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Stress Analysis of a Plate with a Circular Hole

1) Preferences:
Select the type of preferences.
Preferences Structural Ok
2) Element Type:
Define Element Type.
Preprocessor Element Type Add/Edit/Delete Add Solid
Quad 4node42 Ok.
3) Material Properties:
Material Properties of Steel are to be defined.
Preprocessor Material Props Material Models Structural Linear Elastic
Youngs Modulus EX 2e5
Poissons Ratio PRXY 0.3
Material Exit.
4) Modeling :
Create the given component.
a. Preprocessor Modeling Create Areas Rectangle By 2 Corners
Width 150
Height 100
Click Ok
b. Preprocessor Modeling Create Areas Circle Solid Circle
X 75; Y 100; Radius 10; Click Ok
c. Preprocessor Modeling Operate Booleans Subtract Areas Select Circle
then Rectangle Apply Again Select Circle Click Ok.
7) Meshing:
Mesh the component.
a. Preprocessor Meshing Mesh Tool Areas Set Select Whole Area Click Ok
Element Edge Length 2 Click Ok.

b. Mesh Tool Areas Set Select Whole Area Click Ok.
8) Apply Constraints:
Apply the constraints.
Preprocessor Loads Define Loads Apply Structural Displacement On lines
Select left edge of the rectangle Ok All DOF Ok.
9) Apply Loads:
After applying constraints apply loads.
Preprocessor - Loads Define Loads Apply Structural Pressure On lines
Select Right edge of the rectangle Ok Value 100 Ok.
10) Solution:
Get the solution.
Solution Solve Current LS Ok Close.
11) Plot Result:
Plot the result.
General Post Processor Plot Results Contour Plot Nodal Solu Stress Von
mises Stress Ok.
12) Capture Image:
Capture image and Save it.
Utility Menu Plot Ctrls Capture Image Save As Give a name Ok.
Stress Analysis of Beams (Cantilever, Simply Supported & Fixed Beam)
1) Preferences:
Select the preferences.
Preferences Structural Ok.
2) Element Type:
Define element type.
Preprocessor Element Type Add/Edit/Delete Add Beam
2D elastic 3 Ok.
3) Real Constants:
Define real constants for the beam.
Preprocessor Real Constants Add/Edit/Delete Add Ok
Area 1500; Izz 833.33; Height 10.
4) Material Properties:
Define material properties for Steel.
Preprocessor Material Props Material Models Structural Linear
Elastic Isotropic
Exx 2e5; PRXY 0.3.
5) Modeling:
Draw the given beam.
a. Preprocessor Modeling Create Keypoints In Active CS Apply
X: 1000 Ok.
b. Preprocessor Modeling Create Lines Straight Line pick 1,2 Ok.
7) Meshing:
Mesh the component.
a. Preprocessor Meshing Mesh Tool Lines Set Select line

No. of divisions 10.

b. Mesh Tool Mesh Select Line Ok.
8) Apply Constraints:
Apply constraints according to the type of beam.
a. For Cantilever Beam : Preprocessor Loads Define loads Apply
- Sructural Displacement On Keypoints Select the end point on the left Ok All

b. For Simply Supported Beam : Preprocessor Loads Define Loads Apply
- Structural Displacement On Nodes Select any two nodes except the end points
Ok All DOF Ok.

c. For Fixed Beam : Preprocessor Loads Define Loads - Apply Structural
Displacement On Keypoints Select the two endpoints Ok All DOF Ok.
9) Apply Loads;
Apply loads according to the type of beam.
a. For Cantilever Beam : Preprocessor Loads Define Loads Apply
Structural Force/Moment On Keypoints Select the point at the right end of the
beam Ok Give Fy :( -1500) - Ok.

b. For Simply Supported Beam : Preprocessor Loads Define Loads Apply
Structural Force/Moment On Nodes Select node at the centre Ok - Give Fy
:(-1500) Ok.

