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Internet access should only be made via the authorised account and password.
(In case of difficulty please advise the I.C.T. Co-ordinator or I.C.T. Technician.)
The security of the ICT system must not be compromised and responsible use of
storage media (i.e. Pen Drives) is reuired. !hould staff be concerned that they have an
issue with a virus on either a school machine or a home machine that has been used to
create files for wor"# to inform the I.C.T. Co-ordinator$I.C.T. Technician# so that virus
chec"s can be made.
%sers are responsible for all e-mail sent and for contacts made that may result in e-
mail being received.
The same professional levels of language and content should be applied as for letters
or other media# particularly as e-mail is often forwarded.
Posting anonymous messages and forwarding chain letters is forbidden.
&ll staff should recognise their duty to protect the safety of pupils in the use of the
Internet and encourage the children in such safe wor"ing methods
Copyright of materials and intellectual property rights must be respected.
&ll Internet use should be appropriate to staff professional activity or to student's
education. (owever please note that the school)s ICT system may be used for private
purposes following established guidelines.
The school forbids the use of digital technology$Internet use for personal financial
*ideos and photographs will only be ta"en $used with parental permission.
(Teachers may chec" this with the school office if necessary)
+embers of staff are reminded that they should not deliberately see" out
inappropriate $ offensive materials on the Internet and that they are sub,ect to
the -.&)s recommended disciplinary procedures should they do so.

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