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I feel the weakest aspect of my work was probably my

contents page. I feel like that was due to my un familiarity with

InDesign and the fact that my flat plan for my contents page
wasnt as well thought out. I also neglected to think through
the contents of my magazine but managed to save myself
there by looking at the survey results I took of my target
audiences interests.
In the next contents page that I make, I will make sure that I
take more photos relating to my main cover photo and a few
which connote aspects from my sub headings. I will also make
sure to think through my flat plan better and maybe even
make one or two so that if I'm not happy with the first plan I
have got a back up one to rely on.

Overall Im pretty happy with my magazine front cover
however if I was to do anything differently I think I might have
changed my background so it wasnt so busy and maybe do it
against a plain wall or something similar to that. I also think I
could have added some buzz words and although it was free I
forgot to put a price on it which is one of the main conventions
of any magazine.
However like I stated before hand I am very pleased with my
overall magazine, but in my next attempt I will make sure to
improve on all of the above!

What aspects of my work
could be improved on.
The Aspects of my work that I
am pleased with:
The aspects of my work that I am most pleased with
are the photos I took, especially my cover photo due to
the use of direct gaze and the colourfulness which links
to the research that I did on identifying which colours
attracted my target audience the most.
I am also really happy with the choice of font, which I
used the whole way through my magazine, I feel like it
made it all relate really nicely and brought it all
I am happy with my subheadings as well, I feel that
they are eye catching and intriguing and think that they
succeed in the task of interesting people. I also feel I
did really well in incorporating from the research what
my T.A are interested in.
I also really liked the layout of my cover page, I feel like
his face is clear and visible and nothing is particularly
Overall I
think I did a
pretty good
job on my
front page
and I am

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