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RA NO. 7836 Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994.

SECTION 1. Short Title. This Act shall be known as the hili!!ine Teachers ro"essionali#ation Act o"
Sec. '. State(ent o" olic). The State reco*ni#es the +ital role o" teachers in nation-b,il-in* an-
-e+elo!(ent thro,*h a res!onsible an- literate citi#enr).Towar-s this en-. the State shall ens,re an- !ro(ote
/,alit) e-,cation b) !ro!er s,!er+ision an- re*,lation o" the licens,re e0a(ination an- !ro"essionali#ation o"
the !ractice o" the teachin* !ro"ession.cralaw
Sec. 1. Ob2ecti+es. This Act has the herein ob2ecti+es3

4a5 The !ro(otion. -e+elo!(ent an- !ro"essionali#ation o" teachers an- the teachin* !ro"ession6 an-
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4b5 The s,!er+ision an- re*,lation o" the licens,re e0a(ination.
Sec. %. 7e"inition o" Ter(s. 8or !,r!oses o" this Act. the "ollowin* ter(s shall (ean3

4a5 Teachin*& re"ers to the !ro"ession concerne- !ri(aril) with classroo( instr,ction. at the ele(entar) an-
secon-ar) le+els in accor-ance with the c,rric,l,( !rescribe- b) the 7e!art(ent o" E-,cation. C,lt,re an-
S!orts. whether on !art-ti(e or ",ll-ti(e basis in the !ri+ate or !,blic schools.
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4b5 Teachers& re"ers to all !ersons en*a*e- in teachin* at the ele(entar) an- secon-ar) le+els. whether on
",ll-ti(e or !art-ti(e basis. incl,-in* in-,strial arts or +ocational teachers an- all other !ersons !er"or(in*
s,!er+isor) an-9or a-(inistrati+e ",nctions in all schools in the a"oresai- le+els an- /,ali"ie- to !ractice
teachin* ,n-er this Act.
4c5 :oar-& re"ers to the :oar- "or ro"essional Teachers -,l) establishe- an- constit,te- ,n-er this Act.
4-5 Co((ission& re"ers to the ro"essional Re*,lation Co((ission.

Sec. <. Creation an- Co(!osition o" the :oar-. There is hereb) create- ,n-er this Act a :oar- "or
ro"essional Teachers. hereina"ter calle- the :oar-. a colle*ial bo-) ,n-er the *eneral s,!er+ision an-
a-(inistrati+e control o" the ro"essional Re*,lation Co((ission. hereina"ter re"erre- to as the Co((ission.
co(!ose- o" "i+e 4<5 (e(bers who shall be a!!ointe- b) the resi-ent o" the hili!!ines "ro( a(on* the
reco((en-ees chosen b) the Co((ission.The reco((en-ees shall be chosen "ro( the list o" no(inees
selecte- b) the accre-ite- association o" teachers. who -,l) !ossess all the /,ali"ications !rescribe- in Section =
o" this Act.
The chair(an an- the +oice-chair(an o" the :oar- shall be a!!ointe- "ro( these "i+e 4<5 (e(bers b) the
resi-ent3 ro+i-e-. That the (e(bers o" the "irst :oar- a!!ointe- ,n-er this Act shall be a,to(aticall)
re*istere- as !ro"essional teachers an- iss,e- with the certi"icate o" re*istration an- !ro"essional license ,!on
!a)(ent o" the "ees "or e0a(ination. re*istration. an- other "ees !rescribe- b) the Co((ission.
Sec. >. 7,ties an- 8,nction o" the :oar-. The :oar- shall ha+e the "ollowin* -,ties an- ",nctions3
4a5 ro(,l*ate. a-(inister an- en"orce r,les an- re*,lations necessar) "or carr)in* o,t the !ro+isions o" this Act
in accor-ance with the charter o" the ro"essional Re*,lation Co((ission6
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4b5 7eter(ine an- "i0 the "re/,enc). -ates. an- !laces o" e0a(ination. a!!oint s,!er+isors. !roctors. an- other
!ersonnel as nee-e- who shall be entitle- to a -ail) allowance to be "i0e- b) the :oar- "or e+er) e0a(ination
-a) act,all) atten-e-. ,se b,il-in*s an- "acilities o" !,blic or !ri+ate schools "or e0a(ination !,r!oses6
4c5 Iss,e. s,s!en-. or re+oke the certi"icate o" re*istration "or the !ractice o" the teachin* !ro"ession6
4-5 rescribe an- collect e0a(ination an- other "ees as it (a) -ee( !ro!er6
4e5 rescribe an-9or a-o!t a co-e o" ethical an- !ro"essional stan-ar-s "or the !ractice o" the teachin*
!ro"ession.S,ch ethical stan-ar-s. r,les an- re*,lations to take e""ect si0t) 4>?5 -a)s a"ter its !,blication in the
O""icial @a#ette or in an) news!a!er o" *eneral circ,lation6
4"5 A-(inister oaths in connection with the a-(inistration o" this Act6
4*5 S,!er+ise an- re*,late the re*istration. licens,re an- !ractice o" !ro"essional teachers in thehili!!ines6
4h5 A-o!t an o""icial seal o" the :oar-6cralaw
4i5 Look into the con-itions a""ectin* the !ractice o" the teachin* !ro"ession an- whene+er necessar). a-o!t s,ch
(eas,res as (a) be -ee(e- !ro!er "or the enhance(ent an- (aintenance o" hi*h !ro"essional an- ethical
stan-ar-s o" the !ro"ession6
425 Ens,re that all e-,cational instit,tions o""erin* ele(entar) an- secon-ar) e-,cation co(!l) with the
essential re/,ire(ents "or c,rric,la. "ac,lt) an- "acilities "or the ele(entar) an- secon-ar) le+els6
4k5 In+esti*ate s,ch +iolations o" this Act. the r,les an- the co-e o" ethical an- !ro"essional stan-ar-s "or
!ro"essional teachers as it (a) co(e to the knowle-*e o" the :oar-. an- "or this !,r!ose. to iss,e s,b!oena an-
s,b!oena -,ces tec,( to sec,re the a!!earance o" witnesses an- the !ro-,ction o" -oc,(ents in connection
therewith6 an-
4l5 7ischar*e s,ch other !owers. -,ties an- ",nctions as the :oar- (a) -ee( necessar) "or the !ractice o" the
teachin* !ro"ession an- the ,!*ra-in*. enhance(ent. -e+elo!(ent an- *rowth o" e-,cation in thehili!!ines.
Sec. A. Ter( o" O""ice. The (e(bers o" the :oar- shall hol- o""ice "or a ter( o" three 415 )ears "ro( the -ate
the) ass,(e o""ice3ro+i-e-. That the "irst a!!ointees to the :oar- ,n-er this Act shall hol- o""ice accor-in* to
the "ollowin* ter(s3 one 415 (e(ber shall ser+e "or one 415 )ear6 one 415 (e(ber "or two 4'5 )ears6 the
chair(an. +ice-chair(an. an- one 415 (e(ber "or three 415 )ears. Bacancies shall be ser+e- "or the ,ne0!ire-
ter( onl). No !erson who has ser+e- "or two 4'5 consec,ti+e ter(s shall be eli*ible "or
rea!!oint(ent.A!!oint(ent to "ill an ,ne0!ire- ter( shall be consi-ere- an a!!oint(ent to a co(!lete ter(.
The chair(an or an) (e(ber shall take his oath o" o""ice !rior to the !er"or(ance o" his -,ties.
Sec. =. C,ali"ication o" :oar- De(bers. Each :oar- (e(ber (,st at the ti(e o" his a!!oint(ent3
4a5 :e a citi#en an- resi-ent o" thehili!!ines6
chan robles +irt,al law librar)
4b5 :e at least thirt)-"i+e 41<5 )ears o" a*e. o" !ro+en inte*rit). an- !ossesse- o" hi*h (oral +al,es in his
!ersonal as well as !ro"essional con-,ct an- has not been con+icte- o" an) o""ense in+ol+in* (oral t,r!it,-e6
4c5 :e a hol-er o" the -e*ree o" :achelor o" Arts or :achelor o" Science in E-,cation an- !re"erabl) a hol-er o"
a (asterEs or -octorate -e*ree in e-,cation. or their e/,i+alents. "ro( a ,ni+ersit). school. colle*e. aca-e() or
instit,te -,l) constit,te-. reco*ni#e- an-9or accre-ite- b) the hili!!ine *o+ern(ent6
4-5 :e a !ro"essional teacher with a +ali- certi"icate o" re*istration an- +ali- !ro"essional license. sa+e those
(e(bers who shall co(!ose the "irst :oar- "or ro"essional Teachers6
4e5 ;as been a !ro"essional teacher in the acti+e !ractice o" the teachin* !ro"ession "or at least ten 41?5 )ears in
the ele(entar) an- secon-ar) le+el6 an-
4"5 Not be an o""icial or (e(ber o" the "ac,lt) o". nor ha+e !ec,niar) interest in an) ,ni+ersit). colle*e. school.
or instit,tion con"errin* a bachelorEs -e*ree in e-,cation or its e/,i+alents "or at least three 415 )ears !rior to his
a!!oint(ent. an- neither connecte- with a re+iew center or with an) *ro,! or association where re+iew classes
or lect,res in !re!aration "or the licens,re e0a(ination are o""ere- or con-,cte-.
ro+i-e-. howe+er.That. the (e(bershi! to the :oar- shall be e+enl) -istrib,te- to co+er all le+els o"
e-,cation. incl,-in* e/,itable re!resentation o" the -i""erent "iel-s o" s!eciali#ation.
chan robles +irt,al law librar)
Sec. $. Co(!ensation o" the :oar-. The chair(an. +ice-chair(an. an- (e(bers o" the :oar- shall recei+e
co(!ensation co(!arable to the co(!ensation recei+e- b) e0istin* re*,lator) boar-s ,n-er the ro"essional
Re*,lation Co((ission. co(!,te- on the basis o" the n,(ber o" e0a(inees9can-i-ates.
Sec. 1?. S,!er+ision o" the :oar- an- C,sto-ian o" its Recor-s. The :oar- shall be ,n-er the s,!er+ision an-
control o" the Co((ission. All recor-s. incl,-in* a!!lications "or e0a(ination. e0a(ination !a!ers an- res,lts.
(in,tes o" -eliberation. a-(inistrati+e cases an- in+esti*ati+e cases an- in+esti*ations in+ol+in* !ro"essional
teachers shall be ke!t b) the Co((ission.
Sec. 11. Secretariat an- S,!!ort Ser+ices. The ro"essional Re*,lation Co((ission. thro,*h its chair(an.
shall !ro+i-e the secretariat an- other s,!!ort ser+ices to i(!le(ent e""ecti+el) the !ro+isions o" this Act.cralaw
Sec. 1'. Re(o+al o" a :oar- De(ber. The chair(an or an) (e(ber o" the :oar- (a) be re(o+e- b) the
resi-ent o" thehili!!ines,!on reco((en-ation o" the Co((ission "or ne*lect o" -,t). inco(!etence.
,n!ro"essional. ,nethical. i((oral or -ishonorable con-,ct. co((ission or toleration o" irre*,larities in the
e0a(ination. a"ter ha+in* been *i+en the o!!ort,nit) to -e"en- hi(sel" in a !ro!er a-(inistrati+e in+esti*ation.
In the co,rse o" in+esti*ation. the resi-ent (a) !re+enti+el) s,s!en- the res!on-ent.

Sec. 11. E0a(ination. Re*istration an- License Re/,ire-. E0ce!t as otherwise s!eci"icall) allowe- ,n-er the
!ro+isions o" this Act. all a!!licants "or re*istration as !ro"essional teachers shall be re/,ire- to ,n-er*o a
written e0a(ination which shall be *i+en at least once a )ear in s,ch !laces an- -ates as the :oar- (a)
-eter(ine ,!on a!!ro+al b) the Co((ission. A +ali- certi"icate o" re*istration an- a +ali- !ro"essional license
"ro( the Co((ission are re/,ire- be"ore an) !erson is allowe- to !ractice as a !ro"essional teacher in
thehili!!ines. e0ce!t as otherwise allowe- ,n-er this Act.
