Case Study Guidelines

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Part II: Case Study Analysis

Case Study Guidelines

You may choose one of the cases posted in the course room for your assignment. The choice is
entirely yours. You are required to answer the questions assigned to the case in this section.
Here is the format for this assignment:

Summarize the case
University of Massachusetts at Boston is located three miles outside of downtown Boston
known as its harbor campus. It is one of five campuses in the University of Massachusetts
system and was established in 1964 to service the citizens of Eastern Massachusetts by
providing opportunities for post-secondary education to students of all economic and cultural
backgrounds. The campus community is very diverse with fourteen percent of faculty were
members of minority groups, twenty percent of students were minorities, sixty percent of
students are first-generation students and fifty-seven students were female. The university
was divided into five colleges, the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Management,
the College of Nursing, the Graduate College of Education, and the College of Public and
Community Service (CPCS). CPCS offers working adults opportunities to earn Bachelors
degrees for careers in public and community service.
Identify and analyze the key issue(s) and explain the context for the issue within higher

Address the questions (please include additional research to support your responses)
o What should be the campus response to the graffiti incidents? Please explain.

o How could such incidents be prevented? (Look at how other institutions are
dealing with issues of campus civility and inclusion.).

Apply 3 concepts from 3 of your NEU courses and how they relate to the case.
o Retention & Enrollment
o Race & Ethnicity
o Higher Ed Management

Reference page(s)

DePalma, A. (1992).

This section should be no more than 8 pages. Use APA format and guidelines. Please use
sources (i.e. articles, books, etc.) to support your responses. Please integrate your analysis of the
issues in Academically Adrift with the issues in your case where and if applicable.

Here are the guiding questions for each case (cases are found in the Blackboard course room):

I f you choose the "UMass-Boston" case, here are your questions:

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