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Two-Dimensional Analysis of Shot Put

Objective : To analyse the path of a shot put thrown and to fit a quadratic model to it.

First, watch this short video to get an idea of what shot put is all about.

Below is an image of a mapped out path of a shot put.

1. Use the scale given in the image for 1 meter, answer the following questions.
a) How far has the shot put traveled before it hit the ground? The shot put has
traveled around 12 meters before it hits the ground.
b) What is the coordinate of the maximum point of the shot put? (5, 2.679)

c) Use your knowledge of quadratic functions, come up with a function that would
fit the path of the shot put. ( algebra not tech!)
Vertex = (5, 2.679)
Y intercept = (0, 0)
X intercepts = (0,0) (0,10)
f(x) = a(x-h)
+ k
f(x) = a (x - 5)
+ 2.679
0 = a (0 - 5)
+ 2.679
0 = a(-5)
+ 2.679
-2.679 = 25a
-0.10716 = a
f(x) = -0.10716(x - 5)
+ 2.679

2. a) Put the image into Geogebra and test out your function to see if it fits. ??

b) Come up with other quadratic functions that would fit the path.
Wouldnt only 1 function fit the path as closely as possible?

3. Write up: your write up should include the following.
a) Introduction statement with your goal and aim outlined.
To investigate how math, specifically quadratic functions could tie in to
real world situations and help people in real life.
b) Clear mathematical steps to outline the calculation process.
Y intercept = (0.0)
X intercepts = (0,0) (10,0)
Maximum = (5,2.679)

Plugged into completed square equation (f(x) = a(x - h)
+ k)

f(x) = a (x - 5)
+ 2.679

Solved for a -

0 = a (0 - 5)
+ 2.679
0 = a(-5)
+ 2.679
-2.679 = 25a
-0.10716 = a

Found equation for function -

f(x) = -0.10716(x - 5)
+ 2.679

Use equation editor to type out mathematical expressions in your document.
c) Justifications for your mathematical processes. Why did you do what you did.
Firstly, by looking at the data provided, which is the picture given to us, I
found out the important things when looking at a quadratic function. For
example I found that the Y intercept was (0,0), the x intercepts were (0,0)
and (0,10) and the maximum or the vertex is (5, 2.679) I used the purple axis
lines as my axis which made the point where the ball was released as my
origin. There was also an angle provided, which I thought about, but I
wasnt really sure how to use that in this investigation, so I left it alone.
Then, by using the information collected, I plugged it into the equation (f(x)
= a(x - h)
+ k) to find the a, and so we could tell the horizontal stretch of the
graph. Then I plugged it into geogebra to check the graph if it was correct
or not.

b) Conclusions based on your discoveries.
By doing this investigation, it has clearly shown me another aspect of the
real world where math can be applied to. As well as everyday life and
things, if you look at professional players, and sports, they can very well
benefit if they used math in their sports, which they do to get the best
results. By looking at these such things, and where it can be applied to, I
wonder how many different things is math actually useful for in the real

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