Sec. 1%. Sco!e o" E0a(ination. The e0a(inations "or the ele(entar) an- secon-ar) school teachers shall be
se!arate. The e0a(ination "or teachers in the ele(entar) le+el shall consist o" two 4'5 !arts. na(el)3
!ro"essional e-,cation an- *eneral e-,cation. The e0a(ination "or teachers in the secon-ar) le+el shall consist
o" three 415 !arts. na(el)3 !ro"essional e-,cation. *eneral e-,cation. an- "iel- o" s!eciali#ation.
Sec. 1<. C,ali"ication Re/,ire(ents o" A!!licants. No a!!licant shall be a-(itte- to take the e0a(ination
,nless. on the -ate o" "ilin* o" the a!!lication. he shall ha+e co(!lie- with the "ollowin* re/,ire(ents3
4a5 A citi#en o" thehili!!inesor an alien whose co,ntr) has reci!rocit) with thehili!!inesin the !ractice o" the
teachin* !ro"ession6
chan robles +irt,al law librar)
4b5 At least ei*hteen 41=5 )ears o" a*e6
4c5 In *oo- health an- o" *oo- re!,tation with hi*h (oral +al,es6
4-5 ;as not been con+icte- b) "inal 2,-*(ent b) a co,rt "or an o""ense in+ol+in* (oral t,r!it,-e6
4e5 A *ra-,ate o" a school. colle*e or ,ni+ersit) reco*ni#e- b) the *o+ern(ent an- !ossesses the (ini(,(
e-,cational /,ali"ications. as "ollows3
415 8or teachers in !reschool. a bachelorEs -e*ree in earl) chil-hoo- e-,cation 4:ECE75 or its e/,i+alent6
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4'5 8or teachers in the ele(entar) *ra-es. a bachelorEs -e*ree in ele(entar) e-,cation 4:SEE75 or its
415 8or teachers in the secon-ar) *ra-es. a bachelorEs -e*ree in e-,cation or its e/,i+alent with a (a2or an-
(inor. or a bachelorEs -e*ree in arts an- sciences with at least ten 41?5 ,nits in !ro"essional e-,cation6 an-
4%5 8or teachers o" +ocational an- two-)ear technical co,rses. a bachelorEs -e*ree in the "iel- o" s!eciali#ation or
its e/,i+alent. with at least ei*hteen 41=5 ,nits in !ro"essional e-,cation.
Sec. 1>. Re!ort o" the Res,lts o" the E0a(ination. The :oar- shall. within one h,n-re- twent) 41'?5 -a)s
a"ter the e0a(ination. re!ort the ratin*s obtaine- b) each can-i-ate to the ro"essional Re*,lation Co((ission
"or a!!ro+al an- a!!ro!riate action.
chan robles +irt,al law librar)
Sec. 1A. Iss,ance o" Certi"icate o" Re*istration an- ro"essional License. The re*istration o" a !ro"essional
teacher co((ences "ro( the -ate his na(e is enrolle- in the roster o" !ro"essional teachers.
E+er) re*istrant who has satis"actoril) (et all the re/,ire(ents s!eci"ie- in this Act shall. ,!on !a)(ent o" the
re*istration "ee. be iss,e- a certi"icate o" re*istration as a !ro"essional teacher bearin* the ",ll na(e o" the
re*istrant with serial n,(ber an- -ate o" iss,ance si*ne- b) the chair(an o" the Co((ission an- the chair(an.
+ice-chair(an. an- (e(bers o" the :oar-. sta(!e- with the o""icial seal. as e+i-ence that the !erson na(e-
therein is entitle- to !ractice the !ro"ession with all the ri*hts an- !ri+ile*es a!!,rtenant thereto. The certi"icate
shall re(ain in ",ll "orce an- e""ect ,ntil with-rawn. s,s!en-e- an-9or re+oke- in accor-ance with law.cralaw
A !ro"essional license si*ne- b) the chair(an o" the Co((ission an- bearin* the re*istration n,(ber an- -ate
o" iss,ance thereo" an- the (onth o" e0!ir) or renewabilit) shall likewise be iss,e- to e+er) re*istrant who has
!ai- the ann,al re*istration "ees "or three 415 consec,ti+e )ears. This license shall ser+e as e+i-ence that the
licensee can law",ll) !ractice his !ro"ession ,ntil the e0!iration o" its +ali-it).
Sec. 1=. Oath :e"ore ractice. E+er) re*istrant shall be re/,ire- to take his !ro"essional oath be"ore
!racticin* as a !ro"essional teacher.
Sec. 1$. erio-ic Derit E0a(ination o" Teachers. To enco,ra*e contin,in* !ro"essional *rowth an-
-e+elo!(ent an- to !ro+i-e a--itional basis "or (erit !ro(otion. in a--ition to their !er"or(ance ratin*.
teachers (a) take an oral an- written e0a(ination at least once in "i+e 4<5 )ears as basis "or (erit !ro(otion. In
takin* this e0a(ination. no "ee shall be re/,ire-.
Sec. '?. 8ail,re to ass the Derit E0a(ination. I" a teacher "ails to !ass the (erit e0a(ination. he or she shall
be allowe- to take the e0a(ination "or a secon- ti(e. Sho,l- he or she "ail to !ass the (erit e0a(ination "or the
secon- ti(e. then he or she shall be re/,ire- to take a 7ECS accre-ite- re"resher co,rse or !ro*ra( be"ore
bein* allowe- to retake the e0a(ination.
8ail,re o" an) !er(anent teacher to !ass the (erit e0a(ination shall not. howe+er. be ,se- as a *ro,n- "or
his9her -is(issal or -e(otion.
Sec. '1. Incenti+es. Teachers who !ass the (erit e0a(ination shall3
4a5 :e awar-e- a -i!lo(a o" (erit b) the :oar-6
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4b5 Earn (erit !oints "or !,r!oses o" !ro(otion in salar) or to a hi*her !osition or *ra-e le+el6
4c5 :e !lace- in the !riorit) list "or *o+ern(ent scholarshi!6 an-
4-5 En2o) s,ch other bene"its as (a) be !ro(,l*ate- b) the :oar-.
Si(ilar incenti+es shall be *i+en to teachers who (ake in+entions. -e+elo! new (etho-s o" teachin*. write a
book or books an- create works o" artistic (erit.
chan robles +irt,al law librar)
Sec. ''. Inte*ration o" the Teachin* ro"ession. The teachin* !ro"ession shall be inte*rate- into one national
or*ani#ation which shall be reco*ni#e- b) the :oar- an- the Co((ission as the one an- onl) inte*rate- an-
accre-ite- association o" !ro"essional teachers. G!on re*istration with the :oar-. e+er) !ro"essional teacher
shall be enco,ra*e- to beco(e a (e(ber o" the inte*rate- national or*ani#ation. Those who ha+e been
re*istere- with the :oar- b,t are not (e(bers o" the sai- inte*rate- or*ani#ation shall be allowe- to re*ister as
(e(bers o" the sai- inte*rate- or*ani#ation within three 415 )ears a"ter the e""ecti+it) o" this Act. De(bershi!
in the inte*rate- or*ani#ation shall not be a bar to (e(bershi! in other associations o" the teachin* !ro"ession.
The !ro"essional teachers shall recei+e the bene"its an- !ri+ile*es a!!,rtenant to their (e(bershi! in the sai-
inte*rate- an- accre-ite- or*ani#ation o" !ro"essional teachers onl) ,!on !a)(ent o" the re/,ire- (e(bershi!
"ees an- -,es.
Sec. '1. Re+ocation o" the Certi"icate o" Re*istration. S,s!ension "ro( the ractice o" the Teachin* ro"ession.
an- Cancellation o" Te(!orar) or S!ecial er(it. The :oar- shall ha+e the !ower. a"ter -,e notice an-
hearin*. to s,s!en- or re+oke the certi"icate o" re*istration o" an) re*istrant. to re!ri(an- or to cancel the
te(!orar)9s!ecial !er(it o" a hol-er thereo" who is e0e(!t "ro( re*istration. "or an) o" the "ollowin* ca,ses3
4a5 Con+iction "or an) cri(inal o""ense b) a co,rt o" co(!etent 2,ris-iction6
chan robles +irt,al law librar)
4b5 I((oral. ,n!ro"essional or -ishonorable con-,ct6
4c5 7eclaration b) a co,rt o" co(!etent 2,ris-iction "or bein* (entall) ,nso,n- or insane6
4-5 Dal!ractice. *ross inco(!etence. *ross ne*li*ence or serio,s i*norance o" the !ractice o" the teachin*
4e5 The ,se o" or !er!etration o" an) "ra,- or -eceit in obtainin* a certi"icate o" re*istration. !ro"essional license
or s!ecial9te(!orar) !er(it6
4"5 Chronic inebriet) or habit,al ,se o" -r,*s6cralaw
4*5 Biolation o" an) o" the !ro+isions o" this Act. the r,les an- re*,lations an- other !olicies o" the :oar- an-
the Co((ission. an- the co-e o" ethical an- !ro"essional stan-ar-s "or !ro"essional teachers6 an-
4h5 Gn2,sti"ie- or will",l "ail,re to atten- se(inars. worksho!s. con"erences an- the like or the contin,in*
e-,cation !ro*ra( !rescribe- b) the :oar- an- the Co((ission.
The -ecision o" the :oar- to re+oke or s,s!en- a certi"icate (a) be a!!eale- to the re*ional trial co,rt o" the
!lace where the :oar- hol-s o""ice within "i"teen 41<5 -a)s "ro( recei!t o" the sai- -ecision or o" the -enial o"
the (otion "or reconsi-eration "ile- in -,e ti(e.
chan robles +irt,al law librar)
Sec. '%. Re*istration b) Reci!rocit). No teacher o" a "orei*n nationalit) shall be a-(itte- to the e0a(ination.
or be *i+en a certi"icate o" re*istration or be entitle- to an) o" the ri*hts an- !ri+ile*es !ro+i-e- ,n-er this Act6
,nless the co,ntr) or state o" which he is a s,b2ect !er(its 8ili!ino !ro"essional teachers to !ractice within its
territorial li(its on the sa(e basis as s,b2ects or citi#ens o" sai- co,ntr) or state3 ro+i-e-. that the re/,ire(ents
o" certi"ication o" teachers with sai- "orei*n state or co,ntr) are s,bstantiall) the sa(e as those re/,ire- an-
conte(!late- ,n-er this Act3 ro+i-e-. ",rther. That the laws o" s,ch state or co,ntr) *rant the sa(e !ri+ile*e to
8ili!ino !ro"essional teachers on the sa(e basis as the s,b2ect or citi#ens o" s,ch "orei*n co,ntr) or state.
Sec. '<. Roster o" ro"essional Teachers. A roster o" !ro"essional teachers containin* the na(es an-
a--resses o" !ro"essional teachers. -ate o" re*istration or iss,ance o" certi"icate. an- other -ata which in the
o!inion o" the :oar- (a) a!!ear !ertinent shall be (aintaine-. Co!ies o" the roster shall be !ro+i-e- b) the
Co((ission to the :oar-. the 7e!art(ent o" E-,cation. C,lt,re an- S!orts. an- the inte*rate- an- accre-ite-
or*ani#ation o" !ro"essional teachers.
Sec. '>. Re*istration an- E0ce!tion. Two 4'5 )ears a"ter the e""ecti+it) o" this Act. no !erson shall en*a*e in
teachin* an-9or act as a !ro"essional teacher as -e"ine- in this Act. whether in the !reschool. ele(entar) or
secon-ar) le+el. ,nless he is a -,l) re*istere- !ro"essional teacher. an- a hol-er o" a +ali- certi"icate o"
re*istration an- a +ali- !ro"essional license or a hol-er o" a +ali- s!ecial9te(!orar) !er(it.
