Newsletteraugsept 14

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Family Literacy Night

Gator Gazette
On Tuesday, September
30th, Stories Creek hosted its
Annual Family Literacy Night.
The night kicked off with a staff
rendition of the book Spoon by
Amy Krouse Rosenthal. Spoon
tells the story of a spoon that is
feeling bad because all the other
utensils have more fun than he
does. He soon realizes that be-
ing a spoon is pretty great too!
This book reminds us that we
are all unique and special, and
we should celebrate that.
After the skit, students and
parents visited stations conduct-
ed by teachers about various
literacy topics, such as, web-
sites, reading strategies, and
much more!
For more information about the event
and to watch a video of the skit visit
the Stories Creek Website at
Stories Creek Elementary School
August/September 2014
Wow! Is it really Octo-
ber already? We are off to
a fantastic 2014-2015 school
year at Stories Creek Ele-
mentary! I am enjoying
getting to know the stu-
dents, parents, and staff
here at the Creek!
I am so impressed and so
proud of the TEAMWORK
atmosphere displayed by
staff, students, parents,
and community partners!
I am truly honored to serve
as principal at Stories
Stories Creek is designat-
ed as a Title I school. Due to
this designation our school
is allotted Federal Funds
that allow our teaching
staff to provide additional
support to meet the academ-
ic needs of our students.

From the Principal
Mrs. Heather Bowling
From the Prin-
cipal Cont.
KidBiz Corner 3
Citizens of the
Music Notes 4
Media Center
Goes Green
Flu Shots 6
New Staff 6
Calendar of
Inside this issue:
After this month the
newsletter will not be
printed for every stu-
dent in an effort to save
paper and money. If
you would still like to
receive a printed copy
of the newsletter,
please read the infor-
mation at the bottom of
page 6 carefully.
Continued on Page 2
Stories Creek Elementary School
133 Stories Creek School Rd, Roxboro, NC 27574
Page 2 Gator Gazette
Phone: 336-503-8071 Fax: 336-503-8083 E-mail:
From the Principal Continued
Vision Statement: Stories Creek Elementary School is committed to developing a learning environ-
ment in which all students succeed and are performing on or above grade level.
Using our knowledge about learning processes, child development and best teaching practices, our
environment will be safe and orderly, rigorous and relevant, hands-on, and responsive to the needs of
diverse learners.
Mission Statement: The guiding mission of Stories Creek Elementary is to promote a cooperative
partnership among students, parents, community and staff. Our goal is to provide a learning environ-
ment conducive to academic achievement that will prepare our students for life in the 21
Belief Statement: Public education is imperative to the preparation of globally competitive students.
To this end, we at Stories Creek believe:
All of our students can and must learn a rigorous and relevant core curriculum. Our school must meet
the unique learning needs of each of our students. Our homes, school and community must serve
and support one another. There must be a consistently, safe and orderly environment for teaching
and learning to occur. Appropriate resources and services are essential for effective instruction. All
stakeholders must continue to learn, and our school must continue to improve.
was recognized recently
for our achievements!
Thank you for your sup-
port, as parents and fami-
ly members, that makes
success attainable!
It is our goal to keep
you informed about what
is going on at Stories
Creek! Please make sure
your contact information
is up to date in our sys-
tem so that you are re-
ceiving our automated
phone calls, e-mails,
and/or texts! If you have
not been receiving these
calls, please provide your
updated contact infor-
mation to your childs
Through the use of Ti-
tle I funds, we are able to
provide activities within
our school that increase
parental and community
involvement. High expec-
tations for all members of
the school community
will allow us to reach our
goals as a Title I school.
The staff at Stories Creek
is dedicated to using all
the resources we have
available to strengthen
the bond between home
and school.
Title I funding will en-
sure that all students are
successful and meet their
full academic potential.
Stories Creek Elementary
If you havent done so
already, please like our
Facebook page so that
you can receive school up-
dates in your News Feed.
Also, our website had a
major facelift over the
summer! You can always
go to http://personstories
to see the latest news and
updates for Stories Creek!
Thank you again for
your warm welcome to
the Stories Creek commu-
nity! Please let me know
if there is ever anything I
can do to improve teach-
ing and learning at Sto-
ries Creek Elementary!
Congratulations to the following students.
They were selected to be the September
Citizen of the Month for their class! Great
work Gators!!
Coleman - Payton Blackwell
Frazier - Sara Wrenn
Grinstead - Jabarri Robinson
Smith - Tinsley Long
Hubbard - Luke Lappin
Long - Noah Harris
Whitfield - Evana Williams
Bonnette - Demarion Stanton
Casteel - Keeghan Holmes
Roach - Kaiden Pruitt
Allen - Nate Stovall
Pettiford - Elias Alcaraz
Poff - Gia Pulliam
Bowman - Oscar Anaya-Sanchez
T. Carver - PaTon Whitt
Poindexter - Logan Blalock
Briggs - Whitney Davis
Clayton - Ishara Valentine
Davis - Mariah McCowan
D. Carver - Mekaya Crawley
Duncan - Justin Eakes
Torian - Seth Jackson
August/September 2014 Page 3
September Citizens of the Month
3rd Grade
Jasmine Aguilar
Shane Jones
Devari McGhee
Denari Satterfield
Sully Smith
Jordan Smith
Nate Stovall
Victoria Williams
4th Grade
Oscar Anaya
Tony Domingo
Jacob Fifield
Edvind Irvin
Maleah Leonard
Lilly Oakley
Benjamin Pettiford
Janyyah Robinson
Ben Thompson
Jonathan Watts
5th Grade
Andelyn Briggs
Tyler Clayton
Whitney Davis
Kollen Gunter
Dakota Harris
Ryan Harris
Trey Hodgin
Tabian Horner
JaNiya Jackson
Ryan Lashley
Darius Prozlik
Lauren Richardson
Charity Stewart
Austyn Thompson
Tykea Winstead
Top 10 KidBiz Point Earners :

