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Reflection 1

Standard 3.b. EDE 727

Standard 3.b. Implementing and Managing Standards-Based ESL and
Content Instruction. Candidates know, manage, and implement a variety of standards-
based teaching strategies and techniques for developing and integrating English listening,
speaking, reading and writing for a variety of social and academic purposes. Candidates support
ESOL students in accessing the core curriculum by teaching language through academic content
and view language and content as joint means to achieve ELLs academic and language
development goals. They understand that language is developed most effectively in meaningful
contexts, and they manage and implement learning around both subject matter and language
learning objectives. They use meaningful instruction to build relevant academic vocabulary.

During EDE 727 we created units on fourth grade topics. For this unit my partner and I
selected Native Americans as our topic, and I created a social studies/ELA lesson plan that
taught academic vocabulary in that content area. In this lesson the students objective was to be
able to discuss how the Native Americans influenced the development of New York State, using
proper content vocabulary. Prior to working on vocabulary, the students watched a BrainPop clip
on Native Americans, which showed accompanied some vocabulary with visuals. After, the
students received a Picture Vocabulary Bank which contained images and a vocabulary key
word box. As a class we completed and discussed the vocabulary as a pre-reading strategy. For
my students who are still struggling with the English language I provided them with translations in
their native language on the back. Students were also asked to write down any connecting words
they could think of to help them remember the vocabulary words/pictures at the end of the lesson
to serve as reinforcement.
This artifact relates to standard 3.b. because through out the lesson I implemented a
variety of standard based teaching strategies that integrated listening, speaking, reading, writing,
and visualizing. I understand that ESOL students need assistance in learning academic
vocabulary just as much as academic content; therefore, I tailor all of my lessons to address
vocabulary prior to learning. This artifact also relates to standard 3.b. because I developed an
activity that made the content vocabulary meaningful to the students by having them create their
own connections to the vocabulary words. By doing this it creates meaningful instruction and
builds relevancy to the students.
Creating lessons and activities like these take time and creativity but help my
professional understanding of what is necessary to reach all learners. As a soon-to-be teacher I
still need to grow in finding multiple ways to teach content vocabulary that support and reach
each ELL.

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