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And I brought you into a plentiful land to enjoy its fruits and its good things.

But when you came in, you defled my land and made my heritage an abomination.
Jeremiah 2:7
Pollution has been evident on this earth since the dawn of mankind.
As the world evolves, so does our land including the various ways it serves us as a natural resource.
New Zealand has changed the way in which our land is used, the New Zealand parliamentary commissioner believes that this is driven by
the heavy reliance of the economy on exports of commodities (Wright, 2013). It is ironic that in the attempt to improve and expand as a
country, we are harming our country instead. People hold pollution accountable for the deterioration of nature, but who is in fact aiding this
The environment and pollution are juxtaposing ideas and do not belong together in the same ecological niche.
This book documents New Zealands stunning surroundings, yet reveals how it feels to be a poisonous pollutant, interfering with natures
wellbeing and beauty.
Deep within the suburbs of Lower Hutt, she trickles
through the environs that are home to ordinary families.
On the surface she glistens and sparkles, but the shadows
are where I loiter. I tarnish her pure shine. I disrupt the
smooth current. I sicken her banks with my unhealthy
sludge. When disrupted I cause an unbearable stench that
makes the ducks scowl. You will fnd pieces of colourless
plastics trapped under her skirts; dull from the time they
have spent soaking in my poisoned water. Although fooled
with her beauty, onlookers dare not swim in her. Little do
they know the depth of her problems.
I am pollution

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