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Cristina Giansante- ESC 725

Mini Lesson #2
Grade 4, Age 9/10
Low/Interediate Eng!is" #ro$i%ien%&
'()e%ti*es+ ,"e st-dents. wi!!+
Review what the Yes No Question Test (YNQT) is
Understand and locate hidden X-words in sentences.
o Motivation sort baies
o !"a#$le sentences
o Mouse do% does% did baies
o &entence baies
o &u$er#an &tic'ers
o Mar'ers()encils
o *ctivit+ &heet ,ra-+ Mouse &ort
&tudents will $la+ a .uic' sort to reactivate $rior 'nowlede on the YNQT. The+
will re#ove sentence cards /ro# their baie and arrane the# to $ass our YNQT.
The+ will also $ut &u$er#an stic'er on the su$er word. The+ will co#$lete as
#an+ as $ossible in /ive #inutes.
Inductive/Discovery Activity
&tudents will receive a baie with a hidden X-word sentence. 0ave the
students e"$lore and $h+sicall+ arrane the sentence in a wa+ that $asses the
YNQT. !ncourae the students to thin' o/ what could hel$ /ind our hidden X-
Teacher will uide students to /ind an+ $atterns and hel$ thin' about which words
could be our X word.
&tudents will be as'ed to su$$ort their /indins with usin the YNQT.
First, Im going to give you a baggie with index cards. I want you to try and join these
words together to create a sentence that makes the most sense like we did in our last
session. Make sure it passes our Y!" and keep an eye out #or our $hidden %&word.' I
want you try and think o# where the %&word maybe hiding. (lease keep in mind any
patterns you see) 1*llow ti#e /or students to create sentences and $la+ with words.2
Guiding Questions:
3. 4h+ is it i#$ortant to /ind hidden X-words5
6. 4hat is a verb5
7. 4hat $atterns do we see in our sentences5
Deductive Explanation
*ets discuss any patterns or noticing we had while working on our sentences. 1*llow
ti#e /or students to discuss an+ /indins.2 +idden %&words can be seen by doing our %&
word test, lets have a look, $-he loves pi..a.' /&how on board and de#onstrate X-word
test usin hidden #ouse cards). It cannot be $*oves she pi..a,' right0 "here is a special
and hidden letter that will help us1 can anyone tell me what the di##erent letter is0
(&tudents will notice #ouse-tail as & in loves. *llow student to answer.) "his actually
isnt just any $s,' when we move the card love, look what is hiding and comes running
out) $2oes)' ow we see, $2oes she love pi..a0' 3ur hidden words can be $do, does,
did.' I have a special trick #or us to make this easier and I will put it on the board. 4hen
the word ends in $&s,' $does' is hiding. 4hen the word ends in $&ed,' $did' is hiding.
4hen the word has no ending that means, $do' is hiding.
*ets try one together so we can use our new tricks. )ut 0e bi'ed u$ the hill on the
board and allow students a #inute o/ thin'in ti#e. "urn to your neighbor and talk about
what you would do. 8nce students had a /ew #inutes o/ discussion ti#e allow the# to
share how the+ deter#ined(/ound the word did.
3kay Im going to hand out two baggies to each partnership. 3ne baggie will have $do,
does, and did mice cards, and one baggie will have sentences. You will have an
opportunity to re&arrange sentences and hide your %&word. You will also be given an
opportunity to turn your sentences into 5uestions by revealing your hidden %&word. 3nce
we have completed this con#idently we will work on a #un sort.
&tudents will bein ,ra-+ Mouse &ort where the+ will sort all words in the word bo"
into the correct hidden X-word cateor+% do% does% did. (The+ can do this in
$artnershi$s) The+ will be as'ed to create one sentence inde#endent!& on the bac' o/ the
sort $ae.
Teacher will $air students who are havin a hard ti#e with con/ident students. 9/
necessar+ the teacher will :oin a rou$ /or the sentence activit+.
9/ the student(s) is havin a di//icult ti#e the+ will be $rovided with e"tra
sentence cards and su$$ort. The+ will create #ore sentences and locate #ore
hidden "-words with the teacher be/ore the+ #ove alon to ,ra-+ Mouse &ort.
