make the Bible Prophecies regarding the
AntiChrist and the Battle of Armageddon come true, or if he wanted to choose what
he calls "The Urantia Book Path and merge with the Universal Father and become
one with him and eventually even BE him. They told me he had chosen the latter.
At that point I also knew I would lose all my sources in his camp if I refused to
cooperate with him, so I stood before a dilemma. I had two choices:
1. I could refuse to cooperate with him and he and the Insiders would probably
shut off all communication with me. I was aware at that point that the
information I had thus far was not enough. And if I wouldnt be able to get
information from his camp, my efforts would be more or less in vain. The
story was incomplete - many people didnt believe me because I didnt have
enough "meat for the story to make total sense. So I could leave it with that,
knowing it would be very hard, maybe even impossible to get the information
I needed to come out and inform people and prepare them. Also, at that point
I wasnt even sure what I believed myself. There was "missing data.
2. I could cooperate with him and hope to get enough information to come full
circle and thus hopefully find out who he really is and go from there. All I
wanted was to come as close to the present scene and their planned future as
I possibly could, in spite of where it led me.
I chose option #2.
Soon I stood in front of a new dilemma - suddenly Supriem wanted me to pull the
blog! I mentioned this already in the Prologue, but here are the fine details:
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 6A
The request to pull the blog (Lucifers Redemption) came through a liaison officer,
who in his turn emphasized that the request came from Supriem himself. He said
that when time is right, about 2-6 months down the line after I pulled it in April
2009, Supriem wanted to give me exclusive information that I could post with his
permission - information he would give me personally to tell the world. Again, he
reassured me he is working for the best of humanity and that he doesnt mind if the
truth comes out once he is up to a certain point in his process, and that its
important that we wait until then.
Of course, this could be interpreted in at least two ways.
One would be that he was sincere in the sense that he really wanted me to be his
`alternative media writer, because I broke the story in the first place and had over a
100,000 visitors before I pulled the blog - and that was in less than two months. So
he knew he had to come up with an explanation at one point or another, or people
would start forums and come up with their own conclusions which could damage his
Or, it could be he was pulling my leg in the sense that he just wanted me to delete
the blog because it was inconvenient to have the information out there, and he
"promised me exclusive rights which he would never give me. What I found odd was
why he would use me, who is not even a professional writer, for the task of being his
spokesman when he had International Mass Media behind him. Something didnt add
up. He said it was because he wanted to return the favor if I agreed to his request.
So my response to his camp was that I was willing to pull the blog if Supriems camp
still promised to continue to give me information while the blog is offline. They
promised me they would.
I thought that iff I pulled the blog, I could always put it back up anytime if Supriem
doesnt keep his word, and I would get a chance to receive the information I need -
some of it which had not yet been revealed to me, but was crucial for the story. Also,
importantly, I had the opportunity to restructure the whole thing so it is more easily
accessible to the reader.
After I pulled the blog, there was silence for a while until I started asking questions
again, and to my satisfaction my sources continued to reply and give me info as long
as I kept it to myself for the time being. Supriem is still giving me information up to
this day, so he kept his word. However, neither Supriem, nor his men knew that I
was writing this e-book. I am sure they followed my blog, News From Behind the
Scenes - - with great interest and they were
okay with it as long as I was not mentioning Supriem, and they probably saw my
posts there that I am preparing this e-book. Still, it is my belief that they thought I
was preparing it for THEIR purposes, so I can be more ready once Supriem gives me
a "go ahead. He had no idea that I am releasing this information without his
With that said, lets go back to the story about Hathor.
The Egyptian Connection
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 65
Some Insiders firmly believe that Ra and Supriem are one and the same and that
Hathor is a reincarnation (reanimation) of the Egyptian Goddess Hathor - Nikki
Williams in her current incarnation. Look at the two pictures below and it is striking
how much she looks like the Goddess Hathor in this old Egyptian artifact. Another
interesting question comes to mind: why are Ra and Hathor portrayed with white
skin? This is old Egypt where people had black skin.
HuLIor und Amen Ru
Hathor today - any resemblance?
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 66
You may ask yourself why I am stressing their physical resemblance, but there is a
reason for that. I talked earlier about Supriem not really being reincarnated, but
rather reanimated, which is the key here. Same thing goes for Hathor, according to
the sources I have. Reanimation means that you take the Manisola (life force) from
an angelic being and put it in a fetus. The child that is born will look the same as
he/she did in the last reanimation. More about this in Chapter 6.
If we go even deeper into the Egyptian Mystery Religions, we find that Ra both
created and married Hathor. Once again, from Wikipedia:
In the later myths Ra was seen to have created Sekhmet, the early
lioness war goddess who becomes Hathor [my emphasis], the cow
goddess after she has sufficiently punished mankind as an avenging Eye of
Ra. This changes the themes of much earlier myths into aspects of his and he
is often said to be the father of both and brother to the god Osiris. Afterward
nearly all forms of life supposedly were created only by Ra, who called each of
them into existence by speaking their secret names and eventually humans
were created from Ras tears and sweat, hence the Egyptians call themselves
the Cattle of Ra.
Now we can better understand the ancient connection between Supriem/Ra and
Hathor/Hathor, the Goddess with the same name. In combination with what you
have read so far in this article, the occult connection suddenly makes sense. Then, is
it true that Supriem is a reanimation of Ra and Hathor is a reanimation of Hathor?
Well see where this story leads us.
Hathor is clueless on the business dealings - Supriem has told her nothing. They do
go out drinking and to dinner but they both usually have hats on for some kind of
disguise. Witnesses have seen Supriem drink an entire bottle of vodka and it didnt
affect him the least.
Another Insider has seen Hathor being able to get anyone to do what she wants -
she apparently has strong influencing capabilities. This Insider is saying the following
about her personality:
She can be very sweet and adorable but no way would I want to be on her bad side.
If shes angry, she is vengeful and merciless. [1]
|1| SInce LIIs cIupLer wus wrILLen, HuLIor Ius decIded sIe wunLs Lo IIve u normuI IIIe us NIkkI WIIIIums und
Ius sepuruLed romunLIcuIIy Irom SuprIem. SuprIem`s commenL Lo LIIs Is LIuL Ie doesn`L LIInk IL wIII IusL,
becuuse now sIe Is broke und sIe Is used Lo geLLIng wIuL sIe wunLs.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 67
CHAPTFR v. AlllF0 utl0t, THulF 6F3Fll3CHAFT At0
THF vRll 30ClFTY }PA6F 1|
Allied Lnion
TIe New AIIIed UnIon ogo
There are two secret societies that have been working in unison with Supriem
Rockefeller. These are the Thule Gesellschaft and the Vril Society (Gesellschaft), and
we will cover both here.
For those who know anything at all about how Hitler rose to power have heard about
them both, because they influenced the political climate in Germany behind the
scenes and were the forces that helped bringing The Fuhrer to power.
At that time, they wanted to usher in the 3rd Reich, where Hitler would be the
leader. Although many of Hitlers (and the Priesthoods) goals were reached during
WW II (the creation of the UN and the migration of Jews to Israel to mention two
that they accomplished), the mission only took the Internationalists so far. Now its
time to ring in the 4th Reich, which will be the final One World Government. The
Fourth Reich is actually what they used to call it, but Supriem has his own name for
the future World Government he is trying to build. He and his allies have agreed
upon the term Allied Union instead, and the One World Currency will be the Allied
Unit, like I mentioned earlier. Below is an early idea for a logo, which is the same as
that of the Freemasonic Grand Lodge of England, but just recently Supriem said he
thought it looked too "fascistic and the logo was changed. The new Allied Union logo
is the one underneath. But by considering the use of a Freemasonic symbol Supriem
shows that he has ties to Freemasonry, although he more or less denies it. He says
that he couldnt care less whether the Freemasons are helping him or not - he
doesnt need them. Still, I am certain they have a role to play before the end, like
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 6B
they always have, with or without Supriem, and that role is to help rebuild the Third
Temple of Solomon, which will be discussed in Chapter XI.
OId AIIIed UnIon Iogo
New AIIIed UnIon Iogo
If you study the old logo, you can see the inverted Venn Diagram making the
Paradise Trinity logo in the center, plus it has the Trilateral Commission Logo around
it. A very similar symbol, according to a source within the Treasury Department, is
also on the alien spaceships visiting Earth from other star systems. Thats not new to
me, because it has been told by abductees for years.
The new logo is in gold color, gold being AU.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 6S
Here is a picture of an old artifact showing the Trinity as well. Supriem showed it to
one of his closest men, who then sent it to me. Supriem did not tell him exactly
where this artwork comes from, but suggests it may have been hidden in the vaults
of the Vatican. Also notice the "alien influence:
Here follows the Myspace page of the Head of the Younger guys whose purpose is to
bring the Thule and Vril message to the youth and anybody else who wants to listen: The Thule Society have just started spending
money to spread their message of the Allied Union.
TIe TIuIe "reIHerr", Mr. JurI VIdur
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 7O
Thule GesellschuIt
What follows is a description of the Thule Gesellschaft in the form it can be easily
researched on the Internet and in books. I want to start out with the "official
version for your information before I go into much lesser known details about the
The Thule Society (German: Thule-Gesellschaft), originally the Studiengruppe fr
germanisches Altertum `Study Group for Germanic Antiquity, was a German occultist
and vlkisch group [group for the people] in Munich, named after a mythical
northern country from Greek legend. The Society is notable chiefly as the
organization that sponsored the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, which was later
transformed by Adolf Hitler into the Nazi Party.
TIuIe GeseIIscIuIL 1q1q
A primary focus of Thule-Gesellschaft was a claim concerning the origins of the Aryan
race. "Thule ((Greek): OoAq) was a land located by Greco-Roman geographers in
the furthest north. The term "Ultima Thule ([Latin]: most distant Thule) is also
mentioned by the Roman poet Virgil in his epic poem Aeneid. This was supposed to
be the far northern segment of Thule and is now generally understood to mean
Said by Nazi mystics to be the capital of ancient Hyperborea, they identified Ultima
Thule as a lost ancient landmass in the extreme north: near Greenland or Iceland.
These ideas derived from earlier speculation by Ignatius L. Donnelly that a lost
landmass had once existed in the Atlantic, and that it was the home of the Aryan
race, a theory he supported by reference to the distribution of swastika motifs. He
identified this with Platos Atlantis, a theory further developed by Helena Blavatsky,
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 71
the occultist during the second part of the 19th century. The Thule-Gesellschaft
maintained close contacts with Theosophists, the followers of Blavatsky. [1]
An important note here is that the modern Thule Gesellschaft was formed (or
reformed) by Rudolf von Sebottendorf - - in 1918, but the Order in
itself, just like Freemasonry and many other secret societies, is ancient and have
survived throughout history under different names but always had the same misson
and Agenda. The TRUE agendas of both Thule and Vril will be obvious as we continue
through the chapters.
WeweIsburg CusLIe, wIere HeInrIcI HImmIer und IIs Order meL und perIormed rILuuIs
The Thule Society has, so Im told, a huge base in Antarctica as well, which also is
the place where the Priesthood takes their secret man-made UFOs into space. They
even have plans to make Antarctica a sovereign state in the near future, a state
outside the One World Government. The Vril Society, in control of Vril Power, and the
Thule Gesellschaft are tightly interwoven. The Vril Society is actually the Inner Circle
of Thule and they work with the U.S. Government and have done so since the end of
WW II when German Thule and Vril members were secretly moved over to the
United States in a project called "Operation Paperclip. Google it and you will find all
the information you need on this project if you are unfamiliar with it. Wikipedia is a
good start.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 72
Both Thule and Vril are often using Scandinavian Gods and Goddesses as aliases
within the Order, and they even have a Nordic language that the Inner Circle speaks
which they have spoken on Earth for over 11,000 years, according to Supriem. It has
been passed down to each successor within the inner circle.
After the Thule went underground during World War II, when Hitler banned the
organization, the Order split in different fraction, and one of these fractions have
been working with Supriem since 2002-2003.
The following pretty much summarizes Thules present view on humanity and its
future. It comes from a Thule Insider and is translated from German:
This is what we need to understand! We are all parts of this [God's] plan.
There are lots of pieces in Gods great game. Unfortunately, mankind learns
only by disasters or wars and then we develop a new collective
The Akasha Chronicle (
Scroll down until you see the headline AKASHA CHRONICLE. Wes Penres
comment) is nurtured from the development of human beings, and as bad as
it sounds: Napoleon and Hitler were factors in the collective consciousness of
mankind - a child learns from a little pain - humanity learns from this child.
But it will be accompanied by a great divine assistance, which is generally in
the literature of the esoterics which the Great White Brotherhood refers to.
[see Helena Blavatsky's writings, Wes' comment].
We need have no fear, because lurking behind the Stargate is not the death
or monsters. It shows the kind and loving creator. The Great White
Brotherhood is the guardian of ideas. The gods have invoked the
Brotherhood of Agarthi - The Order of Thule, and other magic systems work
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 73
in the construction of the new eon [The Age of Aquarius, Wes' comment].
Hope is our principle.
I am not at all convinced that "behind the Stargate is not the death or monsters,
though. My research leads me to believe its a mix of "everything and by opening
the Gate we let in whatever dwells "on the other side. More about Stargates in
Chapter X. Agarthi will be discussed later in this chapter, but means the Nation
inside the Hollow Earth, which I have no doubt is very real.
The Thule Gesellschafts website can be visited here:
The Vril Society
First a little background on the Vril Society. This is what is told to the general public
in Wikipedia:
.the Vril Society was founded as "The All German Society for Metaphysics in
1921 to explore the origins of the Aryan race, to seek contact with the
"hidden masters of Ultima Thule, and to practice meditation and other
techniques intended to strengthen individual mastery of the divine Vril force
itself. It was formed by a group of female psychic mediums led by the Thule
Gesellschaft medium Maria Orsitsch (Orsic) of Zagreb [Wes' emphasis.
Keep this name in memory!], who claimed to have received communication
from Aryan aliens living on Alpha Tauri, in the Aldebaran system. Allegedly,
these aliens had visited Earth and settled in Sumeria, and the word Vril was
allegedly formed from the ancient Sumerian word Vri-Il, "like god (In fact,
Vri-Il means nothing in Sumerian, and could not even be a Sumerian word, as
Sumerian had no /v/ phoneme, nor does Sumerian allow consonant clusters
at the beginning of words. While the Akkadian word for "deity is indeed ilum,
the Sumerian word is dingir.). A second medium was known only as Sigrun, a
name etymologically related to Sigrune, a Valkyrie and one of Wotans nine
daughters in Norse legend. Other sources [who?] state that the Vril Society
was founded by an ill-defined group of Rosicrucians in Berlin before the end of
the 19th century, while still others [who?] state that it was founded by Karl
Haushofer in Berlin in 1918. Some sources state that the Vril Society was also
known as the Luminous Lodge, or the Lodge of Light,[20] though others claim
that it was originally called the Brothers of the Light.[21]
The Society allegedly not only taught concentration exercises designed to
awaken the forces of Vril, their main goal was to achieve Raumflug
(Spaceflight) to reach Aldebaran. To achieve this, the Vril Society joined the
Thule Gesellschaft and the alleged DHvSS (Die Herren des schwarzen Steins,
The Masters of the Black Stone) [4] to fund an ambitious program
involving an inter-dimensional flight machine based on psychic revelations
from the Aldebaran aliens [who are equivalent to the Anunnaki, who ruled in
old Sumer. The word Sumer (or Sumeria) stems from Sumi-Aldebaran, which
is the star system the Anunnaki originally come from, 68 light-years from
Earth. Nibiru is merely a "station" they use on their Intergalactic journeys,
according to The Thule. Wes' comment].
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 7A
TIe BIuck SLone
Members of the Vril Society are said to have included Adolf Hitler, Alfred
Rosenberg, Heinrich Himmler, Hermann Gring, and Hitlers personal
physician, Dr. Theodor Morell. These were original members of the Thule
Society which supposedly joined Vril in 1919. The NSDAP (National
Sozialistische Deutsche ArbeiterPartei) was created by Thule in 1920, one
year later. Dr. Krohn, who helped to create the Nazi flag, was also a Thulist.
With Hitler in power in 1933, both Thule and Vril Gesellschafts allegedly
received official state backing for continued disc development programs
aimed at both spaceflight and possibly a war machine.
There is no evidence that a functional prototype was ever made. The claim of
an ability to travel in some inter-dimensional mode is similar to Vril claims of
channeled flight with the Jenseitsflugmaschine (Other World Flight Machine)
and the Vril Flugscheiben (Flight Discs).
Hidden masters (the members of the Vril society and their antagonist, the
Jewish World Conspiracy), an escape by Hitler and other Nazis from Berlin to
the South Pole, flying saucers, secret Nazi inventions, and psychic channeling
powers and Aliens from Aldebaran clearly are the elements of a conspiracy
theory. As there yet seems to be no comprehensive scholarly examination of
the proponents of this theory (except for some chapters in Goodrick-Clarks
Black Sun), their motives remain unclear. It must be said, though, that Secret
Societies cannot be held responsible for the Holocaust and the Third Reich.
[Ref: And like I said, this is the "official
version", which does have truth in it, but the Wikipedia entry was made by
someone who wanted to debunk the whole story. Big mistake! Also, like I
mentioned earlier, the Thule were banned by the Nazi Party some time during
the war, and von Sebottendorf had to flee to Greece]
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 75
SIr Edwurd BuIwer-yLLon
History is telling us that the Vril Society was almost entirely based on Edward
Bulwer-Lyttons fiction novel, The Coming Race. The book describes a race of men
psychically far in advance of ours. They have acquired powers over themselves and
over things that make them almost godlike. For the moment they are in hiding. They
live in caves in the center of the Earth.
So how can a group of esoteric people form a serious secret society out of a fiction
book? Well, this is how it works:
First of all, if we research Edward Bulwer-Lytton we will see that he belonged to The
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, - - which in itself was (and
still is) a very esoteric secret society which branched out from the English
Rosicrucian Order. Being a high rank member of The Golden Dawn, Bulwer-Lytton
had a lot of esoteric knowledge. What he then did was nothing new - Jules Verne
and H.G. Wells among others did the same thing , and it happens even more often
today - he wrote a fantasy/fiction book! That way he got the esoteric knowledge out
to other initiates in other secret societies around the world, while the common
masses would read the book as pure fiction and never understand the seriousness,
the symbolism and the truth that was written in it. An ingenious way of getting
forbidden knowledge out in the open, but still only the selected few would
understand what the information is really about. Today they do the same thing in
books, Hollywood movies, pop/rock music, fine art, pop art and more.
In December 1919 a small circle of persons from the Thule, the Vril and the DHvSS
[Die Herren Vom Schwarzen Stein - - (German: Lords of
the Black Stone)] met in a specially rented foresters lodge near Perchtesgaden
(Germany). They were accompanied by the medium Maria Orsic and another medium
only known as Sigrun (see Wikipedia entry above). Maria had mediumistically
received transmission in a secret Templar script - a language unknown to her - with
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 76
the technical data for the construction of a flying machine. According to Vril
documents these telepathic messages came from the solar system Aldebaran which
is sixty-eight light-years away in the constellation Taurus (The Bull). This is also the
constellation of the Pleiades, where light beings channeled by Barbara Marciniak
come from.
Here is a short summary of messages the Vril medium had received over the years
and which formed the basis for all further actions by the Vril-Gesellschaft, compiled
by author Jan van Helsing, and this is very important information to be able to
understand the rest of this book. This is not science fiction, but truly what is
going on in the Inner Core of the Thule and theVril. Again, I need to emphasize to
the reader that even if you dont believe a word of this, its irrelevant. They believe it
and have built at least two very complicated secret societies around it - and these
societies are quite powerful and influential:
The solar system Aldebaran has a sun around which revolve two inhabited
planets that form the empire SUMERAN. The population of the Aldebaran
system is divided into the master race of light God people (Aryans) and
several other human races that had developed by negative mutation from the
God people because of climatic changes upon the planets.
TIe AIdeburun sLur sysLem
The colored mutant races apparently are on a lower stage of spiritual
development. The more the races intermixed, the lower the spiritual
development of these people sank, which led to the situation that when the
sun Aldebaran began expanding they could no longer maintain the space
travel technology of their forefathers and could not leave the planets by their
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 77
own means. The lower races, totally dependent upon the master race, had to
be evacuated and were brought to other inhabitable planets. Despite their
difference all the races respected one another and did not interfere with each
other, neither the so-called God people nor the lower races. Each respected
that the others just made their own developments (in contrast to what
happens on Earth).
Around 500 million years ago the light God people started to colonize other
earth-like planets, after the expansion of the sun Aldebaran and the resulting
heat had made the original planets uninhabitable. It is said that in our system
they first colonized the planet Mallona (also called Maldek, Marduk or - by the
Russians - Phaeton) which existed in the area of todays asteroid belt, then
between Mars and Jupiter. Mars was next. The proof for a highly developed
race on Mars is run by the well-known face on Mars and the pyramid city
which has been photographed by the Mars probe Viking in 1976. It is
assumed that the master race of Sumeran-Aldebaran then also came to Earth
for a first visit, witnessed by the petrified impressions of a shoe found to be
about 500 million years old, and squashed under the heel a trilobite, a little
crayfish that lived then upon Earth and became extinct about 400 million
years ago.
The Vril people thought that later, when Earth became slowly habitable, the
race of the Aldebarans landed in Mesopotamia and formed the master caste of
the SUMERIANS which were described as fair, white God people. The Vril
telepaths also found that the Sumerian language was not only identical with
that of the German and that the language frequently of German and
Sumerian-Aldebaranian were almost identical. [The Aldebarans are one of
the many branches of an alien race we call the Anunnaki. There is another,
inter-dimensional branch of the Anunnaki as well. Wes' comment].
The construction plans and the technical details that the Vril mediums received were
so accurate that they led to the most fantastic idea men ever begot: the construction
of a "Jenseitsflugmachine - -, a "flying
machine for the other side - "Vril-Odin!
Just to try to understand how complicated these terms "good and "evil are and how
subjective they are, Dr. W.O. Schumann of the Technical University in Munich, both a
Thule and a Vril member, held a speech in the early 20th Century, a section of which
is reproduced here:
In everything we recognize two principles that determine the events: light
and darkness, good and evil, creation and destruction - as in electricity we
know plus and minus. It is always: either - or.
These two principles - the creative and the destructive - also determine our
technical means.
Everything destructive is of Satanic origin, everything creative is divine.
Every technology based upon explosion or combustion has thus to be called
Satanic. The coming new age will be an age of new, positive, divine
technology! (from the German SS secret archives).
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 7B
MurIu OrsIc
In the summer of 1922 the first saucer-shaped flying machine was built whose drive
was based on implosion (the "other-side flying machine). It had a disk eight meters
across with a second disk with a diameter of six and a half meters above and a third
disk of seven meters diameter below [for American/British readers, imagine that a
meter equals a yard. It's not an exact comparison, but close enough for our purpose.
Wes' comment]. These three disks had a hole at the center of one meter eighty
across in which the drive, which was two meters forty high, was mounted. At the
bottom, the central body was cone-shaped, and there a pendulum reaching the cellar
was hung that served for stabilization. In the activated state the top and bottom disk
revolved in opposing directions to build up an electromagnetic rotating field.
Before the end of 1934, the RFZ 2 was ready, with a Vril drive and a "magnetic field
impulse steering unit. It had a diameter of five meters and the following flying
characteristics: With rising speed the visible counters became blurred and the craft
showed the colors typical of UFOs: depending on the drive setting red, orange,
yellow, green, white, blue or purple. It worked - and it would meet a remarkable
destiny in 1941, during the Battle of Britain, when it was used as transatlantic
reconnaissance craft, because for these flights the German standard fighters ME 109
had an insufficient range.
These machines were thus based an an IMPLOSION instead of an EXPLOSION
system, a technology directly developed from Maria Orsics and her co-mediums
channeled information. VRIL power is simply the energy of the Universe, and Nazi
Germany learned how to tame it and use it for interplanetary travels.
There is a lot more to know about the development of Flying Saucers here on Earth,
and I strongly recommend you read Jan van Helsings book, "Secret Societies and
Their Power in the 20th Century to learn more. It goes into details on this and
various other very important subjects. For the purpose of this book it is not
necessary to go into too much details about this, other than you need to know that
these things were and are going on around us in secret, and many UFOs that people
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 7S
see (but not all of them) are man-made. There cant be much of a discussion
whether the Vril space-crafts are real or not, because the evidence is overwhelming
and indisputable. Also see my reference page - -
in the "back of this book - lots of excellent references.
Still, there are a few more things worth mentioning. At the beginning of 1943 it was
planned in Nazi Germany to build in the Zeppelin a cigar-shaped mother ship. The
ANDROMEDA DEVICE of a length of 139 meters should transport several saucer-
shaped craft in its body for flights of long duration (interstellar flights). By Christmas
1943 an important Vril-Gessellschaft meeting took place in the seaside resort of
The two mediums, Maria Orsic and Sigrun, attended. The main item on the agenda
was the ALDEBARAN PROJECT. The mediums had received precise information about
the habitable planets around the sun Aldebaran and one began to plan a trip there.
At a January 22, 1944 meeting between HITLER, HIMMLER, Kunkel (of the Vril
Society) and Dr. Schumann this project was discussed. It was planned to send the
VRIL-7 large-capacity craft through a dimension channel independent of the speed of
light to Alderbaran - a wormhole or a stargate.
Here is a YouTube video I highly recommend that you watch on this subject. It is 10
minutes long and called, Vril Society and the Hanebu - -. It confirms everything I am
writing here. I also advise you to do a search on YouTube for "vril and you will find
quite a few interesting videos.
Under the operation PAPERCLIP German scientists who had worked in secret were
brought to the U.S. privately, among them VIKTOR SCHAUBERGER and WERNHER
VON BRAUN - both had been working on these projects and now introduced this
secret technology to the United States Government.
In 1938 a German expedition to ANTARCTICA was made with the aircraft carrier
Schwabenland (Swabia). 600,000 km2 of an ice-free area with lakes and mountains
were declared German territory, the NEUSCHWABENLAND (New Swabia). Whole
fleets of submarines of the 21 and 23 series were later headed towards
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe BO
Today about one hundred German submarines are still unaccounted for, some
equipped with the Walter snorkel, a device that allowed them to stay submerged for
several weeks, and it can be assumed that they fled to Neuschwabenland with the
dismantled flying disks or at least the construction plans. Again it must be assumed
that since the test flights had been very successful some so-called flying saucers
have flown directly there at the end of the war. Perhaps some may think these
assumptions to be a bit on the daring side, but there are strong indications that it
may well have happened that way.
There is a question why in 1947 ADMIRAL E. BYRD led an invasion of ANTARCTICA,
why he had 4,000 soldiers, a man-of-war, a fully equipped aircraft carrier and a
functioning supply system at his command if it was a mere expedition? He had been
given eight months for the exercise, but they had to stop after eight weeks and high
losses of planes undisclosed even today. What had happened?
Later Admiral Byrd spoke to the press:
It is the bitter reality that in the case of a new war one had to expect attacks
by planes that could fly from Pole to Pole.
Jan van Helsing is telling us:
Norbert-Jurgen Ratthofer writes about the whereabouts of the Haunebru
developments in his book Zeitmaschinen (Time Machines):
The Haunebru I, II and III space gyros and the VRIL I space flying disk had
disappeared after May 1945. It is very interesting to note in the context that
after its nineteenth test flight the German Haunebru III is said to have taken
off on April 21, 1945, from Neuschwabenland, a vast, officially German
territory in the Eastern Antarctic, for an expedition to Mars, about which there
is nothing further known. One year later, in 1946 the many sightings that
suddenly occurred in Scandinavia of shining objects of unknown and definitely
artificial origin caused a great stir among the Allies in East and West. Again
one year later, in 1947, and well into the Fifties, a rising number of shining
unknown flying objects, doubtlessly steered by intelligent beings mostly
round, disk- or bell-shaped, sometimes cigar-shaped, so-called UFOs
appeared over North America..
According to the Thule and lots of other other independent researchers, another disc
left Antarctica in 1945 with both Hitler and Maria Orsic on board. This craft was
heading not for Mars, but for Aldebaran. And Maria Orsic "disappeared in 1945! We
know for a fact that Orsic "disappeared from the "face of the Earth, literally
speaking, in 1945 and many different researchers suggest she actually went to
Aldebaran, but was Hitler on board as well??? Future research may disclose this
matter, hopefully.
As a side note, keep the mentioning of Mars in the back of your head. We will talk a
lot about Mars later.
Researchers have long struggled with from where the mediums got their information
- whom did they channel? According to Insiders close to Supriem, the information
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe B1
was partly channeled from him, obviously before he came into this incarnation in
1974. This is highly unlikely, though, as we shall see in a while, because instructions
how to build Vril driven saucers partly came from the ILAT-LITUM plates found in
Antarctica in 1939, and partly from previous channeled information, and my research
points in the direction that the Vril mediums channeled, not Supriem, but beings
from the Aldebaran System, the Anunnaki. Supriem has a tendency to exaggerate on
occasion to boost his ego, so keep that in mind. I will comment on this in the last
sections of the book, but in the meantime, bear with me.
However, it sure seems like Maria Orsic is back from Aldebaran, looking as young as
ever and now in Supriems company, as we shall see. Is it possible that Vril Power is
able to "bend time by traveling through a dimensional "(worm)hole, like van
Helsing suggests, and thus bring the passenger back in the same age (or younger)
than he/she was when they left? According to todays science it is theoretically
possible, but I firmly believe that in reality its done all the time by alien species and
even by our own government and various esoteric orders.
The Supriem camp is telling me that their Vril crafts are not man made. They use
confiscated Alien craft or repaired crashed crafts, from which they create replicas:
Think about it, why would they build craft when they can use existing craft? They
just used the Vril as a deterrent . the Vril craft [being man-made] [is]
Could very well be that the technology to build Vril-Odin originally came from a mix
of alien technology and channeled information, but Vril-Odin was built by humans
from this same channeled information mentioned above, plus the instructions in the
ILAT-LITUM (explained later on in this chapter). I am sure we also took care of the
landed and crashed UFOs to use and learn from that technology as well to advance
our own, but personally I think that claiming all technology concerning Vril craft is
recovered technology from crashed UFOs is incorrect.
Here is a picture of the Vril Machine:
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe B2
TIe VrII MucIIne
The following email was posted on a website called and the
discussion is from October 18, 2001. It gives additional hints towards Supriems
"alien connections:
Date: 10/18/01 11:43:14 AM Pacific Daylight Time
> Grant wrote: I work for the U.S. Air Force. I have level 5 clearance to
classified information. I noticed that Supriem had a classified file with the Air
Force. I thought that was odd so i looked into it and found out that he was
trained in military intelligence and combat at FT. Meade, Maryland.
Fort Meade, MD is the headquarters of the National Security Agency. They are
the agency generally tasked with handling star visitor contacts, though mostly
through specialized sub-compartment groups.
> After looking who enrolled him at said David, listed as his father. The
wierdest thing was there was no birth date on his file.
Another clue.
His file shows he went to school in England
> after his military training. His file also showed he handeled money for the
Defense Finance and Accounting Services (DFAS). The last part of his file I
could not access was on something Supriem and select people from the CIA
and the military were working on called Alien Intelligence (Outoaly).
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe B3
Another clue. It sounds like this individual, Supriem, was a specialized expert
in alien intelligence.
The file was encrypted like
> something I have never seen before, like a new kind of technology. The file
was listed as Outoaly with an Omega symbol next to the writing. There is
something really strange about this guy. His name has been talked about for
over 50 years in classified documents but his current photo on file looks like a
man in his 20s. Regards, Grant
Final clue. This Supriem does not visibly age in over a half-century. That
attribute is not human, but is quite common among extraterrestrial races. It
looks like Supriem is a visiting star person, on long-term liaison to elements
within the U.S. National Security community to provide consultation and
education, and to increase human understanding about the way star people
think and perceive, as well as to better understand how our military thinks
and operates. [2]
The picture they are discussing is the one with Supriem and his inverted V-shaped
SuprIem RockeIeIIer (noLIce LIe IeIL pupII, sIuped IIke un InverLed V)
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe BA
CIose-up oI LIe eyes
Supriem does age, however. He is here in a human body and is affected by 3rd
Density laws. So that part is incorrect.
The inverted V (^) shaped pupil may show here due to activating his Reptilian DNA.
Perhaps a partial shape shift? Unrelated to this particular picture, Jarl Vidar of the
Thule Order recently told me:
He carries the blood of the dragon, the [alien] Draconis, in itself. He is the
leader of a purified Elite, characterized by the portal of the stars that is
manifested in todays world. Like the Necronomicon says, there is the cult of
the dragon, the goat and the dog!
Supriems blood stands for the dragon. He is the recurring Ouroboros.
We discussed above that Maria Orsic may have disappeared to Aldebaran in 1945,
using Vril Power to travel through a "dimensional hole in space. Keep this in mind,
because in the beginning, when I was researching Supriem, a certain girl, code name
"Sully was presented to me as the "Vril girl by a source from the Treasury
Department. No other name. Then, by "accident (again!) on the Internet I looked at
photos of Maria Orsic, whom no one had mentioned to me at that point and I did not
know about her from previous research. So let me tell you how this developed.
Here is a photo of Supriem with the girl, allegedly from the Vril Society, code name
"Sully, together with Supriem:
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe B5
SuprIem und SuIIy oI LIe VrII SocIeLy
In this article: Viktor Schauberger- The UFOs of Nazi Germany, - - totally
unrelated to Supriem and my research, this picture is published:
MurIu OrsIc
The picture with the spacecraft is from the Vril Society and was taken in 1944. The
girls name in this picture, I found out, is Maria Orsitsch (Orsic), the Medium we
discussed earlier in this chapter. Now compare the two photos and we can definitely
see the similarities. Are these two girls the same person? If so, she hasnt aged!
These pictures are at least 65 years apart.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe B6
MurIu OrsIc oI LIe VrII SocIeLy In 1qqq
As a matter of fact, after I made this connection, I have had it confirmed from two
sources that these two girls are the same person. That doesnt mean they are, but
the resemblance is stunning.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe B7
MurIu OrsIc: LIese Lwo pIcLures ure upprox. 6 yeurs upurL
This biography of Maria Orsitsch is pretty interesting:
Maria Orsitsch, also known as Maria Orsic, was a famous medium who later
became the leader of the Vril Society.
She was born in Vienna. Her father was a Croatian and her mother was a
German from Vienna.
Although various alleged photos and documents exist that verify Maria
Orsitschs existence, it was only until the 1960s that historians and writers
began to note her involvement with Nazi Mysticism. Maria Orsitsch was first
mentioned and pictured in 1967 by Bergier and Pauwels in their book
Aufbruch ins dritte Jahrtausend: von der Zukunft der phantastischen
Vrilerinnen Women
Maria Orsitsch was the head of the 'The All German Society for Metaphysics
(Alldeutsche Gesellschaft fr Metaphysik) founded in the early 20th century
as a female circle of mediums who were involved in extraterrestrial telepathic
contact. The society was later renamed the 'Vril Society or 'Society of
Vrilerinnen Women. In 1917 Maria Orsitsch is said to have made contact with
extraterrestrials from Aldebaran with her female Vril circle. Later in 1919 the
Vril circle met with other groups in a small foresters lodge in the vicinity of
Berchtesgaden to discuss a possible voyage to Aldebaran to meet the Aliens
by the construction of Nazi ufos. Notes on this space mission are discussed in
a recent detailed analysis of Nazi Occultism entitled 'Black Sun: Aryan Cults,
Esoteric Nazism, and the Politics of Identity:
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe BB
'Maria claimed to have received mediumistically transmissions in a secret
German Templar script - a language unknown to her - containing technical
data for the construction of a flying machine. Vril documents mention these
telepathic messages had their origin in Aldebaran, a solar system 68 light-
years away in the constellation Taurus
In 1945 Maria Orsitsch and the Vril Circle mysteriously disappeared. This has
led to some writers, conspiracy theorists and Nazi Mystics (ie Jan Udo Holey)
to believing Maria Orsitsch escaped to Aldebaran. [3]
So again, its stated she disappeared in 1945. And now she is working with Supriem
Rockefeller? Is this girl, sitting next to young Mr. Rockefeller, the Grandmaster of the
Vril Society, as indicated on the website above? According to two sources she may
be. Someone from the Military told me that Supriem even calls her Isis in private. In
public, though, her code name is, like I said, Sully.
Someone showed one of my sources an official Temple of Isis signet from Ancient
Egypt that the Military possesses and it depicts Isis under a bull. Aldebaran is known
as the Bulls eye of the Taurus constellation. The Isis picture looked exactly like the
Vril girl.
It is difficult to find a good painting/artifact on Isis to compare the two, and so far I
havent found any that I could say have resemblance with todays Sully/Maria Orsic.
Ive mentioned that the Vril society, the inner core of the Thule, is a very powerful
secret society, where the Inner Circle has access to the "mythological Vril Power. On
Monday, February 2, 2009, Supriem was, according to a statement he made, making
a deal with China to use his technology in order to get them to the moon, using what
they call "Ununpentium Vril Generators.
VrII-8 OdIn. OdIn wus u ScundInuvIun pugun God. TIe PrIesLIood Is obsessed wILI
ScundInuvIun myLIoIogy, connecLIng IL Lo LIe Aryun MusLer Ruce
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe BS
Above is a Vril-8 Odin Schematic. One of my sources, with Above Top Secret
Clearance, saw the paperwork in March 0f 2009 that Supriems camp filed with the
NRO (The National Reconnaissance Office) for permission to launch RLVs ("Reusable
Launch Vehicle) satellites. These are supposed to be the most technologically
advanced never before seen on the market. Supriem paid 9.2 billion dollars for the
The odd thing is, according to my USAF source, that these RLVs are low Earth orbit
satellites, but his team did not file to use any spectrum. This is getting technical, but
usually, if you launch low orbit satellites you file to use the "L-Band frequency,
according to a personal in the USAF. They didnt even file for "K-Band, "KA-Band or
"KU-Band so what would they be using the satellites for? That is the big secret.
The satellites are scheduled for launch the fall of 2009. People outside of his circle, in
the Air Force at least, speculate it is the same EMP technology Supriem spoke about
in that letter to Prescott in Chapter 1.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe SO
Antarctica, Springboard to the Stars
This following information comes directly from a Thule Insider.
CupLuIn AIIred RILscIer
In 1939, Captain Alfred Ritscher of Nazi Germany found the Antarctica entrance into
the Inner Earth. He also found the "ILAT-LITUM plates in a sarcophagus on the
coast of Neuschwabenland. In the sarcophagus were still a number of technical
devices and instructions that now became available to the Vril Society. The "ILAT-
LITUM was divided into several engraved metal plates or tablets, brought to Berlin
and decoded into German by some experts from the Orient. When the plates were
found, no one could read them, because they were in Sumerian/Akkadian.
This is what a Thule member told me when I asked what ILAT-LITUM is (this email
excerpt is translated from German):
This book was written for those who were left behind on the planet KI - -, which we now call Earth. It
shows us the history of the gods since their arrival, the war with the Reptoids,
the emergence of new types and species, the advancement of the DNA and
The book was also mentioning the signs that will show when the Gods return.
It is the story of ourselves and all our deeds. The book was not completely
handed over to a human. Only with Vril-Odins departure a full translation was
Vril-Odin is used to navigate in a timeless space (hyper-space or time/space
as opposed to space/time), as well as to assess the upcoming events.
Therefore, it would be very dangerous if it gets into the wrong hands. Also,
Supriems actions will be recorded in this book, as well as that of Wes Penre
and the path of xxx (name of the author of this email - withheld). Only when
we all understand that we are children of the gods, there will be peace and
the divine plan is closed for another eon.
ILAT-LITUM contains accurate information on the landing of the Anunnaki
Gods on Earth and the fight with the Reptoids. Inside the sarcophagus were
also instructions how to build the Vril-Odin space craft. The Vril-Odin was
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe S1
built per the instructions and was up and flying in the fall of 1944. On board
the craft was Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler. The destination of the flight of Vril-
Odin was Sumi-An in the Aldebaran solar system.
According to the Thule insider, all subsequent appearances of Hitler were done by his
doubles. The corpse in the bunker was the body of a double as well. I happened to
find a short 10 minutes YouTube video on this very subject as well, called Vril-
Haunebu - -. The secret
recordings of Hitler on this subject were passed to the Vatican by a Bishop Bremer
and these archives are supposed to be opened up in 2012.
The annex to the text of the "Conversation in the Crypt is on the same facts. It was
sent to me in full by a German Thule member and was then of course in German.
The original and an English translation can be found in the Appendix -
in-german/ - to this book. The German original document is called, "Gesprche in
der Krypta and is supposedly channeled information.
The full English version (German original in the Appendix section) of ILAT-LITUM as it
was found in Antarctica will be presented in Chapter X, where we discuss the Return
of the Gods.
NuzIs In AnLurcLIcu, 1qq
CupLIun RILscIer, wIen Ie mude IIs expedLIon, IoIIowed LIe InsLrucLIons Irom LIe VrII SocIeLy
and channeled information, mainly from the Vril Societys own medium, Sigrun. This
means that Ritscher did not find the sarcophagus by accident but was following
channeled instructions.
We know that Maria Orsic received channeled information regarding the Tablets
already in 1919-1924 but wasnt able to decode and interpret it, because it was in
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe S2
We need to remember that the technology known to common people is at least a
hundred years up to thousands of years behind the technology used in secret. Moon
bases have since long been established, and you dont use a slow and unsafe space
shuttle to move between planets in our solar system. The Vril power has a lot to do
with space technology and how to travel outside this planet. The "disc that the
Anunnaki God are talking about in ILAT-LITUM, which they are rotating (or spinning)
is from my understanding a Vril machine.
AIdeburun SLur SysLem
On March 2, 2009, someone high up told me Supriem and Hathor made clearance
plans to arrive at "Access 3", their moon base, on the subsequent day of March 3.
They are taking a "Sport Model disk for the trip, he said, and it seats three. There is
a "Dharma Blue network that handles all of the clearance so they can track inbound
and outbound space traffic.
SuprIem uL LIe Neumuyer SLuLIon In AnLurcLIcu
The third seat in their craft should have supposedly been occupied by the head
representative of the Draco-Anunnaki Alliance, who serves Supriem. They will also be
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe S3
trailed by another craft with a USAF DB1 Team. DB1 is Dharma Blue 1, meaning they
leave Earth and work with other alien races. DB2 (Dharma Blue 2) means they stay
on Earth and are cleared to work with other alien races here (this is the only time in
my research that I stumble upon the Draco-Anunnaki Alliance, so at this point I cant
explain further what that means).
After Supriem left Access 3, they headed into Sumi Aldebaran orbit for what they call
a "Link Up - thats where several craft form a straight line about 1,500 meters
apart and they link up a hologram communication.
At 5:33 AM on March 3, 2009, Supriem arrived at the Neumayer Station in
Antarctica. Shortly thereafter, he and two companions were leaving Earth and went
to the Moon base, "Access 3", just as planned. What changed from the original plan,
for unknown reasons, was that Hathor stayed in South Africa, where Supriem kept
her in exile at the moment, and someone else took her seat. No one I have spoken
to knows who replaced Hathor, but there are rumors that the seat was taken by a
member from another alien race. However, this is unconfirmed to this date.
Neumuyer SLuLIon In AnLurcLIcu
The following video will take you to a 10 seconds long clip supposedly taken from
Supriems "Sport Model (from an previous trip) leaving "Access 3" on the Moon. At
the end of the video you can hear Supriems distinct voice.
Click here to watch the video - http://www.illuminati- -.
Its in .mov format, so you will need QuickTime Media Player to be able to watch it.
You can download the latest version on the Internet for free. You may also be able to
watch it in a recent version of RealPlayer.
I have had people ask me about the authenticity of the moon video, so I had it
analyzed by people who have the means and knowledge to do so (which I dont).
Thus far, everybody admits to that it sure looks like the real thing. They have
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe SA
scrutinized every frame and cant see anywhere that this is a fake. So it looks like
Supriem actually was on the moon. I also need to add that the people who analyzed
this video were at first very skeptic regarding its authenticity but changed their
Area 51, by the way, is a cover. The real base the Priesthood is flying their craft from
is in a mountain in Utah. When they take their craft into space, they leave from Utah
to Antarctica and then exit the atmosphere from there.
There is apparently a lot of UFO and underground activity in Utah. There are lots of
witnesses, many are Mormons and former Mormons, who say that there is a network
of underground tunnels beneath Salt Lake City and some of these people have seen
reptilian beings there as well. Google it and you will find some interesting material to
There are several different races visiting Earth and Supriem is allegedly working on
uniting them all, even though they have different agendas. They all obey him
because he is superior to them in the Universal Hierarchy.
They are going to start increasing UFO sightings very soon. Everything changes this
year and 2009 is also the year Supriem is planning on going public.
Interestingly enough, shortly after I published this book on June 17 2009, UFO
sightings have increased in numbers rapidly. Here is some evidence:
|1| ReI: ILLp:JJen.wIkIpedIu.orgJwIkIJTIuIe_SocIeLy
|z| ReI: ILLp:JJwww.cyberspuceorbIL.comJwurrunL1q.ILm. ScroII down or do u seurcI Ior SuprIem on LIIs
puge, und you wIII IInd LIe ubove messuge.
|| ReI: ILLp:JJwIkIbIn.orgJurLIcIesJmurIu-orsILscI.ILmI
|q| Keep LIe BIuck SLone In mInd. We ure goIng Lo cover IL In greuL deLuIIs In u IoIIowIng cIupLer
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe S5
Agurthi - A Nution Inside Iurth
Much has been said about the Hollow Earth. Books have been written about it, a lot
of Internet sites cover it and some of it is good research, some of it is not. It is an
important part of our story, because due to both the Thule and Vril Societies (and
other secret societies as well) there is a Nation of Beings inside Earth. This Nation is
called Agartha or Agarthi (both variants are used interchangeably - there are other
spellings as well). and their Capital is Shambala (or Shamballah). We will discuss this
in conjunction with the ILAT-LITUM tablets and the Return of the Gods in more
details in Chapter X, so I will just touch it briefly here.
I am going to quote Jan van Helsing from his well researched book: Secret Societies
and Their Power in the 20th Century again and this time when comes to explaining
what Agarthi/Agartha is, because his research confirms to some extent what
members from Thule have told me, but is still just a part of the story. Again, Chapter
X will explain it in more details:
ULTIMA THULE apparently was the capital city of the first continent peopled
by Aryans. This was called HYPERBOREA and was older than Lemuria - - and Atlantis - - (continents with
advanced cultures since submerged). The Scandinavians have a tale of
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe S6
Ultima Thule, the wonderful land in the high North, where the sun never
sets and the ancestors of the Aryan race dwell.
Hyperborea was up in the North Sea and sank during an ice age. It is
assumed that the Hyperboreans came from the solar system Alderbaran
which is the main star in the constellation Taurus, and that they were about
four meters tall, white, blond and blue-eyed.
They knew no war [1] and we[r]e vegetarians (so was Hitler). According to
alleged Thule texts they were technically very advanced and flew Vril-ya,
flying machines that today we call UFOs. These flying disks were capable of
levitation, extreme speeds and the maneuvers known from todays UFOs due
to two counter-rotating magnetic fields and they used the so-called Vril power
as energy potential or fuel (Vril = ether, Od, Prana, Chi, Ki, cosmic force,
Orgon., but also from the academic vri-IL = as the highest deity = God-
like), i.e., they take the energy from the earths magnetic field (free energy)
like the tachyon converter of Captain Hans Coler.When HYPERBOREA began
to sink the Hyperboreans are said to have burrowed with huge machines
gigantic tunnels into the Earths crust and settled under the Himalayan
region. The subterranean realm is called AGHARTA and its capital
Persians call this land Aryana the land of origin of the Aryans.
Here we should mention that Karl Haushofer claimed that Thule was actually
called Atlantis and - contrary to all other researchers of Tibet and India - he
said that the surviving Thule-Atlanteans were separated into two groups, a
good one and an evil one. Those who called themselves after their oracle
Agharta were the good and settled in the Himalayan region, the evil ones
were the Shamballah who wanted to subjugate humanity and they went
He maintained that the fight between the people of Agharta and Shamballah
had been going on for thousands of years and that in the Third Reich the
Thule-Gesellschaft as Aghartas representative continued it against the
representatives of Shamballah, the Freemasons and the Zionists. This
perhaps was his mission.
The head of this subterranean region he said was Rigden Iyepo, the king of
the world, with his representative upon the Earths surface, the Dalai Lama.
Haushofer was convinced that the land below the Himalayas was the
birthplace of the Aryan race, which he claimed to have confirmed during his
Tibet and India travels.
The symbol of Thule was the swastika counter clockwise. Tibetan lamas and
the Dalai Lama personally testified that people from Agartha were still living
today. The subterranean land that is anchored in almost all Eastern traditions
has spread over the millennia under all of the Earths surface with huge
centers under the Sahara desert, the Matto Grosso and the Santa Catarina
mountains in Brazil, Yucatan in Mexico, Mount Shasta in California, England,
Egypt, Czechoslovakia.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe S7
It seems that Hitler especially sought to discover the entrances to the
subterranean world Agartha and to get in contact with the descendants of the
Aryan God people from Alderbaran-Hyperborea. In the myths and traditions
of the subterranean world it is often said that the worlds surface was yet to
suffer a terrible world war (Third World War) which would though be ended by
earthquakes, other natural disasters and a switching of the poles and the
deaths therefrom of two thirds of humanity.
After this last war the several races of the inner earth would reunite with
the survivors on the surface and that the thousand-year GOLDEN AGE (age of
Aquarius) would be rung in. Hitler wanted to build an outer Agartha or
Aryana with the Aryan master race, and Germany should be its home.
During the existence of the Third Reich two large expeditions were sent by
the SS to the Himalayas to find those entrances.
Further expeditions searched in the Andes, the Matto Grosso mountains in the
North and the Santa Catarina mountains in the south of Brazil, in
Czechoslovakia and parts of England.
Some authors claim that the Thule people believed that - quite independently
of the subterranean tunnel and city system - the Earth was HOLLOW, with
two great openings at the poles. Natural laws were quoted, as above, so
below. Since blood, body or egg cells, a comet or an atom all have a nucleus
and a hollow space surrounding it that is enclosed by a corona radiata, an
envelope, and the actual life is taking place in the core, one has deduced
that the Earth was built after the same principles.
Druses confirmed this, as they were hollow and the life, the mineral and
crystals, were in the interior. Therefore the Earth also had to be hollow -
apparently agreeing with the views of the Tibetan Lamas including the Dalai
Lama - and had a nucleus, the Central Sun (also called the Schwarze
Sonne, the Black Sun) that gave the interior an even climate and permanent
sunlight, corresponding in the microcosm to the central sun of the galaxy in
the macrocosm.
They maintain that the actual life in our planet takes place in the interior -
the master race lives inside and the mutants on the surface - and that this
was also the reason why we wouldnt find any life upon other planets of our
solar system, because their inhabitants live inside. The main entrances are at
the North and South poles through which the central sun is shining and
producing the aurora borealis. In the interior the land mass was exceeding
the water mass.
The polar explorer Olaf Jansen and others said that the water in the interior
was fresh, which could explain why the ice of the Arctic and Antarctic is made
of freshwater, not salt water. It is interesting to note that this view of the
make-up of the world is shared and supported by the polar explorers Cook,
Peary, Amundsen, Nansen, and Kane and, last but not least, Admiral E. Byrd -
d%20B.%20Byrd -. All had the same, strange experiences contradicting
existing scientific theory.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe SB
AdmIruI RIcIurd E. Byrd
All confirmed that after 76 degreed latitude the winds became warmer, that
birds flew north, that they found colored and gray snow which when thawed
left colored pollen or volcanic ash. The question arises: where do flower pollen
or volcanic ash near the North Pole come from, as not a single volcano is
marked on any of the accessible maps? Further, some of the explorers found
themselves in freshwater seas, and all say that at a time during their travels
they had seen two suns. Mammoths were found whose flesh was still fresh
and whose stomach contained fresh grass.
If you are further interested in the hollow Earth and the experience of the
different explorers, some titles are listed under Further Reading at the back
of this book. The Hollow Earth theory - - has so far
remained just a theory to the public, although some authors and explorers
claim to have visited there and even - like Admiral E. Byrd - had taken
numerous pictures. It cannot be denied that all the Arctic explorers had had
extraordinary experiences that so far cannot be explained, which points to
something strange happening there.
But the theory that the Earth had a molten core has equally remained just a
theory. The fact remains though that the subterranean man-made tunnel and
cave systems do exist. They can be found in almost any country of the world
and by the largely still existing light source (a greenish glow that gets
brighter the deeper one enters the tunnels), by the smooth walls and the
unknown machinery that was found in the Boynton Canyon in Sedona,
Arizona, are witness to a technically advanced culture that existed millions of
years before. Relevant literature is listed at the back.
The myths of a Hollow Earth were enough for the Thule people to go out
to start a serious study of the phenomenon. Therefore there was at least one
expedition to the Antarctic during World War II. (Details follow).
To show that the story of the Aryan-Hyperboreans was not entirely invented I
would like to mention two examples: When the Spaniards under Pizarro came
to South America in 1532, the natives called them ivicarochas (white lords).
According to their legends there was a master race of very tall white people
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe SS
who centuries before had descended in flying disks from heaven. They had
long ruled in some of the towns and when they disappeared had promised to
When the fair skinned Spaniards arrived, the natives thought them to be the
iviracochas coming back and therefore in the beginning willingly gave them
their gold. Similar occurrences took place when the first white travelers
arrived in Tibet and other Himalayan regions. They were scrutinized in
astonishment by the Tibetans and asked why they came from BELOW (the
foot of the mountains) rather than from ABOVE as they usually did. (CHAPTER
The Thule GesellschuIt und the ului Lumu's Yellow Hut Sect
TIe DuIuI umu's YeIIow HuL SecL
Far from being a fringe secret society, the Thule society had members that reached
into the German Aristocracy. It essentially had all of the beliefs expounded by
Rosenberg and was the group that Hitler first came to at the beginnings of his rise to
power. The Thule society came into being during that tumultuous period after the
first World War by Baron Rudolf Sebottendorff, who wrote about this in a book that
was later banned by the Nazis `Bevor Hitler Kam (Before Hitler Came). Indeed this
book is quite important in tracing the early philosophical leanings of the party. The
Thule Society was not open to the middle class or the workers of Germany.
It was exclusively a rich mans society and drew its members from the upper
echelons of Bavarian Society. Indeed one had to show pure Aryan lineage back to
the 30 Years War in order to join, one could not be deformed or even be just plain
old `ugly, one had to be one of the `beautiful people. It was at this time that the
Prime Minister of the Bavarian government, Kurt Eisner (a Jew) was assassinated by
a disgruntled young count Anton Graf Arco, who had been refused admission to the
Thule Society, presumably because he was of Jewish decent. One of the prime
suspects that the police questioned was the Thule Societys leader. Here we can
understand that elitism and racism was an important part of the belief systems of
those who formulated the early Nazi doctrine. The assassination transpired in an
atmosphere of general fear among the Bavarian elite that Bolsheivism (communism,
and with it wealth confiscation) was making important inroads at the end of the war
and that there was too much `Jewish influence. This was `confirmed by the election
of the Jewish socialist, Kurt Eisner.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1OO
Sebottendorff, the leader of the Thule society, was known as an adept at astrology,
alchemy divining rods and other occult practices and it was his belief that the Jews
were really in control of the Freemasonic lodges that probably led to their eventual
seizure and closure when the Nazis took power. Indeed, the whole idea of
brotherhood that typified freemasonic beliefs was at odds with what the Thulists
believed. Indeed Sebottendorff went so far as to say that `equality is death. Thus,
freemasons were also singled out by the Nazis. He spread his propaganda through
Der Mnchener Beobachter a newspaper that he purchased because he needed an
avenue with which to spread his profane doctrine.
TIuIe Iogo
As conditions in Germany worsened, it became clear that much of the population was
ready for a change. Food had become very scarce and most Germans were hungry
and some were even starving. People were reduced to eating dog biscuits and
horsemeat. The mark had lost most of its value and discontent was spreading. It was
in this atmosphere in which many began to long for and fanaticize for a better world
and fundamental change in Germany. There were fights in the streets and beer halls
as well as fights between occult and political groups. Of note, the Thule society had
disputes with other groups and Madame Blavatskys Theosophical Society broke into
two groups over some obscure doctrinal dispute during these turbulent years.
Members of these groups were not averse to using terrorism to gain their political
aims and to put it as briefly as possible, the Thulists wanted to bring together all the
anti-Semitic forces in Germany into forceful political action, both legal (elections) and
illegal (terrorism).
While the Thule Society faded into history, its ideas and occult world view did not. Its
elitism, of course melded in quite conveniently with economic interests of the
German upper classes. They were vehemently anti-communist for fear of the wealth
confiscation that went on in Russia and because their occult ideology claimed that
communism was really a `Jewish conspiracy, they turned against it and them.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1O1
The common theme of the more successful occult groups has always been to hold
economic views in keeping with the politics and interests of the wealthier classes. In
so doing wealthy patrons and converts can help finance the movement and give it an
air of legitimacy. This was violently demonstrated when Hitler betrayed the S.A. who
were the working class Germans that assisted Hitler on his way to power. The
German elite as well as the SS wanted to rid themselves of this proletarian riff-raff
and thus, during the night of the long Knives, the SA (or Brownshirts) was done
away with by Hitler and the Elitist SS.
Of note here is the fact that Rudolf Hess had been with Hitler from the very earliest
days. He was arrested with Hitler after the Beer Hall Putsch and assisted Hitler with
writing Mein Kampf. He was an ardent student of astrology, and other occult
sciences. He was a signer of the Nuremburg laws that severely curtailed the rights of
Jews in Germany. He was Deputy Fhrer and Hitlers closest aid. He was probably
one of the most ardent occultists in the Third Reich, with the possible exception of
- - -
In 1917 the occultist Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorf, the Gurdjeff disciple Karl
Haushofer, the ace pilot Lothar Waisz, Prelate Gernot of the secret "Societas Templi
Marcioni (The Inheritors of the Knights Templar) and Maria Orsic, a transcendental
medium from Zagreb met in Vienna. They all had extensively studied the "Golden
Dawn, its teachings, rituals and especially its knowledge about Asian secret lodges.
Sebottendorf and Haushofer were experienced travellers of India and Tibet and much
influenced by the teachings and myths of those places. During the First World War
Karl Haushofer had made contacts with one of the most influential secret societies of
Asia, the Tibetan Yellow Hats (dGe-lugs-pa). This sect was formed in 1409 by the
Buddhist reformer Tsong-kha-pa. Haushofer was initiated and swore to commit
suicide should his mission fail. The contacts between Haushofer and the Yellow Hats
led in the Twenties to the formation of Tibetan colonies in Germany.
The four young people hoped that during these meetings in Vienna they would learn
something about the secret revelatory texts of the Knights Templar and also about
the secret fraternity Die Herren vom Schwarzen Stein ("The Lords of the Black
Stone). Prelate Gernot was of the "Inheritors of the Knights Templar, the only true
Templar society. They are the descendants of the Templars of 1307 who passed on
their secrets from father to son - until today. Prelate Gernot apparently told them
about the advent of a new age - the change-over from the Age of Pisces to the Age
of Aquarius.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1O2
A TIuIe rIng, porLruyIng LIe symboI oI LIe BIuck Sun
They discussed that our solar year - according to the twelve revolutions of the moon
- was divided into twelve months and thus the revolution of our sun around the
great central sun (the Black Sun of ancient myths) was also divided into twelve
parts. Together with the precession of the cone-shaped proper movement of the
Earth due to the inclination of the axis this determines the length of the world age.
Such a "cosmic month is then 2,155 years, the "cosmic year 25,860 years long.
According to the Templars the next change is not just an ordinary change of the age,
but also the end of a cosmic year and the start of an absolutely new one. This is why
one of the Thule Orders sigils is the black sun (see above).
Rure puInLIng Irom LIe 1oos, oI LIe BIuck Sun
The main part of the discussions dealt with the background of a section of the New
Testament, Matthew 21:43. For there Jesus addressed the Jews:
Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and
given to a people who will produce its fruit.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1O3
The complete original text that is kept in the archives of the "Societas Ternpli
Marcioni says it even more clearly. But the point is: in that text Jesus actually
names the "people, He talks to Teutons serving in the Roman legion and he tells
them that it is THEIR people that he had chosen. That was what Sebottendorf and
his friends wanted to know for sure: That the Teutonic, i.e. the German, people were
commissioned to form the realm of light upon Earth - in the "Land of the Midnight
Mountain (Germany). The place where the ray would meet the Earth was given as
the Untersberg near Salzburg.
At the end of September 1917 Sebottendorf met with members of the "Lords of the
Black Stone at the Untersberg to receive the power of the "Black-Purple Stone after
which the secret society was named.
The "Lords of the Black Stone who formed out of the Marcionite Templar societies in
1221 led by Hubertus Koch who had set as their aim the fight against evil and the
building of Christs realm of light.
A circle formed around Baron von Sebottendorf that via the "Teutonic Order in 1918
in Bad Aibling became the "Thule Gesellschaft. The themes they tried to link to
politics were scientific magic, astrology, occultism and Templar knowledge as well as
"Golden Dawn practices like Tantra, Yoga and Eastern meditation.
The Thule-Gesellschaft believed, following the Revelation of Isais, in a Coming
Saviour (German: Heiland = the Holy One), the "Third Sargon who would bring to
Germany glory and a new Aryan culture.
Dietrich Bronder ("Before Hitler Came) and E. R. Carmin ("Guru Hitler) named the
leading members as follows:
1. Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorf, Grand Master of the Order
2. Guido von List, Master of the Order
3. Jrg Lanz von Liebenfels, Master of the Order
4. Adolf Hitler, Fhrer, German Chancellor
5. Rudolf Hess, Vice Fhrer, and SS Obergruppenfhrer
6. Hermann Gring, Reichsmarschall and SS Obergruppenfhrer
7. Heinrich Himmler, Reichsfhrer SS and Reichsminister
8. Alfred Rosenberg, Reichsminister and NS-Reichsleiter
9. Hans Franck, Dr. Dr. h. c., NS-Reichsleiter and Governor General of Poland
10. Julius Streicher, SA-Obergruppenfhrer and Gauleiter of Franken
11. Karl Haushofer, Prof. Dr., Major General ret.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1OA
12. Gottfried Feder, Prof. Dr., Secretary of State ret.
13. Dietrich Eckart, Editor in Chief of the Vlkischer Beobachter
14. Bernhard Stempfle, father confessor and confidant of Hitler
15. Theo Morell, personal physician of Hitler
16. Franz Gurtner, president of the police, Munich
17. Rudolf Steiner, founder of the antroposophic teaching
18. W. 0. Schumann, Prof. Dr. at the Technical University Munich
19. Trebisch-Lincoln, occultist and traveller to the Himalayas 20. Countess
and many others.
Later the Thule-Gesellschaft split in two, the esoterics (Greek: esoteros = the inner),
among which counted Rudolf Steiner, and the exoterics (Greek: exoteros = the
outer), who later were led by Hitler. The Thule-Gesellschaft in its inner core was
peaceful in nature, besides knowing about the Illuminati and El Shaddai. It was Hitler
who became more radical. When Hitler had taken over the NSDAP, he prohibited the
Thule and the Vril Gesellschaften after they had helped him to his position. Towards
the end of the war he contacted them again, especially the Vril-Gesellschaft, because
of their advanced technology and their special contacts.
GuIdo von IsL (1qo)
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1O5
Some of the most important teachings influencing the Thule-Gesellschaft was the
Aryo-Germanic construction of religion (Wihinei) by the philosopher Guido von List,
the Glacial Cosmology by Hans Hrbiger and a leaning towards the anti-Old
Testament early Christianity of the Marcionites. The innermost circle at any rate had
vowed to fight World Judaism and Freemasonry and its lodges.
The Mugickul Roots oI Nuzism -- The Historg
It all started with the Thule Gesellschaft. founded by a Freemason and Eastern
mystic named Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorff. They met every Saturday in Munichs
Four Seasons Hotel to discuss things like runes (an old German alphabet), racial
evolution, Nordic mythology and German nationalism. Registered under the name
"Thule Gesellschaft as a "literary-cultural society, in order to fool the communist
Red Army now controlling Munich, this group had originally been known as the
Germanenorden, or the German Order of the Holy Grail (we shall see later exactly
what the Holy Grail is). The Germanenorden had an impressive series of initiatory
rituals, replete with knights in shining armor, wise kings, mystical bards and forest
nymphs, including a Masonic-style program of secrecy, initiation and mutual
cooperation. But they were not copying the ideological aspects of Freemasonry. What
the Germanenorden became was, essentially, an anti-Masonry: a Masonic-style
society dedicated to the eradication of Freemasonry itself. Their symbol was a long
dagger on top of a swastika, and their beliefs had been influenced largely by the
writings of Guido von List and Lanz von Liebenfels.