G!on a!!ro+al o" the a!!lication an- !a)(ent o" the !rescribe- "ees. the certi"icate o" re*istration an-
!ro"essional license as a !ro"essional teacher shall be iss,e- witho,t e0a(ination as re/,ire- in this Act to a
/,ali"ie- a!!licant. who at the ti(e o" the a!!ro+al o" this Act. is3
4a5 A hol-er o" a certi"icate o" eli*ibilit) as a teacher iss,e- b) the Ci+il Ser+ice Co((ission an- the
7e!art(ent o" E-,cation. C,lt,re an- S!orts6 orcralaw
4b5 A re*istere- !ro"essional teacher with the National :oar- "or Teachers ,n-er the 7e!art(ent o" E-,cation.
C,lt,re an- S!orts 47ECS5 !,rs,ant to resi-ential 7ecree No. 1??>6 or
4c5 Not /,ali"ie- ,n-er !ara*ra!hs one an- two b,t with an) o" the "ollowin* /,ali"ications. to wit3
415 An ele(entar) or secon-ar) teacher "or "i+e 4<5 )ears in *oo- stan-in* an- a hol-er o" :achelor o" Science
in E-,cation or its e/,i+alent6 or
chan robles +irt,al law librar)
4'5 An ele(entar) or secon-ar) teacher "or three 415 )ears in *oo- stan-in* an- a hol-er o" a (asterEs -e*ree in
e-,cation or its e/,i+alent.
ro+i-e-. That the) shall be *i+en two 4'5 )ears "ro( the or*ani#ation o" the :oar- "or !ro"essional teachers
within which to re*ister an- be incl,-e- in the roster o" !ro"essional teachers3 ro+i-e-. ",rther. That those
inc,(bent teachers who are not /,ali"ie- to re*ister witho,t e0a(ination ,n-er this Act or who. albeit /,ali"ie-.
were ,nable to re*ister within the two-)ear !erio- shall be iss,e- a "i+e-)ear te(!orar) or s!ecial !er(it "ro(
the ti(e the :oar- is or*ani#e- within which to re*ister a"ter !assin* the e0a(ination an- co(!l)in* with the
re/,ire(ents !ro+i-e- this Act an- be incl,-e- in the roster o" !ro"essional teachers3 ro+i-e-. ",rther(ore.
That those who ha+e "aile- the licens,re e0a(ination "or !ro"essional teachers shall be eli*ible as !ara-teachers
an- as s,ch. shall be iss,e- b) the :oar- a s!ecial or te(!orar) !er(it. an- shall be assi*ne- b) the 7e!art(ent
o" E-,cation. C,lt,re an- S!orts 47ECS5 to schools as it (a) -eter(ine ,n-er the circ,(stances.


Sec. 'A. Inhibition A*ainst the ractice o" the Teachin* ro"ession. E0ce!t as otherwise allowe- ,n-er this
Act. no !erson shall !ractice or o""er to !ractice the teachin* !ro"ession in the hili!!ines or be a!!ointe- as
teacher to an) !osition callin* "or a teachin* !osition witho,t ha+in* !re+io,sl) obtaine- a +ali- certi"icate o"
re*istration an- a +ali- !ro"essional license "ro( the Co((ission.
Sec. '=. enal ro+isions. The "ollowin* shall be !,nishable b) a "ine o" not less than 8i+e tho,san- !esos
4<.???.??5 nor (ore than Twent) tho,san- !esos 4'?.???.??5 or i(!rison(ent o" nor less than si0 4>5 (onths
nor (ore than "i+e 4<5 )ears. or both. at the -iscretion o" the co,rt3cralaw
4a5 An) !erson who !ractices the teachin* !ro"ession in thehili!!ineswitho,t bein* certi"ie- in accor-ance with
the !ro+isions o" this Act6
chan robles +irt,al law librar)
4b5 An) !erson who re!resents or atte(!ts to ,se as his own certi"icate o" re*istration that o" another6
4c5 An) !erson who *i+es an) "alse. or "ra,-,lent e+i-ence o" an) kin- to the :oar- or an) (e(ber thereo" in
obtainin* a certi"icate o" re*istration as teacher6
4-5 An) !erson who i(!ersonates an) re*istrant o" the sa(e or -i""erent na(e6
4e5 An) !erson who ,ses a re+oke- or s,s!en-e- certi"icate o" re*istration6
4"5 An) !erson who. in connection with his na(e. otherwise ass,(es. ,ses or a-+ertises an) title or -escri!tion
ten-in* to con+e) or con+e)s the i(!ression that he is a teacher witho,t hol-in* a +ali- certi"icate6 an-
4*5 An) !erson who +iolates or who abets the +iolation o" an) o" the !ro+isions o" this Act.
The !enalt) o" "ine or i(!rison(ent or both. as !ro+i-e- in this section. shall also a!!l) to an) school o""icial
who shall ca,se or be res!onsible "or the co((ission o" an) o" the abo+e-en,(erate- acts.
chan robles +irt,al law librar)
Sec. '$. A!!ro!riations. S,ch s,(s as (a) be necessar) to carr) o,t the !ro+isions o" this Act shall be
incl,-e- in the 1$$> @eneral A!!ro!riations Act an- therea"ter.
Sec. 1?. I(!le(entin* @,i-elines. The :oar- shall "or(,late an- a-o!t the necessar) *,i-elines "or the
e""ecti+e i(!le(entation o" the !ro+isions o" this Act within si0t) 4>?5 -a)s o" its a!!ro+al.cralaw
The :oar- shall s,b(it to both Co((ittees on E-,cation. Arts. an- C,lt,re6 an- the Co((ittees on Ci+il
Ser+ice an- ro"essional Re*,lation o" the Senate an- ;o,se o" Re!resentati+es. co!ies o" the i(!le(entin*
r,les an- *,i-elines within thirt) 41?5 -a)s a"ter its !ro(,l*ation.
An) +iolation o" this section shall ren-er the o""icial9s concerne- liable ,n-er Re!,blic Act No. >A11. otherwise
known as the Co-e o" Con-,ct an- Ethical Stan-ar-s "or ,blic O""icials an- E(!lo)ees& an- other !ertinent
a-(inistrati+e an-9or !enal laws.
Sec. 11. Transitor) ro+ision. All inc,(bent teachers in both the !,blic an- !ri+ate sector not otherwise
certi"ie- as !ro"essional teachers b) +irt,e o" this Act. shall be *i+en 4<5 )ears te(!orar) certi"icates "ro( the
ti(e the :oar- "or ro"essional Teachers is or*ani#e- within which to /,ali") as re/,ire- b) this Act an- be
incl,-e- in the roster o" !ro"essionals.
ro+i-e-. howe+er. That the ro"essional :oar- E0a(ination "or Teachers 4:ET5 shall still be a-(inistere- b)
the Ci+il Ser+ice Co((ission an- the 7e!art(ent o" E-,cation. C,lt,re an- S!orts "or the )ear 1$$<.cralaw
Sec. 1'. Se!arabilit) Cla,se. I". "or an) reason. an) section or !ro+ision o" this Act or the a!!lication o" s,ch
section or !ro+ision to an) !erson or circ,(stance is -eclare- ,nconstit,tional or in+ali-. no other section or
!ro+ision o" this Act shall be a""ecte- thereb).
Sec. 11. Re!ealin* Cla,se. All laws. !resi-ential -ecrees. e0ec,ti+e or-ers. r,les an- re*,lations or !arts
thereo" inconsistent with the !ro+isions o" this Act are hereb) re!eale- or (o-i"ie- accor-in*l).
Sec. 1%. E""ecti+it) Cla,se. This Act shall take e""ect a"ter "i"teen 41<5 -a)s "ollowin* its co(!lete
!,blication in the O""icial @a#ette or in two 4'5 news!a!ers o" *eneral circ,lation.
A!!ro+e-3 7ece(ber 1>. 1$$%
REG:LIC ACT NO. %>A? H,ne 1=. 1$>>
Sec. 1. 7eclaration o" olic). It is hereb) -eclare- to be the !olic) o" this Act to !ro(ote an- i(!ro+e the
social an- econo(ic stat,s o" !,blic school teachers. their li+in* an- workin* con-itions. their ter(s o"
e(!lo)(ent an- career !ros!ects in or-er that the) (a) co(!are "a+orabl) with e0istin* o!!ort,nities in other
walks o" li"e. attract an- retain in the teachin* !ro"ession (ore !eo!le with the !ro!er /,ali"ications. it bein*
reco*ni#e- that a-+ance in e-,cation -e!en-s on the /,ali"ications an- abilit) o" the teachin* sta"" an- that
e-,cation is an essential "actor in the econo(ic *rowth o" the nation as a !ro-,cti+e in+est(ent o" +ital
Sec. '. Title 7e"inition. This Act shall be known as the JDa*na Carta "or ,blic School TeachersJ an-
shall a!!l) to all !,blic school teachers e0ce!t those in the !ro"essorial sta"" o" state colle*es an- ,ni+ersities.
As ,se- in this Act. the ter( JteacherJ shall (ean all !ersons en*a*e- in classroo( teachin*. in an) le+el o"
instr,ction. on ",ll-ti(e basis. incl,-in* *,i-ance co,nselors. school librarians. in-,strial arts or +ocational
instr,ctors. an- all other !ersons !er"or(in* s,!er+isor) an-9or a-(inistrati+e ",nctions in all schools. colle*es
an- ,ni+ersities o!erate- b) the @o+ern(ent or its !olitical s,b-i+isions6 b,t shall not incl,-e school n,rses.
school !h)sicians. school -entists. an- other school e(!lo)ees.
Sec. 1. Recr,it(ent an- C,ali"ication. Recr,it(ent !olic) with res!ect to the selection an- a!!oint(ent
o" teachers shall be clearl) -e"ine- b) the 7e!art(ent o" E-,cation3 ro+i-e-. howe+er. That e""ecti+e ,!on the
a!!ro+al o" this Act. the "ollowin* shall constit,te the (ini(,( e-,cational /,ali"ications "or teacher-
4a5 8or teachers in the kin-er*arten an- ele(entar) *ra-es. :achelorKs -e*ree in Ele(entar) E-,cation
4b5 8or teachers o" the secon-ar) schools. :achelorKs -e*ree in E-,cation or its e/,i+alent with a (a2or an- a
(inor6 or a :achelorKs -e*ree in Arts or Science with at least ei*hteen !ro"essional ,nits in E-,cation.
4c5 8or teachers o" secon-ar) +ocational an- two )ears technical co,rses. :achelorKs -e*ree in the "iel- o"
s!eciali#ation with at least ei*hteen !ro"essional ,nits in e-,cation6
4-5 8or teachers o" co,rses on the colle*iate le+el. other than +ocational. (asterKs -e*ree with a s!eci"ic area o"
ro+i-e-. ",rther. That in the absence o" a!!licants who !ossess the (ini(,( e-,cational /,ali"ications as
hereinabo+e !ro+i-e-. the school s,!erinten-ent (a) a!!oint. ,n-er a te(!orar) stat,s. a!!licants who -o not
(eet the (ini(,( /,ali"ications3 ro+i-e-. ",rther. That sho,l- teacher-a!!licants. whether the) !ossess the
(ini(,( e-,cational /,ali"ications or not. be re/,ire- to take co(!etiti+e e0a(inations. !re"erence in (akin*
a!!oint(ents shall be in the or-er o" their res!ecti+e ranks in sai- co(!etiti+e e0a(inations3 An- !ro+i-e-.
"inall). That the res,lts o" the e0a(inations shall be (a-e !,blic an- e+er) a!!licant shall be ",rnishe- with his
score an- rank in sai- e0a(inations.
Sec. %. robationar) erio-. Lhen recr,it(ent takes !lace a"ter a-e/,ate trainin* an- !ro"essional
!re!aration in an) school reco*ni#e- b) the @o+ern(ent. no !robationar) !erio- !rece-in* re*,lar a!!oint(ent
shall be i(!ose- i" the teacher !ossesses the a!!ro!riate ci+il ser+ice eli*ibilit)3 ro+i-e-. howe+er. That where.
