English Language Arts Lesson Plan-Poetry

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ESU Elementary Education Annotated Lesson Plan Format 12-12

Note: Not all lesson plans will include all the components listed below and the components will not always
be in the order shown. If a component is not included, a brief explanation should be inserted at the
appropriate point in the plan where that component would normally fit.
1. Context and Learning Environment for this Lesson:
Interns name Megan Perry School Osage City Elementary

Mentor teacher Kate Boss Subject English Language Arts

Grade level (s)2
Grade Tentative date to be taught 10/14/14

The setting: write a brief description of the group/class for whom this lesson is planned (number of
children, gender, children with special needs, ability levels, any special conditions that might influence
how the lesson is taught, etc.) Also briefly describe the classroom physical setting (room arrangement),
resources, technology, and other room elements that influence how lesson is taught)
Class Description:
17 Students:
1 Black, 2 Hispanic, 14 White
7 girls, 10 boys
4 students see paras daily: 2 students on IEP, there are no ELL students.
2-3 students at risk
Classroom Physical Setting:
Osage City Elementary USD 420
52% of students at OCES on free or reduced lunch.
3 groups of 5-6 desks in the center of room
Technology: SmartBoard, 1-1 iPad Mini
Materials needed for the lesson: (include quantities, descriptions, page numbers, etc.)
For the teacher:
Imagine IT! Level 2, Book 1; pg. 120 Dear Tulips poem
3 Rs of Poetry PDF- Rhyme, Rhythm, Repetition
2 Forms of Poetry PDF-Telling a story or Expressing/Describing emotions or feelings.
Know Your Poem graphic organizer

For the student(s):
Imagine IT! Level 2, Book 1; pg. 120 Dear Tulips poem
Know Your Poem graphic organizer

2. Lesson Goals, Outcomes, Objectives: Describe what you expect students to be able to do, to
achieve, including:
2.1 Instructional Objectives: - In clear, concise ABCD format, list what students will be able to do
(observable verbs) by the end of the lesson written in developmentally appropriate terms and coded
in parentheses, cognitive, affective and/or psychomotor domains and levels:
Students will read the poem Dear Tulips from the basal textbook, Imagine IT!
Students will circle, on the Smartboard, parts of the poem Dear Tulips that connect to the 3 Rs of
Students will complete the Know Your Poem graphic organizer to show knowledge about the poem
Dear Tulips.
Students will create a 4 line length poem about kindness using words that describe feelings in order to
demonstrate the second type of poetry taught in the lesson.

2.2 Relevant local district/state/common core standard(s) - (ksde.org):
RL.2.2: Recount stories to determine central message, lesson, or moral.
RL.2.4: Describe how words and phrases (alliteration, rhymes, repetition) supply meaning.

3. Assessment: How and when will you determine the extent to which students have achieved the
lesson objectives?
What materials will be used, how and when you will assess each lesson objective, criteria for mastery
should include how points will be assigned and how many need to be earned to show they have achieved
mastery (if varying degrees of quality, include rubric; if correct/incorrect, include answer key.)

I know students have mastered (Poetry) when they score 8/10 on (Know Your Poem graphic organizer)
completed during Independent Practice. Each question on the Know Your Poem graphic organizer has
the point amount listed beside in order to grade.
4. Adaptations: Describe materials and/or strategies that you will use to adapt the lesson related to the
needs of students as identified in the context (including but not limited to gearing up and gearing down).
4.1 Gearing down (provide more or differentiated support) to meet the needs of struggling students
with the lesson might include: a prewritten poem with teacher-chosen rhyming words. Students will fill
in blanks to rhyme with the prewritten words in order to demonstrate the R of poetry, Rhyming.
4.2 Gearing up (provide more extension) to meet the needs of higher achieving students who may
need challenges might include: Students will create a poem using the type 1 of poetry (telling a
story) about the theme kindness.

5. Integration: Specifically explain your creative use of interdisciplinary learning experiences across (or
within) other subject areas. Tell what subjects or topics across subject areas are being integrated and
how integration will specifically take place (e.g. across: reading with social studies, art with writing;
within: comprehension and vocabulary, multiplication with number theory, forces in motion with

Across: (Reading) in integrated with (Language Arts) when students read a poem in their basal
textbook. Students will create an original poem about kindness and share their poem with the class.

Within: (Kindness) is integrated with (Poetry) when they create an original poem about kindness in the
poetry form of expressing or describing feelings.