Jrg unz von IebenIeIs
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1O6
Liebenfels had founded the neo-pagan, swastika-waving "Order of the New
Templars on Christmas Day, 1907, along similar ideological lines. In that same year,
occult researcher Guido von List began The List Society, part of a then-developing
"vlkish (folkish) movement extolling the virtues of Norse heritage, heritage which
could be traced by reading the Edda, a compilation of Icelandic legends which Hitler
would later take great interest in. The vlkish movement itself was based in part on
the ideas of Madame Helena Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society famous
for her books Isis Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine. She wrote that humanity was
descendant from a series of imperfect races which had once ruled the earth, and
which all had a common Atlantean origin dating back millions of years, culminating in
the Aryan race, which had at one point possessed supernatural powers but had since
lost them. She also romanticized about the occult significance of the swastika, of
Lucifer, "The Light-Bearer, and of a cabal of spiritual "Hidden Masters called the
Great White Brotherhood, who guided human evolution from their abode in the
Himalayas and who Blavatsky herself purported to channel during her many self-
induced trances. And the philosophy of List and Liebenfels took this a bit further, to
the extent that the Aryan race was the only "True humanity, and that the Jews,
along with a host of other undesirables, or "minderwertigen ("beings of inferior
value) were sapping the race of its strength and purity through the evil machination
of Christianity, Freemasonry, capitalism and Communism. They believed that the
Aryan race had come from a place called Thule, the north pole, where there was an
entrance to a vast underground area populated by giants. Among the vlkish cults it
was believed that - as soon as the Germans had purified the planet of the pollution
of the inferior races - these Hidden Masters, these Supermen from Thule, would
make themselves known, and the link which had been lost between Man and God
would be forged anew.
Dge-Lugs-Pa, Also Called the Yellow Hat Sect
since the 17th century, the predominant Buddhist order in Tibet and the sect of the
Dalai and Pachen lamas.
The Dge-lugs-pa sect was founded in the late 14th century by Tsong-kha-pa, who
was himself a member of the austere Bka-gdams-pa school. Tsong-kha-pas reforms
represented a return to tradition. He enforced strict monastic discipline, restored
celibacy and the prohibition of alcohol and meat, established a higher standard of
learning for monks, and, while continuing to respect the Vajrayna tradition of
esotericism that was prevalent in Tibet, allowed Tantric and magical rites only in
moderation. Three large monasteries were quickly established near Lhasa: at
Dgaldan (Ganden) in 1409, Bras-spungs (Drepung) in 1416, and Se-ra in 1419. The
abbots of the Bras-spungs monastery first received the title Dalai Lama in 1578, and
a period of struggle for the leadership of Tibet followed, principally with the Karma-
pa sect. The Dge-lugs-pa eventually appealed to the Mongol chief Gshi Khan for
help, and his defeat in 1642 of the king of Gtsang, who favoured the Karma-pa,
secured the temporal authority of Tibet for the Dge-lugs-pa. They continued to rule
the country through their leader, the Dalai Lama, until the Chinese communists took
over the country in 1950. During a popular revolt at Lhasa in 1959, the Dalai Lama
escaped to India. A new Panchen Lama, installed as a figurehead by the Chinese, was
dismissed in 1964.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1O7
The name Yellow Hat refers to the distinctive yellow headdress adopted by the Dge-
lugs-pa to distinguish themselves from the Karma-pa sect, whose monks wear red

|1| TIe AIdeburuns, wIo ure LIe equIvuIenL Lo LIe AnunnukI (ANU-NA-K) dId know ubouL wur und conquer,
conLrury Lo vun HeIsIng`s reseurcI, us we sIuII see In LIe AT-TUM LubIeLs In CIupLer X.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1OB
CHAPTFR vl. lRTH 0F A 600 lt THF HAKlt6 At0
Hl3 6000F33
1q,q - The SelI-Procluimed Messiuh is Born
SuprIem RockeIeIIer In SkuII & Bones cup
Since Supriem was born on Winter solstice, December 21, 1974, and those who
know who he was and expected him have cared for and looked after him. The U.S.
Air Force is one of them and a certain Rockefeller family oversaw his upbringing and
adopted him immediately after birth. Im still waiting for my sources to
reveal whichspecific Rockefeller adopted him [1].
The following information comes from the Air Force person, working with Supriem on
an almost daily basis. This is his direct testimony and parts of it is paraphrased by
Supriem does not have a biological father. His mothers father worked for the Air
Force when it was called the U.S. Army Air Corps - he was a Flying Tiger pilot and
hand selected by the U.S. President to work for the Atomic Energy Commission at
Los Alamos. They were working on the Atomic bomb.
His grandfather was given the highest security clearance and sent to help build Area
51 for the CIA and Skunkworks, along with Air Force and Navy. He was also present
at the Holloman and Muroc AFB (now Edwards AFB) landings. These races told of the
Supreme child who will be born in 1974 and who will be the true Messiah, God
incarnate and only part human. The child will have to choose which path to travel, to
bring The Book of Revelation in the Bible to fruition or bring the planet into light and
life from the Urantia book (AntiChrist or Savior with other words, Wes comment).
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1OS
His grandfather even traveled with the wreckage from Roswell to Ft. Worth where
Supriems mother was born, on base. There were five bodies in the Roswell crash,
three died on impact while one died later at the scene. One survived for a while but
became sick. Supriems grandfather had his doctor friend, Guillermo Mendoza try to
save the only living alien, who later died despite the efforts.
In 1974 there was a crash with 5 alien survivors that were taken to Barksdale AFB
where Supriems mother was on base, but as a civilian (Supriem does not want her
name revealed at this point in time to avoid the attention, so I dont know who she
is). She was married to someone of the Frankish Kings (Merovingian) bloodline so
the child could come from her, but they were not married at the time Supriem was
born. His mom is herself from the Frankish, Merovingian bloodline, the Holy Grail,
the only bloodline from where the 12 High Priests of Amen can be chosen. This
bloodline is supposedly also the bloodline of Jesus Christ. The Frankish Bloodline is
the same bloodline as that of the British Monarchs, Emperor Charlamagne during The
Holy Roman Empire, the Hebrew Franks, Germanic Franks, French Franks (hence the
currency was called Franks) and the Celts. The U.S. Presidents even trace their roots
to the bloodline, so do the 13 ruling families, to some extent (like the Rockefellers).
These roots can be traced to the very beginning of civilization on Earth - The Franks
are the Merovingians, according to Supriems camp. More about bloodlines in
Chapter X.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 11O
KIng CIurIemugne
Supriem has never met the Frankish Bloodline man. His mother was at different AFBs
because of her father - she was only 21 when she had Supriem.
She said she remembers exactly when the base went into lockdown as they brought
in the craft and its survivors. They took her to meet the alien race and she said the
next day she found out she was pregnant with Supriem. They bestowed her with the
Supreme Manisola (the life force before it enters the body). This Manisola was before
that exiled as Horus, who was the Marduk Ra Manisola, but also YHWH and more. It
returned to Earth in 1974 as Supriem.
We are going to bring up the YHWH issue in the next chapter, so for now I am going
to stick to Supriems information.
Before we continue, I need to better explain what "Manisola is. Manisola means
Mani (moon) and Sola (sol, sun). It can also be called "moon-sun. It is the term for
the lunar and solar principle. The lunar principle is the female, and the solar principle
is the male fertilizing the female.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 111
It is also the story of the Holy Grail. The Grail itself is the lunar principle, the female
Now, in a nutshell, a Manisola as is spoken of in this chapter, is that only of the
superior deities. It is the life force and looks like a bright blue orb. Once it enters the
womb, that life force can be reborn and the child will have the same physical
characteristics from the past and the memories as well.
Wilhelm Landig, an esoteric writer, most probably a Thule member, wrote about
Manisola in his book, Gotzen gegen Thule -
07/msg00258.html - (Godlets Against Thule):
They are living, intelligent bio-mechanical entities with a complex life cycle
that begins as a circle of light and continues through a metallic form before
reaching the reproductive stage. Through a regenerative process, a new
Manisola grows within the womb of the adult.
The regenerated part is expelled by the remaining mother-nucleus as a new
energetic circle of light, corresponding to a birthing technique. This new circle
enters on the same seven developmental stages, while the expelling maternal
element rolls itself into a ball, which then explodes. The metallic remains
contain particles of copper. The optical impressions that eyewitnesses of
these Manisolas have had up to now are basically quite uniform.
In the daytime they display an extremely bright gold or silver luminescence,
sometimes with traces of rose-colored smoke which then often condense into
grayish-white trails. At night the disks shine in glowing or glossy colors,
showing on occasion long flames at the edges and red and blue sparks, which
can grow so strong as to wreathe them in fire. Most remarkable is their power
of reaction against pursuers, like that of a rational creature, far exceeding any
possible electronic self-steering or radio control.
Landig goes on to describe how, throughout the ages, all mythologies refer in
one way or another to the Manisolas, which are seen as symbols of spiritual
potency, unity and love.
Manisola, Alien Races and Triple Helix
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 112
These Manisolas and their accompanying manifestations are a representation of the
morphogenetic grid in all its aesthetic glory. According to Landigs book, they have
been interpreted in various ways by different cultures. This also has something to do
with the thought forms being projected. If one studies the third and fourth
dimensional aspects of sacred geometry, one can see that these Manisolas are
cabalistic vessels of creation.
The Manisolas, or "bio-machines, are primarily fourth dimensional interfaces with
the life force itself. Whether these Manisolas manifest as good or evil has everything
to do with those forces who seek to imprint their thought forms into the
consciousness of the Earth and its collective beings. The stewardship of this
"imprinting procedure becomes much more powerful than anything on Earth for
those beings who can control it.
Now back to our story - in essence, it was an immaculate conception because sex
wasnt involved. Consequently, she did not have sex with any of these aliens - she
couldnt have , because Supriem has DNA from different races, including Anunnaki,
Draco Triple Helix, Elohim and more. He has triple helix blue blood in a chimera state
with red blood and more than one DNA sequence, which is what chimera is. His triple
helix is the reptilian blood.
So Supriem is a mixture, or chimera of several DNAs, including triple helix reptilian,
Nordic 49 Strand and human. His blood is a mix of blue and red, which makes purple
- hence the color of royalty is purple.
Even the alien races have never encountered a 49 strand DNA before Supriem. It is
also reported that not all strands are active yet, so his power will increase beyond
imagination. He will be the Universal Father himself, not the Creators son, according
to my source.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 113
BIue bIood oI EIoIIm
The picture above supposedly shows Supriems blood tested in a laboratory. I am not
an expert on blood and how it looks like under a microscope, but Ill add this picture
for the record.
Here is one thing I know, though: the `problem with confirming this picture is that
when blood is taken out of the body, it changes color due to more oxygen added to it
from the air around us, so that means that even if the blood is blue or purple in the
veins, it may change color once out of the body.
In all humans, the blood that is pumped TOWARDS the lungs is blue and when its
gone THROUGH the lungs its red. This means there is no oxygen in the blood coming
TO the lungs, but once oxygen is added to it and it becomes red.
What is happening to blue/purple blood when you extract it from the body, I do not
know. This requires more research, which I may do as soon as I get a chance.
Thule Gesellschaft differs in their information on this point, however. They claim
there are more persons with Triple Helix 49 Strand DNA on Earth as we speak, but
they have still not been activated. They say the reason why Supriems camp is telling
me that Supriem is the only one is because of his pride. He cant stand the thought
that there are more people potentially as powerful as he. Acoording to himself (and
Thule), Michael N. Prescott, Supriems former business partner and self-proclaimed
Prophet, is another one.
Here is an interesting scientific article on Triple Helix DNA, by the way, if you want to
connect the dots:
designing-a-new-molecule. I advise you to read the entire article (its not long), but
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 11A
here is an excerpt. It is confirming what Thule is doing, re-creating our earliest
ancestors. "Scientific American says:
In addition to fomenting exciting medical research, these amazing molecules have
inspired speculations relating to the origin of life on earth. Some scientists have
suggested that PNAs or a very similar molecule may have formed the basis of an
early kind of life at a time before proteins, DNA and RNA had evolved. Perhaps
rather than creating novel life, artificial-life researchers will be re-creating our
earliest ancestors.
And here is another one from "The Daily Galaxy, Nov 16, 2009: Artificial Triple-
Helixed DNA: Will It Trigger Unintended Consequences? -
trigger-unintended-consequences.html - It talks about Artificial Intelligence -
Cyborgs in relation to Triple Helix. Supriem also mentions he is an expert in AI
(Artificial Intelligence). So, is Supriem just a vessel, boosted with Triple Helix to later
be able to house the Spirit of Lucifer/Marduk? At the time of this writing, is he just a
"common man, but to some degree, or in full, aware of his fate having his body
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 115
occupied by an Inter-dimensional spirit? His Triple Helix also could make him more
psychic than average man, stronger, possibly more intelligent, and in possession of
certain "paranormal abilities.
If so, it makes sense when he says he is Lucifer, Marduk, YHWH and of Reptilian
bloodlines. Its all in his DNA, which is something the future Host would need to be
able to operate according to the plan. We will discuss this in more detail on Chapter
XII under the section, "The Brotherhood of Shadows.
Here is a snippet from the "The Daily Galaxy article:
Cyborgs have been the sci-fi dream of a generation, merging man and
machine in amazing new combinations. Most of which seem to look like major
action stars. But a team at the University of Copenhagen think
thats amateur hour.
Can you envision a future where the AI technology is on such a level that those who
can afford it will buy a "cyborg to to their chores at home and around the house
while people sit on the computers, caught up in virtual reality, totally ignorant of
what is going on around them? In that future, perhaps the cyborg looks exactly like a
beautiful young woman - so sophisticated that you can hardly distinguish between a
real woman and a cyborg? Only difference would be that you can program the cyborg
to do whatever you want him/her to do. For those who choose to be part of that
horrible future, people will marry their machines - their cyborgs. Men thinking they
can have sex whenever they want without having to take other responsibilities like
you would normally with family life.
This is the future were heading towards- at least on one timeline.
I dont want to be part of that future! Do you?
My whole intention with this e-book is to show the reader what is "out there and
what is being created for us. Do you want to participate in that or not? That is your
ultimate "free will choice! I am presenting a very possible future, but its up to us to
change it if we dont want it. How? By gathering information (like this e-book and
elsewhere) and then create a totally different spiritual path where you vibrate on a
much higher level so you dont have to experience this living hell.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 116
Virtual reality is real! Its a real world that is constantly created. Its just as real as
your daily life. You decide if you want to be part of that or a more uplifting spiritual
future for yourself. Virtual reality is where you go into a world from which it is very
hard to escape! The ultimate Matrix!
The Thule explains Triple Helix in the following way: The reason they wanted the
Triple Helix DNA to be activated in Supriem and a few other people is because the
activation makes you free from the constraints of todays existence. You can with
time change and influence things that you otherwise could not change. The
activation gives people wings to achieve their great objectives. Here is a translated
quote (German to English) by a member of the Thule Society:
The aim of activation is as follows:
By activating, your consciousness is raised to a higher level.
You may, for example, become clairvoyant, or things will materialize in front
of you, or you can make contacts with other dimensions.
The act of activation is based on ancient texts of the Necronomicon.
In the old world of Agarthi (Inner Earth) otherlaws apply. H. P. Lovecraft
wrote about this.
Activation is always a risk, which could lead to madness of the activated
By becoming activated, the true meaning and purpose in life should become
clear, and it should strengthen ones personality and drive forward to peak
The coming of the New Messiah is expected. This Messiah is expected
amongst Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists alike. Therefore, we
will also enable people, regardless of their religious beliefs.
Our religion is older, it is the religion of the Old Man of Agarthi that lived
millions of years before Atlantis, and their genes were related to the lizards
(see chapter X). The lizards were the first self-conscious things on Earth, and
they were clever and intelligent. Much of it is written in ILAT-Litum, the text
that was found in 1932 in a sarcophagus in Antarctica.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 117
If we turn on our genes, we go way back to the old gods. We are gods. This is
the principle. Our physical matter is re-manifested and we will immortalize
our genes.
We may be the first to see the New Messiah, because we will recognize him.
People will not recognize the Messiah, for he is like a thief in the night, as
written in Luke 17/26-30.
I sincerely hope I have helped you with this text.
By blood into the light!
Thule-Orden [The Thule Order]
n zoo, u scIence IIcLIon TV serIes cuIIed TIresIoId --
ILLp:JJwww.youLube.comJwuLcI?v=erIKZw8IqWY -- wus IuuncIed on CBS ubouL TrIpIe
HeIIx, und IL uIso sIowed LIe AIIIed UnIon Iogo, InLeresLIngIy enougI, wIIcI Is purLIy LIe
symboI Ior TrIpIe HeIIx. We need Lo be very uwure oI LIuL wIuL Is cIussIIIed us scIence
IIcLIon Is oILen noLIIng eIse buL LIe LruLI dIsguIsed us sI so LIuL LIe pubIIc wIII LIInk LIuL IL`s
noL reuI, wIen In IucL IL Is. Producers und sI-wrILers ure uImosL wILIouL excepLIon InILIuLed In
secreL socIeLIes und ure desIgnuLed LIe Lusk Lo expose LIIngs Lo LIe pubIIc so LIuL IL cun be
IIdden In pIuIn sIgIL. How do you mosL eIIecLIveIy IIde LIe LruLI? By puLLIng IL In IronL oI
peopIe`s eyes - very cIever! ook uL JuIes Verne`s work, H.G. WeIIs, H.P ovecruIL. LIe IIsL
goes on - LIey were uII members oI secreL socIeLIes und knew LIuL wIuL LIey were wrILIng
wus LIe LruLI mIxed wILI IIcLIon.
Here Is u vIdeo cIIp Irom TIresIoId, wIIcI IInd very educuLIng:
In the near future, Supriem himself will announce the alien races to the world, and
insiders of the Thule Gesellschaft say that the arrival of the "Alien Gods (the
Anunnaki) is very, very soon (all this will be explained in the ILAT-LITUM plates in
Chapter X). Its likely going to be in 2012, but no one is totally sure - it depends on
circumstances and information I dont have access to, unfortunately. At least not at
this time.
On December 21 1974, when Supriem was born, there was a comet in the sky just
like the Vaticans prophecy foretold - even the date was correct which stated when
the Messiah would be born, my Air Force source tells me. They had been lying for
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 11B
years that Jesus fulfilled the prophecy to protect the real king to be born in 1974. In
old Egypt, Horus, who was also born on December 21, was Amen Ra reborn.
This is the exact wordings from my source within the Air Force: "He will be the
Universal Father himself, not the Creators son. Sounds to me like "Lucifers original
crime, if we are to believe the Urantia Book.
Thule differs from Supriem on this point, however. They dont give much credit to
the Urantia Book and Lucifers Rebellion. To them Lucifer was always the good force
and YHWH the bad, as we have discussed earlier. Jarl Vidar of the Thule Order told
me that Supriem is not God, but has the life force of Lucifer (Manisola) within him,
hence he is basically good. However, Jarl says, Lucifer is proud and pride is what
makes Supriem think he is God. This, he says, is worrisome, because pride is a bad
thing. Who is right and who is wrong is a matter of opinion, but we also have to take
into consideration that Jarl is not at the top of the Thule hierarchy, so he doesnt
have all the answers.
After have been a little side-tracked again, lets go back to the story about Supriems
Supriem was moved from base to base while growing up - from Holloman AFB,
Barksdale AFB, Lackland AFB, Tinker AFB, Ft. Meade, Maryland and more. He got a
lot of guards in trouble during his childhood. They told a story to my source that one
day at the time when the SR-71 Blackbird was classified, it flew in to Tinker AFB for
a scheduled stop. Supriem was taken there for the day as well - he was just a kid.
The Blackbird was surrounded by guards but in a moment they looked in the cockpit,
there is little Supriem sitting in the pilots seat playing. The guards swore that
nobody walked past them.
The Rockefeller, from day one, looked over him, making sure the businesses would
be ready for him. Supriem didnt go to school - from day one he just knew things
and they got to witness his power. His first steps as a baby, he just got up and ran.
Supriem had no father in his life until 1992, when his mom married someone of The
Lehman Family, of the "Lehman Brothers. The whole Lehman Bros fiasco, according
to my source, was orchestrated so they could get rid of all the investment banking
they were losing money on and keep the 150 year old Lehman Brothers Bond
Trading Platform, which still exists, and Supriem uses it.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 11S
The Rockefeller never acted as his dad, he was simply a business mentor to Supriem.
The Thule suggested he was legally adopted, hence his last name, but we now know
Supriems birth name was Kris Raynes, and he legally took his name Supriem David
Rockefeller a few years ago, "David to honor his mentor, David Rockefeller Sr.
Supriems stepdad (Lehman) was very high up and friends with Bush Sr. and Clinton.
They even gave Supriems stepdad horses from Camp David. Already as a teenager,
Supriem could just walk right into the White House.
One day his stepdad closed off the Washington Monument so he could take Supriem
to the top. When they were at the top his stepdad said, "This was built to pay
homage to you, this is all for you, referring to the giant obelisk for Amen that
watches over the city.
PrInce WIIIIum, born on Summer SoIsLIce
Another interesting thing is that Supriem claims a connection with Prince William
Windsor. He once told me that him and Prince William are good friends and meet
occasionally. We already know that Supriem was born on Winter Solstice of 1974,
which is a very significant date for kings to be born on and has an astrological
connection to power. The Global Elite often put great significance to birth dates and
make sure that people they have important plans for are born on the best day
possible to be able to succeed. You may or may not know this, but Prince William is
actually born on June 21, 1982 - Summer Solstice! Are those two dates just
coincidences? Hardly.
Significance of the Year 1974
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 12O
Already in 1996, a brilliant researcher and a friend of mine, calling himself "Giant
Skulls, made a stunning comment on his excellent website,
Jesus died at 33.3
There are 13 colonies and Rhode Island was #13. Providence is its capitol and
the eye over the pyramid is known as the eye of Providence.
The anti-christ was born in Providence, R.I. in 1974.
There is a branch called the North American Rothschilds - -.
33 x 360 (for the god of each day long ago) = 11,880 divided 6 - 6 = 1974.
120 years (for mans lifespan) times a true cubit (which is the equivalant of
22 inches and there are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet)
120 x 22 = 2640 - 666 = 1974.
Planet Mercury (Hermes in Greek as in Hermetic teaching) orbital year is 88
days, and it travels at 30 miles a second. 88 x 30 = 2640 - 666 =1974
1998 (1 + 8 = 9) since none of the bad things will have happened yet. 1998
+ 9 = 2007 - 33 (anti-christ death) = 1974.
66 books in the King James Bible by 40 authors. 66 x 40 = 2640 - 666
= 1974.
Tell me this book is not satanic in its origin [ref:]
This guy said with certainty already in 1996, based on mathetatical calculations, that
the AntiChrist was born in 1974! Supriem claims he was born in Maryland, but its
close enough.
Giant Skulls website needs to be studied, because he is amazingly right to the point
on many, many issues. Hes been online for 12-13 years - 2-3 years longer than my
own Illuminati News - - (10 years as of this writing) and
what he wrote 13 years ago holds water today and his predictions (I almost
said prophecies) have mostly come true! He also wrote a series of two books, The
Adepts of Deceit - Behind Closed Doors - -, that some
say are the best "conspiracy books ever written. I have them myself and must say
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 121
they have enhanced my own research over the years quite a bit. [2]
Kris Ruynes, uku Supriem RockeIeller
There have been some speculations about Supriems true identity. Some people
claim there is evidence that Supriem was born with the name Kris Raynes and
around the time of his Triple Helix activation in 2007, or a few years earlier than
that, he legally took the name Supriem David Rockefeller. Some people are using
this as evidence that he is a hoaxer, but to me this is not evidence.
In fact, in August 2010, I wrote a sequel to this book - a "Part 2" - which brought
this whole story down to a 3rd density level, explaining Supriems upbringing and
also gave much more details about his business connections and business deals. It
was more than 100 pages worth of research, even including documents to back up
the claims. I did some of this research together with another person, pseudonym
"Tom, and among other things, it looked like we were able to track down Supriems
family ties to the Raynes bloodline, Larry Raynes being his father. However, we were
not able to show this beyond any reasonable doubt. It is true that at the time of
Supriems birth, Larry and Barbara (Supriems biological mother) were married, but
thats as much as we can prove. Supriem himself still denies that Larry is his
biological father and hangs on to the story that he doesnt have a real father, as
explained here in Chapter VI. However, he admits to a "humble upbringing of sorts,
because that was what he was meant to have to be able to better understand people
on all levels of society.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 122
Shortly after I launched the sequel, I realized it was a big mistake. First of all, I
noticed that this whole concept cannot be brought down to a solid 3rd density level
with the intention to physically prove anything. It simply doesnt work! To
understand what I mean by that, the reader needs to be familiar with multi-
dimensionality and the illusion of timelines. Something that is run from higher
densities cant be explained and "proven in the 3rd! Secondly, the book (although it
had backup documents) left me with more questions than answers. It was the wrong
approach, and the book should never have been written. I took if off the Internet
just about a week after it was published. From what I can see, there will be no
sequel - this book explains what needs to be explained. The rest is up to the reader
to comprehend and put together. Still, that cant be done, unless the same reader is
looking at this subject from outside the part of the matrix we call the 3rd density.
There were people who were very happy when I launched the sequel, because they
thought that its context would put an end to the discussion about Supriem
Rockefeller. Its a hoax, and thats it! Sorry, but I disagree. This story is still
"hanging in there and does not go away. No matter how well I, or somebody else,
try to explain this phenomenon on a "logical level, it cant be put to rest. The reason
being that the questions that are asked on a non 3rd density level are the ones
which produce the best answers.
Also, the same people who work so hard trying to prove that Supriem is a hoax,
suggest that he took the name Rockefeller to use for business purposes, with the
intention to make fraudulent business deals, pretending that he is representing the
famous Rockefeller family. Supriem himself disputes any such accusations and says
he has never used the Rockefeller Familys name as a part of business deals or in
any other ways whatsoever. Furthermore, he states that he has never even said that
he has any connection with the family except for David Senior, who is his mentor.
[1]. Again, it doesnt matter what is true or false in that respect - what matters is
that this story has a lot of different layers to it. If we only ask our questions from our
five senses perspective, we wont get the right answers.
One day the reader will see what I mean.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 123
SuprIem DuvId RockeIeIIer's PussporL
Whatever the truth is on this matter, there is no doubt that his legal name today is
Supriem David Rockefeller, just like his passport shows.
Huthor, Igyptiun Goddess Reunimuted
HuLIor und SuprIem InsIde IIs Iouse
This is allegedly how Hathor came back to Earth:
In 1988 Supriem ordered Hathors Manisola to come back and he found a South
African mother who could host it. Like I said earlier in this chapter, once the Manisola
enters the body, that child takes on the same physical look as it did in the past. They
even have all of the memories of the past like if it happened to them the day before.
Like the Air Force source said: Its not reincarnation, its more reanimation.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 12A
Hathor has said she has the memory of being chased through an escape tunnel in a
pyramid in Egypt trying to get to Supriem. When she did reach him, he was being
sent away into exile and so was she, later, for taking his side. It was the last time
they saw each other until this present time. She said the last thing she remembered
was looking into his eyes.
When she was brought back to Earth in 1988, she was kept separated from Supriem.
When they were finally reunited, she recognized him right away and jumped in his
arms. She also said once she was brought back, she had the recurring dream of
being chased trying to get to Supriem. All she wanted to do when they were reunited
was look into each others eyes. She was then brought to the States to live and be
with Supriem.
She was being chased through the tunnel because she was found guilty of crimes
and was sentenced into exile but not in the same location as Supriem. He made the
deal to bring her Manisola back in 1988 but they could not reunite until 2007. That
year is even encoded in his birthday, 12+21=33+1974=2007. Supriems exile fully
ends Spring 2009 where he is fully restored, even though he has been conducting
business until now.
A person who is close both to Supriem and Hathor told me that some people have a
hard time understanding why the two are partying so much. The reason, he says, is
because they have been apart for so long and they both know that they cant do that
once Supriem is in Power.
HuLIor wILI u Nuvy IuL
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 125
|1| Lpdute Muy o, o1o: n u recenL conversuLIon wILI SuprIem, Ie denIed LIuL Ie wus udopLed by u
RockeIeIIer. He LoId me Ie`d never suId LIuL Ie wus, onIy LIuL DuvId RockeIeIIer Sr. Is IIs menLor und Ius
been Ior muny, muny yeurs. He LoId me Ie uIso Iud oLIer menLors durIng IIs upbrIngIng.
TIe udopLIon purL wus gIven Lo me by u source wIom uccordIng Lo SuprIem Iud IIs IucLs wrong. Iuve no
wuy oI knowIng II LIIs Is correcL or noL. However, SuprIem does conIIrm Ie wus born on BurksduIe AB und
LIuL LIe AIr orce Is wuLcIIng over IIm und LIuL everybody wIo Iud unyLIIng Lo do wILI IIs upbrIngIng Iud
Lo Iuve very IIgI securILy cIeurunce.
knew DuvId Sr wus IIs menLor, buL due Lo LIuL goL LIe InIormuLIon ubouL LIe udopLIon In LIe begInnIng oI
my reseurcI Irom somebody eIse, my LIougIL wus LIuL Ie wus udopLed by DuvId Sr, wIom In uddILIon Lo LIuL
uIso becume SuprIem`s menLor. AccordIng Lo SuprIem, LIIs Is IuIse.
Iud quILe u Iew dIIIerenL sources uL LIe LIme pubIIsIed LIIs book, und LrIed LIe besL couId Lo puL LIe
pIeces LogeLIer. A Iurd Lusk, buL us new InIo uppeurs, wIII Lry Lo upduLe eILIer Iere In LIe book or on my
|z| UnIorLunuLeIy, LIe GIunL SkuIIs websILe uL, wus cIosed down uILer IIrsL wroLe LIIs
cIupLer. L`s u greuL Ioss due Lo LIe weuILI oI ImporLunL InIormuLIon LIuL wus mude pubIIc LIere. TIe domuIn
Is no Ionger owned, und Iuve noL Ieurd Irom GIunL SkuIIs sInce IIs commenLs on LIe yeur 1q;q.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 126
YHWH und Murduk - Sume eity?
As we Iuve noLIced, SuprIem beIIeves IImseII Lo be both ucIIer und MurdukJYHWH. I LIIs
Is Lrue, LIe onIy wuy LIuL couId be wus II Ie pIuyed boLI sIdes oI LIe gume - Ie wus boLI
ucIIer LIe WIse SerpenL, wIo guve LIe IIrsL Iumuns IIdden knowIedge, und Ie wus YHWH
uL LIe sume LIme, suppressIng LIe sume knowIedge. TIIs wuy Ie wouId Iuve creuLed Ieur und
obedIens umong Iomo supIens by LIe InIumous LucLIcs, dIvIde und conquer, und II we Iook
uL LIe OId TesLumenL, LIuL Is preLLy mucI wIuL Iuppened. um noL suyIng LIIs Is LIe LruLI oI
LIe muLLer, und u IILLIe IuLer, wIen we dIscuss uII LIIs InIormuLIon und connecL LIe doLs, wIII
sIow you wIy TIuIe LIInks LIuL SuprIem`s cIuIm LIuL ucIIer und YHWH ure one und LIe
sume does noL IoId wuLer. SLIII, Iere Is LIe InIormuLIon LIuL SuprIem`s cump ugree wILI - In
IucL, u person Irom IIs cump guve me LIe UR Lo TIeRedTIreud.neL websILe (see beIow).
BeIow Is u IIsL oI sImIIurILIes beLween Murduk und LIe Hebrew God, YHWH, wIo ruIed In LIe
Age oI ArIes. Were LIey LIe sume DeILy? (NoLe: LIere Is no menLIonIng oI YHWH`s nume In
LIe SumerIun LexLs - or LIe SL. JoIn journuIs, buL LIey do menLIon Murduk, wIo Ius LIe
sume puLLerns us YHWH).
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 127
TIe IoIIowIng compurIson Is Luken Irom LIe websILe, TIeRedTIreud.NeL - ILLp:JJLIe-red-
LIreud.neLJmurduk-yIwI-compurIsons.ILmI -, und Is unreIuLed Lo LIe SuprIem sLory, buL LIe
concepL Is supporLed by SuprIem und IIs peopIe. IncIude IL Iere Ior your InIormuLIon,
becuuse SuprIem comes us u proLecLor oI ZIonIsm und supporLs LIe SLuLe oI srueI und LIe
rebuIIdIng oI SoIomon`s TempIe us beIng one sideoI IIs mIssIon. As you know now, Ie Ius LIe
DNA Irom uII sIdes, so Ie cun uIso pIuy uII sIdes oI LIe gume, wIIcI cun be Iurd Lo grusp Ior
peopIe wIo ure new Lo LIese concepLs. TIe Iong Lerm gouI Ior SuprIem Is Lo destro ZIonIsm,
buL Ie Ius Lo do IL Irom wILIIn. TIus, SuprIem wunLs me Lo beIIeve Ie Is pro-ZIonIsm,
becuuse Ie does noL wunL everyLIIng Lo be reveuIed uL LIIs LIme, buL TIuIe LoId me ubouL IIs
reuI gouI, wIIcI coIncIdes wILI LIeIrs. TIey wunL Lo uLLerIy desLroy LIe power oI LIe KIuzur
Jews, LIe ZIonIsLs. So In u wuy Ie Is LIe proLecLor oI ZIonIsm, und In unoLIer wuy Ie Is LIe
desLroyer oI LIe sume, becuuse us Ie sees IL, LIe end jusLIIIes LIe meuns und Ie doesn`L cure
wIuL needs Lo be done Lo compIeLe IIs mIssIon us Iong us Ie reucIes IIs end gouI.
To LIe peopIe In LIe regIon Ie Is presenLIng IImseII us God - Ie Is YHWH reLurnIng Lo EurLI
Lo IuIIIII their uge-Iong promIse Irom God (YHWH) Lo Iuve LIeIr own JewIsI SLuLe - LIe SLuLe
oI srueI.
WIen SuprIem vIsILs JerusuIem, Ie does noL come us SuprIem RockeIeIIer, Ie comes us
YHWH IImseII. us LIe JewIsI MessIuI. n IIs InILIuI IeLLer Lo eo ZugumI Ie presenLs IImseII
wILI muny numes, und boLI YWHW und Murduk were on LIuL IIsL oI DeILIes. TIereIore, Ior
LIe record, IeL`s Luke u Iook uL LIe IIsL Irom TheRedThrecd.Net:
:) oth ods bein their rule ct the stcrt oj the ce oj Aries [zo(8 CE] [Note:
plcnetcr ruler oj Aries is the plcnet, Mcrs = Mcrdul] Mcrs is c ucr-lile plcnet.
z) oth ods portrc Mcrs chcrccteristics [ucrriors, cressiteness, cmbition,
dominctin, conquests, lecders, uecpons, destruction]
) oth ods, cs ucrriors, uere intolted in combct, ucrs, cnd the destruction oj
cities; both uere benejcctors or heroes
() oth ods clcimed to be the destroers oj cities such cs Sodom cnd Gomorrch
) RA, Mcrdul, cnd YHWH, [cs uell cs the Isrcelites] uere cll in Ept ct the scme
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 12B
) oth ods rocmed the hectens in chcriots [chcriot or 'shem']
;) oth uere lnoun cs c `God, Kin, Lord most Hih', i.e. Lords oj Hecten
8) The number o ucs importcnt to both ods - Mcrdul ucs iten the stctus oj o,
YHWH the o ecr 1ubilee
p) oth uere unseen ods - Mcrdul ucs in exile, YHWH's elusiteness jor unlnoun
:o) oth uere seen on c hectenl throne cttended b jier cnels
::) oth [cnd Rc cs uell] hcd sons uho promoted their jcther's ccuse
[Mcrdul,Ncbu, YHWH,1esus, RA,Dsiris] - 1esus cnd Dsiris both crose jromthe
decd cnd uent to hecten - not lnoun ij Ncbu did the scme. NDTE: I ND LDNGER
:z) oth clcimed to be the `crectors' oj the Ecrth, the solcr sstem, cnd crector oj
:) oth lejt the scene oj pouer ct the ter scme time in histor
:() IS-RA-EL - scs RA is od - [EL - mecns 'od'] - RA is cnother ncme jor
:) RA cnd Mcrdul uere one cnd the scme od
:) I AM THAT I AM, mecns, I AM ASHER I AM [Asher cnd Mcrdul uere the scme
:;) oth Mcrdul cnd YHWH held the Sinci Peninsulc to be cn importcnt locction
:8) Mcrdul crrited in Hcrrcn in zo(8 CE - Abrcm ucs told to lecte Hcrrcn in
zo(8 CE
:p) Mcrdul identijied the `hectenl plcnet', Nibiru,Hibiru, cs his oun - cte it his
ncme - the red plcnet. YHWH clcimed to possess `hecten' cnd its ctes
zo) Mcrdul usurped cnd replcced Anu, his rcndjcther, cs most supreme od -
YHWH - uho did he usurp?
z:) In the crection oj the solcr sstem - Mcrdul clcims the role cs `Icther'
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 12S
zz) Mcrdul, [cs Nibiru], hcs c od-hiercrch oj :z; YHWH hcs :z tribes; 1esus hcd
:z disciples - [:z months in c ecr]
z) Mcrdul, [cs Nibiru], hcs ; moons - one jor eter dc oj the ueel; YHWH
instituted seten dcs to c ueel
z() oth ods clcimed to be the supreme deit oj both Hecten cnd Ecrth
z) Mcrdul, [cs Nibiru], ucs the plcnet oj `crossin' [oter our solcr sstem]. The
`cross' is used to smbolize 1udeo-Christicns
z) Mcrdul ucs the jirstborn oj Enli, uherecs 1esus ucs the jirstborn oj YHWH.
z;) Mcrdul's ncme mecns: son oj liht, son oj the brillicnt dc, true son - b this
scme description ucs 1esus lnoun
z8) oth cre lnoun cs ducl ods - Mcrdul,RA - YHWH,1esus - I ND LDNGER
zp) oth clcimed supremcc oj the `Iour qucrters oj the Ecrth'
o) oth clcimed thct the od oj cblon ucs their enem
:) RA cnd YHWH both hcd Temples built; both hcd c specicl shrine to house c
coteted instrument [the en-en & the Arl oj Cotencnt]
z) RA's lindom ucs ditided into tuo sections jor [Dsiris & Seth] - the north cnd
the south lindoms - the scme uith Isrcel
) Dsiris, son oj Mcrdul, ucs, lilled; he then ucs, resurrected, cscendin into the
hectens throuh the secret ctes. Isis [oddess] jound his decd bod; 1esus, son oj
YHWH, ucs, lilled, resurrected, cnd lcter he cscended, into the hectens - Mcr
Mcdclene sct uctch oter his bod, cnd ucs jirst to uitness 1esus cjter his risin. I
() The Northern & Southern lindoms oj Ept, uore red, uhite, blue hcts; cll
tuelte tribes, oj YHWH's Isrcel, hcte red, uhite, blue jlcs todc.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 13O
) Icther, tirin mother, ditine injcnt,Dsiris, Isis & Horus; YHWH, Mcr &
1esus; Mcrdul, [cs Nibiru, Ticmct [Ecrth], & the Sun] I ND LDNGER ELIEVE
) A six-point stcr smbolized Nibiru cnd Mcrdul - scme cs the 1eus - cnd
perhcps Kin Dctid - the stcr mecns `od' stctus
;) Ee oj Horus represents strenth, tior, cnd selj-sccrijice; Americc, home oj the
lost tribes, put this `ee' on their nctioncl emblem - clso the prcmid
8) The `thirteen' tribes oj Isrcel uere once Epticn citizens, under Moses'
commcnd - the lejt Ept uhen Mcrdul lejt - :( CE. The oriincl `thirteen'
colonies oj the USA uere identijied uith Epticn smbolism.
wunL Lo muke u commenL on poInL #11, wIere LIe uuLIor suys Ie doesn`L beIIeve LIe REA
Jesus wus LIe son oI YHWH. NeILIer do . TIe reuI Jesus, YusIuu, never suId once LIuL
YHWH wus IIs IuLIer - Ie suId LIuL God wus IIs IuLIer, buL Ie never menLIoned YHWH by
nume. And ij Ie Iud, LIuL wouId Iuve been very conIusIng Lo me, becuuse YHWH Is u 'wur
god und u jeuIous god, und IIs beIuvIor conLrudIcLs LIuL oI LIe messuge oI YusIuu. TIe
REA CreuLor don`L LIInk Is even menLIoned In LIe oId TesLumenL - YHWH Is LIe JewIsI
God, LIe Lrue SuLun II LIere Is one, Ie Is noL LIe UnIversuI uLIer, us see IL.
YHWH in Jerusulem
SuprIem wunLs Lo keep u Iower proIIIe LIese duys oI LIe ucIIerIun sIde oI IImseII, suyIng LIuL
LIIs Is someLIIng oI LIe pusL und LIuL Ie Is now redeemed. He wunLs Lo Iocus more on LIuL Ie
uIIedegIy Is LIe IncurnuLIon oI LIe Hebrew God Irom LIe OId TesLumenL, YHWH, und Amen
Ru, umong oLIer enLILIes LIrougIouL IIsLory. AIso, TeLrugrummuLon cun be SPRM InsLeud oI
YHWH. He Is, us LIey suy In LIe UrunLIu Book, IucLuuIIzIng LIrougIouL LIe UnIverse Lo muke
LIe Supremucy compIeLe, uccordIng Lo u source In IIs cump. L IIes In IIs InLeresL Lo Iuve
peopIe Iocus on LIIs ruLIer LIun on ucIIer, muInIy becuuse oI IIs mIssIon In srueI.
SuprIem wouId, uccordIng Lo IImseII be YHWH reIncurnuLedJreunImuLed und Iuve u purL oI
IIs DNA, us weII us Ie Ius LIe DNA Irom ucIIer (wIIcI Is LIe HoIy GruII IIne us we sIuII
see), Horus und oLIer DeILes. IInd IL IuscInuLIng Lo see LIe resembIunce beLween SuprIem
und Murduk In regurds Lo Iow LIey Iook IIke In LIeIr pIysIcuI IncurnuLIons. don`L know II
Murduk Ru und YHWH ure one und LIe sume, buL LIe pIcLure beIow Is un urLIIucL sIowIng
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 131
SuprIem ouLsIde JerusuIem, LuIkIng Lo LIe IocuIs
Compure LIe Lwo pIcLures - LIe IIrsL one Is oI Murduk und LIe second one Is oI SuprIem jusL
ouLsIde JerusuIem, LuIkIng Lo LIe IocuIs, wIo know wIo Ie Is und usuuIIy kneeI beIore IIm
wIen Ie comes. SuprIem Ius LoId LIe medIu Lo keep quIeL ubouL wIo Ie Is Ior u wIIIe sLIII.
TIe pIcLure Is cropped Lo excIude LIe Iuces oI LIe IocuIs Lo proLecL LIeIr IdenLILIes.
n uddILIon, SuprIem musL Iuve un eusIer LIme LIun mosL Lo be on uII sIdes II Ie Ius LIe
MunIsoIu oI uII LIese DeILIes und LIereIore cun Luke on uny oI LIem uL uny specIIIc LIme.
Hence uIso IIs sIIIL In Lemper und personuIILy, dependIng on wIIcI deILy Ie Is drumuLIzIng
uL LIe momenL. I uII LIIs Is Lrue, Ie Is dejinitel un experImenL.
Anywuy, Iook uL LIe expressIon on Murduk`s Iuce ubove und LIe expressIon on SuprIem`s.
AIso, Murduk wus known Lo Iuve red beurd und so does SuprIem - boLI Murduk und
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 132
SuprIem ure known Lo Iuve bIond IuIr, und LIen compure LIe BedouIn Ieud dress LIuL
SuprIem Is weurIng wILI LIuL wIIcI Murduk Is weurIng. jusL menLIon LIIs us u curIosILy und
doesn`L prove LIey ure one und LIe sume.
Being Multiple eities in One - How it Works
L Look some LIme Ior me Lo undersLund wIuL SuprIem meunL wIen Ie suId LIuL Ie wus
Murduk, YHWH, und SumecI eLc. In one einl
He IuLer LoId me LIuL Ie Is LuIkIng ubouL LIe IIIe Iorce oI LIese uncIenL deILIes, noL
LIe deities themseltes. AppurenLIy, some LIme uILer LIe orIgInuI deILIes IeIL LIe EurLI u Iong
LIme ugo, some oI LIeIr IIIe Iorce wus kepL somewIere suIe - wILI LIe deILIes` bIessIngs - und
perIups exLrucLed Lo be used uL u IuLer LIme, seen Irom our perspecLIve. Now, LIese IIIe
Iorces ure mIxed LogeLIer InLo one person, wIom LIey Iuve Iud IncurnuLe Iere on EurLI -
LIIs person Is SuprIem DuvId RockeIeIIer.
AccordIng Lo SuprIem, LIese InLer-dImensIonuI deILIes, und LIe ones wIo ure on LIe sume
IeveI oI reuIILy, Iuve LIIs LecInoIogy, und IL`s uIIegedIy u pIece oI cuke Lo uccompIIsI LIIs mIx.
On LIeIr IeveI IL`s uppurenLIy noL more dIIIIcuIL LIun mIxIng IIuIds LogeLIer. L`s Iower
scIence Ior LIem. TIese deILIes ure Crector Gods und LIe LecInoIogy LIey ure In conLroI oI Is
so Iur ouL LIere LIuL IL`s ImpossIbIe Ior us Lo compreIend.
My undersLundIng Is LIuL uL one LIme, wuy In LIe pusL, LIe deILIes decIded Lo prepure Ior
someone Lo be born wILI LIIs combIned IIIe Iorce uL u specIIIc LIme (wIIcI Is now), Lo be ubIe
Lo uccompIIsI LIe gouIs oI depopuIuLIng EurLI und puL LIIs superIor souI-mIx InLo u sLurdy
body, empower IIm wILI TrIpIe HeIIx und oLIer DNA sLrunds, unknown Lo us. TIen, wIen
LIIs mIndJbodyJspIrIL compIex Is powerIuI enougI, IIs mIssIon wIII be Lo become LIe RuIer
oI GuIu (EurLI), wILI some IeIp Irom LIe AIr orce und InLer-dImensIonuI beIngs. L wus
supposed Lo be LIe uILImuLe IIjuck oI our worId und ILs popuIuLIon, und LIe end oI spIrILuuI
WIen LIIs book Is reIeused, SuprIem Ius supposedIy cIunged sIdes und redeemed IImseII on
beIuII oI LIe IIIe Iorces Ie possesses und Is now workIng jor munkInd, uguInsL LIose wIo senL
IIm Iere. However, becuuse LIuL wus noL IIs prImury mIssIon, we cun`L LrusL IL, so Ie muy
cIunge sIdes uguIn. We wIII see.L seems Lo me Ie Ius u IoL oI Inner sLruggIe, und Is noL
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 133
LoLuIIy sure wIIcI Ieg Lo sLund on. AILer uII, LIere musL be u reuson wIy Ie Is so uLLucIed Lo
Does LIIs meun LIuL Ie Is jusL u puppeL Ior IIgIer, InLer-dImensIonuI deILIes und LIuL Ie
ucLuuIIy wus senL down Iere uguInsL IIs wIII? L`s Iurd Lo suy, buL IL`s possIbIe. PeopIe wIo
Iuve IoIIowed my generuI reseurcI, ouLsIde LIe scope oI LIIs book, know LIuL mInd conLroI Is
common In LIe worId, und IL`s done on dIIIerenL IeveIs. As ubove, so beIow - sume LIIng
couId Iuve been done Lo SuprIem, buL on u mucI grunder scuIe. He dId ucLuuIIy menLIon Lo
me once LIuL Ie wIsIes Ie doesn`L Iuve Lo do uII LIIs. TIuL`s un IndIcuLor LIuL Ie doesn`L do
IL ouL oI Iree wIII, buL perIups on some IeveI mude un ugreemenL - u pucL wILI LIe DevII so Lo
speuk - und now Is expecLed Lo uccompIIsI wIuL Ie promIsed. By cIungIng sIdes Ie goes
uguInsL IIs ouLI, so we sIuII see II Ie cun geL uwuy wILI IL.
nsIde InIormuLIon LIuL Iuve receIved Irom cerLuIn secreL socIeLIes sInce sLurLed IookIng
InLo SuprIem Iuve LoId me LIuL LIere ure cerLuInIy bodIes Iere on EurLI used us vesseIs Ior
IIgIer enLILIes, wIo ure LIen occupyIng LIese bodIes wILI u purpose Lo InLer-mIngIe wILI
IumunILy on u rd DensILy IeveI. TIese ure noL Lo be conIused wILI wuIk-Ins, wIIcI Is wIen
LIe orIgInuI spIrIL mude u pucL wILI unoLIer, oILen IIgIer deveIoped spIrIL, mosL commonIy
beIore bIrLI, Lo exIL uL u cerLuIn LIme In IIsJIer IIIe, beIng kIcked ouL oI LIe body und Luken
over by LIe IIgIer deveIoped spIrIL. n our cuse, we ure LuIkIng ubouL u deILy or IIIe Iorce(s)
LukIng u body uIreudy Irom bIrLI, or sIurIng IL wILI un orIgInuI spIrIL. AccordIng Lo some
secreL socIeLIes, some oI LIe orIgInuI bodIes do noL Iuve LIeIr own souIsJspIrILs uLLucIed Lo
LIem, buL ure jusL empLy sIeIIsJvesseIs - LIey Iuve no souIs oI LIeIr own. WIuL Is LIe cuse
wILI SuprIem RockeIeIIer, don`L know. SomeLImes geL LIe IeeIIng LIuL LIere Is u reuI
spIrIL In LIere In uddILIon Lo LIe deILy mIx, becuuse Ie Is noL uIwuys gung-Io on IIs mIssIon
und Is sIowIng Iumun emoLIons, IIke regreL, us weII.
Supriemucy Test
n AprII zooq, uccordIng Lo one oI IIs
spokesmen, SuprIem dId u mIIILury LesL In conjuncLIon wILI LIe SLunIord CognILIve ScIence
DepurLmenL. TIere were one Iundred quesLIons In LoLuI In Iour dIIIerenL cuLegorIes.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 13A
He scored u zq ouL oI z correcL Ior remoLe vIewIng; z ouL oI z Ior precognILIon; z ouL oI
z Ior LeIepuLIy und z ouL oI z Ior ESP. So Ie scored u q ouL oI 1oo wIIcI Is LIe IIgIesL
ever scored; beIore IIm LIe IIgIesL wus 1q ouL oI 1oo.
HIs Q LesL couIdn`L geL un uccuruLe score becuuse IL wus Iur oII oI LIe cIurL, over oo. He
spenL un uveruge oI onIy seven seconds per quesLIon, wIIcI Is prevIousIy unIeurd oI. He uIso
dIspIuyed LeIekIneLIc ubIIILIes.
SuprIem doesn`L reud eILIer; Ie menLuIIy pIoLogrupIs up Lo IIve mIIIIon words per mInuLe.
He Lukes u book upsIde down und sLurLs Irom LIe buck und goes us IusL us Ie cun Lurn LIe
puges pIus Ie Ius u 1oo% recuII ruLe. TIey cuII LIIs HoIogrupIIc Memory. AccordIng Lo
IImseII, Ie IuIIed Lo score 1oo% becuuse Ie Iud been drInkIng uL LIe LIme Ior LIe LesL.
Supriem's New Spirituul Achievements
TIe LesL scores wILI LIe SLunIord CognILIve ScIence DepurLmenL muy sound ImpressIve und
cerLuInIy ure sLunnIng, buL quILe InsIgnIIIcunL In compurIson Lo unoLIer LesL Ie uppurenLIy
jusL pussed. On rIduy AprII 1o, zooq (Good rIduy), SuprIem supposedIy redeemed IImseII
IuIIy und uLLerIy und wus uccepLed by TIe AncIenL oI Duys Lo compIeLe IIs Lusk Iere on EurLI
und IIberuLe EurLI und ILs peopIes. SuprIem`s spokesmun LoId me SuprIem now Ius LIe
UnIversuI IIe Iorce oI LIe CreuLor, TIe UnIversuI uLIer In IIm. He Ius LIereIore compIeLed
u pIuse oI Supremucy, God LIe Supreme, AImIgILy Supreme, TIe Supreme BeIng und now us
LIe ConjoInL AcLor Ior Supremucy. He Is TIe UnIversuI uLIer ncurnuLe, even LIougI Ie Is
purL Iumun.
Ark oI the Covenunt und the Bluck Stone
n CIupLer brIeIIy menLIoned LIe BIuck SLone. AccordIng Lo SuprIem`s cump, IL wus LIe
sLone SuprIem In LIe IncurnuLIon us YHWH guve Lo AbruIum In LIe oId duys Lo suIe keep.
AbruIum obeyed IIs God und LIe BIuck SLone wus puL InLo LIe Ark oI LIe CovenunL.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 135
TIe rIng on SuprIem's IInger Is uIIegedIy u 1o,ooo yeur oId EgypLIun upIs uzuII, 1oo curuL sLone und LIe exucL sume rIng
Ie wore us Amen; IL Is LIe rIng oI LIe IIgIesL Gods und Is cIurged wILI LIe vIbruLIon oI LIe sLone.
TIe Ark oI LIe CovenunL Is In suIe keepIng, wuILIng Ior SuprIem Lo rebuIId LIe TempIe MounL.
I you Iuve reud Irom uncIenL wrILIngs, LIe Ark conLuIned someLIIng LIuL uIIowed dIrecL
communIcuLIon Lo God, buL onIy Ior LIe worLIy. TIIs meuns LIuL uL LIIs poInL onIy SuprIem`s
body cun use LIe sLone. BeIore IIm, AbruIum Is LIe onIy one wIo Ius successIuIIy used IL.
AguIn, uII LIIs wus LoId Lo me by IIs spokesmun. Here Is more, und purupIruse:
KIng DuvId Iud uccess Lo LIe SLone us weII, buL my source Is uncerLuIn wIeLIer Ie couId
ucLIvuLe IL or II Ie even LrIed. L remuIned seuIed wIen IL wus uL LIe TempIe MounL, so KIng
DuvId probubIy couIdn`L ucLIvuLe IL und wouId possIbIy Iuve become very III II Ie LrIed, II IL
dIdn`L kIII IIm.TIIs Is wIere LIe curse sLorIes come Irom, und Ior uII you ndIunu Jones Iuns
(me IncIuded), LIInk buck und remember RuIders oI LIe osL Ark und you see wIuL um
LuIkIng ubouL und wIuL uIIegedIy Iuppens II LIe unworLIy open IL.
BeIore we go Loo deepIy InLo LIe dIIIerenL sIgnIIIcunL sLones used by SuprIem und LIe TIuIe
Order, need Lo expIuIn LIe dIIIerences beLween LIem:
1. There is the Black Stone given to Abraham by YHWH (Supriem) to safe keep.
This stone is now buried in the Ark of the Covenant, which in turn is hidden in a
safe place, waiting for Supriem to build the Temple Mount, as mentioned above.
Supriem has the baby brother of that stone in his ring (picture above) and that
ring helps him keep in communication with the spiritual world.
2. Then we have what Thule calls the Master Stone, which looks black in
pictures, but is made of 98% silicon and 2% alien material (wafer). It was found
in the Roswell crash in 1947 and came in Thules possession. There was no
wafer production on Earth at that time - the stone is alien. Thule is using it to
activate Triple Helix DNA, because the 2% of the non-earth metal is so strong
that in the corresponding devices (Vril device) the blood of a person gets
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 136
another swing, which means it could change the direction of the double helix to
triple helix. That is the secret of Roswell stone. The Thule member also told that
the ground was covered with black stones at the site of the Roswell crash.
3. The Mecca-stone has nothing to do with the Jews, which I thought at first.
The moon was in ancient pagan fertility cults. The Mecca-stone refers to the
gods of the pre-Islamic period. Here follows the story of the Mecca stone for
those who are interested in the esoteric. It was given to me by the Thule Order.
It is translated through an online German-English program, so forgive me if the
English is not perfect:
The essence of the Mecca stone has its dating to pre-Islamic times. To our
knowledge, the Mecca-stone is an old relic from Ryleh, the city of the dead gods,
as H.P.Lovecraft described in the Necronomicon! The Mecca-stone stands for a
two-tier race, before the people lived. This story is also on the back of Ilat-
Litum (see Chapter X). The old gods were androgynous Ryleh, (double-
sexuality). They were out of water (female) and earth (male). I have often
written to Supriem about the Gods of the Necronomicon. They live on the other
side of the Daath [relating to the "Tree of Life" - -. Here is another link - - explaining it, Wes' comment]. They
infiltrate our world in a non-material way. Kenneth Grant, a student of A.
Crowley, has also written an excellent book, it says The night side of Eden.
Even SuprIem`s sLone cun IeIp IIm communIcuLe wILI LIose oId Gods oI DuuLI. He LIus
Ius LIe opporLunILy Lo work wILI communIcuLIon Irom u wIoIe new dImensIon.
TIIs Is supposedIy TIe "MusLer SLone", Iound In RosweII In conjuncLIon wILI LIe UO crusI In 1qq;.
TIe buby broLIer oI LIe BIuck SLone, embedded In SuprIem`s Amen rIng, Is u spIere und
conLuIns uII sLur cIurLs Irom LIe IoundIng ruces, uncIenL IIsLory Irom LIIs pIuneL und beyond,
codes Lo LIe SLur GuLes und uIIows dIrecL communIcuLIon Lo uny dImensIon or AIIen ruce,
even dIrecL communIcuLIon wILI LIe UnIversuI uLIer, uIIegedIy. TIe key Is, onIy SuprIem`s
qq sLrund LrIpIe IeIIx DNA cun resonunL Lune Lo LIe sLone Lo ucLIvuLe IL. Ike LIe BIbIe suys,
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 137
onIy LIe WorLIy ONE cun open LIe Ark.
MIcIueI PrescoLL`s bIood In conLucL wILI LIe RosweII SLone
TIe ubove pIcLure sIows TIe PropIeL MIcIueI PrescoLL`s bIood In conLucL wILI LIe RosweII
sLone InsIde LIe VrII generuLor. L cun LIen be used Lo deveIop LIe TrIpIe HeIIx DNA, buL onIy
umong peopIe wIere LIe TrIpIe HeIIx uIreudy IuLenLIy exIsLs. I IL doesn`L, LIe uLLempL Is
useIess - you cun sLIII udd IL und IL wouIdn`L Iurm you, `m LoId, buL you wouIdn`L guIn Irom
IL eILIer.
TIere Ius been quILe some conIusIon on my purL regurdIng wIIcI sLone Is wIIcI, buL Iope
LIe ubove seLLIes LIe muLLer.
On rIduy AprII 1o, zooq, my source wus ubouL Lo experIence LIe evenL oI u IIIeLIme. He suys
LIuL Ie wus presenL wIen SuprIem used LIe smuIIer versIon oI LIe BIuck SLone (IocuLed In IIs
TIIs Is wIuL supposedIy Iuppened:
Lniting With the Lniversul Iuther
On Good rIduy unoLIer pIuse oI Supremucy wus compIeLe. L wus done by SuprIem usIng
LIe BIuck SLone Irom LIe Ark oI LIe CovenunL. L Is onIy workIng wIen LIe sLone cun be
resonunL Luned Lo SuprIem`s body - IL wouId be worLIIess II unyone eIse Iud possessIon oI IL.
SuprIem puLs IL on IIs IoreIeud und Ie communIcuLes dIrecLIy wILI LIe UnIversuI uLIer. By
communIcuLe meun compIeLeIy Lrunscend send Lo LIe IIgIesL vIbruLIon - LIuL vIbruLIon
wouId kIII unyone eIse becuuse LIeIr body couIdn`L IundIe IL.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 13B
TIe wIoIe poInL Is LIuL now SuprIem Ius LIe UnIversuI IIe Iorce oI LIe CreuLor, TIe
UnIversuI uLIer In IIm. So now IL`s u done deuI, LIe ucIIer SPRM pucL. SuprIem Ius
compIeLed u pIuse oI Supremucy, God LIe Supreme, AImIgILy Supreme, TIe Supreme BeIng
und now us LIe ConjoInL AcLor Ior Supremucy. He Is TIe UnIversuI uLIer ncurnuLe, even
LIougI Ie Is purL Iumun.
SuprIem uIso used LIe sLone Lo open u guLe und suId Lo uII oI LIe neguLIve energy, non Iumun
Ior cll oj those uho ucnt to be redeemed, see me. You jolloued me once so do ou
recll ucnt to question me nou?.
My source wenL on LeIIIng me:
It ucs unbelietcblel There ucs so much electro-mcnetic cctitit thct the pressure
on m hecd jelt lile I just sucm :oo jeet deep in ucter. All I could hecr ucs c
uhistlin sound cnd I could see the non humcn entities.
It's crcz beccuse none oj this is shoclin to me cnmore; cliens, non humcn
entities, multi dimensioncl beins, Supriem bein God, etc. I lote the Militcr jor
chcnin m lije cnd Supriem jor brinin me into his circle. M lije is lile c Sci-Ii
He wus very LIrIIIed ubouL LIIs und suId LIIs Lo me In uddILIon:
Ccn ou imcine thct he cte up rulin once ccin cs he did in the pcst uhere
eterone ucs his slcte, in order to tcle this plcnet into liht cnd lije uith its
Uniterscl neihbors? Nou, thct is bein uorthl He's still c ruler but nou it's in c
uc to be prcised.
or LIe record Iere need Lo menLIon LIuL TIuIe ucknowIedges LIuL SuprIem Ius uccess Lo
LIe buby broLIer BIuck SLone. L wus gIven Lo IIm by u TIuIe member Lo use Ior LIe beneIIL
oI munkInd. TIIs TIuIe member receIved LIe SLone Irom LIe nner Core oI TIuIe Lo gIve Lo
SuprIem. Here Is u pIcLure oI LIe smuIIer sLone wIIIe IL wus sLIII In TIuIe`s domuIn:
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 13S
TIe smuIIer versIon oI LIe BIuck SLone
AILIougI we sLIII Iuve Lo Iook InLo TIuIe`s vIew on wIo ucIIer Is In u IuLer cIupLer, need Lo
compIeLe SuprIem`s vIew on LIe sume DeILy, so you, LIe reuder undersLund boLI sIde - wIere
LIey coIncIde und wIere LIey coIIIde. PersonuIIy, TIuIe`s expIunuLIon mukes more sense Lo
me, buL IL`s IIke IuyIng u puzzIe-LIe pIeces Lo IIL In LIe bIg puzzIe ure In boLI cumps.
So Is IL possIbIe Ior ucIIer und LIe IuIIen ungeIs Lo be redeemed? rom wIuL know, LIere Is
no pussuge In LIe BIbIe LeIIIng us LIuL ucIIerJSuLunJTIe DevII wIII ever be ubIe Lo redeem
LIemseIves, und IInd no reIerence In LIe UrunLIu Book eILIer.
