Guidelines To Prepare Chemical Reaction Engineering Final Exam

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Guidelines to prepare chemical reaction engineering final exam

Chapter 01
Knowledge and application of mole balances for batch, CSTR, PFR and PBR and their
corresponding design equations with and without density changing reactions. They do
include design equations in terms of moles, molar flow rates, concentrations, and space
time for any kind of reaction kinetics

Chapter 02
a) Construction of Levenspiel plot and its interpretation
b) Reactor sequencing
c) Graphical and numerical integration using rectangular rule as well as Simpsons rule
d) Practice questions include Problem 2.4 (a), 2.5 (all parts), 2.7 (all parts), 2.9 (all parts),
2.12 (all parts)

Chapter 03
Construction of stoichiometric tables in terms of moles, molar flow rates and concentrations
with and without density changing reactions for batch, CSTR, PFR, and PBR.

Chapter 04
a) Damkholer number and its application
b) All theory associated with pressure drop especially complete understanding of Ergun
equation and its parameters and its various forms
c) Practice questions include example 4.2, 4.4, 4.5

Chapter 05
a) Integral method
b) Differential method (numeric (finite difference method) as well as graphical)
c) Method of initial rates
d) Practice questions include example 5.1 from 3
edition, example 5.1, problem 5.5, 5.7

Chapter 06
a) All theory
b) Practice questions include example 6.2, 6.3, 6.5, problem 6.6, 6.9 (all parts except h)

All quizzes are included as part of the syllabus
All questions and theory are from your text book of Elements of Chemical Reaction
Engineering by H.Scott Fogler 4
edition unless stated

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