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Scoring and Data Use Plans

Name ____Michigan Tribal Directory_____ Jacki Olson

Purpose: ________ormal ormati!e____________
1. Objective/Learning Target:
Michigan Tribal Directory: GLCE.3 H3..! Dra" #$on tra%itional &torie& o' ()erican
*n%ian& +e.g., (ni&hinaabeg - Ojib"ay +Chi$$e"a., O%a"a +Otta"a.,
/ota"ato)i0 Meno)inee0 H#ron *n%ian&. "ho live% in Michigan in
or%er to )a1e generali2ation& abo#t their belie'&.
3. 4or)ative (&&e&&)ent /roce&& 5trategy +4(/. #&e%6i' any
4(/10 7&e o' Learning Target&
- 5t#%ent& "ill be recor%ing the in'or)ation abo#t each tribe in their %irectory.
3. 8ho "ill &core the a&&e&&)ent, i' &core%9
The a&&e&&)ent "ill not be &core% beca#&e it "ill be "or1e% on a& a cla&&. *t i& #&e% to
hel$ the &t#%ent& be able to acco)$li&h their "ritten &#))ative.
!. De&cribe the in'o +%ata. that "ill be collecte%.
5t#%ent& "ill be recor%ing the &$eci'ic $art& abo#t the *n%ian Tribe& thro#gho#t the
learning $roce&&. The &t#%ent& "ill be recor%ing "here the tribe i& locate%, the ty$e o'
ho#&e the tribe live& in a& "ell a& ho" large the ho#&e& are, )en an% "o)en:& clothing,
"hat they eat, "hat they %ie% 'ro) an% any intere&ting 'act& they "ant to re)e)ber.
;. 8ho "ill #&e the in'o +%ata. an% ho"9
a. 8hat "ill be the $ro'iciency level&9
The $ro'iciency level& are $roo' the &t#%ent ha& "ritten %o"n in'or)ation on their tribe&
correctly. They "ill be %oing it "ith the cla&&, &o each night * "ill chec1 their 'ol%er& to
)a1e &#re the in'or)ation i& being 'ille% o#t, an% correct. There "ill be no gra%e&
a&&ociate% "ith thi& 'or)ative.
<. 8hat i& the $lan 'or &t#%ent& to #&e the in'or)ation collecte%9
5t#%ent& "ill be recor%ing the in'or)ation abo#t each tribe in their %irectory.
=. 5a)$le %oc#)ent o' ho" the %ata "ill be recor%e%.
There "ill be no %ata collecte% 'ro) thi& a&&e&&)ent
>. De&cribe intentional, $o&&ible intervention& 'or lo" &coring &t#%ent& +tho&e "ho ?%on:t get it@.
an% enrich)ent& 'or high &coring &t#%ent& +tho&e "ho ?get it@ the 'ir&t ti)e..
5t#%ent& "ho %i% not 'ill o#t the correct in'or)ation "ill )eet "ith )e in a gro#$
%#ring center& to 'ini&h the %irectory together. Thi& "ay * can clo&ely )onitor the
$rogre&& an% en&#re the &t#%ent& are 'ini&hing their "or1. * can al&o g#i%e the) to the
in'or)ation "hen they are rea%ing. * "ill &to$ the rea%er once "e rea% a $art that can
be incl#%e% in the a&&ign)ent, an% a&1 A#e&tion& &#ch a& ?8hat %i% the rea%ing &ay the
H#ron Tribe ate9@ ?Doe& that &ee) to be i)$ortant9
4or &t#%ent& "ho have 'ini&he% an% co)$lete% the "or1 correctly, * have incl#%e% &$ace
to incl#%e% intere&ting 'act& abo#t the tribe&. The &t#%ent& can #&e the co)$#ter& to
re&earch )ore in'or)ation abo#t the tribe&. Once that ha& been co)$lete% the &t#%ent&
can $lay the tribe ga)e& on the co)$#ter that #&e the hi&tory o' the tribe to an&"er
EDU429 FA14 Dr. M. Sailers

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