Walnuts Fact Sheet

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Topic: Stop Growing Walnuts in California so we will have

plenty of water


1) http://www.walnuts.org/walnut-industry/growers/
2) http://www.walnuts.org/about-walnuts/walnut-history/
3) http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2014/04/17/despite-drought-plenty-of-gallons-still-
4) http://keepcaliforniafarming.org/california-water-crisis/farming-california-news/how-
5) http://faostat3.fao.org/faostat-gateway/go/to/browse/Q/QC/E
6) http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=99
7) http://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/oceanwater.html

All these sites mostly agree with me. The websites from Walnuts.org only help me prove that
99% of all walnuts are grown in California. Most of the other sites just help me with statistics.
No one agrees with me that Walnuts should be removed from California apparently, not even
my own Mom and my Grandmother. Also, walnuts are gross; no one likes them but health nuts.
The last source is just how much water is on the earth. The math is my own, except the fact that
there are 7 walnuts in an ounce, shell and all.


1) 99% of the United States walnuts are grown in California
2) It takes 4.9 gallons of water to grow a single walnut
3) California is in a drought
4) America produces 425,820 tons of the worlds walnuts, which is about 21.9%
5) About 7 shelled walnuts are equal to an ounce
6) 7 walnuts x 32,000 ounces =224,000 Walnuts are in a ton
7) This means there are about 224,000 walnuts in a ton, and America grows about
425,820 of the worlds walnuts
http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=99, which means
America makes about 95,383,680,000 of the worlds Walnuts
8) If it takes about 5 gallons of water to grow a single walnut, and we grow about
95,383,689,800 walnuts a year, then this must mean that it takes 467,380,032,000
gallons of water to grow all the walnuts grown in the United States.

9) This means that 462,706,231,680 gallons of water every year are used to grow
Californias walnuts
10) 80% of Californias water is used on Agriculture

My solution to stop wasting water on such small things is simple, just move the farms
somewhere else were water is more plentiful. This could save water for California, and still
allow the farming of walnuts around the world.

Works Cited

1. Growers SB InnerWeb Development 9/5/2014 <http://www.walnuts.org/walnut-
2. Walnut History SB InnerWeb Development 9/5/14 <http://www.walnuts.org/about-
3. "Despite Drought, Plenty Of Gallons Still Needed To Water California's Crops - CBS San
Francisco." CBS San Francisco. 17 Apr. 2014. Web. 5 Sept. 2014.
4. Park, Alex, and Julia Lurie. "It Takes How Much Water to Grow an Almond?!" Mother
Jones. 24 Feb. 2014. Web. 9 Sept. 2014.
5. "FAOSTAT." FAOSTAT. Web. 9 Sept. 2014. <http://faostat3.fao.org/faostat-
6. "What's New and Beneficial About Walnuts." The World's Healthiest Foods. Web. 8 Sept.
2014. <http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=99>.

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