&tudents identi/ication% understandin% and use o/ YNQT and hidden X-words
,lass discussion and discover+
&tudents co#$leted sentences and hidden "-word .uestions
&tudents co#$leted ,ra-+ Mouse &ort includin inde$endent sentence.
,ristina ;iansante- !&, <6=
Toda+ 9 did #+ second #ini lesson with #+ students. >e/ore the lesson started the
irls ca#e runnin into the roo# and all had hand-#ade boo's that the+ had been
wor'in on in class. The+ as'ed #e to read the# and told #e the+ used their sentence
tric's while writin. The+ were ver+ e"cited% as was 9% and said their teacher was ver+
$roud o/ their wor'. This was de/initel+ a reat 'ic' o// to the beinnin o/ the lesson? 9n
#+ discussion board 9 had #entioned 9 lost two students due to intervention $lannin
however the+ $laced one o/ the irls bac' into #+ class? 9n addition a new student was
added% however she does not s$ea' an+ !nlish at all so durin #+ lesson she wor'ed
with the !&8@ teacher inde$endentl+. >ecause #ost o/ #+ lesson was to be co#$leted in
$artnershi$s 9 wor'ed with the student who was strulin the #ost.
M+ ob:ective toda+ was to have the students understand and locate the hidden "-
words in sentences. 9 s$lit this u$ with the Yes No Question Test (YNQT) because these
students are ver+ low $ro/icienc+. 9A# lad 9 did this because ta'in the e"tra ti#e on
each lesson reall+ was bene/icial and at a :ust riht s$eed /or the students. The students
understood the sentence structure and how to /ind and locate the hidden "-word. 9 was
sur$rised with how .uic'l+ one o/ the students had $ic'ed it u$. The other two students
struled at /irst but a/ter #an+ class e"a#$les and hands on #ani$ulation the+
understood the $attern and structure. The best thin about these students is that 9 had all
three o/ the# last +ear /or student teachin% so the+ are ver+ co#/ortable with #e and
have no $roble# as'in #e to sto$% bac' u$% or let #e 'now the+ donAt understand. The
students de#onstrated their understandin b+ verball+ and $h+sicall+ /indin the hidden
"-words and rearranin sentences to revel the#. !ach student also co#$leted the ,ra-+
Mouse &ort and inde$endentl+ wrote one sentence and .uestion /or Bo% Boes% Bid on
the bac' o/ their $a$er. 9 su$$orted the students as the+ were wor'in on each activit+ b+
$osin .uestions and sca//oldin the# to the correct answers i/ the+ were in need.
*t /irst the lesson started o// a bit roc'+ because there was a lot o/ lanuae and it
did co#e o// con/usin and overwhel#in% but 9 reassured the students we would wor'
toether on so#e e"a#$les until the+ were co#/ortable. There were several ti#es durin
the lesson where 9 had to re-word% re-e"$lain% and o over the conce$tC as alwa+s% +our
ba o/ tric's #ust be read+ /or thins li'e this. */ter we did our e"a#$les 9 was
i#$ressed with how the lesson endedC 9 believe it went well and was success/ul at
teachin the students how to a$$roach the hidden "-word. Now that 9 have tauht this
lesson% ne"t ti#e 9 would li'e to /ind a wa+ to use less lanuae and $erha$s a #ore
student-/riendl+ a#e. 9 want to tr+ and thin' o/ a better wa+ to introduce and have
students learn this lesson b+ usin less lanuae. 9 reall+ believe that usin too #uch
lanuae and ettin too word+ is where 9 lose the students% in all as$ects.
8verall this e"$erience has been reat thus /ar% the students are all so eaer to
learn that it reall+ #a'es ever+thin such a bree-e? */ter the lesson was done the students
as'ed to ta'e their baies ho#e to $la+ with the cards over the wee'end. Ne"t lesson
9A# oin to #a'e additional activities so 9 can ive the students new(#ore activities to
ta'e ho#e and $ractice as o$$osed to usin the sa#e sentence. 4ho 'new students would
as' /or ho#ewor'? Ne"t wee' (ho$e/ull+) 9 want to et into wor'in on adverbials in our
sentences% es$eciall+ i/ the students are startin to write boo's?
0ire%tions+ Read each word in the word bo" and $lace it with the hidden /a#il+ it
belons to?
Loved Smells danced jumps
Baked sing go run
Plays grades write eat
Called texts waited opens

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