However, LIere Is u reIerence In The Kes oj Enoch, Key 1oq:z6. :
:o(:z. The Icther Uniterses etolte the celestricl crchitecture jor the locction oj
the Thrones cnd Dominions, the sects oj oternment. These sects oj oternment
dispctch the commissions oj the Pcrcdise Sons cnd the Elohim Lords oj Liht jor the
crection oj uorlds in the louer hectens. (And it is onl b the order oj the Icther
uniterses, throuh the Mcistrctes uho sit on the Councils oj the Thrones cnd
Dominions, thct the jcllen Pcrcdise Sons cnd jcllen cnelic hiercrchies ccn be
SuprIem`s cump Ius never menLIoned LIIs pussuge Irom LIe Keys oI EnocI, buL LIey
correspond wILI one thinSuprIem suys Ie Is LryIng Lo do - geL redeemed LIrougI LIe
AncIenL oI Duys und LIe MugIsLruLes. Hus Ie ucLuuIIy succeeded In doIng LIIs, or ure IIs
eIIorLs In vuIn? TIere Is no wuy Ior unybody Lo LeII, onIy specuIuLe. TIe reuI LruLI wIII sIow
sooner LIun we muy LIInk us LIe AIIIed UnIon Is comIng Lo u cIosure.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1AO
BeIng IncurnuLed In LIe LIIrd densILy IL`s ImpossIbIe Ior me or unybody eIse Lo undersLund
wIuL Is IuppenIng In LIe ungeIIc reuIms, und uII cun go by Is wIuL Is wrILLen In dIIIerenL
scrIpLures, my own InLuILIon und sense oI moruIs und eLIIcs, uILIougI LIIs Is uII resLrIcLed Lo
u IImILed IeveI oI undersLundIng. AILer Iuve been IoIIowIng SuprIem`s wIereubouLs Lo some
exLenL uILer Good rIduy zooq, cun see unger und uggressIon In IIm sLIII, und don`L uIwuys
ugree wILI Iow Ie IundIes LIIngs. L`s Is Loo mucI busIness us usuuI Ior me Lo be ubIe Lo
embruce. n spILe oI u sIIgIL possIbIIILy oI ucIIer beIng redeemed, LIe moLLo LIe end
jusLIIy LIe meuns does noL IurmonIze weII wILI me, und Iuven`L seen unyLIIng wrILLen
unywIere LIuL ucIIer - or unyone eIse eILIer Ior LIuL muLLer, cun redeemhimselj - quILe LIe
conLrury. TIen, um keepIng In mInd LIuL IIs personuIILy Is u mIx oI dIIIerenL DeILIes, so IIs
unger muy muke sense. My muIn concern Is LIuL II SuprIem Is goIng Lo be LIe CEO oI LIIs
worId, wIeLIer Ie Ius good InLenLIons or noL, seen Irom u compreIensIve vIewpoInL, IIs
dIIIerenL personuIILIes seems IIke someLIIng we sIouId be concerned ubouL.
n uddILIon, personuIIy don`L wunL u new revengeIuI God IIke YHWH Lo reIgn over us -
someone we sIouId Ieur II we don`L ubIde. TIuL Lo me Is noL u ruIer oI ove und Mercy, buL
unoLIer ConLroIIer. TIIrd DensILy Is LIe densILy oI Iree wIII, und you Iuve LIe rIgIL Lo IInd
your own puLI Lo God wILIouL beIng sIuugILered by IIm IIke In LIe oId YHWH duys. cun`L
LeII you II SuprIem wouId ucL IIke YHWH or noL II Ie comes Lo power, buL wIuL worrIes me Is
LIuL Ie cIuIms Lo be LIe sume deILy us YHWH und LIuL Lo me Is noL u good sIgn.YHWH wus
InIIIcLIng on Iree wIII und LIereIore dIsLorLed LIIrd densILy und mude our cIunces Lo IIndIng
God more dIIIIcuIL. OnIy redempLIon wouId cIunge LIuL, und um Iur Irom sure Ie Ius been
redeemed - eten II Ie Is serIous In IIs eIIorLs.
TIe Ru MuLerIuI, Book 1, Is LeIIIng us LIuL In qLI DensILy LIere ure sLIII wurs und conIIIcLs
IuppenIng on u smuII scuIe us u soIuLIon Lo resoIve Issues, buL In LI DensILy, wurs und
conIIIcLs us soIuLIons Lo probIems ure unLIInkubIe. IeeI um more In Iurmony wILI LI
DensILy LIun unyLIIng eIse. personuIIy don`L LIInk LIuL cn conIIIcLs beLween Iumuns, or
Iumuns und non-Iumuns, cun be resoIved by wur und kIIIIng. BuL LIen, LIIs Is noL LIe LI
DensILy, buL LIe rd.
How couId cnthin be resoIved wILI murder? By kIIIIng someone eIse you kIII u purL oI
yourseII, becuuse we ure uII ONE. WIy wouId we do LIuL? A psycIIuLrIsL wouId suy LIuL u
person wIo commILs suIcIde does so In u sLuLe oI u cIronIc or Lemporury psycIosIs. sn`L LIen
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1A1
kIIIIng unoLIer beIng, wIeLIer IL Is In u wur or Ior uny oLIer reuson, IomIcIde cnd suIcIde uL
LIe sume LIme und u sIgn oI psycIosIs?
TIen we Iuve seII-deIense, oI course, und LIIs Is someLIIng we cun dIscuss buck und IorLI Ior
u Iong LIme. WIuL Is seen us seII-deIense by someone muy be seen us un uggressIve ucL by
IIsJIer opponenL und everyLIIng becomes very subjecLIve. guess IL`s up Lo eucI und
everyone Lo decIde II seII-deIense Is u reuson Lo kIII, und know LIuL IL`s LIe seII-deIense
buLLon SuprIem Is pusIIng wIen Ie Is IIgILIng Ior peuce on EurLI. BuL IIke DuvId cke once
suId: You cun`L IIgIL Ior peuce, you cun onIy peuce Ior peuce, und LIere Is u IoL oI wIsdom In
LIuL. Anyone cun sLress seII-deIense Lo pusI LIeIr objecLIves buL LIe objecLIves ure noL uIwuys
rIgILeous Ior LIe mujorILy oI LIe popuIuLIon.
We Iuve Lo Luke InLo consIderuLIon LIuL LIere ure cerLuIn conLrudIcLIons Lo LIe sLory, becuuse
IL Ius Lo be. TIere Is no reuson LIuL IIs cump wouId LeII me everyLIIng us IL Is - LIey Iuve Lo
cover up LIIngs Lo suIeguurd LIeIr Agendu, buL do beIIeve LIey LoId me LIe LruLI wIere LIey
couId. TIe reuson Ior LIuL Is becuuse Iuve compured IL Lo TIuIe`s vIews, wIIcI we soon wIII
Luke purL oI, und LIe AT-TUM LubIeLs, wIIcI ure LeIIIng quILe u remurkubIe sLory. n
uddILIon, we Iuve someLIIng cuIIed purudoxes, wIIcI Is someLIIng we wIII go deeper InLo uL
LIe end purL oI LIIs book. Purudoxes ure tclid und boLI sIdes oI u purudox cun ucLuuIIy be
Lrue, us we wIII see.
SuprIem, um sure, doesn`L mInd LIuL some oI LIIs InIormuLIon Is beIng reIeused, buL LIInk
Ie wunLs Lo be In cIurge oI exucLIy uhct Is beIng pubIIsIed, und Irom IIs vIewpoInL LIuL Is
LoLuIIy undersLundubIe. BuL um noL IIm und Iuve unoLIer mIssIon - Lo LeII LIe sLory us IL Is
so LIe worId cun be enIIgILened Lo wIuL Is IuppenIng beIInd LIe scenes, good or bud. um u
reporLer, und cun`L censor myseII. And LIInk LIuL IL Is my duLy Lo IeL peopIe know so LIuL
LIey cun be prepured Ior LIe New uLure und LIe HurvesL.
SLIII, Lry Lo keep In mInd LIuL don`L Iuve LIe wIoIe pIcLure, und neILIer does unyone
eIse includin LIose Iew wIo ure InILIuLed. Even LIey onIy know so mucI. L`s u gume wILIIn
gumes wILIIn gumes. Hence, uny opInIons oI mIne or unybody eIse ure (LIey Iuve Lo be) due
Lo cIunge.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1A2
3l6tlFlCAtCF 0F 60l0
Why Gold?
CockLuII PurLy uL SuprIem's House
TIe more cume Lo know ubouL SuprIem vIu IIs peopIe LIe more noLIced Iow ImporLunL
goId seemed Lo be Ior IIm. LIougIL LIere musL be more LIun vunILy beIInd IL. So usked
one oI my sources wIy goId Is so sIgnIIIcunL und `II LeII you IIs unswer In u momenL.
Yeurs ugo reud LIe book The Gods oj Eden by WIIIIum BrumIey und Iound IL mosL
IuscInuLIng. BrumIey suId Ie wus onIy goIng Lo pubIIsI LIIs one book und LIuL`s IL. He uIso
suId LIuL LIIs book Is never goIng Lo be edILed - LIe reuder needs Lo Luke IL us-Is or dIscurd IL.
He seemed preLLy cerLuIn LIuL IIs reseurcI wouId sLIII IoId wuLer In LIe IuLure und LIInk IL
IoIds up preLLy weII. suggesL you reud LIe book In cuse you Iuven`L uIreudy - IL cun be
Iound uL In puperbuck und Is preLLy cIeup.
ZucIurIu SILcIIn goes InLo deLuIIs ubouL LIIs Loo, wIeLIer you LIInk Ie Is u dIsInIormuLIon
ugenL or noL. Even II SILcIIn`s reseurcI cun`L uIwuys be LrusLed, Ie goL LIe buII purL rIgIL.
WIuL um LryIng Lo suy Is LIuL LIe unswer goL Lo LIe quesLIon resonuLes u IoL wILI wIuL
BrumIey wroLe In IIs book. TIIs Is LIe repIy Irom my source:
Gold ucs the recson uh the [the clien rcces, Wes' comment] ccme to Ecrth in the
jirst plcce. The need to hcrtest it to repcir their home plcnets' ozone lcers -
dijjerent rcces uith the scme problem. The crected c uorler rcce Adcmc to do
their uorl. This is uhere the ncme Adcm ccme jrom cs the jirst mcn. The rcces
ditided up dijjerent locctions uhere to mine but still the uere pcrt oj the Allied
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1A3
Union uhich Supriem, under the ncme Mcrdul Rc, ruled.
Eten the element smbol jor old is the scme jor the Allied Union, AU. I told ou
bejore eterdc Supriem inests c uhite pouder thct is old, plctinum cnd 8
other trcce elements in their monctomic stcte. It clso contcins sec bed deposits.
The other tuo he tcles is c pure uhite old pouder, once cclled the Philosopher's
Stone cnd the other is c uhite ooe liquid thct is pure Plctinum Suspension. It
helps leep his bod ter electriccll chcred cnd his brcin jirin ct :oo. He clso
scid thct's uh clcohol doesn't hcrm him, it's burned ojj ter quicll.
A IoL oI wIuL my source Is suyIng Iere corresponds wILI my own reseurcI on LIe subjecL (see
CIupLer X), onIy LIuL my source Iere uses oLIer Lerms Ior LIe sume LIIng. Adumu Is
equIvuIenL wILI UU Ior exumpIe, someLIIng we wIII dIscover wIen we come Lo LIe AT-
TUM pIuLes.
S Like in Supermun, Supriem und Sumech
SuprIem Ius u Iuge Supermun LuLLoo on IIs cIesL und unoLIer one, even bIgger, on IIs buck.
L Iooks exucLIy IIke LIe one Supermun Ius on IIs coveruII.
IrsL we need Lo reuIIze LIuL muny oI LIese curLoon wrILers Iuve u IoL oI esoLerIc knowIedge,
LIus dId LIose beIInd DC ComIcs, wIere Supermun Ius IIs orIgIns. TIe Supermun Iogo wus
noL someLIIng LIey jusL cume up wILI Irom LIe Lop oI LIeIr Ieuds - IL Ius symboIIc und
esoLerIc meunIngs.
S Ior SumecI
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1AA
TIe reuson Ior LIe bIg S on IIs cIesL und buck Is becuuse In AncIenL Hebrew, LIe IeLLer S Is
LIe sucred nume oI God, SumecI. TIe sIupe oI u serpenL represenLs wIsdom und
PuIInGenesIs. TIe ucLuuI nume oI LIe Supermun symboI Is S SIIeId. Here Is u cIose up
pIcLure oI LIe LuLLoo on SuprIem`s cIesL:
SuprIem's Supermun TuLLoo
TIIs Is noL jusL puInL - IL`s pure goId - pure zqK yeIIow und Rose goId. Due Lo Iow LIe IIgIL
IuIIs we cun`L reuIIy see LIe goId In LIe Lop corners, buL IL`s LIere, someLIIng Iuve cross-
cIecked wILI dIIIerenL peopIe wIo know IIm.
SuprIem Ius some EgypLIun upIs uzuII In powder Iorm LIuL Ie wunLs Lo InjecL In IIs skIn
uround LIe Lwo S LuLLoos Lo gIve LIem u bIue sIudow buckground. DocLors Iuve LoId IIm IL
wouId be poIsonous Lo Iumun skIn buL SuprIem does noL Iuve u normuI Iumun body und cun
uppurenLIy LoIeruLe IL.
Supriem us Amen
Here Is LIe pIcLure oI LIe yeur: SuprIem dressed us LIe orIgInuI Amen - IImseII In unoLIer,
prevIous IncurnuLIon, LIousunds oI yeurs ugo!
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1A5
SuprIem us Amen
TIIs ouLIIL Is uuLIenLIc und IL`s uII LIere, mInus LIe MILre - even LIe rIng Iuve menLIoned
beIore, wIIcI Ie wore us Amen. NoLe LIe jeweIs on LIe musk - wIILe dIumonds on LIe IIps,
bIue dIumond puve` uround LIe eyes und EmeruId puve` on LIe cIIn. TIIs Is LIe sume, orIgInuI
musk Ie wore LIousunds oI yeurs ugo, wIIcI sInce LIen Ius been kepL suIe und IIdden.
n LIe movIe Eyes WIde SIuL wILI Tom CruIse und NIcoIe KIdmun LIere wus un occuIL
ceremony IncIuded In LIe pIoL, wIIcI wus u rIp oII oI LIe PrIesLIood oI Amen. TIe mun wIo
wus runnIng TIe EIILe wus dressed IIke Amen, musk und uII:
rom "Eyes WIde SIuL", sLurrIng Tom CruIse und NIcoIe KIdmun
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1A6
CHAPTFR lX. luClFFR At0 lR0t HAt
The Struight-Iorwurd Plot
ron Mun
Ever suw LIe movIe ron Mun, sLurrIng RoberL Downey Jr. und JeII BrIdges? I you dIdn`L,
go Lo LIe neuresL vIdeo sLore und renL IL. TIIs movIe Is bused on LIe sLory oI SuprIemJucIIer,
LIe rebeIIIon und LIe redempLIon, uccordIng Lo SuprIem`s cump.
AnLIony Edwurd Tony SLurk (Downey Jr.) Is u powerIuI weupon munuIucLurer und Is LIe
CEO oI SLurk ndusLrIes. TIIs Compuny Is InvenLIng, producIng und seIIIng powerIuI mIssIIes
Lo counLrIes uL wur Ior u Iuge proIIL. Tony SLurk Is very brIIIIunL, urrogunL und cun geL uny gIrI
Ie wunLs. He IIves In Iuxury und doesn`L Iuve uny sympuLIy Ior oLIer peopIe und Ior LIe IucL
LIuL Ie Is kIIIIng LIem In LIousunds wILI IIs producLs.
One duy Ie Is drIven uround In u cur LIrougI u wur zone by AmerIcun soIdIers und suddenIy
LIey ure uLLucked. TIe soIdIers run oII, LryIng Lo proLecL SLurk buL ure kIIIed one by one. SLurk
LIrows IImseII ouL oI LIe cur und IIdes beIInd u rock. TIen, one mIssIIe Is IundIng on LIe
ground noL Iur uwuy Irom SLurk. He Ireezes und Iooks uL LIe mIssIIe; on ILs sIde suys, SLurk
ndusLrIes. He Is sIocked by LIe IucL LIuL Ie Is ubouL Lo be bIown up by IIs own mIssIIe. A
second IuLer: BOOM! SLurk geLs severeIy Injured und Is currIed uwuy Lo u cuve by LIe enemy
somewIere In LIe MIddIe EusL.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1A7
n LIe enemy cuve Is unoLIer scIenLIsL wIo Is kepL ImprIsoned, und Ie now suves SLurk`s IIIe
by puLLIng u devIce InLo IIs IeurL. TIIs devIce Is run by u cur buLLery und wILIouL IL SLurk
wouId be deud.
TIe enemy Iorces SLurk Lo creuLe u powerIuI weupon Ior LIem In excIunge Ior IIs IIIe.
ReuIIzIng LIey wIII kIII IIm unywuy, Ie decIdes Lo preLend Lo go uIong wILI IL und usks Ior
cerLuIn suppIIes LIuL wIII supposedIy IeIp IIm buIId LIe weupon.
He und LIe oLIer scIenLIsL ure Iocked up In u cuve, spendIng duy uILer duy creuLIng LIIs
supposed weupon. nsLeud, SLurk Is creuLIng ron Mun, u buIIeL prooI roboL In wIIcI Ie cun
puL IImseII InsIde und muneuver Irom LIere In u buIIeL prooI envIronmenL. TIIs roboL Is uIso
equIpped wILI exLruordInury und InvenLIve weupons.
SLurk escupes Irom LIe enemy by usIng IIs new roboL us u weupon und LIen uguIn Ie uses IIs
own mIssIIes, oI wIIcI LIe enemy Ius pIenLy, Lo bIow mosL oI LIem up und LIen escupes by
uIr, becuuse LIe roboL cun uIso IIy.
To muke u Iong sLory sIorL, SLurk Is rescued by IIs own mIIILury LIuL`s been IoverIng, IookIng
Ior IIm, und Ie Is brougIL Iome. TIe bIg cur buLLery, connecLed Lo IIs cIesL, Is now beIng
repIuced by u more sopIIsLIcuLed equIpmenL, buL LIere Is u IoIe In IIs cIesL wIere LIe
equIpmenL Is puL In pIuce Lo keep IIm uIIve.
RoberL Downey Jr. us ron Mun
TIe execuLIves oI SLurk ndusLrIes ure Iuppy Lo see IIm buck, especIuIIy ObudIuI SLune,
pIuyed exceIIenLIy by JeII BrIdges. SLune wunLs SLurk Lo muke u press conIerence, wIIcI Ie
ugrees Lo. However, SLurk Ius cIunged Irom IIs udvenLure und LIe LurnIng poInL cume wIen
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1AB
Ie suw IImseII beIng IIL by IIs own mIssIIe. So In LIe press conIerence Ie suys Ie wIII sLop
producIng mIssIIes und LIuL IIs compuny wIII sLurL deveIopIng peuceIuI equIpmenL InsLeud.
TIIs creuLes bIg IeudIInes oI course, und SLune und LIe execuLIve bruncI oI SLurk ndusLrIes
geL IurIous und SLune does everyLIIng Ie cun Lo Lry und LuIk SLurk ouL oI IL, und LIey even
suspend IIm Irom work.
SLurk, on LIe oLIer Iund, spends uII IIs LIme reIInIng LIe roboL proLoLype Ie creuLed under
pressure wIIIe cupLured. He wunLs LIIs new mucIIne Lo be Ior LIe good oI munkInd und IL Ius
enormous powers once IL`s reudy.
On LIe oLIer sIde oI LIe worId, LIe enemy wIo IeId IIm In cupLure IInds LIe bILs und pIeces
oI LIe oId ron Mun In LIe deserL uILer SLurk escuped und Iud LIeIr own peopIe rebuIId IL Lo
use us u weupon. WIen pusI comes Lo sIow IL Lurns ouL LIuL SLune (BrIdges) ucLuuIIy Is u
doubIe-ugenL und uIso works Ior LIe enemy, und oI course, jusL IIke In reuI IIIe, SLurk
ndusLrIes Is seIIIng mIssIIes Lo boLI cumps In LIe conIIIcL.
Downey Jr. (SLurk) wILI IIs cIesL ImpIunL
SLurk now dedIcuLes LIe resL oI IIs LIme In LIe movIe IIgILIng LIe enemy wILI IIs new ron
Mun roboL, und LIere ure severuI encounLers beLween IIs own InvenLIon und LIe ron Mun
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1AS
LIuL LIe enemy buIIL. SLune, wIo Is brIIIIunL us weII, breuks In, geLs uccess Lo SLurk`s ron Mun
roboL und creuLes one LIuL Is sIIgILIy beLLer wIereuILer Ie sLurLs runnIng uILer SLurk Lo
desLroy IIm. SLurk Ius u IorrIbIe LIme LryIng Lo sorL ouL LIe mess Ie IImseII creuLed wILI
SLurk ndusLrIes In LIe IIrsL pIuce.
TIe movIe ends wILI Iow SLurk deIeuLs SLune In un IncredIbIe IIgIL beLween LIe ron Men,
und SLurk IoIds u press conIerence uILerwurds, wIere Ie suys: WeII, `m jusL u reguIur guy,
cun`L be ron Mun, so Ie LrIes Lo deny LIe wIoIe LIIng, buL LIen Ie Is quIeL Ior u wIIIe, und
LIen Ie suys: OK, um ron Mun!
The Hidden Plot
So wIuL Is LIIs movIe uII ubouL? IrsL oI uII, Downey Jr. meL wILI SuprIem beIore LIe movIe Lo
creuLe IIs own cIurucLer, wIIcI Is preLLy mucI exucLIy Iow SuprIem Is. TIIs movIe Is ubouL
ucIIer`s RebeIIIon und IIs RedempLIon. n LIe begInnIng oI LIe movIe Ie Is sLIII ucIIer, LIe
RebeI - LIe DesLroyer. TIen LIe LurnIng poInL comes wIen Ie Is IIL by IIs own mIssIIe In LIe
movIe. He Is LIen puL In prIson, jusL IIke In LIe UrunLIu Book, buL Ie Is uIreudy sLurLIng Lo
redeem IImseII. HIs peopIe on EurLI (TIe PrIesLIood oI AmenJSLurk ndusLrIes) ure
conLInuIng IIs dIrLy work Iere wIIIe ucIIerJSLurk Is cupLured on u prIson pIuneL Iur Irom
EurLI (In LIe movIe IIs prIson Is In LIe MIddIe EusL).
Here Is reuI IIIe: n 1q;q SuprIem comes buck In Iumun IIesI und grows up Lo become u
young mun wILI super powers und LoLuI recuII, un Q more LIun oo (oII LIe cIurL), LrIpIe
HeIIx DNA und u CHEST MPANT! SuprIem Ius u cIesL ImpIunL LIuL Is noL Irom EurLI. L Is
uIIen nunoLecInoIogy LIuL Is uL IeusL u mIIIIon yeurs more udvunced LIun unyLIIng we Iuve
Iere - IL uIso reguIuLes LIe energy In IIs body.
Ike we`ve dIscussed eurIIer, Ie keeps LIe ImpIunL cIurged by IngesLIng mono-uLomIc
PIuLInum und GoId uIong wILI ubouL 6o oLIer Lruce eIemenLs. He Lukes IL everyduy In IIquId
Iorm und unoLIer In u LIIck wIILe powder. HIs body Is more eIecLrIc LIun severuI Iumuns
combIned. WILIouL LIIs ImpIunL, Ie wouIdn`L be ubIe Lo IuncLIon In u densILy body - Ie`s
Loo powerIuI. BuL now, wILI LIIs ImpIunL, IIs energy cun be reguIuLed so IIs body won`L bIow
Lo pIeces by IIs spIrILuuI power.
Now, buck Lo LIe movIe pIoL:
WIen ucIIer reLurns Lo EurLI Ie Ius mude un ugreemenL wILI LIe UnIversuI uLIer (noL In
LIe movIe) Lo cIeun up IIs mess; Ie Ius been redeemed. SLurk us ron Mun Is doIng LIe sume
LIIng - Ie Is LryIng Lo cIeun up LIe mess Ie Ius creuLed. L Lurns ouL Lo be un uImosL
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 15O
ImpossIbIe Lusk, und peopIe don`L know LIuL Ie Is ron Mun. NoL even IIs own sLuII, excepL
IIs secreLury, IIs cIosesL MIIILury guy und IIs urcI enemy, SLune (JeII BrIdges). n LIe bIuck
momenL oI LIe movIe, SLurk Is ubundoned by everybody und Ie reuIIzes IL`s uII up Lo IIm Lo
seL LIe records sLruIgIL, jusL IIke In reuI IIIe. He Ius uII LIe cIunces Lo IuII buck InLo oId IubILs,
buL prevuIIs und IInuIIy puIIs IL oII. n LIe end Ie udmILs Lo beIng ron Mun (ucIIer).
PeopIe In LIe movIe ure greeLIng IIm us u Iero und everybody IIkes LIe new SLurk, wIIcI Is
wIuL`s goIng Lo Iuppen wIen ucIIerJSuprIem Ius compIeLed IIs cIeun-up Iere. AccordIng Lo
IIs cIosesL men, peopIe wIII Iove LIIs guy, und LIuL`s u dIrecL quoLe. SuprIem suys: WIen
um ruIIng no mInd conLroI Is needed. L`s jusL me und LIe peopIe!
TIe movIe Is IuII oI symboIIsm und uIIegorIes und II you Iuve reud my urLIcIes on SuprIem
und LIen wuLcI LIe movIe, you wIII be sIocked over LIe resembIunce. sLrongIy udvIse you Lo
go und renL IL.
PeopIe Iuve usked me Iow LIIs Is possIbIe, becuuse LIe movIe Is bused on u curLoon LIuL wus
wrILLen Iong beIore SuprIem cume on LIe scene. WeII, LIe pIoL Is buIIL uround ucIIer`s
RebeIIIon us descrIbed In LIe UrunLIu Book, und IIke we sIuII see In LIe nexL subsecLIon,
muny Lop wrILers, screenwrILers und curLoon wrILers ure uIso occuILIsLs und Iuve secreL
knowIedge Lo u cerLuIn degree. SuprIem`s enLrunce InLo LIIs dImensIon Ius been predIcLed Ior
u Iong LIme und u seIecLed Iew, wIo cun be oI IeIp Lo LIe cuuse Iuve been gIven knowIedge
SuprIem meeLIng wILI Downey Jr. onIy meuns LIuL LIe Lwo oI LIem creuLed LIe movIe
cIurucLer In uccordunce Lo Iow SuprIem`s personuIILy Is - LIey dIdn`L cIunge LIe pIoL oLIer
LIun LIe drInkIng scene In LIe begInnIng wIen SuprIem Iorced IIs AIr orce guy Lo drInk
wIIIe Ie wus sLIII on duLy. TIIs scene Is uppurenLIy bused on u reuI evenL, und LIe AIr orce
guy In LIe movIe Is LIe sume AIr orce guy `ve been In LoucI wILI, wILI LIe onIy dIIIerence
LIuL LIe reuI guy Is wIILe, noL bIuck. SuprIem wunLed LIIs scene In LIe movIe und Ie wunLed IL
u cerLuIn wuy, becuuse IL Iuppens uII LIe LIme In reuI IIIe und Ie LIInks IL Is Iunny.
PeopIe Iuve usked me Iow LIIs Is possIbIe, becuuse LIe movIe Is bused on u noveI LIuL wus
wrILLen Iong beIore SuprIem cume on LIe scene. WeII, LIe pIoL Is buIIL uround ucIIer`s
RebeIIIon us descrIbed In LIe UrunLIu Book, und IIke we sIuII see In LIe nexL subsecLIon,
muny Lop wrILers, screenwrILers und curLoon wrILers ure uIso occuILIsLs und Iuve secreL
knowIedge Lo u cerLuIn degree. SuprIem`s enLrunce InLo LIIs dImensIon Ius been predIcLed Ior
u Iong LIme und u seIecLed Iew, wIo cun be oI IeIp Lo LIe cuuse Iuve been gIven knowIedge
SuprIem meeLIng wILI Downey Jr. onIy meuns LIuL LIe Lwo oI LIem creuLed LIe movIe
cIurucLer In uccordunce Lo Iow SuprIem`s personuIILy Is - LIey dIdn`L cIunge LIe pIoL oLIer
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 151
LIun LIe drInkIng scene In LIe begInnIng wIen SuprIem Iorced IIs AIr orce guy Lo drInk
wIIIe Ie wus sLIII on duLy. TIIs scene Is uppurenLIy bused on u reuI evenL, und LIe AIr orce
guy In LIe movIe Is LIe sume AIr orce guy `ve been In LoucI wILI, wILI LIe onIy dIIIerence
LIuL LIe reuI guy Is wIILe, noL bIuck. SuprIem wunLed LIIs scene In LIe movIe und Ie wunLed IL
u cerLuIn wuy, becuuse IL Iuppens uII LIe LIme In reuI IIIe und Ie LIInks IL Is Iunny.PeopIe Iuve
usked me Iow LIIs Is possIbIe, becuuse LIe movIe Is bused on u noveI LIuL wus wrILLen Iong
beIore SuprIem cume on LIe scene. WeII, LIe pIoL Is buIIL uround ucIIer`s RebeIIIon us
descrIbed In LIe UrunLIu Book, und IIke we sIuII see In LIe nexL subsecLIon, muny Lop wrILers,
screenwrILers und curLoon wrILers ure uIso occuILIsLs und Iuve secreL knowIedge Lo u cerLuIn
degree. SuprIem`s enLrunce InLo LIIs dImensIon Ius been predIcLed Ior u Iong LIme und u
seIecLed Iew, wIo cun be oI IeIp Lo LIe cuuse Iuve been gIven knowIedge
beIoreIund. SuprIem meeLIng wILI Downey Jr. onIy meuns LIuL LIe Lwo oI LIem creuLed LIe
movIe cIurucLer In uccordunce Lo Iow SuprIem`s personuIILy Is - LIey dIdn`L cIunge LIe pIoL
oLIer LIun LIe drInkIng scene In LIe begInnIng wIen SuprIem Iorced IIs AIr orce guy Lo
drInk wIIIe Ie wus sLIII on duLy. TIIs scene Is uppurenLIy bused on u reuI evenL, und LIe AIr
orce guy In LIe movIe Is LIe sume AIr orce guy `ve been In LoucI wILI, wILI LIe onIy
dIIIerence LIuL LIe reuI guy Is wIILe, noL bIuck. SuprIem wunLed LIIs scene In LIe movIe und
Ie wunLed IL u cerLuIn wuy, becuuse IL Iuppens uII LIe LIme In reuI IIIe und Ie LIInks IL Is
The SigniIicunce oI Hollywood, Rock Music und Curtoons
SkepLIcs Iuve poInLed ouL LIuL um usIng uIIegorIes perLuInIng Lo movIes, rock songs und
curLoons und ure LeIIIng me LIIs Lukes uwuy Irom my credIbIIILy.
WIuL LIese peopIe ure unuwure oI Is LIuL IL Ius eterthin Lo do wILI LIese subjecLs.
By ImpIemenLIng u One WorId GovernmenL und desLroyIng LIe ConsLILuLIons oI LIe dIIIerenL
counLrIes you ure breukIng LIe IundumenLuI Iuws oI LIe rd DensILy und IL cun`L be done
wILIouL IuvIng mujor neguLIve ImpucL on LIe persecuLor. So beIore compIeLIng LIeIr mIssIon,
LIe PrIesLIood needs our permIssIon.
How do LIey geL permIssIon Lo do someLIIng LIe mujorILy oI munkInd wouId be uguInsL?
WeII, muss medIu Is u greuL munIpuIuLor, buL LIere ure even more eIIecLIve LooIs: HoIIywood,
Rock MusIc und CurLoons!
TIere ure u IoL oI IIdden LruLIs In LIese LIree cuLegorIes. By creuLIng un InLrIguIng pIoL In u
movIe, Ior exumpIe, II done proIessIonuIIy enougI, wIII muke LIe wuLcIer oI LIe movIe ugree
wILI LIe Iero und subconscIousIy gIve permIssIon Ior LIe munIpuIuLors Lo go uIeud wILI LIeIr
mIssIon. Hence LIey do noL dIrecLIy InIIIcL on our Iree wIII. Sume wILI rock musIc und
So IL Is ImperuLIve LIuL we, LIe peopIe wuke up Lo LIIs IucL und II we Iook uL IL soberIy, we ure
ucLuuIIy IeLLIng LIese peopIe Luke over LIe worId und Ieud us In wIuLever dIrecLIon LIey wunL.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 152
PerIecL movIes In LIIs genre Is ET, SLur Wurs und SLur Trek (jusL LIree exumpIes - mosL
movIes Iuve LIe sume IIdden messuge Lo muke sure LIey geL permIssIon Irom LIe mujorILy oI
LIe popuIuLIon, Ience coverIng uII dIIIerenL kInds oI movIes Irom comedy Lo Iorror).
AnoLIer reuson Ior HoIIywood, oI course, Is Ior peopIe Lo LIInk thct ccn't be true, it ucs in c
jiction motie. WeII, LIe IIcLIon movIes ure oILen LIe pIunned IuLure sIown Lo us und
IILLIng us rIgIL In LIe Iuce. WIo cun LIen suy LIuL LIey never LoId us? AILer uII, LIey ure
IIdIng LIe LruLI In pIuIn sIgIL.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 153
Whut is u Sturgute?
n LIe emuII Irom SuprIem Lo eo ZugumI In CIupLer 1, SuprIem LuIks ubouL SLurguLes, und
SLurguLe D-1z In purLIcuIur. TIIs Is LIe one SuprIem cIuIms Lo be LIe keeper oI. Here Is LIe
excerpL uguIn:
The told me thct the lneu I ucs Lucijer, the Son oj G-D, lecder oj the :z Elohim
cnd leepers oj the D:z Stcrcte. Mcrdul Rc ucs just one oj m ncmes, I cm the
scme lije jorce cs YHWH, Scmech, Moloch, Azczel, Lucijer cnd the Supreme Deit.
So IeL me Lry Lo expIuIn LIIs u IILLIe IurLIer. WIuL ure SLurguLes und Iow do LIey work? TIIs Is
deIInILIon oI SLurguLes expIuIned by A`sIuyunu Deune, wIIcI Is LIe reIerence goL Irom TIe
U.S. AIr orce:
Dpenins thct exists betueen dimensions in our Time Mctrix thct permit pcssce
betueen spcce-time locctions in multiple uniterses cnd Densit Letels.
Stcr Gctes linls (due to its Verticcl Axis) Plcnetcr, Gclcctic cnd Uniterscl
Templcr Complexes throuh Hcrmonic Uniterse (HU) cnd their Mctter Densit
SG's enter plcnets ct :z Plcnetcr Sinet Stcr Gcte Sites.
The Stcr Gcte cnd Time Portcls (See Dimensioncl Locl Sstem) consists oj pcirs oj
interconnected, counter-rotctin electromcnetic jield spircls thct ncturcll exist
uithin sun cnd plcnet bodies, jormin c jixed point oj spcce uithin the
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 15A
Densities,Uniterses (Hcrmonic Uniterse) oj the : dimensioncl Time Mctrix uhere
Time Ccle cnd Time Continuum repectedl pcss throuh ecch other ct jixed
Dne oj Icllen Anelics intentions is tcle dominion cnd operctioncl control oter the
:z Primcr Stcr Gctes.
um noL u MusIIm, buL LIe sIumIc vIdeo serIes producLIon, The Arritcls Is un exceIIenL
source II you reuIIy wunL Lo undersLund LIe PrIesLIood und LIe AnLICIrIsL Agendu. JusL IIke
LIe CIrIsLIun BIbIe, sIum Ius propIesIed LIe comIng oI LIe AnLICIrIsL und LIe MessIuI sInce
LIe LIme oI PropIeL MoIummud. L`s very InLeresLIng und uccuruLe. PurL qz oI LIuL vIdeo
serIes, cuIIed The Gcteleepers - ILLp:JJwww.youLube.comJwuLcI?v=XPeU_I8IXq - Is
LuIkIng ubouL sLurguLes und wIuL LIey ucLuuIIy ure. recommend you wuLcI IL - IL`s 1o
mInuLes Iong.
The Gcteleepers Is LuIkIng ubouL doors beLween dImensIonsJdensILIes und gIves
reIerence buck Lo LIe movIe The Mctrix us un exumpIe oI wIen LIe door uIIegory wus used.
n LIe 1q6os, JIm MorrIson und LIe rock group TIe Doors Look LIeIr nume bused on LIIs
uIIegory us weII. TIese doors cun be enLered by openIng sLurguLes, wIeLIer LIey exIsL InsIde
oI yourseII or In LIe MuLrIx. TIIs knowIedge Ius been kepL secreL wILIIn LIe secreL socIeLIes
Ior LIousunds oI yeurs.
AIso, In TIe MuLrIx movIe, wIen LIe muIn cIurucLers meeL wILI TIe MerovIngIun, Ie Is
uccompunIed by Lwo InLerdImensIonuI beIngs, IookIng suspIcIousIy sImIIur Lo LIe AnunnukI
us descrIbed In LIe essuy by Bordon & Gordon, wIIcI reIerred Lo In CIupLer X.
So Iow cun sLurguLes be opened?
n TIe MuLrIx, MorpIeus LeIIs LIe MerovIngIun LIuL LIey ure IookIng Ior TIe Key-Muker,
wIIcI Is symboIIc Lo openIng LIe Doors - LIe sLurguLes. TIe PrIesLIood wunLs Lo breucI
dImensIonuI burrIers - LIuL`s wIy LIe IIumInuLIJPrIesLIood someLImes Is cuIIed TIe
GuLekeepers. TIey Iuve uImed Lo conLroI uII LIe mujor energy vorLex poInLs on EurLI, und uII
LIe uncIenL wonders, IIke LIe PyrumIds, SLoneIenge eLc., were buIId upon LIese energy
poInLs Lo IoId LIe keys Lo LIese specIuI vorLex poInLs, und open LIe necessury sLurguLes Ior LIe
purpose oI ucIIevIng cross dImensIonuI communIcuLIon, und cross dImensIonuI energy sIIILs.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 155
TIe PyrumId sIupe Is perIecL Ior LIIs purpose, us IL nurrows LIe energy uL LIe Lop oI LIe
pyrumId und cun dIrecL IL mucI more eusIIy LIun usIng oLIer sIupes und Iorms wIere LIe
energy Is Iurder Lo conLroI und Ius u Lendency Lo dIsperse. TIe PyrumIds In GIzu, Ior
exumpIe, ure poInLIng In u dIsLIncL dIrecLIon In LIe sky Ior u very specIIIc purpose. TIe
pyrumIds were, umong oLIer LIIngs, prImurIIy InLended Lo be used Lo dIrecL energy Irom u
sLrong vorLex poInL Lowurds wIere u sLurguLe wouId be IocuLed uL u specIIIc LIme on LIe 1J6o
LImeIIne, wIIcI Is our LImeIIne. TIuL LIme Is NOW! TIe pyrumIds ure used Ior LIe purpose oI
openIng sLurguLes!
TIe Drugon und LIe DoubIe Cross
TypIcuI symboIs Ior cross dImensIonuI communIcuLIon used by LIe PrIesLIood und uII mujor
secreL socIeLIes ure LIe SLur oI DuvId, LIe EIgIL PoInLed SLur (used by LIe CIurcI oI
ScIenLoIogy Ior one), LIe DoubIe Cross (wIIcI Is LIe symboI Ior Exxon, buL uIso LIe symboI oI
LIe MerovIngIun AnunnukI), LIe Cross, LIe BrILIsI IIug, LIe VuLIcun`s doubIe cross und mucI
more. TIe X murks LIe crossIng oI energy poInLs.
TIe crossIng oI Lwo energy poInLs Is LIe busIs needed Lo openIng u vorLex poInL. However, u
dImensIonuI door cun onIy be opened wIen z x`s ure InLersecLIng - one on LIe eurLIIy
dImensIon und one on unoLIer dImensIon.
Why Open the Sturgute?
TIe TIuIe und VrII SocIeLIes Iook uL LIemseIves us veIIcIes Lo brIng In LIe End TImes, beIng
LIe emIssurIes oI God (AdonuI) und muke LIe LrunsILIon us eusy us possIbIe. TIey ure very
uwure oI BIbIe PropIecIes und ucknowIedge LIemseIves us beIng un ImporLunL purL Lo prepure
LIe wuy Ior LIe MessIuI, uILIougI LIeIr InLerpreLuLIon oI wIom CIrIsL or LIe MessIuI IsJwus
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 156
dIIIers Irom LIe New TesLumenL, wIIcI LIey cIuIm Ius been severeIy Lumpered wILI. TIeIr
vIew wIII be mucI cIeurer us we move on.
TIey Luke LIIs very serIousIy und SuprIem RockeIeIIer Is pIuyIng u crucIuI purL In LIIs. TIe
TIuIe GeseIIscIuIL cIuIms LIuL SuprIem Is their mun und IIs LrIpIe IeIIx DNA - IIs bIood -
Is one oI LIe keys Lo openIng LIe sLurguLe.
AnoLIer ImporLunL pIece In LIe puzzIe Lo be ubIe Lo open SLurguLe 1z uL LIIs LIme Is LIe
pussuge oI NIbIru und LIe ussIsLunce Irom LIe InIubILunLs oI ArguLII (nner EurLI) - uII LIIs
uccordIng Lo LIe TIuIe.
TIe HubbIe LeIescope broke recenLIy und LIe ALIunLIs LIeme (wIIcI Is un InLeresLIng cIoIce
oI nume) were up LIere Lo IIx IL. TIe TIuIe SocIeLy wus IoIIowIng LIuL evenL ImpuLIenLIy,
becuuse HubbIe Is monILorIng LIe urrIvuI oI NIbIru, wIIcI Is now uL LIe enLrunce oI our soIur
sysLem. They ure wuiting Ior the return oI the Anunnuki, LIe oId SumerIun Gods.
SuprIem, on LIe oLIer Iund, wunLs Lo keep LIe SLurguLe cIosed buL sLIII unILe LIe AnunnukI
und LIeIr AncIenL AncesLors, wIIcI Is spoken oI In LIe AT-TUM pIuLes, begInnIng oI
GenesIs :
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 157
Whct could the Gods do?
Acin the csled the orccle lile ct the time oj the exodus jrom Aldebcrcn, ccin
the spun the disc.
ut the orccle remcined blind, there ucs no liht sin cs usucl. Wcs the
connection to the cncestor Gods interrupted?
TIIs Is uIIegedIy uIso one oI LIe TIuIe`s reusons Ior openIng LIe guLe - Ior some reuson
unknown Lo me LIe AnunnukI need LIe connecLIon wILI LIeIr uncesLors wIen LIey urrIve. TIe
pIuLes don`L reuIIy expIuIn wIy IL`s so ImporLunL, buL LIe nner TIuIe knows.
spoke Lo my muIn TIuIe source In JuIy zooq (uILer LIe IIrsL edILIon oI LIIs book wus posLed)
und Ie LoId me LIuL conLrury Lo wIuL SuprIem suys, LIe guLe Is uIreudy open. I LIIs Is Lrue, IL`s
u bIg sLep Lowurds LIeIr gouI Lo reunILe LIe AnunnukI wILI LIeIr uncesLors.
TIere couId be unoLIer reuson wIy SuprIem does noL wunL Lo open LIe GuLe, wIIcI Is
specuIuLIon, buL wIII be brougIL up In LIe Summury secLIon In CIupLer 1z. wunL Lo wuIL
wILI brIngIng LIuL up unLII you Iuve reud LIe AT-TUM LubIeLs, Ior beLLer undersLundIng:
The ILAT-LITLM Tublets und the Return oI the Anunnuki Gods
n CIupLer we dIscussed Iow u NuzI expedILIon In 1qq Iound LIe AT-TUM
pIuLesJLubIeLs In AnLurcLIcu. Now, us we ure upproucIIng zo1z, TIuIe doesn`L mInd LIuL LIIs
InIormuLIon comes ouL In LIe open Ior LIose wIo Iuve eurs Lo Ieur und eyes Lo see. A TIuIe
member senL me someLIIng LIey cuII GenesIs, buL Is LIe Germun LrunsIuLIon oI AT-
TUM, LrunsIuLed InLo Germun by TIbeLun monks durIng NuzI Germuny. TIe Germun
versIon Is LIen LrunsIuLed InLo EngIIsI by someone wIo wus IeIpIng me, und wIo Is IIuenL In
TIIs Is u dungerous mIssIon, us someLIIng uIwuys geLs IosL In u LrunsIuLIon - In LIIs cuse IIrsL
Irom un uIIen Iunguuge (AkkudIun) Lo Germun und now Lo EngIIsI. TIereIore, Iuve uLLucIed
LIe orIgInuI Germun LexL uL LIe end oI LIIs book, under AppendIx. So IorgIve me II LIe EngIIsI
versIon Is noL perIecL, grummuLIcuIIy und oLIerwIse, buL uIso keep In mInd LIuL LIe Germun
versIon Is noL perIecL eILIer - IL wus InLerpreLed by LIe monks wIo were noL nuLIve Germuns.
L Iooks IIke LIe NuzIs dIdn`L wunL Lo mess wILI IL Loo mucI Ior LIe sume reuson - uILeruLIon.
AccordIng Lo LIe LrunsIuLor, IL uIso seems Lo be wrILLen In oId Germun, wIIcI mukes IL even
Iurder Lo LrunsIuLe. AIso, unIorLunuLeIy wouId suy, IL seems IIke LIe TIuIe member wIo senL
me LIe IIIes Ius udded IIs InLerpreLuLIons oI LIe evenLs on occusIon Lo cIurIIy. AILIougI IIs
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 15B
InLerpreLuLIons sound rIgIL, IL`s u very Iuzurdous LIIng Lo do. L sIouId be up Lo eucI und
everyone Lo InLerpreL LIese pIuLes, noL be bIused by someone eIse`s opInIons, no muLLer Iow
correcL LIey ure. Iud Ioped Lo be ubIe Lo presenL un unedILed orIgInuI versIon LIuL we couId
dIscuss uILerwurd, buL LIIs Is noL LIe cuse. um gIud LIe TIuIe member dId u good job LIougI
- IL couId Iuve been u dIsusLer.
Anywuy, Iere IoIIows LIe AT-TUM LubIeLs, LrunsIuLed In IuII InLo EngIIsI. I you know
Germun, wouId suggesL you reud LIe Germun versIon In LIe AppendIx or uL IeusL compure
LIe Lwo. OLIerwIse, you need Lo sLuy wILI LIe EngIIsI LrunsIuLIon. AILer you`ve IInIsIed
reudIng uII Iour purLs, um goIng Lo dIscuss und cIurIIy u Iew LIIngs LIuL muy be conIusIng
und compIIcuLed Lo grusp Ior LIe reuder:
Cenesis 1
ANU's ship lcnded on clien shores, jcr cuc jrom the home oj the Gods, jcr cuc
jrom Aldebcrcn. He entered jorein bcnls, cnd hecrd noises, scu beins,
Reptilicns in cll colours oj the rcinbou, strcne crectures uith smcrt ees cnd
stron clcu hcnds.
Versed in the jiht the looled jull oj cunnin cnd tirtue toucrds the Sun, uhere
ANU's ship shone in the Sl.
The plcnet ucs clrecd occupied, there ucs no plcce jor the Gods, cnd the
discussed jor nine moons until the council oj the Gods cccepted ANU's plcn.
SEPT, the lecder oj the jire sins, lcnded on the plcnet, ccrrin terrible uecpons,
jire sticls thct could burst rocls cnd melt metcls.
It rcined cshes cnd embers, ccin jor nine moons, neither the Sun nor the
shimmerin oj the Stcrs could be seen. The blcze ucs so bi thct onl SEPT could be
on the Plcnet, jull oj jo the other Gods looled doun jrom ANU's ship. At the end oj
this time the Reptoids discppecred, onl SEPT lneu the uc into their hidin
plcces, the cctes.
Grect ucs the success oj the Gods, but rect ucs their jecr jor retene jrom the
Reptoids, cnd TU's uisdom ordered the seclin oj the entrcnce to the underuorld.
so the ods could sleep peccejull.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 15S
Nou the Gods could lcnd, the spun the disc, (lile in spin-the-bottle,rotcted) cnd in
the lcnd oj the Acccics the built their jirst home.
Suns cnd moons pcssed in line uith the hectens, but the jertilit oj the Gods stcrted
to jcde.
Acin the council met jor nine moons, cnd the Gods mcde the decision to
imprencte the Rocl MIRA uith TU's seed to uhich ucs cdded thirt-six Reptoid
DNA strcnds.
Therejore the secl to the underuorld ucs brolen cnd SEPT, the lecder oj the jire
sin, hcd to climb doun cnd secrch jor c mcle Reptoid. Dnl jine jihters could
cccompcn him, cnd eter sinle one ucs ccrrin c jire sticl cnd c silter bcttle
Ajter seten moons SEPT returned to the liht oj the upper uorld, he hcd lost clmost
cll oj his ucrriors, cnd those uho ccme bccl hcd lost their mind.
SEPT hcd brouht one mcle Reptoid, it ucs sleepin (unconscious? Wes' comment),
on eter hcnd cnd joot it hcd six clcus, c olden urecth cround his necl cnd
behind his smcll ecrs it hcd tuo thicl humps.
His seed ucs tclen cnd jrom it thirt-six strcins uere mixed uith TU's seed, to be
plcnted into the rocl MIRA. Some time pcssed, uhich is recorded on the TALET,
cnd the rocl MIRA cte birth to tuins: EA cnd MAGDI, c becutijul couple uith
shimmerin reen ees cnd shinin olden ncils on the jeet cnd the hcnds. At this
time none oj the Gods could sc uhere the Reptoid mcle, uhose seed ucs tclen,
remcined, beccuse he hcd discppecred uithout c trcce.
ut EA cnd MAGDI reu jcster thcn normcl God's children, the uere smcrter cnd
stroner, their reen shimmerin ees retecled their conscnuinit, cnd their ncils
could not be cut uith metcl. Ajter tuo suns the tuins uere cs bi cs God's children
uould be cjter eihteen suns, cnd ccin the council oj the Gods ucs summoned.
ANU demcnded the decth oj the tuins, beccuse the uere c threct to the Gods, cnd
the uise council creed uith him.
SEPT should execute the deed, tcle their lites uith c jire sticl cnd melt the bod
pcrts uith hect, so thct cbsolute nothin uould remcin.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 16O
ut TU remcined silent - he quicll delitered the messce to his Rocl MIRA, cnd
toether the mcde the jollouin plcn:
The hcd to mcle completel identiccl clones oj EA cnd MAGDI, jor this purpose
there ucs c detice, uhich clso crected the Lulu, uho uere diin the mines jor
old. MIRA plcced these clones in the rocl bed-chcmber cnd uith cn innocent cze
she ucited jor SEPT. At niht the chcmber ucs opened tiolentl cnd SEPT entered
uith his ucrriors - MIRA screcmed loud - to leep the cppecrcnce, cnd SEPT
perjormed the deed cccordin to the plcn oj the council.
The jrcud ucs undetected cnd no one could see the tuinlle in her ees. The
Goddess, uith her hecd hcnin, entered the council the next mornin, cnd cll the
Gods uere comjortin her in these dijjicult hours oj depcrture jrom her ojjsprin.
The promised her c neu tricl soon, this time perjormed uith c stronl modijied
strcnd jrom the Reptoid. MIRA looled doun cnd did not sc c uord - the Gods
cheered jor their success. ut TU hcd c house uith three olden Iireships uhich he
could control ct uill. The tool EA cnd MAGDI to one oj the ships, cnd uith c lot oj
supplies, seten olden tcblets cnd c spcrllin emercld tcblet, the tool ojj hih
cbote the hectens oter the ucter to the lcnd beond, contrcr to the lcnd oj the
Acccicns. The plcce oj their choice ucs soon jound cnd the cclled it PEN-TA-KIT.
The house jor EA cnd MAGDI ucs built under the lcle, uhich the cclled AN-
TAN. The bold EA ot the olden tcblets, the becutijul MAGDI could leep the
emcrcld tcblet to retcin cn protection jrom enemies cnd jor other secret use. Soon
houeter MIRA cnd TU hcd to return to the house oj the Gods in the lcnd oj the
Acccicns, so the uould not rcise suspision.
The creed on the jollouin: Ior nou cnd cll time MAGDI cnd EA uould receite
messces jrom them, not throuh the uctes oj the sl, not throuh the jlous oj the
ucter in the jire ship, but in c secret cnd totcll unsuspected uc. The creed on
the sins cnd uithin ;z hours the tuins memorized them. Durin summer the
sins uould cppecr in the hih rcss or in the uild rcin,corn, durin uinter in the
ice oj lcle AN-TAN. The tuins clso lneu cbout their (DNA) strcnds, thct hcd
iten them immortclit, just lile the Gods. Therejore the clso creed on the sins
jor the return oj their God pcrents, there uere setercl sins cnd one Iincl sin.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 161
Also ecch sin cte detciled injormction on the instructions oj the God pcrents. So
MAGDI cnd EA uhere crmed jor cll times.
Liht-hecrtedl MIRA cnd TU returned to the lcnd oj the Acccicns.
The could not beliete uhct the scu, in c hurr the other Gods hcd lejt the hcrbor
ANU's ship no loner shone in the sun, the briht sl ucs cotered uith blood-red
clouds cnd strcne rocls uith jier tcil jell to the round. Whct hcppened?
The jirst house in GATA-EN ucs lejt hcstil; the doors uere open cnd uere not
secled. Dnl the LULU hcrtested the juice oj the Acccics cs ij nothin hcppened.
The lecder oj the Lulu lneu nothin, he could onl lcuh cnd scid: ANU's ship
steers the stcr.
Hcstil MIRA cnd TU returned to NI-I-RU.
The CDUNCIL hcd clrecd cthered cnd under ANU's lecdership the Gods uere
trin to jind c uc out. MIRA cnd TU noted thct the jirst time ucs ripe, so the
sent MAGDI cnd EA the IIRST SIGN in order to ucrn them cnd to prepcre them jor
uhct ucs comin.
The IIRST SIGN hcd the jollouin jorm cnd uould clso be c jincl sin thct ucs
sent both in the beinnin cnd in the end:
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 162
Iirst sin
(NOTE: The Thule member I receited the Germcn tersion oj the tcblets ucnted me
to cdd thct the uords Mcrs - Nibiru - Ecrth cnd the cnnucl jiures uere
cdded b the Thule member, jor better understcndin. The cre not included in the
Next: The true ccuse oj the jlood
The oriinction oj LE-MU-RIA
The lcst esccpe oj the Gods
Cenesis 11
The time oj chcne hcd come. Gloom shimmer uhere cbote the hectens oj the
Dnl ANU could imcine the jull scope.
Whct hcppened?
NI-I-RU hcd lejt its mcndctor course.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 163
Whct could the Gods do?
Acin the csled the orccle lile ct the time oj the exodus jrom Aldebcrcn, ccin
the spun the disc.
ut the orccle remcined blind, there ucs no liht sin cs usucl. Wcs the
connection to the cncestor Gods interrupted?
Nou ERA rose, the uise one oj the ANU-NAKI, he impcrted his stcjj IR-MIN-SUL
the pouer oj thouht, cnd spole truth cnd uisdom to the Gods.
NI-I-RU drijted jrom its oriincl course, this is uh KI hcs to lecte his prescribed
orbit, jor c certcin time the NUMERS oj the Gods hcte to be chcnedl Those uith
ecrs hecr cnd those uith ees to see the ditine resolution thct ERA uith the pouer
oj his thouhts cnd the pouer his stcjj cnnounced: MUMMU cs :. Compcnion APSU
stcs on its prescribed course ct Huncb. LAHAMU's tirinit is not disturbed ct
;z Huncb.
ut KI's orbit hcs to mote jrom :o8 Huncb to p Huncb, he motes :z lines,stripes
jrom LAHMU's jccel
:z lcre returns must tcle plcce, bejore KI tcles its old prescribed course ccinl
Aes uill pcss, cnd the stories oj the Gods uill onl be jound on Tcblets but the
truth remcins cnd uill returnl
A icnt jlood uill destro KI, lcter the Lulu uill chcne histor ct their uill,
houeter ou shcll lnou the truth cnd ccrr it jor cll juturel
It ucs not the retene oj the Gods, jor their interbreedin uith the uomen oj the
Lulu, thct ccused the jlood, but beccuse NI-I-RU hcd lejt its prescribed pcth, cnd
none oj the Gods could stop it. Recd the numbers cnd become uisel You ccll it
rctitction, the Gods ccll it Hcll oj the olden lettle.
:z lcre returns mecns :z times the pcssin oj the tuelte sins on the horizon
(zodicc sins), then the time uill be completed cnd KI uill return to its prescribed
These uere ERA's uords, the council hecrd it uith displecsure, but there ucs
nothin to interpret or chcne.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 16A
Short time cjter it ccme cs joretold: KI lejt its orbit cnd moted :z lines,bcrs ccinst
the tirinit. KI ucs hit b setere jloods, jor c short time KI uobbled cnd lost its
consciousness. Lije on KI ucs ucshed cuc, the Acccics brolen. Dnl the Lulu in
the mines mcnced to esccpel Wh?
The entrcnces to the underuorld uere opened cnd Reptoids permitted the Lulu
cdmission. Wh?
Weren't the jemcles oj the Lulu becutijul to lool ct?
Weren't the Reptoids pcrticulcr leen on beins oj this species?
The NEW RACE ucs cbout to be bornl
We ccll them LE-MU-RI-AN, beccuse cctucll jrom the connection betueen the
Reptoids cnd the Lulu the LEMURIANS oriinctedl
The LEMURIANS should become stroner thcn the Reptoids, beccuse the hcd the
DNA oj the Gods cnd the Reptoidsl
The built c uorld thct hcd neter been seen bejore, cnd it ucs their tcsl to not onl
jrihten the Gods uhen the returned, but to chcse them cuc.
ut uhct hcppened to EA cnd MAGDI?
The uere uell cucre oj their ditine immortclit but uhere uorried cbout their
tulnercbilit- beccuse ditine DNA does not mecn protection in bcttle ccinst eter
The built their cit PEN-TA-KIT deeper in the ecrth under the lcle AN-TAN cnd
jrom their bloodline cnother ;:: Gods' children uhere born. The tcuht the God's
children cll sciences, in tirtues, cnd in the crt oj ucrjcre. The clso receited the
SECDND SIGN jrom MIRA cnd TU, it shoued them KI's shijt, the plcnet thct jrom
nou on ue ccll EARTH. It shoued them the stcrt cs uell cs the jinish oj the shijt,
cnd cccordin to ERA's uords this ce uould lcst :z times :z sins in the
jirmcment, :z times :z sins the shinin herd UL.ME uould pcss bejore Ecrth could
tcle her hereditcr orbit ct :o8 Huncb.
Throuh these sins cll juture cclculctions cnd prophecies uere possible- it shoued
them the the true pcth.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 165
NI-I-RU's in his uondrous EIGHT, the tuo pcths, uhich the ccll ENLIL'S PATH
cnd EA'S PATH cnd ANU's PATH thct corresponds the DU, or cs ou ccll it, the
eclipse. Thus jrom the sin it is clecrl reconiscble, thct the stcr NI-I-RU doesn't
tcle ,oo Ecrth ecrs to orbit, but , schcr, thct's :z,po Ecrth ecrs, cnd so
the orbit equctes hclj c Precision. The presented etents hcppened in the sin oj
GU, uhich ou ccll Aqucrius, cnd its numericcl tclue is :z.
Nou ou uill uonder, uhct does this number tell us?
Thinll In Aqucrius the jirst ANU-NAKI settled on Ecrth, cjter the jirst uon the
ucr ccinst the Reptoids, in Aqucrius Ecrth tilted its course, lost hold cnd spun
jrom :o8 Huncb to p Huncb.
Nou I cm tcllin cbout cn orbit oj , schcr, this mecns thct the Gods uould
return in the sin oj Lionl
ut didn't ERA tcll cbout :z times :z lines,stripes,bcrs,stroles?
:z lines mecns Aqucrius ccin, beccuse the shinin herd, uhich ou ccll Zodicc, hcs
:z sins. This is clso the mster oj the Crop Circles; not unuillin ordincr
people should decipher the sins, the cre solel jor EA cnd MAGDI cnd their ditine
ojjsprin, so the cre cble to correctl interpret the time oj returnl eccuse NI-I-
RU orbits , schcr this is :z,po Ecrth ecrs, cnd , schcr cuc jrom Aqucrius
indeed stcnds Lionl ut this crossin does not cross the pcth oj our Ecrth, it runs
throuh the inner circle, thct ou ccll the csteroid belt. We uill lcter cddress the
etents thct hcppened ct thct time in detciled mcnnerl Ajter , schcr the next
encounter comes, beccuse NI-I-RU's orbit hcs c drcun-out EIGHT. This EIGHT is
turned in its selj, indeed the point oj crossin lies on one letel but not ct the scme
point in spccel Thus it hcppens thct one time the encounter in Aqucrius ccuses KI's
orbit to shijt, but the other time it orbits the csteroid belt uithout disruption jor
our plcnet.
Your children hcte c cme, uhich is cclled spin-the-bottle, c bottle is spun in c
circle, ct the point uhere the bottle stops c plede is pccble.
Whct plede uill be pccble cjter the return oj the ANU-NAKI?
Excctl this picture oj spinnin-the-bottle ucs uhct TU cnd MIRA hcd in mind,
uhen the send the sin oj return to their ditine childrenl
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 166
Dj course the encrpted it cs creed, the dreu the pcth oj the shinin herd
uhich ou ccll ecliptic cs c LINE, uell cucre thct the descendcnts oj the primitite
Lulu or eten the Reptoid beins uere not cble to reconize this cs c circlel ut thct
ucs not enouh, the NUMERS uere clso encrpted, beccuse uho uould possibl
reconize, thct the jirst sccred cnel the crop circles, the DU-SCHAH, the
number ;z, is equitclent to the inclinction oj the ecliptic oj excctl DNE DEGREEl?
Who uould be cble to cclculcte the time oj the stcrt cnd the time oj return, ij not the
sons oj the ods themseltes??
Nou here the time oj return shcll be pictured, the Plcnets hcte their equitclence
excctl lile the position inside the shinin herd, the cclculctions uhere sent b
MIRA cnd TU uith the ocl oj cuclenin the children oj the ods cnd to ite them
the correspondin cssinments. Ecch oj the God's children uill nou become cucre
oj their cssinment cnd uill contribute their pcrt to initicte the return.
The bcttle ue lost, but still hcte uon, uill nou be ccrried out on the letel thct is
mcrled in the bool ILAT-LITUM, The Hihest tictor
CENES1S 111: The Wnr Betueen Lemurin nnd the Lnnd of EA.MACD1
;z moons hcd pcst since EA cnd MAGDI built their house under the lcle AN-TAN,
it ucs bi cnd mcnijicent, cnd hcd room jor cll ;:: God's Children.
To honour their ditine pcrents the cclled their lcnd EA.MAGDI.
The jirst-born son oj the tuins ucs cclled IMMARU-IMTAHA, in our lcnuce this
uould mecn liht ucrrior. The jirst-born irl ucs cclled ZU-SINNISNARTU, in
our lcnuce this mecns, Wise siner.
To simplij it, jrom nou on ue ccll the tuo God's children IMMA cnd SINNI.
IMMA trcined the odsons in cll mcrticl lcus, especicll the throuin oj the silter
bcttle disc cnd mcsterin the jire sticl. The silter bcttle discs thct uere lejt b TU,
hcd mciccl pouers, not onl uere the cble to jind the enem throuh the mind
pouer oj the throuer, the clso hcd ( openins to shoot jire uctes.
The outer :8 openins ccrried TU's initicls, the CDRE oj lije oin upucrds in c
curted pcth, uhich represents both the ditine rcce cnd the cnscension oj the ods
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 167
themseltes. :o8 bcttle disc uere jcbriccted, cccordin to the sccred number oj
HUNA, the distcnce betueen KI (Ecrth) cnd APSU (Sun) in cncient hol times.
ut SINNI, the uise siner, hcd the specicl tcsl in trcinin the children oj the ods
to understcnd the sins, thct TU cnd MIRA uere sendin to Ecrth uithin certcin
She herselj ucs in the possession oj the emercld tcblet thct MAGDI receited jrom
MIRA but she ucs not clloued to shou it to the other od's children. Too much oj
uisdom, deceit cnd spite,mclice, too much oj eterncl truths cnd possibilities to see
into the juture, uere recorded on the emercld tcblet. It required cource cnd
determinction cnd trul ditine uill, to cccept this tcblet, then the next ucr uith
Lemuric ucs recorded on the tcblet just cs the esccpe oj the od's children to the
plcnet LAHMU (Mcrs) cnd cll destin oj the ods cnd the people till the sl's lcst
blinl oj the ee.
Eten her oun inetitcble jcte ucs recorded there, cnd Sinni hcd the strenth to
endure thisl
ut sloul Time beccme dcrl, the Reptoid beins interbred uith the esccped Lulu
cnd jormed c neu rcce, the Lemuricns. Dj course the clso hcd hecrd oj the esccpe
oj the ods, but the clso lneu oj the lcnd EA.MAGDI cnd the hideout oj the
cbcndoned od's children. The didn't lnou the lcle AN-TAN, but their cunnin
cnd determinction ucs rect to jind this plcce cnd to destro the sons oj the ods.
Their lecder cclled himselj ETU-MARU, uhich mecns dcrl son.
The rcce oj the Lemuricns clso hcd ditine strcnds [oj DNA] in their blood, beccuse
the primitite Lulu uere crected b the ods jrom monles [clleedl
Necnderthcls, Wes' comment] cnd p strcnds oj the ods uere connected.
At the end the mixin uith the Reptoids emphcsized their combct slills eten more,
onl the medicl tclents uere extremel lou.
