Activity 1

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Aims: to test the Ss ability to:

- recognize the verbs in the
sentences told by the T and their tenses,
- recognize the time adverbs used
in the sentences,
- define and give the structure of
present simple and present progressive,
-give examples of time adverbs
used with these tenses
Timing: !" minutes
#nteraction: whole class, T-Ss
$rocedures: The T writes on the
blac%board two sentences in which she
used a verb in present simple and another
in present continuous &They have lunch
every day They are having lunch now'
The Ss recognize the verbs, their tenses
and the time adverbs used The T
announces the title of the lesson and writes
it on the blac%board &(evision of $resent
$rogressive and of )an*)ant' The T as%s
the Ss to define and give the structure of
present simple and present progressive
She writes the information told by her Ss
on the blac%board, ma%ing a parallel
between the two tenses The Ss are also
as%ed to give examples of time adverbs
used with these tenses They do this tas%
Aim: to develop the Ss ability to choose
the right variant out of two when it comes
to two different tenses.
Timing: + minutes
#nteraction: wor% group, T-Ss, Ss-T
$rocedures: The T proposes the Ss to
identify the right tense that is to be used in
each sentence in exercise , from the
wor%sheet, paying attention to the time
adverb used The Ss solve the exercise and
one of them reads it The others correct
him*her, if necessary
Aim: to test the Ss ability to recognize the
grammar mista%es from a text in a short
period of time and correct them
Timing: - minutes
#nteraction: wor% group, T-Ss, Ss-T
$rocedures: The T as%s the Ss to read a
text attentively They have to pay attention
to the tenses used in it, %nowing that there
are . mista%es from the point of view of
the time used The Ss will underline them
and write the correct variant on the
wor%sheets After solving the exercise,
they will read it #f there are any mista%es,
the T will correct them

Aims:-to raise the Ss interest in revising
the verb can/cant with the help of a
guessing game,
-to develop Ss spea%ing s%ills,
-to enrich the Ss vocabulary with
the aid of a poster
Timing: !+ minutes
#nteraction: wor% group, T-Ss, Ss-Ss
$rocedures: The T puts a poster on the
blac%board showing !- actions Then she
as%s the leader of each group to come in
front of the class, in turns The T whispers
one of the verbs from the poster into
his*her ear /y as%ing 0uestions, the Ss
from the other four groups try to guess
what he* she can do The team which finds
out the verb told by their T using the
fewest 0uestions wins !" points
Aims: -to test the Ss vocabulary
-to ma%e them practice the use of
the verb can* cant by giving personal
information about certain actions
Timing: + minutes
#nteraction: wor% group, T-Ss, Ss-T
$rocedures: The T as%s the Ss to write
down in a chart as many things as possible
they can or cant do They will do this tas%
in only 1 minutes 2or each written action
each team wins one point
The T gives the Ss the homewor%:
exercises A and /, page +., from their
Timing: , minutes
The T congratulates the winning team and
encourages the others

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