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Walnut, absorber of water

Audio Picture
1. Walnuts, or as the Romans called them Juglans
regia, are a type of nut that originated in Persia

2. They were traded along the Silk Road through the
Middle East and Asia

3. They were first cultivated in California in the late
1700s by Franciscan Fathers.

4. Joseph Sexton, an Orchardist, started
commercially growing walnuts in 1867 in the
southern parts of California

5. But why does any of this matter? Why should I
care about walnuts?


1. Wait a minute, How does the walnut have this

2. Well, lets look at how much water it takes to grow
a walnut

3. Sound of a water jug falling on the floor
It takes 5 gallons of water to grow just 1 walnut,
thats how much water it takes to take a shower

4. But how are walnuts destroying California?

5. Well, 80% of our water goes to agriculture, and
this means that only 20% of California water goes to
important things, like us, and businesses like target.

6. But how are walnuts affecting Californias water?

7. Well. Lets look at how much water is used by
walnuts every year

8.Heavy thing falling on the ground
It takes over 300 billion gallons of water every year to

1a. Picture of a roman guy and a walnut
1b. Picture of Persia, or Jake Gyllenhaal in Prince of

2. Silk Road, but with walnut

3. Walnut farms I guess?

4. Picture of Joseph Sexton, walnut farm

5. Guy asking question

6. Picture of a Desolate Land

7. Same guy asking question

8. A picture of a tiny walnut

9a. tiny walnut is now next to 5, gallon water jugs

9b. A shower

10. California with a crack in it

11. pic of farm then cal then people then target

12. Question guy again

13. Walnut, just one walnut. The one and only,
walnut. WALL, NUT.

14. Just the number 328,497,523,200 on the screen
grow Walnuts in California

Argument 2

1. But, how would this benefit California?

2. Well, removing our walnut farms would let
California have access to over 300 billion gallons of
water, so that we dont have to worry about running

3. Right now, it is estimated that Californias drought
will cost 2.2 Billion dollars, thats a lot of money were
going to spend to grow walnuts

Argument 3
1. But what if I like Walnuts? How could we stop
growing them, but still have walnuts to eat?

2. Its not like Walnuts will cease to exist, because
China produces a million tons of walnuts every year

3. And places like Mexico, Romania, and even
Ukraine are able to grow walnuts in its environment.

1. But why should I remove my walnut farm?

2. Because you are inadvertently making Californias
water supply dry, and making us use our money to
continue letting YOU use all of our water.

1. In conclusion, the Walnut farms are taking
Californias right to use water by consuming said
water and making us spend 2.2 billion dollars, and it
would be a much better idea to move the walnut
farms to other countries
2. And then California can finally live in peace, until
Godzilla shows up and kills us anyways

15. New question guy

16. A bunch of water jugs

17. One Big Dollar Bill, then walnuts

18. A Squirrel

19. The Great Walnut of China

20. Pictures of Mexico, Romania, and Ukraine

21. Some angry farmer guy, with a walnut

22. Mad guy yelling at farmer guy.

23. Desolate Land, then Absorber of Water Picture,
HERE COMES THE MONEY, And then Mexico and
other countries

24. Godzilla destroying Golden Gate Bridge, in a
hilarious fashion

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