ETU-MARU`s loter ucs SARRATA ( SARRAT IRKALLI ), the Queen oj the
underuorld. SARRATA ucs extremel becutijul cnd clso intellient cnd cunnin-
she could pretend cnd mislecd mcn.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 16B
Therejore ETU-MARU mcde up c plcn: He sent SARRATA up to the upper uorld
to sp, she should jind the house oj the ods cnd ij possible cin their conjidence, to
cin cccess to the house oj the ods.
Cunnin cnd becutijul cs she ucs she uent to the upperuorld, uhere eteruhere
smcll settlements oj the od's children hcd emered.
Althouh, EA cnd MAGDI ot ucrnins jrom TU cnd MIRA, thct pointed out thct
the enemies oj the ods lited in inner ecrth, but these ucrnins hcd since jcded, cnd
jeu eten thouht cbout it. This encbled SARRATA to injiltrcte the od's children,
cnd she eten uon the hecrt oj c son.
He injormed her cbout lcle AN-TAN cnd oj mcn mcn secret thins thct encbled
the Lemuricns to stcrt their cttccl. Dn the dcrlest dc in the histor oj the ANU-
NAKI the cttccl oj the Lemuricns becn. SARRATA clso jound out thct on this dc
the od's children ucnted to celebrcte c jecst. The dcte ucs choosen uell cnd ETU-
MARU led the Lemuricns into bcttle. The ucr could not be shorter, cjter ; dcs the
ods hcd lost o oj their children cnd EA cnd MAGDI decided jor the lcst resort.
There uould be cn esccpe to plcnet LAHMU [Mcrs, Wes' comment]. The :-
remcinin od's children stcrted to jlee under the lecdership oj EA cnd MAGDI.
With three silter birds the lejt the lcnd EA.MAGDI jor ood, to jind c neu home.
SINNI scn her most bectijul sons to plecse the hecrt oj the remcinin children.
She encourced them cnd dried their tecrs.
The NEW Home
LAHMU (the plcnet Mcrs) ucs lile the ecrth ct thct time. It hcd cn cmple
teetction, deep tclles cnd ores cnd uct ocecns.
The children oj the ods hcd the rect lucl thct there uere no cressite beins lile
the Lemuricns.
Icr jrom it, there uere smcrt birds uith uhom the children oj ods soon mcde
The birds hcd cctes jcr cbote in the clijj mountcins, cnd beccuse the uere so
stron cnd conjident ct the scme time, the children oj the ods let them tcle them
hih into the cir just jor jun.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 16S
The hcd lecmin plumce, thct shimmered in cll colors oj the rcinbou.
Yes, there ucs rcin cnd rcinbous on LAHMU, cnd oter time this uorld ucs loted
b the children oj ods more thcn the pcrticcll inhospitcble Ecrth.
So the built their jirst house on LAHMU cnd cclled it SHADU.E, uhich mecns
,Mountcinhouse [,Hillhouse].
All this hcd SINNI lnoun, jor it ucs recorded in her emercld-tcblet, but could she
hcte spolen the truth?
Eten ANU uould hcte been rejused to do so, jor somethin horrible uould hcte
hcppened, the course oj the hectens uould collcpse.
SHADU.E ucs built nobl cnd receited c olden lecmin dome b uhich in the
sojt liht SINNI scn her sons cnd instructed the children in the crts oj the ods.
IMMA houeter continued instructin in the mcrticl crts jor he uould neter cccept
the dishonor oj bein dejected b the Lemuricnsl
Dne dc he uould lecd the ods to their retene ccinst the Lemuricns cnd uipe
them out completel.
SINNI too hcd to cchiete somethin specicl, jor b their esccpe jrom ecrth the
children oj the ods hcd stripped themseltes jrom the chcnce oj recdin cnd
interpretin the SIGNS oj MIRA cnd TU.
This ucs irretersibl necesscr, jor jrom uhere else should the et the hints jor
their jurther detelopment?
Thus SINNI crected cn INU.ZU, c ,uise Ee, uith uhich she could obserte the
jorests, the jercl jields uith corn cnd the sheets oj ice oj the northern secs oj the
plcnet Ecrth jrom her house.
She hcd to be cble to determine the Return oj the ods, jor it ucs up to her ij the
betrccl ucs punished b MIRA cnd TU or ij ANU could be plecsed uith c leend.
The IIRST encounter ucs Sincls co, cnd SINNI lneu thct NI-I-RU hcd
completed hclj c ccle cjter Sincls cnd uould recch it's point oj intersection oj
the ,eterncl Eiht.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 17O
NI-I-RU stcrted in the sin oj GU (Aqucrius) cnd threu KI (the Ecrth) jrom it's
orbit; it uould return to the solcr sstem in the sin oj UR.GULA (Leo) cnd cross
the sstem ct zz8 HUNA.
Thct ucs NDT one oj the encounters oj uhich ERA spole, jor ERA mecnt clecrl the
encounters uith Ecrth, cnd those tcle plcce eter :z sinsl
So the IIRST encounter betueen NI-I-RU cnd KI (the Ecrth) tool plcce in the ecr
op,o .C. uith our time cclculction.
The jollouin etents should occur :z,po ecrs lcter, stcrtin jrom the ecr
zp,o; .C.
Thus the complete ccle oj NI-I-RU (beccuse oj the ecrs cjter Christ) is ::,o(o
ecrth ecrs, uhich cre 8,( SCHAR.
Ior this recson NI-I-RU hcs the core number (8 cnd LAHMU; the neu home oj
the children oj the ods hcs the numericcl tclue (8.
::,o(o ecrth ecrs cre 8o rect ccles oj the Destroer (Sctcn).
Ior 8o multiplied uith ,888 (the true ) is ::,o(o.
::,o(o Ecrth ecrs cre po rect crection ccles, jor the number ,( (serpent
bites it's oun tcil - smbol jor chcos cnd crection) multiplied uith po results in
::,o(o Ecrth ecrs.
Here the quotction jromthe bool ILAT-LITUM jinds it's true mecnin:
,Liht cnd shcdou cre combined. Liht (number po) multiplied b shcdou
(number 8o) results in ;,zoo or ;,z Schcr, uhich equcls one ccle oj NI-I-RU, so it
comes to one (Liht-ENLIL's Wc) positite result cnd one (Shcdou-EA's Wc)
nectite resultl
Not jor nothin one uc Enlil's cnd one uc EA's cre excctl , Schcr.
When ue retrcce the hcppenins ue uill discoter, thct , Schcr - in the sin oj
Leo (:o.p .C.) - the olden erc ended throuh EA's uc cnd todc zoo; A.D.
The olden erc beins throuh ENLIL'S WAYl
Houeter ue uill return to the to the etents ct the time:
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 171
The Shcdou-Wc juljilled the jirst time cnd the children oj the ods ucited
uishjull jor the beinnin oj the Liht-Wc.
SINNI hcd jujilled rect deeds, jor her INU.ZU, her ,uise Ee could not onl see
the sins oj MIRA cnd TU jrom Ecrth, but could clso see jcr into the hectens cnd
jollou NI-I-RU's course eterncll.
So she could cclculcte the excct dcte oj the return oj the ods.
MIRA cnd TU hcd clso tclen preccutions, the let SINNI lnou b their sins in the
corn uhich plcns ANU hcd.
The rect Council decided to help the children on LAHMU, jor ERA's uisdom told
the ods, thct EA cnd MAGDI cnd cll jollouin children-enerctions should belon
to the tribes oj the ods.
ERA's uisdom mecnt, thct the ods under the lecdership oj ANU cnd uith the
pouer oj SEPT intcde the lcnd oj the LEMURIANS cnd should jorce them uith
unimcincble detcststctions bccl into the cctes.
So it ucs recorded in the bool ILAT-LITUM, the ,hihest tictor.
The sin jor this ucs trcnsmitted to SINNI cs jollous:
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 172
Second SIgn
CENES1S 1V: The Return Of The Cods
IMMA cnd SINNI, the children oj the ods cnd lecders oj the children on LAHMU
hcd juljilled rect deeds.
Throuh the uise ee INU.ZU the could jollou NI-I-RU's course cnd ucit jor the
prompt return oj the ods.
SINNI ucs lecturin in the mountcinhouse SHADU.E cbout the hih sins, cnd thct
shcll be expressed here uord b uord, jor it is the retelction oj the secret oj mclin
the sins, or crop circles, uhich the humcns on KI uill ccll them lcter.
,Mcn children uill csl themseltes, uhere these hih sins come jrom cnd hou
the cre mcdel
The hih sins cre messces jrom our od-pcrents on our homeuorld NI-I-RU.
So much ou lnou clrecd.
The send us these sins, so ue ccn cclculcte their return cnd prepcre usl
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 173
When sins oriincte in the corn, the WATER in the hclm is injormedl
Hih sins ccn onl oriincte uhere specijic minercls cnd iron is ctcilcble in the
round, oj course ucter hcs to be there clso.
This injormction is trcnsmitted throuh ,uctes - ue ccll these uctes NA.LI.TAR
- the cre uctes in the metcphsiccl spectrum- the humcns ccll them REIKI -
lue Liht - VRIL - there cre thouscnd ncmes jor it, but onl ue lnou it's purposel
The NA.LI.TAR-uctes cre sent throuh spcce b MIRA cnd TU, on Ecrth the
injorm the Minos cnd iron contcinin ucter cnd ct c specijiccll determined time
the ucter presses the hclm cnd the crop into the desired pctternl
The humcns uill lnou one dc, thct ucter is the medium oj the ods - our ods - it
is the uniterscl ditinitl
You ccn tcll to ucter, ucter hcs c memor jor the period oj eternit, cnd ucter
jills the spcce betueen the stcrs in its' most precious jorm - cs icel Ior thct recson
humcns build their temples cnd churches necrb ucterl [:]
The humcns hcte some cmon themseltes, uhom the ccll druids; the ccn
communiccte uith ucter cnd understcnd the mecnin oj our messcesl
ut it uill not help humcns, jor these druids uill be lcuhed ct cnd declcred inscne,
jor the minds oj most humcns is clouded b c rcdiction out oj the uorld oj mctter -
the humcns uill build cntenncs cnd this dcnerous rcdiction uill contcmincte the
plcnet KI cnd its' species cnd tcle cuc their spiritucl experience(s).
NA.LI.TAR-uctes ccn produce ice-pictures - the principle is ter ecs:
The uctes injorm the (jerreous) ucter cnd this uill chcne the tempercture ct
specijic points uithin c short time, these burn- cnd breclpoints in their uholeness
result in c jine ice-picture.
We ccn see it throuh our uise ee INU.ZU on the lcle AN-TANl
Humcns cren't so jcmilicr uith ice-pictures cs the cre uith hih sins in the crop,
but the juljill the scme mecnin - our od-pcrents shou us the uc cnd prepcre
us jor their returnl
The humcns uill build c terrible jccilit uhich the ccll H.A.A.R.P., the ucnt to
produce NA.LI.TAR-uctes themseltes cnd crecte jclse picturesl
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 17A
ut it uill not uorl, jor the hcte not the detice jor it cnd their sense is directed on
the uorld oj jorm cnd cppecrcncel
Iorm cnd cppecrcnce cre onl the expression oj VRIL - some uill see, thct VRIL
cnd GRAL cre the scme, jor it is onl mecnt jor the communicction uith NI-I-RUl
GRAL :,:
Sum ,zz = :X:zo = :,8oo = SCHARll
VRIL is the pouer, cnd GRAL is the detice to send out the jorcel
Eter :z,po ecrs our courses cross, cnd so the NA.LI.TAR-uctes rise.
The humcns uill noticel
The uill cut the hclms oj the crops cnd cnclse it, the uill notice c strcne short
lite ener, uhich the ccn not mecsurel
Ior VRIL remcins onl ter short in the uorld oj jorm cnd cppecrcnce, jor it
chcnes into its' spirit-jorm cnd ccrries the injormction on jor cll eternitl
So it is uritten in the TABULA SMARACD1NA:
She uho ucs - she uho is - she uho uill be -
,Steersmcn oj times, the chcriotlecder,
Lord oj the ucters, Lord oj the Liht
Irom the horizon oj EA to the horizon oj ANU
He, uho lecds the uc, he, uho is.
The stcr thct ucs born jrom LAMUS liht.
The child thct ucs born out oj TU's semen.
Concepted b the rocl MIRA.
Gucrded b SEPT, the lecder oj the jiresins.
He, uho receites the uords
Who's uc lecds to ERA's secret
Recorded in the tcblets oj the rcssods
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 175
Irom the beinnin oj liht to beinnin.
The TAULA SMARAGDINA turns on the sueeps, the uctes oj ocecns, cbote the
hecds oj the children oj ods, it trcnsmits constcntl NA.LI.TAR-uctes into the
Virid-plcins, to cnnounce toether uith the hih sins the return oj NI-I-RU.
SINNI hcd juljilled somethin rect:
Eteruhere on LAHMU she plcced the IR-MIN-SUL, cnd the children oj ods uere
delihted b the ucter oj the lihtl
Dn LAHMU there uere Le-points too, uhere the Minos-Iron-Wcter sputtered.
:z pillcrs uere plcced on LAHMU b SINNI, :z pillcrs it uere z ercs lcter on KI (the
IMMA hcd to cchiete specicl uorl, jor the pillcrs uere mcde oj c mixture oj
LADUR-rocl cnd SEMADIT-metcl.
This unique mixture oj precious rocl cnd clso precious metcl ites the pillcr its'
conductibilit in Minos-Iron-ucter.
When the :z pillcrs uere plcced c rect jecst ucs celebrcted, the children oj ods
jleu on the uins oj the TAN.TAK, the ,lecmin jlouers; hih up to the SHADU.E,
the celebrcted the jecst oj the jirst plccement oj the IR-MIN-SUL, cnd noone could
tcle it jrom them in this moment oj inner entrcncementl
Dn the next mornin the pillcrs stcrted to rotcte, the ucter sputtered jrom the
openins in the hecd cnd hih cbote the red jields oj LAHMU NI-I-RU presented
itselj to the children oj ods jor the ter jirst time in cll its' lor cnd delihtjulness.
In this time SINNI sent c jincl sin to Ecrth, to stcte it's inhcbitcns the return oj the
In ,Lcnd oj return in the ,ool oj Chcne this time is excctl described:
Lnnd Of Return
When HE stcnds cbote the top oj the prcmid
When the lihts jclls in cnd brecls the top
The dc uill be shortened ten steps ccin
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 176
ut onl once, then the uc oj the oddess beins
Acin in the uest, lile bejore the jlood.
ut onehundredjortjorthouscnd
uho stcnd on the mountcin ZIDN in the ncme
oj the jcther cnd the son
Will receite the uins
The odl lines oj ZINI.
(The) host oj the uind uill cbduct them up to the cit
Which is ncmed ETA.ENTAA, there but ucits Henoch.
The seten les cre seten sins
Mcde b the mistress SINNI.
You uill reconize the sins
jor uisdom cnd intellect lite in one house
in the other lite mclice cnd deception
The rihteous lnou the mecnin.
Dne uill come, cs in primetcl times bejore, uith the ncme ETU.MARU
The lord oj dcrlness, lord oj jo.
Dne oj the rihteous uill stcer, trecson in his hecrt
ut the bod oj c spider uill scte him.
Dn the next mornin the uill see the silter birds
And lnou thct the cre bein hciled (,cclled).
Dn thct dc the cir uill jeel lile lecd
And dcrl jos uill coter the mountcin cnd the soul.
Those stcndin on the mountcin ZIDN cre three cnd six,
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 177
Ior his number is threehundredsixt
And cre houeter onehundredjortjorthouscnd.
Dne uill turn the tcblet oj sins ccinst the sun
Then the KADINGIR, the cteuc oj the ods,
Will open cneu cnd the cirs bein to sin.
This sin should et the jollouin shcpe:
TIIrd SIgn
CluriIying the ILAT-LITLM Tublets
n GenesIs , TU und MRA promIsed Lo send sIgns In Iorm oI crop cIrcIes (we see LIem uII
LIe LIme - some genuIne, some noL), buL uIso Ice cIrcIes. TIese ure Iurder Lo see, us LIey ure
creuLed In more remoLe ureus. However, jusL recenLIy scIenLIsLs Iound u mysLerIous Ice cIrce
on u SIberIun Iuke: MysLerIous 'Ice cIrcIes` In remoLe SIberIun Iuke buIIIe scIenLIsLs -;qJMysLerIous-Ice-cIrcIes-remoLe-
SIberIun-Iuke-buIIIe-scIenLIsLs.ILmI -. s uke BuIkuI ucLuuIIy BAN-TAN?
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 17B
Here Is unoLIer very InLeresLIng urLIcIe Irom, June 1, zooq: PIoenIx Crop
CIrcIe Muy PredIcL End oI LIe WorId -
muy-predIcL-end-oI-LIe-worId.ILmI -, sIowIng u mosL recenL crop cIrcIe In Iorm oI LIe
myLIoIogIcuI bIrd PIoenIx, wIo dIes und rIses uguIn Irom LIe usIes. Ike LIe TeIegrupI Is
uskIng, Is LIIs reIuLed Lo zo1z, LIe deuLI oI un oId eru und LIe rebIrLI oI u new? s LIIs senL Lo
us Irom Murs us u sIgn?
TIe qoo-IooL desIgn wus dIscovered In u burIey IIeId In YuLesbury neur DevIzes
TIe LubIeLs ure dIscussIng uII LIese dIIIerenL bIoodIInes, so IeL me Lry Lo expIuIn Iow LIey ure
reIuLed und InLer-reIuLed:
:. We hcte the pure Anunncli, uho ccme jrom Aldebcrcn in c spcceship, cnd one oj
their bcses on their journe throuh the clcx is Nibiru, uhich is c pcrt oj our solcr
sstem. The intcded KI (Ecrth) cnd chcsed the Reptoids underround.
z. Then ue hcte the pure Reptoids, uho uere the oriincl intellient inhcbitcnts oj
Ecrth uhen the Anunncli crrited.
. TU cnd Mirc oj the Anunncli mixed TU's seed uith c Reptoid cnd cte birth to EA
(Enli) cnd MAGDI - the tuins. The pure Anunncli ucnted to lill the tuins, beccuse
the mixed enes crected stroner cnd more intellient beins thcn the themseltes
uere. TU cnd MIRA mcnced to clone their sons cnd SEPT oj the pure Anunncli lilled
the uron lids, cnd EA cnd MAGDI uent into hidin.
(. The LULUs uere c mix betueen the Necnderthcls, uho lited here toether uith the
Reptoids uhen the Gods (Anunncli) crrited. LULU hcd Anunncli blood in them
cnd p; Necnderthcl. The beccme the Anunncli's slcte lcbor in the mines, diin
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 17S
jor old cnd other minercls thct could be oj tclue jor the Gods. Another ncme jor the
enlihtened LULU is ADAMI (Adcm cnd Ete).
. The Reptoids, uhen litin underround, rescued some LULUs jrom the Ilood (the
Delue), brouht them to their cctes cnd secled the openins. There the interbred
uith the LULU jemcles, uhom the desired, cnd crected c neu rcce, the Lemuricns. So
the Lemuricns hcd LULU blood ( Anunncli cnd p; Necnderthcl) + Reptoid blood.
This shoued to be c bcd combinction oj DNA, beccuse it crected c deceptite,
cressite cnd possessite rcce. ETU-MARU cnd SARRATA uere the jirst Lemuricns
uho ccme up to the surjcce, cnd SARRATA injiltrcted EA's cnd MAGDI's people, uho
uere lejt on Ecrth cjter the pure Anunncli discppecred bejore the jlood. She cnd ETU-
MARU then led the Lemuricn bcttle ccinst EA's people cnd the LULUs cnd clmost
uiped them out. EA's breed jled to Mcrs. Lejt on the surjcce uere the Lemuricns cnd
the LULU. The LULU etentucll, due to etolution, deteloped into todc's homo scpiens
cnd the decendcnts oj ETU-MARU uere Mcrdul Rc, YHWH cnd etentucll the :
Illumincti bloodlines. Mcrdul Rc crected the jirst Priesthood oj Amen.
TIe MerovIngIun BIoodIIne, wIIcI erroneousIy Ius been cuIIed LIe 1LI IIumInuLI BIoodIIne
Is noLIIng oI LIe sorL, uccordIng Lo TIuIe, jusL IIke menLIoned In CIupLer - LIe
MerovIngIuns ure not oI emurIun bIood buL LIuL oI EA und MAGD. So LIey ure oI LIe
AnunnukIJRepLoId bIoodIIne, und Is LIus noL purL oI LIe emurIun 1 IIumInuLI bIoodIInes,
wIIcI ure u mIx oI uIuJRepLoId. TIe pure RepLoIds, wIo sLIII IIve InsIde EurLI und ure LIe
so-cuIIed RepLIIIuns LIuL peopIe cIuIm LIey Iuve seen comIng up now und LIen Irom cuves
uII over LIe worId. TIey ure IrIendIy Lo Iumuns und don`L wunL us uny Iurm, uccordIng Lo
TIuIe, wIo mude u pucL wILI LIem u Iong LIme ugo. TIese beIngs IIve InsIde EurLI und ure LIe
InIubILunLs oI AgurLIIJAgurLIu, LIe ones LIuL LIe DuIuI umu proLecLs und LIe secreL beIInd
LIe YeIIow HuL SecL (see CIupLer ).
AgurLII RepLoId, buL LIey come In uII coIors oI LIe ruInbow
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1BO
So now, IeL`s breuk LIe bIoodIIne purL down even more Ior beLLer undersLundIng. TIese ure
LIe dIIIerenL bIoodIInes we ure deuIIng wILI Iere:
:. Pure Anunncli
z. Pure Reptoid
. Pure Anunncli + Reptoid (EA's cnd MAGDI's bloodline - clso cclled the Ircnlish,
Merotinicn loodline)
(. Necndethcls + Anunncli (LULU)
. LULU + Reptoid = The Lemuricn loodline
. LULU becomin homo scpiens b etolution
Anunnuki - The "Iullen Angels
menLIoned beIore LIuL AkInuLen wus LIe HIgI PrIesL oI LIe MerovIngIun PrIesLIood uround
11-1q BC. You muy usk Iow LIIs cun be, wIen uII oI EA`s und MAGD`s ruce IIew Lo
Murs? DId LIey Ieuve remnunLs Iere?
AccordIng Lo LIe TIuIe, AkInuLen (AmenIoLep V) wus one oI LIe descendunLs oI 6oo uIIen
AngeIs, LIe sume ones LIe BIbIe Is LuIkIng ubouL. TIese AngeIs were oI EA`s und MAGD`s
bIoodIIne und cume down Iere on EurLI Irom Murs uL one poInL In LIme In un eIIorL Lo IeIp
munkInd In LIeIr sLruggIe. TIey were uIso guurds wILI u purpose Lo wuLcI over LIe
breedIng oI Iomo supIens. AppurenLIy, LIey wunLed Iomo supIens Lo sLuy us pure us
possIbIe und noL InLerbreed wILI LIe emurIun IIumInuLI. TIIs Is my undersLundIng.
However, LIere were guurds us weII us gurdeners. Some oI LIese IuIIen ungeIs (uIso
cuIIed keepers) LuugIL Iumuns good LIIngs, sucI us IurmIng, unImuI Iusbundry, LuIIorIng,
beekeepIng or LIe IIke. OLIer ungeIs (keepers) LuugIL peopIe LIe use oI weupons und Iow
Lo conducL wurs. AsuseI, Ior exumpIe, LuugIL murLIuI urLs und LIe use oI jeweIry und mukeup.
TIese LIIngs ure uIso LoId In LIe Book oI EnocI. TIe orIgInuI guurds were LIe kIngs beIore
LIe Iood. BeIow Is u scuIpLure oI AkInuLen`s wIIe, NeIerLILI. NoLIce LIe exLended skuII - LIIs
Is Iow LIe AnunnukI supposedIy Iook IIke. Even Loduy some LrIbes ure dedIcuLed Lo wIuL Is
cuIIed crunIuI bIndIng, wIere LIey exLend LIe skuII on LIeIr bubIes Lo muke LIem Iook IIke
LIIs, subconscIousIy LryIng Lo Iook IIke LIe oId Gods. AILIougI skuIIs Irom LIose wIo Iuve
done crunIuI bIndIng on eucI oLIer Iook u IoL IIke AnunnukI skuIIs, LIe dIIIerence Is LIe sIze -
LIe orIgInuI AnunnukI couId be up Lo q meLers LuII (more LIun 1z IeeL), LIus LIe skuIIs ure
mucI Iurger.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1B1
NeIerLILI (AnunnukI)
AnunnukI skuII
AccordIng Lo LIe TIuIe, ucIIer wus oI LIe EAJMAGD bIoodIIne und cume down Lo EurLI Lo
gIve LIe eurIy Iomo supIens (LIe ADAM) knowIedge und IeIp LIem deveIop spIrILuuIIy, und
LIus creuLed LIe IIrsL secreL socIeLy, TIe BroLIerIood oI LIe Snuke, wIIcI Iud LIIs specIIIc
purpose. YHWH, on LIe oLIer Iund, wus u emurIun, wIo wunLed IIs peopIe Lo remuIn In
neguLIve power over munkInd, LIus IIs unger, bIood-LIIrsL und IuvorILIsm. TIereIore, wIen
SuprIem suys Ie Is ucIIer, Lo TIuIe LIuL Is u good LIIng, becuuse ucIIer Is on munkInd`s
sIde. TIen, Irom wIuL we`ve IeurnL Iere, SuprIem suys Ie Is ucIIer In person, becuuse IIs
MunIsoIu Is LIuL oI LIe ucIIerIun bIoodIIne, us weII us LIuL oI Murduk, SumecI und YHWH.
n uddILIon Lo LIuL, Ie wus uIso ubducLed uL LIe uge oI 1q, wIere Ie wus even more Lumpered
wILI Lo prepure Ior IIs mIssIon.
The Return oI the Gods - NI-BI-RL Intering the Solur System und the
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1B2
Here Is LIe LIIng: NIbIru Ius un orbIL LIuL Iooks IIke un (InIInILy symboI). L enLers our soIur
sysLem every 1z,q6o yeurs. UnIorLunuLeIy, every second LIme uround, LIe pIuneL wIII cuuse
greuL dIsLurbunces In EurLI`s orbIL, wIIcI wIII cuuse eurLIquukes, IIoods, voIcuno erupLIons
und possIbIy u poIe sIIIL. TIese nexL Iew yeurs wIII be very LurbuIenL LImes, II LIIs InIormuLIon
Is correcL. Muny, muny peopIe wIII dIe due Lo LIIs, und uL LIe sume LIme we ure IucIng unoLIer
LIreuL - LIe consequences oI AnunnukI`s reLurn, wIIcI couId Ieud Lo u devusLuLIng wur wIere
Iomo supIens ure cuugIL In LIe mIddIe!
TIe emurIuns Iuve Iud 1z, q6o yeurs Lo cIunge LIeIr IubILs und Lurn LIIngs uround on LIIs
pIuneL und sLop LIe ensIuvemenL oI munkInd, buL LIey Iuve done noLIIng oI LIe sorL. nsLeud
LIey Iuve InLensIIIed LIeIr conLroI. Now, uround zo1z or sIorLIy LIereuILer, NIbIru reLurns
und wILI IL LIe pure AnunnukI Gods. TIe pure AnunnukI, EA`sJMAGD`s peopIe und LIe
RepLoIds oI AgurLII Iuve uII mude un uIIIunce und wIII noL IIgIL eucI oLIer. TIey uII wunL
peuce. TIe RepLoIds Iuve noL InLerIered wILI wIuL Ius Iuppened on LIe surIuce sInce LIe
emurIuns Look over, und more or Iess IeIL us uIone. TIey ure coId-bIooded repLIIIuns und
don`L mInd IIvIng underground, uppurenLIy, so LIuL Is noL u probIem. NeILIer oI LIese LIree
ruces wunL Lo Iurm Iomo supIens eILIer. TIeIr common enemy ure LIe emurIuns (LIe 1
IIumInuLI BIoodIInes), und II LIe IuLLer Iuven`L Lurned LIIngs uround by LIe LIme LIe
AnunnukI reLurn, LIere wIII be u wur Lo kIII oII LIe emurIun IIumInuLI und cIuse LIem
underground, wIere LIe RepLoIds probubIy wIII Luke cure oI LIem. AII emurIuns were
drIven ouL oI AgurLII Iong ugo due Lo LIeIr ubuse oI power und LIeIr oppressIon oI Iomo
supIens. Ike menLIoned eurIIer, LIe nner Core oI LIe TIuIe (wIIcI Is LIe VrII SocIeLy) Is In
conLucL wILI LIe RepLoIds oI AgurLII.
TIIs Is wIere SuprIem Is supposed Lo come In. TIey wunLed someone wILI DNA Irom A
ruces Lo be ubIe Lo negoLIuLe und compIeLe LIe Lusk oI cIeunIng up Iere on EurLI. TIereIore,
SuprIem Is LIe experImenL. Iuven`L Iud uny dIrecL conLucL wILI LIe nner Core oI TIuIe,
excepL Ior once, buL Iuve Iud IL expIuIned Lo me by JurI VIdur oI LIe TIuIe LIuL LIey ure noL
so sLupId LIuL LIey puL uII LIe eggs In one buskeL. TIey Iuve IoLs oI buck-up pIuns - one oI
LIem wIII be expIuIned In u wIIIe - IL Ius Lo do wILI ucLIvuLIng more peopIe wILI TrIpIe HeIIx
Another Viewpoint on the "Iullen Angels
TIe BIbIe versIon oI wIom LIe uIIen AngeIs were, ure cIeurIy rejecLed by TIuIe. TIey
empIusIze LIuL LIe uIIen AngeIs ure LIe MerovIngIun EAJMAGD decendunLs und ure noL
our enemIes. WIeLIer LIIs Is Lrue or noL remuIns Lo be seen, buL The ool oj Enoch Is LeIIIng
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1B3
us unoLIer sLory, wIIcI uIso IncIudes Iow LIe uIIen AngeIs were bIood drInkers, jusL IIke LIe
RA MuLerIuI und DuvId cke Iuve IndIcuLed Is LIe cuse wILI LIe OrIon RepLIIIuns. s LIIs u
common cIurucLerIsLIc Ior beIngs enLerIng Irom unoLIer densILy Lo be ubIe Lo keep LIeIr
pIysIcuI sIupe Iere? rom TIe Book oI EnocI:
:. And cll the others (Wctchers) toether uith them tool unto themseltes uites, cnd
ecch chose jor himselj one, cnd the becn to o in unto them cnd to dejile
themseltes uith them, cnd the tcuht them chcrms cnd enchcntments, cnd the
cuttin oj roots, cnd mcde them ccqucinted uith plcnts. z. And the beccme
prencnt, cnd the bcre rect icnts, uhose heiht ucs three thouscnd ells: . Who
consumed cll the ccquisitions oj men. And uhen men could no loner sustcin them,
(. the icnts turned ccinst them cnd detoured mcnlind. . And the becn to sin
ccinst birds, cnd becsts, cnd reptiles, cnd jish, cnd to deoour one nnother's
flesh, nnd drink the blood [Wes' emphcses in red]. . Then the ecrth lcid
cccusction ccinst the lculess ones.
8. And nou, the icnts, uho cre produced jrom the spirits cnd jlesh, shcll be cclled
etil spirits upon the ecrth, cnd on the ecrth shcll be their duellin. p. Etil spirits
hcte proceeded jrom their bodies; beccuse the cre born jrom men, cnd jrom
the hol Wctchers is their beinnin cnd primcl oriin; the shcll be etil spirits on
ecrth, cnd etil spirits shcll the be cclled. [:o. As jor the spirits oj hecten, in
hecten shcll be their duellin, but ns for the spirits of the enrth uhich uere
born upon the enrth, on the enrth shnll be their duelling.] ::. And the
spirits oj the icnts cjjlict, oppress, destro, cttccl, do bcttle, cnd uorl destruction
on the ecrth, cnd ccuse trouble: the tcle no jood, but netertheless huner cnd
thirst, cnd ccuse ojjences. And these spirits shcll rise up ccinst the children oj men
cnd ccinst the uomen, beccuse the hcte proceeded jrom them.
:. And Uriel scid to me: `Here shcll stcnd the cnels uho hcte connected
themseltes uith uomen, cnd their spirits nssuming mnng different
forms cre dejilin mcnlind cnd shcll lecd them cstrc
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1BA
Between the evil und the Returning Rock
n JuIy, zooq, u monLI uILer posLed LIIs e-book orIgInuIIy, someone emuIIed me u very
InLeresLIng scIenLIIIc essuy, wrILLen by A.R. Bordon und Roy W. Gordon. TIey ure boLI
bIopIysIcIsLs und Iuve mude u Iuge sLudy on LIe subjecL oI LIe AnunnukI. TIe essuy Is
cuIIed, etueen the Detil cnd the Returnin Rocl und Is conIIrmIng u IoL oI wIuL um
exposIng Iere, IncIudIng Murduk beIng on EurLI now. TIey uIso cIuIm LIere ure ubouL o-
qoo EurLIbound AnunnukI on LIe pIuneL uL LIe momenL und LIey preLLy mucI run LIe sIow,
wIIIe uIso beIng In connecLIon wILI LIe IncomIng AnunnukI Irom NIbIru. TIese eurLIbound
ones Iuve been Iere probubIy Ior u very Iong LIme und ure sILLIng In LIe CouncII oI 1z IIke u
spIder In LIe web.
CouncII oI 1z
TIese Lwo scIenLIsLs Iuve succeeded In IIndIng 11 dIIIerenL wILnesses, muny oI LIem noL
knowIng eucI oLIer, uII conIIrmIng LIe ubove, sepuruLeIy. MosL oI LIese wILnesses work
wILIIn LIe U.S. GovernmenL, LIe MIIILury und some cIvIIIuns us weII. To geL u brouder pIcLure
oI LIe AnunnukI und wIo LIey reuIIy ure - und mosL ImporLunLIy, do we wunL LIem Iere? -
you need Lo reud LIIs essuy, wIIcI Is now onIIne und cun be downIouded Iere In .pdI -
ILLp:JJwww.IIIumInuLI-news.comJpdIJBeLween-LIe-DevII-und-LIe-ReLurnIng-Rock.pdI -.
s LIe CouncII oI 1z ucLuuIIy wIuL SuprIem cuIIs PrIesLIood oI Amen? Are 1z oI LIe mosL
powerIuI EurLIbound AnunnukI (pure MerovIngIun) LIe 1z HIgI PrIesLs oI Amen und Is
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1B5
SuprIem LIe 1LI member, jusL IIke Ie suys Ie Is? CouId IL be LIuL LIe mId IeveI TIuIe
members ure noL uwure oI LIuL?
Iuve no wuy oI IIndIng ouL rIgIL now, buL LIIs essuy cerLuInIy udds Lo LIe pIcLure und Is
preLLy useIuI In our uLLempLs Lo Iuy LIe puzzIe.
Jesus Christ und the Holy Gruil
AccordIng Lo LIe TIuIe, LIe New TesLumenL us weII us LIe OId TesLumenL Iuve been Lumpered
wILI by LIe emurIun BroLIerIood. One LIIng LIey dId wus Lo deIeLe purLs oI LIe New
TesLumenL wIIcI LuIked ubouL reIncurnuLIon. TIIs wus uIIegedIy done by LIe CouncII oI
NIcueu In z AD.
TIe TIuIe Order Is cIuImIng LIuL Jesus CIrIsL wus wIuL we wouId cuII un uscended musLer,
beIng senL Iere Irom Murs. He wus oI EA`s und MAGD`s bIoodIIne und cume Lo EurLI Lo
enIIgILen peopIe und LeucI LIem wIo LIe reclenemy Is. He wus kIIIed by LIe emurIuns.
Jesus wus oI LIe MerovIngIun bIoodIIne, goIng buck uII LIe wuy Lo EAJMAGD, und uccordIng
Lo LIe TIuIe (someLIIng LIuL wus uIso reseurcIed by uuLIors BuIgenL, euI und IncoIn und
Is dIscussed In LIeIr book Hol lood Hol Grcil) Jesus ucs murrIed Lo Mury MugduIene und
Iud cIIIdren. TIe IusL descendunLs oI EAJMAGD und Jesus CIrIsL on EurLI Loduy ure LIe
Hubsburgs, wIIcI menLIoned eurIIer.
DomInIc von Hubsburg - MerovIngIun
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1B6
TIe EAJMAGDJJesus bIoodIIne Is uIso equIvuIenL Lo TIe HoIy GruII us Is LIe IemuIe vIgInu,
wIIcI uILImuLeIy reIers Lo DIvIne concepLIon.
How to Open the Sturgute - Pyrumid Power
To be ubIe Lo open LIe guLe, LIere ure u Iew LIIngs LIuL need Lo be In uIIgnmenL. IrsL, LIey
need Lo Iuve LIeIr MessIuI reudy, wIIcI TIuIe suy Is SuprIem RockeIeIIer. He musL Iuve
LIe TrIpIe HeIIx DNA ucLIvuLed, becuuse IL IncIudes LIe 'bIood oI LIe UnIverse und by IeLLIng
ouL SuprIem`s MunIsoIu InLo u Iumun body, purL oI LIeIr mIssIon cun be uccompIIsIed. BuL
LIere Is more LIuL needs Lo be prepured Ior: LIe Thule is tellin me thct Supriem is not the
onl person uith Triple Helix DNA, buL LIe onIy one wIo Is IuIIy ucLIvuLed uL LIe momenL.
And jusL recenLIy, JurI VIdur LoId me LIuL LIe GATE S OPEN! TIIs meuns LIuL LIe LIree
IoIIowIng pre-requIremenLs ure presenL:
:. The need the Messich uho needs to be pcrt humcn but uith clien DNA cnd his
lije jorce is thct oj Lucijer. With other uords, he is pcrtl humcn cnd hcte his Triple
Helix DNA cctitcted. This is cccomplished uith Supriem Roclejeller.
z. The Plcnet Nibiru needs to be in c certcin clinment uith the solcr sstem. The
crritcl oj the Plcnet cnd the Gods uho duell uithin it is soon cnd timin oj essence,
cccordin to Thule. The indicctions point in the direction thct the Return oj the Gods
uill be in zo:z but could be lcter.
. The mcjor Prcmids in Ept cre lined up in c certcin uc cnd cre built in c
precise mcnner to be cble to uorl cs resoncnt cnd increcse the jrequencies oj the Vril
mcchine, cnd cre therejore the mcjor tehicle to openin the Stcrcte. Thule hcs the
mcthemcticcl Uniterscl code thct is brolen doun into musiccl notes, crectin c
cosmic smphon oj c precise tibrction thct uill open the Stcrcte. All these three
(there mc be more I cm uncucre oj) elements need to be present jor the Gcte to open.
Supriem tisited Ept in the beinnin oj zo:o.
|1| APA (WuLer- TIe GreuL MysLery): ILLp:JJvIdeo.googIe.comJvIdeopIuy?docId=-
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1B7
CHAPTFR Xl. RFull0lt6 30l0H0t'3 TFHPlF At0 THF
Struggle Between Supriem und Thule GesellschuIt {Reuniting The Ancient Ones
und the Ilder Ruce)
SuprIem und HuLIor
SuprIem LoId us In LIe IeLLer Lo ZugumI LIuL Ie IeL LIe TIuIe GeseIIscIuIL LesL IIs DNA, wIIcI
sIowed Lo be LIe TrIpIe HeIIx BIue BIood DNA In conjuncLIon wILI oLIer uddILIonuI DNA
sLrIngs. TIe reuson Ie IeL LIem do LIIs wus becuuse Ie needed LIem Ior IIs mIssIon. AIso, LIe
opposILe Is Lrue uccordIng Lo LIe TIuIe - LIey need IIm und IIs powers us u Iumun wILI IIs
DNA IuIIy ucLIvuLed Lo be ubIe Lo open up LIe SLurguLe und Lo be LIe CEO oI LIe AIIIed UnIon.
So LIey Iuve Iud u muLuuI InLeresL In eucI oLIer. TIen we need Lo remember LIuL LIe TIuIe
unswers Lo LIe VrII SocIeLy, wIIcI Is LIeIr nner Core.
Iuve Iud exLensIve communIcuLIon wILI JurI VIdur oI LIe TIuIe GeseIIscIuIL In Germuny,
und buck In June, jusL beIore LIe reIeuse oI LIIs book, LIe Order wus noL pIeused wILI
SuprIem. One member kepL brIngIng up SuprIem`s PrIde, wIIcI Is LIe ucIIerJAnunnukI IIIe
Iorce wILIIn IIm, und now, wIen SuprIem`s occuIL powers Iuve Increused due Lo LIuL LIIs
DNA Is beIng IuIIy ucLIvuLed, Ie decIded Ie dIdn`L need TIuIe und VrII unymore. Ike Ie suId
IImseII recenLIy: Let Thule leep their Acrthi people cnd I leep the Militcr cnd NATD
cnd ue shcll see uho comes out on topl My AIr orce source udded: Trust me on this, ij
Supriem onl hcd the USAI on his side, he uould be completel jine. The most pouerjul
(clien) Rcces hcte cn cllicnce uith USAI, bcclin Supriem.
AbouL u monLI uILer LIe IuIIIng ouL LIey sLurLed workIng LogeLIer uguIn.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1BB
As we know, LIe Lop prIorILy on LIe IIsL Ius been Lo open LIe SLurguLe und Lo unILe LIe EIders
(AnunnukI) und LIe AncIenLs. My source doesn`L reuIIy LeII us exucLIy wIo LIe AncIenL Ones
ure, so dId my own reseurcI und Iound u reIerence LIuL couId expIuIn IL. Here IL suys LIuL
LIe AncIenL Ones cume Lo EurLI beIore LIe AnunnukI und wIen LIe AnunnukI (LIe EIders)
urrIved LIere wus u wur beLween LIe Lwo und LIe AnunnukI evenLuuIIy won LIe buLLIes. TIe
AnunnukI LIen InLerbred wILI LIe AncIenL Ones und Irom LIuL mIx LIey probubIy creuLed
UU. I Lrue, LIuL meuns we Iumuns uIso Iuve bIood oI LIe AncIenLs wILIIn us, someLIIng
neILIer LIe RepLoIds, nor LIe pure AnunnukI, Iuve.
L suys In LIe SumerIun LexLs
|reI: ILLp:JJwww.bIbIIoLecupIeyudes.neLJsumer_ununnukIJrepLIIesJrepLIIes6q.ILm|:
Mcn is born oj scdness, jor he is oj the lood oj the Ancient Dnes, but hcs the Spirit
oj the Elder Gods brecthed into him. And his hecrt oes to the Ancient Dnes, but his
mind is turned toucrds the Elder Gods, cnd this is the ucr uhich shcll be clucs
jouht, unto the lcst enerction oj mcn; jor the uorld is unncturcl.
L suys IurLIer In LIe SumerIun LexLs LIuL LIe AnunnukI demonsLruLe LIeIr Ieur und IuLred oI
LIe AncIenL Ones, by descrIbIng LIem us cruwIIng cIuos und bIumIng LIem Ior uII munner
oI IIdeous Iorror. BuL LIe LexLs uIso reveuI LIe AnunnukI LIemseIves, us u IIerce, IusLIuI,
IncesLuous, bIoodLIIrsLy, deceILIuI, jeuIous und conquerIng ruce, wILI u vesLed InLeresL In
keepIng LIeIr creuLIons IgnorunL ubouL LIeIr Lrue orIgIns. I so, LIe AT-TUM pIuLes onIy
LeII us purLs oI LIe sLory und muy Iuve been IeIL Iere on EurLI Ior u cerLuIn purpose. CouId IL
be LIuL uILIougI wrILLen down by LIe IeuvIng AnunnukI u Iong LIme ugo, IL LeIIs us u
romuLIsIzed versIon oI LIe LruLI? s LIere u cIunce LIuL LIey wunL us Lo beIIeve LIey ure
benevoIenL wIen In IucL LIey come Lo ruIe In u noL-so-benevoIenL munner?
TIere ure Lwo sources Iuve Iound so Iur, wIIcI IndIcuLe LIuL LIIs LIeory ubouL LIe AnunnukI
beIng muIevoIenL muy be Lrue. One Is LIe essuy wrILLen by Bordon und Gordon, wIIcI
reIerred Lo In CIupLer X, und LIe oLIer one Is Jumes, LIe creuLor oI LIe WIngMukers
websILe - ILLp:JJwIngmukers.comJ -. n un InLervIew wILI Kerry ynn CussIdy und BIII Ryun
oI ProjecL CumeIoL - ILLp:JJexopoIILIcs.wespenre.comJLIe-bIgger-pIcLure-sovereIgn-InLegruI-
LIe-orIgIns-oI-LIe-Iumun-ruce-und-LIe-reuI-muLrIx.ILm -, Jumes LeIIs us wIuL Ie knows Is
LIe Lrue sLory ubouL LIe AnunnukI. See specIIIcuIIy IIs unswers Lo QuesLIons z und 1q.
personuIIy beIIeve LIese Lwo reIerences ure cIoser Lo LIe LruLI LIun LIe versIon gIven by JurI
VIdur oI LIe TIuIe Order. IurLIer beIIeve LIuL JurI muy be kepL In LIe durk by IIs superIors
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1BS
und Is beIng used us un usseL becuuse oI IIs cIuIrvoyunce und Ior beIng LIe one operuLIng LIe
VrII MucIIne.
TIe AnunnukI Ieur LIe reLurn oI LIe AncIenL Ones becuuse oI Iur gone conIIIcLs und wurs und
LIuL II LIey reLurn, munkInd muy geL Lo know LIe LruLI ubouL LIeIr orIgIns Ior LIe IIrsL LIme.
BIrd PeopIe. DId LIe AncIenL Ones Iook IIke IuII unImuIs, IuII Iumun???
TIereIore, LIe AnunnukI devIsed muny mugIcuI und oLIer occuIL dIverse meuns Lo prevenL
LIIs Irom occurIng. KeepIng SLurguLe D-1z cIosed muy be LIe key Lo keepIng LIe AncIenL Ones
uwuy, buL now LIe TIuIe suy LIey wunL Lo reunILe LIe Lwo ruces und muke peuce beLween
LIem by openIng LIe guLe. SuprIem on LIe oLIer Iund, wIo uIso wunLs Lo reunILe LIe Lwo
ruces, wIsIed Lo do so uithout openIng LIe guLe.
I LIIs Is correcL, LIe TIuIe Is cerLuInIy pIuyIng wILI IIre und LukIng bIg rIsks.
WIy do LIey wunL Lo reunILe LIe Lwo urcI enemIes In LIe IIrsL pIuce? We cun onIy specuIuLe.
TIuIe muy Iuve u secreL Agendu wIIcI oI course Is noL communIcuLed Lo LIeIr Iower Lo mId
IeveI members, und IL couId be eILIer wIuL SuprIem suys, Lo erudIcuLe munkInd by IeLLIng
IeII Ioose on EurLI wIen openIng LIe guLe, or LIey seek u wuy Lo brIng peuce umong LIe
ruces und Iuve u pIun Lo do so. We don`L know. SuprIem`s InLenLIons wIen reunILIng LIe Lwo
couId be sImIIur or enLIreIy dIIIerenL. AILer uII, In LIeIr eyes we ure LIeIr creuLIons, und LIey
IeeI LIey ure enLILIed Lo ruIe us, und II LIey come buck - even II LIey do noL erudIcuLe us - IL
muy be Lo ruIe over us more overLIy. None oI LIe opLIons seems greuL Lo me.
SuprIem`s Leum InsIsLs LIuL TIuIe wunLs Lo desLroy munkInd. My source conLInues:
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1SO
.the [Thule] ucnt to ercdiccte homo scpiens. The ccn't do it uithout Supriem but
Supriem hcs better plcns, the Crector's plcns cnd he uill not strc cuc jrom it.
There is c recson Supriem ucs chosenl
rom uII my correspondence wILI LIe TIuIe, LIey Iuven`L once IndIcuLed LIuL LIey wunL Lo
erudIcuLe munkInd - quILe LIe opposILe. SLIII, `ve onIy spoken Lo mIddIe IeveI TIuIe
members, so LIey muy noL know LIe reuI ugendu. n LIIs cuse, Iowever, LIInk LIIs wus
someLIIng SuprIem suId becuuse Ie Iud LIIs IuIIIng ouL wILI TIuIe. He wunLed me Lo gIve
LIem bud pubIIcILy und boosL IIs own Agendu.
TIe AnunnukI ure reLurnIng, uccordIng Lo muny sources, Eu`s und MugdI`s peopIe ure on
Murs, und LIe RepLoIds In AgurLII. TIen we Iuve LIe IIumInuLIJemurIuns on LIe surIuce oI
LIe EurLI ruIIng over un IgnorunL Iomo supIens. n uddILIon, uccordIng Lo Bordon & Gordon`s
essuy, we muy uIso Iuve o-qoo EurLIbound AnunnukI Iere In presenL LIme, noL Lo menLIon
LIe numerous uIIen ruces overseeIng LIe unIoIdIng evenLs. L`s seL up Ior u devusLuLIng wur II
we cun`L uII ugree Lo creuLe peuce wILI eucI oLIer. And IL seems IIke IL`s uII up Lo LIe emurIun
IIumInuLI Lo cIunge, wIIcI Is worrIsome, becuuse cun`L see LIuL Iuppen. JusL IIke cun`L see
IL Iuppen LIuL SuprIem, II LIese ure IIs InLenLIons, wIII be ubIe Lo Lurn LIe urcI enemIes oI
munkInd uround, buL muybe `m wrong und underesLImuLe SuprIem. wunL Lo Luke uII
opLIons InLo consIderuLIon. WIuLever LIe cuse, LIe TIuIe Ius u greuL Lusk Lo uccompIIsI und
so does SuprIem! I you reud CIupLer X, you wIII see wIuL meun.
JurI VIdur, LIe mId-IeveI TIuIe member, suId Lo me LIere Is u cerLuIn uneuse wILIIn TIuIe`s
nner Core und IL Is perLuInIng Lo SuprIem`s mIssIon, buL Ie doesn`L know exucLIy wIuL LIe
unxIeLy Is ubouL. TIe nner Core, nuLuruIIy, Is noL LeIIIng LIe Iower Lo mId-IeveI everyLIIng.
And LIey never communIcuLe over LIe nLerneL. nsLeud LIey meeL once Lo LwIce u yeur,
usuuIIy In EdInbugI, ScoLIund, In sprIng, und LIen brIeI LIeIr Iower members IuLer. TIey uIso
Iuve meeLIngs In SwILzerIund on occusIon.
On LIe brIgILer sIde, dependIng on your poInL oI vIew oI course, Is LIuL noL everybody ugrees
LIuL LIe AnunnukI wIII sIow up. Jumes oI LIe WIngMukers, wIom respecL u IoL Ior brIngIng
us uII LIe wonderIuI, enIIgILenIng muILI-dImensIonuI InIormuLIon und spIrILuuI prucLIces, Is
oI LIe IIrm beIIeI LIuL LIe pIuns Iuve cIunged - LIe AnunnukI were supposed Lo come, buL
LIey won`L sIow up! AguIn, reIer Lo LIe InLervIew uL ProjecL CumeIoL. I Ie Is rIgIL, LIe TIuIe
Is workIng In vuIn, becuuse LIeIr Gods wIII noL sIow up Ior LIe purLy. TIeIr openIng LIe
sLurguLe Is sLIII worrIsome LIougI, becuuse you never know wIuL comes LIrougI.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1S1
As u IILLIe sIdeIIne, my AIr orce source LoId me In eurIy AprII oI zooq LIuL we soon wIII see u
spIIL wILIIn LIe BIIderberg Group, und one und u IuII monLIs IuLer reud LIIs
urLIcIe: BIIderberg Agendu Exposed - AIP's editor crcshed the secret meetin oj the lobcl
elite cnd uncotered some sccr schemes -
ILLp:JJwww.umerIcunIreepress.neLJILmIJbIIderberg_zooq_1;q.ILmI -.
Supriem Getting Rid oI u Problem- Michuel N. Prescott
Remember PrescoLL, SuprIem`s seII-procIuImed propIeL? Iuve communIcuLed buck und
IorLI wILI IIm us weII quILe u IoL Lo geL IIs vIews. He Iud u IuIIIng ouL wILI SuprIem eurIy In
LIeIr reIuLIonsIIp und SuprIem dId noL wunL Lo Iuve unyLIIng more Lo do wILI IIm. uLer on,
beIIeve In uII oI zooq, LIey reunILed on LIeIr mIssIon uguIn und conLInued workIng
LogeLIer jusL Lo, uL LIe poInL oI LIIs wrILIng In June zo1o, once uguIn Iuve spIIL. SuprIem
cIuIms LIuL PrescoLL Is Insune und doesn`L wunL Lo Iuve unyLIIng Lo do wILI IIm unymore.
AIso, uL LIe LIme oI LIIs wrILIng, SuprIem Ius sepuruLed Irom LIe TIuIe us weII, Lo go IIs own
wuy, wIuLever LIuL meuns. usked JurI VIdur, wIo suId, IL`s uII Ior LIe good. L probubIy Is,
buL good Ior wIom?
PrescoLL goL IIs own TrIpIe HeIIx DNA ucLIvuLed by LIe TIuIe uround ebruury-MurcI oI
zooq, II remember correcLIy, und Ius recenLIy reunILed wILI wIom Ie suys Is u reunImuLIon
oI IIILIJsILur, LIe uncIenL goddess. TogeLIer LIey ure goIng Lo Iuve u very specIuI cIIId,
ubouL wIom Ie cun noL speuk us oI yeL.
WIen SuprIem Ieurd ubouL LIIs, sIorLIy uILer LIe IucL, Ie wenL IurIous. He wroLe Lo PrescoLL
LIuL Ie Is LIe onl one wILI LIe TrIpIe HeIIx ucLIvuLed, und PrescoLL Is IuIIucInuLIng. PrescoLL
wroLe u mosL dIsrespecLIuI IeLLer buck Lo SuprIem, wIo In IIs Lurn remInded PrescoLL wIom
Ie wus LuIkIng Lo, und wus uskIng IIm II Ie LIougIL IL wus wIse Lo use LIe PrIesLIood oI Amen
In reIerence Lo PrescoLL, someLIIng Ie does IrequenLIy. PrescoLL wroLe buck und upoIogIzed,
beIng mosL IumbIe uguIn. Iuve seen LIese emuIIs, buL ugreed noL Lo posL LIem.
NeverLIeIess, PrescoLL conLInued unnoyIng SuprIem In dIIIerenL wuys by sLuLIng Ie wus more
or Iess equuI Lo SuprIem due Lo IIs TrIpIe H ucLIvuLIon. TIen, one duy In Muy zooq goL un
emuII suyIng LIuL PrescoLL Iud been urresLed. HIs gIrIIrIend IIILI Iud emuIIed u member oI
TIuIe und usked II LIey knew wIuL wus goIng on und u copy oI LIuL emuII wus senL Lo me by
LIe TIuIe member. Everybody wus conIused Ior u momenL.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1S2
PrescoLL und IIILI
A duy or so uILer, receIved un emuII Irom one oI SuprIem`s men suyIng LIuL PrescoLL Is
IookIng uL Len yeurs In prIson, und LIuL LIIs Is wIuL Iuppens wIen you ure I-kIng wILI LIe
Powers TIuL Be.
SLuLemenLs IIke LIIs und IIs ucLIons uguInsL PrescoLL ure worrIsome In LIe sense LIuL
uppurenLIy SuprIem Ius unger probIems, probubIy becuuse IIs DNA Ius been so severeIy
Lumpered wILI, und Ie Ius u Iurd LIme keepIng IIs dIIIerenL personuIILIes In cIeck.
Iuven`L Iound ouL Lo LIIs duLe wIuL LIe cIurges were uguInsL PrescoLL, uILIougI SuprIem`s
Leum suys Ie wus urresLed on drug cIurges.
WIen TIuIe reuIIzed wIuL Iud Iuppened, usked LIe member Iuve Iud LIe mosL IrequenL
conLucL wILI II LIey ure goIng Lo do unyLIIng ubouL IL, und LIe response goL wus LIuL PrescoLL
Ius greuL connecLIons wILIIn LIe Mormon CIurcI, und TIomus S. Monson, LIe PresIdenL,
wIII probubIy IeIp IIm ouL.
don`L know Iow mucI Mr. Monson cun do, buL Ie Is u very powerIuI mun Ior sure. n LIIs
pIoLo Ie Is sLeppIng ouL Irom AIr orce One. TIe pIcLure wus posLed on TIuIe`s websILe.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1S3
Mormon PrIesLs sLeppIng ouL oI AIr orce One
AILer u LIme oI sIIence, wIen couIdn`L reucI PrescoLL by emuII (Ie Iud uIIegedIy been In juII),
Ie emuIIed me und wIen usked wIere Ie`d been, Ie suId Ie Iud done some worId LruveI.
TIe response Irom SuprIem`s cump Is LIuL Ie Is ouL on bond. WIuL Is Lrue or noL remuIns u
mysLery, buL LIe ubsoIuLeIy IuLesL Ieurd on LIIs muLLer, sIorLIy beIore posLed LIIs e-book,
wus Irom LIe TIuIe, wIo suId PrescoLL wus never In juII - IL wus IuIse InIormuLIon, und LIuL
PrescoLL Is doIng greuL und Is now workIng cIoseIy LogeLIer on LIeIr joInL mIssIon.
The Reconstruction oI Solomon's Temple
SuprIem Is exLremeIy busy usIerIng In LIe AIIIed UnIon und LIe AIIIed UnIL, so Ie cun sLurL
rebuIIdIng SoIomon`s TempIe In JerusuIem. AccordIng Lo sources Iuve on IIs Leum, LIe
peopIe In JerusuIem uIreudy know Ie Is LIe MessIuI und kneeI beIore IIm wIen Ie sIows
up. L`s jusL LIuL LIe MuInsLreum MedIu don`L menLIon IL.
SoIomon's TempIe
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1SA
However, LIere Is u mujor probIem wILI rebuIIdIng LIe TempIe, wIIcI uIreudy Ius been buIIL
LwIce und desLroyed LwIce beIore LIrougIouL IIsLory. On Lop oI LIe TempIe MounL, wIere LIe
new TempIe Is goIng Lo be buIIL, LIere`s LIe AI-Aqsu Mosque und LIe Dome oI LIe Rock, u
mujor IoIy pIuce Ior MusIIms. TIey wouId never IeL Jews neur LIuL IocuLIon wILIouL
bIoodsIed. TIIs Is Irom WIkIpedIu - ILLp:JJen.wIkIpedIu.orgJwIkIJTIIrd_TempIe -:
.most Muslims, especicll Arcb Muslims uho lite in Isrcel cnd the Pclestinicn
territories, tieu the motement jor the buildin oj c Third Temple on the Temple
Mount cs cn cjjront to Islcm due to the presence oj the Al-Aqsc Mosque cnd the
Dome oj the Rocl in the stecd oj the jormer Temple edijice. Todc the crec is
recrded b the mcjorit oj Muslims cs the third holiest site in Islcm. This bein the
ccse, Muslims cre resolute in ccllin jor reconition oj their exclusite rihts oter
the site cnd demcnd thct it be uholl trcnsjerred oter to Muslim sotereint;
jurthermore, some Muslims den cn cssociction uith the Mount to the jormer
1euish Temple uhich stood ct the site[:(][:], thus mentcll denin the riht oj
1eus to cccess the crec. Cclls jor tiolent recction ccinst cn presence oj non-
Muslims on the site hcte ojten been mcde b Muslim jundcmentclists since ecst
1erusclem ucs cnnexed b Isrceli cuthorities.
LrIed Lo IInd ouL Iow SuprIem LIougIL Ie wouId puII LIIs one oII wILIouL u mujor conIIIcL,
buL Ie und IIs IoIIowers ure conIIdenL LIuL boLI Jews, CIrIsLIuns und MusIIms wIII uccepL LIe
reconsLrucLIon oI LIe TempIe. goL no expIunuLIon hou LIIs wus goIng Lo be done, LIougI, so
IL wIII be InLeresLIng Lo see wIen, or II, LIuL unIoIds.
TIe Jews Iuve been wuILIng u Iong LIme Ior LIeIr MessIuI Lo come und rebuIId LIe TempIe.
TIey don`L beIIeve Jesus wus LIe MessIuI und LIereIore LIey LIInk LIe New TesLumenL Is u
Iruud. ruud or noL, LIe BIbIe LeIIs us LIe IoIIowIng:
:. The AntiChrist uill be c mcn (c humcn), ccllin himselj The Messich cnd come
cs c Mcn oj Pecce.
z. He uill rebuild the Temple oj Solomon.
. This uill stcrt World Wcr III, uhich uill be c mcn-mcde ucr.
(. The AntiChrist uill be csscssincted cnd rcise jrom the decd, deceitin Christicns
cnd others into thinlin he is The Second Comin oj Christ. To the 1eus he is just
strenthenin his position cs the Messich. The Tuo Witnesses uill clso die in this
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1S5
etent. [This is desputcble thouh, somethin ue uill discuss in the subsection to this
chcpter, Seth, Dsiris cnd the Iirst cnd the Second ecst. The interpretction thct the
AntiChrist is oin to et lilled cnd rcise jrom the decd is bcsed on Ret. :: cnd is
not uhct it mecns. The ible section is tcllin cbout nctions, not c person].
. He uill rein jor :,z ecrs ((z months), but uill soon shou his recl jcce cnd
become c cruel trcnt cnd his slcuhterin is includin, but not limited to,
. Ajter :,z ecrs the cttle oj Armceddon stcrts, uhich uill include Anelic
eins, demons,cliens cnd humcns.
;. The Tribulction cnd the znd Comin oj Christ.
Here need Lo sLop Ior u wIIIe und IeL you know LIuL um goIng Lo presenL Lwo dIIIerenL
InLerpreLuLIons oI upcomIng evenLs - wIIcI one Is Lrue (II uny) musL be up Lo LIe reuder Lo
decIde und um noL sure myseII. We cun`L expecL Lo know exucLIy Iow Lo InLerpreL LIese
compIIcuLed propIecIes. MosL oI LIe LIme we cun onIy muke quuIIIIed guesses, wIeLIer we`re
scIoIurs or noL. So Iere Is one versIon wIIcI Is my own, und IuLer on we sIuII Ieur MIcIueI
PrescoLL`s und TIuIe`s versIons. TIeIrs Is us good us mIne, buL wunL LIe reuder Lo LIInk
ouLsIde LIe box und muybe expund on BOTH versIons Lo IInd one LIuL IILs, II uny.
LIInk mosL reuders Iuve noLIced wIen LIey Iook uround LIuL BIbIe propIecIes cre comIng
Lrue. TIe Jews (und muny oLIers) wIII perIups be deceIved InLo LIInkIng SuprIem Is LIeIr
MessIuI, uILIougI Ie IILs LIe descrIpLIon oI LIe AnLICIrIsL. As we suw eurIIer, Ie suys Ie Is In
LIe process oI becomIng God, wIII rebuIId LIe TempIe und LeIIs us m time is zoop" - LIIs Is
wIen IIs serIous work begun. TIen LIe quesLIon Is WHEN und WHERE do we sLurL und sLop
counLIng IIs reIgn? BeIore or uILer LIe ussussInuLIon? BIbIe scIoIurs ure probubIy more
IumIIIur wILI LIIs LIun um und muy know LIe unswer.
The Biblicul Bloodlines CluriIied
To IuIIy undersLund LIe MIddIe-EusL conIIIcL - LIe conIIIcL beLween Arubs, Jews und
MusIIms, we need Lo Iuve some buckground Lo wIuL creuLed LIIs LensIon. L Is uII In LIe BIbIe.
Some reuders muy uIreudy be uwure oI LIIs, buL IL Is compIIcuLed Ior LIose wIo Iuven`L
purLIcuIurIy sLudIed IL, so `II be Iuppy Lo IncIude IL Iere.
Here Is u breuk-down oI LIe BIbIIcuI bIoodIInes:
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1S6
:. Terch jcthered Abrchcm cnd Scrch (the uere hclj brother cnd sister)
z. Hccr's pcrents uere Epticn (no ncmes uere metioned uhct I lnou)
. Abrchcm's jirst son ucs Ishmcel, jrom Hccr. Ishmcel beccme the jcther oj the
Nordic-Atlcntic line, cnd cccordin to Thule, the jounder oj the Arcn people
(. Abrchcm cnd Scrch then cte birth to Isccc, uho beccme the jcther oj the 1eus,
the chosen people.