c. For Fixed Beam : Preprocessor Loads Define Loads Apply Structural
Force/Moment On Nodes Select node at the centre Ok Give Fy : (-1500) Ok.
10) Solution:
Get the solution.
Solution Solve Current LS Ok Close.
11) Plot Result:
Plot the result.
General Post Processor Plot Results Contour Plot Nodal Solu Stress
Von Mises Stress Ok.
12) Element Table:
Define element table.
General Post Processor Element Table Add By Sequence num
SMISC 2 - Apply By Sequence num SMISC- 8 Apply
By Sequence num LS 3 - Apply By Sequence num - LS 6 Ok.
13) Member force:
Plot the member force for the beam.
General Post Processor Plot Results Line Elem Res I:SMIS2 J:SMIS8
Undeformed Shape Ok.
14) Capture Image:
Capture the image and save it.
Utility Menu Plot Ctrls Capture Image Save As Member force Ok.
15) Bending Stress:
Plot the bending stress for the beam.
General Post Processor Plot Results Line Elem Res I:LS3 J:LS6
Undeformed Shape Ok.

16) Capture Image:
Capture the image and save it.
Utility Menu Plot Ctrls Capture Image Save As Bending Stress Ok.
Stress Analysis of L-Bracket
1) Preferences:
Select the preferences.
Preferences Structural Ok.
2) Element Type:
Select the type of the element.
Preprocessor Element Type Add/Edit/Delete Add Solid
Quad 4node42 Ok.
3) Material Properties:
Define the material properties of Steel.
Preprocessor Material Props Material Models Structural Linear Elastic
Isotropic -
Youngs Modulus EX 2e5
Poissons Ratio PRXY 0.3
Material - Exit
4) Modeling:
Model the given component.
a. Preprocessor Modeling Create Keypoints In Active CS X-0; X-100;
(X100,Y(-50)); (X75,Y(-50)); (X75,Y(-25)); (X0,Y(-25)).

b. Preprocessor Modeling Create Lines Lines Straight Line Select

c. Preprocessor Modeling Create Areas Arbitrary By lines Select all
Lines Ok.

d. Preprocessor Modeling Create Areas Circle Solid Circle (X0,Y(-12.5))
- Radius 12.5 Apply - (X87.5,Y(-50)) Radius 12.5 Ok.

e. Preprocessor Modeling Operate Booleans Add Areas Select two circles
and the L shaped area Ok.

f. Preprocessor Modeling Create Areas Circle Solid Circle (X0,Y(-12.5))
- Radius 3 Apply (X87.5,Y(-50)) Radius 3 Ok.

g. Preprocessor Modeling Operate Booleans Subtract Areas Select top left
circle then the L-shape Apply then again top left circle Ok. Repeat the same
procedure for the right bottom circle.
5) Meshing:
Mesh the component.
a. Preprocessor Meshing Mesh Tool Areas Set Select Area Ok Edge length
2- Ok.
b. Mesh Tool Mesh Area Select area Ok.
6) Apply Constraints:
Apply the constraints.
Preprocessor Loads Define Loads Apply Structural Displacement On Nodes
Select the top left circle Ok All DOF Ok.
7) Apply Loads:
Apply the loads.
Preprocessor Loads Define Loads Apply Structural Force/Moment
On nodes select node at the bottom centre of the bottom right circle Ok
Fy (-1500) Ok.
8) Solution:
Get the solution.
Solution Solve Current LS Ok
9) Plot Result:
Plot the result.
General Post Processor Plot Results Contour Plot Nodal Solu Stress
Stress Von mises Stress Deformed Shape Ok.
10) Capture Image:
Capture the image.
Utility Menu Plot Ctrls Capture Image File Save As Give a title Ok.
Stress Analysis of an Axisymmetric Component
1) Preferences:
Select the preferences.
Preferences Structural Ok.
2) Element Type:
Define element type.
Preprocessor Element Type Add/Edit/Delete Add- Solid Quad 4node 42 Ok.
Options K3 Axisymmetric Ok Close.
3) Material Properties:
Define material properties of Steel.
Preprocessor Material Props Material Models Structural Linear Elastic
EX 2e5; PRXY 0.3 Ok.
Material Exit.
4) Modeling:
Model the given component.
a. Preprocessor Modeling Create Areas Rectangle By 2 Corners
Width 120; Height 60; Ok.