-,e to the e0i*encies o" the ser+ice. it is necessar) to e(!lo) as teacher a !erson who !ossesses the (ini(,(
e-,cational /,ali"ications herein abo+e set "orth b,t lacks the a!!ro!riate ci+il ser+ice eli*ibilit). s,ch !erson
shall be a!!ointe- on a !ro+isional stat,s an- shall ,n-er*o a !erio- o" !robation "or not less than one )ear "ro(
an- a"ter the -ate o" his !ro+isional a!!oint(ent.
Sec. <. Ten,re o" O""ice. Stabilit) on e(!lo)(ent an- sec,rit) o" ten,re shall be ass,re- the teachers as
!ro+i-e- ,n-er e0istin* laws.
S,b2ect to the !ro+isions o" Section three hereo". teachers a!!ointe- on a !ro+isional stat,s "or lack o" necessar)
ci+il ser+ice eli*ibilit) shall be e0ten-e- !er(anent a!!oint(ent "or the !osition he is hol-in* a"ter ha+in*
ren-ere- at least ten )ears o" contin,o,s. e""icient an- "aith",l ser+ice in s,ch !osition.
Sec. >. Consent "or Trans"er Trans!ortation E0!enses. E0ce!t "or ca,se an- as herein otherwise !ro+i-e-.
no teacher shall be trans"erre- witho,t his consent "ro( one station to another.
Lhere the e0i*encies o" the ser+ice re/,ire the trans"er o" a teacher "ro( one station to another. s,ch trans"er
(a) be e""ecte- b) the school s,!erinten-ent who shall !re+io,sl) noti") the teacher concerne- o" the trans"er
an- the reason or reasons there"or. I" the teacher belie+es there is no 2,sti"ication "or the trans"er. he (a) a!!eal
his case to the 7irector o" ,blic Schools or the 7irector o" Bocational E-,cation. as the case (a) be. en-in*
his a!!eal an- the -ecision thereon. his trans"er shall be hel- in abe)ance3 ro+i-e-. howe+er. That no trans"ers
whate+er shall be (a-e three (onths be"ore an) local or national election.
Necessar) trans"er e0!enses o" the teacher an- his "a(il) shall be !ai- "or b) the @o+ern(ent i" his trans"er is
"inall) a!!ro+e-.
Sec. A. Co-e o" ro"essional Con-,ct "or Teachers. Lithin si0 (onths "ro( the a!!ro+al o" this Act. the
Secretar) o" E-,cation shall "or(,late an- !re!are a Co-e o" ro"essional Con-,ct "or ,blic School Teachers.
A co!) o" the Co-e shall be ",rnishe- each teacher3 ro+i-e-. howe+er. That where this is not !ossible b) reason
o" ina-e/,ate "iscal reso,rces o" the 7e!art(ent o" E-,cation. at least three co!ies o" the sa(e Co-e shall be
-e!osite- with the o""ice o" the school !rinci!al or hea- teacher where the) (a) be accessible "or ,se b) the
Sec. =. Sa"e*,ar-s in 7isci!linar) roce-,re. E+er) teacher shall en2o) e/,itable sa"e*,ar-s at each sta*e
o" an) -isci!linar) !roce-,re an- shall ha+e3
a. the ri*ht to be in"or(e-. in writin*. o" the char*es6
b. the ri*ht to ",ll access to the e+i-ence in the case6
c. the ri*ht to -e"en- hi(sel" an- to be -e"en-e- b) a re!resentati+e o" his choice an-9or b) his or*ani#ation.
a-e/,ate ti(e bein* *i+en to the teacher "or the !re!aration o" his -e"ense6 an-
-. the ri*ht to a!!eal to clearl) -esi*nate- a,thorities.
No !,blicit) shall be *i+en to an) -isci!linar) action bein* taken a*ainst a teacher -,rin* the !en-enc) o" his
Sec. $. A-(inistrati+e Char*es. A-(inistrati+e char*es a*ainst a teacher shall be hear- initiall) b) a
co((ittee co(!ose- o" the corres!on-in* School S,!erinten-ent o" the 7i+ision or a -,l) a,thori#e-
re!resentati+e who sho,l- at least ha+e the rank o" a -i+ision s,!er+isor. where the teacher belon*s. as
chair(an. a re!resentati+e o" the local or. in its absence. an) e0istin* !ro+incial or national teacherKs
or*ani#ation an- a s,!er+isor o" the 7i+ision. the last two to be -esi*nate- b) the 7irector o" ,blic Schools.
The co((ittee shall s,b(it its "in-in*s an- reco((en-ations to the 7irector o" ,blic Schools within thirt)
-a)s "ro( the ter(ination o" the hearin*s3 ro+i-e-. howe+er. That where the school s,!erinten-ent is the
co(!lainant or an intereste- !art). all the (e(bers o" the co((ittee shall be a!!ointe- b) the Secretar) o"
Sec. 1?. No 7iscri(ination. There shall be no -iscri(ination whatsoe+er in entrance to the teachin*
!ro"ession. or -,rin* its e0ercise. or in the ter(ination o" ser+ices. base- on other than !ro"essional
Sec. 11. Darrie- Teachers. Lhene+er !ossible. the !ro!er a,thorities shall take all ste!s to enable (arrie-
co,!les. both o" who( are !,blic school teachers. to be e(!lo)e- in the sa(e localit).
Sec. 1'. Aca-e(ic 8ree-o(. Teachers shall en2o) aca-e(ic "ree-o( in the -ischar*e o" their !ro"essional
-,ties. !artic,larl) with re*ar- to teachin* an- classroo( (etho-s.
Sec. 11. Teachin* ;o,rs. An) teacher en*a*e- in act,al classroo( instr,ction shall not be re/,ire- to
ren-er (ore than si0 ho,rs o" act,al classroo( teachin* a -a). which shall be so sche-,le- as to *i+e hi( ti(e
"or the !re!aration an- correction o" e0ercises an- other work inci-ental to his nor(al teachin* -,ties3 ro+i-e-.
howe+er. That where the e0i*encies o" the ser+ice so re/,ire. an) teacher (a) be re/,ire- to ren-er (ore than
si0 ho,rs b,t not e0cee-in* ei*ht ho,rs o" act,al classroo( teachin* a -a) ,!on !a)(ent o" a--itional
co(!ensation at the sa(e rate as his re*,lar re(,neration !l,s at least twent)-"i+e !er cent o" his basic !a).
Sec. 1%. A--itional Co(!ensation. Notwithstan-in* an) !ro+ision o" e0istin* law to the contrar). co-
c,rric,la an- o,t o" school acti+ities an- an) other acti+ities o,tsi-e o" what is -e"ine- as nor(al -,ties o" an)
teacher shall be !ai- an a--itional co(!ensation o" at least twent)-"i+e !er cent o" his re*,lar re(,neration a"ter
the teacher has co(!lete- at least si0 ho,rs o" act,al classroo( teachin* a -a).
In the case o" other teachers or school o""icials not en*a*e- in act,al classroo( instr,ction. an) work !er"or(e-
in e0cess o" ei*ht ho,rs a -a) shall be !ai- an a--itional co(!ensation o" at least twent)-"i+e !er cent o" their
re*,lar re(,neration.
The a*encies ,tili#in* the ser+ices o" teachers shall !a) the a--itional co(!ensation re/,ire- ,n-er this section.
E-,cation a,thorities shall re",se to allow the ren-ition o" ser+ices o" teachers "or other *o+ern(ent a*encies
witho,t the ass,rance that the teachers shall be !ai- the re(,neration !ro+i-e- "or ,n-er this section.
Sec. 1<. Criteria "or Salaries. TeacherKs salaries shall corres!on- to the "ollowin* criteria3
4a5 the) shall co(!are "a+orabl) with those !ai- in other occ,!ations re/,irin* e/,i+alent or si(ilar
/,ali"ications. trainin* an- abilities6
4b5 the) shall be s,ch as to ins,re teachers a reasonable stan-ar- o" li"e "or the(sel+es an- their "a(ilies6 an-
4c5 the) shall be !ro!erl) *ra-e- so as to reco*ni#e the "act that certain !ositions re/,ire hi*her /,ali"ications
an- *reater res!onsibilit) than others3 ro+i-e-. howe+er. That the *eneral salar) scale shall be s,ch that the
relation between the lowest an- hi*hest salaries !ai- in the !ro"ession will be o" reasonable or-er. Narrowin* o"
the salar) scale shall be achie+e- b) raisin* the lower en- o" the salar) scales relati+e to the ,!!er en-.
Sec. 1>. Salar) Scale. Salar) scales o" teachers shall !ro+i-e "or a *ra-,al !ro*ression "ro( a (ini(,( to
a (a0i(,( salar) b) (eans o" re*,lar incre(ents. *rante- a,to(aticall) a"ter three )ears3 ro+i-e-. That the
e""icienc) ratin* o" the teacher concerne- is at least satis"actor). The !ro*ression "ro( the (ini(,( to the
(a0i(,( o" the salar) scale shall not e0ten- o+er a !erio- o" ten )ears.
Sec. 1A. E/,alit) in Salar) Scales. The salar) scales o" teachers whose salaries are a!!ro!riate- b) a cit).
(,nici!al. (,nici!al -istrict. or !ro+incial *o+ern(ent. shall not be less than those !ro+i-e- "or teachers o" the
National @o+ern(ent.
Sec. 1=. Cost o" Li+in* Allowance. TeacherKs salaries shall. at the +er) least. kee! !ace with the rise in the
cost o" li+in* b) the !a)(ent o" a cost-o"-li+in* allowance which shall a,to(aticall) "ollow chan*es in a cost-
o"-li+in* in-e0. The Secretar) o" E-,cation shall. in cons,ltation with the !ro!er *o+ern(ent entities.
reco((en- to Con*ress. at least ann,all). the a!!ro!riation o" the necessar) ",n-s "or the cost-o"-li+in*
allowances o" teachers e(!lo)e- b) the National @o+ern(ent. The -eter(ination o" the cost-o"-li+in*
allowances b) the Secretar) o" E-,cation shall. ,!on a!!ro+al o" the resi-ent o" the hili!!ines. be bin-in* on
the cit). (,nici!al or !ro+incial *o+ern(ent. "or the !,r!oses o" calc,latin* the cost-o"-li+in* allowances o"
teachers ,n-er its e(!lo).
Sec. 1$. S!ecial ;ar-shi! Allowances. In areas in which teachers are e0!ose- to har-shi! s,ch as -i""ic,lt)
in co((,tin* to the !lace o" work or other ha#ar-s !ec,liar to the !lace o" e(!lo)(ent. as -eter(ine- b) the
Secretar) o" E-,cation. the) shall be co(!ensate- s!ecial har-shi! allowances e/,i+alent to at least twent)-"i+e
!er cent o" their (onthl) salar).
Sec. '?. Salaries to be ai- in Le*al Ten-er. Salaries o" teachers shall be !ai- in le*al ten-er o" the
hili!!ines or its e/,i+alent in checks or treas,r) warrants. ro+i-e-. howe+er. That s,ch checks or treas,r)
warrants shall be cashable in an) national. !ro+incial. cit) or (,nici!al treas,rerKs o""ice or an) bankin*
instit,tions o!eratin* ,n-er the laws o" the Re!,blic o" the hili!!ines.