. Scrch bcnished Hccr cnd her child 1shmnel, uhich then beccme the fnther of
the Muslims. He born :z sons
. The tuelte sons oj Ishmcel uere: Nebcioth, Kedcr, Adbeel, Mibscm, Mishmc,
Dumch, Mcssc, Hcdcd, Temc, 1etur, Ncphish, cnd Kedemch
;. Isccc born Escu cnd 1ccob. (Escu ucs the jirst born, 1ccob stole the birth riht)
8. 1ccob runs jor his lije jrom Escu. Lcter on 1ccob jinds himselj on c riterbcnl
jihtin cn cnel cnd surtites. His ncme is then chcned to Isrcel b God
p. Then the zz tribes uere crented from 1srnel's (JncobJ zz sons
:o. The tuelte sons oj Isrcel uere: Reuben, Simeon, Leti, 1udch, Isscchcr, Zebulun,
Dcn, 1oseph, enjcmin, Ncphtcli, Gcd, cnd Asher
IrsL oI uII, LIe MusIIms IeeI beLruyed us LIey ure LIe rIgILIuI IeIrs Lo AbruIum (LIe IIrsL born
Is uIwuys grunLed LIe IumIIy rIgIL) und LIe IoIy Iund. AIso, durIng LIe Arub conquesLs LIey
Look LIe JewIsI Iund und conqured LIe Jews (LIuL Is purLIy Iow LIe Jews were scuLLered uII
over LIe pIuce) und durIng WorId Wur IL wus sLoIen Irom LIem uguIn und gIven buck Lo LIe
Jews. TIuL Is wIere LIe TempIe mounL dIspuLe comes InLo LIe pIcLure. DurIng LIeIr LIme In
LIe HoIy unds LIuL wus LIeIr mosL sucred pIuce us weII.
TIe ZIonIsLs, on LIe oLIer Iund, wIo ure currenLIy occupyIng srueI, wIo cIuIm Lo be Jews
wILI DIvIne RIgIL Lo LIe counLry, ure noL Jews uL uII - LIey ure KIuzurs! TIey Iuve IougIL LIe
1z TrIbes oI srueI sInce LIe ;LI CenLury, und LIey ure ucLuuIIy u MongoIIun TrIbe oI LIe Amur
RIders, und noL Jews. n LIe ;LI CenLury LIey brougIL LIemseIves Lo power In PuIesLIne.
SInce LIen, suuc`s mIssIon Ius IuIIed, becuuse LIe 1z LrIbes oI srueI were uImosL wIped ouL.
TIuIe`s (und SuprIem`s, supposedIy) mIssIon Is supposedIy Lo unILe LIe descendunLs oI suuc
und sImueI und sLop LIIs uge-Iong buLLIe so peuce cun IInuIIy urrIve. I you wunL Lo reud
more ubouL LIIs, Iere Is u good WIkIpedIu enLry:
A TIuIe member suId: The Khczcrs cre the lice in the jur oj the 1eus. The jur must be
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1S7
Ireemusonry is not u Religion - it is Religion
One oI reemusonry`s gouI (II noL the gouI) sInce unLIquILy Ius been Lo puve LIe roud Lowurds
LIe LIIrd reconsLrucLIon oI SoIomon`s TempIe. TIIs Ius been LIeIr purpose so LIey cun usIer
In LIe ReIgn oI LIe JewIsI MessIuI, wIom wIII Iuve LIe spIrIL oI ucIIer wILIIn IIm - LIIs
beIng LIe reuson LIey Iuve been uccused oI beIng ucIIerIun.
AIberL PIke, perIups LIe greuLesL reemuson In IIsLory suId:
Ireemcsonr is not c reliion - it is reliion
He uIso suId:
It [Mcsonr] is the uniterscl, eterncl, immutcble reliion, such cs God plcnted it in
the hecrt oj uniterscl humcnit. [Morcls cnd Domc, b Albert Pile, p. z:-L]
SoIomon`s TempIe Is LIe HeurL und SouI oI ucIIerIun reemusonry. TIIs Is u descrIpLIon oI
LIe z oI reemusonry oI LIe ScoLLIsI RILe, LoId by AIberL Muckey, u IIgI IeveI reemuson
(keep In mInd uIso LIuL MIcIueI N. PrescoLL, SuprIem`s seII-procIuImed MessIuI Is u z
reemuson und promoLIng LIe rebuIIdIng oI LIe TempIe, uILIougI recenLIy Ieurd Irom
oLIer reemusons LIuL Ie wus kIcked ouL oI LIe Iodge due Lo IIs beIuvIor):
ut there is c second cnd hiher clcss oj the Ircternit, the Mnsons of the Rognl
Arch, b uhom this temple smbolism is still jurther deteloped. This second clcss,
lectin their ecrl smbolism, cnd loolin beond this Temple oj Solomon, jind in
Scripturcl histor cnother Temple, uhich ecrs cjter the destruction oj the jirst one,
ucs erected upon its ruins; cnd the hcte selected the second Temple, theTemple
of Zerubbnbel, cs their prominent smbol. And, cs the jirst clcss oj Mcsons jind in
their Temple the smbol oj mortcl lije, limited cnd perishcble, the, on the contrcr,
see in this second Temple, built upon the joundctions oj the jirst, c sgmbol of life
eternnl, uhere the lost truth shcll be jound, uhere neu incense shcll crise jrom
c neu nltnr, cnd uhose perpetuit their rect Mcster hcd promised uhen, in the
ter spirit oj smbolism, he exclcimed, `Destro this temple, cnd in three dcs I uill
rcise it up'.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1SB
And so to these tuo clcsses or Drders oj Mcsons the smbolism oj the Temple
presents itselj in c connected cnd continuous jorm. To the Mnster Mnson, the
Temple of Solomon is the sgmbol of this life; to the Rognl Arch Mnson,
the Temple of Zerubbnbel is the sgmbol of the future life. To the jormer, his
Temple is the smbol oj the secrch jor truth; to the lctter, his is the smbol oj the
discoter oj truth; cnd thus the circle is completed cnd the sstem mcde perject.
[Encglopnedin of 1reemnsonrg, Albert Mccle, Pces ;;(-;;; Emphcsis
cdded b Texe Mcrrs]
reemusonry Is bused upon LIe JewIsI CubbuIu, Is JewIsI In nuLure und ILs gouI Is JewIsI,
noL CIrIsLIun or uny oLIer reIIgIon. UILImuLeIy, LIeIr gouI Is Lo puL LIe JewIsI MessIuI on LIe
LIrone, und LIeIr purL In IeIpIng ouL Is Lo prepure Ior und IeIp rebuIIdIng LIe TempIe. So
don`L be surprIsed II SuprIem Is pIunnIng on usIng LIe reemusons Lo reconsLrucL IL. TIe
bIueprInLs oI LIe New TempIe ure mosL probubIy In LIe Iunds oI LIe Musons. uIso menLIon
LIIs, becuuse us you weII muy know, muny oI our Lop Ieuders In socIeLy ure uIso connecLed Lo
reemusonry und LIey ure more oILen LIun noL, JewIsI us weII. See LIe connecLIon? Now you
know LIe IIdden gouI oI LIe Lop peopIe In socIeLy, LIe ones beIongIng Lo reemusonry und LIe
Web oI ucIIer.
AIberL PIke, reemuson
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 1SS
TIIs Is Irom TIm CoIen`s, AnLIcIrIsL und u Cup oI Teu und PeLer emesurIer`s, TIe
Armugeddon ScrIpL:
Illuminized Western Ireemcsonr - driten b the United Kindom, the United
Stctes, cnd Isrcel - cre ccrejull mcneuterin etents in the Middle Ecst to so
precipitcte the ucr thct uill not onl cllou their Christ to crise [Tim Cohen,
"Antichrist cnd A Cup oj Tec"], but uill destrog the Dome of the Rock bg
either n deliberntelg induced enrthgunke or unr (Wes' emphcsis) [Peter
Lemesurier, "The Armceddon Script"].
TIuL`s exucLIy wIuL SuprIem`s men LoId me Is goIng Lo Iuppen und IL`s goIng Lo be done by
SuprIem und IIs orgunIzuLIon, wIIcI IncIudes reemusonry, uILIougI Ie IImseII suys Ie Is
noL dependenL upon reemusonry or uny oLIer secreL socIeLy, besIdes LIe PrIesLIood oI
Amen. BuL II LIey wunL Lo IeIp, Ie`II weIcome IL. TIIs, LIInk, Is noL Lrue. beIIeve LIe pIun Is
LIuL reemusonry wIII be very mucI InvoIved In LIe process oI rebuIIdIng LIe TempIe,
wIeLIer SuprIem wIII be InvoIved or noL.
The Buttle oI Armugeddon - A Biblicul Buckground
or LIose wIo ure noL Loo IumIIIur wILI LIIs evenL, IeL`s gIve u IILLIe buckground beIore we go
Armugeddon (or Hurmugeddon) Is LIe sILe oI LIe IInuI buLLIe beLween God und SuLun (wIose
nume meuns 'udversury`), uIso known us LIe DevII (In LIe UrunLIu Book LIey ure Lwo dIIIerenL
enLILIes und ucIIer LIe LIIrd). SuLunJucIIer wIII operuLe LIrougI LIe person known us LIe
BeusL or LIe AnLICIrIsL, wrILLen ubouL In LIe Book oI ReveIuLIon In LIe New TesLumenL.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2OO
BuLLIe oI Armugeddon
TIere Is conLroversy us oI uhere exucLIy LIe usL BuLLIe (wIIcI IL Is uIso cuIIed) Is goIng Lo be
IeId, buL IL mukes sense IL wIII be somewIere uround LIe TempIe MounL. AccordIng Lo LIe
Book oI ReveIuLIon, LIIs Is LIe cIuIn oI evenLs:
:. The motement oj the ccmpcin beins uhen the Kin oj the South motes ccinst
the ecst-Iclse Prophet coclition, uhich tcles plcce `ct the time oj the end.' [Dcniel
:::(o (Kin 1cmes Version)]
z. The Kin oj the South is joined b the Northern Conjedercc, uho cttccls the
Wiljul Kin b c rect jorce oter lcnd cnd sec (:::(o). 1erusclem is destroed cs c
result oj this cttccl, [Zechcrich :z:z] cnd, in turn, the crmies oj the Northern
Conjedercc cre destroed [Ezeliel p, Zeclcrich :z:(]
. The jull crmies oj the ecst mote into Pclestine (:::(:) cnd shcll conquer cll thct
territor (:::(:-(z). Edom, Mocb, cnd Ammon clone esccpe. . . .
(. . . . c report thct ccuses clcrm is brouht to the ecst [Retelction :::((, :::z]
. The ecst motes his hecdqucrters into the lcnd oj Pclestine cnd cssembles his
crmies there. [Dcniel :::(]
. It is there thct his destruction uill come. (:::(). [1. Duiht Pentccost, ;oth Weel
oj Dcniel, p. ]
AILer LIe desLrucLIon oI LIe BeusLJAnLICIrIsL uL LIe Second ComIng oI Jesus, LIe promIsed
KIngdom Is seL up, In wIIcI Jesus und LIe SuInLs wIII ruIe Ior u LIousund yeurs. SuLunJucIIer
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2O1
Is LIen Lurned Ioose Ior u seuson und goes ouL Lo deceIve LIe nuLIons, specIIIcuIIy, Gog und
Mugog - ILLp:JJen.wIkIpedIu.orgJwIkIJGog_und_Mugog - |ReveIuLIon zo:8| TIe urmy
menLIoned uLLucks LIe SuInLs In LIe New JerusuIem, LIey ure deIeuLed by u judgmenL oI IIre
comIng down Irom Heuven, und LIen comes LIe GreuL WIILe TIrone judgmenL, wIIcI
IncIudes uII oI LIose LIrougI LIe uges |ReveIuLIon zo:11-1| und LIese ure cusL InLo LIe uke
oI Ire, wIIcI evenL Is uIso known us LIe second deuLI, noL Lo be conIused wILI HeII, wIIcI
Is SuLun`s domuIn.
So Iur LIe BIbIe. Now, IeL`s conLInue wILI wIuL InIormuLIon Iuve receIved Irom dIIIerenL
sources wILIIn SuprIem`s cump und LIe TIuIe GeseIIscIuIL.
Current Ivents IulIilling Bible Prophecies
TIIs Is u very compIIcuLed muLLer - mucI oI IL Is Lop secreL und Is onIy reveuIed In Iuyers,
correspondIng Lo your IeveI oI InILIuLIon wILIIn LIe secreL socIeLIes. One LIIng we Iuve Lo
keep In mInd, und LIIs Is very ImporLunL, Is LIuL mosL peopIe InvoIved ure doIng wIuL LIey ure
doIng becuuse LIey beIIeve IL`s Ior LIe good oI munkInd. OnIy on LIe Lop IeveIs, muny oI LIese
secreL socIeLIes unILe InLo one unIL und one councII wIo puIIs LIe sLrIngs, mukes sure
everybody knows onIy wIuL LIey ure supposed Lo know, und LIe web oI decepLIon Is spun Lo
IIde LIe reuI Agendu, Ior good or Ior bud.
Muny peopIe ure oI LIe opInIon LIuL LIIngs sIouIdn`L be kepL secreL Irom peopIe und II
LIere cre secreLs, IL`s probubIy noL u good LIIng. Lend Lo ugree, buL LIere ure no ruIes
wILIouL excepLIons, und someLImes LIIngs need Lo be kepL secreL Ior some LIme, Lo proLecL LIe
muny. TIIs wus purLIcuIurIy Lrue durIng LIe Durk Ages, wIen Iree-LIInkers were IunLed
down und kIIIed by LIe CuLIoIIc CIurcI. TIey needed Lo keep InIormuLIon suIe Ior LIe beneIIL
oI munkInd.
However, secrecy cun uIso be eusIIy mIsused, oI course, IIke wIen LIe GovernmenL cIussIIy
LIeIr crImes, cuIIIng IL NuLIonuI SecurILy - LIe NuLIonuI SecurILy Agency beIng u secreL
socIeLy In ILs own rIgILs. `m menLIonIng LIIs In regurds Lo secreL socIeLIes IIke LIe TIuIe, LIe
VrII, und reemusonry. don`L LIInk uny oI LIese orgunIzuLIons sLurLed ouL us evII, buL were
quIckIy InIIILruLed und ure now u mIx oI Agendus und Iuve IosL mosL oI LIeIr benevoIence.
On u Iower Lo mIddIe IeveI, peopIe In TIuIe GeseIIscIuIL und LIe VrII SocIeLy us weII us
reemusonry LIInk LIey ure workIng Lowurds puLLIng LIe MessIuI on LIe TIrone, buL IIke uII
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2O2
InIIILruLed secreL socIeLIes, LIeIr reuI GrundmusLers ure noL oI LIIs worId und Iuve u mucI
grunder ugendu.
WIen communIcuLe wILI members Irom dIIIerenL secreL orgunIzuLIons, uIwuys Lry Lo keep
In mInd LIuL eucI person Is speukIng Irom their IeveI oI undersLundIng und LIey onIy know
up Lo u cerLuIn degree, und cun onIy reveuIthct mucI - LIe resL Iuve Iud Lo reseurcI myseII
und LIen Lry Lo connecL IL uII. No one knows LIe BIg PIcLure und Ior sure wIose sIde LIey ure
reuIIy on. L Is very eusy Lo be munIpuIuLed wILIIn u group - LIuL`s wIy don`L beIong Lo one
und preIer Lo work uIone. L cun be LedIous, buL LIInk IL Is puyIng oII In LIe Iong run, even II
muke mIsLukes on LIe wuy - buL LIuL`s Iow we Ieurn, Isn`L IL? Ike one TIuIe member suId:
bejore it's cll oter, mcn cre oin to be betrced, jriends uill become enemies,
cnd enemies become jriends. We uill see hou thins turn out, cnd ue ccn onl hope
jor the best.
AccordIng Lo JurI, wIen NIbIru comes cIoser Lo EurLI, greuL LurmoII wIII occur - wILI poIe
sIIILs, eurLIquukes, IIoods und oLIer nuLuruI dIsusLers - und muny peopIe on LIe pIuneL wIII
dIe In LIe process, und on Lop oI LIuL LIe AnunnukI und LIe RepLoIds wIII IIgIL uguInsL LIe
emurIuns, unIess LIe IuLLer Iuve come Lo LIeIr senses, buL TIuIe members suy LIey sLIII Iuve
greuL Iope Ior LIose wIo survIve LIese rougI LImes, us u new, beLLer worId wIII rIse Irom LIe
usIes oI LIe oId one - u worId wILIouL Lyrunny, IIke In LIe Iegend oI LIe PIoenIx. One
TIuIe member suId Lo me:
The cttle oj Armceddon cnd the openin oj the Stcrcte cre necesscr to end this
ccle in Ecrth's histor. It's the Mccn Cclendcr comin to cn end - c (z,ooo
ecrs ccle endin uith the Lcst cttle. Then, the end becomes the beinnin cnd
histor stcrts cll oter ccin jrom the beinnin. This mecns thct lije on this plcnet
is c (z,ooo ecrs ccle thct repects itselj oter cnd oter.
So LIey beIIeve we IIve In un endIess Ioop wIIcI ends every qz,ooo yeurs. AL LIe end oI LIIs
cycIe, mosL peopIe wIII perIsI, buL wIII be reborn InLo u beLLer worId, LogeLIer wILI LIose wIo
survIve. BuL LIe TIuIe uIso, jusL IIke me, beIIeve In Iree wIII. TIIs muy sound IIke u purudox,
wIIcI IL Is, uILIougI sLIII vuIId.
WIuL LIey meun Is LIuL LIere ure endIess muILI-dImensIonuI unIverses creuLed by our own
Iree wIII und LIe cIoIces we muke every second oI our exIsLence, jusL IIke Iuve suId Ior
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2O3
yeurs on my Illumincti Neus websILe. So we uII exIsL In un endIess umounL oI unIverses uL
LIe sume LIme. Every momenL we Iuve u cIoIce - we cun go eILIer wuy, und wIen
we thinl LIe LIougIL oI LIe dIIIerenL dIrecLIons we cun Luke In u gIven sILuuLIon, uII LIese
opLIons ure openIng new LIme-IInes und we ure creuLIng poLenLIuIs Ior new unIverses uL LIIs
poInL wILI LIe cIoIces und opLIons - endIessIy. TIereIore, LIe Ioop TIuIe Is LuIkIng ubouL Is
jusL one reuIILy we ure experIencIng. n CIupLer X, Iowever, Iuve expunded on LIIs
concepL, becuuse beIIeve LIere Is mucI more Lo IL LIun LIuL. TIIs Is wIere purudoxes come
InLo LIe pIcLure. SLIII, IInd IL InLeresLIng LIuL LIe TIuIe sIure LIe sume vIew us Iud wIen
posLed on IIumInuLI News.
Seth, Osiris und The Iirst und the Second Beust
L Is LIme Ior us Lo once uguIn seL our Iocus on MIcIueI NoeI PrescoLL, LIe seII-procIuImed
TIIrd PropIeL - LIe BeusL 666 In LIe Book oI ReveIuLIon.
WIen PrescoLL (LogeLIer wILI LIe TIuIe) IIrsL mude LIe sLuLemenL Lo SuprIem LIuL Ie uIso
Iud TrIpIe HeIIx IuLenL In IIs DNA und LIuL IL wus beIng ucLIvuLed, SuprIem LIrew u IIL. or
dIIIerenL reuson Ie dIdn`L wunL Lo ucknowIedge LIIs. One beIng IIs prIde, wunLIng Lo remuIn
LIe onIy one wILI LIe TrIpIe HeIIx ucLIvuLed, probubIy noL wIIIIng Lo sIure LIe powers
InvoIved uILer Iuve compIeLed LIe process,. TIIs In spILe oI LIe IucL LIuL IL wus uII wrILLen In
LIe PropIecIes, wIIcI SuprIem sIouId know. SecondIy, LIere ure compIIcuLIons InvoIved Ior
SuprIem IIJwIen LIe BIbIe propIecIes ure IuIIIIIed, und LIey ure possIbIy noL very beneIIcIuI
Ior SuprIem In LIe Iong run, us we sIuII see.
BeIow Is u pIcLure oI PrescoLL`s bIood beIng LesLed In LIe VrII GeneruLor Ior TrIpIe HeIIx In
AprII zooq wIen LIIs pIcLure wus Luken. SuprIem`s TrIpIe HeIIx wus ucLIvuLed In zoo; :
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2OA
PrescoLL's bIood beIng LesLed In LIe VrII GeneruLor In zooq
TIe VrII GeneruLor LIrougI u mIrror
um sure peopIe wonder Iow LIe vrII mucIIne Is workIng In reIuLIon Lo ucLIvuLIng TrIpIe
HeIIx DNA. AccordIng Lo TIe TIuIe und everybody InvoIved, you sImpIy send u bIood sumpIe
Lo LIe VrII OperuLor, wIo Is JurI VIdur oI LIe TIuIe SocIeLy, und Ie cun ucLIvuLe your TrIpIe
HeIIx remoLeIy. You don`L need Lo be LIere In person.
So Iow cun LIuL be possIbIe?
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2O5
TIe unswer muy be exucLIy wIuL LIe Modern BuvurIun IIumInuLI suggesL In LIe IoIIowIng
urLIcIe. TIey Iuve reud u prevIous edILIon oI LIIs e-book und ure uwure oI SuprIem
RockeIeIIer. More ubouL LIeIr vIew on IIm In CIupLer X, sub-secLIon TIe BroLIerIood oI
Here Is LIeIr expIunuLIon Iow TrIpIe HeIIx cun be ucLIvuLed remoLeIy. TIeIr IormuIu r=o Is
LIe IormuIu oI LIe nIInILe CreuLor, LIe God LIuL we uII sLrIve Lo become, uccordIng Lo
GnosLIcIsm. or more undersLundIng oI LIIs concepL, you need Lo sLudy LIeIr websILe.
ReIerence Is gIven dIrecLIy uILer LIe IoIIowIng snIppeL:
This is c jorm oj clternctite medicine uhereb c person ccn send c blood or urine
scmple to c rcdionics prcctitioner cnd be dicnosed cnd trected in their cbsence.
Hou could this possibl uorl? The scmple thct the pctient protides comes jrom his
bod cnd remcins linled to it tic the r = o domcin. So, trectin the person's scmple
is, in ejject, the scme cs trectin the cctucl person. A cure cpplied to the scmple uill
be trcnsmitted to the person's cctucl bod. (Voodoo dolls opercte b c similcr
principle, but in c mclincnt rcther thcn benin uc.) In other uords, the r = o
domcin mcles remote cures (or curses) possible i.e. cs lon cs the pctient hcs
protided c scmple he does not hcte to be in cttendcnce.
The Thule Societ uould no doubt clcim thct their Vril Generctor thct ue jectured
in cn ecrlier crticle operctes cccordin to this principle.
[rej: http:,,,Msterium-Tremendum(:p(ppo).htm]
TIere Is, uccordIng Lo MIcIueI PrescoLL, more Lo be known ubouL BIbIe PropIecIes.
IrsL need Lo IncIude LIe IoIIowIng pussuge Irom TIe Book oI ReveIuLIon, CIupLer 1:1-1o:
::: And I stood upon the scnd oj the sec, cnd scu c becst rise up out oj the sec,
hctin seten hecds cnd ten horns, cnd upon his horns ten crouns, cnd upon his
hecds the ncme oj blcsphem. ::z And the becst uhich I scu ucs lile unto c
leopcrd, cnd his jeet uere cs the jeet oj c becr, cnd his mouth cs the mouth oj c
lion: cnd the drcon cte him his pouer, cnd his sect, cnd rect cuthorit.
:: And I scu one oj his hecds cs it uere uounded to decth; cnd his decdl uound
ucs hecled: cnd cll the uorld uondered cjter the becst. ::( And the uorshipped
the drcon uhich cte pouer unto the becst: cnd the uorshipped the becst,
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2O6
scin, Who is lile unto the becst? uho is cble to mcle ucr uith him? :: And
there ucs iten unto him c mouth speclin rect thins cnd blcsphemies; cnd
pouer ucs iten unto him to continue jort cnd tuo months. :: And he opened
his mouth in blcsphem ccinst God, to blcspheme his ncme, cnd his tcbernccle,
cnd them thct duell in hecten. ::; And it ucs iten unto him to mcle ucr uith
the scints, cnd to otercome them: cnd pouer ucs iten him oter cll lindreds, cnd
tonues, cnd nctions. ::8 And cll thct duell upon the ecrth shcll uorship him,
uhose ncmes cre not uritten in the bool oj lije oj the Lcmb slcin jrom the
joundction oj the uorld. ::p Ij cn mcn hcte cn ecr, let him hecr. :::o He thct
lecdeth into ccptitit shcll o into ccptitit: he thct lilleth uith the suord must be
lilled uith the suord. Here is the pctience cnd the jcith oj the scints.
PrescoLL suys LIuL SuprIem Is LIe IIrsL BeusL descrIbed In Rev. 1: und on, und wIuL Is
descrIbed In LIese verses Is wIuL Is goIng Lo Iuppen Lo IIm. However, LIe deudIy wound Lo
one oI IIs Ieuds does noL meun LIuL LIe AnLICIrIsL Is goIng Lo be kIIIed und LIen rIsen Irom
LIe deud. TIe Ieuds meuns someLIIng LoLuIIy dIIIerenL, und IL mukes perIecL sense Lo me.
Here ure PrescoLL`s own words:
The decdl hecd uound is mclin mention to cn empire thct once existed, cnd it
then it ucs no more, but nou it uill rise ccin,this becst is the retited Romcn
Empire in essence , the Vcticcn should come to mind. Rejerence Retelction :;:p It
scs Here is mind uhich hcs uisdom the ; hecds cre ; mountcins on uhich the
uomen sitteth. In the trcnslction the uomen is the Vcticcn uhich does sits on ;
mountcins cnd thct is the mecnin oj the becst uith the decdl uound. At one time
the Vcticcn ruled the uorld cnd then it jell cnd nou it is retited ccin.
TIen, wIuL IoIIows In ReveIuLIon 1:11-18 Is descrIbIng PrescoLL, wIo, uccordIng Lo IImseII, Is
LIe Second BeusL, LIerecl BeusL 666 wIo Ius LIe number oI u mun:
:::: And I beheld cnother becst comin up out oj the ecrth; cnd he hcd tuo horns
lile c lcmb, cnd he spcle cs c drcon. :::z And he exerciseth cll the pouer oj the
jirst becst bejore him, cnd ccuseth the ecrth cnd them uhich duell therein to
uorship the jirst becst, uhose decdl uound ucs hecled. ::: And he doeth rect
uonders, so thct he mcleth jire come doun jrom hecten on the ecrth in the siht oj
men, :::( And deceiteth them thct duell on the ecrth b the mecns oj those
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2O7
mirccles uhich he hcd pouer to do in the siht oj the becst; scin to them thct
duell on the ecrth, thct the should mcle cn imce to the becst, uhich hcd the
uound b c suord, cnd did lite. ::: And he hcd pouer to ite lije unto the imce
oj the becst, thct the imce oj the becst should both specl, cnd ccuse thct cs mcn
cs uould not uorship the imce oj the becst should be lilled. ::: And he ccuseth
cll, both smcll cnd rect, rich cnd poor, jree cnd bond, to receite c mcrl in their
riht hcnd, or in their jorehecds: :::; And thct no mcn miht bu or sell, scte he
thct hcd the mcrl, or the ncme oj the becst, or the number oj his ncme. :::8 Here
is uisdom. Let him thct hcth understcndin count the number oj the becst: jor it is
the number oj c mcn; cnd his number is Six hundred threescore cnd six.
n LIIs recenL pIcLure oI PrescoLL, Ie Is prucLIcIng mugIck und munuges Lo munIIesL InLo LIe
pIysIcuI reuIm LIe sIupe oI LIe Horns or LIe umb us menLIoned In Rev. 1:11 ubove, und LIe
gouL`s beurd:
PrescoLL munIIesLIng LIe Horns oI LIe umb und u gouL's beurd
Rev 1:11-18 Is uII LukIng pIuce durIng LIe LIme oI TrIbuIuLIon und IeL PrescoLL expIuIn
Nou this is cll ct c time oj tribulction thct God hcs cclled this to tcle plcce; c time
oj judment. We cre here to lecd the uorld to cnd throuh the Tribulction thereon
into the Neu Eon.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2OB
1esus is not the Messich cnd this uill be retecled more cnd more cs thins unjold,
to dispel the lies the uorld hcs been sold, but this tcles time, tolercnce cnd
understcndin. The lies people hcte lnoun cs truth cre deepl embedded uithin the
jolds oj societ, thus m hecrt is uith the people uho lnou no better cnd I see it m
ccllin to serte these scme people in truth, lote cnd understcndin. These cttributes
uill serte cs protidence durin the most dijjicult times thct cre just checd oj cll
In true pure Mormon Doctrine it specls oj it in the Pecrl oj Grect Price , uhen God
tells Moses oj the mcn uorlds he hcs crected more numerous thcn mcn could
jcthom so rest cssure there is c liht ct the end oj the tunnel throuh the Cotencnt
oj Abrchcm.
PrescoLL conLInues, suyIng LIuL SuprIem Is LIe Son oI PerdILIon -
ILLp:JJen.wIkIpedIu.orgJwIkIJSon_oI_perdILIon - buL denIes IL. PrescoLL cIuIms LIuL wIen LIe
guLe Lo LIe Abyss Is opened (someLIIng onIy Ie cun do), LIe TIIrd BeusL wIII uscend Irom LIe
Abyss, beIng no more und no Iess LIun SeLI IImseII, wIom PrescoLL Is LIe Ambussudor oI.
AnoLIer nume Ior SeLI Is Abuddon - ILLp:JJen.wIkIpedIu.orgJwIkIJAbuddon -, LIe DesLroyer
und LIe KIng oI LIe BoLLomIess PIL, uccordIng Lo Rev. q:1-11.
So PrescoLL Is LIe one wIo wIII open up LIe guLe und usIer SeLI InLo PerdILIon. Murduk Ru
und SeLI were enemIes, Ience openIng LIe guLe Is noL IuvorubIe Ior SuprIem, buL necessury
becuuse SeLI wIII empower IIm by possessIng und IeIpIng IIm compIeLe IIs mIssIon. So
wIen SeLI Is IeL ouL Irom LIe Abyss, Ie wIII enLer InLo LIe IIrsL BeusL (SuprIem), wIom wIII
Irom LIere IoIIow SeLI InLo PerdILIon. BuL noL unLII Ie Ius IuIIIIIed IIs mIssIon! PrescoLL wIII
be LIere by SuprIem`s sIde LIrougIouL uII LIIs. He suys Ie und SuprIem ure busIcuIIy on LIe
sume sIde, buL LIey boLI jusL Iuve u job Lo do und LIeIr desLInIes ure dIIIerenL.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2OS
TIere Is u common mIsconcepLIon LIuL LIe IrsL BeusL Is LIe Iorerunner und LIe Second BeusL
Is LIe AnLICIrIsL, buL PrescoLL cIeurIy sLuLes LIuL LIe IrsL BeusL Is LIe AnLICIrIsL, und LIe
Second BeusL Is LIe (TIIrd) PropIeL. L mukes sense LIuL LIe IrsL BeusL Is LIe AnLICIrIsL II
you reud LIe ubove quoLes Irom ReveIuLIon cureIuIIy.
PrescoLL goes on suyIng LIuL Ie Is LIe one und onIy Lrue PropIeL, LIe GreuL BeusL 666 und
LIere wIII never be uny oLIer - Ie wIII never be ouL oI LIe scene und LIere Is no repIucemenL
Ior IIm. TIereIore Ie Is vILuIIy crucIuI und ImporLunL Lo LIIs mIssIon.
ReveIuLIon 1:18 LeIIs us LIuL IIm wIo Ius undersLundIng cun counL LIe number oI LIe beusL,
wIIcI Is LIe number oI u mun - und IIs number Is sIx Iundred LIreescore und sIx. PrescoLL
suys LIuL Is Ie, buL Ie Is noL LIe onIy one. Muny wIII Luke LIe number oI LIe BeusL on LIeIr
rIgIL Iund or IoreIeud In IuLure LIme (Rev. 1:16-1;).
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 21O
PrecoLL prucLIcIng mugIck
On IIre
So wIuL PrescoLL Is descrIbIng sounds Lo me IIke SuLun`s unIoIy TrInILy, wIIcI
Is: Sutun[Seth[Abuddon wIIcI Is LIe Iuther, The AntiChrist (SuprIem), LIe Son und
LIe Iulse (TIIrd) Prophet, LIe BeusL 666 (IImseII), LIeSpirit. PrescoLL Is LIe one wIo Is
goIng Lo Iuve LIe worId worsIIp SuprIem, LIe AnLICIrIsL und LIe MessIuI, und mosL peopIe
wIII IuII Ior IL. He Is uIso LIe one wIo Is goIng Lo Iuve peopIe Luke LIe Murk oI LIe BeusL on
LIeIr Iund or IoreIeud Lo be ubIe Lo buy und seII, und LIus sweur LIeIr uIIegIunce Lo SuLun
InsLeud oI God, LIe UnIversuI uLIer. So IL uII IILs wILI BIbIe PropIecy.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 211
NumeroIogy: PrescoLL's nume uddIng up Lo 666
NoL everybody ugrees LIuL SeLIJAbuddon Is equIvuIenL wILI SuLun - PrescoLL muy noL, buL
some BIbIe scIoIurs do - ILLp:JJen.wIkIpedIu.orgJwIkIJAbuddon#denLIIyIng_Abuddon -.
um noL u scIoIur, buL IL does muke sense In LIe conLexL LIuL SuLun und Abuddon ure one und
LIe sume. PrescoLL denIes LIIs, suyIng LIere Iuve been muny uILeruLIons Lo LIe BIbIe over LIme
Lo IIL cerLuIn ugendus, und LIereIore LIIngs ure noL wIuL LIey seem - LIere ure IoLs oI
mIsInLerpreLuLIons. cerLuInIy ugree wILI IIm on LIuL, und us LIIngs unIoId we wIII see Iow
LIey sIouId be InLerpreLed. n LIe meunLIme, uII we cun do Is our besL.
SeLI - God oI CIuos
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 212
TIIs e-book Ius u secLIon wIere we dIscuss Iree wIII vs. pre-deLermIned desLIny und LIuL LIe
PropIecIes SL. JoIn LIe DIvIne reveuIed Lo LIe worId LIrougI IIs cIunneI wIII now come Lrue.
L cIeurIy suys In LIe BIbIe, ReveIuLIon 1;:1;:
:;::; Ior God hcth put in their hecrts to juljil his uill, cnd to cree, cnd ite their
lindom unto the becst, until the uords oj God shcll be juljilled.
So LIIs Is wIuL we cuII pre-deLermIned desLIny us dIscussed eIsewIere In LIIs book, und purL
oI u BIgger PIun, Iere reveuIed Lo SL. JoIn. TIuL uIso LeIIs us LIuL SuprIem cun not cIunge LIe
nuLure oI evenLs, In spILe oI wIuL Ie Is suyIng.
AnoLIer reuson LIInk LIIs Lo be Lrue Is becuuse cun see cIeur us u duy Iow The ool oj
Retelction Is comIng Lo puss, sLep by sLep. PerIod.
TIIs Is Irom Second TIessuIonIuns, z:1o-1z:
z::o And uith cll deceitcbleness oj unrihteousness in them thct perish; beccuse
the receited not the lote oj the truth, thct the miht be scted. z::: And jor this
ccuse God shcll send them stron delusion, thct the should beliete c lie: z::z Thct
the cll miht be dcmned uho belieted not the truth, but hcd plecsure in
don`L LIInk we cun sLop LIIs Irom IuppenIng, und LIuL`s probubIy noL even LIe poInL. TIe
poInL beIng LIuL wILIIn LIIs pre-deLermIned desLIny we do Iuve personuI Iree wIII. We cun
cIoose wIIcI sIde we wunL Lo be on und geL educuLed, so we don`L geL IooIed. However, LIere
Is u MusLer PIun, uILIougI don`L LIInk LIIs MusLer PIun orIgInuLes Irom IrsL Source (God),
buL ruLIer Irom u Iesser, muILI-dImensIonuI creuLor. More ubouL LIIs IuLer.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 213
TIere Is uIso u cerLuIn TIuIe member, suys PrescoLL (wIIcI oI course Is JurI VIdur), wIo bures
LIe SeuI oI OsIrIs on IIs very body, someLIIng Ie goL beIore IIs bIrLI.
OsIrIs und SeLI ure broLIers per uncIenL IIsLory und myLI und Ience PrescoLL und JurI ure
IookIng uL eucI oLIer us broLIers Loo. SeLI und OsIrIs ure supposed Lo work LogeLIer Lo secure
LIe Lusks needed Lo be compIeLed Lo perIecL LIe oncomIng evenLs oI LIe TrIbuIuLIon.
JurI Is uIIegedIy uIso LIe Ambussudor oI SIungrI-u, wIere Ie wus born. TIere Is wIere Ie
goL LIe SeuI oI OsIrIs beIore LIe MusLers oI SIumbuIIuI (cupILuI oI AgurLII) - LIere Is
reIerence Lo LIIs on LIe ucIIer`s Web websILe - ILLp:JJIucIIersweb.deJ - us weII. He uIso Ius
excIusIve uccess Lo LIe VrII MucIIne, wIIcI, us we know, Is used Lo ucLIvuLe TrIpIe HeIIx DNA
und Lo open LIe sLurguLe.
PrescoLL suys LIuL JurI Is speukIng dIrecLIy Lo AgurLII, LIe Grund OId Drugon, wIIcI Is noL LIe
sume AgurLII us In HoIIow EurLI, buL LIe very drugon LIuL gIves PrescoLL power, suncLIIIed
by SuprIem, wIom uccordIng Lo PrescoLL Is LIe HoIy MessIuI.
Iuve conIronLed JurI VIdur wILI LIIs InIormuLIon, und Ie doesn`L deny IL. He seems
uncomIorLubIe, LIougI, wILI LIe IucL LIuL PrescoLL Is LeIIIng me LIIs, und suys Ie does noL
wunL Lo dIscuss PrescoLL unymore, so noL everybody Is excILed LIuL PrescoLL Is comIng ouL
wILI LIIs InIormuLIon. `m sure SuprIem Is noL, eILIer. TIuIe`s sIIence und unwIIIIngness Lo
dIscuss LIe subjecL Is possIbIy speukIng more LIun words - LIuL`s unoLIer reuson um
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 21A
posLIng LIIs secLIon. uIso know Ior u IucL LIuL LIe TIuIe Is workIng very cIoseIy wILI
And TIuIe`s mIssIon Is Lo re-creuLe un uncIenL EmpIre - In LIeIr eyes LIe onl empIre wIose
poIILIcuI und cuILuruI sysLem ever worked. TIey wunL Lo re-creuLe LIe oId SumerIun EmpIre
und re-esLubIIsI LIe sume vuIues. TIIs Is wIy LIey weIcome LIe Gods, LIe AnunnukI, so LIuL
LIey, our creuLors, cun ruIe LIIs new One WorId GovernmenL. TIIs Is LIe new und beLLer
worId LIuL wIII emerge Irom LIe usIes oI LIIs oId, currenL worId, uccordIng Lo LIe TIuIe.
SuprIem und PrescoLL ure, In LIIs wIoIe und very compIIcuLed pIoL, onIy pIuyIng LIeIr purLs.
TIe LILIe oI LIIs book Is, Supriem Roclejeller - Messich oj AntiChrist? und one oI LIe
InLenLIons wILI IL wus Lo come Lo u concIusIon wIo LIIs mun Is. ronIcuIIy enougI, uccordIng
Lo PrescoLL, SuprIem Is both! MessIuI meuns LIe cIosen Ieuder und LIereIore SuprIem Is
LIe MessIuI, buL noL IIke In Jesus CIrIsL. AnLICIrIsL meuns LIe opposILe Lo CIrIsL und so Ie
Is us weII - IL`s uII In IIs TrIpIe HeIIx DNA. He Is boLI und more. TIIs, suys PrescoLL, doesn`L
meun Ie Is ccinst Jesus, und LIuL SuprIem wIII muke IIs InLenLIons cIeur Lo LIe worId
PrescoLL`s vIew on LIIs conLrudIcLs Lo some exLenL LIe TIuIe`s vIew. As we uIreudy know, LIe
TIuIe suy SuprIem Is LIe MessIuI In LIe BIbIe, so boLI TIuIe und PrescoLL ure consIsLenL so
Iur. TIuIe reIers Lo LIe Second EpIsLIe oI JoIn, Verse ; Ior LIe besL descrIpLIon oI LIe
AnLICIrIsL: Ior mcn deceiters cre entered into the uorld, uho conjess not thct 1esus
Christ is come in the jlesh. This is c deceiter cnd cn cntichrist. TIey suy Ior IL Lo be u CIrIsL,
LIere musL be un AnLICIrIsL. TIey go Iund In Iund und ure boLI necessury. So LIere need Lo
be Lwo dIIIerenL persons, LIey suy, und TIuIe will know them both. So Irom LIere, we cun
uII druw ouL own concIusIons.
TIuIe Is uIso udmILLIng LIuL LIey don`L know II LIeIr experImenL wILI LIe TrIpIe HeIIx wIII
Lurn ouL weII, LIey cun onIy Iope.
NoL uII TIuIe members ugree LIuL ucLIvuLIng SuprIem`s TrIpIe HeIIx wus u good Ideu. One
member suId Lo me LIuL Ie uIwuys LIougIL IL wus u poLenLIuI probIem, becuuse SuprIem Ius
DNA Irom boLI LIe AnunnukI und LIe InIubILunLs oI AgurLII. TIIs mukes IIm swILcI IoyuILIes
us Ie goes uIong, und wIom Ie IInuIIy decIdes Lo sLuy wILI Is uII In LIe open. TIIs Is TIuIe`s
experImenL, und SuprIem Ius IIs Iree wIII Lo do wIuLever Ie wunLs Lo unLII LIe IusL
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 215
AvuLur urrIves, us LIIs TIuIe member puL IL. TIIs IusL AvuLur Is Ie wIo comes uILer LIe
BIbIIcuI SuLun`s second round wIen LIe 1,ooo yeur reIgn oI LIe MessIuI Is over.
SuprIem Is sLIII u mun, or purLIy Iumun, us descrIbed In ReveIuLIon 1. He wIII remuIn so Ior
LIe IIrsL qz monLIs oI IIs reIgn. SupernuLuruI powers wIII be gIven IIm by SeLI IImseII
LIrougI IIs umbussudors In LIe TIuIeJVrII Orders und Ie wIII uppeur Lo Iuve GodIIke
cIurucLerIsLIcs und LIus deceIve muny Iumun beIngs. TIIs Is LIe wuy SuprIem Is presenLIng
IImseII. TIen PrescoLL wIII IeL SeLI (SuLun) possess IIm, jusL IIke IL suys In ReveIuLIon 1:6.
DurIng LIe IusL -1Jz yeurs, Ie wIII ucLuuIIy be SuLunJSeLI IImseII, cIoLIed wILI SuprIem`s
um sure LIere ure some very good peopIe wILIIn LIe TIuIe Order, wIo LruIy beIIeve LIey ure
IeIpIng munkInd rebuIIdIng un oId EmpIre LIuL LIey LIInk wIII work In u IuLure worId seLLIng
und LIuL SuprIem wIII be LIe BIbIIcuI MessIuI, buL cun reud LIe BIbIe propIecIes over und
over und onIy see wIuL wroLe In LIe ubove purugrupI. PrescoLL`s expIunuLIons jusL
conIIrms LIuL. AIso, everyLIIng SuprIem Ius been doIng so Iur Is exucLIy wIuL LIe uIse
MessIuI Is supposed Lo do. L uII IILs.
AILIougI TIuIe suy LIey wunL Lo recreuLe LIe SumerIun EmpIre LogeLIer wILI LIe AnunnukI,
buL wILI SuprIem us LIe CEO, LIey uIso suy LIey wunL Lo unILe wILI LIe VuLIcun (Rome) us
descrIbed In ReveIuLIon.
TIere ure numerous InLerpreLuLIons oI LIe BIbIe PropIecIes, und TIe Book oI ReveIuLIon In
purLIcuIur. TIe IoIIowIng one Is wIuL comes LIe cIosesL Lo my own vIew on LIe ScrIpLures und
Iow LIIngs ure InLerreIuLed wILI LIe InIormuLIon In LIIs book. don`L ugree wILI everyLIIng,
buL beIIeve IL`s cIose enougI:
Revelution 1-: ILLp:JJwww.dIscoverreveIuLIon.comJRev_Inks.ILmI
Revelution 1: ILLp:JJwww.dIscoverreveIuLIon.comJRev_1.ILmI
cun`L cover everyLIIng In LIIs book, so IInks ure someLImes very ImporLunL. I you reuIIy
wunL Lo undersLund SuprIem und uII LIose workIng uround IIm, ou recll need to IoIIow
LIese und oLIer IInks um reIerrIng Lo.
Someone uIreudy very IumIIIur wILI LIe BIbIe und LIe Book oI ReveIuLIon, TIe Book oI
DunIeI, znd JoIn und oLIer pussuges wIII InsLunLIy see LIuL wIuL um suyIng IILs perIecLIy
wILI LIe BIbIe PropIecIes und LIuL LIIs book, LIuL you ure now reudIng, sLurLs mukIng sense,
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 216
uII LIe wuy down Lo SuprIem`s pIuyboy IIIe, drInkIng IubILs, cIIIdIsIness und unusuuI powers
und ubIIILIes. BuL II you`re noL IumIIIur wILI LIese purLIcuIur secLIons oI LIe BIbIe LIuL um
menLIonIng now, you muy noL see IL. TIereIore, urge you Lo reud LIese IInks
ubove, especinllg the second one.
Alphu und Omegu
God Is AIpIu und Omegu - LIuL`s wIuL LIe BIbIe suys. I IL`s Lrue LIuL IIsLory on LIIs
purLIcuIur LImeIIne Is IIke u movIe LIuL Is runnIng endIessIy (wIIcI LIInk Is jusL one sIde oI u
purudox, buL more ubouL LIuL IuLer), LIen LIe evenLs LIuL IoIIow ure InevILubIe und SuprIem
wIII noL be ubIe Lo cIunge LIem. He Is u bIg purL oI LIIs wIoIe pIoL, und by LryIng Lo become
God Ie Is ucLuuIIy pIuyIng exucLIy per LIe scrIpL und jusL ucLIng on IIs PrIde. TIIs Is LIe
descrIpLIon oI LIe AnLICIrIsL. So IIm LryIng Lo cIunge evenLs Is jusL LIe wuy our coIIecLIve
LIougILs pIunned IL.
BuL, Irom my undersLundIng, LIere Is unoLIer pIoL, wIIcI goes Iund In Iund wILI LIe Ru
MuLerIuI (uw oI One - ILLp:JJIuwoIone.InIoJ -) und HIdden Hund - ILLp:JJIIIumInuLI-
news.comJoo6.ILmI -, wIIcI Ius Lo do wILI Iree wIII. beIIeve LIuL LIose wIo ure reudy
wIII uscend Lo u IIgIer densILy, wIIcI wouId be LIe qLI. TIose wIo ure reudy Lo gruduuLe und
Iuce LIe nexL IeveI Lo Ieurn ubouL Iove und compussIon In u Iess soIId worId wIere LIere Is
no Power EIILe munIpuIuLIng us wIII do so, wIIIe LIose wIo ure noL reudy Lo gruduuLe wIII
recycIe und reIncurnuLe Lo sLurL uII over uguIn Lo Ieurn und be reudy Ior LIe nexL HurvesL,
qz,ooo yeurs Irom now, currenL EurLI LIme.
beIIeve LIere`s u LIIrd puLI us weII, wIIcI IncIudes uII IumunILy, LIuL wIII brIng us uII InLo
experIencIng IIgIer densILIes, und LIuL puLI Is perIups LIe mosL responsIbIe und rewurdIng,
becuuse IL wIII breuk down LIe wuIIs oI LIe rd DensILyJDImensIon once und Ior uII. TIe rd
DensILy, uccordIng Lo LIIs prucLIcuI pIIIosopIy, Is u prIson creuLed by LIe muILI-dImensIonuI
Anu oI LIe AnunnukI uL LIe LIme oI LIe IIrsL ALIunLeun Eru.
AL LIuL LIme, LIIs densILy dId noL exIsL. SpIrILs vIsILIng EurLI were very pIuyIuI und posILIve,
und LIey buIIL LIe IIrsL versIon oI ALIunLIs. Anu, wIo noLIced Iow eusy IL wus Lo deceIve
posILIve, nuIve spIrILs, decIded Lo Lrup LIem Iere by uLLucIIng LIem Lo very soIId bodIes. TIIs
Is wIen LIe rd DensILyJDImensIon wus creuLed. TIese spIrILs Iuve been Lrupped ever sInce,
und LIese spIrILs ure us!
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 217
I LIIs resonuLes wILI you, udvIse you Lo reud LIe WIngMukers muLerIuI uL,
und ILs successors, und You uIso need Lo IIsLen Lo LIe rudIo
InLervIews wILI Jumes Irom 1qq8, wIIcI cun be downIouded Ior Iree II you sIgn up uL und go Lo LIe downIouds secLIon. L`s u very InLeresLIng journey, und
Jumes, wIo cIuIms Lo be u member oI un uncIenL CenLruI Ruce, sIow us Iow Lo sIuLLer LIe
wuIIs oI LIe rd DensILy us u Iumun coIIecLIve, und breuk ouL oI LIe prIson once und Ior uII.
Jumes` pIIIosopIIes Iuve InspIred me LremendousIy IuLeIy, und Is LIe rouLe `ve decIded Lo
Luke myseII.
TIere ure u IoL oI dIIIerenL opLIons und opporLunILIes. AII LIIs InIormuLIon Is Iere Ior your
consIderuLIon und IL`s up Lo you wIuL you wunL Lo do wILI IL, II unyLIIng. HopeIuIIy, uL IeusL
Iuve LrIed my besL Lo muke LIe reuder geL un opporLunILy Lo see LIIngs Irom u dIIIerenL
perspecLIve LIun LIey ure used Lo.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 21B
The Brotherhood oI Shudows und the Triple Helix Activution Progrum
TIere Is u very ImporLunL IInk Lo LIIs sLory LIuL need Lo reIuy Lo LIe reuder Lo gIve u IuIIer
pIcLure oI wIuL LIIs Is uII ubouL.
SuprIem DuvId RockeIeIIer Is noL LIe onl cundIduLe Ior LIe posILIon us LIe WorId CEO. TIe
IoIIowIng purL oI LIe book Is udded us un upduLe In Muy zo1o. WIen IIrsL pubIIsIed LIIs
book, wus noL uwure oI LIe InIormuLIon um ubouL Lo gIve you.
SDR (SuprIemuvId RockeIeIIer) Ius uIreudy LoId us LIuL LIe reuson LIuL IIs TrIpIe HeIIx
DNA wus ucLIvuLed wus becuuse u normuI body wouId noL be ubIe Lo curry LIe spIrIL oI ucIIer
- IL wouId dIe Irom LIe ImpucL. WIuL beIIeve SDR IuIIed Lo LeII us (und LIIs Is my LIeory) Is
LIuL Ie Is noL ucIIer or Murduk per se, buL jusL u vesseI Ior ucIIer Lo enLer, once LIe duy
comes Ior IIm Lo do so. WIuL wIII Iuppen wILI LIe spIrIL now InIubILIng SuprIem`s body once
ucIIer Ius enLered, do noL know. WIII ucIIer come IIke u wuIk-In und kIck ouL LIe spIrIL
now wILIIn LIe body? Does SuprIem know ubouL LIIs und IeeI powerIess uguInsL IL? s LIuL LIe
reuson Ie Is drInkIng IeuvIIy? oLs oI quesLIons sLIII need unswers.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 21S
However, IL Ius been brougIL Lo my uLLenLIon LIuL LIere ure 1z cundIduLes LIuL wIII Iuve LIeIr
TrIpIe HeIIx ucLIvuLed, und so Iur onIy know oI u Iew. TIe LIIng LIey Iuve In common Is LIuL
LIey ure uII born In LIe 1q;os.
So wIuL`s LIe sIgnIIIcunce oI LIuL?
WeII, uILer `d Iud LIIs e-book onIIne Ior uImosL u yeur, IL wus reud by members oI TIe
IIumInuLI (TIe BuvurIun IIumInuLI, noL LIe Power EIILe). menLIoned LIem brIeIIy In LIe
begInnIng oI LIIs book. TIey couId see LIuL SuprIem couId very weII be purL oI u mucI bIgger
progrum LIun LIougIL. TIey conLucLed me und LoId me ubouL IL. uLer, LIey even wroLe un
urLIcIe on SuprIem, wIIcI now Is munduLory reudIng Ior you wIo wunLs Lo connecL LIe doLs.
TIe urLIcIe Is posLed uL
n brIeI, LIe urLIcIe Is LuIkIng ubouL TIe BroLIerIood oI SIudows, un oId secreL socIeLy, Lo
wIIcI mosL, II noL uII, oLIer secreL socIeLy run by LIe Power EIILe, ure unswerIng Lo. TIeIr
purpose Is Lo puL LIe AnLI-CIrIsL on LIe WorId TIrone, muke LIe PropIecIes In LIe Book oI
ReveIuLIon come Lrue, und Lo buIId LIe rd TempIe In JerusuIem. To do LIIs, LIey cIose 1z
cundIduLes, uII oI LIem born In LIe 1q;os, wIo uL one poInL or unoLIer wouId Iuve LIeIr
TrIpIe HeIIx ucLIvuLed. TIese bodIes uII come Irom powerIuI bIoodIInes, so LIuL LIey ure
ubIe Lo curry LIe spIrIL oI SuLun. TIen, LIese 1z cundIduLes Iuve Lo IIgIL eucI oLIer Ior LIe
posILIon, so LIe one LIuL Is sLrongesL, und LIe besL IIL, wIII be LIe vesseI. TIere ure IndIcuLIons
LIuL LIe oLIer 11 cundIduLes wIII noL survIve. s LIuL wIuL`s drIvIng SuprIem und PrescoLL?
Iuve usked SuprIem ubouL LIIs und IIrsL Ie dIdn`L commenL on IL, buL IuLer on Ie udmILLed
LIuL LIIs LIIng wILI LIe BroLIerIood oI SIudows Is Lrue, buL we need Lo Lurn IL uround - IL`s
noL SuLun enLerIng, buL ucIIer, IndIcuLIng Lo me LIuL ucIIer Is u posILIve Iorce, noL u
neguLIve one, IIke SuLun.
TIuL`s uII Ie suId, und IL Is noL LeIIIng us wIeLIer Ie reuIIy LIInks Ie Is ucIIer wIo Ius
uIreudy enLered LIe body, or II Ie knows Ie Is noL und Ius noL been IonesL ubouL IL. He muy
uIso Iuve been LoId u cover sLory LIuL Is noL Lrue jusL Lo keep IIm on Lusk. Remember - Ie
wus ubducLed und Lumpered wILI uL LIe uge oI 1q. WIuL dId LIey do wILI IIm?
TIe BroLIerIood oI SIudows LIeory uIso IIL In wILI LIe sLory oI LIe MunIsoIu, wIIcI Is noL
LIe souI, buL u sorL oI ImprInL or copy (cIone) oI LIe orIgInuI spIrIL. TIIs Lo me meuns LIuL
LIere Is no souI uLLucIed Lo u body InIubILed by MunIsoIu, jusL un unImuLed versIon oI u deILy.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 22O
I LIe BuvurIun IIumInuLI connecL LIe doLs correcLIy Iere, IL cerLuInIy mukes sense und Is u
sLunnIng eye-opener. L uILImuLeIy meuns SDR does noL InIIbIL u souI uL uII - onIy LIe
ImprInL, LIe MunIsoIu, oI ucIIerJMurduk Ru und oLIers.
TIIs Is un excerpL Irom LIe BuvurIun IIumInuLI IInk ubove:
In the :p;os, the rotherhood oj the Shcdous identijied tuelte possible ccndidctes
to host Sctcn. These tuelte hcd to be born in pcrticulcr circumstcnces. Renecde
priests ccrried out blccl mcic ceremonies to ensure thct the uere born uithout
souls (beccuse onl soulless olems ccn be tclen oter b Sctcn). These litin
corpses seem to most people to be perjectl humcn, but the cll exhibit c strcne
decdness oj the ees. (Ij ees cre the uindous to the soul then uhct cre the ees lile
ij there is no soul?)
The rotherhood cre scid to hcte reinjorced the DNA oj the potenticl hosts usin
triple helix DNA, to mcle them robust enouh to host Sctcn's soul uithout bein
Supriem's iIIerent Personulities
SuprIem DrInkIng UkruInu Beer
wroLe In LIe begInnIng oI LIIs e-book LIuL SuprIem Ius dIIIerenL sIdes Lo IIm - one Is wIuL
Iuve descrIbed so Iur, u very Iocused mun on u mIssIon, IeuvIng no sLone unLurned Lo
uccompIIsI IIs gouIs - u busInessmun, u reIIgIous Ieuder, und LIe HIgI PrIesL oI IIs Order.
SLIII, LIIs wus LIe mosL unknown sIde oI IIm beIore puL my IIrsL bIog, Lucijer's
Redemption on LIe nLerneL.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 221
MosL peopIe wIo ure noL InvoIved In IIs busIness sIde know IIm us cIurmIng, Iunny, u
purLy guy und u womunIzer.
AII peopIe Iuve been In conLucL wILI, wIo know SuprIem, ure uIso weII uwure oI IIs drInkIng
IubILs. He Is u purLy guy und Is uppurenLIy drInkIng u IoL. PeopIe Iuve seen IIm empLyIng u
boLLIe oI vodku In no LIme und IL doesn`L do unyLIIng Lo IIm. He Is oILen seen In excIusIve
burs drInkIng vodku und beer, surrounded by Ieuvy duLy bodyguurds.
SuprIem Is IImseII 6`z-6` und pIysIcuIIy sLrong. PeopIe esLImuLe IIs weIgIL Lo uround 1qo
Ibs, und Ie Is soIId muscIe. He sLunned LIe Nuvy MIIILury Acudemy once wIen Ie sIowed oII
In LIe weIgIL room Ior LIe MIdsIIpmen. He bencI pressed over qoo Ibs und Ieg pressed over
1,ooo Ibs. TIe guys wIo wuLcIed were In sIock, becuuse Ie doesn`L Iook bIg enougI Lo be
ubIe Lo uccompIIsI LIIs. AIso, LIey suw IIm LIrow u IooLbuII LIe enLIre IengLI oI LIe IIeId.
CusuuI SuprIem drInkIng In u bur
He spends some LIme In AnnupoIIs uL LIe NuvuI Acudemy wIere Ie IundIes busIness Ior LIe
CommundunL. He keeps cIose reIuLIons wILI LIe MIdsIIpmen so wIen LIey gruduuLe und ure
moved Lo posILIons oI power LIey wIII be IoyuI Lo IIm. SupposedIy wIIIe SuprIem Is LIere, Ie
Ius un unoIIIcIuI runk IIgIer LIun u Iour sLur AdmIruI. He sLuys on AdmIruIs Row wIIIe
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 222
SuprIem uL LIe NuvuI Acudemy, JuIy zooq
TIose wIo Iuve meL SuprIem und LIInk Ie`s u LuII, muscuIur guy, suy Ie kInd oI sIrInks In
LIe compuny oI IIs personuI body guurd, wIo Is esLImuLed Lo be uround 6`1o und Iuge.
However, us prevIousIy menLIoned, SuprIem goL rId oI IIs personuI securILy und repIuced
LIem wILI uII AIr orce SpecIuI Ops men und CoverL Ops. So LIe bIg guy In LIIs pIcLure muy
or muy noL work Ior SuprIem unymore.
SuprIem's Bodyguurd Is 6'1o
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 223
Ike suId, SuprIem cun be very IIkubIe, buL you don`L wunL Lo be on IIs bud sIde - Ie cun
Iuve quILe u Lemper.
Once SuprIem summoned spIrILs or demons Lo go uILer someone wIo opposed IIm, und
LIe nexL duy LIe vIcLIm wus cuIIIng IIm on LIe pIone, beggIng IIm Lo cuII LIem oII.
AnoLIer LIme, wIIIe u wILness wus In LIe room, SuprIem wus LryIng Lo cuII one oI IIs
ussIsLunLs, buL no one unswered. SIe cuIIed IIm buck In ubouL Lwo mInuLes und SuprIem
yeIIed uL Ier suyIng LIuL Ie couId see LIrougI Ier eyes, IookIng uL LIe cuIIer D wIen Ie cuIIed
und sIe Ignored IL. SIe upoIogIzed und Ie suId LIuL nexL LIme IL Iuppened sIe wouId puy Ior
Every womun wIo Ius Iud sex wILI SuprIem wIII Iuve u sLrunge sLory Lo LeII. GIrIs Iuve suId,
wILIouL u doubL Ie Is un uIIen or LIe DevII. Some Iuve even suId Jesus. BuL, IIke Ie IImseII
suId, you see In me wIuL you wunL Lo see.
Supriem in Bible Prophecies
Dcniel ;:z. Thus he scid, The jourth becst shcll be the jourth lindom upon ecrth,
uhich shcll be diterse jrom cll lindoms, cnd shcll detour the uhole ecrth, cnd
shcll trecd it doun, cnd brecl it in pieces.
Dcniel ;:z(. And the ten horns out oj this lindom cre ten lins thct shcll crise:
cnd cnother shcll rise cjter them; cnd he shcll be diterse jrom the jirst, cnd he shcll
subdue three lins.
Dcniel ;:z. And he shcll specl rect uords ccinst the most Hih, cnd shcll uecr
out the scints oj the most Hih, cnd thinl to chcne times cnd lcus: cnd the shcll
be iten into his hcnd until c time cnd times cnd the ditidin oj time.
Dcniel ;:z. ut the judment shcll sit, cnd the shcll tcle cuc his dominion, to
consume cnd to destro it unto the end.
Dcniel ;:z;. And the lindom cnd dominion, cnd the rectness oj the lindom
under the uhole hecten, shcll be iten to the people oj the scints oj the most Hih,
uhose lindom is cn eterlcstin lindom, cnd cll dominions shcll serte cnd obe
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 22A
Verse z cIeurIy sLuLes LIere wIII be u muIevoIenL One WorId GovernmenL wILI u WorId
DIcLuLor, un AnLICIrIsL, wIo wIII be desLroyed In LIe end. AccordIng Lo SuprIem, Ie cIose noL
Lo go LIuL puLI, buL InsLeud creuLe u benevoIenL WorId GovernmenL. BuL LIen uguIn,
remember LIuL LIe AnLICIrIsL wIII come us u mun oI peuce.
AIso, In Verse z IL suys LIuL Ie LIInks Lo cIunge LImes und Iuws, wIIcI possIbIy cun be
InLerpreLed on Lwo IeveIs:
:. He is doin so b clcimin he ccn chcne the ible Prophecies.
z. Dr, Verse z could mecn he uill chcne times cnd lcus in order to crecte c Dne
World Goternment cnd chcne the lcus uorld uide. He uill clso specl uords ccinst
God. Then, the uords ditidin oj time cre ter interestin. So here the prophet is
suestin tuo timelines. Dne mc be the timeline uhere people jollouin the uron
lecder hcte to stcrt cll oter in this rd densit cjter the End Dcs, uhile those uho
jollou the second timeline cscend to hiher spiritucl reclms cs the cre doin the uorl
oj God - uhich is sertice to others cnd tecchin the Lcu oj Dne. More cbout this in
the Epiloue.
Here Is un InLerpreLuLIon oI DunIeI`s VIsIon, borrowed Irom WIkIpedIu -
_und_nLerpreLuLIon - :
Then cn unidentijied lin, c stern-jcced mcster oj intriue, comes on the scene. He
stcrts smcll but uill become ter stron, et not b his oun pouer. He uill ccuse
cstoundin detcstction cnd uill succeed in uhcteter he does. He uill ccuse deceit
to prosper. When the jeel secure, he uill destro mcn.
He uill rou to the south, then ecst cnd toucrd the becutijul lcnd cnd destro the
miht men cnd the hol people. He uill consider himselj superior to the hosts oj
hecten' cnd clcim to be cs rect cs, cnd tcle his stcnd ccinst, the Prince oj the
He stecls the `dcil sccrijice' cnd denirctes the scnctucr oj the Prince oj hosts.
The scints cnd sccrijice cre put under his trcnn cnd truth is throun doun.