b. Preprocessor Modeling Create Areas Circle Solid Circle (0,0)
Radius 10 ; Ok.

c. Preprocessor Modeling Operate Booleans Subtract Areas Pick circle
then rectangle Apply Again Circle Ok.
5) Meshing:
Mesh the component.
a. Preprocessor - Meshing Concatenate Lines Select left edge and quarter circle

b. Preprocessor Meshing Mesh Tool Lines Set Select all the lines on four sides
except the quarter circle Ok Edge length 2 Ok.

c. Preprocessor Meshing Mesh Tool Mesh Select the rectangle Ok.
6) Apply Constraints:
Apply the constraints.
Preprocessor - Loads Define Loads Apply Structural Displacement
On lines Select all the four lines of the rectangle except the quarter circle
all DOF Ok.
7) Apply Loads:
Apply the loads.
Preprocessor Loads Define Loads Apply Structural Pressure On lines
Select quarter circle Give Value -20 Ok.
8) Solution:
Get the solution.
Solution Solve Current LS Ok Close.
9) Plot Result:
Plot the result.
General Post Processor Plot Results Contour Plot Nodal Solu Stress
Von mises Stress Ok.
10) Apply Symmetry:
Get the axisymmetric component.
Utility Menu Plot Ctrls Style Symmetry Expansion Periodic/Cyclic
Symmetry dihedral sym Ok.
11) Capture Image:
Capture the image and save it.
Utility Menu Plot Ctrls Capture Image Save As Give the title.
Mode Frequency Analysis of a 2D Component
1) Preferences:
Select the preferences.
Preferences Structural Ok.
2) Element Type:
Define element type.
Preprocessor Element Type Add/Edit/Delete Add Link 2D Spar 1 Ok.
3) Real Constants:
Define real constants for 2D element.
Preprocessor Real Constants Add/Edit/Delete Add Ok
Area 100 ; ISTRN 0.5; Ok.
4) Material Properties:
Define material properties of Steel.
Preprocessor Material Props Material Models Structural Linear Elastic
EX 2e5; PRXY 0.3; Density 7.84e-6; Ok.
Material Exit.
5) Modeling:
Model the given component.
a. Preprocessor Modeling Create Keypoints In Active CS Apply X 100 -

b. Preprocessor Modeling Create Lines Lines Straight Line Select the
end points Ok.
6) Meshing:
Mesh the component.
a. Preprocessor Meshing Mesh Tool Lines Set Select the line Ok
Edge length 5 Ok.

b. Mesh Tool Mesh Select the line Ok.
7) Analysis Type:
Define the type of analysis.
a. Solution Analysis Type New analysis Modal Ok.

b. Solution Analysis Options Subspace No. of modes to extract 20 Ok

all DOF Ok.
8) Apply Constraints:
Apply the constraints.
Solution Define loads Apply Structural Displacement On nodes Select the
left endpoint All DOF Ok.
9) Solution:
Get the solution.
Solution Solve Current LS Ok Close.
10) Plot Result:
Plot the result.
a. General Post Processor Read Results Last Set

b. General Post Processor Plot Results Contour Plot Nodal Solu DOF
Solution Y component of displacement Ok.
11) Capture Image:
Capture the image and save it.
Utility Menu Plot Ctrls Capture Image File Save As Ok.
Mode Frequency Analysis of Beams(Cantilever, Simply Supported & Fixed)
1) Preferences:
Select the preferences.
Preferences Structural Ok.
2) Element Type:
Define element type.
Preprocessor Element Type Add/Edit/Delete Add Beam 2D Elastic 3 Ok.
3) Real Constants:
Define real constants for the beam.
Preprocessor Real Constants Add/Edit/Delete Add Ok
Area 100 ; ISTRN 0.5; Ok.
4) Material Properties:
Define material properties for Steel.
Preprocessor Material Props Material Models Structural Linear Elastic
EX 2e5; PRXY 0.3; Density 7.84e-6; Ok.
Material Exit.
5) Modeling:
Model a beam.
a. Preprocessor Modeling Create Keypoints In Active CS Apply X 100 -

b. Preprocessor Modeling Create Lines Lines Straight Line Select the
end points Ok.
6) Meshing:
Mesh the beam.
a. Preprocessor Meshing Mesh Tool Lines Set Select the line Ok
Edge length 5 Ok.

