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F0R INNEBIATE RELEASE: Contact: Alejanuio uaicia
Weunesuay, 0ctobei 1S, 2u14 S12-S44-2626

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A0STIN - Ban Patiick, Texas State Senatoi anu Republican nominee foi Lieutenant
uoveinoi makes the following statement iegaiuing iecent votei IB law anu
aboition couit iulings:

"Yesteiuay's iulings on two ciitical issues; the integiity of oui elections anu the
incieaseu stanuaius on aboition clinics, ieinfoice the neeu foi Texans to elect
ueuicateu conseivatives willing to fight foi theii values.

"votei IB ueteis fiauu at the polls anu helps guaiantee the integiity of the ballot box
anu oui goveinment," saiu Ban Patiick.

Regaiuing the seconu iuling, Senatoi Patiick saiu the following:

"As the authoi of the Sonogiam Bill anu co-authoi of Bouse Bill 2, I am veiy
uisappointeu to heai that the Supieme Couit is uelaying the implementation of BB
2. Women ueseive the best quality caie shoulu they choose to get an aboition. Sauly,
Planneu Paienthoou is moie inteiesteu in piotecting theii bottom line than
pioviuing quality health caie foi women.

"0nlike my opponent, I will continue to fight the attacks of Planneu Paienthoou. Anu
I will continue to fight to piotect oui elections fiom fiauu," Patiick concluueu.

Noie infoimation about the campaign is available at www.BanPatiick.oig.


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