Yet he uill be destroed, but not b humcn pouer
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 225
SLern Iuced
SLern Iuced
sn`L LIIs descrIbIng SuprIem RockeIeIIer? One InLeresLIng purL In LIe ubove InLerpreLuLIon Is
he stcrts smcll but uill become ter stron, et not b his oun pouer. He uill ccuse
cstoundin detcstction cnd uill succeed in uhcteter he does. TIuL couId be our mun
exucLIy. He becume sLrong, noL by IIs own power (onIy), buL wILI LIe IeIp Irom LIe TIuIe und
some uIIen ruces, wIom uccordIng Lo LIe TIuIe`s cump ubducLed SuprIem wIen Ie wus 1q
wIere LIey unuIyzed und munIpuIuLed IIs DNA. HIs TrIpIe HeIIx wus LIen ucLIvuLed In zoo;
und Ie now Ius LIe DNA Irom boLI LIe emurIuns und LIe AnunnukI Lo be ubIe Lo pIuy IIs
purL - LIIs, uccordIng Lo TIuIe, wus LIe experImenL. He needed DNA Irom boLI cumps und
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 226
more Lo puII LIIs oII - Ie needed Lo be ubIe Lo ussocIuLe wILI LIe emurIuns us weII Lo
undersLund LIeIr mIndseL us weII us IuvIng IIs TrIpIe HeIIx ucLIvuLed so Ie cun IeIp openIng
LIe SLurguLe. A TIuIe member ussured me LIuL SuprIem knows LIIs. TIe quesLIon Is - wIIcI
dIrecLIon wIII SuprIem Luke? I we LIInk Ie Is LIe AnLICIrIsL, IL doesn`L muLLer II Ie IIIp-IIops
beLween IoyuILIes, LIe BIbIe propIecIes regurdIng IIm wIII come Lo puss unywuy.
AIso, LIe WIkIpedIu`s InLerpreLuLIon Is InLeresLIng us weII: LIere IL suys LIuL Ie grows Lo LIe
souLI (Tennessee, wIere Ie wus born), LIen Lo LIe eusL (New York, wIere Ie now resIdes)
und IIs InLenLIon Is Lo go Lo LIe BeuuLIIuI Iund - srueI und compIeLe IIs mIssIon LIere.
TIuL IILs, Loo.
Now, IeL`s conLInue wILI MuLLIew zq:
n verse , Jesus CIrIsL`s dIscIpIes cume Lo HIm und usked, TeII us, wIen sIuII LIese LIIngs
be? And wIuL sIuII be LIe sIgn oI Your comIng, und oI LIe end oI LIe worId?
CIrIsL conLInued Lo expIuIn LIe sequence oI evenLs LIuL precede HIs Second ComIng:
(:) deception b jclse prophets cnd jclse christs,
(z) rectl intensijin ucrs,
() detcstctin jcmines, cnd
(() pestilences-uidesprecd disecses-jollouin in the ucle oj ucrjcre cnd jcmine. These
etents cre smbolized b the jirst jour secls oj Retelction . Next, Christ explcined etents
cnd conditions lecdin up to the Iijth Secl:
Ior then shcll be rect tribulction, such cs ucs not since the beinnin oj the uorld
to this time, no, nor eter shcll be (Mctt. z(:z:).
WorId condILIons wIII Iuve serIousIy deLerIoruLed. Even God`s peopIe wIII be uIIecLed:
And beccuse iniquit shcll cbound, the lote oj mcn shcll ucx cold. ut he thct
shcll endure unto the end, the scme shcll be scted (ts. :z-:).
Verse 1q gIves u generuI sIgn oI wIen LIe end Is upon us:
And this ospel oj the lindom shcll be precched in cll the uorld jor c uitness unto
cll nctions; cnd then shcll the end come.
TIe BIbIe PropIecIes ure ubouL Lo come Lrue und LIe End TImes ure NOW. TIere wIII be u
spIIL beLween LIose wIo ure reudy Lo IoIIow CIrIsL Lo u beLLer worId und LIe nexL densILy oI
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 227
IeurnIng und LIere wIII be LIose wIo won`L. And In beLween LIe Lwo opLIons, LIe decepLIons
wIII be pIenLy-IuI und LIe IuIse propIeLs und MessIuIs wIII be everywIere.
SuprIem suys we uII Iuve Lo Iook beyond good und evII und LIuL Ie Is on uII sIdes, buL IL`s
Iurd Lo ImugIne someone wIo Is kIIIIng peopIe In droves Ior u bIgger purpose und IIves under
LIe moLLo LIe end jusLIIIes LIe meuns Is Ior LIe good oI IumunILy. TIIs goes uguInsL uII my
spIrILuuI InLuILIon und eLIIcuI und moruI prIncIpIes. He uIso Ius unger probIems . L muy or
muy noL be Lrue LIuL SuprIem Iud someLIIng Lo do wILI PrescoLL beIng LIrown In juII (II Ie
ever wus), buL IL reuIIy doesn`L muLLer. L wus LIe reucLIon Irom IIs cump Lo LIe rumors LIuL
PrescoLL wus urresLed LIuL sIowed LIeIr reuI Iuce, In my opInIon. TIIs one senLence, this is
uhct uill hcppen ij ou j-cl uith the Pouers Thct e sIows Lo me LIuL IIs 'benevoIenL
dIcLuLorsIIp` wIII noL be so benevoIenL uILer uII. WIuL we wIII be IuckIng In IIs AIIIed UnIon
uppurenLIy, Is Ireedom oI speecI. On LIe IIgILer sIde, IIs spokesmun muy Iuve been In u bud
mood LIuL duy, buL IL`s sLIII worrIsome, even II you don`L beIIeve LIe BIbIe PropIecIes.
L`s sLrunge Lo me wIen you Iuve Lo be uIruId Lo be on IIs bud sIde. TIuL`s noL u Ieuder um
reudy Ior. PersonuIIy, um noL even sure we need u Ieuder In LIe IuLure - uL IeusL noL II we
gruduuLe und move on Lo LIe nexL densILy. wouId suy LIuL LIen we wouId need LeucIers, noL
Ieuders - LeucIers LIuL cun LeucI us Lo LeucI ourseIves - LIuL`s LIe key Lo LIe kIngdom Ior
me. TIe unswer IIes wILIIn - LIe unILy, becomIng One wILI God, LIuL`s LIe gouI, LIuL`s LIe
End Gume. Be ONE wILI LIe CreuLor uguIn, come buck Iome und reporL, brIngIng wILI us
uII our experIences und wIuL we`ve Ieurned, so we cun IeIp LIe One CreuLor God, wIIcI Is
ourseIves In unILy, Lo experIence LseII. I YusIuuJJesus DOES come buck und wIII ruIe uILer
LIe durk Iorces ure deIeuLed, don`L LIInk ruIIng In LIIs cuse meuns IIke In KIng or
PresIdenL In LIe sense we ure used Lo LIInk Ing ubouL IL. L wIII be u spIrILuuI KIngdom und
beIIeve Ie wouId be more oI u worId LeucIer LIun u reguIur KIng. HIs proIound, spIrILuuI
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 22B
LeucIIngs Iuve IIved on up unLII LIIs duy uILIougI LIe worId wus noL reudy Ior LIem z,ooo
yeurs ugo, und perIups Ie is comIng buck In person IIke LIe New TesLumenL suys, despILe
PrescoLL`s, TIuIe`s und SuprIem`s convIcLIon LIuL YusIuu wus noL LIe MessIuI und LIe worId
Ius been deceIved.
Iuve u Iurd LIme wILI LIe TIuIe`s suggesLIon LIuL YusIuu wouId be u descendIng AnunnukI,
becuuse uL LIIs poInL don`L beIIeve LIuL LIe AnunnukI come us Lrue IIberuLors.
Mcttheu :z:: Either mcle the tree ood, cnd his jruit ood; or else mcle the tree
corrupt, cnd his jruit corrupt: jor the tree is lnoun b its jruit.
TIIs Is TIuIe`s ouLspoken vIewpoInL on SuprIem:
Lucijer is onl one in the hiercrch oj jcllen cnels. He stcnds clonside Leticthcn,
Dcon, Asmodc, Thcmmuz, to ncme c jeu. You thinl the uould be equcl to God.
Thct is the mistcle. SPRM is ter proud. This pride ccn quicll lecd to crrocnce
cnd hubris. Dj course there cre much hiher entities in the hiercrch oj Godsl
The Crector himselj, in cll his Grectness, uill onl hcte Lucijer do uhct he must do:
clecnse the uorld.
Iree Will vs. Pre-etermined estiny
TIere ure Lwo exLremes oI LIe specLrum. On one sIde, LIere Is LIe person wIo suys
eterthin is jree uill. You crecte our reclit :oo cll the time, cnd our juture depends
jull on uhct decisions ou mcle nou. There is no such thin cs jcte. On LIe oLIer sIde oI
LIe specLrum we Iuve LIe person wIo suys: Eterthin is pre-destined. God crected this
uniterse - he is Alphc cnd Dmec cnd eterthin thct is cbout to hcppen hcs clrecd
hcppened. There is nothin ue ccn do cbout it. It's cll in God's Grect Plcn cnd in the Hcnds
oj God. We cre not supposed to tr to interjere.
So wIo Is rIgIL? ObvIousIy boLI cun`L be rIgIL. Or cun LIey? TIese Lwo concepLs ure u
purudox, buL LIey ure boLI Lrue. TIIs Is LIe ucLuuI purudox: we Iuve Iree wIII und IeIp
creuLIng LIe IuLure LIrougI LIe cIoIces we muke, buL everyLIIng Is pre-desLIned by u deIInILe
IIowJUnIversuI PIunJpuLLern. mpossIbIe you suy, buL yeL Lrue, us see IL.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 22S
We ure uII One wILI LIe UnIversuI SpIrIL, wIIcI we cuII God, Ience we Iuve LIe ubIIILy Lo
ucLIveIy Luke ucLIons, responsIbIIILy und InILIuLIve In LIe creuLIon process.
eL`s Luke LIIs exumpIe: In LIe IusL second, you see JoIn ubouL Lo cross LIe sLreeL und you
screum, SLop! TIere Is u cur comIng IuII speed und Ie wIII run over you II you cross now!
eL`s suy JoIn totcll beIIeves In pre-desLIny. TIen Ie couId suy: WeII, wIuL Is meunL Lo be Is
meunL Lo be und Ie crosses LIe sLreeL unywuy und mosL probubIy Is run over. BuL wusn`L LIIs
u wurnIng Irom LIe UnIverse (God) LIuL Ie couId geL kIIIed II Ie crossed LIe sLreeL? AImosL
everybody ugrees LIuL II someone or someLIIng wurns you ubouL u cur wIen you ure ubouL Lo
cross LIe sLreeL, you sIouId wuIL.
SLIII, LIere ure muny peopIe wIo Iuve been Iorewurned oI dIsusLers wIIcI preLLy obvIousIy
wIII Iuppen, buL LIey sLIII sLuy In LIe ureu, suyIng: II IL`s meunL Lo Iuppen, IL Iuppens. TIese
ure oILen peopIe wIo wouId never drIve wILIouL u seuLbeIL. TIey beIIeve In Iree wIII,
oLIerwIse LIey wouIdn`L use seuLbeILs Ior LIe purpose oI prevenLIng Lo geL IurL, buL In LIe
cuse oI dIsusLer LIey ruLIonuIIze LIeIr decIsIon bused on desLIny.
On LIe oLIer sIde oI LIe specLrum we Iuve peopIe wIo beIIeve LIey totcll creuLe LIeIr own
reuIILy, und cun`L be uIIecLed by unyLIIng eIse. TIey beIIeve LIIs Lo be Lrue Lo LIe excIusIon oI
LIe UnIversuI uw oI Cuuse & EIIecL. Some beIIeve LIuL even Jesus` crucIIIxIon Iuppened
becuuse Ie drew IL Lo IImseII by neguLIve LIougILs or kurmu. TIey suy you won`L geL cuncer
II you don`L uccepL LIe Ideu LIuL you cun. n exLreme, oLIers suy you won`L even dIe II you
reIuse Lo LIInk LIe LIougIL. YeL no one Ius proven sucI - und everybody dIes. Sume LIIng
wILI LIose wIo suy you don`L Iuve Lo euL Lo muInLuIn u pIysIcuI body. Hus noL been proven
I LIese peopIe were correcL, you couId poLenLIuIIy sIL In LIe mIddIe oI LIe IIgIwuy In peuk
Iour und noL be run over, becuuse you Iuven`L druwn un uccIdenL Lo you beIore. You couId
Luke u gun Irom u desperuLe gunmun In LIe mIddIe oI u robbery wILIouL geLLIng sIoL, becuuse
II you`re noL vIoIenL, you`re noL goIng Lo druw IL Lo you. TIere ure very Iew peopIe wIo wouId
do sucI LIIngs. WIy? Becuuse LIey know deep InsIde IL wusn`L totcll Lrue. TIIngs do Iuppen
Lo peopIe LIuL LIey dIdn`L uLLrucL Lo LIemseIves menLuIIy. BuL Ior LIe mosL purL, we do creuLe
our own reuIILIes und our own IIves, conscIousIy undJor subconscIousIy, us we sIuII see In LIe
nexL subsecLIon. L Lukes u greuL deuI oI undersLundIng, und IIgI conscIousness, Lo IuIIy grusp
sucI purudoxes, und noL LIInk In ImbuIunced munners one wuy or LIe oLIer. um myseII jusL
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 23O
IeurnIng Lo grusp LIese concepLs und IL Is cerLuInIy mInd boggIIng und very enIIgILenIng us
LIey cun be undersLood on dIIIerenL dImensIonuI IeveIs.
UndersLundIng LIIs Iuw Is Iow u propIeL deLermInes wIuL LIIngs ure pusL LIe poInL oI no
reLurn, und ure LIus desLIned Lo Iuppen regurdIess oI wIuL eIse Iuppens.
How Cun Prophecies Work II We Creute Our Own Reulity?
TIIs quesLIon boLIered me Ior u Iong LIme. couId obvIousIy see LIuL we uII creuLe our own
reuIILy Irom LIe cIoIces we muke every second oI our duy. Even wIen we don`L muke cIoIces
we creuLe our reuIILy, becuuse noL mukIng u cIoIce Is uIso u cIoIce. However, LIe cIoIces we
muke ure noL uIwuys conscIous - we ure operuLIng Lo u Iurge degree on und wILI reucLIons
ruLIer LIun ucLIons, so Is reucLIon reuIIy Iree wIII?
WIen we come Lo LIe InsIgIL LIuL u mujorILy oI our decIsIons ure noL conscIous und mude by
Iree wIII, buL ure jusL reucLIons Lo u sILuuLIon, IL`s quILe sLunnIng! EucI reucLIon, In exLensIon,
Is bused on prevIous experIences sImIIur Lo LIe one we ure IucIng In presenL LIme - IL`s IIke u
cIuIn oI reucLIons. We LIInk we muke u decIsIon on u conscIous IeveI, wIen In IucL we ure
jusL repeuLIng our reucLIons Irom LIe pusL wILIouL LIInkIng ubouL LIe consequences IIrsL.
ess LIun we reuIIze we ure LukIng ucLIons comIng Irom cuIcuIuLed decIsIons. Here ure my
Wh is it thct the ible Prophecies cnd other old prophecies cre comin true?
Hou could cnone lnou uhct uould hcppen so jcr in the juture, ij millions or
billions oj people cre mclin rcndom decisions eter second oj ecch dc?
L dIdn`L muke sense Lo me unLII recenLIy goL u IoL oI new InsIgILs Irom reudIng und
medILuLIng on IL.
My onIy prevIous expIunuLIon wus LIuL we uIso creuLe dIIIerenL LImeIInes every LIme we muke
u cIoIce, becuuse we couId Iuve cIosen one oI LIe oLIer opLIons we Iud In u cerLuIn sILuuLIon
und sLurLed unoLIer LImeIIne. And jusL by LIInkIng u LIougIL, you creuLe u sLurL on LIuL
LImeIIne. TIereIore, on LIe LImeIIne um currenLIy conscIous ubouL, LIe BIbIe PropIecIes ure
comIng Lrue. AILIougI LIIs muy be Lrue Lo some smuII exLenL, IL dIdn`L expIuIn IL IuIIy.
SomeLIIng wus obvIousIy mIssIng.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 231
NoL unLII reud Jon PenIeI`s book, The Children oj the Lcu oj Dne & the Lost Tecchins oj
Atlcntis (unreIuLed Lo LIe Ru MuLerIuI, uILIougI uIso LeucIIng LIe uw oI One) und oLIer
spIrILuuI LeucIIngs dId begIn Lo undersLund Iow propIecIes work.
TIere ure Lwo IIeIds oI propIecy: LIe IIrsL Is predIcLIons oI predesLIned evenLs. TIe second
one Is LIe predIcLIon oI evenLs LIuL ure yeL Lo be deLermIned becuuse LIey InvoIve LIe Iree wIII
cIoIces oI one or more IndIvIduuIs.
TIe second one Is Iurd Lo predIcL uL besL - becuuse you never know Ior sure wIuL u person
mIgIL cIoose, due Lo LIuL peopIe Iuve Iree wIII. TIus propIecy InvoIvIng Iree wIII becomes
wIuL mIgIL be consIdered In scIenLIIIc Lerms us u probubIIILy IucLor. You cun deLermIne LIe
probubIIILy In percenLuge, IIke IL`s un 8% cIunce IL wIII Iuppen, or IL`s u % cIunce, und so
on. BuL you cun never suy wILI exucL cerLuInLy. L wIII be eusIer Lo predIcL II IucLors exIsL LIuL
wIII muke u person lecn one wuy or LIe oLIer. TIe more IucLors we know, LIe more uccuruLe
LIe propIecy.
An exLreme exumpIe Lo prove LIe poInL wouId be II you, wIo Iuve never pIuyed cIess beIore
sIL down Lo pIuy wILI LIe WorId CIumpIon. TIe ouLcome oI LIuL gume Is quILe predIcLubIe.
AILIougI boLI you und LIe cIumpIon Iuve Iree wIII, LIe cIunce LIuL you wouId wIn Is uImosL
non-exIsLenL, uILIougI IL Is noL 1oo% cerLuIn. L wouId sLIII be IuIr Lo suy LIuL II mude u
propIecy ouL oI IL und LoId LIe worId LIuL LIe cIumpIon wouId wIn, wouId be preLLy suIe.
TIen LIere ure LIe sILuuLIons und evenLs LIuL don`L InvoIve Iree wIII cIoIces uL uII, und cun be
seen und predIcLed Ior cerLuIn. Ike EurLI CIunges Ior exumpIe. I muke u propIecy suyIng
LIuL LIere wIII be voIcuno erupLIons, eurLIquukes und IIoodIng In LIe neur IuLure, we cun
predIcL LIIs Ior sure due Lo LIe wuy we ure desLroyIng LIe pIuneL und becuuse oI nuLuruI
cuuses. L Is uIreudy IuppenIng. TIIs Is u suIe propIecy.
Some propIecIes InvoIve u mIx oI Iree wIII cIoIces und pre-desLIned evenLs und LIen IL cun
geL very compIIcuLed. Some uspecLs wIII be cerLuIn, wIIIe oLIers won`L.
To brIng LIIs u IILLIe bIL IurLIer Lo geL Lo my poInL, Iere Is unoLIer exumpIe: your spouse
cIeuLs on you. TIuL`s Ier Iree wIII buL your desLIny sInce IL`s goIng Lo Iuppen Lo you no muLLer
wIuL. WIuLever you decIde Lo do ubouL IL Is YOUR Iree wIII und her desLIny. EveryLIIng LIuL
Iuppens Lo us LIuL Is ouL oI our conLroI Is our desLIny buL we Iuve u cIunce Lo exercIse Iree
wIII wIen we respond Lo IL. OI course, you mude cIoIces eurIIer wIIcI brougIL you Lo LIe
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 232
poInL wIere your spouse cIeuLed on you, buL once sIe mude LIe cIoIce Lo cIeuL IL becume
your desLIny.
Now, IeL`s Iook uL LIIs Irom u more dIvIne uspecL - IeL us ponder TIe Book oI ReveIuLIon und
TIe Book oI DunIeI Lo nume Lwo LIuL ure quILe IumIIIur Lo muny peopIe. BoLI LIese books ure
cIunneIed InIormuLIon In u dIsLunL pusL, predIcLIng u IuLure und wrILLen down Iong ugo,
beIore LIese propIecIes Iuppened. I we reud LIese Lwo books Loduy und LIen Iook uround
us, we wouId be LoLuIIy bIInd II we dIdn`L see Iow LIese propIecIes come Lrue, one uILer LIe
I our exIsLence wus onIy Iree wIII und zero desLIny, LIe IucL LIuL LIe propIecIes come Lrue
wouId noL be possIbIe. TIereIore, LIere musL be u dIvIne pIun Irom LIe begInnIng - u MusLer
PIune - und we uII muy udd or subLrucL Lo LIuL pIun by execuLIng our Iree wIII Lo muke IL InLo
un experIence und u gume wILI unknown IucLors (LIe rundom IucLor). Our muLuuI decIsIons
In combInuLIon wILI predeLermIned desLIny Iuve now brougIL us Lo wIere we ure Loduy. n u
IIgIer spIrILuuI reuIm, Irom wIere LIe cIunneIed InIormuLIon wus gIven Lo SL. JoIn LIe
DIvIne und DunIeI, our IuLure couId be predIcLed IuIrIy uccuruLeIy. As usuuI, IL uII Ius Lo do
wILI muLIemuLIcs - LIe UnIverse Is muLI!
SpIrILs und enLILIes In mucI IIgIer reuImsJdensILIes, wIo cun see LIe wIoIe pIcLure (wIIcI
we cun`L) wouId probubIy be ubIe Lo Luke LIe wIoIe LIIrd densILy, reud our cIurucLers und
predIcL our ucLIons und reucLIons Lo u degree oI cerLuInLy LIuL we wouId do In LIe exumpIe
wILI LIe cIess gume ubove, or uL IeusL cIose Lo LIuL IeveI oI uccurucy. TIey wouId see LIuL IL Is
IuIr Lo predIcL LIuL wIuL Is cIunneIed In LIese Lwo books wIII come Lo puss due Lo uII our
decIsIons, In combInuLIon wILI desLIny. And LIuL muy be Iow exLremeIy compIIcuLed
propIecy works - someLIIng LIuL wouId be ImpossIbIe Ior us Iumuns wILI LIIrd densILy
IImILuLIons Lo do or undersLund. We ure ubIe Lo grusp LIe concepL, buL we cun not undersLund
LIe muLI beIInd IL.
An uIIegory wouId be LIuL we cun pIcLure ourseIves sILLIng In spuce IookIng uL PIuneL EurLI
Irom ubove und LIus see LIe wIoIe pIuneL uL once, buL wIen we`re sLuck down Iere on LIe
surIuce, LIere Is no wuy Lo see LIe wIoIe pIuneL Irom ouLsIde. SeeIng LIe LIIrd densILy Irom
ouLsIde muy be wIuL Is necessury Lo muke LIese compIIcuLed cuIcuIuLIons, wIIcI IncIude uII
LIe possIbIe und probubIe decIsIons, In ucLIon or reucLIon, oI eucI sIngIe LIIrd densILy beIng,
IncurnuLed uL LIe LIme oI LIe propIecy up unLII LIe LIme wIen LIe propIecy Is IuIIIIIed. SLIII,
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 233
uILIougI mInd boggIIng, don`L see wIy IL wouIdn`L be possIbIe. AILer uII, we ure A ONE
wILI LIe Supreme BeIng und II you LIInk ubouL IL und Iook uL yourseII, your IrIends und
peopIe In generuI, we ure uII quILe predIcLubIe. I even we cun see LIuL, IL`s eusIer Lo grusp
LIe concepL LIuL IIgIer densILy beIngs cun muke preLLy compIIcuLed, buL uccuruLe propIecIes.
jusL goL IoId oI u documenL LIuL wus In LIe possessIon oI LIe TIuIe Order, on LIe subjecL oI
rmInsuI. TIe documenL, us usuuI, wus In Germun, so Iud Lo usk someone Lo LrunsIuLe IL Ior
me. TIe InIormuLIon In LIere, especIuIIy LIe poem uL LIe end, wrILLen by TIuIe members, Is
noL exucLIy IIuLLerIng Lo SuprIem. L cIeurIy IubeIs IIm us LIe AnLICIrIsL. TIe TIuIe Is Indeed
deepIy InvoIved In pusL, currenL und IuLure evenLs, und LIereIore LIIs InIormuLIon Is very
ImporLunL und crucIuI LIuL we pubIIsI In conLexL. L Is very occuILIc, buL LIuL`s LIe nuLure oI
LIese secreL socIeLIes und IumunILy us u wIoIe Is noL used Lo LIInkIng In LIese Lerms.
NeverLIeIess, we`d beLLer sLurL reuIIzIng LIuL LIIs Is LIe wuy LIose In power LIInk.
We uIso need Lo uncIuIn ourseIves Irom LIe progrummIng we LIInk we ure noL uIIecLed by,
buL ucLuuIIy ure. n LIIs cuse `m LuIkIng ubouL noL IuvIng cnthin Lo do wILI LIe occuIL.
CIrIsLIun reseurcIers (noL uII oI LIem, buL LIe mujorILy) Iuve LuugIL LIe resL oI us not Lo
drIbbIe wILI LIe occuIL or noL even sLurL IookIng InLo IL, becuuse IL`s so evII und oI SuLun. TIuL,
LIInk, Is LoLuI nonsense und onIy sLops peopIe Irom beIng enIIgILened. cun see wIere LIose
CIrIsLIun reseurcIers come Irom, und LIey Iuve LIemseIves been progrummed Lo beIIeve LIIs
In muny cuses, wIIIe oLIers ure noL CIrIsLIun uL uII, buL jusL wunL Lo scure us, cIuImIng we
Iose our souIs II we Iook InLo LIe knowIedge LIuL SuLun guve us In LIe Gurden oI Eden.
YHWH cIeurIy LoId Adum und Eve not Lo Luke purL oI LIIs knowIedge, buL LIen uguIn, wIo Is
YHWH??? CuL LIe cIuIn Lo LIIs progrummIng und you wIII sLurL IookIng uL IL Irom u new
By suyIng LIIs, don`L meun we sIouId embruce everyLIIng LIuL`s occuIL - LIere LruIy is durk
sLuII ouL LIere us weII, buL LIuL`s Ior eucI IndIvIduuI Lo dIsLInguIsI. We uII Iuve Iree wIII und
LIuL meuns Iree wIII Lo experIence cnthin, buL we uIso Iuve Lo Luke LIe consequences II we
cIoose u neguLIve puLI. KnowIedge Is uIwuys neuLruI - IL`s wIuL we`re doIng wILI IL LIuL
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 23A
RMANSU preLLy mucI speuks Ior ILseII, uILIougI LIe EngIIsI muy noL be perIecL (buL IuIIy
undersLundubIe). However, Ior LIe curIous, LIere ure greuL reIerences Lo rmInsuI In
LIe ReIerences SecLIon In LIe buck oI LIIs book (under ReIerences, CIupLer X). AIso, LIe
orIgInuI Germun documenL Is In LIe AppendIx SecLIon.
TIe RMNSU wus orIgInuIIy menLIoned In LIe AT-TUM LubIeLs (see CIupLer X). L wus
LIe sLuII oI ERA, LIe wIse councII member oI LIe AnunnukI.
Whct is the Irminsul? Is it c hol shrine oj the Germcns cs such? A smbol oj the
beliejs oj the cncients? A smbol, uhich is oj c reliious ncture cnd remoted jrom
Nothin oj thct cppliesl The Priesthood oj Amen hcs rediscotered the recl sense oj
the Irminsul; beccuse thct sense ucs discotered c jeu hundred oj thouscnd ecrs
col Let us recd c short pcssce jrom Asencth Mcson jrom the bool
Necronomicon Gnosis:
Grcnt's understcndin oj the cbss is the rect ditide betueen existence oj the
phenomenoloiccl uorld cnd its ditine source, betueen mcnijestction cnd non-
mcnijestction.. Dccth, uhich represents the cte into the cbss is clso cclled the
Mcute-Coloured Zone uhich is the entrcnce into the multidimensioncl cspects oj
the boundless spcces beond the lnoun uniterse. Those dimensions exist outside or
betueen the stcte oj drecmin cnd uclin. The Mcute-Zone is clso cncloous to
the Crimson Desert oj the Arcbs, the primetcl equitclent oj the Robc el Khclich, c
zone uhich is occupied b etil demons. The Mcute-Coloured Desert is clso cclled
the Empt Spcce or Dchnc; cnd it is belieted thct Abdul Al-Hczred, the
leendcr cuthor oj the Neconomicons, spent :o ecrs in seclusion there. Robc el
Khclich is not c phsiccl plcce thouh but c mstic dimension, the cte to the
cbss. In thct sense it is clso connected to IREM, the leendcr Cit oj the Pillcrs.
IREM turns up in dijjerent connections in the Cthulhu-Mthos. Lotecrcjt plcces this
cit in the Mcute-Coloured Desert. It is scid Pillcr is c code ncme jor the old ones
or cncients uhich does c trcnslction oj the term IREM oj the Pillcrs in the
IREM oj the Ancients cllou. It is clso scid cbout Abdul Al-Hczred thct he tisited
IREM uhere he jound the mcnuscripts oj the jorotten lnoulede. In Lotecrcjts
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 235
jiction the IREM is c lind oj pcssce uc to the outside into the cbss. End oj
Irminsul is clso the Pillcr oj the Ancients cnd sertes cs communicction uith the
Ancient Godsl This lnoulede ucs clrecd understood b Heinrich Meibom cnd
crected cs c picture in the ecr oj ::z uhich ccn be seen belou. Mcn centuries oj
inorcnce hcd to o b till c brother oj the Priesthhood oj Amen in the ecr zoo:
jincll hcd cn encounter uith c bein uhich ccnnot be ncmed beccuse oj discretion.
Thct bein retecled to the brother the ditine buildin plcn oj the Ancient Pillcr
uhich is jrom nou on ncmed cs the Vril-Generctor jor better understcndin. Thct
Vril-Generctor mcles it possible jor the brotherhood not onl to contcct the
Ancient Gods but clso mcles c recctitction oj the DNS into c hiher dimension
possible. The lnoulede cbout the recctitction oj the double helix into c triple helix
is oj crucicl importcnce beccuse in thct lies the essence oj ditinit. The selection
hcppens b probe oj the blood. Thct humcn blood must hcte c certcin criteric to be
suitcble jor c recctitction. The interncl lnoulede cbout thct is reserted jor the
Priesthood oj Amen cnd the Drder oj Thule.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 236
As the dc dcrlens the niht the scme hiher sense cpplies to the lcu oj duclit;
thct sense ccn onl be rcsped throuh oppositesl Those cre jound in the depths oj
the cbss, the Dccth; cnd his Lord CTHULHU uctches oter thct. He is the Drcon
oj the Abss - the THREE-TIMES-DRNE, since HE WAS, HE IS, AND HE WILL
El HE is the becst oj uhich cchietes uith cn opposite oj cnother pcrt his
perjectionl +=. ut betueen, m decr jriends; stcnd the cte, the :::;
cnd therejore the becomes the ;;; cnd it recches the mcic letell Nothin uill
be lile bejore cnmorel Not eten YDUl Lool into ourselj cnd rcsp our beinl
We cre born jor eternit mecnt jor c better uorld lije does not et lost completel,
thouh the rcte tcles the bod. We cre too bi jor this time, God crected us jor
Immortclitl Risin jrom the decd uill our bod cjter c short rest, immortcl ue
uill bel The one uho mcde us uill ite us, immortcl lije jor cll timesl
|clternctite trcnslction in pcrenthesis ()|
Dn the end oj the lcst dc, the jliht (esccpe) brins the loned-jor chcne, brins
hope nou to the uhole uorld, juljillin judement, uhich is liled.
The lcst cte is nou recched, uhere dcrlness to the liht ites uc, uhere the Dcrl
God possesses no pouer, uhere the mornin rcs cjter the pth nihtl
All the lecders oj this uorld understcnd, nou it is cnd the uind is blouinl You
could not rule hou ou uould thouht: The truth is, somebod else lecds our steps.
This one reins in eternit, oter crouds oj people oj cn old uorld, scu the time
comin cjter cll, holdin the sceptre oter ou.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 237
SPRM is perhcps his ncme, is supported b this lcd, uhich ccrries the thorn (or
stin, spile, spur) on the le, he rins in the turn (chcne)l
He pluned ou in cll the ucrs, he cte ou lor cnd tictor, the others he cte
the CDUP DE GRCE (decth b euthcncsic, cct oj merc), the blood oj people
themseltes spilled.
Silter is his shirt oj chcins, jlcmes oj jire his croun, etil clucs is his oun, his
cdtise is neter uithout.
Usin c Germcn lecder, to set the uorld cblcze, cnd uhct is lejt, onl to hunt into
The one uho lnous hou to open the cte, to jlee oj his behest, to uithdrcu jrom his
cdtise, cnd to jlee to the EGINNING thenl
To set up the LINES (bloodlines, oj descent), on uhich the jound the pouer todcl
: lines (bloodlines, oj descent) oj old nobilit, Without remorse, honour cnd
reprocch (criticism)l Hcs betrced the uhole plcnet, cnd cdtised the rulers to
deceitel Hcs MICHAEL iten decth, And uith thct him the true lijel
Immortcl is the lcst one nou, uho ucs set on the throne b the lines (bloodlines, oj
descent)l SPRM is the blood brother oj Wodcn, clder's murderer - the recl SLUT
(promiscuous uomcn).
Dn the RDCK is he chcined, in the sun-orbit urcppedl Circles the sun ecr cjter
ecr, This is the EARTH - clecr cs dcliht.
Imprisonment ends on the rocl, uhen DURDDRDS turns ccinl LDKI (the detil)
lecds the lines (bloodlines) oj his blood, This lnoulede brins nothin oodl
Wcrs should neujound EMPIRE, Iorite the sins oj the jcthersl With plcue cnd
epidemics cilin: eccuse oj tiruses uhich in the KE - RD - SINl With probes
suimmin in the blood, the toices uhisper in the unconscious. The jrom the needle
seeps into, Is the humcn mcrled jor decth.
This mischiej uill be ended, uhen DURDDRDS time turnsl When DURDDRDS
ects his tcil, ends DR the dcnce oj LDKI (the detil)l
The one uho uiped out hclj c people, uhich hcd his rcce jorjeited, cnd hcd turned
toucrds cnother lord, uhich tried to tcle the hcndl
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 23B
eccuse thct one loted his people, to thcnl he ucs ncmed IATHER, DREAS ucs
his proud ncme, ucs he cn ojjsprin oj the ADVISERS cjter cll.
And his son is our lord, to serte him is not hcrd, the pouer oj the uords is his
trecsure, In Slclden (?)- hecrts is his plcce.
Dn the tree oj lnoulede cuclens, thct one, uho rouses (uhip up) the uind.
WDDIN oes bccl to the THING, rins his people c neu lucll
Goes to the jield into c neu bcttle, To the jcther's hill (mountcin) ct MIDNIGHT, To
tcle on the SLUT (promiscuous uomcn) ccin, And to lo his rocl ccin.
He holds jirm the rein oj uorlds in his hcnd, he is serted b some countries. He
determines uho hcs the PDWER, He clone protoles the ucr.
In VINLAND (Americc ?) cre stcndin his TRDDPS, to serte him is c honour. Ior
him to bleed to decth , Ior him to sujjer deepest miser.
KING DI THE WDRLD he ncmes himselj, Who does not cree - uhom HE uill
burnl Protole the lord nou, Who is ct home in AGAARTHIl
Destroed temples, old cit, estcblish the sect (hecdqucrter) in the NEW cit, uilt
neu TDWERS in VINLAND'S HEART, Ccuses sujjerin cnd pcin.
ut the touers ccme to c sudden end, uhen WDDIN brouht the lcst turnl LDKI's
(the detil) pouer ucs disturbed, therejore the lcnd oj the Proud ucs destroed.
Nou to burn orecs' throne, cnd to lill his onl son, into the lcnd oj the tuo riters
SPRM soon hurries, but loner thcn plcned he stced ct home.l
Wcrs he lecds shortl cnd quicl uith cunnin, In lillin he is c true mcsterl ut
uhct cre the best uecpons jor, Ij one is not mcde jor PEACE?
Iincll the seed (semen) is comin up, uhich SPRM lcid into the people, The
mctericl thins cre clucs most importcnt, Sujjerin oj the people is not oj
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 23S
Without lords oj this ecrth HE decides, Etentucll he uho is the Lord oj the Worldl
Not to build up is one uillin, uhct SPRM destroed cnd uhct he lillsl
His seed ccme up, reucrd is nou in splendour, Eterbod onl thinls cbout his
eo, oj himselj is one's concernl This seedlin he himselj lcid into the hecrt: Thct's
uh nobod ucnts to help him soothe his pcinl dcrl lords uill stcnd clone soon,
help uill not come eten jrom c pil Hcte the humcns rcised themseltes cs such,
Hcte lied the uhole timel
Loli lecd once the mcn jrom Inn (c riter in Germcn), drote him into mcdnessl
Nou he lecds the lord jrom VIN-LAND, And robs him nou jrom the lcst oj his mindl
rouht lccl Hecd to pouer, but clucs uctches oter cctionsl lccl Hecd
oes on HIS strins (c puppet), uho deceites the uorld uith nice speechesl
Who he oes into the uide uorld, to lure them uith pouer cnd mone. euiles
them uith noble uords, Ior the dc oj the lord to be sold onl
Gctherin oj the troops is oin on, the troops stcnd in jront oj the cte to
cttentionl Throuh the cte, uhich Loli lnous, The rocl household is runnin.
ut his time is necrin to endl WAGENTHDR brins nou the turnl Suins his
hcmmer cnd let it crcsh: With thct the lcst ones ccn ucle upl
DARKNESS IS THE LAST WARNINGl Your excuse sertes cs c ccmoujlce. You
ucnt to set the uorld jree? Terror it is uhich leeps ou clitel
TERRDR this is our SIGNl ut our time uill mcle uc jor c neu onel YDU
I cm ct the end oj the ninth niht, cuclen on the tree oj lnouledel Wrcp me nou
in the CDAT DI THIEVES, And suin nou the DUMELLl
Tcle the specr, climb on m horse, Lecd on the sl-retinue. Liht-eltes, GIANTS,
Asen (Norse ods), Vcnen (Norse ods), Pcte the uc to Midccrdl (ecrth?)
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2AO
Proud people ucle up noul Your juture sertes m purposel M Slclden (?) shou
ou the uc, I onl uish jor mselj thct ou o in therel
WDDIN, son oj DREAS throuh GerWin jrom the mecdou b the riter, stcrted in
Erntin (c toun or tillce in Germcn) zoo (Dctober :, zoo) jinished in the
merr moon, :pth dc (Mc :p, zoop)
So Who is Supriem RockeIeller? {A Summury)
Now, wIen we ure geLLIng cIose Lo LIe end oI LIe book IL`s LIme Lo puL z und z LogeLIer und
see wIere LIIs sLory Ius Luken us.
AccordIng Lo SuprIem IImseII, IIs MunIsoIu, wIIcI Is LIe IIIe Iorce oI ucIIer, YHWH,
Murduk Ru, Horus, TIe MessIuI und SumecI, wus pIuced In LIe body wIIcI wus goIng Lo be
numed SuprIem DuvId RockeIeIIer oI LIe runkIsI RoyuI BIoodIIne wIIcI goes buck Lo LIe
House oI DuvId und IurLIer buck Lo LIe SumerIun LImes.
He Iud IeIp Irom LIe TIuIe und VrII SocIeLIes Lo muke LIIs Iuppen und uIreudy us u cIIId Ie
Iud u cIoIce wIeLIer Ie wunLed Lo IuIIIII LIe propIecIes oI LIe End TImes und become LIe
AnLICIrIsL or IuIIIII wIuL Is In LIe UrunLIu Book und redeem IImseII und become LIe MessIuI
LIe JewIsI PeopIe Iuve been wuILIng Ior so Iong.
He suys Ie decIded Lo cIoose LIe puLI wIere Ie bypusses LIe Book oI ReveIuLIon, TIe Book oI
DunIeI und oLIer PropIeLs In LIe BIbIe. TIus, In IIs opInIon, LIe BIbIe evenLs wIII noL Iuppen,
becuuse Ie wIII reIgn Ior u LIousund yeurs, ImmorLuI or neurIy ImmorLuI due Lo IIs TrIpIe
HeIIx ucLIvuLIon, LIen beIng LIe CEO oI u benevoIenL One WorId DIcLuLorsIIp cuIIed LIe
AIIIed UnIon und peopIe wIII Iove IIm. He promIses LIuL everybody wIII keep LIeIr cuILures
- Ie wIII noL InIIIcL on LIuL und peopIe wIII be more or Iess ubIe Lo mInd LIeIr own busIness.
He wIII uboIIsI LIe RS und Congress und sLop usIng oII und InsLeud puL LIe money on
uILernuLIve energy sources.
TIIs sounds quILe good II we Luke IIs words Iuce vuIue, buL sLIII Ie cooperuLes wILI NATO, LIe
MIIILury und LIe Power EIILe, commonIy known us LIe 1 IIumInuLI BIoodIInes, becuuse Ie Is
one oI LIem! He cIuIms LIey wIII be redeemed uith IIm und LIereIore LIey IoIIow IIm.
TIIngs wIII soon Lurn uround Lo LIe beLLer, Ie suys - very soon! BuL II LIuL Is Lrue, Ie uIso
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2A1
need uII LIe uIIen ruces on IIs sIde, und especIuIIy LIe one LIuL IoIds LIIs MuLrIx LogeLIer Lo
keep us In LIIs gIunL prIson cump. TIe 1 BIoodIInes ure LIeIr GuurdIuns Iere on EurLI, und
LIey won`L do unyLIIng dIIIerenL II LIey don`L geL upprovuI Irom LIeIr InLer-dImensIonuI
superIors - II LIey dIsobeyed, LIey wouIdn`L geL uwuy wILI IL.
SuprIem Is oI LIe superIor runkIsI BIoodIIne, wIIcI busIcuIIy goes buck Lo EnkI (Eu) und
MugdI oI LIe AnnunukI - und Ie cIuIms LIe runkIsI, MerovIngIun bIoodIIne Is superIor Lo
LIe oLIer EIILe bIoodIInes. TIIs bIoodIIne Is LIe HoIy GruII, uccordIng Lo LIe TIuIe, becuuse
IL`s LIe bIoodIIne oI Jesus CIrIsL. He Is ruLIIess Lowurds IIs opponenLs, workIng by LIe moLLo,
LIe end jusLIIIes LIe meuns und mIcro-cIIppIng (LIe Murk oI LIe BeusL) muy or muy noL be
on LIe LubIe, uccordIng Lo IIs IuLesL news.
AppurenLIy, Ie`s In possessIon oI LIe Ark oI LIe CovenunL und LIe smuII versIon oI LIe BIuck
MusLer SLone, wIIcI guve AbruIum Power und now SuprIem, In conjuncLIon wILI IIs 1o,ooo
yeurs oId upIs rIng. AccordIng Lo my USA source, SuprIem Ius uIreudy used LIe SLone,
been uccepLed Ior LIIs mIssIon by LIe AncIenL oI Duys und Ius now Is One wILI LIe CreuLor -
Ie Ius become LIe CreuLor.
TIIs IusL sLuLemenL LIuL Ie`s become God wus gIven Lo me by LIe USA person. L sounds
very mucI IIke PrIde Lo me - ucIIer`s PrIde und IIs OrIgInuI CrIme repeuLIng ILseII. You geL
LIe IeeIIng someone Is LryIng Lo puL IImseII on LIe LIrone us LIe Lrue MessIuI Lo IooI LIe
worId. TIIs wouId uccordIng Lo LIe BIbIe be bIuspIemy und someLIIng LIe AnLICIrIsL wouId
do. And TIuIeJVrII ure IeIpIng IIm und ucLuuIIy seLLIng IIm up.
SuprIem uIso cIuIms Lo be LIe JewIsI MessIuI und ucIIer uL LIe sume LIme.
n LIe GospeI oI JoIn, 8:q-q, Jesus sLuLes LIuL LIe Jews worsIIp ucIIer. Here Ie uddresses
LIe Jews dIrecLIy:
`Abrchcm is our jcther', the (the 1eus) cnsuered.
`Ij ou uere Abrchcm's children,' scid 1esus, `then ou uould do the thins
Abrchcm did. As it is, ou cre determined to lill me, c mcn uho hcs told ou the
truth thct I hecrd jrom God. Abrchcm did not do such thins. You cre doin the
thins our oun jcther does.'
`We cre not illeitimcte children,' the protested. `The onl Icther ue hcte is God
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2A2
1esus scid to them:
`Ij God uere our Icther, ou uould lote me, jor I ccme jrom God cnd nou cm
here. I hcte not come on m oun; but He sent me. Wh is m lcnuce not clecr to
ou? eccuse ou cre uncble to hecr uhct I sc. You belon to our jcther, the
detil, cnd ou ucnt to ccrr out our jcther's desire. He ucs c murderer jrom the
beinnin, not holdin to the truth, jor there is no truth in him. When he lies, he
specls his nctite lcnuce, jor he is c licr cnd the jcther oj lies. Yet beccuse I tell
the truth ou do not beliete mel'
Jun vun HeIsIng, uuLIor oI LIe besL-seIIIng book SecreL SocIeLIes und TIeIr Power In
LIe zoLI CneLury goes even deeper:
A circle jormed cround ARDN RUDDLI VDN SEDTTENDDRI thct tic the
Teutonic Drder in :p:8 in cd Aiblin beccme the THULE-GESELLSCHAIT. The
themes the tried to linl to politics uere scientijic mcic, cstrolo, occultism cnd
Templcr lnoulede cs uell cs Golden Dcun prcctices lile Tcntrc, Yoc cnd
Ecstern meditction.
The Thule-Gesellschcjt belieted, jollouin the retelction oj Iscis, in c Comin
Sctior (Germcn: Heilcnd = the Hol Dne), the Third Scron uho uould brin to
Germcn lor cnd c neu Arcn culture.
At the end oj September :p:; Sebottendorj met uith members oj the Lords oj the
lccl Stone ct the Untersber to receite the pouer oj the lccl-Purple Stone cjter
uhich the secret societ ucs ncmed.
The Lords oj the lccl Stone uho jormed out oj the Mcrcionite Templcr societies in
:zz: cnd uere led b Hubertus Koch hcd set cs their cim the jiht ccinst etil cnd
the buildin oj Christ's reclm oj liht. This dcrl pouer the uere to jiht hcd
retecled himselj in the so-cclled Dld Testcment throuh Moses cnd other medium
cs God, stcrtin uith the uords b YHWH = 1AHVEH = 1ehotch to Abrchcm:
I cm God Almihtl
In Hebreu:
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2A3
Ani hc El Shcddci, trcnslcted: I cm El Shcddci - the outccst Archcnel (Shcddci
El) - Sheitcn or Sctcn (see the oriincl trcnslction oj Genesis :;::, e.. in : The
ible, Neu Internctioncl Version).
Sebottendorj clecrl reconized: The Shcddci, the God oj the Dld Testcment, is the
destroer, the cntconist oj God. His jollouers therejore souht to destro the
Ecrth, Ncture cnd humcnit. And the jollouers uere the belieters in Moscic Lcu,
the Hebreus (Secret Societies cnd Their Pouer in the zoth Centur, Chcpters z-
, :pp).
So LIe quesLIon remuIns, Is SuprIem serIousIy LryIng Lo unILe LIe IIumInuLI BIoodIInes (LIe
emurIuns) und creuLe u benevoIenL dIcLuLorsIIp LIuL IncIudes LIe wIoIe worId? I so, IL`s up
Lo eucI one oI us Lo decIde II LIIs Is wIuL we wunL or noL. ObvIousIy, LIIs Is IIs oIIIcIuI mIssIon
und besL cuse scenurIo. So uguIn, Is LIIs wIuL ou wunL?
Worst Cuse Scenurio
TIe worsL cuse scenurIo cun LIInk oI wouId be wIuL sLurLed wrILIng ubouL In CIupLer X,
jusL beIore LIe SecLIon ubouL AT-TUM:
L Iooks IIke LIe sLurguLe, wIIcI needs Lo be open Ior LIe AnunnukI on NIbIru Lo be ubIe Lo
connecL wILI LIeIr uncesLors, wus cIosed u Iong LIme ugo und Ius been cIosed unLII recenLIy.
TIe TIuIe Order Iud LIe meuns Lo open IL, so LIe Gods cun come buck und IeIp us ouL.
TIey needed LIe correcL musIc, LIe VR power, LIe PyrumIds und TrIpIe HeIIx DNA Lo
uccompIIsI LIIs, Ience SuprIem`s cump sLuLes LIuL LIey cun`L do IL wILIouL SuprIem.
However, LIe TIuIe suys LIere ure more peopIe wILI InucLIvuLed TrIpIe HeIIx DNA on EurLI
LIuL LIey cun use, und PrescoLL uppurenLIy Is one oI LIem. TIIs, Ior u reuson, mukes SuprIem
IurIous - Ie wunLs Lo be LIe onIy one wILI ucLIvuLed TrIpIe HeIIx. WIy?
WeII, Ie suys Ie is goIng Lo IeIp LIe AnunnukI connecL wILI LIeIr uncesLors,
buL uithout openIng LIe SLurguLe. s LIIs possIbIe? don`L know. WIuL comes Lo mInd
LIougI, us one opLIon, Is LIuL SuprIem ucLuuIIy Ius IIned up In secreL wILI LIe emurIun
IIumInuLI, mude pucLs wILI uIIen ruces Lo buck IIm up, becuuse LIe emurIuns ure noL LIuL
greuL In number. TIen, Ie sImpIy uses LIe MIIILury, NATO, (wIIcI consIsL oI boLI emurIun
peopIe und Iomo supIens) und LIe uIIen ruces Lo IIgIL ccinst LIe RepLoIds und EAJMAGD
peopIe, wunLIng LIe EurLI Ior IImseII. He muy LIen wunL Lo sLurL IIs own new Super Ruce
LogeLIer wILI HuLIor, u ruce sLronger und beLLer LIun LIe 1 emurIun bIoodIInes. L wouId
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2AA
be so, becuuse Ie Ius LIe TrIpIe HeIIx, qq SLrund DNA!
I Ie does, LIuL wouId still be un ucLIon oI LIe AnLICIrIsL und noL LIe MessIuI.
I LIIs Is correcL, openIng LIe SLurguLe wILIouL TIe TIuIe Is jusL dIsInIormuLIon on SuprIem`s
purL. He Ius no InLenLIons Lo unILe LIe pure AnunnukI und LIeIr uncesLors, und Ior some
IIdden reuson, AnunnukI LIen, II Ie succeeds, wIII noL urrIve. TIuL meuns Ie sLunds u cIunce
Lo IIgIL LIe RepLoIds und LIe EAJMAGD AnunnukI wILI IIs uIIIunce! BuL, II LIe AnunnukI
und LIeIr uncesLors ure unILed, Ie knows Ie Is LousL und wIII be kIIIed LogeLIer wILI LIe resL oI
LIe emurIun ruce, u IIgI prIce II Ie Is IosIng LIe buLLIe.
I LIIs cuse scenurIo Is vuIId, we muy be In deep LroubIe. TIe TIuIe Is now uwure oI LIIs us un
opLIon, und one oI ILs members LoId me LIey cun sLIII open LIe guLe wILIouL SuprIem und LIey
Iuve LIe musIc LIuL wus ImprInLed on LIe uIIen dIsc Iound In AnLurcLIcu on LIe 1qq
expedILIon. BuL II LIey sLIII need someone wILI TrIpIe HeIIx ucLIvuLed, we wIII soon see LIose
ucLIvuLed peopIe beIng kIIIed, unIess TIuIe cun suIeguurd LIem. PrescoLL wouId deIInILeIy be u
YeL, II LIe TIuIe Order succeeds In openIng LIe guLe (II we`re dIscussIng LIe sume cuse
scenurIo) we ure sLIII In LroubIe, becuuse LIuL meuns wur!!!
HopeIuIIy, my concIusIon Iere Is IncorrecL, buL we`d beLLer be prepured Ior LIe worsL.
We muy specuIuLe Iorever wIuL SuprIem`s recl InLenLIons ure, buL LIe reuson Ie Is puL In LIe
posILIon Ie Is In Is becuuse LIe InLenLIon Lo Lurn LIe emurIun IIumInuLI uround beIore
NIbIru und LIe pure bIood AnunnukI come buck uround zo1z.
I Ie Iusn`L succeeded by LIen (und LIme Is very sIorL), LIe AnunnukI, In uIIIunce wILI LIe
RepLoIds und EA`sJMAGD`s peopIe, wIII sLurL u wur uguInsL LIe emurIuns, und II LIuL
Iuppens Iomo supIens ure cuugIL In beLween und Iuve Lo cIoose sIdes.
AnoLIer opLIon Is wIuL Jumes oI LIe WIngMukers suId - LIe AnunnukI won`L sIow up. To
me, Irom my undersLundIng und InLuILIon, LIuL Is LIe besL cuse scenurIo, becuuse don`L
beIIeve Anu und IIs peopIe ure benevoIenL. TIey jusL wunL Lo recIuIm wIuL`s LIeIrs - LIe
Iumun ruce. I LIey don`L sIow up, even II IL meuns wur, IL`s probubIy beLLer, uILIougI IL`s noL
u desIrubIe ouLcome.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2A5
UnIorLunuLeIy, us see IL, mosL Iomo supIens ure so bruInwusIed, dumbed down und
IgnorunL, LIuL LIey gIudIy wIII cIoose LIe wrong sIde, LIInkIng LIey ure doIng LIe rIgIL LIIng
by IIgILIng uguInsL un uIIen Invuder Iorce. don`L suy LIuL Lo be InsuILIng, jusL us u muLLer oI
IucL. TIuL meuns Iumuns wIo ure IIgILIng ccinst LIe emurIuns wIII be In mInorILy und
probubIy be LreuLed IIke LruILors Ior LukIng LIe sIde oI LIe uIIens und LIe RepLoIds.
BuL, IIke suId - IL muy noL muLLer. We ure cIoosIng beLween Lwo evIIs, us see IL.
A Iew Options
As oI LIe vuIIdILy oI LIIs InIormuLIon, LIere ure u Iew opLIons wunL Lo dIscuss. Here ure LIe
:. This uhole thin is c hocx, mcde up b c jeu prcnlsters
z. This uhole thin is c ps op (pscholoiccl operction done b the Goternment to
coter up the recl truth)
. This stor is true cnd in context, but mc hcte c jeu jlcus in it due to thct some
sources did not ite me cll injormction or jclse injormction to coter up sensitite dctc.
Ij so:
(. Supriem is recll doin his best to redeem himselj cnd tcle responsibilit jor this
time cs Lucijer, uhen he stcrted the Wcr Acinst Mcnlind cnd crected cll this pcin
cnd sujjerin cnd sin in the uorld. He is the True Messich.
. He is still the Deceiter cnd tries to promote himselj cs ood cnd the onl sctior oj
mcnlind to uin people to his side. Then in jcct he is oin to proceed cs ible
Prophecies predicts cnd become the AntiChrist cjter hcte jooled people in cll ccmps.
He ucnted to brecl uith Thule,Vril beccuse oj his Pride cnd nou thinls he ccn scil the
boct to shore cll b himselj, cs the lecder oj the Militcr cnd NATD cnd the
Internctioncl cnlin Ccrtel.
. Scme cs #(, except thct he trul LIInks he is sctin mcnlind uhen in jcct he is just
plcin his role in this End Gcme to usher in the Dne World Goternment, uhich uill
be the beinnin oj the end.
Number one Is noL on LIe LubIe unymore. TIIs Is noL u Ioux- IL`s noL u Iew guys sILLIng
uround LIe LubIe drInkIng und mukIng up sLorIes us LIey go uIong, Lo dIscredIL reseurcIers
IIke myseII und oLIers. Ike suId, Iuve Iud IooL In boLI cumps und LIIs Is uII very reuI.
TIere ure no prunksLers Iere. AIso, II LIIs Is u Ioux, IL`s been goIng on Ior uL IeusL q yeurs.
Remember LIe emuII correspondence Irom GrunL, wIere Ie commenLs on LIe pIcLure oI
SuprIem wILI LIe ^-sIuped eye. TIese emuIIs ure Irom zoo1. sn`L IL u IILLIe bIL sLrunge LIuL
LIIs Ioux Ius been goIng on Ior uImosL u decude? Don`L peopIe grow up?
Moreover, on AugusL 16, zooq - exucLIy Lwo monLIs (on LIe duy) uILer pubIIsIed LIIs e-
book - LIe TIuIe GeseIIscIuIL, SwIss odge, wIIcI Is dIrecLIy connecLed Lo LIe Grund odge
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2A6
oI TIuIe, senL me un emuII In Germun, suyIng LIey Iuve IInked me up Lo LIe muIn puge oI
LIeIr websILe - ILLp:JJwww.LIuIe-geseIIscIuIL.orgJ -, cuIIIng my work u greuL ucIIevemenL.
Ike `ve menLIoned eIsewIere In LIIs book, neILIer TIuIe, SuprIem, LIe VrII SocIeLy or oLIer
InvoIved purLIes mInd uL LIIs poInL In LIme II LIIs InIormuLIon Is comIng ouL. Ike MIcIueI
PrescoLL, LIe PropIeL, LoId me wIen usked IIm wIy LIey don`L cure II my InIormuLIon Is
reIeused Lo LIe pubIIc:
The recsons cre thct ue ucnt to clert people thct the End Times cre here cnd the
Prophecies cre to be juljilled so people ccn mcle decisions uhich side to join. The
other recson is thct ue ucnt other secret societies to lnou thct ue're here.
Althouh ue hcte other chcnnels cnd ccn do uithout promotion, it helps. And
remember, ue cll just hcte c job to do in order to complete God's Grect Plcn.
um uwure oI LIuL um IeIpIng LIem Lo u cerLuIn degree by reIeusIng my reseurcI und
know some peopIe wIII bursL ouL on me Ior IL, buL you need Lo LIInk beyond LIuL. Iuve Lo
reIy on LIe reuder`s InLeIIIgence und ubIIILy Lo muke up IIsJIer own mInd und druw
concIusIons by beIng cupubIe oI InLerweuve boLI myLI und LruLI In combInuLIon Lo geL LIe
pIcLure. um LIe Messenger, wIo um LryIng Lo brIng LIIs Agendu InLo IIgIL, und PrescoLL und
Iuve one LIIng In common: we wunL Lo uIerL LIe worId!
Muybe LIe IucL LIuL my work Is conIIrmed by LIe TIuIe Grund odge Lukes uwuy uny doubLs
regurdIng II LIIs Is uII u Ioux or noL. ObvIousIy, IL`s noL.
SInce posLed my IIrsL bIog, Lucijer's Redemption, SuprIem`s NeLwork Ius worked Iurd Lo
muke LIIs Iook IIke u psy op, und muny peopIe, IncIudIng oLIerwIse InLeIIIgenL reseurcIers,
IeII Ior IL und spreud LIe word LIuL LIIs Is u psy op uL besL. And uguIn, beIore posLed Lucijer's
Redemption, SuprIem wus ouL LIere In LIe buckground, InvIsIbIe Ior LIe muny. OnIy u Iew
peopIe, IIke GrunL (now deceused Irom wIuL Ieurd) knew Ie even exIsLed und Iound some
IIIes on IIm. s LIuL u psy op? SuprIem wusn`L even known Lo unybody und Ie wusn`L
promoLed by uny nLeIIIgence Agency Ior more LIun q yeurs In LIuL cuse - unLII exposed
IIm! TIen LIey were LryIng Lo dIscredIL me by mukIng LIIs wIoIe LIIng Iook IIke u psy op, buL
beIore LIuL SuprIem wus reuIIy workIng In LIe sIudows. SLrunge beIuvIor oI un nLeIIIgence
Agency Lo Lry Lo suppress LIeIr own dIsInIormuLIon - IL doesn`L muke sense.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2A7
My concIusIon Is LIuL number ubove Is correcL, und subsequenLIy q, or 6. Iuve IILeruIIy
LIousunds oI emuIIs on LIIs subjecL und LIey ure overuII consIsLenL enougI even II LIey dIIIer
In opInIon, wIIcI Is nuLuruI, und LIey ure Irom dIIIerenL sources. UnIess LIey ure exLremeIy
LeIepuLIIc wILI eucI oLIer (LukIng InLo consIderuLIon LIey ure uIso IIvIng In dIIIerenL purLs oI
LIe worId), LIey wouIdn`L Iuve puIIed LIIs oII II IL wus u Ioux, or even u psy op. OI course,
wunL Lo udd, um noL expecLIng uny oI my sources Lo LeII me LIe wIoIe LruLI und LIere ure
cerLuInIy secLIons In LIIs book LIuL ure noL LoLuIIy uccuruLe. know peopIe IIke LIese uIso need
Lo cover LIeIr bucks und wunL LIe opLIon Lo be ubIe Lo dIscredIL me II necessury. However,
wIII be IonesL und II sLumbIe upon obvIous InuccurucIes, wIII correcL LIem und unnounce
LIem. TIuL`s LIe besL cun do.
WIen Look down my IIrsL bIog (someLIIng SUPREM wunLed me Lo do, remember?) one
wouId LIInk LIe communIcuLIon wouId sLop due Lo LIuL Ie dIdn`L wunL my InIormuLIon ouL
LIere. WeII, IL sLopped unLII conLucLed LIem uguIn, und LIe IIow oI InIormuLIon conLInued,
buL now oII LIe records. TIey wunLed me Lo wuIL wILI posLIng unyLIIng unLII LIe AIIIed
UnIon Is LoLuIIy compIeLed und SuprIem Iud Luken over.
TIIs doesn`L muke sense II LIey were prunksLers or even II IL wus u psy op. TIIs Is jusL one
exumpIe - uII LIose emuIIs buck und IorLI ure LeIIIng me LIuL LIIs Is Ior reuI., even II IL`s mIxed
wILI myLIoIogy und exuggeruLIons. I IL wus u Ioux, wIy on eurLI wouId LIey wunL me Lo wuIL
wILI posLIng InIormuLIon unLII SuprIem Ius Luken over??? TIere`s no IogIc beIInd LIuL II Ie
Is not workIng jusL LIuL - LukIng over.
SuprIem IILs weII In wILI LIe BIbIe PropIecIes und IL seems IIke no muLLer wIIcI puLI Ie
cIooses Lo Luke, LIe PropIecIes wIII be IuIIIIIed. AILIougI Ie Is suyIng oLIerwIse, cun`L see
Iow rebuIIdIng LIe TempIe oI SoIomon wIIInot LrIgger WW und TIe BuLLIe oI
SLIII, LIese ure onIy my concIusIons. We Iuve Lo be IumbIe enougI Lo undersLund LIuL we
don`L Iuve LIe wIoIe pIcLure. TIese concIusIons cun be IncorrecL due Lo LIuL um noL
SuprIem und um noL LIe nner Core oI TIuIe. OnIythe know exucLIy wIuL Is goIng on, or
perIups LIey don`L even know. To cIuIm LIuL I know wIuL`s goIng on wouId be very urrogunL
- uII cun do Is presenL wIuL Ius been gIven Lo me, wIere my reseurcI Look me und Lry Lo
connecL LIe doLs und see IL Irom dIIIerenL ungIes. TIuL`s uII. Ike `ve suId beIore, LIere Is so
mucI more Lo know ubouL LIIs, buL LIme Ius been un Issue und need Lo reIeuse LIIs now,
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2AB
wIIIe LIere`s sLIII LIme. wIII noL do uny IurLIer reseurcI on IL - IeeI `ve done my purL. TIIs
e-book sIouId be reveuIIng enougI Ior LIe reuder Lo grusp LIe essense oI IL uII und go Irom
LIere. WIuL Is LIen comIng ouL oI IL Is Lo be reveuIed In LIe neur IuLure. TIIs book wIII be Iere
- Iree oI cIurge - onIIne Ior LIose wIo need LIe InIormuLIon.
muy be wrong In my concIusIons wIen comes Lo LIe ouLcome oI IuLure evenLs, buL LIInk
IL`s wIse noL Lo dIscurd LIe BIbIe PropIecIes und LIe Ideu LIuL LIe ReIgn oI LIe AnLICIrIsL Is
jusL uround LIe corner. eL`s Luke Ieed und noL be IooIed by TIe Mun oI Peuce unLII
Ie`s proten IImseII. Muke sure you know your BIbIe, wIeLIer you`re CIrIsLIun or noL und
sLudy oLIer scrIpLures us weII! Or you uill be deceIved.
LIInk we need Lo uccepL LIuL LIIs Is LIe End TIme und II we Iuve evoIved enougI spIrILuuIIy,
we wIII uscend Lo u beLLer worId, so IL`s IIgI LIme we sLurL IookIng uL ourseIves.