Sec. '1. 7e-,ctions rohibite-. No !erson shall (ake an) -e-,ction whatsoe+er "ro( the salaries o"
teachers e0ce!t ,n-er s!eci"ic a,thorit) o" law a,thori#in* s,ch -e-,ctions3 ro+i-e-. howe+er. That ,!on
written a,thorit) e0ec,te- b) the teacher concerne-. 415 law",l -,es an- "ees owin* to the hili!!ine ,blic
School Teachers Association. an- 4'5 !re(i,(s !ro!erl) -,e on ins,rance !olicies. shall be consi-ere-
Sec. ''. De-ical E0a(ination an- Treat(ent. Co(!,lsor) (e-ical e0a(ination shall be !ro+i-e- "ree o"
char*e "or all teachers be"ore the) take ,! teachin*. an- shall be re!eate- not less than once a )ear -,rin* the
teacherKs !ro"essional li"e. Lhere (e-ical e0a(ination show that (e-ical treat(ent an-9or hos!itali#ation is
necessar). sa(e shall be !ro+i-e- "ree b) the *o+ern(ent entit) !a)in* the salar) o" the teachers.
In re*ions where there is scarcit) o" (e-ical "acilities. teachers (a) obtain elsewhere the necessar) (e-ical care
with the ri*ht to be rei(b,rse- "or their tra+elin* e0!enses b) the *o+ern(ent entit) concerne- in the "irst
!ara*ra!h o" this Section.
Sec. '1. Co(!ensation 8or In2,ries. Teachers shall be !rotecte- a*ainst the conse/,ences o" e(!lo)(ent
in2,ries in accor-ance with e0istin* laws. The e""ects o" the !h)sical an- ner+o,s strain on the teacherKs health
shall be reco*ni#e- as a co(!ensable occ,!ational -isease in accor-ance with e0istin* laws.
Sec. '%. St,-) Lea+e. In a--ition to the lea+e !ri+ile*es now en2o)e- b) teachers in the !,blic schools.
the) shall be entitle- to st,-) lea+e not e0cee-in* one school )ear a"ter se+en )ears o" ser+ice. S,ch lea+e shall
be *rante- in accor-ance with a sche-,le set b) the 7e!art(ent o" E-,cation. 7,rin* the !erio- o" s,ch lea+e.
the teachers shall be entitle- to at least si0t) !er cent o" their (onthl) salar)3 ro+i-e-. howe+er. That no teacher
shall be allowe- to acc,(,late (ore than one )ear st,-) lea+e. ,nless he nee-s an a--itional se(ester to "inish
his thesis "or a *ra-,ate st,-) in e-,cation or allie- co,rses3 ro+i-e-. ",rther. That no co(!ensation shall be
-,e the teacher a"ter the "irst )ear o" s,ch lea+e. In all cases. the st,-) lea+e !erio- shall be co,nte- "or seniorit)
an- !ension !,r!oses.
The co(!ensation allowe- "or one )ear st,-) lea+e as herein !ro+i-e- shall be s,b2ect to the con-ition that the
teacher takes the re*,lar st,-) loa- an- !asses at least se+ent)-"i+e !er cent o" his co,rses. St,-) lea+e o" (ore
than one )ear (a) be !er(itte- b) the Secretar) o" E-,cation b,t witho,t co(!ensation.
Sec. '<. In-e"inite Lea+e. An in-e"inite sick lea+e o" absence shall be *rante- to teachers when the nat,re
o" the illness -e(an-s a lon* treat(ent that will e0cee- one )ear at the least.
Sec. '>. Salar) Increase ,!on Retire(ent. ,blic school teachers ha+in* ",l"ille- the a*e an- ser+ice
re/,ire(ents o" the a!!licable retire(ent laws shall be *i+en one ran*e salar) raise ,!on retire(ent. which shall
be the basis o" the co(!,tation o" the l,(! s,( o" the retire(ent !a) an- the (onthl) bene"its therea"ter.
Sec. 'A. 8ree-o( to Or*ani#e. ,blic school teachers shall ha+e the ri*ht to "reel) an- witho,t !re+io,s
a,thori#ation both to establish an- to 2oin or*ani#ations o" their choosin*. whether local or national to ",rther
an- -e"en- their interests.
Sec. '=. 7iscri(ination A*ainst Teachers rohibite-. The ri*hts establishe- in the i((e-iatel) !rece-in*
Section shall be e0ercise- witho,t an) inter"erence or coercion. It shall be ,nlaw",l "or an) !erson to co((it
an) acts o" -iscri(ination a*ainst teachers which are calc,late- to 4a5 (ake the e(!lo)(ent o" a teacher s,b2ect
to the con-ition that he shall not 2oin an or*ani#ation. or shall relin/,ish (e(bershi! in an or*ani#ation.
4b5 to ca,se the -is(issal o" or otherwise !re2,-ice a teacher b) reason o" his (e(bershi! in an or*ani#ation or
beca,se o" !artici!ation in or*ani#ation acti+ities o,tsi-e school ho,rs. or with the consent o" the !ro!er school
a,thorities. within school ho,rs. an- 4c5 to !re+ent hi( "ro( carr)in* o,t the -,ties lai- ,!on hi( b) his
!osition in the or*ani#ation. or to !enali#e hi( "or an action ,n-ertaken in that ca!acit).
Sec. '$. National TeacherKs Or*ani#ations. National teachersK or*ani#ations shall be cons,lte- in the
"or(,lation o" national e-,cational !olicies an- !ro"essional stan-ar-s. an- in the "or(,lation o" national
!olicies *o+ernin* the social sec,rit) o" the teachers.
Sec. 1?. R,les an- Re*,lations. The Secretar) o" E-,cation shall "or(,late an- !re!are the necessar) r,les
an- re*,lations to i(!le(ent the !ro+isions o" this Act. R,les an- re*,lations iss,e- !,rs,ant to this Section
shall take e""ect thirt) -a)s a"ter !,blication in a news!a!er o" *eneral circ,lation an- b) s,ch other (eans as
the Secretar) o" E-,cation -ee(s reasonabl) s,""icient to *i+e intereste- !arties *eneral notice o" s,ch iss,ance.
Sec. 11. :,-*etar) Esti(ates. The Secretar) o" E-,cation shall s,b(it to Con*ress ann,all) the necessar)
b,-*etar) esti(ates to i(!le(ent the !ro+isions o" the Act concernin* the bene"its herein *rante- to !,blic
school teachers ,n-er the e(!lo) o" the National @o+ern(ent.
Sec. 1'. enal ro+ision. A !erson who shall will",ll) inter"ere with. restrain or coerce an) teacher in the
e0ercise o" his ri*hts *,arantee- b) this Act or who shall in an) other (anner co((it an) act to -e"eat an) o"
the !ro+isions o" this Act shall. ,!on con+iction. be !,nishe- b) a "ine o" not less than one h,n-re- !esos nor
(ore than one tho,san- !esos. or b) i(!rison(ent. in the -iscretion o" the co,rt.
I" the o""en-er is a !,blic o""icial. the co,rt shall or-er his -is(issal "ro( the @o+ern(ent ser+ice.
Sec. 11. Re!ealin* Cla,se. All Acts or !arts o" Acts. e0ec,ti+e or-ers an- their i(!le(entin* r,les
inconsistent with the !ro+isions o" this Act are hereb) re!eale-. a(en-e- or (o-i"ie- accor-in*l).
Sec. 1%. Se!arabilit) Cla,se. I" an) !ro+ision o" this Act is -eclare- in+ali-. the re(ain-er o" this Act or
an) !ro+isions not a""ecte- thereb) shall re(ain in "orce an- in e""ect.
Sec. 1<. This Act shall take e""ect ,!on its a!!ro+al.
A!!ro+e-3 H,ne 1=. 1$>>
,rs,ant to the !ro+isions o" !ara*ra!h 4e5. Article 11. o" R.A. No. A=1>. otherwise known as the hili!!ine
Teachers ro"essionali#ation Act o" 1$$% an- !ara*ra!h 4a5. section >. .7. No. ''1. as a(en-e-. the :oar- "or
ro"essional Teachers hereb) a-o!t the Co-e o" Ethics "or ro"essional Teachers.
Teachers are -,l) license- !ro"essionals who !ossesses -i*nit) an- re!,tation with hi*h (oral +al,es as well as
technical an- !ro"essional co(!etence in the !ractice o" their noble !ro"ession. an- the) strictl) a-here to.
obser+e. an- !ractice this set o" ethical an- (oral !rinci!les. stan-ar-s. an- +al,es.
Article I3 Sco!e an- Li(itations
Section 1. The hili!!ine Constit,tion !ro+i-es that all e-,cational instit,tion shall o""er /,alit) e-,cation "or
all co(!etent teachers. Co((itte- to its ",ll reali#ation. the !ro+ision o" this Co-e shall a!!l). there"ore. to all
teachers in schools in the hili!!ines.
Section '. This Co-e co+ers all !,blic an- !ri+ate school teachers in all e-,cational instit,tions at the !reschool.
!ri(ar). ele(entar). an- secon-ar) le+els whether aca-e(ic. +ocational. s!ecial. technical. or non-"or(al. The
ter( OPQteacherOP shall incl,-e in-,strial arts or +ocational teachers an- all other !ersons !er"or(in*
s,!er+isor) an- 9or a-(inistrati+e ",nctions in all school at the a"oresai- le+els. whether on ",ll ti(e or !art-
ti(e basis.
Article II3 The Teacher an- the State
Section 1. The schools are the n,rseries o" the ",t,re citi#ens o" the state6 each teacher is a tr,stee o" the c,lt,ral
an- e-,cational herita*e o" the nation an- is ,n-er obli*ation to trans(it to learners s,ch herita*e as well as to
ele+ate national (oralit). !ro(ote national !ri-e. c,lti+ate lo+e o" co,ntr). instill alle*iance to the constit,tion
an- "or all -,l) constit,te- a,thorities. an- !ro(ote obe-ience to the laws o" the state.
Section '. E+er) teacher or school o""icial shall acti+el) hel! carr) o,t the -eclare- !olicies o" the state. an-
shall take an oath to this e""ect.
Section 1. In the interest o" the State an- o" the 8ili!ino !eo!le as (,ch as o" his own. e+er) teacher shall be
!h)sicall). (entall) an- (orall) "it.
Section %. E+er) teacher shall !ossess an- act,ali#e a ",ll co((it(ent an- -e+otion to -,t).
Section <. A teacher shall not en*a*e in the !ro(otion o" an) !olitical. reli*io,s. or other !artisan interest. an-
shall not. -irectl) or in-irectl). solicit. re/,ire. collect. or recei+e an) (one) or ser+ice or other +al,able
(aterial "ro( an) !erson or entit) "or s,ch !,r!oses.
Section >. E+er) teacher shall +ote an- shall e0ercise all other constit,tional ri*hts an- res!onsibilit).
Section A. A teacher shall not ,se his !osition or o""icial a,thorit) or in"l,ence to coerce an) other !erson to
"ollow an) !olitical co,rse o" action.
Section =. E+er) teacher shall en2o) aca-e(ic "ree-o( an- shall ha+e !ri+ile*e o" e0!o,n-in* the !ro-,ct o" his
researches an- in+esti*ations6 !ro+i-e- that. i" the res,lts are ini(ical to the -eclare- !olicies o" the State. the)
shall be bro,*ht to the !ro!er a,thorities "or a!!ro!riate re(e-ial action.
Article III3 The Teacher an- the Co((,nit)
Section 1. A teacher is a "acilitator o" learnin* an- o" the -e+elo!(ent o" the )o,th6 he shall. there"ore. ren-er
the best ser+ice b) !ro+i-in* an en+iron(ent con-,ci+e to s,ch learnin* an- *rowth.
Section '. E+er) teacher shall !ro+i-e lea-ershi! an- initiati+e to acti+el) !artici!ate in co((,nit) (o+e(ents
"or (oral. social. e-,cational. econo(ic an- ci+ic better(ent.
Section 1. E+er) teacher shall (erit reasonable social reco*nition "or which !,r!ose he shall beha+e with honor
an- -i*nit) at all ti(es an- re"rain "ro( s,ch acti+ities as *a(blin*. s(okin*. -r,nkenness. an- other e0cesses.
(,ch less illicit relations.
Section %. E+er) teacher shall li+e "or an- with the co((,nit) an- shall. there"ore. st,-) an- ,n-erstan- local
c,sto(s an- tra-itions in or-er to ha+e s)(!athetic attit,-e. there"ore. re"rain "ro( -is!ara*in* the co((,nit).