1. Ryan Reaves - 1,339
2. JaNiyah Jackson - 1,213
3. Carter Stacey - 725
4. Emma Bowes - 584
5. Alan Harris - 537
6. Tremarion Stanton - 517
7. Katelyn Kourtsounis - 514
8. Ryan Lashley - 502
9. Joshua Parham - 491
10.Lauren Richardson - 488
Faith Whitt - 488
KidBiz Standings
Schoolwide percentage on multiple choice: 66%
Top classes: Davis 71% Briggs 70% Carver 69%
The following students scored above 75% on Multiple Choice activities
Counselors Corner
Welcome to the 2014-2015 school year at
Stories Creek! I thought that with the start of a
new school year it might be helpful to share
some tips for parents to help your children with
study skills.
Show that you think education and home-
work are important
Set a regular time for homework and estab-
lish routines
Provide an area for your child to do their
Have everything that they need ready in
their homework area (pencils, paper, cray-
ons, calculator, etc.)
Talk to your child about what they are doing
in school
Greetings from the music room! Many excit-
ing things have been going on in the classroom!
Kindergarten and first graders have been learn-
ing the basics of singing, second and third just
learned a new dance with the song "Bow Wow
Wow", and fourth and fifth graders are getting
ready to start recorders! On that note, fourth and
fifth grade parents: make sure to be looking for
a letter Friday, October 3rd regarding recorder
pricing, the deadline to turn in money, and why
we play them. All grades have been doing a
great job practicing reading, writing, singing and
playing music! Keep up the good work!
-Mrs. Helgevold
Music Notes
First and second grade students at Stories
Creek enjoyed getting to know some of our amaz-
ing Community Helpers on Thursday, September
25th. They were able to learn about the job of the
District Attorney, the Mayor, Firefighters, EMS
workers, and Law Enforcement Officers! The stu-
dents were all smiles as they made their rounds to
each station! Thank you to all of the community
workers who serve the citizens of Person County!
August/September 2014 Page 4
Community Helpers Visit Stories Creek
Page 5 Gator Gazette
Media Center News
It is hard to believe
the first month of school
is already over! During
the first few weeks Sto-
ries Creek students have
been busy in the Media
Kindergarten students
began checking out their
own books and are very
excited to have a library
card and be able to use
our library. First through
fifth grade students have
been busy getting reac-
quainted with everything
our library has to offer.
Second through fifth
grade students have
been learning about inter-
net safety and the im-
portance of having good
netiquette and being a
good digital citizen!
Dont forget, the Me-
dia Center website has
information about AR, K-1
Reading Program, Book
Fair, Class Dojo, Student
Projects, and much
more. You can also find
links to websites like
Destiny (our library cat-
alog), Tumblebooks,
True Flix, and KidBiz.
The link to the website
is in the green box be-
Bonnette - 227 pts
Casteel - 242 pts
Roach - 198 pts
Allen - 266 pts
Pettiford - 311 pts
Poff - 198 pts
Bowman - 423 pts
Carver - 315 pts
Poindexter - 291 pts
Briggs - 486 pts
Clayton - 226 pts
Davis - 258 pts
AR All Stars!
Coleman - 584 books
Frazier - 494 books
Grinstead- 577 books
Smith - 599 books
First Grade:
Hubbard - 747 books
Long - 501 books
Whitfield- 391 books
The Reading Race
Media Center Webpage:
The Newsletter is Going Green!
In an attempt to save paper, money, and be more eco-friendly, the Sto-
ries Creek newsletter is going green. After this issue, the newsletter will be
posted on our school website monthly instead of being sent home with eve-
ry student. If you would still like to receive a paper copy of the newsletter
like normal please fill out the form at the bottom of this sheet and return it
to school.
_____ YES, I would still like to receive a print copy of the newsletter
Students Name _______________________________________
Students Teacher _____________________________________

