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Backup Interview

Name: Lewis Wood

Job Title/Role: No job title/role known.
Contact Details: Email: (no email)
Mobile: 01225 350008
Sphere of Expertise: Lewis has been bullied throughout school and knows what it is like to go
through it, this is the main reason that I am going to be interviewing him. I also know Lewis through
his brother Brendon and therefore he is comfortable enough with me to be interviewed about this
Previous Media Experience?: Lewis like Brendon has not yet had any media experience therefore I
will be talking him through what I need to do during the interview and I will also give him chance to
have a warm up before he is interviewed in order to think about his answers to the questions and do
any other preparations that will ensure he does not panic when on camera. If needed I will ask him
some question twice if I feel the answer is not detailed enough.
Potential Questions: 1. What year did the bullying start?
2. What did it make you feel like?
3. Did this effect your life in anyway, if so how?
4. What do you think made the bullies target you rather than someone else?
5. What is the worst form of bullying that you have had happened to you?
6. What are your feelings on bullying?
7. If you could give advice to someone who is being bullied now what would you say?
Potential Location/Shot set up: Location:.18 Addison Road, Melksham Wiltshire, SN12 8DP
Shot set up: The shot set up I will be using is, three camera set up,
the first shot will be: A Close Up of Lewis. The second shot will be: A Master Shot of both Lewis and
the interviewer (myself). Then my final shot will be of myself asking the questions. I shall also be
getting shots of noddies and cutaways, such as hand movements, and maybe jaw movements as then
the sound will look like it has been synced up correctly and mouth movements will not be out of sync.
Date/Time of Interview: This interview will take place on Saturday 18
October 2014 at 7:30pm.

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