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Usually with
schizophrenia, the
person's inner world and
behavior change notably.
Behavior changes might
include the following:
Social withdrawal
Depersonalization (a
sense of being unreal,
hazy and in a dreamlike
state), sometimes
accompanied by intense
Loss of appetite
Loss of hygiene
Hallucinations (hearing
or seeing things that
aren't there)
The sense of being
controlled by outside
Disorganized speech

HaLeigh Sanders

What is Schizophrenia?
Schizophrenia is a serious brain disorder
that distorts the way a person thinks, acts,
expresses emotions, perceives reality, and
relates to others. People with
schizophrenia often have problems
functioning in society, at work, at school,
and in relationships. Schizophrenia can
leave its sufferer frightened and
withdrawn. It is a life-long disease that
cannot be cured but usually can be
controlled with proper treatment.

Myth: People with schizophrenia have
multiple personalities.

A person with schizophrenia doesn't have
two different personalities. Instead, he or
she has false ideas or has lost touch with
reality. Schizophrenia and multiple
personality disorder are two different and
unrelated conditions.
There is no test that can make a
schizophrenia diagnosis. People with
schizophrenia usually come to the attention
of a mental health professional after others
see them acting strangely. Psychiatrists
make a diagnosis through interviews with
the patient as well as with friends and
family members.
Schizophrenia treatment involves therapy
to reduce the risk of future psychotic
episodes and improve relationships.
Antipsychotic medications are proven
effective in treating acute psychosis and
reducing the risk of future psychotic

Special Care Needs

With proper treatment, many
people with schizophrenia lead
satisfying lives. Here youll find
tips for living with schizophrenia
and see how others cope
Also, Art therapy is recommended
to those with Schizophrenia

More information
For more information visit:

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