_____ NO, I will view the newsletter online, but please send me an email
alert each month when the newsletter is available online.
Email address ________________________________________
August/September 2014
No Flu for You!
against the main flu viruses
that research suggests will
cause the most illness during
the upcoming flu season. Peo-
ple should begin getting vac-
cinated now to ensure that as
many people as possible are
protected before flu season be-
In addition to getting vac-
cinated, you can take everyday
preventive actions like staying
The Center for
Disease Control
recommends a
yearly flu vac-
cine for everyone
6 months of age
and older as the
first and most important step in
protecting against this serious
disease. While there are many
different flu viruses, the flu vac-
cine is designed to protect
Page 6
Stories Creek Welcomes New Staff
away from sick people and
washing your hands to reduce
the spread of germs. If you are
sick with flu, stay home from
work or school to prevent
spreading flu to others.
Flu vaccines are available
@ drugstores, health depart-
ment & your doctors of-
fice. You dont have to look far
for valuable protection. Take
advantage TODAY!
Alison Poff teaches
3rd grade. She attended Rad-
ford University in Virginia. Her
favorite thing about Stories
Creek is that everyone is so wel-
coming and supportive. She
says that, everyone is willing to
help out no matter what! It is tru-
ly a family feeling here. A fun
fact about Miss Poff is that if she
ever has down time, you will al-
ways find her with a book or her
Melisa Poindexter teaches
4th grade. She attended East
Carolina University and trans-
ferred to the University of Ala-
bama. She says she has felt
very welcomed from the staff
and parents of Stories Creek
and added, I love how everyone
is a team player and very sup-
portive. In her free time, Mrs.
Poindexter likes to go to the
beach and spend time with her
Kelly Duncan is a new self-
contained classroom teacher.
She attended UNC-Greensboro.
She has also found the team-
work displayed amongst all staff
to be her favorite thing about
Stories Creek. In her free time,
Mrs. Duncan enjoys playing golf.
Heather Bowling is our new
principal. She attended Meredith
College as an undergraduate
and North Carolina Central Uni-
versity for graduate school. She
says, I LOVE the teamwork at-
mosphere displayed by the stu-
dents, staff, parents, and com-
munity partners! An interesting
fact about Mrs. Bowling is that
she is a Person County native,
and says she is honored to give
back to the community that has
given so much back to [her].
Dusty Martin is our new as-
sistant principal. He attended
UNC-Chapel Hill as an under-
graduate and is currently en-
rolled at NC State University for
his masters degree. When
asked what he loves about Sto-
ries Creek, he says, I love the
sense of togetherness I feel
here at SC. In his free time, Mr.
Martin enjoys playing and
watching sports, especially bas-
ketball and football.
Laura smith teaches kinder-
garten. She attended Appalachi-
an State University. Miss Smith
says, I love how supportive and
friendly all of the staff is. A fun
fact about Miss Smith is that she
can do a back bend!
Trina Torain is another new
EC self-contained classroom
teacher. She attended NC A&T
State University. Her favorite
thing about Stories Creek is the
pleasant working environment
with the staff and kids. In her
free time, she loves to cook and
make people happy.
Lauren Weaver is our new
PE coach. She attended Mere-
dith College. Her favorite thing
about Stories Creek is the pas-
sion for students success. A fun
fact about Miss Weaver is that
she loves jalapenos!
Michelle Jones is a new cus-
todian. She attended Vance
Granville Community College.
She enjoys working with all of
the friendly staff. In her free
time, she enjoys singing and
Taffie Barrow is a also new
custodian. She attended Strayer
University. She likes working
with the open staff. In her free
time, she enjoys riding motorcy-
cles and going to church.
Were so excited to have so
many new wonderful staff here
working in our Stories Creek
October 2014
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
1 2 3
6 7 8 9 10
13 14 15 16 17
20 21 22 23 24
27 28 29 30 31
Book Fair Family
Night 3-6pm
PTSO Exec.
Board Meeting
Fall Picture Day
National School Lunch Week
Book Fair Open
No School -
Teacher Work
Last Day of
1st Quarter
AIG Field Trip
Fall Festival

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