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Chaudhry Saim Talib

History of Subcontinent
Mr. Farhan
Notes Mughal Empire
First emperor: Babur
Born on February !"#
Babur $%&'(%#)*
There +ere t+o communities: Hindu and Muslim
Muslim culture had to become a part of ,ndia
Tur-s +ere becoming ,ndian seed
Muslims +ere the dominant class
Hindus +ere di.ided into castes
Babar $%&'(%#)*
Sati: /omen burns on the same things husbands corpse +as
burning on
,ndia +as doing good economically because of agriculture
There +as not much discipline and training in military
Babur +as the descendant of Timur and Change0 1han
Babur had led % e2peditions to ,ndia
First e2pedition: 3anuary %4
Second e2pedition: September %4
Third e2pedition: %&)
Fourth e2pedition: %&! occupied 5ahore
Fifth e2pedition: %&'6 Battle of 7anipat: 8efeated ,brahim 5odhi
at 7anipat
Military po+ers of 5odhi +ere shattered
%&9: Con:ict +ith ;a<puts6 ;a<puts posed a threat to Babur
%&4: Babur met =fghans in Battle >ogra near 7atra. He met in
the battle?eld +ith Mohammad 5odhi.
Babur struggled for glory all his life
He +as born a leader of men and he maintained a strong
discipline in his ran-s
From Himalayas to >+alior: his -ingdom e2tension
Babur in his ! years in ,ndia spent time in con@uests
Babur +as also a great scholar. He could easily +rite in 7ersian or
Humayun: too- charge of Mughal empire in %#)
He +as the ldest son of Babur and he had # brothers 1amran6
=s-ari6 and Hindal
He +as born in 1abul in %)".
Nasir(ud(din Mohammad Humayun +as his full name
Humayun +as fortunate as his father made preparations for his
education and he +as assigned to certain planning and aAairs
=t &)6 he became go.ernor of Bad-hasha
Humayun too- parts in his fatherBs campaigns and battles
=-bar $%%'(')%*
%&4: /ithout permission of his father6 he returned to ,ndia and
left the post of Bad-hasha. Babur died in %#) so Hamayun
became emperor
Nobles +ere against Humayun because his pleasure ta-ing and
addiction to opium
Conspiracy +as hatching against Humayun and made
conspirators made plans to ma-e Mehdi 1ha+a<a -ing
Mehdi 1ha+a<a +as the brother n la+ of Hamayun
,n 8ecember %#)6 Humayun became -ing
5a+ of 7rimo-inature: the -ingBs cannot be -ing
=fter Humayns death con:icts aros
7rinces started to claim the throne
Mughal army +as not a national army at that time and there +as
mClange of people in the army.
Sheh Shah 1han Suri +as the most ambitious of the +hole
=fghan. He +as a young and ambitious prince
8uring Hamayuns rule: =fghans and Bahadur Shah >u<ratis
Humayun could not ta-e @uic- decisions. He failed to command
respect of his soldiers
%!): Battle of 1anuagh: =fter Humayuns defeat in the Battle of
1anugh6 Humayun returned to =gra and he +as by Sher Shah
1han Suri. Humayun :ed to 5ahore. Sher Shah occupied 8elhi.
Sher Shah founded the Sur dynasty after the battle.
He died in %!%
Shahs death6 ,slam Shah6 his son6 ruled up to %%#. Till his death
=fter ,slam Shahs death the Sur dynasty started decaying
Country +as thro+n into confusion because of +ar
Humayun ta-es ad.antage of this. His e2ile +as about for #(%
years. /ith the help of Behram 1han6 he occupies 5ahore. =fter
defeating Si-ander Sur the rebel go.ernor of 7un<ab. %%%.
Humayun forga.e his brothers again and again. Humayun +as a
good father but not a good general. He +as no match to Babur
3ala ud din Mohammad =-bar +as the third emperor of Mughal
Empire. He +as the son of Huayun6 +as born at =mar-ot in Sindh
on % Dctober %!&
=-bar +as confused as Humayun +as in e2ile.
Humayun made arrangements for his education.
%% =-bar +as go.ernor of >ha0ni
Humayun died in %%' as a result from the fall from the stair
case of his library
February ! %%': =-bar becomes third Mughal emperor
The second Battle of 7anipat
The greatest of =-bar at that time +as Haymu
Second Battle of 7anipat: Mughals occupied 8elhi and =gra after
death of Humayun6 Behram 1han +as guardian of =-bar $%%'(
He most important achie.ement of Behram during the time +as
the second battle of 7anipat
=-bar remo.ed Behram in %')E He +anted go.ernments in his
o+n hands.
%'& =-bar +as able to ta-e charge independently.
3ehangir $')%( '&9*
3ehangir +as also -no+n as Salim
Born on =ugust #) %'4
His mother +as a ;a<put princess of =mber
=-bar married 3ehangirs mother in %'&.
=-bar +ho lost all heir desired one to inherit his .ast empire
=-bars other t+o sons 8aniyal and Murad died because of
e2cessi.e drin-ing 3ehangir sur.i.ed so he became -ing
3ehangir -ne+ 7ersian6 =rabic6 Hindi6 and Tur-ish
Salim +as administered for military at an early age
%"%( 3ehangir married ;a<a Bhag+anas daughter
Salim +as an2ious to grab so.ereign po+er
%44( Salims re.olt against =-bar
=fter his assesstion to the throne 3ehangir tried to +in the hearts
of the people by follo+ing steps
He issued an ordinance that +as put out for the +hole empire:
Drdinance: . 7rohibition of sale of +ine
&. ;egualtion about high+ay robbery and theft
#. Free inheritance of property of deceased person
!. Banned physical punishments
%. 7rohibiton of forcable sei0ure of property
'. Building of hospitals and appointments of physician to attend
to sic- people
9. No torcherous treatment for all prisoners
Eldest son of 3ehangir +as 7rince 1husro
He +as lo.ed by the countryBs citi0ens
He posed a threat to his father Salim
He had been -ept con?ned in =gra by 3ehangir
He escaped from =gra and approached 5ahore in rebellion ')'
5ater prince 1husro and his follo+ers +ere brought before
1husro +as blinded and sent into prison
They +ere all punished
1husro died in con?nement
3ehangirs marriage +ith Noor 3ahan is one of the most important
e.ents in history
Noor 3ahanBs original name +as Mehr)un)nisa
She +as the daughter of a 7ersian noble6 Mir0a 1ia0
=t the time of marriage Noor 3ahan +as a +ido+ and had a
daughter6 5adley Baigam
3ehangir +as a highly educated and cultured prince
He had mastered 7ersian and Tur-ish languages
Tu0-a 3ehagnir +ere the memoirs +ritten by 3ehangir
3ehangir died on Dctober &"6 '&9
He +as buried in a beautiful garden near 5ahore
Shah 3ahan $'&9( '%"*
His original name +as prince -hurram
Shah 3ahans mothers name +as 3agat
He +as born in %!&
Shah 1ahan +as a fa.ourite of his grandfather =-bar
'&"( Shah 3ahan marched to =gra and ascended to the throne
Shah 3ahan truly +aited the throne through the blood of his o+n
Noor 3ahan +as imprisoned by Shah 3ahan in 5ahore
'!%( Noor 3ahan passed a+ay
'&%( Bundela rebellion
'&4( 1han 3ahan 5odhi rebellion
=urang0eb +as the last great Mughal emperor of ,ndia
He +as the son of Shah 3ahan. $'%"(9)9*
He ruled for %) years.
=urang0eb ascended to the in 3uly '%".
=pril '94( =urang0eb re(imposed 3i0ya6 +hich abolished in

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