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California should allow open carry of firearms.

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General overview:
I want to have an open gun carry law because places like Alaska who do have open gun
carry laws have a lower crime rate than here in San Diego. Many countries have already
allowed open gun carry and all of those countries have a lower crime rate than we have
here in San Diego.

Specific facts on the issue:
- transportation by motor vehicle any pistol, revolver, or other firearm capable of being
concealed upon the person provided the firearm is unloaded and stored in a locked
container....does not include the utility or glove compartment. (1)
- Those with a concealed-weapon permit in a different state are not entitled to carry a
concealed weapon in California.(2)
- A car trunk is considered a locked container; a glove compartment box does not
qualify as locked container.(2)
- Those with a concealed-weapon permit in a different state are not entitled to carry a
concealed weapon in California.(2)
- Murder rate in Alaska is 15 murders in 1 year California is 45 murders in 1 year(3)
- Alaska's laws do not prohibit anyone 21 or older who may legally possess a firearm
from carrying it concealed. A special permit is not required.(4)
- No permit is necessary for purchase, registration of handguns is nonexistent, and
licensing for owners is not necessary for all firearmsv.(5)
- California law has never expressly authorized the ability to openly carry a weapon.(6)

- There are over 11 million concealed handgun permits nationally.(7)
- Police are very supportive of these rules. PoliceOne, with 450,000 members and the
largest organization of police officers in the country recently surveyed its members:91
percent of officers supported these shall issue laws. Almost as many sheriffs and police
chiefs feel the same way.(7)
- In San Diego, only about 700 out of 2.4 million can carry.(7)
- And in San Francisco, no one is granted a permit to carry a gun.(7)
- D.C. police chief says federal judge's invalidation of gun carry ban shouldn't affect

against criminals.(8)
- Bringing firearms to Target creates an environment that is at odds with the family-
friendly shopping and work experience we strive to create.(8)
-A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people
to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. The Second Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution (9)
- Targets request comes in the wake of similar moves from Chipotle and Starbucks, and
in each case it followed the same pattern: Open-carry advocates brought their assault
rifles into the stores, customers and staff freaked out, and the corporation decided to
make a request of its customers to leave their guns at home.(8)
- The rate of murders in vermont in one year is 3 also is not compared to the 45 in
Possible Solutions:
-Look at the crime rates for states that have open gun carry laws
Work Cited
1. Harris, Kamala. Traveling With Firearms In California.OAG. 08 September
2. Marks, Shannon. Gun Laws for California Travel. Demand media.08
September 2014 <>
3. Crime rate in Anchorage, Alaska (AK): murders, rapes, robberies, assaults,
burglaries, thefts, auto thefts, arson, law enforcement employees, police officers, crime
map. 2014. 08 September 2014

4. Alaska Concealed Handguns, 2014. 08 September, Department of Safety,
5. Micheal, Rifle Open Gun Carry Laws in california2014. 14 September,2014.
08 september,
6. Mike DeBonis,Security, not street crime, at risk after gun ruling, D.C. Police
Chief Cathy Lanier 2014. 30 July, 2014. 08

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