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1)Save Tonight Am

2)Should I Stay or Should I Go E

3)Keep the Faith E
4)Peronal !eu E
")#o$% and a &ard Pla$e A
') #ing o( (ire)&*+,-.K/)
0)Play that (un%y mui$
1)2o3ody4 5i(e
17)I love ro$%8roll
11).ome to$hether 9i$hael !a$%on verion
12).all me the 3ree:e
12)&ard to &andle
13)!ohnny 3e goode
14 9utang ally
1")Gimme all your lovin4
1')Sharp dreed man
10)9oney (or nothing
11);any .ali(ornia
16)<al%in4 3y myel(
27),ong train runnin4
21),ove potion no=6
23),ove $ome to to5n
2")Ain4t no love in the heart o( the $ity
2')The lat time
20)<hen I 5a your man)+runo 9ar)
21)T5ited Siter ? 5e4re not gonna ta%e it
26) li@uido nar$oti$
37)"77 mile the pro$laimer
31)Summer o( '6
32)3rim(ul o( aha Fat3oy Slim $over
33)All the Small thing +lin% 112
34).helea ;agger Fratelli
3") paolo nutini ne5 hoe

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