Section <. E+er) teacher shall hel! the school kee! the !eo!le in the co((,nit) in"or(e- abo,t the schoolOPRs
work an- acco(!lish(ents as well as its nee-s an- !roble(s.
Section >. E+er) teacher is intellect,al lea-er in the co((,nit). es!eciall) in the baran*a). an- shall welco(e
the o!!ort,nit) to !ro+i-e s,ch lea-ershi! when nee-e-. to e0ten- co,nselin* ser+ices. as a!!ro!riate. an- to
acti+el) be in+ol+e- in (atters a""ectin* the wel"are o" the !eo!le.
Section A. E+er) teacher shall (aintain har(onio,s an- !leasant !ersonal an- o""icial relations with other
!ro"essionals. with *o+ern(ent o""icials. an- with the !eo!le. in-i+i-,all) or collecti+el).
Section =. A teacher !osses "ree-o( to atten- ch,rch an- worshi!s as a!!ro!riate. b,t shall not ,se his !ositions
an- in"l,ence to !rosel)te others.
Article IB3 A Teacher an- the ro"ession
Section 1. E+er) teacher shall acti+el) ins,re that teachin* is the noblest !ro"ession. an- shall (ani"est *en,ine
enth,sias( an- !ri-e in teachin* as a noble callin*.
Section '. E+er) teacher shall ,!hol- the hi*hest !ossible stan-ar-s o" /,alit) e-,cation. shall (ake the best
!re!arations "or the career o" teachin*. an- shall be at his best at all ti(es an- in the !ractice o" his !ro"ession.
Section 1. E+er) teacher shall !artici!ate in the Contin,in* ro"essional E-,cation 4CE5 !ro*ra( o" the
ro"essional Re*,lation Co((ission. an- shall !,rs,e s,ch other st,-ies as will i(!ro+e his e""icienc). enhance
the !resti*e o" the !ro"ession. an- stren*then his co(!etence. +irt,es. an- !ro-,cti+it) in or-er to be nationall)
an- internationall) co(!etiti+e.
Section %. E+er) teacher shall hel!. i" -,l) a,thori#e-. to seek s,!!ort "ro( the school. b,t shall not (ake
i(!ro!er (isre!resentations thro,*h !ersonal a-+ertise(ents an- other /,estionable (eans.
Section <. E+er) teacher shall ,se the teachin* !ro"ession in a (anner that (akes it -i*ni"ie- (eans "or earnin*
a -escent li+in*.
Article B3 The Teachers an- the ro"ession
Section 1. Teachers shall. at all ti(es. be i(b,e- with the s!irit o" !ro"essional lo)alt). (,t,al con"i-ence. an-
"aith in one another. sel"-sacri"ice "or the co((on *oo-. an- ",ll coo!eration with collea*,es. Lhen the best
interest o" the learners. the school. or the !ro"ession is at stake in an) contro+ers). teachers shall s,!!ort one
Section '. A teacher is not entitle- to clai( cre-it or work not o" his own. an- shall *i+e -,e cre-it "or the work
o" others which he (a) ,se.
Section 1. :e"ore lea+in* his !osition. a teacher shall or*ani#e "or whoe+er ass,(es the !osition s,ch recor-s
an- other -ata as are necessar) to carr) on the work.
Section %. A teacher shall hol- in+iolate all con"i-ential in"or(ation concernin* associates an- the school. an-
shall not -i+,l*e to an)one -oc,(ents which has not been o""iciall) release-. or re(o+e recor-s "ro( "iles
witho,t !er(ission.
Section <. It shall be the res!onsibilit) o" e+er) teacher to seek correcti+es "or what (a) a!!ear to be an
,n!ro"essional an- ,nethical con-,ct o" an) associate. ;owe+er. this (a) be -one onl) i" there is
incontro+ertible e+i-ence "or s,ch con-,ct.
Section >. A teacher (a) s,b(it to the !ro!er a,thorities an) 2,sti"iable criticis( a*ainst an associate.
!re"erabl) in writin*. witho,t +iolatin* the ri*ht o" the in-i+i-,al concerne-.
Section A. A teacher (a) a!!l) "or a +acant !osition "or which he is /,ali"ie-6 !ro+i-e- that he res!ects the
s)ste( o" selection on the basis o" (erit an- co(!etence6 !ro+i-e-. ",rther. that all /,ali"ie- can-i-ates are
*i+en the o!!ort,nit) to be consi-ere-.
Article BI3 The Teacher an- ;i*her A,thorities in the ro"ession
Section 1. E+er) teacher shall (ake it his -,t) to (ake an honest e""ort to ,n-erstan- an- s,!!ort the le*iti(ate
!olicies o" the school an- the a-(inistration re*ar-less o" !ersonal "eelin* or !ri+ate o!inion an- shall "aith",ll)
carr) the( o,t.
Section '. A teacher shall not (ake an) "alse acc,sations or char*es a*ainst s,!eriors. es!eciall) ,n-er
anon)(it). ;owe+er. i" there are +ali- char*es. he sho,l- !resent s,ch ,n-er oath to co(!etent a,thorit).
Section 1. A teacher shall transact all o""icial b,siness thro,*h channels e0ce!t when s!ecial con-itions warrant
a -i""erent !roce-,re. s,ch as when s!ecial con-itions are a-+ocate- b,t are o!!ose- b) i((e-iate s,!eriors. in
which case. the teacher shall a!!eal -irectl) to the a!!ro!riate hi*her a,thorit).
Section %. E+er) teacher. in-i+i-,all) or as !art o" a *ro,!. has a ri*ht to seek re-ress a*ainst in2,stice to the
a-(inistration an- to e0tent !ossible. shall raise *rie+ances within acce!table -e(ocratic !ossesses. In -oin* so.
the) shall a+oi- 2eo!ar-i#in* the interest an- the wel"are o" learners whose ri*ht to learn (,st be res!ecte-.
Section <. E+er) teacher has a ri*ht to in+oke the !rinci!le that a!!oint(ents. !ro(otions. an- trans"er o"
teachers are (a-e onl) on the basis o" (erit an- nee-e- in the interest o" the ser+ice.
Section >. A teacher who acce!ts a !osition ass,(es a contract,al obli*ation to li+e ,! to his contract. ass,(in*
",ll knowle-*e o" e(!lo)(ent ter(s an- con-itions.
Article BII3 School O""icials. Teachers. an- Other ersonnel
Section 1. All school o""icials shall at all ti(es show !ro"essional co,rtes). hel!",lness an- s)(!ath) towar-s
teachers an- other !ersonnel. s,ch !ractices bein* stan-ar-s o" e""ecti+e school s,!er+ision. -i*ni"ie-
a-(inistration. res!onsible lea-ershi! an- enli*htene- -irections.
Section '. School o""icials. teachers. an- other school !ersonnel shall consi-er it their coo!erati+e res!onsibilit)
to "or(,late !olicies or intro-,ce i(!ortant chan*es in the s)ste( at all le+els.
Section 1. School o""icials shall enco,ra*e an- atten- the !ro"essional *rowth o" all teachers ,n-er the( s,ch as
reco((en-in* the( "or !ro(otion. *i+in* the( -,e reco*nition "or (eritorio,s !er"or(ance. an- allowin*
the( to !artici!ate in con"erences in trainin* !ro*ra(s.
Section %. No school o""icials shall -is(iss or reco((en- "or -is(issal a teacher or other s,bor-inates e0ce!t
"or ca,se.
Section <. School a,thorities concern shall ens,re that !,blic school teachers are e(!lo)e- in accor-ance with
!ertinent ci+il ser+ice r,les. an- !ri+ate school teachers are iss,e- contracts s!eci")in* the ter(s an- con-itions
o" their work6 !ro+i-e- that the) are *i+en. i" /,ali"ie-. s,bse/,ent !er(anent ten,re. in accor-ance with
e0istin* laws.
Article BIII3 The Teachers an- Learners
Section 1. A teacher has a ri*ht an- -,t) to -eter(ine the aca-e(ic (arks an- the !ro(otions o" learners in the
s,b2ect or *ra-es he han-les. !ro+i-e- that s,ch -eter(ination shall be in accor-ance with *enerall) acce!te-
!roce-,res o" e+al,ation an- (eas,re(ent. In case o" an) co(!laint. teachers concerne- shall i((e-iatel) take
a!!ro!riate actions. obser+in* -,e !rocess.
Section '. A teacher shall reco*ni#e that the interest an- wel"are o" learners are o" "irst an- "ore(ost concern.
an- shall -eal 2,sti"iabl) an- i(!artiall) with each o" the(.
Section 1. Gn-er no circ,(stance shall a teacher be !re2,-ice- or -iscri(inate a*ainst a learner.
Section %. A teacher shall not acce!t "a+ors or *i"ts "ro( learners. their !arents or others in their behal" in
e0chan*e "or re/,este- concessions. es!eciall) i" ,n-eser+e-.
Section <. A teacher shall not acce!t. -irectl) or in-irectl). an) re(,neration "ro( t,torials other what is
a,thori#e- "or s,ch ser+ice.
Section >. A teacher shall base the e+al,ation o" the learnerOPRs work onl) in (erit an- /,alit) o" aca-e(ic
Section A. In a sit,ation where (,t,al attraction an- s,bse/,ent lo+e -e+elo! between teacher an- learner. the
teacher shall e0ercise ,t(ost !ro"essional -iscretion to a+oi- scan-al. *ossi! an- !re"erential treat(ent o" the
Section =. A teacher shall not in"lict cor!oral !,nish(ent on o""en-in* learners nor (ake -e-,ctions "ro( their
scholastic ratin*s as a !,nish(ent "or acts which are clearl) not (ani"estation o" !oor scholarshi!.
Section $. A teacher shall ens,re that con-itions contrib,te to the (a0i(,( -e+elo!(ent o" learners are
a-e/,ate. an- shall e0ten- nee-e- assistance in !re+entin* or sol+in* learnerOPRs !roble(s an- -i""ic,lties.
Article IF3 The Teachers an- arents
Section 1. E+er) teacher shall establish an- (aintain cor-ial relations with !arents. an- shall con-,ct hi(sel" to
(erit their con"i-ence an- res!ect.
Section '. E+er) teacher shall in"or( !arents. thro,*h !ro!er a,thorities. o" the !ro*ress an- -e"iciencies o"
learner ,n-er hi(. e0ercisin* ,t(ost can-or an- tact in !ointin* o,t the learnerKs -e"iciencies an- in seekin*
!arentOPRs coo!eration "or the !ro!er *,i-ance an- i(!ro+e(ent o" the learners.
Section 1. A teacher shall hear !arentOPRs co(!laints with s)(!ath) an- ,n-erstan-in*. an- shall -isco,ra*e
,n"air criticis(.
Article F3 The Teacher an- :,siness
Section 1. A teacher has the ri*ht to en*a*e. -irectl) or in-irectl). in le*iti(ate inco(e *eneration6 !ro+i-e- that
it -oes not relate to or a-+ersel) a""ect his work as a teacher.
Section '. A teacher shall (aintain a *oo- re!,tation with res!ect to the "inancial (atters s,ch as in the
settle(ent o" his -ebts an- loans in arran*in* satis"actoril) his !ri+ate "inancial a""airs.
Section 1. No teacher shall act. -irectl) or in-irectl). as a*ent o". or be "inanciall) intereste- in. an) co((ercial
+ent,re which ",rnish te0tbooks an- other school co((o-ities in the !,rchase an- -is!osal o" which he can
e0ercise o""icial in"l,ence. e0ce!t onl) when his assi*n(ent is inherentl). relate- to s,ch !,rchase an- -is!osal6
!ro+i-e- the) shall be in accor-ance with the e0istin* re*,lations6 !ro+i-e-. ",rther. that (e(bers o" -,l)
reco*ni#e- teachers coo!erati+es (a) !artici!ate in the -istrib,tion an- sale o" s,ch co((o-ities.