b. Mesh Tool Mesh Select the line Ok.
7) Analysis Type:
Define the type of analysis.
a. Solution Analysis Type New analysis Modal Ok.

b. Solution Analysis Options Subspace No. of modes to extract 20 Ok

all DOF Ok.
8) Apply Constraints:
Apply constraints according to the type of beam.
a. For Cantilever Beam : Preprocessor Loads Define loads Apply Structural
Displacement On Keypoints Select the end point on the left Ok All DOF Ok.

b. For Simply Supported Beam : Preprocessor Loads Define Loads Apply
Structural Apply Displacement On Nodes Select any two nodes except the end
points Ok UY Ok.

c. For Fixed Beam : Preprocessor Loads Define Loads - Apply Structural
Displacement On Keypoints Select the two endpoints Ok All DOF Ok.
9) Solution:
Get the solution.
Solution Solve Current LS Ok Close.
10) Plot Resut:
Plot the result.
a. General Post Processor Read Results Last Set

b. General Post Processor Plot Results Contour Plot Nodal Solu DOF
Solution Y component of displacement Ok.
11) Capture Image:
Capture the image and save it.
Utility Menu Plot Ctrls Capture Image File Save As Ok.
Harmonic Analysis of a 2D Component
1) Preferences:
Select the preferences.
Preferences Structural Ok.
2) Element Type:
Define the type of element.
Preprocessor Element Type Add/Edit/Delete Add Beam 2D Elastic 3 Ok.
3) Real Constants:
Define real constants.
Preprocessor Real Constants Add/Edit/Delete Add Ok
Area 100 ; ISTRN 0.5; Ok.
4) Material Properties:
Define material properties for Steel.
Preprocessor Material Props Material Models Structural Linear Elastic
EX 2e5; PRXY 0.3; Density 7.84e-6; Ok.
Material Exit.
5) Modeling:
Create the component.
a. Preprocessor Modeling Create Keypoints In Active CS Apply X 100 -

b. Preprocessor Modeling Create Lines Lines Straight Line Select the
end points Ok.
6) Meshing:
Mesh the component.
a. Preprocessor Meshing Mesh Tool Lines Set Select the line Ok
Edge length 5 Ok.

b. Mesh Tool Mesh Select the line Ok.
7) Analysis Type:
Define the type of analysis.
a. Solution Analysis Type New analysis Harmonic Ok.

b. Solution Analysis Options DOF Output Format - Amplitude & Phase Ok
8) Apply Constraints:
Apply constraints.
Solution Define loads Apply Structural
Displacement On Keypoints Select the end point on the left Ok All DOF Ok.

9) Apply Loads:
Apply the loads.
Solution Define Loads Apply Structural Force/Moment On Keypoints Select
the point at the right end of the beam Ok Give Fy Real Part - ( -1500) - Ok.
10) Frequency Range:
Define the frequency range and the substeps.
Solution Load Step Opts Time/Frequency Freq and Substeps
Harmonic Frequency Range 0-100;
No. of Substeps 100 Select Stepped Ok.
11) Solution:
Get the solution.
Solution Solve Current LS Ok Close.
12) Defining Variables and Plotting Graph;
Define the graph variables and plot the graph.
a. Time History Post Processor Close the calculation dialog box.

b. Define Variables Add Ok 2 Ok DOF Soln UY Ok.

c. Graph Variable 1st Variable 2 Ok.
11) Capture Image:
Capture the image and save it.
Utility Menu Plot Ctrls Capture Image File Save As Ok.
Conductive Heat Transfer Analysis of a 2D Component
1) Preferences:
Select the preferences.
Preferences Thermal Ok.
2) Element Type:
Define the type of the element.
Preprocessor Element Type Add/Edit/Delete Solid Quad 4node 42 Ok.
3) Material Properties:
Define the material properties of Steel.
Preprocessor Material Props Material Model Thermal Conductivity
KXX 1.2 Ok
Material New Model KXX 0.4 Ok
Material New Model KXX 0.9 Ok
Material Exit.
4) Modeling:
Create the component.
a. Preprocessor Modeling Create Key points In Active CS Apply
X 0.2 Apply; X 1 Apply; X 1.1;
X 1.1, Y 0.5 Apply; X 1, Y 0.5;
X 0.2, Y 0.5 Apply; X 0, Y 0.5; Ok.