Living the Myth
Here Is someLIIng eIse LIuL wus jusL recenLIy brougIL Lo my uLLenLIon by u TIuIe member.
or one reuson or unoLIer we were dIscussIng LruLI us opposed Lo IIes. He suId LIuL LruLI Is
unImporLunL und Is jusL Ior upes (UUJIomo supIens). He wenL on suyIng LIuL myLI Is Iur
more ImporLunL LIun LruLI. TruLI Ius uIwuys been ImporLunL Lo LIe upes, buL IL Is LIe EIILe
LIuL mukes LIe ruIes - uIwuys Is und uIwuys Ius been.
TIIs Is u preLLy powerIuI sLuLemenL. WIuL does Ie meun by LIuL, you LIInk?
WeII, Luke u Iook uround you. TIere ure occuIL symboIs everywIere LeIIIng you their LruLI,
wIIcI Is LIe myLI. BuL Iumuns (upes) don`L even see LIe symboIs, und II LIey do, LIey don`L
LIInk more oI LIem LIun u dog wouId LIInk oI u LubIe. TIe dog knows LIe LubIe Ius uIwuys
been LIere, so Ie doesn`L even ponder wIuL IL meuns or wIy IL Is LIere. Two peopIe go Ior u
wuIk wILI LIe dog und dIscuss Loduy`s work, LIe weuLIer or wIuLever, buL do you LIInk Ior u
second LIuL LIe dog undersLunds wIuL LIey ure suyIng, or even wIy Ie Is on u IeusI? No.
TIere Is u IIgIer secreL Iunguuge beIng spoken uround us In wIde open vIu symboIs,
embedded In news urLIcIes, In movIes, books, muguzInes, educuLIon - you nume IL. BuL no
one even noLIces IL`s LIere - sLIII IL uIIecLs us uII on u consLunL busIs. L`s IIke us beIng dogs
wIIIe Iumuns (LIe EIILe) ure dIscussIng LIe weuLIer, buL we don`L undersLund.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2AS
Huve you ever wondered wIy secreL socIeLIes ure LuIkIng ubouL Ru, Horus, OsIrIs, SeLI,
TIoLI, IIILI eLc? WIy ure LIese myLIIcuI enLILIes und deILIes so ImporLunL Lo LIem? No one
seems Lo Iuve reuIIy reIIecLed over LIuL uILIougI muny know LIese duys LIuL LIIs Is u IucL.
WIy dId HILIer IeL urmIes oI medIevuI SIr unceIoL-IIke knIgILs wuIk LIrougI LIe sLreeLs In
modern LIme? WIy do secreL socIeLy members Iuve occuIL numes, oILen numes oI LIe ubove
deILIes und Gods? WIy drugons? WIy gnomes und IuIrIes?
TIese secreL socIeLIes Iuve ruIed LIe worId vIu u gIunL neLwork sInce uncIenL LImes und LIey
ure LryIng Lo LeucI us myLI InsLeud oI LIe LruLI.
J.R.R. ToIkIen
MyLI und LruLI, LruLI und myLI - IL works boLI wuys. TIey ure LIgILIy InLerwoven. J.R.R.
ToIkIen, LIe brIIIIunL uuLIor oI ord oI LIe RIngs und u proIessor In LIe EngIIsI Iunguuge,
wus u IIrm beIIever LIuL myLI und LruLI go Iund In Iund. He mosL cerLuInIy Iud InsIde
InIormuLIon or sImpIy Iud done IIs reseurcI wIIcI mude IIm come Lo LIe IoIIowIng
I beliete thct leends cnd mths cre lcrel mcde oj `truth', cnd indeed present
cspects oj it thct ccn onl be receited in this mode; cnd lon co certcin truths cnd
modes oj this lind uere discotered cnd must clucs recppecr. There ccnnot be cn
` stor' uithout c jcll - cll stories cre ultimctel cbout the jcll
-J.R.R. ToIkIen Irom LIe PreIuce Lo TIe SIImurIIIIon
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 25O
WIuL do you LIInk LIe ord oI LIe RIngs Is ubouL unywuy? ToIkIen cerLuInIy knew wIuL Ie
wus doIng. He uIso udded Lo LIe myLI by cIuImIng LIuL IIs LrIIogy Is not un uIIegory. OI course
IL Is. TIIs Is noL u book dIscussIng LIe symboIIsm und uIIegorIes In ToIkIen`s musLerpIece, buL
suggesL you sLurL druwIng your own concIusIons regurdIng wIuL IL Isrecll ubouL. You muy
IInd IL very InLeresLIng!
WIuL LIe TIuIe und oLIer secreL socIeLIes Lry Lo do Is Lo convInce us LIuL myLI Is LruLI und
LruLI Is myLI - LIey cun be LIe sume LIIng. Yes, LIere Is LruLI In myLI, undoubLedIy so, buL
noL uII myLI Is Lrue Irom our perspecLIve. BuL by InLroducIng occuIL LIInkIng und myLI InLo
socIeLy, LIey ure mukIng LIe upes (us) used Lo LIIs kInd oI LIInkIng und we creuLe u
common reuIILy bused on wIuLever myLIs LIey decIde Lo use. TIen IL`s u pIece oI cuke Lo
successIveIy cIunge IIsLory books, Iuve LIeIr scIenLIsLs come up wILI new IunLusLIc
reveIuLIons wIIcI prove LIuL cerLuIn myLIs ucLuuIIy Iuppened! NexL sLep - rewrILe IIsLory
See now wIy IL`s so ImporLunL Ior LIe SecreL SocIeLy NeLwork Lo own medIu, HoIIywood,
educuLIon, LIe musIc IndusLry, poIILIcs und bunkIng? Becuuse by IuvIng LIIs uILImuLe conLroI
LIey cun creuLe our reuIILy Ior us! And LIey succeed every duy und we geL more und more
dumbed down unLII we even go ouL Lo wur Lo serve our MusLers, wIo reuIIy don`L cure LIe
IeusL wIeLIer we IIve or dIe.
Hence, unoLIer opLIon Is LIuL LIe Book oI ReveIuLIon Is ucLuuIIy u bIueprInL, wrILLen by LIe
Powers-TIuL-Be us u guIdeIIne Ior LIe IuLure, und LIey ure successIuIIy ImpIemenLIng LIe
sLeps, one by one, wIIIe LIe pubIIc, wIo reuds LIe sume scrIpLure, sees IL us God`s GreuL PIun.
BuL wIy do LIe Powers-TIuL-Be wunL Lo do uII LIIs? TIe unswer Is quILe sImpIe. On u Iower
IeveI, peopIe wIo work Ior secreL socIeLIes LIInk LIey ure mukIng cIunges Lo socIeLy Lo creuLe
u beLLer worId Ior munkInd, becuuse LIIs Is wIuL LIey ure LuugIL. So LIey ure oILen good
IeurLed peopIe wIo Iuve been deceIved by LIose IIgIer up wILI u LoLuIIy dIIIerenL purpose.
TIey ure LIe benevoIenL IronL Ior LIe Inner core oI LIe secreL socIeLy, wIIcI Ius u mucI
durker ugendu. No one wIII beIIeve LIey do, becuuse LIe sume secreL socIeLy Is known Ior
beIng pIIIunLIropIsLs und IeIpers ouL In LIe socIeLy.
TIe Power EIILe know LIuL II LIey wunL Lo conLroI oLIers, LIe besL pIuce Lo do so Is Iere In LIe
rd densILy wIere LIey cun InIIIcL on our Iree wIII. L wIII be mucI LougIer und Iurder In
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 251
IIgIer densILIes. TIereIore, LIey InLerbreed Lo sLuy connecLed Lo LIIs purpose vIu bIoodIInes
und genes. TIey work Iurd Lowurds LIe gouI oI conLroIIIng und keepIng LIe myLI uIIve und
wIen LIey dIe, LIey reIncurnuLe InLo LIe sume bIoodIInes und conLInue LIeIr work. TIIs wuy,
LIey boLI cun be In conLroI, und creuLe LIe worId LIey wunL Lo be In conLroI oI.
TIIs Is LIeIr purpose - LIey ure conLroI Ireuks und cun`L LIInk oI u IIIe wILIouL conLroIIIng
oLIers. TIey ure very neguLIve enLILIes und we Iumuns ure LIe ones Lo suIIer, becuuse
geneLIcuIIy we were Lumpered wILI und In u sense we ure LIeIr creuLIon, so LIey Iuve uIwuys
Iooked uL us us LIeIr properLy wIIcI LIey cun do wILI wIuLever LIey pIeuse. And don`L doubL
Ior u second LIuL LIey Iuve LIeIr MusLers Loo, IIgI up LIe DImensIons, wIose orders LIey ure
So II LIey wunL Lo creuLe u IuLure wIere uII LIose myLIIcuI cIurucLers come buck Lo IIIe
becuuse IL`s LIrIIIIng und IL wIII puL LIemseIves In LIe posILIon oI GODS, LIuL`s wIuL LIey ure
goIng Ior. By wrILIng LIIs book, Iuve unwILLIngIy IeIped LIem spreud LIe myLI LIey wunL Lo
creuLe, so LIereIore LIey Iuve been Iuppy Lo see me conLInue und Iuve peopIe reud IL. TIuL
wuy IL wIII be eusIer wIen peopIe IIke SuprIem Luke over.
L doesn`L muLLer II IL`s reemusonry, OTO, GoIden Duwn, TIe TIeosopIIcuI SocIeLy, VrII,
TIuIe or uny oLIer SecreL SocIeLy - LIey ure uII workIng wILI LIe InLerreIuLIonsIIp beLween
myLI und LruLI. TIuIe suys LIuL LIe onIy mujor dIIIerence beLween LIem und LIe corrupL
reemusonry Is LIuL LIe TIuIe wunLs Lo creuLe u myLIoIogIcuI worId LIuL Is benIgn und
beneIIcIuI Ior IumunILy, wIIIe mosL secreL socIeLIes do LIIs Ior LIeIr own conLroI purposes
(LIe emurIunsJIIumInuLI). BuL LIIs Is wIuL we`re deuIIng wILI - wIeLIer LIe EIILe Iuve
decIded Lo creuLe myLIs In LIe Iorm we wouId cuII rIgIL ouL IIes or In LIe Iorm oI myLIoIogIcuI
enLILIes und reIIgIons.
TIuIe Is Ior LIe IuLLer, wIIIe LIe emurIuns ure creuLIng more down-Lo-eurLI myLIs, wIIcI
we wouId cuII IIes. TIey IndocLrInuLe us on u duIIy busIs vIu medIu und so on Lo creuLe LIeIr
IIIusIons, wIIcI puL LIem In u power- und u more sLubIe conLroI posILIon, buL u IoL oI IL Is
bused on IIes und myLI Lo keep LIem In power. AILIougI LIey Iuve creuLed ONE IIIusIon Ior
LIeIr members (IIke reemusonry wILI LIeIr myLIoIogIcuI deILIes) und ONE IIIusIon Ior us,
LIe TIuIe now wunLs Lo sLreumIIne IL so LIuL LIe myLIoIogIcuI enLILIes LIuL ure their reuIILy
(OdIn, TIor, reIu, OsIrIs, Horus.) - some oI LIem ucLuuIIy exIsLed, oLIers noL - become
our reuIILy Loo. s LIIs Insune? No, jusL u gume goIng on ubove our Ieuds, LIuL`s uII. Ike u
cIIId cun creuLe uny gume wIen Ie Is uIone In IIs room, so cun LIey Irom un exLerIor
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 252
posILIon. To undersLund LIIs, you need Lo see LIIs Irom u brouder vIewpoInL und LIrow uwuy
uny IIxed beIIeIs und nurrow vIews you muy Iuve, und wIIcI we uII Iuve Lo dIIIerenL degrees.
All reclit is c mth. Mth becomes eter necrer to reclit.
- The uddhc - [:]
L muy be Lrue LIuL TIe TIuIe`s gouI Is Lo Iuve someone IIke SuprIem unILe LIe BIoodIInes und
LIe secreL socIeLIes und uL LIe sume LIme creuLe u myLI Ior LIe IuLure, LIus LIInkIng LIIs Is LIe
besL opLIon Ior munkInd, buL don`L wunL Lo be purL oI creuLIng LIuL gouI, so LIereIore IeeI
obIIguLed Lo udd LIIs subsecLIon uILer LIe bIog wus orIgInuIIy posLed, so LIe reuder cun
undersLund Iow LIese peopIe LIInk. TIen IL`s up Lo you Lo Luke IL or Ieuve IL. Iuve done my
purL Lo expose LIe GreuL Work oI LIe Ages und my souI-oLIon Is pureIy spIrILuuI. um very
cerLuIn we cun`L IIgIL LIese peopIe on un InLeIIecLuuI IeveI, by kIIIIng LIem oII, wrILe proLesL
IeLLers Lo our governmenL, or demonsLruLe ouLsIde LIe WIILe House. We sImpIy Iuve Lo
evoIve spIrILuuIIy so we cun sLurL vIbruLIng IusLer LIun LIey do. NoL unLII LIen ure we Iree
Irom LIIs sIuvery.
BuL Is SuprIem Ior reuI LIen? s Ie reuIIy Murduk Ru? Yes, LIInk Ie Is! And LIInk Ie wunLs
IIs oId EmpIre buck, wIeLIer IL`s In u seII-redeemed sLuLe wIere Ie Ius IorgIven IImseII, or
us u muIevoIenL ruIer. And Ie wunLs Lo creuLe LIe occuIL uLmospIere uround IL. AL LIe LIme
Murduk ruIed, peopIe uere IIvIng LIe myLI oI LIe occuIL deILIes und enLILIes. TIuL wus LIeIr
beIIeI sysLem. He wunLs LIuL wuy oI LIInkIng und conLroI buck, Lo merge IL wILI modern
LImes. SymboIIsm, myLIs, LruLI - IL uII comes InLo IIgIL sImuILuneousIy und merge InLo u
new, soIId reuIILy.
s LIIs wIuL we wunL? I noL, we`d beLLer Iook uL our spIrILuuI seIves und sLurL workIng on our
spIrILuuI IuLure. Even II you LIInk LIIs uII sounds exoLIc und excILIng, LIIs poLenLIuI reuIILy
LIey ure LryIng Lo creuLe Is noL meunL Lo be creuLed Ior your pIeusure or excILemenL, buL Ior
LIeIrs onIy. Don`L IorgeL LIuL! You Iuve personuIIy noLIIng Lo guIn Irom IL - LIere Is noLIIng
buL sIuvery und mIsery In LIuL cIurL, becuuse IL InIIIcLs on your Iree wIII.
L doesn`L muLLer wIo Is comIng Lo us suyIng LIey wunL Lo suve us. n my opInIon LIey ure uII
ouL Lo conLroI munkInd, wILLIngIy or unwILLIngIy, und we need no more oI LIuL. PIeuse reud
LIe EpIIogue oI LIIs book wIere suggesL u spIrILuuI puLI wIIcI wouId IIke you Lo consIder.
I IL`s noL your cup oI Leu, LoLuIIy undersLund. Ike suId, LIIs Is LIe densILy oI Iree wIII und
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 253
cun onIy udvIse. TIe decIsIon Is yours und yours onIy. TIere Is no judgmenL, onIy cIoIces und
consequences. rom eucI consequence, good or bud, LIere Is someLIIng new Lo Ieurn. And
IeurnIng Is wIuL IL`s uII ubouL.
RegurdIess oI wIuL you, LIe reuder, LIInk ubouL myLIs vs. LruLI, IL Is more or Iess IrreIevunL
Ior LIe pIcLure. You muy or muy noL ugree Lo LIeIr wuy oI LIInkIng und wIeLIer LIeIr gouIs
cun be uccompIIsIed or noL, buL IucL remuIns - LIIs S wIuL Is IuppenIng wIeLIer we ugree
or noL.
BuL remember - LIere Is kurmu Loo! NoL uII kurmu Is InsLunL, buL IL`s uIwuys LIere. TIe
Power EIILe ure noL Immune. TIey wIII Iuve Lo Iuce LIeIr kurmu sooner or IuLer. Muny oI LIem
uIreudy Iuve! TIey LIInk LIey cun bypuss kurmu, or uL IeusL deIuy IL, by coverLIy uskIng Ior our
permIssIon Lo proceed by usIng LIe IIIm IndusLry, musIc or oLIer meuns Lo persuude us. BuL
LIInk LIey ure up Ior u surprIse.
usLIy, LIInk uILer mucI ponderIng buck und IorLI, LIuL LIe secLIon oI TIe TIuIe SocIeLy `ve
been communIcuLIng wILI und wIo were sLurLIng LIe SuprIem process ucLuuIIy ure beIIevIng
LIey ure doIng us u Iuvor, buL personuIIy Lend Lo dIsugree. So II unyone wunLed Lo Ieur my
vIewpoInL, LIere IL Is.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 25A
|1| Rej: http:,,,jcmesqc.html
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 255
FPll06uF. wHAT 00 wF 00 t0w
The Hurvest
WeweIsburg NorLI RIIne-WesLpIuIIu, Germuny. mporLunL cusLIe Ior LIe TIuIe Order
A mIIesLone on my spIrILuuI puLI wus wIen reud LIe Ru MuLerIuI (uw oI One) ubouL LIe
HurvesL. TIIs Is cIunneIed muLerIuI und very enIIgILenIng.
Among LIousunds oI oLIer LIIngs, IL Is uIso LuIkIng ubouL LIe HurvesL, wIIcI wIII sLurL uround
zo1z, or sIorLIy LIereuILer, und conLInue Irom LIereon - IL corresponds u IoL wILI LIe Muyun
CuIendur, BIbIe PropIecIes und oLIer sources us weII. TIe HurvesL oI SouIs meuns LIuL IL Is
LIme Ior some oI us Lo gruduuLe Irom LIIs rd DensILy und conLInue our IeurnIng process
Lowurds beIng One wILI God, LIe CreuLor. TIe nexL IeveI wIII be LIe qLI DensILy, wIIcI Is LIe
densILy oI ove, CompussIon und UndersLundIng. L wouId be LIe equIvuIenL Lo LIe BIbIIcuI
RupLure buL seen Irom u sIIgILIy dIIIerenL vIewpoInL. SLIII, um umuzed over Iow muny
sImIIurILIes LIe HurvesL Ius Lo LIe RupLure. wouId go so Iur us Lo suy IL`s LIe sume LIIng und
wIuL Is descrIbed In LIe BIbIe Is jusL unoLIer wuy oI puLLIng IL. TIe Ru MuLerIuI LeIIs you LIe
sLory Irom u muILI-dImensIonuI perspecLIve.
TIIs EurLI Is now u qLI densILy pIuneL, buL onIy LIose wIo ure more orIenLed Lowurds oLIers
LIun seII-orIenLed cun gruduuLe uL LIIs poInL. TIere ure uIwuys LIree LIIngs you cun do:
:. ou ccn serte others,
z. ou ccn serte ourselj or,
. ou ccn do both.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 256
I we, us IndIvIduuIs, ure 1% or more InLo servIng oLIers LIun we ure InLo servIng ourseIves,
we cun gruduuLe. I noL, we sImpIy come buck nexL IIIe und recycIe LIrougI u new Iong perIod
oI LIme In LIIs rd DensILy unLII we Ieurn enougI Lo gruduuLe InLo LIe qLI.
TIIs Ius noLIIng Lo do wILI judgmenL, buL wILI energIes und uncondILIonuI Iove. We ure uII
busIcuIIy ONE wILI LIe CreuLor, becuuse sImpIy puL, we were sepuruLed Irom LIe One CreuLor
us IndIvIduuI spIrILuuI beIngs Lo experIence LIIngs - LIereIore T guve us Iree wIII. So IL`s
our responsIbIIILy Lo Ieurn Irom our experIences und IInd our wuy buck Lo LIe UnIversuI
SpIrIL, God. By servIng oLIers we serve BOTH oLIers und ourseIves, becuuse we ure uII ONE.
I we Ieun more Lowurds servIng ourseIves ruLIer LIun oLIers, LIe process wIII Luke Ionger,
und we Iuve Lo go LIrougI LIIs cycIe uguIn und uguIn In reIncurnuLIon uILer reIncurnuLIon,
unLII we cun gruduuLe In LIe nexL upcomIng HurvesL.
cun`L even sLurL Lo expIuIn Iow LIIs uII works, or IL wIII be u book oI ILs own - u book
wouIdn`L Iuve Lo wrILe, becuuse IL`s uIreudy wrILLen. You cun order LIe Ru MuLerIuI books Iere
- ILLp:JJwww.IIreseurcI.orgJ -, buL un uuLIorIzed websILe wILI LIe sume muLerIuI onIIne Is
uvuIIubIe Iere - ILLp:JJIuwoIone.InIoJ - und Is very weII orgunIzed und eusIIy seurcIubIe Ior
specIIIc InIormuLIon. cun`L LeII you enougI Iow mucI LIe Ru MuLerIuI Ius meunL Ior my own
spIrILuuI enIIgILenmenL, und sLrongIy udvIse LIe reuder Lo gIve IL u cIunce Lo see II IL Ius LIe
sume ImpucL on you. L reuIIy wus u IIIe-cIunger - 18o!
So LIe Key Lo LIe KIngdom, uccordIng Lo LIIs muLerIuI, Is Lo IeIp oLIers und serve oLIers LIe
besL wuy we cun, und mosL ImporLunLIy - in our own unique wuy!. TIere ure no seL ruIes
Iow Lo do LIuL - IL`s personuI. You know besL Iow you cun be oI ussIsLunce. know LIme Is
sIorL, buL LIere Is sLIII LIme Lo sLurL und Lo gruduuLe.
TIIs, beIIeve, Is wIuL LIe End TImes ure uII ubouL - IL`s LIe end oI LIe rd DensILy Ior LIIs
pIuneL und ILs InIubILunLs. Some oI us wIII come buck Lo LIIs EurLI In qLI densILy bodIes und
experIence u reuIILy wIIcI In LIe BIbIe Is descrIbed us PurudIse or Heuven. TIere`s goIng Lo be
quILe some LurmoII on LIe wuy us EurLI cIunges Lo be ubIe Lo IuIIy supporL qLI DensILy
bodIes, und LIereIore IL`s very ImporLunL LIuL we keep ourseIves menLuIIy sLubIe und
enIIgILened. TIe Lrue reuIIzuLIon LIuL we A ARE ONE wIII IeIp LremendousIy Lo remuIn
cuIm wIen LIe worId uround us seem Lo gIve In.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 257
The Soul-ution - Service to Others
So LIe souI-uLIon Ior LIose wIo wunL Lo gruduuLe wIII be Lo Increuse LIeIr eIIorLs Lo serve
oLIers und LIey wIII soon sLurL vIbruLIng on u qLI DensILy IeveI und be IncIuded In LIe
HurvesL. Even II you don`L beIIeve In LIIs, servIng oLIers doesn`L Iurm, does IL? AIso do u IoL
oI pruyIng - pruyers IeIp - und meditute! TIuL`s u very ImporLunL purL Lowurds becomIng
enIIgILened. Be u roIe modeI Ior oLIers, emIL good energIes und you wIII IeIp oLIers
Lrunscend us weII.
don`L cure wIeLIer you ure u CIrIsLIun, Jew, BuddIIsL, HIndu, uLIeIsL, ugnosLIc, gnosLIc,
mormon, or wIuLever IuILI you subscrIbe Lo, or Iuck LIereoI. LIInk we uII cun unILe und
ugree Lo uL IeusL ONE LIIng no muLLer Iow we IdenLIIy God: servIng oLIers und IeIpIng oLIers
wIenever we geL LIe cIunce Is u very good LIIng und wIII resuIL In u beLLer worId. I more und
more peopIe sLop beIng seIIIsI und sLurL curIng ubouL oLIer peopIe und LIeIr envIronmenL
und IeIp ouL wIen LIey cun be oI servIce, LIe energIes on LIIs pIuneL wIII cIunge drusLIcuIIy
und LIe LrunsILIon Irom rd Lo qLI DensILy so mucI smooLIer. PuL oLIers beIore yourseII,
und you wIII see LIuL LIe more you gIve, LIe more you receIve, In mosL unexpecLed wuys, und
you wIII be guurunLeed Lo IIve u mucI IuppIer IIIe. And LIen spreud LIe word Lo IumIIy und
IrIends. TIere Is no decenL God LIuL wouId dIsugree wILI wIuL um suyIng Iere, so II we sLurL
uppIyIng LIIs, we A wIII be cIoser Lo God.
WIngMukers, CIumber zq PuInLIng
An even more grucIous wuy oI IookIng uL uscensIon Is Lo IoIIow LIe exumpIes oI Jumes oI LIe
WIngMukers (, wIo suggesLs LIuL II u Iew mIIIIon peopIe wIII be ubIe
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 25B
Lo reuIIze LIeIr Lrue nuLure und sLurL vIbruLIng on u IIgIer Irequency, LIey wIII uuLomuLIcuIIy
ruIse LIe Irequency oI LIe resL oI LIe worId popuIuLIon und LIus, LIe wuIIs oI LIe prIson wIII
breuk down, LIe rd DensILy wIII ceuse Lo exIsL us un IsoIuLed prIson densILy, und we uII
experIence LIe nexL densILy, wIere we ure mucI more connecLed Lo IrsL Source, God.
Sounds IncredIbIe? NoL II you reuIIy sLudy IIs muLerIuI. L mukes sense und muke you IeeI
more responsIbIe LIun jusL uscendIng yourseII und Ieuve LIe resL oI IumunkInd beIInd.
Jumes cIuIms Ie Ius LIe LooIs Lo do LIIs - und everyLIIng Ie Is gIvIng us Is Iree oI cIurge.
cun`L see u IIdden ugendu beIInd IIs LeucIIngs, und sLrongIy udvIse you Lo cIeck IL ouL.
Iuture Writings
Iuve reserved u secLIon - ILLp:JJsuprIemrockeIeIIer.wordpress.comJcuLegoryJ1-upduLesJ -
In LIIs book Ior IuLure evenLs In cuse someLIIng Iuppens besIdes Irom wIuL Is descrIbed
Iere In reIuLIon Lo SuprIem und IIs AIIIed UnIon, und II LIere ure deLuIIs Iuve mIssed LIuL
reuIIy need Lo be communIcuLed.
rom Iereon wIII concenLruLe muInIy on spIrILuuI muLLers und Iuve jusL now creuLed u new
websILe,, (, wIere um posLIng my own spIrILuuI
LIougILs und deveIopmenL Ior LIose wIo ure InLeresLed.
My currenL bIog, News rom BeIInd LIe Sccenes ( und
IIumInuLI News, ( ure boLI IInIsIed und wIII noL be upduLed
unymore. However, Iope you`II vIsIL LIem unywuy, becuuse LIere Is u gIunL IIbrury oI
InIormuLIon on LIuL websILe und LIey LeucI you In deLuIIs wIuL Is goIng on In LIe worId Loduy,
LukIng you buck In LIme, exposIng LIe recl IIsLory oI PIuneL EurLI.
You cun uIso uIwuys emuII me uL .
Hope LIIs muLerIuI Ius been Lo some IeIp. unLIcIpuLe LIuL IL wIII cuuse u IoL oI debuLe, wIIcI
Is jusL LIe wuy IL sIouId be.
So, wIII SuprIem und LIe TIuIe succeed wILI LIeIr mIssIon? We don`L know, buL wIen peopIe
sLurL IeurIng ubouL LIe cIurucLers In LIIs book, u sImpIe GoogIe seurcI wIII cerLuInIy IeIp
LIem IInd LIIs InIormuLIon.
I you wunL Lo, `II see you uL!
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 25S
TIIs Is LIe IInuI revIsIon oI LIIs e-book.
Sinin ojj on Sundc, September , zo:o, ct :o PM
Wes Penre.
Lust note: menLIoned LIIs In CIupLer V, buL `II suy IL uguIn: n AugusL, zo1o, reIeused u
second book, u 1z puge sequeI Lo LIIs one. wenL InLo greuL deLuIIs ubouL SuprIem`s neLwork
und busIness deuIs, IIs cIIIdIoodJbuckground In LIIs IIIeLIme, und even some more
regurdIng IIs esoLerIc sIde. L wus weII reseurcIed on LIuL IeveI, buL wIIIe wus wrILIng IL,
IeIL someLIIng wus wrong. UnIorLunuLeIy, dIscurded my InLuILIon und wenL on und IuuncIed
IL. SIorLIy uILer, regreLLed IL IuII-IeurLedIy und Look IL down once und Ior uII. reuIIzed LIuL
LIIs sLory cun`L be LoId, or even uLLempLed Lo be LoId, Irom LIe IeveI LIe sequeI wus
uddressIng. TIIs Is un InLer-dImensIonuI Issue und cun`L be LoId Irom LIe sLundpoInL oI our
IImILed sense oI reuIILy. L needs Lo be seen Irom u mucI IIgIer perspecLIve, or LIe wIoIe
sLory IuIIs IIuL.
My InLenLIon wILI wrILIng LIe sequeI In LIe IIrsL pIuce wus Lo ucknowIedge LIose wIo Iud
mude LIeIr own reseurcI ouLsIde LIe scope oI LIIs IIrsL book, und Lo provIde evIdence oI LIeIr
uIIeguLIons. TIuL wus u mIsLuke und dIdn`L conLrIbuLe Lo LIe sLory.
So In cuse you Ieur ubouL u mysLerIous sequeI, u PurL z, you know wIuL LIe rumors ure
LuIkIng ubouL.
SuprIem drInkIng MurLInI (IIs IuvorILe drInk)
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 26O
ucIIer In VerLIgo ComIcs. Any resembIunce?
ucIIer BusL, VerLIgo ComIcs
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 261
uP0ATF3. CuRRFtT tFw3 0t 3uPRlFH R0CKFFFllFR
Lpdute Sunduy June ,, o1o ut q:1q AM: These ure the only updutes thut will be
uvuiluble! This e-book, including this section, will not huve uny more updutes or
revisions uIter June ,, o1o.
= = = = = = = = = = = = =
Lpdute Suturduy Iebruury 1, o1o ut :qS PM: r. Bill eugle und Ireemun
iscussing Supriem RockeIeller on Rudio Show, Suggesting He's the "Reul
CIIck on one oI LIe IInks beIow Lo IIsLen Lo LIe RudIo SIow wIere Dr. DeugIe Is InLervIewIng
reemun ubouL SuprIem RockeIeIIer beIng ucIIer und Murduk Ru, und LIe buIIdIng oI TIe
rd TempIe:
ucIIer+DIsusLer. And Iere Is u dIrecL IInk Lo LIe rudIo InLervIew Irom Dr. DeugIe`s urcIIve
(ebruury 1, zo1o, Iour ): - you cun uIso
downIoud IL Irom LIIs second IInk by rIgIL-cIIckIng on IL und cIoose suve LurgeL us.
know wIuL some oI you muy LIInk - none oI LIem Is reIerrIng buck Lo my e-book or LIIs
puge us sources Ior LIeIr InIormuLIon, uILIougI reemun specIIIcuIIy, beyond uny doubL, Ius
reud LIem boLI. However, you sIouId know LIuL don`L mInd. TIe onIy LIIng LIuL Is
ImporLunL Lo me Is LIuL LIe InIormuLIon geLs ouL.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 262
Dr. BIII DeugIe
Lpdute Iriduy, June 1g, o1o ut ,:g AM: More on Supriem RockeIeller Irom u
diIIerent source,
Lpdute Iriduy, June 1S, ooq ut 1o:, AM: Supriem's Two Hund Tuttoos: Iye oI
Ru und Iye oI Horus
TIe rIgIL eye Is LIe Eye oI Ru und LIe IeIL Is LIe Eye oI Horus. TIe Eye oI Horus Is jusL
sIIgILIy Iurger, noL mucI. Ru=Sun, Horus=Moon.
SuprIem suys LIuL Irom now on, everybody workIng Ior IIm needs Lo Iuve LIe Eye oI Ru
LuLLooed on LIeIr puIm:
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 263
SuprIem und Lwo oI IIs ussIsLunLs
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 26A
SuprIem's rIgIL Iund
Lpdute Wednesduy June 1,, ooq ut 1o:, AM: Supriem is in Genevu,
jusL Iound ouL LIuL SuprIem Is currenLIy IIvIng In Europe, und Is now In Genevu, SwILzerIund
Lo uLLuIn meeLIng uL LIe UnILed NuLIons und Lo overIook IIs busInesses, wIIcI ure IocuLed
LIere. He Ius uIso been LruveIIIng LIrougI Europe, workIng on usIerIng In LIe AIIIed UnIon.
Here ure pIcLures oI SuprIem In PurIs:
SuprIem In IronL oI LIe "PIuzu de Iu Concorde" ObeIIsk, PurIs
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 265
TIIs Is wIere LIe du VIncI Code wus IIImed. Under wIere SuprIem sILs Is LIe burIuI pIuce oI LIe MerovIngIuns
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 266
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 267
APPFt0lX. 0Rl6ltAl 00CuHFtT3 lt 6FRHAt
ANUs ScIIII IundeLe un Iremden GesLuden, Iern der HeImuL der GLLer, Iern dem AIdeburun.
remde UIer beLruL er, und er vernuIm uuLe, suI Wesen, ecIsengIeIcI und scIIIIernd In
uIIen RegenbogenIurben, seILsume GescIpIe mIL
scIIuuen Augen und sLurken KruIIenIunden.
BewunderL Im KumpI bIIckLen sIe voIIer IsL und Tugend zur Sonne empor, wo ANUs ScIIII
um HImmeI gIunzLe.
Vergeben wur der PIuneL, nIcIL PIuLz Ir dIe GLLer, und sIe beruLscIIugLen neun Monde Iung
bIs ANUs PIun Im RuL der GLLer ungenommen wurde.
SEPT, der Irer der euerzeIcIen, IundeLe uuI dem PIuneLen, IrcILerIIcIe WuIIen Im
Gepuck, euersLube, dIe eIsen bersLen und MeLuIIe scImeIzen IIeen.
AscIe und GIuL regneLe es ubermuIs neun Monde Iung, weder dIe Sonne nocI der SLerne
ScIImmer wurd meIr geseIen. DIe GIuL wur so gro, du uIIeIn SEPT nocI uuI dem PIuneLen
weIIen konnLe, dIe underen GLLer scIuuLen von ANUs ScIIII voIIer reude Ierub.
Am Ende dIeser ZeIL wuren dIe EcIsen verscIwunden, uIIeIn SEPT kunnLe den Weg In IIre
VersLecke, dIe HIIen.
Gro wur der ErIoIg der GLLer, docI gro IIre AngsL vor der RucIe der EcIsen, und TU`s
WeIsIeIL beIuII dIe VersIegeIung der Zugunge zur UnLerweIL. So soIILen dIe GLLer In
ZuIrIedenIeIL scIIuIen knnen.
JeLzL konnLen dIe GLLer Iunden, dIe TAE wurde gedreIL und Im und der AkuzIen
errIcILeLen sIe IIr ersLes Huus.
Sonnen und Monde vergIngen Im EInkIung mIL den HImmeIn, docI dIe rucILburkeIL der
GLLer begunn zu weIcIen.
WIeder LugLe der RuL neun Monde Iung, und mun Lrug den EnLscIIu unLer dIe GLLer, mIL
TU`s Sumen, dem ungebunden secIsunddreIIg EcIsensLrIcIe wurden, dIe knIgIIcIe MRA
zu begIcken.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 26B
DesIuIb wurde eIn SIegeI zur UnLerweIL gebrocIen und SEPT, der Irer der euerzeIcIen,
muLe IInubsLeIgen und eIn EcIsenmunncIen sucIen. Nur erIesene KumpIer durILen IIn
begIeILen, und eIn jeder Lrug eInen euersLub und eIne sIIberne KumpIscIeIbe.
NucI sIebzeIn Monden kum SEPT wIeder uns IcIL der OberweIL, seIne KumpIer wuren IusL
uIIe verIoren, und dIe, dIe zurckkumen IuLLen IIren VersLund verIoren.
EIn EcIsenmunncIen IuLLe SEPT mILgebrucIL, scIIuIend, es IuLLe je secIs KruIIen un
Hunden und en und eInen goIdscIImmernden Krunz um den Nucken, IInLer den kIeInen
OIren zweI dIcke BuckeI.
Im wurde eIn Sumen genommen und duvon secIsunddreIIg SLrIcIe mIL TU`s Sumen
gemIscIL, um sIe der knIgIIcIen MRA eInzupIIunzen.
Es vergIng eIne ZeIL, dIe In der TAE verzeIcIneL IsL, und dIe knIgIIcIe MRA gebur
ZwIIIInge: EA und MAGD, eIn scInes PurcIen mIL grnscIImmernden Augen und
goIdgIunzenden NugeIn un en und Hunden.
NIemund unLer den GLLern konnLe zu dem ZeILpunkL sugen, wo dus EcIsenmunncIen
gebIIeben wur, dem der Sumen genommen wurde, denn es wur spurIos verscIwunden.
EA und MAGD uber wucIsen scIneIIer uIs GLLerkInder Ierun, sIe wuren kIger und sLurker,
sIe verrIeLen mIL IIren grnscIImmernden Augen IIre VerwundscIuIL und IIre NugeI
konnLen nIcIL mIL MeLuII gescInILLen werden. NucI zweI Sonnen wuren dIe ZwIIIInge so gro
wIe GLLerkInder nucI 18 Sonnen und der RuL der GLLer wurde wIeder beruIen.
ANU IorderLe den Tod der ZwIIIInge, du sIe eIne GeIuIr Ir dIe GLLer bedeuLeLen, und der
weIse RuL muLe dem zusLImmen.
SEPT soIILe dIe TuL uusIIren, mIL eInem euersLub dus eben neImen und dIe TeIIe des
Krpers mIL HILze scImeIzen, so du uucI nIcIL dus GerIngsLe brIgbIeIben konnLe.
TU uber scIwIeg - er brucILe dIe Kunde eIIIgen ScIrILLes seIner knIgIIcIen MRA, und
zusummen IerLIgLen sIe IoIgenden PIun:
Es soIILen vIIIg IdenLIscIe KopIen von EA und MAGD geIerLIgL werden, duzu gub es eIn
GeruL, weIcIes Immer scIon dIe uIu scIuI, dIe In den MInen nucI GoId scIrILen.
DIese KopIen IegLe MRA In IIr knIgIIcIes ScIIuIgemucI und wurLeLe unscIuIdIgen BIIckes
uuI SEPT. NucILs wurde gewuILsum dus GemucI geIIneL und SEPT drung mIL seInen
KumpIern eIn - MRA scIrIe IuuL, um den AnscIeIn zu wuIren, und SEPT voIIIIrLe dIe TuL
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 26S
nucI dem PIun des RuLes. KeIn AnzeIcIen verrIeL IIre IsL, und nIemund konnLe dus unkeIn
IIrer Augen seIen.
GesenkLen HuupLes beLruL dIe GLLIn um nucIsLen Morgen den RuL, und uIIe GLLer sprucIen
IIr TrosL zu In der scIweren SLunde des AbscIIedes von IIrer BruL. SIe versprucIen IIr buId
eInen neuen VersucI, der dIesmuI mIL sLurk verunderLen SLrungen der EcIse voIIbrucIL
werden soIILe. MRA IIeIL IIre Augen gesenkL und sprucI keIn WorL - dIe GLLer jubeILen um
IIren ErIoIg.
TU uber IuLLe eIn Huus mIL dreI goIdenen ,euerscIIIIen, dIe er beIIebIg Ienken konnLe. n
eInes der ScIIIIe brucILen sIe EA und MAGD, und mIL vIeI VorruL, sIeben goIdenen TuIeIn
und eIner TuIeI uus IunkeInden Smurugd mucILen sIe sIcI IocI ber den HImmeIn uuI den
Weg ber dIe Wusser zum jenseILIgen und, enLgegen dem und der AkuzIen.
Der OrL IIrer WuII wur buId geIunden und sIe nunnLen IIn PEN-TA-KT, dus ,Huus Ir EA
und MAGD wurde gebuuL unLer dem See , den sIe BAN-TAN nunnLen.
Der kIne EA bekum dIe goIdenen TuIeIn, dIe scIne MAGD durILe dIe Smurugd-TuIeI
beIuILen zum ScIuLz vor jedweden eInden und zur weILeren geIeImen Verwendung.
BuId uber muLen MRA und TU zurck zum groen Huus der GLLer Im und der AkuzIen,
um keInen VerducIL uuIkeImen zu Iussen.
SIe vereInburLen IoIgendes: r jeLzL und uIIe ZeILen soIILen EA und MAGD NucIrIcIL von
IInen erIuILen, nIcIL ber dIe WeIIen der HImmeI, nIcIL ber dIe SLrme der Wusser Im
,euerscIIII, sondern uuI geIeIme und gIeIcIzeILIg vIIIg unverducILIge WeIse.
DIe ,ZeIcIen wurden vereInburL, und dIe ZwIIIInge IernLen sIe In ;z SLunden uuswendIg. m
Sommer soIILen dIe ZeIcIen Im IoIen Grus oder Im wIIden Korn erscIeInen, Im WInLer Im
EIs des Sees BAN-TAN.
DIe ZwIIIInge wuLen ebenso von IIren SLrungen, dIe IInen genuu wIe den GLLern
UnsLerbIIcIkeIL verIIeIen IuLLen. DesIuIb wurden uucI ZeIcIen Ir dIe WIederkeIr IIrer
GoLLeILern vereInburL, es gub meIrere ZeIcIen und eIn InuI-ZeIcIen. Auerdem gub jedes
ZeIcIen genuuen AuIscIIu ber dIe AnweIsungen der GoLLeILern. So wuren EA und MAGD
Ir uIIe ZeILen gewuppneL.
eIcILen Herzens keIrLen MRA und TU Ins und der AkuzIen zurck.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 27O
UngIuubIgen BIIckes uber wurden sIe gewuIr, du dIe underen GLLer eIIends den HuIen
GATA-BEN verIussen IuLLen. Wurum?
Dus ScIIII ANU`s gIunzLe nIcIL meIr In der Sonne, der IeIIe HImmeI wur mIL bIuLroLen
WoIken verdeckL und seILsume SLeIne IIeIen mIL IeurIgem ScIweII zu Boden. Wus wur
Dus ERSTE Huus In GATA-BEN wur IIucILurLIg verIussen worden, dIe Tren sLunden oIIen
und wuren nIcIL versIegeIL.
edIgIIcI dIe uIu ernLeLen In GeIussenIeIL weILerIIn den SuIL der AkuzIen uIs wure nIcILs
gescIeIen. Der AnIIrer der uIu wuLe berIuupL nIcILs, er konnLe nur IucIen und sprucI
:ANU`s ScIIII IenkL den SLern. VoIIer HusL mucILen sIcI MRA und TU uuI den Weg
zurck zu N-B-RU.
DorL IuLLe sIcI bereILs der RAT versummeIL und unLer ANU`s Irung versucILen dIe GLLer
eInen Ausweg zu IInden. MRA und TU merkLen, du dIe ersLe ZeIL reII wur, durum sundLen
sIe EA und MAGD dus ERSTE ZECHEN, um sIe zu wurnen und vorzubereILen uuI
Dus ERSTE ZE1CHENIuLLe IoIgende GesLuIL und soIILe zugIeIcI eIn InuIzeIcIen seIn,
weIcIes sowoII Im AnjcnuIs uucI Im Ende gesundL wurde:
Als Ncchstes: DIe wuIre UrsucIe der SNT-UT
DIe EnLsLeIung E-MU-REN`s
DIe IeLzLe IucIL der GLLer
DIe ZeIL der WundIungen wur ungebrocIen.
DsLere ScIImmer Iugen ber den HImmeIn der GLLer.
EInzIg ANU konnLe dIe voIIe TrugweILe eruInen.
Wus wur gescIeIen?
N-B-RU IuLLe seIne toreschriebene chn verIussen!
Wus konnLen dIe GLLer Lun?
WIeder beIrugLen SIe dus OrukeI wIe zur ZeIL der IucIL vom AIdeburun,
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 271
wIeder dreILen SIe dIe ScIeIbe.
Aber dus OrukeI bIIeb ,bIInd, es gub keIn ,IcILZeIcIen wIe sonsL bIIcI. Wur dIe
VerbIndung zu den GoLL-AInen unLerbrocIen?
JeLzL erIob sIcI ERA, der WeIse den ANU-NAK, er verIIeI seInem SLub
R-MN-SU dIe KruIL der Gedunken und sprucI dIe WuIrIeIL und WeIsIeIL zu den GLLern:
N-B-RU IsL vom ursprunlichen WEG ubgewIcIen, desIuIb mu KI seIne
vorgescIrIebene BuIn verIussen, dIe ZAHLEN der GLLer mssen Ir eIne geuisse
Zeit verunderL werden! Wer OIren IuL der Ire und wer Augen IuL der seIe den gLLIIcIen
RuLscIIu, den ERA KruIL seIner Gedunken, KruIL seInes SLubes verkndeL: MUMMU uIs 1.
GeIuIrLe APSU`s IuuIL weILer seIne vorgescIrIebene BuIn beI 6 Hunub.
AHAMU`s JungIruuIIcIkeIL wIrd nIcIL gesLrL beI ;z Hunub.
K`s BuIn uber mu weIcIen von 1o8 Hunub uuI q6 Hunub, er enLIernL sIcI um 1 Striche
von LAHML`s Gesicht!
1z groe WIederknILe mssen erIoIgen, bevor K seIne uILe vor-gescIrIebene BuIn wIeder
eInnImmL! ZeILuILer werden vergeIen, dIe GescIIcILen der GLLer wIrd mun nur nocI uus
,TuIeIn enLneImen, uber dIe WuIrIeIL bIeIbL und wIrd wIederkeIren! EIne rIesIge UT
wIrd KI verderben, dIe spuLen uIu werden dIe GescIIcILe nucI IIrem RezepL umdeuLen, Ir
uber soIIL dIe WuIrIeIL erIuIren und weILerLrugen Ir uIIe ZukunIL!
NIcIL RucIe der GLLer Ir IIre VermIscIung mIL den ruuen der uIu wur Grund Ir dIe
UT, sondern weII N-B-RU seInen toreschriebenen We verIussen IuLLe, und keIner der
GLLer vermocILe dem EInIuIL zu gebIeLen. esL dIe ZuIIen und werdeL weIse! Ir nennL
es ,Grctitction, dIe GLLer nennen es den ,Hull der goldenen Kessel".
1 groe WIederknILe bedeuLeL 1 Mul dus orLscIreILen der zwII ZeIcIen um HorIzonL,
dunn wIrd sIcI dIe ZeIL voIIenden und KI wIeder seIne vorgescIrIebene PosILIon eInneImen!
Dus wuren ERA`s WorLe, der RuL vernuIm es mIL MImuL, uber es gub nIcILs zu deuLen oder
gur zu undern.
Kurze ZeIL spuLer kum es wIe ungekndIgL: KI verIIe seIne BuIn und begub sIcI 1z SLrIcIe
enLgegen der JungIruuIIcIkeIL.
ScIwere IuLen sucILen K IeIm, er LrudeILe, verIor kurze ZeIL dIe BesInnung. DIe ebewesen
uuI KI wurden weggespIL, dIe AkuzIen zerbrocIen. AIIeIn den uIu In den MInen geIung dIe
IucIL! Wurum?
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 272
DIe Gunge zur UnLerweIL wurden geIIneL und dIe EcIsen gesLuLLeLen den uIu den ZuLrILL!
Wuren dIe WeIbcIen der uIu nIcIL scIn unzuseIen?
Wuren dIe EcIsen nIcIL besonders scIurI uuI Wesen dIeser GuLLung?
DIe NILI RASSI wur Im BegrIII zu enLsLeIen!
WIr nennen sIe E-MU-R-ER, denn es enLsLunden LuLsucIIIcI uus der VerbIndung der
EcIsen und der uIu dIe EMUREN!
DIe emuren soIILen sLurker uIs dIe EcIsen werden, IuLLen sIe docI dIe ,SLrIcIe der GLLer
und der EcIsen! SIe errIcILeLen eIne WeIL oIne BeIspIeI, und IIre AuIgube wur es, dIe GLLer
beI IIrer WIederkunIL nIcIL nur zu erscIrecken, sondern zu verjugen!
Wus uber gescIuI mIL EA und MAGD?
WoII wIssend um IIre gLLIIcIe UnsLerbIIcIkeIL IuLLen sIe Sorgen bezgIIcI IIrer
VerwundburkeIL - denn gLLIIcIe ,SLrunge bedeuLen nIcIL ScIuLz In der ScIIucIL vor jedem
SIe buuLen IIre SLudL PEN-TA-KT LIeIer In dIe Erde unLer dem See BAN-TAN und uus IIrer
InIe gIngen weILere ;11 GLLerkInder Iervor.
SIe unLerrIcILeLen dIe GLLerkInder In uIIen WIssenscIuILen, In Tugenden und In der
SIe IuLLen uucI dus ZWEITE ZEICHEN von MRA und TU erIuILen, es zeIgLe IInen dIe
VerscIIebung K`s , des PIuneLen, den wIr IorLun ERDE nennen woIIen. Es zeIgLe
sowoII einn cls cuch Ende der VerscIIebung,
und gemu ERA`s WorLen soIILe dIese ZeIL 1 mul 1 Zeichen um IrmumenL beLrugen, 1z
muI 1z ZeIcIen soIILe dIe lcnzende Herde UL.ME weILerzIeIen, bevor dIe Erde wIeder IIre
ungesLummLe BuIn beI 1o8 Hunub eInneImen konnLe. SumLIIcIe BerecInungen und
WeIssugungen Ir dIe ZukunIL wuren durcI dIeses ZeIcIen mgIIcI, es zeIgLe IInen
den wuhren Weg N-B-RU`s In seIner wundersumen ACHT, dIe zweI Wege, den sIe
ENS WEG und EAS WEG nennen und ANUS WEG, der DUB enLsprIcIL oder wIe Ir es
nennL, der EkIIpLIk.
So IsL es uus dem ZeIcIen kIur zu erkennen, du der SLern N-B-RU nIcIL 6oo ErdenjuIre
Ir eInen ,UmIuuI benLIgL, sondern ,6 ScIur,
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 273
dus sInd 1zq6o ErdenjuIre und der ,UmIuuI enLsprIcIL so eIner IuIben
PruzessIon. DIe vorIIegenden GescIeInIsse LruLen ImZeichen des GLeIn, den Ir den
Wussermunn nennL, und seIn Zchlenuert ist die :zl
Nun werdeL Ir verwunderL Irugen, wus soII dIese ZuII uns sugen? DenkL nucI! m
Wussermunn sIedeILen dIe ersLen ANU-NAK uuI der Erde, nucIdem sIe vorersL den KrIeg
gegen dus EcIsengescIIecIL gewonnen IuLLen, Im Wussermunn neIgLe sIcI K In der BuIn,
verIor den HuIL und LrudeILe von 1o8 Hunub beI q6 Hunub eIn.
Nun sprecIe IcI von eInem UmIuuI von ,6 ScIur, dus wrde bedeuLen, dIe GLLer keIren Im
ZeIcIen des wen zurck!
SprucI uber nIcIL ERA von 1mul 1 Strichen? 1z SLrIcIe bedeuLen erneuL den
Wussermunn, denn 1z ZeIcIen IuL dIe gIunzende Herde, dIe Ir ZodIuk nennL. DIes IsL uucI
dus RuLseI der ,KreIse Im Korn, denn nIcIL unwIIIIge MenscIen von grobem GescIIecIL
soIIen dIe ZeIcIen enLscIIsseIn, sIe sInd uIIeIn Ir EA und MAGD und IIre gLLIIcIen
NucIkommen besLImmL, dumIL sIe dIe Zeit der Wiederlunjt rIcILIg deuLen knnen! Denn:
,6 ScIur IuuIL N-B-RU In seIner BuIn, dus sInd 1zq6o ErdenjuIre, und ,6 ScIur vom
Wussermunn enLIernL sLeIL LuLsucIIIcI der we! Diese Schnittstelle uber kreuzL nIcIL den
Weg Eurer Erde, sIe verIuuIL durcI den Inneren RIng, den Ir AsLeroIdengrLeI nennL. WIr
werden nocI uusIIrIIcI uuI dIe EreIgnIsse eIngeIen, dIe dumuIs gescIuIen! NucI weILeren
,6 ScIur kommL es uber zur nucIsLen Begegnung, du N-B-RU eIne Iunggezogene ACHT zur
BuIn IuL!
DIese ACHT IsL In sIcI gedreIL, dIe ScInILLsLeIIe IIegL zwur uuI eIner ,Ebene, uber nIcIL um
seIben PunkL Im Ruum! So kommL es, du eInmuI dIe Begegnung Im Wussermunn zur
VerscIIebung von K`s BuIn IIrL, dus undere MuI uber verIuuIL dIe Pussuge Im
AsLeroIdengrLeI oIne SLrungen Ir euren PIuneLen.
Eure KInder Iuben eIn SpIeI, dus nennL sIcI ,Ilcschendrehen, eIne IuscIe wIrd Im KreIs
gedreIL, dIe KInder sILzen Im KreIs, und dorL, wo dIe IuscIe sLeIen bIeIbL, wIrd eIn PIund
WeIcIer ,PIund wIrd woII nucI der RckkeIr der ANU-NAK IuIIIg?
Genuu dIeses BIId des ,IuscIendreIens IuLLen TU und MRA Im SInn, uIs sIe IIren
gLLIIcIen KIndern dus ZeIcIen der WIederkunIL scIIckLen!
NuLrIIcI IuLLen sIe es IuuL IIrer AbsprucIe verscIIsseIL, sIe IuLLen den Weg
der ,lcnzenden Herde, den IIr EkIIpLIk nennL, uIs STRICH gezeIcIneL, woII wIssend, du
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 27A
dIe NucIIuIren der prImILIven uIu oder gur dIe EcIsenwesen nIcIL In der uge wuren, dIes
uIs KREIS zu erkennen! DocI dem nIcIL genug, dIe ZAHLEN wuren ebenso verscIIsseIL,
denn wer wrde woII erkennen, du der ErsLe HeIIIge WInkeI der ,KreIse Im Korn, der
DUB-SCHAH, dIe Zuhl ,, genuu
E1NEM CRADder NEGUNG der EkIIpLIk enLsprIcIL!? Wer wrde woII dIe ZeIL
des einns und dIe ZeIL derWiederlunjt berecInen knnen wenn nIcIL dIe SIne der
GLLer seIbsL??
HIer soII nun dus ZeIcIen der Wiederlunjt durgesLeIIL werden, dIe PIuneLen Iuben IIre
EnLprecIung genuu wIe dIe SLeIIung InnerIuIb der ,gIunzenden Herde, dIe BerecInungen
wurden von MRA und TU gesundL zu dem Zwecke, dIe KInder der GLLer erwucIen zu Iussen
und IInen dIe enLsprecIenden AuIguben zu sLeIIen.
Jeder der GLLerkInder wIrd nun seIner AuIgube gewuIr werden und seInen TeII duzu
beILrugen, dIe WiederlunjteInzuIeILen.
Den KumpI, den wIr verIoren und docI gewonnen Iuben, werden wIr uuI den Ebenen
uusLrugen, dIe vorgezeIcIneL sInd Im BucI AT-TUM,
dem ,HcIsLen SIeg.
TIIL III: Der KrIeg zwIscIen emurIen und dem und EA.MAGDI
;z Monde wuren vergungen seILdem EA und MAGD IIr Huus unLer dem See BAN-TAN
errIcILeL IuLLen, es wur IerrIIcI und gro geworden und IuLLe PIuLz Ir uIIe ;11 GLLerkInder.
Den gLLIIcIen EILern zu EIren nunnLen sIe IIr und EA.MAGD.
Der ersLgeborene SoIn der ZwIIIInge IIe MMARU-MTAHA, wus In Eurer SprucIe sovIeI
wIe ,IcILkumpIer bedeuLeL.
Dus ersLgeborene MudcIen nunnLen sIe ZU-SNNSNARTU, wus sovIeI wIe ,weIse SungerIn
Der EInIucIIeIL IuIber werden dIe beIden GLLerkInder IorLun nur nocI
MMA und SNN genunnL.
MMA bIIdeLe dIe GLLersIne In uIIen KumpIsporLurLen uus, besonders Im WerIen der
sIIbernen KumpIscIeIben und Im BeIerrscIen des euer-
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 275
SLubes. DIe sIIbernen KumpIscIeIben, von TU IInLerIussen, IuLLen mugIscIe EIgenscIuILen,
denn sIe Iunden den eInd nIcIL nur KruIL der Gedunken des WerIers, sIe IuLLen uucI q
OIInungen zum VerscIIeen
von ,euerweIIen . DIe uueren 18 OIInungen Lrugen zudem dIe nILIuIen von TU, den
KERN des ebens Im gescIwungenen PIud nucI oben, wus sowoII dIe gLLIIcIe Russe uIs
uucI den AuIsLIeg der GLLer seIbsL bedeuLeL. 1o8 KumpIscIeIben wurden geIerLIgL,
enLsprecIend der IeIIIgen ZuII un HUNAB, der EnLIernung zwIscIen K ( Erde ) und APSU (
Sonne ) In uILen IeIIIgen ZeILen.
SNN uber, dIe ueise Scnerin, IuLLe dIe besondere AuIgube, dIe GLLerkInder Im DeuLen
der ZeIcIen zu unLerrIcILen, dIe TU und MRA In besLImmLen AbsLunden zur Erde scIIckLen.
SIe seIbsL besu dIe Smurugd-TuIeI, dIe MAGD von MRA erIuILen IuLLe, dIe sIe uber nIe
eInem underen GLLerkInd zeIgen durILe. Zu vIeI der WeIsIeIL, IsL und Tcke, zu vIeI un
ewIgen WuIrIeILen und MgIIcIkeILen, In dIe ZukunIL zu bIIcken, sLunden uuI der Smurugd-
TuIeI verzeIcIneL. Es erIorderLe MuL und EnLscIIossenIeIL und wuIrIIcI gLLIIcIen WIIIen,
dIese TuIeI unzuneImen, denn der IoIgende KrIeg mIL den emurIern wur uuI der TuIeI
genuuso verzeIcIneL wIe dIe IucIL der GLLerkInder uuI den PIuneLen AHMU ( Murs ) und
sumLIIcIe GescIIcke der GLLer und der MenscIen bIs IIn zum IeLzLen WImpernscIIug des
HImmeIs. SeIbsL IIr eIgenes unweIgerIIcIes GescIIck sLund dorL verzeIcIneL, und SNN
IuLLe dIe KruIL, dIeses zu erLrugen!
ungsum uber begunn dIe ZeIL dsLer zu werden, dIe EcIsenwesen IuLLen sIcI mIL den
geIIcILeLen uIu vermIscIL und eIne neue Russe, dIe emurIer gebIIdeL. DIese IuLLen
nuLrIIcI von der IucIL der GLLer geIrL, sIe wuLen uber genuuso vom und EA.MAGD
und dem VersLeck der zurckgeIussenen GLLerkInder. SIe kunnLen nIcIL den See BAN-TAN,
uber IIre IsL und EnLscIIossenIeIL wur gro, dIesen OrL uusIIndIg zu mucIen und dIe
GLLersIne zu vernIcILen.
Ir AnIIrer nunnLe sIcI ETU-MARU , wus ,dunkIer SoIn bedeuLeL.
AucI dus GescIIecIL der emurIer IuLLe gLLIIcIe SLrunge Im BIuL, denn dIe prImILIven uIu
wurden von den GLLern gescIuIIen uus ,AIIen und q ungebundenen SLrungen der GLLer.
ScIIIeIIcI IIrLe dIe VermIscIung mIL den EcIsenwesen duzu, du IIre kumpIerIscIen
uIIgkeILen nocI meIr beLonL wurden, IedIgIIcI dIe medIuIen TuIenLe wuren uuersL gerIng.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 276
,KnIgIn der UnLerweIL. SARRATA wur uuersL scIn und zudem kIug und IIsLIg, sIe konnLe
sIcI versLeIIen und vIeIe In dIe rre IIren.
DesIuIb IussLe ETU-MARU eInen PIun: Er scIIckLe SARRATA IInuuI In dIe ,ObenweIL um
zu spIonIeren, sIe soIILe dIe WoInung der GLLerkInder uusIIndIg mucIen und mgIIcIsL
VerLruuen beI IInen gewInnen, um Zugung zum Huus der GLLer zu erIungen.
IsLIg und scIn wIe sIe wur begub sIe sIcI uuI dIe ObenweIL, wo beruII kIeIne SIedIungen
der GLLerkInder enLsLunden wuren.
Zwur IuLLen EA und MAGD Wurnungen von TU und MRA erIuILen, dIe sIe duruuI
uuImerksum mucILen, du Im nnern der Erde dIe eInde der GLLer woInen, uber dIese
Wurnungen wuren IungsL verbIussL und wenIge ducILen berIuupL nocI durun. So konnLe
sIcI SARRATA beI den GLLerkIndern eInscIIeIcIen und sIe gewunn sogur dus Herz eInes
SoInes. DIeser berIcILeLe IIr vom See BAN-TAN und von vIeIen , vIeIen geIeImen DIngen,
dIe es den emurIeren mgIIcI mucILen, IIren AngrIII zu sLurLen.
Am dunkeIsLen Tug In der GescIIcILe der ANU-NAK begunn der AngrIII der emurIer.
SARRATA IuLLe uucI IeruusgeIunden, du dIe GLLerkInder un dIesem Tug eIn esL IeIern
woIILen. Der ZeILpunkL wur gnsLIg gewuIIL und ETU-MARU IIrLe dIe emurIer In den
Der KrIeg IuLLe krzer nIcIL seIn knnen, nucI ; Tugen IuLLen dIe GLLer
o IIrer KInder verIoren und EA und MAGD enLscIIossen sIcI zur IeLzLen ReLLung: Es
soIILe eIne IucIL zum PIuneLen AHMU sLuLLIInden.
DIe IeLzLen 161 GLLerkInder sLurLeLen unLer der Irung von EA und MAGD zur IucIL. MIL
dreI ,sIIbernen VgeIn verIIeen sIe endgILIg dus und EA.MAGD, um eIne neue HeImuL
zu IInden.
SNN sung IIre scInsLen Ieder um dus Herz der resLIIcIen KInder zu erIreuen. SIe sprucI
IInen MuL zu und LrockneLe IIre Trunen.
AHMU ( der PIuneL Murs ) wur zu dIeser ZeIL uInIIcI der Erde.
Er IuLLe eIne ppIge VegeLuLIon, LIeIe TuIer und ScIIucILen und wogende Meere. Zum groen
GIck der GLLerkInder gub es dorL keIne uggresIven Wesen wIe dIe emurIer.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 277
m GegenLeII, es gub kIuge VgeI, mIL denen sIcI dIe GLLerkInder buId unIreundeLen. DIese
VgeI IuLLen HIIen weIL oben In den zerkIILeLen GebIrgen, und du sIe so sLurk und zugIeIcI
verLruuIIcI wuren, IIeen sIcI dIe GLLerkInder von IInen zum Spu IocI In dIe ILe Lrugen.
SIe IuLLen gIunzende GeIIeder, dIe In uIIen urben eInes Regenbogens scIImmerLen. Ju, es
gub Regen und Regenbogen uuI AHMU, und dIese WeIL wurde den GLLerkIndern vIeI IIeber
wIe dIe zum TeII unwIrLIIcIe Erde. So buuLen sIe IIr ersLes Huus uuI AHMU und nunnLen es
SHADU.E , wus ,BergIuus IeIL.
Dus uIIes IuLLe SNN gewuL, denn es sLund In IIrer Smurugd-TuIeI verzeIcIneL, uber IuLLe
sIe dIe WuIrIeIL sugen knnen?
SeIbsL ANU wure dIeses verweIrL gewesen, denn ScIreckIIcIes wrde sIcI dunn zuLrugen,
der uuI der HImmeI wrde In sIcI zusummenIuIIen.
SHADU.E wurde prucILIg uuIgebuuL, es erIIeIL eIne goIdgIunzende KuppeI, unLer der Im
muLLen IcIL der Sonne SNN IIre Ieder sung und dIe KInder In den KnsLen der GLLer
MMA uber unLerrIcILeLe weILer In den KumpIknsLen, denn nIe woIILe er dIe ScImucI der
NIederIuge gegen dIe emurIer IInneImen!
EInes Tuges woIILe er dIe GLLer zum RucIeIeIdzug gegen dIe emurIer unIIren und dIese
endgILIg und voIIsLundIg vernIcILen.
AucI SNN muLe Besonderes IeIsLen, IuLLen sIcI docI dIe GLLerkInder ducI IIre IucIL
von der Erde dIe MgIIcIkeIL genommen, dIe ZEICHEN
von MRA und TU zu Iesen und zu deuLen.
DIes wur uber unubunderIIcI noLwendIg, denn woIer soIILen sIe sonsL dIe HInweIse
bekommen Ir IIre weILere EnLwIckIung?