Article FI3 The Teacher as a erson
Section 1. A teacher is. abo+e all. a h,(an bein* en-owe- with li"e "or which it is the hi*hest obli*ation to li+e
with -i*nit) at all ti(es whether in school. in the ho(e. or elsewhere.
Section '. A teacher shall !lace !re(i,( ,!on sel"--isci!line as the !ri(ar) !rinci!le o" !ersonal beha+ior in all
relationshi!s with others an- in all sit,ations.
Section 1. A teacher shall (aintain at all ti(es a -i*ni"ie- !ersonalit) which co,l- ser+e as a (o-el worth) o"
e(,lation b) learners. !eers an- all others.
Section %. A teacher shall alwa)s reco*ni#e the Al(i*ht) @o- as *,i-e o" his own -estin) an- o" the -estinies o"
(en an- nations.
Article FII3 7isci!linar) Actions
Section 1. An) +iolation o" an) !ro+ision o" this co-e shall be s,""icient *ro,n- "or the i(!osition a*ainst the
errin* teacher o" the -isci!linar) action consistin* o" re+ocation o" his Certi"ication o" Re*istration an- License
as a ro"essional Teacher. s,s!ension "ro( the !ractice o" teachin* !ro"ession. or re!ri(an- or cancellation o"
his te(!orar)9s!ecial !er(it ,n-er ca,ses s!eci"ie- in Sec. '1. Article III or R.A. No. A=1>. an- ,n-er R,le 11.
Article BIII. o" the R,les an- Re*,lations I(!le(entin* R.A. A=1>.
Article FIII3 E""ecti+it)
Section 1. This Co-e shall take e""ect ,!on a!!ro+al b) the ro"essional Re*,lation Co((ission an- a"ter si0t)
4>?5 -a)s "ollowin* its !,blication in the O""icial @a#ette or an) news!a!er o" *eneral circ,lation. whiche+er is
RESI7ENTIAL 7ECREE No. 1??> Han,ar) 1. 1$AA
L;EREAS. the Constit,tion !ro+i-es that JAll e-,cational instit,tions shall be ,n-er the s,!er+ision o"6 an-
s,b2ect to re*,lation b). the StateJ. an- re/,ires that Jthe State shall establish an- (aintain a co(!lete. a-e/,ate
an- inte*rate- s)ste( o" e-,cation rele+ant to the *oals o" national -e+elo!(entJ6
L;EREAS. in the !,rs,it on these ob2ecti+es. the 7e!art(ent o" E-,cation an- C,lt,re has a-o!te- wa)s an-
(eans o" o+erseein* all the e-,cational instit,tions in the co,ntr)6
L;EREAS. this s,!er+isor) ",nction o" the 7EC has been !ri(aril) bea(e- towar-s ins,rin* that the
e-,cational instit,tions inc,lcate in the st,-entr) lo+e o" the co,ntr). teach the -,ties o" citi#enshi!. an- -e+elo!
(oral character. !ersonal -isci!line. an- scienti"ic. technolo*ical an- +ocational e""icienc)6
L;EREAS. to i(!le(ent these ob2ecti+es. the instit,tions ha+e relie- ,!on their teachers whose -irect an-
contin,in* interaction with the )o,n* !eo!le an- the chil-ren (ake the( !otent "orces "or the -e+elo!(ent o"
!ro!er attit,-es a(on* the citi#enr)6
L;EREAS. this acco,nts "or the tre(en-o,s *rowth o" the teachin* !o!,lation. co(!risin* in the ci+il ser+ice
sector alone (ore than 1??.??? teachers -e!lo)e- all o+er the co,ntr)6
L;EREAS. to ins,re that in the i((e-iac) an- ,r*enc) o" teacher recr,it(ent /,alitati+e re/,ire(ents are not
o+erlooke-. it has beco(e necessar) to re*,late the teachin* !ro"ession6
L;EREAS. altho,*h teachin* re/,ires a n,(ber o" )ears o" colle*iate st,-). it is the onl) co,rse that it is not
)et consi-ere- a !ro"ession6
L;EREAS. in reco*nition o" the +ital role o" teachers in nation-b,il-in* an- as an incenti+e to raise the (orale
o" teachers. it is i(!erati+e that the) be consi-ere- as !ro"essionals an- teachin* be reco*ni#e- as a !ro"ession.
NOL. T;ERE8ORE. I. 8ER7INAN7 E. DARCOS. resi-ent o" the hili!!ines. b) +irt,e o" the !owers
+este- in (e b) the Constit,tion. -o hereb) -ecree an- or-er3
Section 1. Title. This 7ecree shall be known as the 7ecree ro"essionali#in* Teachin*.
Sec. '. 7eclaration o" olic). It is hereb) -eclare- a !olic) that teacher e-,cation shall be *i+en !ri(ar) concern
an- attention b) the *o+ern(ent an- shall be o" the hi*hest /,alit). an- stron*l) oriente- to hili!!ine
con-itions an- to the nee-s an- as!irations o" the 8ili!ino !eo!le e+en as it seeks enrich(ent "ro( a-o!table
i-eas an- !ractices o" other !eo!le.
Sec. 1. 7e"inition o" Ter(s. As ,se- in this 7ecree. the "ollowin* shall be constr,e- as "ollows3
4a5 Teachin* re"ers to the !ro"ession !ri(aril) concerne- with the classroo( instr,ction. at the ele(entar) an-
secon-ar) le+els. in accor-ance with the c,rric,l,( !rescribe- b) National :oar- o" E-,cation. whether on
!art-ti(e or ",ll-ti(e basis in the !,blic or !ri+ate schools.
4b5 Teachers re"ers to all !ersons en*a*e- in teachin* at the ele(entar) an- secon-ar) le+els. whether on a ",ll-
ti(e or !art-ti(e basis. incl,-in* *,i-ance co,nsellors. school librarians. in-,strial arts or +ocational teachers
an- all other !ersons !er"or(in* s,!er+isor) an-9or a-(inistrati+e ",nctions in all schools in the a"oresai-
le+els an- le*all) /,ali"ie- to !ractice teachin* ,n-er this 7ecree.
4c5 :oar- re"ers to the National :oar- "or Teachers -,l) constit,te- ,n-er this 7ecree.
Sec. %. Creation o" the National :oar- "or Teachers. There is hereb) create- a National :oar- "or Teachers.
hereina"ter calle- the :oar-. to be co(!ose- o" the "ollowin*3
15 Secretar) o" E-,cation an- C,lt,re Co-Chair(an
'5 Chair(an. Ci+il Ser+ice Co((ission
15 Co((issioner. ro"essional Re*,lations Co((issionDe(bers
%5 Two (e(bers re!resentin* the !ri+ate sector to be a!!ointe- b) the resi-ent
Sec. <. owers an- 7,ties. The :oar- shall ha+e the "ollowin* !owers an- -,ties3
4a5 A!!oint a set o" e0a(iners "or e+er) e0a(ination who will -eter(ine an- !re!are the contents o" the :oar-
e0a(ination "or teachers. hereina"ter re"erre- to as e0a(ination. in the ele(entar) an- secon-ar) le+els o"
instr,ction. to be hel- at least once a )ear6
4b5 7eter(ine an- "i0 the !laces an- -ates o" e0a(ination. a!!oint s,!er+isors an- roo( e0a(iners "ro( a(on*
the e(!lo)ees o" the @o+ern(ent who shall be entitle- to a -ail) allowance to be "i0e- b) the :oar- "or e+er)
e0a(ination -a) act,all) atten-e-. ,se the b,il-in*s an- "acilities o" !,blic an- !ri+ate schools "or e0a(ination
!,r!oses. a!!ro+e a!!lications to take e0a(ination. an- a!!ro+e the release o" e0a(ination res,lts6
4c5 Look "ro( ti(e to ti(e into the con-itions a""ectin* the !ractice o" the teachin* !ro"ession. a-o!t s,ch
(eas,res as (a) be -ee(e- !ro!er "or the enhance(ent o" sai- !ro"ession. an-9or (aintenance o" the
!ro"essional stan-ar-s an- ethics6
4-5 Iss,e. s,s!en-. re+oke. re!lace or reiss,e ro"essional Teachers Certi"icate. an- a-(inister oaths6
4e5 A!!oint. s,b2ect to the !ro+isions o" e0istin* laws. s,ch o""icials an- e(!lo)ees as are necessar) in the
e""ecti+e !er"or(ance o" its ",nctions an- res!onsibilities. !rescribe their -,ties an- "i0 their co(!ensation6
4"5 rescribe an- collect e0a(ination an- other "ees as it (a) -ee( !ro!er6 an-
4*5 ro(,l*ate r,les an- re*,lations. an- e0ercise s,ch other !owers. ",nctions an- -,ties as (a) be necessar)
to carr) into e""ect the !,r!oses o" this 7ecree.
Sec. >. C,ali"ication re/,ire(ents "or e0a(ination a!!licants. No a!!licant shall be a-(itte- to take the
e0a(ination ,nless. on the -ate o" "ilin* o" the a!!lication. he shall ha+e co(!lie- with the "ollowin*
4a5 E0ce!t those who ha+e been en*a*e- in teachin* as herein -e"ine- "or at least "i+e )ears in schools in the
hili!!ines not or*ani#e- e0cl,si+el) "or nationals o" a "orei*n co,ntr) at the ti(e o" the e""ecti+it) o" this
7ecree. the a!!licant (,st be a citi#en o" the hili!!ines6
4b5 That he is o" *oo- (oral character6
4c5 That he is "ree "ro( an) !h)sical an-9or (ental -e"ect which will inca!acitate hi( to ren-er e""icient ser+ice6
4-5 That he !ossesses the "ollowin* (ini(,( e-,cational /,ali"ications3
4e5 8or teachers in the kin-er*arten an- ele(entar) *ra-es. :achelorKs -e*ree in Ele(entar) E-,cation
4:.S.E.E-.5 or its e/,i+alent6
4"5 8or teachers o" the secon-ar) schools. :achelorKs -e*ree in E-,cation or its e/,i+alent with a (a2or an-
(inor. or a :achelorKs -e*ree in Arts or Sciences with at least ei*hteen ,nits in !ro"essional e-,cation6 an-
4*5 8or teachers o" secon-ar) +ocational an- two-)ear technical co,rses. :achelorKs -e*ree in the "iel- o"
s!eciali#ation with at least ei*hteen ,nits in !ro"essional e-,cation.
All a!!lications shall be "ile- with an o""ice or o""ices -esi*nate- b) the :oar-. !re"erabl) the o""ices o" the
Ci+il Ser+ice Co((ission an- the 7e!art(ent o" E-,cation an- C,lt,re.
These o""ices shall screen an- a!!ro+e s,ch a!!lications an- iss,e the corres!on-in* !er(its to take the
e0a(ination to /,ali") a!!licants.
Sec. A. A!!oint(ent o" e0a(iners. The :oar- shall a!!oint a set o" e0a(iners "or e+er) e0a(ination who are
reco*ni#e- a,thorit) in teacher e-,cation. an- their na(es shall not be -isclose- ,ntil a"ter the release o" the
res,lts o" the e0a(ination. The) shall each recei+e as co(!ensation the s,( o" not less than <.?? "or each
e0a(inee as (a) be -eter(ine- b) the :oar- b,t in no case shall each e0a(iner recei+e (ore than 1=.??? !er
e0a(ination. An) e0a(iner who is in the ser+ice o" the @o+ern(ent shall recei+e the co(!ensation herein
!ro+i-e- in a--ition to his salar).
Sec. =. Sco!e o" the e0a(ination. The e0a(ination shall consist o" written tests. the sco!e o" which shall be
-eter(ine- b) the :oar-. takin* into consi-eration the teachin* !lan o" the schools le*all) constit,te- in the
Sec. $. Ratin*s in the e0a(ination. In or-er that a can-i-ate (a) be -ee(e- to ha+e s,ccess",ll) !asse- the
e0a(inations. he (,st ha+e obtaine- a *eneral a+era*e o" at least A? !er cent in all s,b2ects. with no ratin*
below <? !er cent in an) s,b2ect.
