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Beliefs, Traditions, Facts

The oldest religion of the
Abrahamic faiths.
Judaism, Christianity, Islam
Abrahamic means that these
three religions can trace their
origins back to Abraham.
Over 3,000 years old.
Monotheistic. One God.
God can not be divided into different persons.
God is transcendent, above all earthly things.
God does not have a body.
God created the universe.
God is omnipresent, everywhere.
God is omnipotent, knows all.

God is beyond time.
God is just & merciful.
God is personal & accessible.
Tenets of Faith
1. Belief in the existence of the Creator, who is perfect in
every manner of existence and is the Primary Cause of all
that exists.
2. The belief in God's absolute and unparalleled unity.
3. The belief in God's non-corporeality, nor that He will be
affected by any physical occurrences, such as movement,
or rest, or dwelling.
4. The belief in God's eternity.
5. The imperative to worship God exclusively and no
foreign false gods.
6. The belief that God communicates with man through
Tenets of Faith
7. The belief in the primacy of the prophecy of Moses
our teacher.
8. The belief in the divine origin of the Torah.
9. The belief in the immutability of the Torah.
10. The belief in God's omniscience and providence.
11. The belief in divine reward and retribution.
12. The belief in the arrival of the Messiah and the
messianic era.
13. The belief in the resurrection of the dead.
Understanding God
God is an all-powerful being who is quite beyond
human ability to understand or imagine.
God is right here with us, caring about each
individual as a parent does their child.
Religious Texts
The Torah corresponds to the Old Testament in
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers,
Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Kings, Samuel
(+other prophets), Psalms, Proverbs, Job, &
The Talmud oral law written down and the
commentaries on it. Law about agriculture,
prayer, marriage, etc.
Worship & prayer
Shabbat/Sabbath: day of rest. Begins sundown
Friday night to nightfall Saturday.
Worship as a community in a synagogue.

Dietary laws food prepared in accordance with
these laws is kosher. Food not prepared this way
is treif.
Commandments Jewish law/good deeds.

Reform: Most liberal form of Judaism. More
diverse in their practices. More accepting of
Conservative: The moderate branch between
Reform & Orthodox. Preserves traditional
elements while allowing modernization.
Orthodox: The most traditional version of
Judaism. The Torah is the authority on modern
Rosh Hashanah Jewish New Year
Hanukkah Celebrates a victory over Greek
Passover Remembers the liberation of
Hebrews from slavery.
What to expect in a

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