b. Preprocessor Modeling Create Lines Lines Straight Line
Select all points one by one Join (1,2),(2-3),(3-4),(4-5),(5-6),(6-7), (7-8),(1-8),

c. Preprocessor Modeling Create Areas Arbitrary By lines
Select lines (1,2),(2,7),(7,8),(2,1) Apply.
Select lines (2,3),(3,6),(6,7),(7,2) Apply.
Select lines (3,4),(4,5),(5,6),(6,3) Ok.
5) Meshing:
Mesh the component.
a. Preprocessor Meshing Mesh Tool Areas Set Select all the areas Ok
Edge length 2 Ok.
b. Mesh Tool Mesh Select all the areas Ok.
6) Apply Loads:
Apply the loads.
a. Solution Define Loads Apply Thermal Temperature On lines
Select left end of the rectangle Ok All DOF Temp Value 1173 Ok.

b. Solution Define Loads Apply Thermal Temperature On lines
Select right end of the rectangle Ok All DOF Temp Value 303 Ok.
7) Solution:
Get the solution.
Solution Solve Current LS Ok Close.
8) Plot Result:
Plot the result.
General Post Processor Plot Results Contour Plot Nodal Solu DOF Solution
Nodal Temperature Ok.
9) Capture Image:
Capture the image and save it.
Utility Menu Plot Ctrls Capture Image Save As.
Convective Heat Transfer Analysis of a 2D Component
1) Preferences:
Select the preferences.
Preferences Thermal Ok.
2) Element Type:
Define element type.
Preprocessor Element Type Add/Edit/Delete Solid Quad 4node 42 Ok.
3) Material Properties:
Define material properties for Steel.
Preprocessor Material Props Material Model Thermal Conductivity
KXX - 235 Ok
Material New Model KXX 0.153 Ok
Material New Model KXX 400 Ok
Material Exit.
4) Modeling:
Create the model.
a. Preprocessor Modeling Create Key points In Active CS Apply
X 1 Apply; X 2 Apply; X 3;
X 3, Y 1 Apply; X 2, Y 1;
X 1, Y 1 Apply; X 0, Y 1; Ok.

b. Preprocessor Modeling Create Lines Lines Straight Line
Select all points one by one Join (1,2),(2-3),(3-4),(4-5),(5-6),(6-7), (7-8),(1-8),

c. Preprocessor Modeling Create Areas Arbitrary By lines
Select lines (1,2),(2,7),(7,8),(2,1) Apply.
Select lines (2,3),(3,6),(6,7),(7,2) Apply.
Select lines (3,4),(4,5),(5,6),(6,3) Ok.
5) Meshing:
Mesh the model.
a. Processor Meshing Mesh Tool Areas Set Select all the areas Ok
Edge length 2 Ok.
b. Mesh Tool Mesh Select all the areas Ok.
6) Apply Loads:
Apply the loads.
a. Solution Define Loads Apply Thermal Temperature On lines
Select left end of the rectangle Ok All DOF Temp Value 400 Ok.

b. Solution Define Loads Apply Thermal Convection On lines
Select right end of the rectangle Ok All DOF Temp Value 300 film
Coefficient 50 Ok.
7) Apply Heat generation:
Solution Define Loads Apply Thermal Heat Generation On Areas
Select Area 1 on the left give heat gen value 200 Apply Select Area 3
On the right heat gen value 175 Ok.
8) Solution:
Get the solution.
Solution Solve Current LS Ok Close.
9) Plot Result:
Plot the result.
General Post Processor Plot Results Contour Plot Nodal Solu DOF Solution
Nodal Temperature Ok.
10) Capture Image:
Capture the image and save it.
Utility Menu Plot Ctrls Capture Image Save As.

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