Section 1?. Re!ort o" the res,lts o" e0a(ination. The e0a(iners shall re!ort the ratin*s obtaine- b) each
can-i-ate to the :oar- within 1<? -a)s a"ter the last -a) o" the e0a(ination. ,nless e0ten-e- b) the latter.
Section 11. Iss,ance o" Certi"icates. Teachers who ha+e !asse- e0a(inations *i+en b) the Ci+il Ser+ice
Co((ission or 2ointl) b) the Ci+il Ser+ice Co((ission an- the 7e!art(ent o" E-,cation an- C,lt,re shall be
consi-ere- as ha+in* !asse- the boar- e0a(inations "or teachers. The :oar- (a) consi-er their certi"icates o"
ratin* as certi"icates o" eli*ibilit) or iss,e an entirel) new certi"icate ,!on re*istration o" the teacher an-
!a)(ent o" the corres!on-in* "ees.
This !ro+ision shall likewise a!!l) to those teachers who ha+e !er(anent a!!oint(ent ,n-er the Da*na Carta
8or ,blic School Teachers an- all others who (a) be /,ali"ie- "or re*istration as !ro"essional teachers ,n-er
this 7ecree.
Section 1'. Re*istration. The Ci+il Ser+ice Co((ission shall. as an ar( o" the :oar-. re*ister hol-ers o"
ro"essional Teacher Certi"icate which re*istration shall e+i-ence that the re*istrant is entitle- to all the ri*hts
an- !ri+ile*es o" a ro"essional Teacher ,ntil an- ,nless the certi"icate is s,s!en-e- or cancelle- b) the :oar-
"or 2,st ca,se.
Section 11. Reiss,ance o" re+oke- certi"icates an- re!lace(ent o" lost certi"icates. The :oar- (a). "or reason o"
e/,it) an- 2,stice. an- ,!on !ro!er a!!lication there"or. iss,e another co!). ori*inal or -,!licate. ,!on !a)(ent
o" the re/,ire- "ee. o" a certi"icate which has been re+oke-. A new certi"icate to re!lace a lost. -estro)e- or
(,tilate- certi"icate (a) be iss,e- s,b2ect to the r,les o" the :oar-.
Section 1%. Re*istration b) reci!rocit). The Ci+il Ser+ice Co((ission shall. ,!on a!!ro+al o" the :oar-. e""ect
the re*istration. witho,t e0a(ination. o" a teacher +ali-l) re*istere- ,n-er the laws o" an) "orei*n state or
co,ntr)6 ro+i-e-. That the re/,ire(ents "or re*istration in sai- "orei*n state or co,ntr) are s,bstantiall) the
sa(e as those re/,ire- an- conte(!late- b) this 7ecree. an- the laws o" s,ch "orei*n state or co,ntr) allow
citi#ens o" the hili!!ines to !ractice the !ro"ession on the sa(e basis an- *rant the sa(e !ri+ile*es as the
citi#ens or s,b2ects o" s,ch "orei*n state or co,ntr)6 ro+i-e- "inall). That the a!!licant shall s,b(it co(!etent
an- concl,si+e -oc,(entar) e+i-ence. con"ir(e- b) the 7e!art(ent o" 8orei*n A""airs. showin* that his
co,ntr)Ks e0istin* laws !er(it citi#ens o" the hili!!ines to !ractice teachin* !ro"ession ,n-er the r,les an-
re*,lations *o+ernin* citi#ens thereo".
Section 1<. rohibition. Three )ears a"ter the e""ecti+it) o" this 7ecree. no !erson shall en*a*e in teachin*
an-9or act as a teacher as -e"ine- in this 7ecree. whether in the !,blic or !ri+ate ele(entar) or secon-ar)
school. ,nless he is hol-er o" a ro"essional Teacher Certi"icate or is consi-ere- a ro"essional Teacher ,n-er
this 7ecree.
Section 1>. enal ro+ision. An) !erson who shall !ractice the teachin* witho,t a +ali- ro"essional Teacher
Certi"icate. or an) !erson !resentin* as his or her own the certi"icate o" another. or an) !erson *i+in* an) "alse
or "or*e- e+i-ence in or-er to obtain a ro"essional Teacher Certi"icate or a-(ission to an e0a(ination. or an)
!erson ass,(in* hi(sel" as a re*istere- !ro"essional teacher or an) !erson +iolatin* an) !ro+ision o" this
7ecree shall be !enali#e- b) a "ine o" not less than One Tho,san- esos nor (ore than 8i+e Tho,san- esos
with s,bsi-iar) i(!rison(ent or to s,""er an i(!rison(ent o" not less than si0 (onths nor (ore than two )ears.
or both s,ch "ine an- i(!rison(ent at the -iscretion o" the Co,rt.
Section 1A. Re!ealin* Cla,se. All Acts. 7ecrees. E0ec,ti+e Or-ers. A-(inistrati+e Or-ers. r,les an- re*,lations
or !arts thereo" inconsistent with the !ro+isions o" this 7ecree are hereb) re!eale- or (o-i"ie- accor-in*l).
Section 1=. Se!arabilit) Cla,se. In case an) !ro+ision o" this 7ecree or an) !ortion thereo" is -eclare-
,nconstit,tional b) a co(!etent co,rt. other !ro+isions shall not be a""ecte- thereb).
Section 1$. E""ecti+it). This 7ecree shall take e""ect Han,ar) 1. 1$AA.
7ONE in the Cit) o" Danila. this ''n- -a) o" Se!te(ber. in the )ear o" O,r Lor-. nineteen h,n-re- an-
Republic of the Philippines
Congress of the Philippines
Metro Manila
Twelfth Congress
Third Regular Session
Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twenty-eight day of July, two thousand and three.
Republic Act No. 9293 April 21 2!!"
AN ACT A#$N%&N' C$RTA&N S$CT&(NS () R$P*+,&C ACT N*#+$R$% S$-$NT./$&'0T
0*N%R$% AN% T0&RT./S&1 2R. A. N(. 34356 (T0$R7&S$ 8N(7N AS T0$ 9P0&,&PP&N$
T$AC0$RS PR()$SS&(NA,&:AT&(N ACT () 199"9
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress
Section 1. Section 15, (e) (3) of e!u"lic #ct $o. %&3' is here"y a(ended as follows:
)Sec. 15. Qualification Requirements of Applicant. * $o a!!licant shall "e ad(itted to ta+e
the e,a(ination unless, on the date of filing of the a!!lication, he shall ha-e co(!lied with
the following re.uire(ents:
)(e) # graduate of a school college or uni-ersity recogni/ed "y the go-ern(ent and
!ossesses the (ini(u( educational .ualifications, as follows:
(1) 0or teachers in !reschool, a "achelor1s degree in early childhood education
(B2324) or its e.ui-alent5
(6) 0or teachers in the secondary grades, a "achelor1s degree in ele(entary
education (BS224) or its e.ui-alent5
(3) 0or teachers in the secondary grades, a "achelor1s degree in education or its
e.ui-alent with a (a7or and (inor, or a "achelor degree in arts and sciences with at
least eighteen (1&) units in !rofessional education5 and
(8) 0or teachers of -ocational and two-year technical courses, a "achelor9s degree in
the field of s!eciali/ation or its e.ui-alent, with at least eighteen (1&) units in
!rofessional education,)
Section 2. Section 6' of the sa(e #ct is here"y a(ended to read as follows:
)Sec 6'. Registration and !ception. - $o !erson shall engage in teaching and:or act as a
!rofessional teacher as defined in this #ct. whether in the !reschool, ele(entary or
secondary le-el, unless the !erson is a duly registered !rofessional teacher, and a holder of
a -alid certificate of registration and a -alid !rofessional license or a holder of a -alid
s!ecial:te(!orary !er(it.
;!on a!!ro-al of the a!!lication and !ay(ent of the !rescri"ed fees, the certificate of
registration and !rofessional license as a !rofessional teacher shall "e issued without
e,a(ination as ac.uired in this #ct to a .ualified a!!licant, who is:
(a) # holder of a certificate of eligi"ility as a teacher issued "y the 3i-il Ser-ice
3o((ission and the 4e!art(ent of 2ducation, 3ulture and S!orts5 or
(") # registered !rofessional teacher with the $ational Board for <eachers under the
4e!art(ent of 2ducation, 3ulture and S!orts (423S) !ursuant to =residential
4ecree $o. 1>>'.
=rofessional teachers who ha-e not !racticed their !rofession for the !ast fi-e (5) years shall
ta+e at least twel-e (16) units of education courses, consisting of a least si, (') units of
!edagogy and si, (') units of conte,t courses or the e.ui-alent training and nu("er 1 hours
to "e chosen fro( a list of courses to "e !ro-ided "y the Board and the 4e!art(ent of
2ducation, "efore they can "e allowed to !ractice their !rofession in the country.
<hose who ha-e failed the licensure e,a(ination for !rofessional teachers, with a rating of
not lower than fi-e !ercentage !oints fro( the !assing general a-erage rating, shall "e
eligi"le as !ara-teachers u!on issuance "y the Board of a two-year s!ecial !er(it,
renewa"le for a non-e,tendi"le !eriod of two (6) years <he !ara-teachers shall "e assigned
to areas where there is a shortage or a"sence of a !rofessional teacher, as identified and
!ro-ided "y the 4e!art(ent of 2ducation and the #utono(ous egion for Musli( Mindanao
(#MM) education de!art(ent to the Board for !rofessional teachers and to the
3o((ission. <he s!ecial !er(it shall indicate the area of assign(ent of the !ara-teacher.
# s!ecial !er(it (ay also "e issued "y the Board to a !erson who has e,celled and gained
international recognition and is a widely ac+nowledged e,!ert in his or her res!ecti-e field of
Section 3. Section 31 of the sa(e #ct is here"y a(ended to read as follows:
)Sec. 31. "ransitory Provision. * S!ecial !er(its, with a -alidity of three (3) and fi-e (5)
years. issued to !ara-teachers "y the Board for =rofessional <eachers "efore the effecti-ity
of this #ct shall "e allowed to e,!ire "ased on the !eriod granted therein: =ro-ided, <hat only
s!ecial !er(its with a -alidity of three (3) years (ay"e renewed u!on e,!iration for a non-
e,tendi"le !eriod of two (6) years.)
Section ". eferences to the ter( )4e!art(ent of 2ducation, 3ulture and S!orts), in Section 8 (a)
and Section 65, and the ter( )423S) in Section 6>, of the sa(e #ct, are here"y a(ended to read
as )4e!art(ent of 2ducation) 4e!2d), res!ecti-ely.
Section ;. Separability Clause. - ?f, for any reason, any section or !ro-ision of this #ct or the
a!!lication of such section in !ro-ision to any !erson in circu(stance is declared unconstitutional or
in-alid, no other section or !ro-ision of this #ct shall "e affected there"y.
Section 5. Repealing Clause. - #ll laws, decrees, circulars, ad(inistrati-e orders, rules and
regulations, and other issuances which are inconsistent with the !ro-isions of this #ct a( here"y
re!ealed or (odified accordingly.
Section 3. Effectivity. * <his #ct shall ta+e effect u!on a!!ro-al.
)RAN8,&N %R&,(N
=resident of the Senate
<(S$ %$ -$N$C&A <R.
S!ea+er of the @ouse of
<his #ct which is a consolidation of Senate Bill $o. 6'A& and @ouse Bill $o. 5811 was finally !assed
"y the Senate and @ouse of e!resentati-es on 0e"ruary ', 6>>8 and 0e"ruary %, 6>>8
(SCAR '. .A+$S
Secretary of Senate
R(+$RT( P. NA:AR$N(
Secretary Beneral
@ouse of e!resenati-es
#!!ro-ed: #!ril 61, 6>>8
',(R&A #ACAPA'A,/ARR(.(
President of the Philippines

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