DesIuIb scIuI SNN eIn NU.ZU, eIn ,ueises Aue, mIL dem sIe von IIrem Huus dIe
WuIder, vor uIIem uber dIe wIIden eIder mIL Korn und dIe EIsIIucIen der nrdIIcIen Seen
des PIuneLen Erde beobucILen konnLe.
SIe muLe dIe Wiederlehr der GLLer genuu besLImmen knnen, denn es IIng von IIr ub, ob
der VerruL von MRA und TU besLruIL wrde oder ob mun ANU mIL eIner egende zuIrIeden
sLeIIen knnLe.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 27B
DIe ERSTE Begegnung Iug nun buId Zeichen zurck, und SNN wuLe, du N-B-RU
nucI 6 ZeIcIen eInen IuIben UmIuuI voIIendeL IuLLe und seInen ScInILLpunkL der ,ewIgen
AcIL wIeder erreIcIen wrde.
N-B-RU wur Im ZeIcIen des GU (Wussermunn) uuIgebrocIen und IuLLe K ( dIe Erde ) von
IIrer BuIn geworIen, er wrde Im ZeIcIen des
UR.GUA ( des wen ) wIeder Ins SonnensysLem eInLreLen und dIesmuI
beI z88 HUNA dus SysLem durcIkreuzen.
Dus wure uber N1CHT eIne der Begegnungen, von denen ERA gesprocIen IuLLe, denn ERA
meInLe eIndeuLIg dIe Begegnungen mIL der
Erde, und dIese voIIzIeIen sIcI nur uIIe 1 Zeichen!
SomIL wure dIe ERSTE Begegnung zwIscIen N-B-RU und K (der Erde)
Im JuIre Eurer ZeILrecInung oqo v.CIr. pussIerL mIL den gescIIIderLen oIgen. DIe
IoIgenden EreIgnIsse soIILen sIcI 1zq6o JuIre spuLer ereIgnen, ub dem JuIre zq6o; v.CIr.
DesIuIb umIussL der gesumLe ZykIus N-B-RU`s ( wegen der JuIre nucI CIrIsLus ) exukL
11oqo ErdenjuIre, dus sInd 86,q SCHAR.
Aus dIesem Grund IuL uucI N-B-RU dIe KennzuII 6q8 und AHMU, dIe Neue HeImuL der
GLLerkInder, IuL den ZuIIenwerL q68.
11oqo ErdenjuIre sInd 8o groe ZykIen des VernIcILers ( SuLuns ).
Denn 8o muILIpIIzIerL mIL 888 ( dIe wuIre 666 ) ergIbL 11oqo.
11oqo ErdenjuIre sInd uber uucI qo groe ScIpIungszykIen, denn dIe ZuII q6 (
ScIIunge beIL sIcI In den ScIwunz - SInnbIId Ir CIuos und ScIpIung ) muILIpIIzIerL mIL
qo ergIbL 11oqo ErdenjuIre.
HIer IIndeL uucI der SprucI uus dem BucI AT-TUM seInen wuIren SInn: IcIL und
ScIuLLen sInd vereInL. IcIL ( ZuII qo ) muILIpIIzIerL mIL ScIuLLen ( ZuII 8o ) ergIbL ;zoo
oder ;,z ScIur, wus eInem N-B-RU UmIuuI enLsprIcIL, uIso kommL es einmcl ( IcIL-EnIIIs
Weg ) zu eInem posILIven EreIgnIs und einmcl ( ScIuLLen-Eu`s Weg ) zu eInem neguLIven
EreIgnIs! NIcIL umsonsL enLsprIcIL eIn Weg EnIIIs und eIn Weg EA`s genuu ,6 ScIur.
Wenn wIr dIe EreIgnIsse zurckverIoIgen werden wIr IesLsLeIIen, du vor ,6 ScIur- Im
ZeIcIen des wen ( 1o.q v.CIr.) - dus GoIdene ZeILuILer endeLe durcI EA`s Weg und
IeuLe zoo; n.CIr. dus GoIdene ZeILuILer durcI ENS WEG begInnL!
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 27S
DocI woIIen wIr zurckkeIren zu den dumuIIgen EreIgnIssen:
Der Schctten-We IuLLe sIcI dus ersLe MuI voIIendeL und dIe KInder der GLLer In IIrer
neuen HeImuL wurLeLen seInscILIg uuI den BegInn des Licht-Wees.
Groe DInge IuLLe SNN voIIbrucIL, denn IIr NU.ZU, IIr ,ueises Aue
konnLe nIcIL nur dIe ZeIcIen von MRA und TU uuI der Erde beLrucILen,
es konnLe uucI weIL In dIe HImmeI bIIcken und N-B-RU`s BuIn In uIIer EndIosIgkeIL
verIoIgen. So konnLe sIe genuu dus DuLum der RckkeIr der GLLer errecInen. MRA und TU
IuLLen uuerdem Vorsorge geLroIIen, sIe IIeen SNN ber IIre Zeichen im Korn wIssen,
weIcIe AbsIcILen ANU IuLLe. Der roe Rct IuLLe bescIIossen, den KIndern uuI AHMU zu
IeIIen, denn ERA`s WeIsIeIL IuLLe den GLLern mILgeLeIIL, du EA und MAGD und uIIe
IoIgenden KInder-GeneruLIonen zum SLumm der GLLer geIren soIILen. ERA`s WeIsIeIL
IuLLe bedeuLeL, du dIe GLLer unLer ANU`s Irung und mIL der KruIL von SEPT Ins und
der EMURER eInIuIIen und mIL ungeuInLen VerwsLungen dIe emurIer zurck In dIe
HIIen LreIben soIILen.
So wur es Im BucI ILAT-LITUM, dem ,IcIsLen SIeg verzeIcIneL.
Dus Zeichen IIerIr wurde SNN wIeIoIgL bermILLeIL:
DIe RckkeIr der GLLer
MMA und SNN, dIe GLLerkInder und AnIIrer der KInder uuI AHMU, IuLLen Groes
DurcI dus weIse Auge NU.ZU konnLen sIe N-B-RU`s BuIn verIoIgen und erwurLeLen
pnkLIIcI dIe RckkeIr der GLLer.
SNN IIeIL Im SHADU.E, Im BergIuus, eIne VorIesung ber dIe HoIen ZeIcIen, und dIese
soII IIer wrLIIcI wIedergegeben werden, denn sIe IsL dIe OIIenburung ber dus GeIeImnIs
der EnLsLeIung der ZeIcIen, oderKornkreiszeichen, wIe sIe dIe MenscIen uuI K spuLer
nocI nennen werden:
,VIeIe KInder werden sIcI Irugen, woIer kommen dIe HoIen ZeIcIen und wIe genuu werden
sIe gemucIL!
DIe HoIen ZeIcIen sInd dIe BoLscIuILen von unseren GLLer-EILern uuI unserem
HeImuLpIuneLen N-B-RU. SovIeI wIssL IIr bereILs. SIe scIIcken uns dIese ZeIcIen, dumIL wIr
IIre RckkeIr berecInen und uns duruuI vorbereILen knnen!
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2BO
Wenn ZeIcIen Im GeLreIde enLsLeIen, wIrd dus WASSIR im HulmInIormIerL!
HoIe ZeIcIen knnen nur dorL enLsLeIen, wo besLImmLe MIneruIIen und EIsen Im Erdboden
vorIunden sInd, nuLrIIcI mu Wusser dorL uucI seIn. DIe nIormuLIon erIoIgL ber ,WeIIen
- wIr nennen dIese WeIIen NA..TAR - es sInd WeIIen Im meLupIysIscIen SpekLrum - dIe
MenscIen nennen sIe RIIKI - bluues Licht - VRIL - es gIbL duIr Luusend Numen, uber
nur wIr wIssen den SInn!
DIe NA..TAR - WeIIen werden von MRA und TU durcI den Ruum gescIIckL, uuI der Erde
InIormIeren sIe dus mIL MInos und EIsen ungereIcIerLe Wusser, und zu eInem vorgeseIenen
ZeILpunkL drckL dus Wusser dIe HuIme des Korns In dus enLsprecIende MusLer! DIe
MenscIen werden eInes Tuges wIssen, duss Wusser dus MedIum der GLLer unserer GLLer IsL
- es IsL dIe UnIversuIgoLLIeIL!
MIL Wusser kunn mun sprecIen, Wusser IuL eIn GeducILnIs ber den ZeILruum der EwIgkeIL,
und Wusser IIIL den Ruum zwIscIen den SLernen In seIner scInsLen orm - uIs EIs!
DesIuIb buuen dIe MenscIen IIre TempeI und KIrcIen um Wusser!
DIe MenscIen Iuben eInIge von IIrer ArL, dIe sIe DruIden nennen, sIe knnen mIL Wusser
kommunIzIeren und den SInn unserer BoLscIuILen versLeIen!
Aber es wIrd den MenscIen nIcILs nLzen, denn dIese DruIden werden verIucIL und Ir
scIwucIsInnIg erkIurL, denn der SInn der meIsLen MenscIen IsL geLrbL von eIner SLruIIung
uus der WeIL der ormIuILIgkeIL - dIe MenscIen werden AnLennen buuen und dIese
scIudIIcIe SLruIIung wIrd den PIuneLen K und IIre SpezIes verseucIen und um dIe
spIrILueIIe ErIuIrung brIngen. NA..TAR-WeIIen knnen uucI EIs-BIIder enLsLeIen Iussen -
dus PrInzIp IsL gunz eInIucI: DIe WeIIen InIormIeren dus (eIsenIuILIge) Wusser und dIeses
wIrd un gunz besLImmLen PunkLen InnerIuIb krzesLer ZeIL seIne TemperuLur exLrem undern,
dIese Brund-und BrucIpunkLe In IIrer GesumLIeIL ergeben eIn vorzgIIcIes EIs-BIId. WIr
knnen es durcI unser weIses Auge NU.ZU uuI dem See BAN-TAN seIen! EIs-BIIder sInd
den MenscIen nIcIL so bekunnL wIe HoIe ZeIcIen Im GeLreIde, uber sIe erIIIen denseIben
SInn und Zweck- unsere GLLer-EILern zeIgen uns den Weg und bereILen uns uuI IIre
WIederkunIL vor! DIe MenscIen werden eIne scIreckIIcIe AnIuge buuen, dIe sIe H.A.A.R.P.
nennen, dumIL woIIen sIe NA..TAR-WeIIen seIbsL erzeugen und IuIscIe BIIder IersLeIIen!
Aber dus wIrd IInen nIcIL geIIngen, denn sIe Iuben nIcIL dIe VorrIcILung duIr und IIr SInn
IuILeL der ormen-und ErscIeInungsweIL un!
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2B1
ormen und ErscIeInungen uber sInd nur Ausdruck des VRIL - eInIge werden erkennen,
duss VR und GRA eIn und dusseIbe sInd, denn es dient einzig und ullein der
Kommunikution mit NI-BI-RL!
VR q66
GRA 1616
Summe 6zz = 1X1zo = 1Soo = SCHAR!!
VR IsL dIe KruIL, und GRA IsL dIe VorrIcILung, um dIe KruIL uuszusenden!
AIIer 1z.q6o JuIre kommL es zur UberscIneIdung unserer BuInen, und dumIL zur AnIebung
der NA..TAR-WeIIen. DIe MenscIen werden es merken!
SIe werden dIe HuIme des GeLreIdes ubscIneIden und unLersucIen, sIe werden eIne seILsume
kurzIebIge EnergIe IesLsLeIIen, dIe sIe nIcIL messen knnen! Denn VR IuIL sIcI In der WeIL
der ormen und ErscIeInungen nur seIr kurz, uber es geIL In seInen GeIsL-ZusLund ber und
LrugL dIe nIormuLIon so bIs In uIIe EwIgkeILen weILer!
So sLeIL es gescIrIeben In der TABLLA SMARAGINA:
DIe wur - dIe IsL - dIe seIn wIrd -
,Der ZeILen enker, der WugenIIrer,
Herr der Wusser, Herr des IcILs
Vom HorIzonL EA`s zum HorIzonL ANU`s
Der, der den Weg IenkL, der, der IsL.
Der SLern, der geboren wurde uus AMUS IcIL
Dus KInd, dus geboren wurde uus TU`s Sumen
EmpIungen von der knIgIIcIen MRA
BeILeL von SEPT, dem Irer der euerzeIcIen.
Der, der dIe WorLe vernImmL
Dessen weg IIrL zu ERA`s GeIeImnIss
VerzeIcIneL In den TuIeIn der GrusgLLer
Vom AnbegInn des IcILs zu AnbegInn.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2B2
DIe TABLLA SMARAGINA dreIL sIcI ber den Wogen, den WeIIen der Meere, ber den
KpIen der GLLer-KInder, sIe sendeL unuuIIuILsum NA..TAR-WeIIen In dIe VIgrId-Ebenen,
um mIL den HoIen ZeIcIen dIe WIederkeIr N-B-RU`s unzukndIgen.
SNN IuLLe Groes voIIbrucIL: UberuII uuI AHMU sLeIILe sIe dIe R-MN-SU uuI, und dIe
GLLer-KInder IreuLen sIcI un dem Wusser des IcILes!
AucI uuI AHMU gub es ey-PunkLe, un denen dus MInos-EIsen-Wusser sprudeILe.
1z SuuIen sLeIILe SNN uuI AHMU uuI, 1z SuuIen wuren es z ZeILuILer spuLer uuI K (der
Erde ) . Besondere ArbeIL dubeI muLe MMA IeIsLen, denn dIe SuuIen besLunden uus eInem
GemIscI uus ADUR-GesLeIn und SEMADT-MeLuII. DIese eInzIgurLIge MIscIung uus edIem
GesLeIn und ebenso edIem MeLuII gIbL der SuuIe ersL IIre eILIuIIgkeIL Im MInos-EIsen-
AIs dIe 1z SuuIen errIcILeL wuren wurde eIn groes esL geIeIerL, dIe GLLer-KInder IIogen uuI
den IgeIn der TAN.TAK , der ,gIunzenden BIumen IocI IInuus zum SHADU.E , sIe
IeIerLen dus esL der ErsLen ErrIcILung der R-MN-SU, und nIemund konnLe IInen dIesen
AugenbIIck der Inneren Verzckung meIr neImen!
Am nucIsLen Morgen begunnen sIcI dIe SuuIen zu dreIen, dus Wusser sprudeILe uus den
OIInungen Im KopI und IocI ber den roLen eIdern von AHMU zeIgLe sIcI N-B-RU den
GLLer-KIndern zum ersLen MuI In uII seIner PrucIL und HerrIIcIkeIL.
n dIeser ZeIL scIIckLe SNN eIn InuIzeIcIen zur Erde, um den BewoInern dIe WIederkeIr
der GLLer mILzuLeIIen. m ,und der WIederkeIr wIrd dIese ZeIL Im ,BucI des WecIseIs
exukL bescIrIeben:
Dieses Zeichen sollte jolende Gestclt erhclten:
. Gesprche in der Kryptu
BIIcken wIr nucILs uuI zum SLernenIImmeI, so erIussL uns eIne numenIose, unscIeInend
unerkIurIIcIe SeInsucIL. WIr seIen dIe GesLIrne des HImmeIs - und empIInden sIe nIcIL wIe
SLerne um IrmumenL, sondern uIs ruumIIcIe TIeIe, von der eIne unwIdersLeIIIcIe
AnzIeIungskruIL uuI uns uusgeIL; es IsL wIe der Sog der SeInsucIL, eIn krperIIcIes
EmpIInden: HeImweI! Zurck In dIe erne, zur WeIL des Ursprungs! DIes IsL eIn SLck
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2B3
unserer SeeIe: DIe sLIIIen WeILen des WeILenuIIs, uus denen unsere AInen womgIIcI eInsL
kumen, uus eIner reIneren, kIureren, besseren WeIL..
Vor JuIrIunderLLuusenden mug es gewesen seIn, zu ZeILen, deren keIn rdIscIer sIcI meIr
wIrkIIcI erInnerL. Und docI IsL es gebIIeben - verscIIsseIL Im germunIscIen BIuLe: Dus
AInen, dus WIssen um dIe ursprngIIcIe HeImuL.
n sLIIIen SLernenucILen besInnen wIr uns, IuuscIen wIr scIweIgend dem RuI uruILen BIuLes.
Und pILzIIcI wIssen wIr gunz genuu: Unsere HeImuL IIegL dorL, Irgendwo In der
UnIussburkeIL, Iremdes und docI verLruuLes VuLerIund!
EInjeder von uns versprL dIesen RuI In LruumsLIIIen AugenbIIcken, eInjeder der
germunIscIen Wesens IsL.
Rudolj ton Sebottendorj ,Vorcnjcn
GesprucIe In der KrypLu
Der Abend wur regnerIscI, kuILer WInd bIIe unubIussIg von OsLen, dIe Sonne wur scIon
gegen 18 UIr nIcIL meIr zu seIen gewesen.
KurI sLund um TurmIensLer und suI uuI dIe EInIuIrL zur Burg.
Du IrLe er dIe verLruuLen GeruuscIe, dus KnIrscIen der ReIIen uuI dem IeInen KIesbeLL der
Brcke, dunn dus SLoLLern der MoLoren.
DIe dreI scIwurzen Mercedes-ImousInen IuIren gunz Iungsum durcI dus Tor In den
nnenIoI der BurgunIuge. r kurze ZeIL scImeckLe KurI dIe Abguse der MoLoren, bevor eIne
IeLzLe WIndbe uucI dIesen GerucI enLsorgLe.
Dus Tor scIIo sIcI quIeLscIend IInLer den uIrzeugen. AIIe dreI ImousInen Lrugen dIe
WImpeI der eIbsLundurLe, dus mILLIere uIrzeug wur eLwus Iunger uIs dIe underen. Kuum
sLunden dIe uIrzeuge, sprung uus dem mILLIeren eIne unIIormIerLe Person, rI dIe IInLere
Tr uuI und suIuLIerLe. GebckL, den MunLeIkrugen LIeI Ins GesIcIL gezogen, sLIeg eIn Munn
uus dem Wugen und scIrILL eIIIgen ues der Tr des NordLurmes zu.
KurI IIneLe dIe Tr mIL den WorLen: ,GesegneL seI DeIne AnkunIL, AdoII!
Der soeben EIngeLroIIene scILLeILe den Regen von seInem MunLeI, IucIeILe sLIII und
unLworLeLe: ,Du uILer ScIwuLzer, IcI gre DIcI! AucI IIer regneL es wIe beruII Im ReIcI,
uber IcI denke, der Regen IuL uucI eLwus GuLes!
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2BA
,Wus IsL nocI GuLes vorIunden? enLgegneLe KurI mIssmuLIg. ,Dus eben woIILe IcI von DIr
wIssen, desIuIb bIn IcI wIeder IIerIer gekommen, uucI wenn unsere ZeIL buId ubgeIuuIen
IsL. KurI scILLeILe den KopI. ,HusL Du guLe NeuIgkeILen? AdoII IucILe: NuLrIIcI: DIe
Russen sLeIen un der Oder, Im WesLen sLeIen dIe AmIs buId um RIeIn, du bIn IcI guLer
DInge, duss dIe ,BeIreIung demnucIsL kommen mu. Aber muI Im ErnsL: cI Iube sumLIIcIe
produkLIven Reserven unserer ScIuLzsLuIIeI Ins EIs verIegL, der KumpI IIer vor OrL wIrd nur
nocI eIn ScIeIngeIecIL seIn. AuI KurIs GesIcIL erscIIen eIn ucIeIn: ,Dus IuLLe IcI
erwurLeL, seIL unserem KoIberger TreIIen wur mIr kIur, duss nur IIer unsere ReLLung IIegL.
,Du seLzL DeIne HoIInungen uuI eIne ruu! enLgegneLe AdoII scIurI, ,MurIu, dIe IeIIIge
JungIruu, weIcI eIn HoIn!
,Dus IsL keIn HoIn, MurIu IsL eIn uusgezeIcIneLes MedIum und jedes IIrer WorLe
enLsprecIen voII der WuIrIeIL!
,Du mussL es wIssen, KurI, Du bIsL der PrIesLer, IcI bIn der KnIg! cI Iube duIr zu sorgen,
duss VR-ODN gemu dem ZeILpIun sLurLen kunn. Du mussL IIer dIe BedIngungen
scIuIIen, duss dIeses ensLer, von dem MurIu sprucI, geIIneL werden kunn!
,Dus werde IcI Lun, AdoII, denn unsere KrypLu IsL IerLIg und IcI Iube unsere Lreuen ;
OIIIzIere des Ordens geIunden, dIe Ir den SpezIuIuuILrug In ruge kommen!
,Es mu IunkLIonIeren, KurI, IcI bILLe DIcI InsLundIg, wenn sIcI dus ensLer nIcIL IIneL,
wIrd dIe MIssIon von VR-ODN erIoIgIos seIn!
,AIIe ; Munner sInd uns ergeben bIs ber den Tod IInuus, AdoII, uber wus dus eIgenLIIcI
WIcILIge IsL: sIe knnen uIIe den OberLongesung!
,Dunn wIII IcI nur IoIIen, duss DeIne BerecInungen und dIe DurcIsugen von MurIu und
SIgrun rIcILIg sInd! Uns bIeIbL nIcIL meIr vIeI ZeIL! DIe GescIIcILe IuL IIr UrLeII ber uns
IungsL geIuIIL: WIr sInd VerbrecIer, dIe MenscIen werden sIcI von dem, wus uns IocI und
IeIIIg wur, ubwenden, sIe werden sIcI GLzen mIL scIreckIIcIen Musken sucIen und dIese
unbeLen. DIe ReInIeIL und KIurIeIL unserer dee wIrd verworIen werden!
,Aber dIe SucIe nucI dem GRA geIL weILer, AdoII, Du weIL es besser, wer wenn nIcIL Du
kennL dIe TIeIe unseres GIuubens und den bILLeren GescImuck von dem, wus der PbeI
,WuIrIeIL nennL!
,cI kenne den bILLeren GescImuck, KurI, IcI weI uucI, wo dIe ,WuIrIeIL um BesLen
verwuIrL wIrd! HusL Du dIesbezgIIcI VorkeIrungen geLroIIen?
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2B5
,cI Iube DeIne persnIIcIe DepescIe un den VuLIkun unseren reund Moosbrugger
bergeben, er wIrd sIe sIcIer zum HeIIIgen VuLer weILerIeILen, Du kunnsL sIcIer seIn, duss uuI
keIner underen SLeIIe uuI dIesem PIuneLen, unsere EIs-SLuLIon muI uusgenommen, dIese
BoLscIuIL sIcIerer verwuIrL wrde!
,cI wIII nIcIL meInen, KurI, verwuIrL IIee, bIs zum JngsLen GerIcIL In den KuLukomben
des VuLIkun zu scIIummern!
,AucI dIesbezgIIcI Iube IcI VorkeIrungen geLroIIen, meIn reund! DeIne DepescIe wIrd
spuLesLens Im JuIre zo1z uus den AnnuIen uuILuucIen und uuI gunz IrdIscIe WeIse der
Presse In dIe Hunde gespIeIL werden!
,zo1z, KurI, dus IsL In 68 JuIren! WIr sInd dunn LoL, oder meInsL Du, MurIu, dIe UnIeIIIge,
IuLLe RecIL mIL dem GesugLen??
,MurIu IuL mIL uIIem GesugLen vIIIg RecIL, meIn Irer, wIr werden dunn uucI du seIn, In
underem Gewund, wIe sIe sugLe!
,Aber dIe BesLIen werden gunz Europu eIngenommen Iuben, es gIbL keIne nseI, wo wIr nocI
sIcIer wuren!
,Wus sugLe MurIu: DeIn KIeId wIrd dem eInes SLruenurbeILers gIeIcIen, DeIne WoInung
wIrd uusseIen wIe eIn NesL In der NucIL, DeIn WeIb IsL dIe UnscIuId, DeIn VersLund uber
wIrd erwucIen Im KreIs des euers!!
DIe zweI Munner IIeIen sIcI worLIos In dIe Arme, Trunen Im GesIcIL, der BIIck uber sLurk und
IesL, denn dIe VerunLworLung, dIe sIe Lrugen, konnLe kuum eIn SLerbIIcIer ermessen.
,u uns In dIe KrypLu geIen, meIn Irer, wIr mssen es nun zu Ende brIngen!
,KurI, meIn IIeber ScIwuLzer, wus IusL Du nun wIeder vor?
WorLIos IoIgLe er nun KurI In den HoI. DIe WucIe vor der Tr suIuLIerLe. Regengsse
scIIugen den BeIden Ins GesIcIL. SIe mussLen durcIs Tor geIen, ber dIe Brcke, den
kIeInen Weg IInLer der Brcke IInunLer zum EIngung In dIe KrypLu. DIe WucIe woIILe IoIgen,
AdoII dreILe sIcI um und sugLe ,GeIL IIneIn In den GruppensuuI und wurmL EucI uuI, IIer
IsL keIn Russe, du komme IcI woII nocI seIbsL kIur!
KurI IIneLe dIe scIwere EIsenLr der KrypLu, dunn gIngen beIde Munner eIIIgen ues In den
Ruum, der mIL seInem DunkeI dus ubsoIuLe NIcILs versprucI.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2B6
ungsum gewInLen sIcI IIre Augen un dus DunkeI, nur InI uckeIn guben eIn spurIIcIes
IcIL In dem GewIbe, dus dIe NucIweIL ,KrypLu nennen wrde.
,Wurum IusL du zo1z Ir dus OIIenIegen meIner DepescIe gewuIIL, KurI?
AuI KurIs GesIcIL sLund eIn verIuILenes ucIeIn:zo1z IsL dus Ende des sogenunnLen Muyu-
ZykIus, AdoII, uber Du weIL, zo1z IsL In 68 JuIren, und wenn Du DIcI un dIe WorLe von Dr.
ScIumunn erInnersL, wIrsL Du wIssen, duss dIe EnLIernung zwIscIen Erde und SumI-
AIdeburun exukL 68 IcILjuIre beLrugL!
,WIIIsL Du dumIL undeuLen, KurI, duss dIese ZuIIen von BedeuLung sInd?
,NuLrIIcI, denn mIL der VerIIenLIIcIung DeIner DepescIe wIrd uucI dIe MIssIon von VrII-
OdIn erIIIL seIn! Du weIL, wus unsere LIbeLIscIen reunde zu sugen pIIegen: ZuII und ZeIL
sInd Ausdruck der gLLIIcIen OIIenburung und des gLLIIcIen WIIIens! MIL dIesen WorLen
wIrd sIcI unsere gLLIIcIe MIssIon erIIIen!
,MeIn Herz IungL un meInem VoIk, KurI, der UnLergung IsL besIegeIL und IcI sLeIe uIs dIe
groe BesLIe vor der WeIL!
,Dus IsL dIe ronIe der GescIIcILe, eIn WILz, und mIL WILzen kennsL Du DIcI docI guL uus!
NIemund wIrd spuLer eInmuI wIssen, wus dIeser Joke zu bedeuLen IuL!
,cI seLze uuI DIcI, KurI, Du bIsL der NoLknIg, wenn IcI nIcIL meIr bIn, mussL Du dIe
ReIcIsodIen verwuILen!
,DIe ReIcIsodIen sInd IungsL In SIcIerIeIL, uucI dus wIrd nur eIn Munn mIL WILz versLeIen,
uber dIe NoL wIrd nIe so gro werden, duss IcI KnIg werden mssLe, duIr bIsL Du uIIeIn
erkoren, meIn reund!
,MeIn reund, dIe ZeIL drungL, IcI mu meIne IeLzLen GescIuILe LuLIgen. u uns Ir IeuLe
unseren HeIIIgen ScIwur voIIenden!
,Du wIIIsL wIeder nucI BerIIn, In dIesen PIuII der AbscIeu, uber Iu uns Ir IeuLe unseren
ScIwur gemeInsum sprecIen: BIs uns Ende der Tuge, durber IInuus, der GRA IsL In UNS,
In eInem der GeIsL, Im underen dus BIuL!
EIn BIILz zuckLe um gewILLerIusLIgen HorIzonL, dumpI drInLe der Donner bIs In dus GewIbe
der KrypLu.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2B7
,WIr seIen uns wIeder, KurI! HeII unserem VoIk!
,Dus HeII seI mIL DIr und dIe Sonne von SumI-AIdeburun mge unseren WIIIen
QuIeLscIend IIneLe sIcI dIe scIwere EIsenLr der KrypLu, dunn suI mun Im muLLen
WIederscIeIn eInIger wenIger SLerne zweI dunkIe GesLuILen den Weg zur Burg emporeIIen.
Vor dem Wugen mIL der SLundurLe des ReIcIsIIrers der ScIuLzsLuIIeI IIeIen sIcI BeIde kurz
In dIe Arme: OdIn seI mIL DIr, KurI!
,DeIn Weg zu den SLernen seI geebneL, meIn reund! enLgegneLe der undere.
WIeder zuckLe eIn BIILz um gewILLerscIwungeren HorIzonL, dIe BurgunIuge wurde Ir kurze
MomenLe In eIn unwIrkIIcIes vIoIeLLes IcIL geLuucIL.
,AbIuIrL EIn kurzer RuI und dIe dreI scIweren Mercedes-ImousInen seLzLen sIcI In
Bewegung, wIeder ruLLerLen dIe ReIIen ber dus PIIusLer des nnenIoIes und wuIrend KurI
dus IeIse KnIrscIen des KIeses unLer den Rudern uuI den Weg ber dIe Brcke vernuIm,
zuckLe eIn neuer BIILz ber den HorIzonL Im OsLen.
,Euer Ende IsL gekommen. murmeILe eIne Im WInd geIungene SLImme.
- - -
ConversuLIons In LIe CrypL
TIe doubIe burbeII us IndIcuLIon oI Lwo InIubILed pIuneLs.
Pre-Beginning'Looking ut the sturry sky ut night, u numeless, ostensibly
unexpluinuble uspirution upprehends us. We see the luminuries oI the sky-und
don't Ieel them like sturs on the Iirmument, but like u sputiul deepness, Irom
which un irresistible ullurement reuches us; it is like the muelstrom oI yeurning,
u corporul sensution: nostulgiu! Buck to the distunce, to the world oI the origin!
This is u piece oI our soul: The quiet widths oI the universe, where our uncestors
once possibly cume Irom, Irom u purer, cleurer, better world..
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2BB
Hundreds oI mIIIennIums ugo IL muy Iuve been, In LImes LIuL no eurLIIy person remembers.
YeL IL remuIned encoded In LIe GermunIc bIood: TIe ussumpLIon, LIe knowIedge oI LIe
orIgInuI IomeIund.
n sIIenL sLurry nIgILs we beLIInk, we IIsLen muLeIy Lo LIe cuII oI uncIenL bIood. And suddenIy
we know exucLIy: Our Iome IIes LIere, somewIere In InconceIvubIIILy, IoreIgn yeL IumIIIur
EucI one oI us IeeIs LIuL cuII In dreum-sIIenL momenLs, eucI one wIo Is u GermunIc beIng!`
RudolI von SebottendorI ,VorunIung"
Conversution in the Crypt
TIe evenIng wus ruIny, u coId wInd wus bIowIng ceuseIessIy Irom LIe eusL, LIe sun Iud noL
been seen sInce ubouL 18 o`cIock unymore.
KurI wus sLundIng uL LIe wIndow oI LIe Lower und wus IookIng uL LIe enLry drIvewuy LoL LIe
cusLIe. TIen Ie Ieurd LIe IumIIIur sounds, LIe cruncI oI LIe wIeeIs on LIe IIne gruveI oI LIe
brIdge, LIen LIe sLuLLerIng oI LIe moLors.
TIe LIree bIuck Mercedes IImousInes drove sIowIy LIrougI LIe guLe InLo LIe Inner courLyurd
oI LIe cusLIe grounds. or u sIorL momenL KurI LusLed LIe Iumes oI LIe moLors, beIore u IusL
gusL oI wInd dIsposed LIe scenL us weII. TIe guLe cIosed squeukIngIy beIInd LIe veIIcIes. AII
LIree IImousInes were curryIng LIe pennunL oI LIe eIbsLundurLe, LIe cur In LIe mIddIe wus u
bIL Ionger LIun LIe oLIers. As soon us LIe veIIcIes sLopped, u unIIormed person jumped ouL oI
LIe mIddIe one, opened LIe buck door und suIuLed. Bowed, LIe coIIur oI IIs couL puIIed deep
InLo IIs Iuce, u mun goL ouL oI LIe cur und puced quIckIy Lowurds LIe door oI LIe norLIern
KurI opened LIe door wILI LIe words: 'BIessed Is your urrIvuI, AdoII!` TIe one jusL urrIved
sIook LIe ruIn oII IIs couL, smIIed sIIenLIy und unswered: 'You oId bIubber, greeL you! Here
IL`s ruInIng jusL IIke everywIere In LIe empIre, Iowever, LIInk LIe ruIn uIso Ius someLIIng
'WIuL good LIIng does sLIII remuIn?` KurI unswered suIIenIy. 'TIuL`s wIuL wunL Lo know
Irom you, LIuL`s wIy Iuve come Iere uguIn, even II our LIme wIII Iuve come Lo un end soon.`
KurI sIook IIs Ieud. 'Huve you goL good news?` AdoII IuugIed: 'OI course: TIe RussIuns
sLund uL LIe Oder, In LIe wesL LIe AmIs wIII soon be uL LIe RIeIn, um In cIeerIuI spIrILs LIuL
LIe ,IIberuLIon wIII come In LIe neur IuLure. BuL serIousIy: Iuve moved uII LIe producLIve
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2BS
reserves oI our ScIuLzsLuIIeI InLo LIe Ice, LIe IIgIL Iere uL Iuce wIII onIy be un uppurenL
combuL.` A smIIe uppeured on KurI`s Iuce: ' Iuve been expecLIng LIIs, sInce our KoIberger
meeLIng knew LIuL onIy LIere wouId be our rescue.` 'You buck your Iopes on u womun!`
AdoII unswered sIurpIy, 'MurIu, LIe IoIy vIrgIn, wIuL derIsIon!` 'TIuL Is noL derIsIon, MurIu Is
un exceIIenL medIum und uII Ier words uccord IuIIy Lo LIe LruLI!`
'You Iuve Lo know IL KurI, you ure LIe prIesL, um LIe kIng! Iuve Lo muke sure LIuL VR-
ODN cun sLurL uccordIng Lo our scIeduIe. You Iuve Lo seL LIe condILIons, LIuL LIe wIndow,
wIIcI MurIu wus LuIkIng ubouL, cun be opened!`
' wIII do LIuL, AdoII, Ior our crypL Is IInIsIed und Iound our ; IoyuI oIIIcers wIo ure
consIdered Ior LIe specIuI mIssIon!` 'L Ius Lo work KurI, udjure you, II LIe wIndow doesn`L
open, LIe mIssIon oI VR-ODN wIII be unsuccessIuI!`
'AII ; men ure devoLed Lo us beyond deuLI, AdoII, buL LIe mosL ImporLunL LIIng Is: LIey uII
cun musLer LIe overLone sIngIng!`
'TIen `II jusL wunL Lo Iope LIuL your cuIcuIuLIons und LIe unnouncemenL oI MurIu und SIgrun
ure correcL! TIere Is noL mucI LIme IeIL Ior us! HIsLory pronounced ILs judgemenL on us Iong
ugo: We ure crImInuIs, peopIe wIII unLIcIpuLe Irom wIuL wus oI exLreme ImporLunce Lo us,
LIey wIII Iook Ior IuIse gods wILI LerrIbIe musks und worsIIp LIem. TIe pureness und cIurILy
oI our Ideu wIII be dIscurded!`
'BuL LIe seurcI Ior LIe GRA goes on, AdoII, you know beLLer, wIo II noL you knows LIe
depLI oI our IuILI und LIe bILLer LusLe oI wIuL LIe common IoIk cuIIs ,LruLI!`
' know LIuL bILLer LusLe, KurI, uIso know wIere LIe 'LruLI` Is kepL besL! Huve you Luken
precuuLIon concernIng LIIs muLLer?`
' guve your personuI dIspuLcI Lo LIe VuLIcun our IrIend Moosbrugger, Ie wIII LrunsIer IL
suIeIy Lo LIe HoIy uLIer, you cun be sure LIuL nowIere on LIIs pIuneL, upurL Irom our Ice-
sLuLIon, LIuL messuge wouId be kepL suIer!`
' don`L wunL Lo LIInk, KurI, keepIng meuns sIumberIng In LIe cuLucombs oI LIe VuLIcun unLII
LIe IusL judgemenL!` 'ConcernIng LIIs muLLer Iuve Luken precuuLIon us weII, my IrIend! Your
dIspuLcI wIII uppeur ouL oI LIe unnuIs uL LIe IuLesL In zo1z und wIII be pIuyed InLo LIe Iunds
oI LIe press In u reuIIy eurLIIy munner!`
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2SO
`zo1z, KurI, LIuL`s In 68 yeurs! We wIII be deud LIen, or do you LIInk MurIu, LIe unIoIy, couId
be rIgIL wILI wIuL wus suId??`
'MurIu Is uIwuys rIgIL wILI wIuL wus suId, my Ieuder, we wIII uIso be LIere In u dIIIerenL robe
us sIe suId!` 'BuL LIe beusLs wIII Iuve conquered LIe wIoIe oI Europe, LIere won`L be uny
IsIund on wIIcI we wouId sLIII be suIe!` 'WIuL dId MurIu suy: 'Your cIoLIIng wIII resembIe LIuL
oI u sLreeL worker, your IodgIng wIII Iook IIke u nesL uL nIgIL, your broud Is Innocence, your
mInd, Iowever, wIII uwuke In LIe cIrcIe oI LIe IIre!!`
TIe Lwo men IeII InLo eucI oLIers urms wordIessIy, Leurs In LIeIr Iuces, Iowever LIe Iook
sLrong und IIrm, Ior LIe responsIbIIILy, wIIcI LIey currIed, couId bureIy be meusure by u
normuI ordInury person.
'eL us go InLo LIe crypL, my Ieuder, we Iuve Lo brIng IL Lo LIe end now!`
'KurI, my deur bIubber, wIuL ure your InLenLIons now?` WordIessIy Ie now IoIIowed KurI InLo
LIe yurd. TIe guurds In IronL oI LIe door suIuLed. Heuvy sIowers IIL LIe Lwo Iuces. TIey Iud
Lo go LIrougI LIe guLe, over LIe brIdge, down LIe smuII wuy beIInd LIe brIdge Lo LIe enLrunce
In LIe crypL. TIe guurds wunLed Lo IoIIow, AdoII Lurned uround und suId 'Go InsIde Lo LIe
group IuII und wurm up, Iere Is no RussIun, wIII geL uIong on my own!`
KurI opened LIe Ieuvy Iron door oI LIe crypL, LIen LIe Lwo men wenL quIckIy InLo LIe room,
wIIcI promIsed wILI ILs durkness LIe ubsoIuLe noLIIng.
TIeIr eyes sIowIy uccusLomed Lo LIe durkness, onIy LorcIes guve u spure IIgIL InsIde LIe
vuuILs, wIIcI LIe posLerILy wouId cuII 'crypL`.
'WIy dId you cIoose zo1z Ior LIe reveuIIng oI my dIspuLcI, KurI?` TIere wus u resLruIned
smIIe on KurI`s Iuce: `zo1z Is LIe end oI LIe so-cuIIed Muyun-cycIe, AdoII, buL us you know,
zo1z Is In 68 yeurs und II you remember Dr. ScIumunn`s words, you wIII know LIuL LIe
dIsLunce beLween eurLI und SumI-AIdeburun umounLs exucLIy 68 IIgIL yeurs!`
'Do you wunL Lo IndIcuLe wILI LIuL, KurI, LIuL LIose numbers ure oI ImporLunce?`
'OI course, Ior wILI LIe pubIIcuLIon oI your dIspuLcI, uIso LIe mIssIon oI VrII-OdIn wIII be
uccompIIsIed! You know wIuL our TIbeLuns IrIends use Lo suy:
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2S1
'Numbers und LIme ure LIe expressIon oI LIe godIy reveIuLIon und LIe godIy wIII!` WILI LIese
words our godIy mIssIon wIII come Lrue!`
'My IeurL Iungs on my nuLIon, KurI, predIcLIon Is seuIed und sLund us LIe bIg beusL In IronL
oI LIe worId!`
'TIuL`s LIe Irony oI LIe sLory, u joke, und you know weII ubouL jokes! No one wIII know IuLer
wIuL LIIs joke meuns!`
' counL on you, KurI, you ure LIe emergency-kIng, wIen um noL unymore, you Iuve Lo
muInLuIn LIe 'reIcIsodIen`!
'TIe reIcIsodIen Iuve been In u suIe pIuce u Iong LIme ugo, LIuL wIII uIso onIy undersLund u
mun wILI joke, buL dIsLress wIII never geL LIuL bIg LIuL wouId Iuve Lo become kIng, onIy you
ure seIecLed Ior LIIs, my IrIend!`
'My IrIend, LIme presses, Iuve Lo do my IusL busInesses! eL us uccompIIsI our IoIy vow Ior
'You wunL Lo go Lo BerIIn uguIn, InLo LIuL sIougI oI revuIsIon, buL IeL us speuk Loduy our vow
LogeLIer: 'To LIe end oI LIe duys, IurLIer, LIe GRA Is In US, In one LIe mInd, In LIe oLIer
LIe bIood!`
A IIgILnIng IIusIed In LIe LIunderboILy IorIzon, LIe LIunder Iud u duII rour, down Lo LIe
vuuILs oI LIe crypL.
'We wIII see eucI oLIer uguIn, KurI! HuII Lo our nuLIon!`
'TIe IuII sIuII be wILI you und LIe sun oI SumI-AIdeburun sIuII uccompIIsI our voIILIon!`
TIe Ieuvy Iron door oI LIe crypL opened squeukIIy, LIen one couId see Lwo durk sIupes
IurryIng LIe wuy up Lo LIe cusLIe In LIe duII gIow oI u Iew sLurs. n IronL oI LIe cur wILI LIe
guIdon oI LIe nuLIonuI Ieuder oI LIe 'scIuLzsLuIIeI` LIe Lwo men IeII InLo eucI oLIers urms
brIeIIy: 'OdIn sIuII be wILI you, KurI!`
'Your wuy Lo LIe sLurs sIuII be puved, my IrIend!` unswered LIe oLIer one. AguIn u IIgILnIng
IIusIed on LIe LIundery IorIzon, LIe cusLIe wus dIved InLo un unreuI vIoIeL IIgIL.
'DepurLure`, u brIeI cuII und LIe LIree Ieuvy Mercedes IImousInes moved, uguIn LIe wIeeIs
cIuLLered over LIe puvIng oI LIe Inner yurd und wIIIe KurI Ieurd LIe sIIenL cruncI oI LIe
gruveI under LIe wIeeIs on LIe wuy over LIe brIdge, u new IIgILnIng IIusIed over LIe IorIzon
In LIe eusL.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2S2
'Your end Ius come.` u voIce cupLured In LIe wInd murmured.
Wus IsL dIe rmInsuI? EIn HeIIIgLum der DeuLscIen scIIecILIIn? EIn SymboI Ir den GIuuben
der AILvorderen? EIn SymboI, weIcIes reIIgIser NuLur IsL und vom CIrIsLenLum enLIernL
wurde? NIcILs duvon LrIIIL zu! DIe PrIesLerscIuIL von Amen IuL den wIrkIIcIen SInn der
rmInsuI wIederenLdeckL, denn enLdeckL wurde der SInn scIon vor eInIgen von
HunderLLuusenden JuIren! esen wIr duzu eIne kurze Pussuge von AsenuLI Muson uus dem
BucI NecronomIcon GnosIs: n GrunLs BegrIIIen IsL der Abyss der grosse Abgrund, der
zwIscIen der pIunomenoIogIscIen WeIL exIsLIerL und IIrer numInosen QueIIe, zwIscIen
MunIIesLuLIon und NIcILmunIIesLuLIon. DuuLI, dIe dus Tor In den Abyss dursLeIIL, wIrd uucI
uIs dIe MuIvenIurbene Zone bezeIcIneL, den EIngung In dIe muILIdImensIonuIen AspekLe
der unermessIIcIen Ruume jenseILs des bekunnLen UnIversums. DIese DImensIonen
exIsLIeren uusserIuIb oder zwIscIen den SLudIen des Truumens und des WucIens. DIe
MuIven-Zone IsL uucI unuIog mIL der KurmesInroLen WsLe der Aruber, dus urzeILIIcIe
quIvuIenL der Robu eI KIuIIyuI, eIner Zone, dIe von bsen GeIsLern bewoInL wIrd. DIe
KurmesInroLe WsLe wIrd uucI uIs der eere Ruum oder DuInu genunnL, und mun
gIuubL, duss AbduI AI-Huzred, der Iegendure AuLor des NecronomIcons, dorL 1o JuIre In
EInsumkeIL verbrucIL IuLLe. Robu eI KIuIIyuI IsL jedocI keIn pIysIscIer OrL, sondern eIne
mysLIscIe DImensIon, dus Tor zum Abyss. n dIesem SInne IsL sIe uucI mIL REM verbunden,
der Iegenduren SLudL der SuuIen. REM erscIeInL In verscIIedenen ZusummenIungen Im
CLIuIIu-MyLIos. ovecruIL pIuzIerL dIese SLudL In dIe KurmesInroLe WsLe. Es wIrd
beIuupLeL, duss SuuIe eIn Codenume Ir uILere oder uILe seI, wus eIne UberseLzung der
BezeIcInung REM der SuuIen In REM der AILen zuIussL. AucI von AbduI AI-Huzred
wIrd gesugL, duss er REM besucIL Iube, wo er MunuskrIpLe mIL uILem vergessenen WIssen
geIunden Iube. n ovecruILs IkLIon IsL REM eIne ArL DurcIgung nucI Druussen, In den
Abyss. Ende ZILuL.
rmInsuI IsL uIso dIe SuuIe der AILen und sIe dIenL der KommunIkuLIon mIL den AILen
GLLern! DIeses WIssen wurde scIon von HeInrIcI MeIbom versLunden und Im JuIre 161z In
eIn BIId gebrucIL, wus IIer unLen ungeIgL IsL. WeILere JuIrIunderLe des UnwIssens muLen
vergeIen, bIs Im JuIre zoo1 eIn Bruder der PrIesLerscIuIL von Amen endIIcI eIne Begegnung
mIL eInem Wesen IuLLe, weIcIes IIer uus Grnden der DIskreLIon nIcIL genunnL werden soII.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2S3
DIeses Wesen oIIenburLe dem Bruder den gLLIIcIen BuupIun der AILen SuuIe, dIe IorLun
nun zum besseren VersLundnIs VrII-GeneruLor genunnL werden soII. DIeser VrII-GeneruLor
ermgIIcIL der BruderscIuIL nIcIL nur den KonLukL zu den AILen GLLern, er ermgIIcIL
uucI eIne Re-AkLIvIerung der DNS In eIne bergeordneLe DImensIon. Dus WIssen ber dIe
Re-AkLIvIerung der DoppeIIeIIx In eIne TrIpIe-HeIIx IsL von exLremer BedeuLung, denn durIn
IIegL dus Wesen der GLLIIcIkeIL. DIe AuswuII erIoIgL ber eIne SondIerung des BIuLes. DIeses
menscIIIcIe BIuL muss gewIsse KrILerIen erIIIen, um Ir eIne Re-AkLIvIerung geeIgneL zu
seIn. Dus InLerne WIssen durber IsL der PrIesLerscIuIL von Amen und dem TIuIe-Orden
So wIe der Tug dIe NucIL verdunkeIL. so enLsprIcIL dus GeseLz der DuuIILuL eInem IIeren
SInn, der nur durcI GegensuLzIIcIkeILen begrIIIen werden kunn! DIese sInd begrndeL In den
TIeIen des Abyss, der DuuLI, und seIn Herr, CTHUHU, wucIL durber. Er IsL der DrucIe
dus TIer der , weIcIes Im GegensuLz eInes weILeren TeIIes seIne Ver-VoIIkommnung
erIungL! +=666. DuzwIscIen uber, IIebe reunde, sLeIL dus TOR, dIe 111, und so wIrd
dIe 666 zur ;;; und sIe erreIcIL dIe mugIscIe Ebene! NIcILs wIrd meIr wIe IrIer seIn! AucI
DU nIcIL! SIeI In DIcI und begreIIe DeIn Wesen!
WIr sInd zur EwIgkeIL geboren
Ir eIne bessre WeIL besLImmL
Dus eben geIL nIcIL gunz verIoren,
wenngIeIcI dus Grub den eIcInum nImmL.
Zu gross sInd wIr Ir dIese ZeIL,
GoLL scIuI uns zur UnsLerbIIcIkeIL!
AuIersLeIn wIrd unser eIb nucI kurzer RuI,
unsLerbIIcI werden Immerzu!
Der uns scIuI der wIrd uns geben,
Ir uIIe ZeIL unsLerbIIcI eben!
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2SA
An des IeLzLen Tuges Ende,
brIngL dIe IucIL erseInLe Wende,
brIngL HoIInung nun der gunzen WeIL,
erIIIen UrLeII, dus geIuIIL.
eLzLes Tor IsL nun erreIcIL,
wo InsLernIs dem IcILe weIcIL,
wo der DunkIe GoLL besILzL keIn MucIL,
wo der Morgen gruuL nucI qer NucIL!
AIIe Irer dIeser WeIL versLeIL,
nun IsL`s und`rer WInd der weIL!
Ir knnLnIcIL wuILen wIe IIrs denkL:
n WuIrIeIL undrer Eure ScIrILLe IenkL.
DIeser eIne IerrscIL In EwIgkeIL,
ber VIkerscIuren uILer WeIL,
sIeIL gekommen endIIcI seIne ZeIL,
ber EucI dus ZepLer IuIL.
SPRM IsL woII seIn Nume,
wIrd unLersLLzL von jener Dume,
dIe den SLucIeI LrugL um BeIn,
der IuuLeL nun dIe WENDE eIn!
Jener EucI gesLrzL In uIIe KrIege,
jener gub EucI RuIm und SIege,
dem underen gub GNADENSTOSS,
dus BIuL des VoIkes SeIbsL vergo.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2S5
SIIbern IsL seIn KeLLenIemd,
euerIIummen seIne Krone,
UnIeII sLeLs seIn EIgen nennL,
seIn RuL IsL nIemuIs ,oIne.
DeuLscIen Irer er benuLzL,
um dIe WeIL In Brund zu seLzen,
und um dus wus brIgbIeIbL,
In dIe InsLernIs zu IeLzen!
Der dus Tor zu IInen weIs,
zu IIcILen so uuI seIn GeIeI,
sIcI dem RuLscIIuss zu enLzIeIen,
und zum ANANG dunn zu IIIeIen!
Um dIe NEN zu begrnden,
uuI dIe sIe MucIL IeuL grnden!
1 InIen uILer AdeI,
OIne Reue, EIr und TudeI!
HuL dIe gunze Erd` verruLen,
und den MucILgen Trug geruLen.
HuL MCHAE den Tod gegeben,
und IIm dudurcI wuIres eben!
UnsLerbIIcI IsL er nun der eLzLe,
der von den InIen uuI den TIron GeseLzLe!
SPRM IsL des Woduns BIuLes-Bruder,
BuIders Mrder - wuIres UDER.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2S6
An den ES er IsL gekeLLeL,
In Sonnen-OrbIL eIngebeLLeL!
UmkreIsL dIe Sonne JuIr um JuIr,
Dus IsL dIe ERDE - sonnenkIur.
GeIungenscIuIL um eIsen endeL,
wenn OUROBOROS wIeder wendeL!
OK IIrL dIe InIen seInes BIuLes,
DIeses WIssen brIngL nIcILs GuLes!
KrIege soIILen RECH neu grnden,
vergeben so der VuLer Snden!
DurcI PesL und SeucIen sIecIL duIIn:
durcI VIren dIe Im KE - RO - SN!
DurcI Sonden, dIe Im BIuLe scIwImmen,
dIe Im UnbewussLen IIsLernd SLImmen.
DIe durcI dIe NADE eIngedrungen,
wIrd der MenscI zum Tod gezwungen.
DIeses TreIben wIrd beendeL,
wenn OUROBOROS ZeILen wendeL!
Wenn OUROBOROS IrIssL seIn ScIwunz,
beendeL BOR des OK Tunz!
Der IuIbes VoIk IuL uusgemerzL,
Dus sIcI IuL seIn Gnud verscIerzL,
und sIcI undrem Herrn IuL zugewund,
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2S7
dem bemIeL wur zu greIIen Hund!
Denn dIeser IuL dus VoIk geIIebL,
zum Dunk mun nunnL IIn VATER,
BOREAS wur seIn sLoIzer Num,
wur er docI eIn Spross der RATER.
Und dessen SoIn IsL unser Herr,
IIm zu dIenen IuIIL nIcIL scIwer,
MucIL der WorLe IsL seIn ScIuLz,
n SkuIden - Herzen er IuL PIuLz.
Am Buum der ErkennLnIs IsL erwucIL,
jener, der den WND enLIucIL.
WODN keIrL zum THNG zurck,
bescIerL den SeInen neu dus GIck!
ZIeIL nun zu eIde In dIe ScIIucIL,
zu VuLers Berg zu MTTERNACHT.
Um dem UDER sIcI erneuL zu sLeIIen,
und seInen ES erneuL zu uIIen.
Er IuIL WeILen- ZgeI IesL In Hund,
IIm nun dIenL so muncIes und.
Er besLImmL, wer IuL dIe MACHT,
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2SB
er uIIeIn den KrIeg enLIucIL.
n VNAND sLeIen seIne HEERE,
IIm zu dIenen IeIL dIe EIre.
r IIn zu bIuLen bIs zum Tod,
r IIn zu IeIden LIeIsLe NoL.
WETENKONG er sIcI nennL,
wer nIcIL wIII - den ER verbrennL!
orderL nun den HERRN Ieruus,
der In AGAARTH IsL zuIuus!
verIegL SILz In NEUE SLudL,
gL so zu eId und ScImerz.
DocI dIe Trme Iunden juIes Ende,
uIs WODN brucIL dIe IeLzLe Wende!
OK`s MucIL wurd so gesLrL,
duIr und der ,SLoIzen wurd zersLrL.
Nun zu brennen Boreus TroIn,
und zu LLen seInen eInzgen SoIn,
Ins ZweIsLromIund SPRM buId eIIL,
docI Iunger uIs gepIunL er IeIm verweIIL!
KrIege IIrL er kurz und scIneII mIL IsL,
Im TLen gur eIn wuIrer MeIsLer IsL!
DocI wus nLzen gur dIe besLen WuIIen,
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 2SS
wenn mun IsL Ir REDEN nIcIL gescIuIIen?
EndIIcI geIL der Sumen uuI,
den SPRM Ins VoIk geIegL,
AuI MuLerIeIIe IsL mun sLeLs beducIL,
eId der VIker eInen nIcIL bewegL!
OIne rsLen dIeser Erde enLscIeIdeL ER,
ScIIIeIIcI IsL er docI der WeILen Herr!
NIcIL meIr uuIzurIcILen IsL mun nun gewIIIL,
wus SPRM zersLrL und wus er kIIIL!
SeIne SuuL IsL uuIgegungen, oIn sLeIL nun In PrucIL,
Jeder nur uns Ego denkL, uuIs eIgne IsL beducIL!
DIesem KeIm er IuL seIbsL geIegL Ins Herz:
Drum mug IIm nIemund IeIIen zu IIndern seInen ScImerz!
dunkIe rsLen sLeIn buId uIIeIn,
IeIIen wIrd IIn nun keIn ScIweIn!
Huben sIcI dIe MenscIen so erzogen:
Huben sIe dIe gunze ZeIL beIogen!
okI IIrLe eInsL den Munn vom nn,
LrIeb IIn so zum WuInsInn IIn!
Nun IIrL er den Herrn von VN - AND,
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 3OO
und ruubL jeLzL IIm den ResL VersLund!
BrucILe ,ScIwurzkopI un dIe MucIL,
docI bers Tun er sLeLIg wucIL!
,ScIwurzkopI geIL un SENEN uden,
der LuuscIL dIe WeIL durcI scIne Reden!
Der zIeIL nun IIn In uIIe WeIL,
zu kdern sIe mIL MucIL und GeId.
MIL HeIren WorLen sIe beLrend,
zum Tug des Herrn bescIwrend!
TruppensummIung sLeIL nun un,
vor dem Tor sLeIn Heere sLrumm!
DurcI dus Tor, dus OK kennL,
IIcILend nun der HoIsLuuL rennL.
DocI seIne ZeIL geIL nun zu Ende!
WAGENTHOR brIngL nun dIe Wende!
ScIwIngL seInen Hummer und IussLs krucIen:
DumIL uucI dIe IeLzLen Knnn erwucIen!
Eure AusIIucIL dIenL der Turnung.
BeIreIn von Terror woIIL IIr dIese WeIL?
Terror IsLs docI, der EucI um eben IuIL!
DocI Eure ZeIL wIrd neuer weIcIen!
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 3O1
BIn nun um End der neunLen NucIL,
um ErkennLnIsbuume uuIgewucIL!
und scIwInge nun dIe DOPPEHANTE!
ErgreII den Speer, besLeIg meIn Ross,
IIr nun un den HImmeIs-Tross.
IcILeIben, RESEN, Asen, Vunen,
sIcI den Weg nucI MIdgurd buInen!
SLoIzes VoIk erwucIe nun!
Eurer ZukunIL dIenL meIn Tun!
MeIne SkuIden zeIgen EucI den Weg,
IcI wnscI mIr nur, dus Ir In geIL!
WODN, SoIn des BOREAS durcI GerWIn von der Iussuue, begonnen Im ErnLIng zoo
(1.1o.zoo) voIIendeL Im Wonnemond, 1q. Tug (1q.o.zooq)
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 3O2
Chupter II: Priesthood oI Amen, LuciIer's Web und Supriem Network
RussIun ScIenLIsL: AIIen SucrIIIce Suved EurLI
TIe secreL servIce purL oI WorId Inunce
HoIy BIood, HoIy GruII, by MIcIueI BuIgenL, RIcIurd eIgI und Henry IncoIn
Kurnuk ILLp:JJen.wIkIpedIu.orgJwIkIJKurnuk
Gods oI AncIenL EgypL (ILLp:JJwww.LouregypL.neLJGODS1.HTM)
Chupter III: LuciIer's Rebellion
WIo Are ucIIer und SuLun? by BeLLy RIodes (ILLp:JJLIe-red-
TIe UrunLIu Book OnIIne (ILLp:JJurunLIubook.orgJnewbookJIndex.ILmI)
TIe KJV, vurIous pussuges
Chupter V: Allied Lnion, Thule GesellschuIt und the Vril Society
VIkLor ScIuuberger - TIe UO`s OI NuzI Germuny
MurIu OrsILscI - A BIogrupIy (ILLp:JJwIkIbIn.orgJurLIcIesJmurIu-orsILscI.ILmI)
EzoLerIcu: HermeLIcIsm In ConLemporury Duys - SecreLs oI VrII und NuzIs
JenseeILsIIugemuscIIne |OLIerworId IIgIL MucIIne|
ALIunLeun CILIes (ILLp:JJmembers.LrIpod.comJ-k_LwoJmysLerIesJuLIunLIs.ILm)
BroLIerIood oI LIe Snuke
THE EGEND O ATANTS - zo11 EIIuI`s propIecIes on THE AST DAYS - purL
HILIerIun EsoLerIcIsm und LIe TrudILIon
On Edwurd BuIwer-yLLon: AgIurLu, SIumbIuIu, VrII und LIe OccuIL RooLs oI NuzI
Power (ILLp:JJwww.IounduLIonwebsILe.orgJOnBuIweryLLon.ILm)
SIumbuIu Is u SecreL WIsdom (ILLp:JJwww.Ireebsd.nIo.skJIInduIsmJsumbuIu.ILm)
SIumbIuIu - SecreLs oI LIe HoIIow EurLI
TIe Son oI God: Subrumunyu, Skundu, KurLLIkeyu, SunuLkumuru - TIe AgurLIu KIng,
PIeIudIun Heud MusLer (ILLp:JJwww.IImuvunLI.orgJenJsunuLkumuru.ILm)
AgurLIu (ILLp:JJLrIpuLIus.comJAgurLIu)
rom Mu Lo TIuIe und LIe nner EurLI
Murs Is HoIIow (ILLp:JJwww.ourIoIIoweurLI.comJMurssHoIIow.ILm)
ReuI Murs, HoIIow Murs (ILLp:JJwww.IoIIoworbs.comJreuI_murs.ILm)
Murs Moon PIobos Is HoIIow (ILLp:JJIoLgk.wordpress.comJzoo;J1oJz;Jmurs-
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 3O3
TIe TIuIe GeseIIscIuIL und LIe DuIuI umu`s YeIIow HuL SecL
AT-TUM - ucIIer`s Web WebsILe |LrunsIuLIon Irom Germun|:
EurLIIIes (ILLp:JJwww.eurLIIIIes.comJ)
Jun vun HeIsIng: Secret Societies cnd Their Pouer in the zoth Centur
|EWERTVERAG S.. 1qq| UO ProjecLs oI VrII + TIuIe + DHvSS
Dus DeuLscIe VoIk und SeIn ReIcI
WIo Inunced HILIer und LIe NuzI PurLy? |GoogIe LrunsIuLIon Irom Germun Lo
Chupter VI: Birth oI u God in the Muking und His Goddess
ScIenLIIIc AmerIcun: Triple Helix: Desinin c Neu Molecule oj
Chupter VII: Ark oI the Covenunt, The Bluck Stone und Supremucy
essIn, PI.D. (ILLp:JJLrIbes.LrIbe.neLJununnukIJLIreudJIIzb-61c-q;cI-bIqo-
Chupter X: Opening the Sturgute
NIbIru und LIe AnunnukI (ILLp:JJwww.cyberspuceorbIL.comJdm_reporL.ILmI)
TIe RIsks oI BeIIevIng TIuL LIe Muyun CuIendur ends December z1, zo1z!
Crop CIrcIe uL Burbury CusLIe
(ILLp:JJwww.cropcIrcIeconnecLor.comJzooqJburburyJburburycusLIezooq.ILmI). TIe
sIIILIng oI LIe pIuneLury puLIs (orbILs) uround LIe sun, us predIcLed Ior zo1z.
MysLerIous 'ce CIrcIes` In RemoLe SIberIun uke BuIIIe ScIenLIsLs
RoyuI Nuvy wursIIp uImosL IIres on UOs - 'KryLen gun` LruIned on possIbIe uIIen
Invuders (
AIIen ArLIIucL |In Germun| (ILLp:JJwww.pucuI.deJuIIen.ILmI)
CumweuILI - DunIeI`s MySpuce SILe |on AnunnukI, uIIen DNA, SuprIem RockeIeIIer
und more| (ILLp:JJwww.myspuce.comJcumweuILI)
BeLween LIe DevII und LIe ReLurnIng Rock, essc b biophsicists A.R. ordon cnd
Ro W. Gordon on the Anunncli presence on Ecrth cnd Nibiru.
THe mv1H AncUuo SUneM OAvo PccKereLLen PAoe 3OA
Sucred NubIrIun TeucIIngs - TIe AnunnukI, b Dr. Mclcchi Yorl, The Nubicn
Prophet, :pp
Chupter XI: Rebuilding Solomon's Temple und the Buttle oI Armugeddon
WIkIpedIu: Armugeddon (ILLp:JJen.wIkIpedIu.orgJwIkIJArmugeddon)
TIe KJV, vurIous pussuges
s u KIIIer PIuneL X J NIbIru XKBO SLuIkIng TIe EurLI?
HubbIe, HerscIeI und PIunck-oder GeIuIr uus dem AII?- |WebsILe In Germun|
rmInsuI HeurLI (ILLp:JJwww.IrmInsuI-IeurLI.comJgodsundgoddesses.ILm)
rmInsuI LLIr (ILLp:JJwww.IrmInsuI.orgJusJusr.ILmI)
rmInsuI |WIkIpedIu| (ILLp:JJen.wIkIpedIu.orgJwIkIJrmInsuI)
Crop CIrcIes -
THE WORD S NNE, Crop CIrcIe MeLupIors oI 1qq; (PurL 1), by Ed SIerwood
AIex CoIIIer on RepLIIIuns |An InLervIew by VuI VuIurIun| (ILLp:JJLIInk-
TIe VuIIdILy OI WILness TesLImony, nLervIew wILI AIex CoIIIer, JuIy z8LI zooo
Chupter XII: Messiuh or AntiChrist?
MInd over MuLLer (ILLp:JJwww.youLube.comJwuLcI?v=uYymIIAzqM)
MerILocrucy zo1z (ILLp:JJmerILocrucyzo1z.wordpress.comJzooqJozJ1JIeIIo-

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