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Victoria Wizell Gallagher Dream Control Techniques

Through Hypnosis
Victoria Wizell-Gallagher Dream Control Techniques Through Hypnosis
We spend 1/ o! our li!e sleeping and a good part o! that time dreaming " #earn ho$ to use
your dream state to %ene!it you through these !our po$er!ul sessions&
Dream 'ecall& ()ery%ody Dreams* +es, e)en you- #earn ho$ to remem%er $hat you dream
a%out* +ou ha)e %et$een . or / dreams e)ery night* Do you 0no$ $hat they are1 2se hypnosis
to !ind out and get %etter at remem%ering your dreams*
Dream 3nterpretation& +our dreams are meaning!ul to you* #earn the hidden language o! your
dreams that lies in your su%conscious mind* 2se the understanding o! your dreams !or %etter sel!-
understanding and guidance in your e)ery day li!e*
Creati)e Dreaming& +ou can dream a%out anything you $ant to dream a%out* 2se this dream
state as a tool !or helping you to resol)e pro%lems, !ind easier $ays to achie)e goals, impro)e
your relationship and your health*
#ucid Dreaming& Ta0e control o! the dreams that you ha)e* This program $ill help you to learn
to %ecome consciously a$are o! your dreams $hen you are ha)ing them* +ou can simply $itness
the dream or ta0e it $here you $ant it to go*
Dream Control Techniques Through Hypnosis*part4*rar
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