6. References/Resources Used: List in standard bibliographical style (author, date, title, publisher);
provide website in URL format.
Bereiter, C. (2008). SRA Imagine it! (Book 1 ed., Vol. Level 2, p. 120). Columbus, Ohio: SRA/McGraw-
7. Instructional Design Teaching Plan
7.1 Introduction Briefly describe the things you will do to get the lesson off to an engaging start:
a. Anticipatory Set Describe the first attention-getting things you will do or say to quickly focus
students attention (hook them) o what is coming next.
The teacher will talk about what poetry is and how it is constructed (stacked, shorter lines). As a class,
the group will talk about what kindness is and means. The class will talk about ways they can
combine poetry and the theme of kindness.
b. Communication of Objectives: Write out what you will do/say in kid-friendly language to preview
for students what they will be doing and the purpose of the lesson in one sentence. e.g. Hold up a
flashlight bulb and say Today you will find out what makes this object light up!
Today we will be talking about what poetry is! We will be talking about the 3 Rs of poetry along
with 2 forms of poems. We will also discuss what we think kindness means. As a class we will read a
poem about kindness, Dear Tulips from our Imagine It! Book, but in order to talk about the parts of
the poem better and as a class, we will be reading the poem on the Smartboard. After reading our
poem, we will fill out a graphic organizer to make sure we know the Rs of our poem along with the
type of poem we read in class. Finally be writing our own poem about kindness!
*7.2. Input Tell the specific information that will be communicated to students to prepare them for the
remainder of the lesson. (What do they need to know before modeling and guided practice? e.g. essential
content vocabulary, background information) Explain how the teacher will communicate the information
(orally, on the board, in PowerPoint, slides etc.)
The teacher will use the Smartboard to display PDFs, the poem students will read, and will allow
students to use the board to find key parts of the poem. The poem with circled key parts will be
displayed during independent practice for students to view what was determined during the guided
*7.3 Modeling What you will show the students? (Specifically include how you will demonstrate the
tasks or procedures you expect students to do during the rest of the lesson, related to the lesson objective.
Include specific examples and explanations which will be used.)
The teacher will introduce the 3Rs of poetry: Rhyme, Rhythm, and Repetition. The teacher will also
introduce the two basic forms of poetry: telling a story and expressing or describing feelings. The
teacher will talk to students about how they need to look and listen for the 3 Rs during the reading of
Dear Tulips. By using the Smartboard, the class will read the poem Dear Tulips.
*7.4 Guided Practice How are the students (with teacher guidance) practicing what you just modeled?
Include specific examples and explanations that you will use as students practice the lesson objective.
Add additional examples of teacher input and modeling if they are considered essential for the lesson to
After reading, the group will discuss which form of poetry was used, storytelling or describing feelings.
The group will also talk about any of the 3 Rs of poetry they saw or heard used in the poem. The
students will use Smartboard markers to underline words that use the 3 Rs of poetry. If the students see
any words that represent feelings, they will circle the word. After demonstrating what they saw or heard
within the poem, the students will complete the Know Your Poem graphic organizer.
*7.5 Checks for Understanding How will you quickly check each students progress related to doing
the objective? Are students demonstrating adequate understanding such that you feel comfortable in
moving them to doing more of the lesson on their own? Provide the questions you will ask, the responses
you feel you should be seeing, the performances or products you should be witnessing to ensure that each
student exhibits evidence of having achieved each of the lessons objectives. (Confusion here would
signal the need for more input, modeling and guided practice.)
The teacher will move throughout the room and check the students work during guided practice looking
for inclusion of the poetry pieces discussed during the lesson within their graphic organizer answers.
The teacher will ask the students to underline or circle poetry parts on the SmartBoard to make sure
that they understand. The students will demonstrate knowledge of the 3 Rs of poetry and 2 types by
creating their own poem about kindness in the form of expressing or describing feelings.
7.6 Independent Practice/Assignment Describe the work/activity related to the lesson objective which
students will do independently (from the teacher) to practice and demonstrate their understanding of what
has been taught. Include brief directions for the students.
After discussing the 3 Rs of poetry and the two forms of poetry, students will construct their own short
poem about kindness. Students will use the second form of poetry: expressing or describing feelings.
Students can express or describe how it feels to give kindness to others OR how it feels to receive
kindness. Students must use at least one of the 3 Rs of poetry; Rhyming, Rhythm, or Repetition. The
poem will be at least 4 lines long.
7.7. Closure, wrap-up How will all students review, reflect and summarize what they have learned?
To close the lesson, the teacher will reiterate the 3 Rs of poetry and the 2 types. Finally, the students
will share their poems with the class.

Note: Edit your plan for correct spelling and grammar. Your plan must be clear, concise, complete and
logically sequenced.
You need to be able to quickly glance at your plan while teaching (use brief bullet points and white
space). Continue editing until all details are included and you are confident your instructor, a classmate
or substitute teacher could teach your lesson based on your written plan.

*Lesson components with an asterisk (*) may be repeatedly done as needed.

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